Employment Agreement

     This Employment Agreement ("Agreement") is made effective as of the 1st day
of  October  2000.  by  and  between  ValCom,  Inc., a Delaware corporation (the
"Corporation")  and  Vince  M  Vellardita  ("Employee").

     WHEREAS,  the Corporation and Employee desire to enter into this Employment
Agreement  to insure the Corporation of the services of Employee during the term
hereof  and  to  insure Employee of his continued employment by the Corporation;
NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and
agreements  herein  set  forth,  the  parties  hereto  agree  as  follows:

     1.  Employment. The Corporation hereby employs Employee and Employee hereby
accepts  such  employment  by  the  Corporation  upon  the  terms and conditions
hereinafter  set  forth,  all  other  agreements,  arrangements and undertakings
between the Corporation and Employee with respect to employment being superseded
hereby  for  all  purposes.

     2.  Term.  The  term  of  said  employment  shall  be  for  five (5) years,
beginning  on  October  1,  2000  and,  subject  to  Paragraph 8, terminating on
September  30,  2005,  unless  extended  pursuant  to  Paragraph  9.

     3.  Compensation.  As  compensation  for  all services he may render to the
Corporation,  the  Corporation  shall  pay  to  Employee:
          3.1.  An  annual  salary  of  $120,000.00 for the first year beginning
October  1,  2000 and ending September 30, 2001. $150,000.00 for the second year
beginning October 1, 2001 and ending September 30, 2002, and $200,000.00 for the
third  year  beginning  October  1,  2002  and  ending  September 30, 2003; plus
          3.2.   Such bonus that may, but need not be, be declared and paid from
time  to  time  in the sole and absolute discretion of the Board of Directors of
the  Corporation or duly-authorized Compensation Committee thereof, after taking
into  consideration  the  performance of the Corporation, profitability, working
capital  requirements and such other factors as shall be determined by the Board
of  Directors  of  the Corporation or the duly-authorized Compensation Committee

     4. Duties. For the entire term of this Employment Agreement, Employee shall
be  employed  in  the  capacity  of President and Chief Executive Officer of the
Corporation.  As,  President  and Chief Executive Officer, Employee shall do and
perform all services or acts necessary or advisable, subject to the policies set
by  the  Board of Directors of the Corporation. As President and Chief Financial
Officer,  Employee  shall have such powers and authorities as shall be conferred
by  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Corporation.

     5.  Extent  of  Services.

          5.1.  For  the full terms of this Employment Agreement, Employee shall
devote  substantially  all  of  this  attention,  abilities  and energies to the
business  of  the  Corporation  during  regular  business  hours.
          5.2.  Employee  shall  not,  without the prior written, consent of the
Corporation,  or  unless  otherwise  permitted  pursuant  to  this  Paragraph 5,
directly  or indirectly, during the term of this Employment Agreement, engage in
any  activity  competitive  with  or  adverse  to  the Corporation's business or
welfare,  whether  alone,  as a partner, or as an officer, director, employee or
shareholder  of any other business entity, except that the ownership of not more
than  five  percent  (5%)  of  the  equity  securities  of  any  publicly traded
corporation  shall  not  be  deemed  a  violation  of  this  paragraph  5.2,
          5.3.  During  the term of employment, Employee will have access to and
acquire  various  confidential  knowledge,  including  without  limitation
compilations  of  information,  which are owned by the Corporation and which are
regularly  used  by  the  Corporation in the operation of its business. Employee
shall  not  disclose any of the aforesaid trade secrets, directly or indirectly,
or  use  them in any way, either during the term of this Employment Agreement or
at  any time thereafter, except as required in the course of his employment. All
files,  records,  documents  and,  other  items  relating to the business of the
Corporation,  whether  prepared  by  Employee  or  otherwise  corning  into  his
possession,  shall  remain  the  exclusive  property  of  the  Corporation.

     6.  Benefits.
          6.1.  Employee  shall  receive  medical  and  disability insurance and
other  fringe benefits on a basis not less favorable as the same are extended to
other  key  employees  of  the  Corporation.

          6.2.  Employee  shall  be  entitled  in  each year of the term of this
Employment  Agreement  to such vacation and sick leave as shall be determined by
the Board of Directors, during which time his compensation pursuant to Paragraph
3  hereof,  shall  be  paid  in  full.

          6.3.   Throughout  the  term  of this Agreement, The Corporation shall
provide  and pay for a mobile telephone and a credit card for Employee's use for
gas  and  company  related  expenses.

