Exhibit A

                        ALLIED HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS, INC.
                          EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN
                             ADOPTED AUGUST 5, 1992

                               ARTICLE I. PURPOSE

     Section  1.1.  The Allied Healthcare Products, Inc. Employee Stock Purchase
Plan  (hereinafter  referred  to  as the "Plan") is intended to provide a method
whereby  employees  of Allied Healthcare Products, Inc. (hereinafter referred to
as  the "Company") will have an opportunity to acquire a proprietary interest in
the  Company  through the purchase of shares of the Common Stock of the Company.

                             ARTICLE II. DEFINITIONS

     Section  2.1.  Unless  otherwise  required  by  the  context, the following
definitions  shall  be  controlling:

          a.  "Board  of  Directors"  means  the  Board  of  Directors of Allied
Healthcare  Products,  Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation.

          b.  "Committee"  means  the  Compensation  Committee  of  Company.

          C.  "Custodian"  means  the  Custodian  designated  by  the  Board  of
Directors  as  provided  in  Section  10.1.

          d. "Employee" means a person who is and continues to be employed by a
Participating  Corporation  for  not  less than thirty-five (35) hours per week,
provided, however, that a person on an authorized leave    of    absence    from
the    Participating  Corporation,  paid  or  non-paid, shall not cease to be an
Employee  nor  be deemed to have terminated employment for purposes of the Plan.
In computing hours of employment per week for the purpose of determining whether
a person is an employee, there shall be included each hour for which a person is
directly  paid  or  entitled to payment by the Participating Corporation for the
performance  of  duties  and each hour for which a person is paid or entitled to
payment  by  the Participating Corporation on account of a period of time during
which  no  duties  are  performed,  such  as  vacation,  holiday  or  illness.

          e.  "Participant"  means  an  eligible  Employee who has indicated his
acceptances of the provisions of the Plan and authorized an allotment out of his
Regular  Compensation in accordance with Section 4.1, and whose participation in
the  Plan  has  actually  commenced.

          f.  "Participating Corporation" means the Company or any subsidiary of
Company and, when required by the context, refers to the particular corporation,
whether  the  Company  or  a  subsidiary,  by  which  a Participant is employed.

          g.  "Permanent  and  Total  Disability" means inability to engage in a
substantial,  gainful activity in the employee of a Participating Corporation by
reason  of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be
expected to result in death or which is expected to last for a continuous period
of  not  less  than  twelve  (12) full months.  The Committee's determination of
Permanent  and  Total  Disability  shall  be  conclusive-


          h.  "Plan"  means  the  Allied  Healthcare  Productions, Inc. Employee
Stock  Purchase  Plan,  as adopted August    , 1992, and as amended from time to

          i.  "Regular  Compensation"  means  the  total  compensation  or
remuneration  received  by  or  credited  to  a  person,  whether on a weekly or
semi-monthly  basis,  for  services  as  an  Employee  from  a  Participating
Corporation,  except  any  director's fees, living or other allowances, expenses
paid  or  reimbursed, bonuses and contributions by the Participating Corporation
to  any  retirement  plan  or  any  other  benefit  plan  of  the  Participating
Corporation  now  in  effect  or  later  established-

          j.  "Subsidiary"  means  a corporation, fifty (50%) percent or more of
the voting stock of which is owned by the Company, directly or indirectly, whose
participation  in  the  Plan  has  been  approved  by  the  Board  of Directors.

     Section  2.2.  Whenever  the  singular  or  plural  number,  or  masculine,
feminine  or  neuter gender is used herein, it shall equally include the others.

                            ARTICLE III. ELIGIBILITY

     Section  3.1.  Each  Employee,  other  than  those  Employees  described in
Sections  3.7  or  10.3  below,  shall  be  eligible  to participate in the Plan
beginning  on  the  January 1 or July 1 coincident with or immediately following
the  date  on  which  he  completes  one (1) year of continuous service with the
Participating  Corporation. For purposes of computing the period during which an
Employee  has  been  employed  continuously, the period of any military leave of
absence  or other federal public service creating a right to re-employment under
federal  law,  or  any  other  authorized  leave  of  absence,  including  sick,
maternity,  or  disability  leaves  of  absence, will be included, but any other
absence  from  the service of a Participating Corporation will be deemed to have
interrupted  the  continuity  of  his  employment.


