For Immediate Release
Contact: Chad Hyslop or Jim Baumgardner (208) 331-8400
info@americanecology.com     www.americanecology.com
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                         FROM CENTRAL INTERSTATE COMPACT


     BOISE, IDAHO, AUGUST 2, 2005 - Stephen Romano, President and Chief
Executive Officer of American Ecology Corporation [NASDAQ: ECOL] today announced
receipt of $11,804,739 from the Central Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste
Compact ("Compact"). The payment fully resolves subsidiary US Ecology's claim on
proceeds from an August 9, 2004 settlement of Entergy et al vs. State of
Nebraska, a lawsuit brought against the State of Nebraska for bad faith in the
licensing process for a formerly proposed low-level radioactive waste ("LLRW")
disposal facility near Butte, Nebraska.

     "We are pleased with this expeditious resolution of our claim on the
Nebraska litigation settlement proceeds," stated Romano, adding "This $11.8
million payment enhances American Ecology's already strong cash position in a
year we are making substantial capital investments in our operating facilities
to implement the Company's long-term growth strategy."

     The $11.8 million payment from the Compact reflects the return of the
contributions made by US Ecology to the project plus interest. The Company
previously recognized a $6.5 million deferred site development asset for its
investment in the Nebraska project. A gain of approximately $5.3 million will be
recognized in the current quarter as Other Income based on claim resolution and

     US Ecology is working with the Compact to expeditiously close out its
contract for development of a LLRW disposal facility in the five-state Compact
region. The Company will incur limited out-of-pocket expenses to transfer
records and perform other project transition tasks.

     American Ecology Corporation, through its subsidiaries, provides
radioactive, PCB, hazardous and non-hazardous waste services to commercial and
government customers throughout the United States, such as nuclear power plants,
steel mills, medical and academic institutions, refineries and chemical
manufacturing facilities. Headquartered in Boise, Idaho, the Company is the
oldest radioactive and hazardous waste services company in the United States,
having operated for more than fifty years.

     This press release contains forward-looking statements that are based on
management's current expectations regarding costs to close out its contract with
the Compact, planned capital spending,


implementation of the Company's long term growth strategy, and accounting
treatment of the Nebraska settlement proceeds. Actual results may differ
materially from what is expressed herein. For information on risk factors that
could cause actual results to differ from expectations, please refer to American
Ecology Corporation's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly
Report on Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
