Exhibit 10.1

                                 LEASE AGREEMENT

     THIS LEASE AGREEMENT ("Lease"), made and entered into as of the 29th day of
January,  1999 ("Date of this Lease"), by and between M. REA BROOKINGS and DAVID
F.  HERRING,  individual  residents  of  the  State  of  Georgia  (collectively
"Lessor"),  and  CHANCELLOR  ASSET  MANAGEMENT,  INC.,  a  Delaware  corporation

                              W I T N E S S E T H:
                              - - - - - - - - - -

     WHEREAS,  Lessor  owns  certain  improved  real  property  containing
approximately  six  (6)  acres  of  land  and improvements located at 4382 South
Moreland  Avenue  (Highway  42),  Conley,  Clayton County, Georgia which is more
particularly  described  on  Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by
this reference ("Premises"), on which the business operations of M.R.B., Inc., a
Georgia  corporation,  are  presently  conducted;

     WHEREAS,  Lessor  desires  to  lease to Lessee, and Lessee desires to lease
from  Lessor,  the Premises on the terms and conditions set forth in this Lease;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  for  and  in  consideration  of  the  rentals  to be paid
hereunder,  the  mutual  covenants contained herein, and other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the
parties  hereto  do  hereby  covenant  and  agree  as  follows:

                                    ARTICLE I


SECTION  1.1.  PREMISES.  Lessor  hereby  rents and leases to Lessee, and Lessee
hereby  rents  and  leases from Lessor, the Premises on and subject to the terms
and  conditions  contained in this Lease.  No easement for light, air or view is
included  in  this  Lease  of the Premises, and no diminution or shutting off of
light  or  air  or  view  by any structure which may be now or hereafter erected
shall  affect  this Lease.  This Lease shall create the relationship of landlord
and  tenant  and  shall  be  a  usufruct,  and  not  an  estate  for  years.

SECTION  1.2.  CONDITION  OF  PREMISES.  Lessee  acknowledges  that  Lessee  has
examined  and  inspected  the  Premises  and is fully familiar with the physical
condition,  state  of  repair,  expenses  for  operating  the  Premises,  use or
operation  of  the  Premises and any other facts or matters relating to Lessee's
decision to enter into this Lease.  Neither Lessor nor any of Lessor's agents or
other  representatives  have  made  any  representations or warranties as to any
facts  or  matters relating to the Premises except as expressly provided in this
Section.  Lessee  hereby  expressly  acknowledges  and  represents  that no such
representations  or  warranties  have been made, and Lessee further acknowledges
and  represents  that based upon its examination and inspection of the Premises,
Lessee  agrees  to accept the Premises "as-is" in the present condition, subject
to  ordinary  wear and tear and natural deterioration from and after the Date of
this  Lease.

SECTION  1.3.  USE  OF  PREMISES.  Lessee acknowledges and agrees that Lessee is
entering  into  this  Lease  for  the  purpose  of  Lessee or one or more of its
subsidiaries  conducting the below-described business on the Premises and for no
other  purposes  without  the prior written consent of Lessor which shall not be
unreasonably  withheld  or  delayed.  Lessor  shall  have  no  liability  or
responsibility  if  for  any  reason  the  Lessee  is  prevented  from using the
Premises,  in whole or in part, for the purposes set forth below, which purposes
Lessor  represents  and  warrants  are  in compliance with all applicable zoning
laws.  Subject  to  the  foregoing, the business to be operated by Lessee on the
Premises  is  as  follows:  storage,  maintenance,  repair, lease, sale or other
disposition  of  motor  vehicle  tractors  and  trailers together with all other
activities  and  operations  arising  out  of  or  related  thereto.

                                   ARTICLE II


SECTION  2.1.  TERM.  Lessee  takes and accepts the Premises from Lessor to have
and  to  hold  the  same for the term described below ("Lease Term").  The Lease
Term and the payment of rent hereunder shall commence at 12:00 midnight, E.T. on
February 1, 1999 ("Commencement Date").  The Lease Term shall terminate at 12:00
midnight  E.T. on January 31, 2004 ("Expiration Date"), unless sooner terminated
as herein provided.  Lessee shall have the right to enter the Premises as of the
Date  of  this Lease and shall be entitled to use and possession of the Premises
without  any  obligation to pay rent for occupancy of the Premises from the Date
of  this Lease until the Commencement Date.  This Lease shall be effective as of
the  Date of this Lease, and Lessor and Lessee shall be governed by, and perform
in accordance with, the terms and conditions contained in this Lease, including,
without  limitation,  with  respect to insurance, utility charges and repair and
maintenance  of  the  Premises.

SECTION  2.2.  OPTIONAL  TERM.  Lessor  hereby  grants  to  Lessee the right, at
Lessee's  sole  option,  to extend the term of this Lease for an additional five
(5) year period from and after the Expiration Date ("Optional Term") on the same
terms  and  conditions  as  set  forth in this Lease, except as herein expressly
provided  to  the  contrary.  During the Optional Term, the annual rent shall be
One  Hundred  Twenty  Thousand  and No/100 Dollars ($120,000.00) ("Optional Term
Base  Rental").  The  Optional  Term  Base  Rental during each twelve (12) month
period  of  the Optional Term shall be paid in equal monthly installments of Ten
Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($10,000.00) with the first installment being due on
the  first  day  of the first month of the Optional Term and on the first day of
each  successive  month  thereafter  during the Optional Term.  Lessee shall, if
Lessee  desires  to exercise such option rights, exercise Lessee's option rights
granted  hereunder on or before ninety (90) days prior to the Expiration Date of
this  Lease.  If  Lessee  fails  to  exercise the option within ninety (90) days
prior to the Expiration Date, Lessor, at Lessor's option, may terminate Lessee's
option  rights  under  this  Lease.