     Section  3.2.  The  transfer of Employee from one Participating Corporation
to  another  will  not  be  deemed  to  have  interrupted  the continuity of his
employment  so  long  as  there  has been no intervening employment by Employee,
other  than  with  a Participating Corporation. Computation of the period during
which  an  Employee has been employed continuously will include the aggregate of
the  periods during which he has been employed by any Participating Corporation.

     Section 3.3.  The continuous employment of an Employee whose employment has
been  interrupted  will  be  computed from his latest return to the service of a
Participating  Corporation  following  such  interruption.

     Section  3.4.  A  determination  by  the  Committee that a person is not an
Employee  or  is  ineligible  to  participate  in  the Plan shall be conclusive.

     Section  3.5.  An eligible Employee who elects to commence participation in
the  Plan  beginning on any January 1 or July 1 shall make an allotment from his
Regular  Compensation in the manner provided in Section 4.1 at least thirty (30)
days  prior  to  such  beginning  date.


     Section  3.6.  Participation  in  the  Plan  is  voluntary.

     Section  3.7.  No  Employee  who  is  an  officer,  director or 10% or more
shareholder  in  the  Company  or  a Participating Company, shall be eligible to
participate  in  this  Plan.


     Section  4.1.  Each  Employee  who  elects to participate in the Plan shall
make an allotment from his Regular Compensation, such allotment shall be either:

          a.  In  whole  percents  of  not less than 2% nor more than 10% of the
Employee's  then  current  Regular  Compensation;  or

          b.  A  fixed  dollar  amount  of  the  Employee's then current Regular
Compensation,  provided,  however,  that  such  allotment  shall  not exceed Ten
Thousand  Dollars  ($10,000.00)  for  any  Participant  in  any  calendar  year.

     Section 4.2.  If at any time during the calendar year the allotment for any
Participant  shall  reach  Ten  Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), the Participant's
allotment  will  automatically  be  suspended for the remainder of that calendar
year. The allotment will automatically be reinstated on the following January 1.

     Section  4.3.  Allotments  will  be  effected  by payroll deductions by the
Participating  Corporation.  The  amount  of  each  such deduction shall be paid
promptly  to  the  Custodian  by  the  Participating  Corporation.

     Section  4.4.  The  Participant's  allotment,  whether  designated  by  a
percentage  or  a fixed dollar amount of the Participant's Regular Compensation,
will continue in effect, notwithstanding any change in the Participant's Regular
Compensation,  until  the  Participant changes the allotment percentage or fixed
dollar  amount,  subject  to  a maximum annual allotment of Ten Thousand Dollars
($10,000.00)  for  any  calendar  year.  A  Participant may change his allotment
percentage or amount twice in any single calendar year effective as of January 1
and  July  1  of  each  year  by giving the Company written notice not less than
thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such change on a form prescribed
by  the  Committee.  No  change of a Participant's allotment may be made to take
effect  retroactively.



     Section 5.1.  The Participating Corporation may, but shall not be required,
to  contribute  to the Plan on a monthly basis an amount as determined from time
to  time  by  the  Company's  Board  of  Director  (the  "Contribution").

     Section 5.2.  Any Contribution made by a Participating Corporation shall be
paid  over  promptly  to  the  Custodian  by  the  Participating Corporation.

                    -----------     -------------------------

     Section  6.1.  The  Custodian will maintain for each Participant an account
to  record  the Participant's interest resulting from allotments, Contributions,
and  investments and the income earned thereon. The Custodian also will maintain
a separate unallocated cash account in the Custodian's name to record the amount
of  cash  held  by  the  Custodian  which  at  any  time  is not credited to the
Participants'  accounts,  and  such other accounts as may be deemed necessary to
record accurately any transactions undertaken pursuant to the terms of the Plan.


     Section 6.2.  No interest will be paid to any Participant on the funds held
in  his  account.

     Section  6.3.  All  monies  paid  over  to  the Custodian, less any amounts
needed  to  provide cash in lieu of fractional shares, uninvested allotments and
Contributions paid to terminating Participants under Section 7.3, and subject to
the  provisions  of Section 6.6, shall be invested in whole shares of the Common
Stock  of  the  Company  (the  "Common  Stock")  as of the first trading day for
National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System ("NASDAQ")
National Market System ("NMS") market makers on or after the tenth (10) calendar
day  of  the  month  in  which  the  Custodian  receives the funds, but under no
circumstances  more  than  thirty  (30)  days  after  allotment (the "Investment

     Section 6.4.  The Company shall, at its sole option, direct that the Common
Stock  be  purchased from time to time from the Company, in the market and/or in
private transactions. The price of the shares purchased from the Company will be
the  closing  trade  price for Common Stock on the applicable Investment Date as
reported  on  the NASDAQ NMS or such other system as may supersede it. No shares
will be sold by the Company under the Plan at a price less than their par value.

