AMENDMENT NUMBER 1

     This  Amendment  to  the  Standby  Equity  Distribution  Agreement  (the
"Amendment"),  effective  as  of  this 8th day of December 2004, is by and among
Intrepid  Technology  &  Resources,  Inc.  (the  "Company")  and Cornell Capital
Partners,  LP  ("the  Investor").

     WHEREAS,  the  Company  and  the Investor entered into that certain Standby
Equity  Distribution  Agreement  on  October  13,  2004  (the  "Agreement"); and

     WHEREAS,  both  parties  desire to amend the Agreement as set forth herein;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  mutual promises and covenants
contained  herein,  the  parties hereby agree to amend the Agreement as follows:


     A.     SECTION  6.8.  Section  6.8  of  the  Agreement  is  deleted  in its
entirety  and the following language shall replace Section 6.8 of the Agreement:

     Section  6.8     Restriction  on  Sale  of  Capital  Stock.  During  the
Commitment  Period,  the Company shall not issue or sell (i) any Common Stock or
Preferred Stock without consideration or for a consideration per share less than
the  bid price of the Common Stock determined immediately prior to its issuance,
(ii)  issue  or sell any Preferred Stock warrant, option, right, contract, call,
or other security or instrument granting the holder thereof the right to acquire
Common  Stock  without  consideration or for a consideration per share less than
such  Common  Stock's Bid Price determined immediately prior to its issuance, or
(iii)  file  any  registration  statement  on  Form  S-8.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing  restriction,  the  Company may file one (1) registration statement on
Form  S-8 (the "Permitted Form S-8 Registration") for 1,000,000 shares, provided
however,  the  Company  shall  not  issue  or  grant  any shares pursuant to the
Permitted  Form S-8 Registration for at least six (6) months after the Effective
Date  of  the  Registration  Statement.


     A.   Except  as  provided  hereinabove,  all  of  the  terms and conditions
          contained  in  the  Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full force
          and  effect.

     B.   This  Amendment  is  made pursuant to and in accordance with the terms
          and  conditions  of  the  Agreement.

     C.   All  capitalized  but  not  defined terms used herein shall have those
          meanings  ascribed  to  them  in  the  Agreement.

     D.   All  provisions  in  the  Agreement  and  any amendments, schedules or
          exhibits  thereto  in conflict with this Amendment shall be and hereby
          are  changed  to  conform  to  this  Amendment.



     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Amendment have caused the execution
of  this  Amendment  as  of  the  day  and  year  first  above  written.

                                        INTREPID TECHNOLOGY & RESOURCES, INC.

                                        By: /s/Dr. Dennis D. Keiser
                                        Name:  Dr. Dennis D. Keiser
                                        Title: President & CEO

                                        CORNELL CAPITAL PARTNERS, LP

                                        BY:    YORKVILLE ADVISORS, LLC
                                        ITS:   GENERAL PARTNER

                                        By: /s/Mark Angelo
                                        Name:  Mark Angelo
                                        Title: Portfolio Manager