SECTION  2.3.  REMOVAL OF LESSEE'S PERSONAL PROPERTY.  Before the termination or
expiration  of  this  Lease,  Lessee shall remove from the Premises all Lessee's
personal  property  which this Lease allows Lessee to remove and shall peaceably
surrender  the  Premises and the keys thereto to Lessor in the same condition as
at  the  beginning  of  the  Lease  Term,  subject  to alterations and additions
subsequently  made  by Lessee pursuant to the terms of this Lease and subject to
ordinary  wear  and  tear  and  natural  deterioration.  Personal property which
Lessee  fails  to  remove from the Premises before the termination of this Lease
shall  be  considered as abandoned by Lessee and may be disposed of by Lessor in
any  manner  whatsoever  without accounting to Lessee for such property or being
liable  in  any  way  to  Lessee  for  such  disposition.

SECTION  2.4.  HOLDING  OVER.  In  no  event  shall there be any renewal of this
Lease  by  operation of law, and if Lessee remains in possession of the Premises
after  the  termination of this Lease and without a new Lease executed by Lessor
and  Lessee,  Lessee shall be deemed to be occupying the Premises as a tenant at
sufferance and agrees to pay Lessor an amount equal to one hundred fifty percent
(150%)  of  the  Base  Rental and additional rent provided for in this Lease and
shall otherwise be subject to all the terms and conditions of this Lease insofar
as  the  same  are  applicable  to  a  month-to-month  tenancy.

SECTION  2.5.  PURCHASE  OPTION.  Lessor  hereby  grants  to Lessee an option to
purchase  the  Premises ("Purchase Option") at any time during the six (6) month
period from and after the Date of this Lease through and including July 31, 1999
("Purchase  Option  Period")  for a purchase price equal to the sum of (i) Three
Hundred  Thousand  Dollars  ($300,000),  plus  (ii)  the  total of the three (3)
existing  mortgage loans secured by the Premises, but which mortgage loans shall
not  exceed  Six Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($650,000) in the aggregate.  In
the  event that the Lessee exercises the Purchase Option prior to the expiration
of  the Purchase Option Period, Lessor and Lessee shall enter into a real estate
purchase  and  sale  agreement  ("Sale Agreement") containing mutually agreeable
terms  and  conditions  (subject  to  the  purchase  price being in an amount as
hereinabove  provided),  and  the  closing  date shall be within sixty (60) days
following  the  date  on which the Purchase Option was exercised by Lessee.  The
Sale  Agreement  shall provide that the title shall be satisfactory to Lessee in
Lessee's  sole  discretion.  The  Sale  Agreement  shall  also  provide  closing
conditions  which are usual and customary in the State of Georgia.  In the event
that  Lessee  does  not exercise the Purchase Option, and/or does not consummate
the  purchase  of  the Premises after exercising the Purchase Option for reasons
other  than  any  breach or failure to satisfy one or more closing conditions by
Lessor, then Lessee shall cause to be delivered to each Lessor one-half (1/2) of
the Contingent Shares (as defined in Section 4.6 of the Stock Purchase Agreement
dated as of December 31, 1998 between Lessor and Lessee).  The Contingent Shares
shall  be  delivered  to  each Lessor, if due, within thirty (30) days after the
expiration  of  the  Purchase Option Period, or more than thirty (30) days after
the  failure  of  Lessee  to  consummate the purchase of the Premises within the
required time period after Lessee has exercised the Purchase Option, as the case
may  be.

                                   ARTICLE III


SECTION  3.1.  BASE  RENTAL.  Lessee  shall  pay  to Lessor annual rental ("Base
Rental")  for  the  Premises  in  the amount of One Hundred Two Thousand Dollars
($102,000.00)  which  is  due and payable in equal monthly installments of Eight
Thousand  Five  Hundred  Dollars  ($8,500.00) on the first day of each and every
calendar  month  during  the  Lease  Term  commencing  on  February  1, 1999 and
continuing  on  the first calendar day of each month thereafter until January 1,
2004  on  which  the final monthly installment of Base Rental for the Lease Term
shall  be  due  and  payable.

SECTION  3.2.  RENT  AND  OTHER  PAYMENTS.  Lessee  shall pay to Lessor all Base
Rental  and  all  other charges due and owing by Lessee under this Lease without
deduction  or  set  off,  in legal tender, and at Lessor's address stated in the
Lease  or as otherwise directed from time to time by written notice from Lessor.
All  installments  of  rent  and all other charges due and owing by Lessee under
this  Lease  not  paid  when due shall bear interest at twelve percent (12%) per
annum.  Lessee  shall  pay  all  sales  or other taxes (but not including income
taxes  or  taxes  of  a  similar nature hereinafter charged to Lessor) levied or
assessed  against any rent payment due under this Lease simultaneously with each
required  rent  payment.