     Section  6.5.  If Company, at its option, directs the Custodian to purchase
part  or  all  of  the  shares  of  the Common Stock in the market or in private
transactions  instead  of  from  the  Company, the price of the shares purchased
shall  be  the  actual  purchase  price,  exclusive of brokerage commissions and
expenses.  Any  remaining  monies will be retained by the Custodian and added to
the  funds  available  on  the  Investment  Date.


     Section  6.6.  If  at  any  time  the  Committee  determines  that  it  is
impracticable  or inadvisable for the Custodian to invest in Common Stock all or
any  part  of  any  funds  in the Custodian's custody, the Committee may, in its
discretion,  direct  the  Custodian to hold all or any part of the funds without
interest  for  a  period  not  in  excess  of  thirty (30) days after allotment.

     Section  6.7.  All  shares  acquired  by the Custodian shall be held by and
registered  in  the  name  of  the Custodian or its nominee. The Custodian shall
credit  the shares purchased by it on each Investment Date among the accounts of
Participants,  as  whole  or  fractional  shares  (such  fractional shares to be
determined  to  the  fourth decimal place) or both, in the proportions which the
allotment  by and Contribution for each Participant prior to the purchase of the
Common  Stock  therewith  bore to the sum of the allotments by and Contributions
for  all  Participants.

     Section  6.8.  Cash  dividends received by the Custodian for shares held by
it for the accounts of the Participants shall be reinvested automatically on the
next  Investment Date in additional shares of Common Stock in the same manner as
Participant  allotments and Contributions are used to purchase shares, and these
additional  shares  shall be credited to the accounts of the Participants in the
proportions  that  the shares credited to the account of each Participant on the
dividend  payment  date  bore  to  the  sum of the shares in the accounts of all
Participants. Stock dividends and shares received as a result of stock splits on
shares  held  by  the  Custodian  shall be credited to Participant's accounts in
similar  fashion.

     Section  6.9.  The  maximum  aggregate  number  of  shares  which  shall be
purchased  under  this  Plan  shall not exceed One Thousand Five Hundred (1,500)


     Section 6.10.  If there is any change in the shares of Company by reason of
stock  dividends,  split-ups  or  consolidations  of  shares, recapitalizations,
mergers,  consolidations,  reorganizations,  combinations or exchange of shares,
the number and class of shares available for purchase pursuant to the Plan shall
be  appropriately  adjusted  by  the  Committee,  provided, however, that if the
Company  shall  issue additional capital stock of any class for a consideration,
no such adjustment shall be made to the number and class of shares available for
purchase  pursuant  to  the  Plan.


     Section  7.1.  A  Participant's  death,  retirement,  Permanent  and  Total
Disability, or other termination of employment shall operate as a termination of
the  Participant's  right to further allotment and shall constitute a withdrawal
by  the  Participant  from  the  Plan,  such  termination  and  withdrawal being
effective  as  of  the  end  of  the  last  pay  period  of  the  Participant.

     Section  7.2.  A  Participant  may  voluntarily  withdraw from the Plan and
terminate  his  allotment  by  submitting  a  request  for  withdrawal on a form
prescribed  by  the  Committee.  The submission of a request for withdrawal will
operate  as  a  termination  of  deductions  of  Participant  allotments  and of
Contributions,  if  any,  effective on the next date on which the Participant is
paid  following  at least five (5) work days from the receipt of said request by
the Participating Corporation. A Participant who withdraws from the Plan may not
re-enter  the  Plan  until the January 1 or July 1 immediately following six (6)
full  months  from  the  date  on  which  his  withdrawal  became  effective.

     Section  7.3.  Settlement  of  a  Participant's account will be made within
forty-five  (45)  days  after  the effective date of withdrawal from the Plan as
provided  in  Sections  7.1  and  7.2; and within forty-five (45) days after the
termination  of  the Plan. Upon such settlement, the Participant or his personal


representative  shall  receive a certificate for the whole shares of stock which
are  credited  to  the  Participant's account and an amount in cash equal to any
uninvested  allotments  by  and Contributions for the Participant's account. The
Participant  or  his  personal  representative  shall  also  receive,  upon such
settlement,  cash in lieu of any fractional shares credited to the Participant's
account,  based  upon  the closing trade price for the Common Stock on the first
Investment  Date  following  the  effective  date  of  withdrawal at such prices
reported  on  the  NASDAQ NMS or such other system as may supersede it, and such
fractional  share shall be added to the shares to be credited among the accounts
of  the  Participants  on  that  Investment  Date  as  provided  in Section 6.7.