     7.  Expenses.  Subject  to  written policies, which may be established from
time  to  time  by  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Corporation, Employee is
authorized to incur reasonable expenses in performing his obligations hereunder,
including  expenses for entertainment, travel and similar items. The Corporation
agrees  to  reimburse Employee for all such expenses upon presentation from time
to  time  of  itemized  accounts  of  such  expenditures,

     8.  Termination.
          8.1.  The  employment  of  Employee hereunder may be terminated at any
time  by  action  of  the  Corporation's  Board  of  Directors:
          8.1.1.  Upon  thirty  (30)  days  prior written notice in the event of
illness  or permanent disability of Employee resulting in a failure to discharge
substantially his duties under this Employment Agreement for a period of six (6)
consecutive  months or a total of two hundred ten (210) days during any calendar
year, and upon such termination, Employee shall be entitled to receive and shall
be  paid  all  compensation pursuant to Paragraph 3 hereof through and including
the  date  of  termination;  or

          8.1.2.  At  any  time  upon  the  occurrence of any one or more of the
following  events:
  Employee's  repeated  intentional  failure  or  refusal  to
perform such duties consistent with his capacity as Director of the Corporation;
  Employee's  fraud, dishonesty or other willful misconduct in
the  performance  of  services  on  behalf  of  the  Corporation;  or
  A  material  breach  of  any  provision  of  this Employment
Agreement  that has not been corrected by Employee within thirty (30) days after
receipt  by  him of written notice of such breach, in which case the Corporation
shall  not  be required to pay any further compensation to Employee, Termination
of  Employee's  employment  under this Paragraph 8 shall not be in limitation of
any  other  right  or remedy that the Corporation may have under this Employment
Agreement  or  otherwise.

     8.2 Employee may terminate this Employment Agreement upon a material breach
of  any  provision  of this Employment Agreement by the Corporation that has not
been corrected by the Corporation within thirty (30) days after receipt by it of
written  notice  of  such  breach.

     8.3  This  Employment  Agreement  shall  not  be  terminated  by any of the
          8.3.1  Merger  or  consolidation  where  the  Corporation  is  not the
resulting  or surviving  corporation  or  entity;  or
          8.3.2  Transfer of substantially all of the assets of the Corporation.
In  the  event  of  any  such  merger,  consolidation or transfer of assets, the
surviving  or  resulting  corporation  or  entity  or  the  transferee  of  the
Corporation's  assets  shall  remain  bound  by and shall continue to obtain the
benefits  of  the  provisions  of  this  Agreement.

     9.  Renewal.  This  Employment Agreement shall be automatically renewed for
successive  one  (1) year periods, unless written notice of termination is given
by  one party to the other party not less than three (3) months prior to the end
of  the  term  hereof  or  any  renewal  hereof.  For  any  renewal  period, the
compensation  to  be  paid  by  the Corporation to Employee shall be as mutually
determined by the Corporation and Employee but is to be not less than the amount
paid  pursuant  to  Paragraph  3.1.

     10.  Severable  Provisions. The provisions of this Employment Agreement are
severable,  and  if  any  one or more provisions are determined to be illegal or
otherwise  unenforceable,  in  whole  or in part, the remaining provisions shall
nevertheless  be  binding  and  enforceable.

     11.  Waiver.  Either party's failure to enforce any provision or provisions
of  this  Employment  Agreement shall not in any way be construed as a waiver of
any  such  provision,  or  provisions  as  to  any future violation thereof, nor
prevent  that  party thereafter from enforcing each and every other provision of
this  Employment  Agreement.  The  rights  granted to both parties hereunder are
cumulative  and  waiver  of  any  single remedy shall not constitute a waiver of
either  party's  right to assert all other legal remedies available to him or it
under  the  circumstances.

     12.  Merger  Clause.  This  Employment  Agreement  supersedes  all  prior
agreements  and  understandings  between  the  parties  and may not be modified,

waived  or  terminated  orally. No attempted modification, waiver or termination
shall  be  valid unless in writing and signed by the party against whom the same
is  sought  to  be  enforced.

     13.  Governing  Law.  This  Employment  Agreement  shall be governed by and
construed  in  accordance  with  the  laws  of  the  State  of  California,

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Employment
Agreement  effective  as  of  the  date  and  year  first  set  forth  above.

                                                    Valcom,  Inc.

                                               By:  /s/  Ron  Foster
                                                    Ron Foster, its Secretary
                                                    And Executive Vice President

                                                    /s/  Vince  Vellardita
                                                    Vince  Vellardita