[Graphic Omitted]
                             CPAs BUSINESS ADVISORS

                                  EXHIBIT 23.2
                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' CONSENT

     We  consent to the use in the Registration Statement of Intrepid Technology
&  Resources,  Inc. and Subsidiaries on Form SB-2 of our Auditors' Report, dated
August  11,  2004, except for Note 13 dated October 12, 2004 on the consolidated
balance  sheets  of Intrepid Technology & Resources, Inc. and Subsidiaries as of
June  30,  2004 and 2003, and the related consolidated statements of operations,
cash  flows,  and  changes  in  stockholders'  equity.

     In  addition, we consent to the reference to us under the heading "Experts"
in  the  Registration  Statement.

/s/ Eide  Bailly, LLP
"Eide  Bailly,  LLP"  (formerly  Balukoff,  Lindstrom & Co., P.A. -  joined Eide
Bailly  November  1,  2004)
Boise,  Idaho
January 28, 2005

     77 West Main St.,Ste 805 Boise, Idaho 83702-5858 Phone208.344.7150 Fax
                                208.344.7435 EOE