                                   ARTICLE IV


SECTION 4.1.  MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS BY LESSEE.  Lessee accepts the Premises in
"as  is,  where  is"  condition  without  representation or warranty of any kind
whatsoever,  including,  without  limitation, any warranty of habitability or of
fitness  for  an  intended purpose, except with respect to electrical, plumbing,
HVAC and other systems and equipment located in or on the Premises which systems
and  equipment  shall be in working order as of the Date of this Lease and for a
thirty (30) day period thereafter.  Lessor shall not have any responsibility for
maintenance or repairs of such systems and equipment following the expiration of
such  thirty  (30) day period. From and after the expiration of thirty (30) days
following  the  Date  of  this  Lease,  Lessee shall at its own expense keep the
Premises,  including,  without  limitation,  all  electrical, plumbing, HVAC and
other  systems  and  equipment located in or on the Premises, in good repair and
tenantable  condition  and indemnify Lessor against any loss, damage, or expense
arising  by  reason  of  any  failure  of Lessee so to keep the Premises in good
repair,  maintenance  and  tenantable  condition or due to any act or neglect of
Lessee,  its  agents,  employees,  contractors, invitees, licensees or permitted
assignees  or  sublessees.  Lessee  further  agrees to maintain and care for the
grounds  of  the Premises, including mowing of grass, care of shrubs and general
landscaping.  Lessee  agrees  to return the Premises to Lessor at the expiration
or  termination  of  this Lease in as good of condition and repair as when first
received,  normal  wear  and  tear  excepted.  Notwithstanding  anything  to the
contrary  set  forth herein, upon reasonable notice from Lessee, Lessor shall be
responsible  for  maintaining and repairing the roof, the exterior walls and the
foundation  of  the  Premises  at Lessor's cost and expense, and shall indemnify
Lessee  against  any loss, damage or expense arising from Lessor's failure to so
maintain such portions of the Premises.  If Lessee fails to perform, or cause to
be  performed,  such  maintenance and repairs, then at the option of  Lessor, in
its sole discretion and without any obligation to do so, any such maintenance or
repair  may  be  performed  or caused to be performed by Lessor and the cost and
expense  thereof  charged  to Lessee, and Lessee shall pay the amount thereof to
Lessor  on  demand  as  additional  rent.

right  to  make cosmetic and non-structural tenant improvements to the Premises.
Otherwise,  Lessee  shall  make no alterations or additions of any kind in or to
the  Premises  without first obtaining Lessor's written consent, which shall not
be  unreasonably  withheld  or  delayed.  All  such  work,  including additions,
fixtures,  and  tenant improvements (but excluding moveable office furniture and
equipment  and  other personal property of Lessee) made or placed in or upon the
Premises  by Lessee shall be at Lessee's sole cost and expense and  shall be and
become  Lessor's  property at the termination of this Lease, by lapse of time or
otherwise,  all without compensation or payment to Lessee, and shall remain upon
and in the Premises; but said property shall be and remain the Lessee's property
during  the  Lease  Term.  Any  tenant  improvement  or  alteration  shall  be
performed  in  a  good  and workmanlike manner and shall comply with any and all
governmental  building,  zoning,  sign  and  other  applicable  ordinances  and
regulations.  Lessee  shall indemnify and hold harmless Lessor for any violation
of any governmental regulation related to such tenant improvement or alteration.

SECTION  4.3.  DISCHARGE  OF LIENS.  Lessee shall discharge of record by bond or
otherwise within ten (10) days following the date whereupon Lessee learns of the
filing  of any mechanic's or similar lien filed against the Premises for work or
materials  claimed  to  have  been  furnished at Lessee's instance to or for the
benefit  of Lessee and/or the Premises.  If Lessee shall fail to cause such lien
or  claim  of lien to be so discharged or bonded within such period, in addition
to any other right or remedy it may have, Lessor may, but shall not be obligated
to,  discharge  the  same by paying the amount claimed to be due or by procuring
the  discharge of such lien or claim by deposit in court or bonding, and, in any
such  event,  Lessor  shall  be  entitled,  if  Lessor  so elects, to compel the
prosecution  of any action for the foreclosure of such lien or claim by the lien
or  claimant and to pay the amount of the judgment, if any, in favor of the lien
or,  with  interest, costs and allowances.  Lessee shall pay as additional rent,
on demand from time to time, any sum or sums so paid by Lessor and all costs and
expenses  incurred by Lessor, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees and
expenses  in  prosecuting  such  discharge  or  in  defending  any  such action.
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Lessee  shall  be entitled to dispute any such
liens against the Premises so long as Lessee secures it obligations by posting a
security  bond  or  other  security  reasonably  acceptable  to  Lessor.

SECTION  4.4.  REPORTS OF DEFECTS.  Lessee shall report to Lessor in writing any
damage  to  or  defective  condition in or about the Premises known to Lessee as
soon  as  reasonably  possible  after  Lessee  obtains actual knowledge thereof.

SECTION  4.5.  SERVICES  AND  UTILITIES.  Lessee  shall  pay for all water, gas,
electricity,  fuel  and  other  utilities  consumed  or  used by Lessee on or in
connection  with  the  Premises and shall be responsible for making all security
deposits  required  in  order  to  obtain  such utilities.  Lessee shall also be
responsible  for  providing  all  cleaning  and janitorial service and all other
services necessary or helpful to use or occupy the Premises.  Lessee agrees that
Lessor  shall have no obligation to provide or pay for any such utilities or any
such  services.