     Section  8.1.  Each  year a Participant may elect, on a form to be provided
by  the  Committee  each  January for that purpose, to withdraw all of the whole
shares  accumulated  in  his  account  as  of  January  15  of  that  year.

     Section 8.2.  The Participant's election to exercise said withdrawal option
must  be  delivered  in  the  proper  form on or before February 15 and will not
constitute  a  termination of his participation and/or withdrawal from the Plan.

            -----------     -----------------------------------------

     Section  9.1.  All shares of Common Stock acquired by the Custodian will be
held  in  the  possession  of  the  Custodian  and registered in the name of the
Custodian,  or  its  nominee,  until delivered pursuant to the provisions of the
Plan.  The  Company  will  provide each Participant with a copy of the Company's
Notices of Annual Meetings of the Shareholders, proxy statements, annual reports
and  forms  relating  to  the  voting  of  shares  credited  to  each


Participant's  account.  Each Participant, by use of such forms, may then direct
the Custodian to vote the shares credited to his account. In the absence of such
direction,  the  shares  will  not  be  voted.

                            ARTICLE X. ADMINISTRATION

     Section  10.1.  The  Board  of  Directors  have  appointed  Boatmen's Trust
Company  as  Custodian  under  the Plan. The Board of Directors may from time to
time  and  in  its  sole discretion designate a successor custodian or successor

     Section  10.2.  The  Custodian  will  perform  such duties on behalf of the
Participants  as  are  specifically  set  forth  in  this Plan or any subsequent
modification  or  amendment hereto, subject to the terms and conditions also set
forth  herein.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provisions contained herein, in the
event  conflicting  demands are made upon the Custodian arising from or relating
to  the  Plan,  the Custodian has the absolute right at its discretion to file a
suit  in  interpleader  and  obtain  an  order  from  any  court  of  competent
jurisdiction  requiring  all persons making any adverse claims to interplead and
litigate  in  such court their several claims and rights. In the event such suit
is  brought,  the  Company  agrees  to pay the Custodian all costs, expenses and
reasonable  attorney's  fees  which  it may expend or incur in such interpleader
suit,  the  amount  thereof to be fixed and a judgment thereof to be rendered by
the  court in such suit. Upon filing such suit and tendering all contested funds
and/or  shares  held  to  the  court,  the  Custodian will be fully released and
discharged  from  all  further  obligations  to  perform  any  and all duties or
obligations  imposed  upon  it  by  the  Plan  with respect to such funds and/or
shares.  The  Custodian  will not be liable for any error or judgment or for any
thing that it may in good faith do or refrain from doing in connection herewith;
nor  will  any  liability be incurred by the Custodian in the event it acts upon
any  document which it reasonably believes to be genuine and to be signed by the
proper  party  or  parties.


     Section  10.3.  The  Plan  shall  be  administered  by  the  Committee. The
Committee  will  perform on behalf of the Company such duties as are assigned to
it  by  the  terms  of the Plan. The Committee will have all powers necessary to
carry  out the provisions of the Plan (except such powers as are reserved by the
Plan  to  the  Board  of  Directors) whether or not such powers are specifically
enumerated  herein.  No  member  of  the Committee shall be eligible to purchase
stock  under  the  Plan.

     Section  10.4.  The  Committee  may from time to time prescribe regulations
for  the  administration  of  the  Plan  consistent  with  its  provisions.
Interpretation  and  construction by the Committee of any provisions of the Plan
and  any  other  action,  determination  or  decision  whatsoever  taken  by the
Committee  shall  be  final,  conclusive  and  binding  on  all  parties.

     Section 10.5.  The Custodian shall render regular quarterly reports to each
Participant,  showing  for  the  period  of  each  report  the  allotments,
Contributions, dividends, if any, and the number of shares and fractional shares
credited  to each Participant's account and the purchase prices for such shares.