SECTION  4.6.  SIGNAGE.  From  and after the Date of this Lease, Lessee shall be
entitled  to  use  all  signage located on the Premises for the advertisement of
Lessee's  business  operated  on the Premises.  Lessee shall be obligated to pay
all costs and expenses in connection with use of the signage, including, without
limitation,  all costs and expenses for maintenance and repairs to such signage.

                                    ARTICLE V



     (a)  If  the  Premises are rendered partially or wholly unfit for occupancy
by fire, the elements, acts of God or other casualty, and if such damage cannot,
in  Lessor's  reasonable  judgment,  be  materially  restored within one hundred
twenty  (120)  days  after the date of such damage, then either Lessor or Lessee
may  terminate this Lease as of the date of such fire or other casualty, and the
Lease  Term  shall end on such date as if that date had been originally fixed in
this  Lease for the expiration of the Lease Term.  Lessor shall indicate whether
the  Premises  may  be  materially  restored  by written notice to Lessee within
thirty  (30)  days  of  such  fire  or other casualty.  If Lessor determines the
Premises  may  be  materially  restored,  neither  party shall have the right to
terminate  this  Lease.  If  Lessor  fails  to  give such notice with respect to
whether  the Premises may be materially restored or if Lessor's notice indicates
that the Premises may not be so materially restored, either party shall have the
right  to  terminate  this Lease as provided in this Section; provided, however,
this  right  to terminate shall cease if not exercised within sixty (60) days of
the  date  of  such  damage.  For  purposes hereof, the Premises shall be deemed
"materially  restored"  if  they  are  in such condition as would not prevent or
materially interfere with Lessee's use of the Premises for the purpose for which
it  was  being  used  at  the  time  of  such  fire  or  other  casualty.

     (b)  If  this  Lease  is not terminated pursuant to subparagraph (a) above,
Lessor  shall  proceed with all due diligence to repair and restore the Premises
(except  that Lessor may elect not to rebuild, and thus terminate this Lease, if
such  damage  occurs  during  the  last  year of the Lease Term exclusive of any
option  which  is  unexercised  at  the date of such damage).  In the event that
Lessor  shall  fail to complete such repairs and material restoration within one
hundred  twenty  (120)  days  after  the date of such damage, Lessee may, at its
option and as its sole remedy, terminate this Lease by delivering written notice
to  Lessor,  whereupon  the Lease shall end on the date of such notice as if the
date of such notice were the Expiration Date hereunder;  provided, however, that
if  construction  is  delayed  because  of  changes,  deletions, or additions in
construction  requested  by Lessee, or because of strikes, lockouts, casualties,
acts  of  God,  war,  material  or  labor  shortages, governmental regulation or
control, or other causes beyond the reasonable control of Lessor, the period for
restoration,  repair,  or  rebuilding  shall  be extended for the amount of time
Lessor is so delayed; provided further, however, that such construction shall be
completed  in  any  event within one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of
such  damage.  In  no  event  shall  Lessor  be  required to rebuild, repair, or
replace  any  part of the partitions, fixtures, additions, or other property and
improvements  which  may  have  been  placed in or about the Premises by Lessee.

     (c)  In  the  event of any damage or destruction to the Premises and if the
Premises  is  unfit for occupancy in whole or in part following such damage, the
rent  otherwise  payable  during  the  period in which the Premises is unfit for
occupancy  shall  abate  in  proportion to the number of square feet of Rentable
Area  of  the  heated  improvements located on the Premises rendered unusable by
such  damage;  provided, however, that no such abatement shall be made hereunder
if  such  damage  or  destruction was caused by or through the act or neglect of
Lessee,  its  officers,  directors,  partners,  agents,  employees,  independent
contractors,  invitees,  licensees  or  permitted  assignees.

     (d)  In  the  event  of  any  damage or destruction to the Premises, Lessee
shall,  upon notice from Lessor, remove forthwith, at its sole cost and expense,
such  all  or  part  of the property belonging to Lessee (other than partitions,
fixtures,  additions, and similar improvements) from  such portion or all of the
Premises as Lessor shall request, and Lessee hereby indemnifies and holds Lessor
harmless  from  any  loss,  liability, costs, and expenses, including attorneys'
fees  and  expenses, arising out of any claim of damage or injury as a result of
any  alleged  failure  properly  to  secure  the Premises prior to such removal.

     (e)  Notwithstanding  anything  herein  to  the  contrary, in the event the
holder  of  any indebtedness secured by a mortgage, deed to secure debt or other
security  instrument  covering the Premises requires that any insurance proceeds
be  paid  to  it,  then  Lessor  shall have the right to terminate this Lease by
giving  written  notice  to  Lessee  after written notice of such requirement is
received  by Lessor, whereupon the Lease shall end on the date of such damage as
if  the  date  of  such  damage  was  the  Expiration  Date  hereunder.

     (f)  If  any  such casualty stated in this Section occurs, Lessor shall not
be  liable to Lessee for inconvenience, annoyance, loss of profits, expenses, or
for  any  repair,  modification, arranging, or rearranging of any portion of the
Premises  or any part or all of the Premises or for termination of this Lease as
provided  hereunder.  In  addition,  if any such casualty stated in this Section
occurs,  Lessor shall not be liable to Lessee for any personal or other property
of  Lessee  located,  or  anyone claiming through Lessee, on the Premises at the
time  of  such  casualty.

     (g)  Notwithstanding  anything  contained in this Lease to the contrary, if
the insurance proceeds paid in connection with such damage or destruction to the
Premises  are  insufficient,  in Lessor's sole discretion, to pay for the repair
and  restoration  of  the  Premises,  Lessor shall be entitled to terminate this
Lease  as  of  the date of such fire or other casualty, and the Lease Term shall
end on such date as if that date had been originally fixed in this Lease for the
expiration  of  the  Lease  Term.

                                   ARTICLE VI


SECTION  6.1.  CONDEMNATION.  If  all  or  any  substantial part of the Premises
should  be  taken  for  any  public  or quasi-public use under governmental law,
ordinance,  or regulation, or by right of eminent domain, or by private purchase
in  lieu  thereof,  and  the  taking  would  prevent or materially and adversely
interfere with the use of the Premises for the purpose for which it is leased to
Lessee,  this  Lease  shall  terminate  effective when the physical taking shall
occur  in the same manner as if the date of such taking were the Expiration Date
hereunder.  If  part of the Premises is taken for any public or quasi-public use
under  any  governmental  law,  ordinance, or regulation, or by right of eminent
domain, or by private purchase in lieu thereof, and this Lease is not terminated
as  provided  hereinabove,  this  Lease shall not terminate but the rent payable
hereunder  during  the  unexpired portion of this Lease shall be reduced to such
extent,  if  any,  as may be fair and reasonable under all of the circumstances,
and  Lessor  shall undertake to restore the Premises to a condition suitable for
Lessee's  use, as near to the condition thereof immediately prior to such taking
as  is  reasonably  feasible  under  all the circumstances.  Notwithstanding the
foregoing,  if  the  cost  to  restore  the Premises to a condition suitable for
Lessee's  use  as  aforesaid  will,  in  Lessor's  sole  discretion,  exceed the
condemnation  award or payment, Lessor shall be entitled to terminate this Lease
as  of the date of such condemnation,  and the Lease Term shall end on such date
as  if  that  date had been originally fixed in this Lease for the expiration of
the  Lease  Term.

SECTION  6.2.  CONDEMNATION  AWARD.  Lessee  shall not share in any condemnation
award  or payment in lieu thereof or in any award for damages resulting from any
grade  change  of  adjacent streets, the same being hereby assigned to Lessor by
Lessee; provided, however, that Lessee may separately claim and receive from the
condemning  authority, if legally payable, compensation for Lessee's removal and
relocation costs, any fixtures or property of Lessee taken and for Lessee's loss
of  business  and/or  business  interruption.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                        LESSOR'S RIGHT TO ENTER PREMISES

SECTION  7.1.  ACCESS.  Lessor  and  its  officers,  agents,  employees  and
contractors  shall  have the right to enter the Premises at such times as Lessor
deems  reasonably  necessary to inspect the Premises to make repairs, additions,
alterations,  and  improvements  to the Premises for which Lessor is responsible
under  this  Lease.  Lessor  shall  also be allowed to take into and through the
Premises any and all needed materials that may be required to make such repairs,
additions,  alterations,  and  improvements.  During  such time as work is being
carried  on  in  or  about  the Premises, provided such work is carried out in a
manner so as not to interfere unreasonably with the conduct of Lessee's business
therein,  the  rent provided herein shall not abate, and Lessee waives any claim
and cause of action against Lessor for damages by reason of loss or interruption
to  Lessee's  business  and  profits therefrom because of the prosecution of any
such  work  or  any part thereof.  In addition, Lessor and its officers, agents,
employees,  and  contractors  shall  have the right to enter the Premises during
normal  business  hours,  upon  reasonable  advance  notice,  without  undue
interference  with  the  conduct  of  Lessee's  business therein, to inspect and
examine  the  Premises  and to exhibit the Premises to prospective purchasers or
tenants.  In the event of emergency, or if otherwise necessary to prevent injury
to  persons  or  damage  to  property,  such

entry  to  the Premises may be made by force without any liability whatsoever on
the  part  of  Lessor  for  damage  resulting  from  such  forcible  entry.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


SECTION  8.1.  INSURANCE.  During  the  Lease  Term,  Lessee  shall purchase and
maintain,  at  Lessee's  cost  and expense, fire and extended coverage insurance
insuring  the  interest  of Lessor and any lenders or mortgagees of the Premises
together  with  any  and  all furniture, fixtures, equipment, supplies and other
property  owned, leased, held or possessed by Lessor and contained therein, such
insurance  coverage to be in an amount equal to the full replacement cost of the
interests  of  Lessor  and  any such lenders and mortgagees.  From and after the
Date  of  this  Lease  and  during  the  Lease  Term,  Lessee shall purchase and
maintain,  at  Lessee's  cost  and expense, fire and extended coverage insurance
insuring  Lessee's  interest in its improvements to the Premises and any and all
furniture,  fixtures, equipment, supplies and other property owned, leased, held
or  possessed  by  it and contained therein, such insurance coverage to be in an
amount  equal  to  the  full replacement cost of Lessee's said interest.  Lessee
shall  provide  to  Lessor  the policy or a certified copy thereof which insures
such  interest.  All insurance coverages required to be obtained by Lessee shall
be  obtained  from  insurers  approved  by  Lessor,  such  approval  not  to  be
unreasonably  withheld  or  delayed.