     Section  10.6.  All  notices, reports and statements given, made, delivered
or  transmitted  to a Participant will be deemed duly given, made, delivered, or
transmitted when mailed with postage prepaid and addressed to the Participant at
the  address  last  appearing  on  the books of the Custodian. A Participant may
change his address from time to time by written notice in form acceptable to the

     Section  10.7.  Written  directions,  notices and other communications from
Participants  to  the  Company  (including  a  Participating Corporation) or the
Committee  must  be  mailed  by  first


class mail to Allied Healthcare Products, Inc., 1720 Sublette Avenue, St. Louis,
Missouri  63110,  Attention:  Vice  President, Human Resources, or to such other
locations  as  may  be  specified  by  notice  to  the Participants. Any written
directions,  notices  or  other communications will be deemed to have been given
when  received  at  such  location.

     Section 10.8.  The Custodian or the Committee need not recognize the agency
of,  or representation by, any person for or of a Participant unless it receives
to  its  satisfaction  documentary  evidence  of  such  agency or representative
relationship  and;  thereafter,  from  time  to  time,  as  the Custodian or the
Committee  may  request, additional documentary evidence showing the continuance
of  such  agency  or  representation.  Until  such  time as the Custodian or the
Committee  receives  documentary evidence satisfactory to it of the cessation or
modification of any agency or representation, it will be entitled to rely up the
continuance  of  such  agency  or  representation  and to deal with the agent or
representative  as  if  he  or  it  were  the  Participant.

     Section  10.9.  The  Plan  shall be governed by and construed in accordance
with  the  laws  of  the  State  of  Missouri.

     Section 10.10.  The records of the Custodian, the Committee and the Company
shall  be  conclusive with respect to all matters involved in the administration
of  the  Plan.

     Section 10.11.  Neither the Company, the Committee, the Board of Directors,
the  Boards  of  Directors  of the Participating Corporations, nor the Custodian
shall  have  any responsibility or liability, other than liabilities arising out
of  any applicable Securities Acts for any interpretation or construction of the
Plan  or  any  act or thing done or left undone, including, without limiting the
generality  of  the  foregoing,  any  action  taken with respect to price, time,
quantity,  or  other  conditions  and  circumstances  of the purchase or sale of
shares  under  the  terms  of  the  Plan.


                  -----------     ----------------------------

     Section  11.1.  The  Committee may terminate the Plan at any time or may at
any  time  or from time to time modify it in whole or in part. The Committee may
at  any time or from time to time suspend operation of the plan for a period not
in  excess  of  six  (6)  months.

     Section  11.2.  Any  such  termination, modification, or suspension will be
effective  as  to the Company and all Participants at such date as the Committee
may determine, and all Participants shall be promptly notified thereof. Under no
circumstances  shall  a  modification  affect  or  diminish  the account for any
Participant  as  of  the  effective  date  of  such  modification.

                         ARTICLE XII. EXPENSES AND TAXES

     Section  12.1.       All  costs  and expenses incurred in administering the
Plan,  including  the  expenses  of  the Committee, the fees and expenses of the
Custodian, the fees of counsel, and other administrative expenses, shall be paid
by  the Company. No part of such cost shall be charged against any Participant's

     Section  12.2.  The  Participating  Corporation  shall  withhold  from each
Participant's gross salary such amount as is necessary for purposes of state and
federal  income  and  other  taxes  due  from  a  Participant  as  a  result  of
Contributions  to  his  account  by  the  Participating  Corporation.


                       ARTICLE XIII.     NON-ASSIGNABILITY
                       -------------     -----------------

     Section  13.1.  No  right or interest of any Participant in this Plan shall
be  assignable  or  transferrable  in  whole  or  in part including, but without
limitation,  by  way  of execution, levy, garnishment, attachment, pledge, or in
any  other  manner  except  by  way  of devolution by death or the Participant's
mental  incompetency. Each Participant's account shall be registered in his name

                   ------------     --------------------------

     Section  14.1.  The Company may terminate the employment of any Participant
as  fully  and  with  the  same  effect  as  if this Plan were not in operation.

                         ARTICLE XV.     EFFECTIVE DATE
                         -----------     --------------

     Section  15.1.  The  Plan  shall  be  effective  as  of  September 1, 1992;
however,  effectiveness  of  the  Plan may be withheld with respect to Employees
residing in any state or states if, in the Judgment of the Committee, compliance
with  the  laws  of  such  state  or  states  would  involve  disproportionate
inconvenience  and  expense  to  the  Company.

     Section  15.2.  The  Company  may  deny  or  impose  conditions  on  the
participation  in the Plan by any class or classes of Employees to the extent it
deems  it  advisable in order the facilitate compliance with applicable laws and