SECTION  8.2.  WAIVER  OF  SUBROGATION.  Lessee  shall  cause  each  liability
insurance  policy together with each insurance policy carried by Lessee insuring
the  Premises  as well as the contents thereof against loss by fire or any other
casualty,  to  be written in such a manner as to provide that the insurer waives
all  right  of  recovery by way of subrogation against Lessor in connection with
any  loss  or  damage  covered  by  the  policy.

SECTION  8.3.  INDEMNITY  OF  LESSOR.  Lessee  indemnifies and shall hold Lessor
harmless  from  and  defend  Lessor  against  any and all claims, demands, loss,
liability,  damages,  costs  and  expenses,  including,  without  limitation,
attorneys'  fees and expenses, for any personal injury or deal to any person and
for  damage to any property whatsoever, arising out of or relating to this Lease
or the use or occupancy of the Premises, except for any of the foregoing arising
from  Lessor's  willful  misconduct  or  negligence.

SECTION  8.4.  LIABILITY  OF LESSOR.  Lessor shall not be liable to Lessee or to
any person, firm, corporation or other business association claiming by, through
or  under  Lessee  for failure to furnish or for delay in furnishing any service
provided  for in this Lease, and no such failure or  delay by Lessor shall be an
actual  or  constructive  eviction  of Lessee; nor, except as expressly provided
herein,  shall  any  such  failure  or  delay operate to relieve Lessee from the
prompt and punctual performance of each and all of the covenants to be performed
herein by Lessee; nor for any latent defects in the Premises; nor for defects in
the cooling, heating, electric, water, elevator or other apparatus or systems or
for  water  discharged  from sprinkler systems, if any, on the Premises; nor for
the  theft,  mysterious disappearance or loss of any property of Lessee from the

SECTION  8.5.  LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.  Lessor's obligations and liability with
respect  to  this  Lease  shall  be  limited  solely to Lessor's interest in the
Premises,  as such interest is constituted from time to time, and neither Lessor
nor  any  officer,  director  or  shareholder  shall have any personal liability
whatsoever  with  respect  to  this  Lease.

SECTION  8.6.  TAXES.  Lessee  shall  pay  to  Lessor all real estate ad valorem
property  and  other  taxes levied or assessed against the Premises which become
due during the Lease Term, and any extension thereof.  In addition, Lessee shall
pay all taxes becoming due with respect to the conduct by Lessee of its business
on  the  Premises, to any personal property owned by Lessee or otherwise owed by

                                   ARTICLE IX


SECTION  9.1.  COMPLIANCE  WITH  LAWS.  Lessee shall comply, at its own expense,
with  all  statutes,  regulations,  rules,  ordinances,  and  orders  of  any
governmental  body,  department, or agency thereof which apply to or result from
Lessee's  use  or  occupancy  of  the  Premises.

SECTION  9.2.  BUILDING ALTERATIONS.  If any governmental authority requires all
or  any  part  of  the  Premises  to be repaired, altered, removed, constructed,
reconstructed  or  improved  and  Lessor, rather than Lessee, has the obligation
under  this Lease to perform such required work, Lessee's obligations under this
Lease  will  not be affected, and Lessee waives all claims for injury, damage or
abatement  of  rent  because  of such repair, alteration, removal, construction,
reconstruction, or improvement, or lack thereof; provided, however, that if such
action  by  Lessor  shall  render  the  Premises  partially  or wholly unfit for
occupancy  and  if,  in  Lessor's reasonable estimation, it cannot complete such
acts  within  one  hundred twenty (120) days, then at the option of Lessor to be
exercised  by  giving  written notice to Lessee within sixty (60) days following
the  date  of  notice to Lessor by such governmental authority, this Lease shall
terminate  on the date of such election, and Lessee shall promptly surrender the
Premises  to  Lessor.  If  Lessor  shall  elect  not  to terminate this Lease as
provided  above,  Lessor  and  Lessee  shall have the same respective rights and
obligations  as  provided  above  in  Section 5.1, and the provisions of Section
5.1(g)  shall apply regardless of whether or not Lessor elects to terminate this

                                    ARTICLE X

                            ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING


     (a)  Lessee  shall  not  (i) assign, convey, mortgage, pledge, encumber, or
otherwise  transfer (whether voluntarily, by operation of law or otherwise) this
Lease  or  any interest under it; (ii) allow any lien to attach to the Premises,
to  the  Lease or any interest therein; or (iii) sublet the Premises or any part
thereof; or (iv) permit the use or occupancy of the Premises or any part thereof
by  anyone  other  than  Lessee  or any subsidiaries of Lessee, without Lessor's
prior  written consent which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.  Any
attempt  to  consummate  any  of  the  foregoing  without Lessor's prior written
consent  shall  be  void.

     (b)  Lessee  agrees to pay to Lessor, on demand, reasonable legal costs and
credit  reference  costs  actually paid to third parties by Lessor in connection
with any request by Lessee for Lessor to consent to any assignment or subletting
by  Lessee.

     (c)  Any  transfer after the date hereof, whether to one or more persons or
entities  and  whether at one or more different times, of a controlling interest
in  Lessee  (regardless  whether  Lessee  is a corporation, partnership or other
entity),  whether voluntarily, by operation of law or otherwise, shall be deemed
an  assignment  of  this  Lease  within  the  meaning  of  this  Section.

SECTION  10.2.  RENT  COLLECTION.  If  with  the prior written consent of Lessor
this Lease is assigned or the Premises or any part thereof is sublet or occupied
by  anybody other than Lessee, Lessor may, after default by Lessee, collect rent
directly  from  the  assignee,  subtenant  or  occupant and apply the net amount
collected  to  the  Base Rental and additional rent herein reserved, but no such
assignment, subletting, occupancy or collection shall be deemed: (i) a waiver of
any of Lessee's covenants contained in this Lease; (ii) the acceptance by Lessor
of  the  assignee, subtenant or occupant as Lessee; or (iii) a release of Lessee
from  performance  by  Lessee  of  its  covenants  under  this  Lease.

sub-lessee  or  other  transferee  approved  by Lessor shall assume and shall be
deemed  to have assumed this Lease and shall remain jointly and severally liable
with  Lessee  for  the  payment  of  all  rent  provided under any assignment or
sublease  and for the due performance during the term of this Lease of all terms
and  conditions contained in this Lease applicable to Lessee (except relating to
the  amount  of rent under the assignment or sublease which shall be governed by
this  said  assignment or sublease).  Lessee agrees that Lessee shall not assign
or  sublease any part of the Premises unless pursuant to a written assignment or
sublease  in  a  form  mutually  agreeable  to  Lessor  and  Lessee.

                                   ARTICLE XI



     (a)  The  occurrence  of  any  of  the following shall constitute events of

          (i)  The  rent  (including  any  additional rent) and any other sum of
money  payable  under this Lease is not paid when due and such failure continues
for  a  period  of  twenty  (20)  days  after  the  date  such  sum  is  due;

          (ii)  The  Premises  are  deserted  or  vacated even though the Lessee
continues  to  pay  the  stipulated  monthly  rent;

          (iii)  Lessee's  interest  in  the  Lease  or  the  Premises  shall be
subjected  to  any  attachment,  levy  or  sale  pursuant to any order or decree
entered  against  Lessee  in any legal proceeding and such order or decree shall
not  be  vacated within fifteen (15) days of entry thereof, provided that Lessee
shall be entitled to dispute any such attachment, levy or sale so long as Lessee
provides  Lessor with a security bond or other security reasonably acceptable to
Lessor;  or

          (iv)  Lessee  breaches  or  fails to comply with any term, provisions,
condition  or  covenant  of  this  Lease  (other  than  the  payment  of  rent).

     (b)  Upon the occurrence of an event of default and if the event of default
described  above  in  subparagraph  (a)  is  not cured after written notice from
Lessor of such default (i) within ten (10) days after written notice is given if
the  action  required  by  Lessee  involves  the  payment  of  money

or  (ii)  within  thirty  (30)  days after written notice is given if the action
required  by  Lessee  is  other than the payment of money, Lessor shall have the
option  to  do  and perform any one or more of the following in addition to, and
not in limitation of, any other remedy or right permitted it by law or in equity
or  by  this  Lease:

          (i)  Lessor,  with  or without terminating this Lease, may immediately
or  at  any  time  thereafter  reenter  the  Premises  and correct or repair any
condition  which  shall  constitute a failure on Lessee's part to keep, observe,
perform,  satisfy  or  abide  by  any  term,  condition,  covenant, agreement or
obligation of this Lease or of any notice given Lessee by Lessor pursuant to the
terms  of this Lease, and Lessee shall fully reimburse and compensate Lessor for
reasonable  expenses  on  demand.

          (ii)  Lessor,  with or without terminating this Lease, may immediately
demand  in  writing  that  Lessee vacate the Premises and thereupon Lessee shall
vacate  the  Premises  and remove therefrom all property thereon belonging to or
placed  on the Premises by, at the direction of or with consent of Lessee within
ten  (10) days of receipt by Lessee of such notice from Lessor, whereupon Lessor
shall  have  the right to reenter and take possession of the Premises.  Any such
demand,  reentry  and  taking  possession of the Premises by Lessor shall not of
itself constitute an acceptance by Lessor of a surrender of this Lease or of the
Premises  by  Lessee  and  shall  not of itself constitute a termination of this
Lease  by  Lessor.

          (iii)  Lessor, with or without terminating this Lease, may immediately
or  at  any time thereafter reenter the Premises and remove therefrom Lessee and
all  property  belonging  to  or
placed  on  the Premises by, at the direction of or with consent of Lessee.  Any
such  reentry and removal by Lessor shall not of itself constitute an acceptance
by  Lessor  of  a surrender of this Lease or of the Premises by Lessee and shall
not  of  itself  constitute  a  termination  of  this  Lease  by  Lessor.

          (iv)  Lessor,  with or without terminating this Lease, may immediately
or  at  any time thereafter relet the Premises or any part thereof for such time
or  times,  at  such rental or rentals and upon such other terms, provisions and
conditions as Lessor in its sole discretion may deem advisable.  Lessor may make
any alterations or repairs to the Premises which it may deem necessary or proper
to  facilitate such reletting, and Lessee shall pay all reasonable costs of such
reletting,  not  to exceed the total aggregate rent due for the remainder of the
Lease  Term, including, but not limited to, the cost of any such alterations and
repairs  to  the  Premises,  attorney's fees and brokerage commissions.  If this
Lease  shall not have been terminated, Lessee shall continue to pay all rent and
all other charges due under this Lease up to and including the date of beginning
of  payment of rent by any subsequent tenant of part or all of the Premises, and
thereafter  Lessee  shall  pay  monthly during the remainder of the term of this
Lease  the difference, if any, between the rent and other charges collected from
any such subsequent tenant or tenants and the rent and other charges reserved in
this  Lease,  but Lessee shall not be entitled to receive any excess of any such
rents  collected  from such subsequent tenant or tenants over the rents reserved

          (v)  Lessor may immediately, or at any time thereafter, terminate this
Lease,  and  this  Lease shall be deemed to have been terminated upon receipt by
Lessee  of  written  notice  of such termination.  Upon such termination, Lessor
shall  recover from Lessee all reasonable damages Lessor may suffer by reason of
such  termination  including,  without  limitation: unamortized sums expended by
Lessor  for  construction  of  Finish  Work;  all  arrearages in rentals, costs,
charges,  additional rentals and reimbursements; the cost (including court costs
and  attorney's fees) of recovering  possession of the Premises; and the cost of
any  alteration  of  or  repair  to  the  Premises

which  is  necessary  or proper to prepare the same for reletting.   In addition
thereto,  Lessor  shall  have  and  recover  from  Lessee an amount equal to the
excess, if any, of the total amount of all rents and other charges to be paid by
Lessee  for  the  remainder  of  the term of this Lease over the then reasonable
rental  value  of the Premises for the remainder of the term of this Lease which
amount  shall  be  discounted  to  present  value.

     (c)  If  Lessor  reenters the Premises or terminates this Lease pursuant to
any of the provisions of this Lease, Lessee hereby waives all claims for damages
which  may be caused by such reentry or termination by Lessor.  Lessee shall and
does  hereby  indemnify and hold Lessor harmless from any loss, costs (including
court costs and attorney's fees) or damages suffered by Lessor by reason of such
reentry  or  termination.  No such reentry or termination shall be considered or
construed  to  be  a  forcible  entry.

     (d)  No course of dealing between Lessor and Lessee or any failure or delay
on  the  part of Lessor in exercising any rights of Lessor under this Section or
under any other provisions of this Lease shall operate as a waiver of any rights
of  Lessor  hereunder or under any other provisions of this Lease, nor shall any
waiver  of  a  default  on  one  occasion  operate as a waiver of any subsequent
default  or of any other default.  No express waiver shall affect any condition,
covenant,  rule  or  regulation  other than the one specified in such waiver and
that  one  only  for  the  time  and  in  the  manner  specifically  stated.

     (e)  The  exercise  by Lessor of any one or more of the rights and remedies
provided  in  this  Lease shall not prevent the subsequent exercise by Lessor of
any  one  or  more  of  the  other  rights
and  remedies  herein  provided.  All  remedies  provided  for in this Lease are
cumulative  and  may,  at  the  election  of Lessor, be exercised alternatively,
successively  or  in  any  other  manner and are in addition to any other rights
provided  for  or  allowed  by  law  or  in  equity.

SECTION  11.2.  LATE  PAYMENTS.  Lessee shall pay, as a late charge in the event
any  installment  of  rent, additional rent or other charge to be paid by Lessee
hereunder  is not paid within ten (10) days of the date when due, the greater of
$100.00  or  an  amount  equal  to  five percent (5%) of the amount due.  Should
Lessee  make  a  partial payment of past due amounts, the amount of such partial
payment  shall  be  applied first to reduce all accrued and unpaid late charges,
beginning  with  the  late charge which is most past due, and then to reduce all
other  past  due  amounts,  beginning  with  the  amount which is most past due.

SECTION  11.3.  ATTORNEY'S  FEES.  If  any rent or other debt owing by Lessee to
Lessor hereunder is collected by or through an attorney-at-law, Lessee agrees to
pay  an  additional  amount equal to the attorneys' fees and expenses reasonably
and  actually  incurred by Lessor in collecting such rent or other debt owing by
Lessee  to  Lessor.

SECTION  11.4.  WAIVER  OF  HOMESTEAD.  Lessee  hereby  waives and renounces all
homestead  or  exemption  rights which Lessee may have under or by virtue of the
Constitution  and  laws of the United States, the State of Georgia and any other
State  as  against  any  debt  or sum Lessee may owe Lessor under this Lease and
hereby  transfers,  conveys  and  assigns  to  Lessor all homestead or exemption
rights  which  may  be allowed or set  apart to Lessee, including such as may be
set  apart  in any bankruptcy proceeding, to pay any debt or sum owing by Lessee
to  Lessor  hereunder.

                                   ARTICLE XII

                            INSOLVENCY OR BANKRUPTCY

SECTION  12.1.  The  appointment  of  a  receiver  to  take possession of all or
substantially  all  of  the  assets of Lessee or an assignment of Lessee for the
benefit  of  creditors,  or  any  action  taken  or suffered by Lessee under any
insolvency,  bankruptcy  or  reorganization  act  shall,  at  Lessor's  option,
constitute a material breach of this Lease by Lessee.  Upon the happening of any
such  event  or at any time thereafter, this Lease shall terminate five (5) days
after  written  notice  of termination from Lessor to Lessee.  In no event shall
this  Lease  be  assigned  or  assignable by operation of law or by voluntary or
involuntary bankruptcy proceedings or otherwise and in no event shall this Lease
or  any  rights  or  privileges  hereunder  be  an  asset  of  Lessee  under any
bankruptcy,  insolvency  or  reorganization  proceedings.

                                  ARTICLE XIII

                               NO WAIVER OF RIGHTS

SECTION  13.1.  No failure or delay of Lessor or Lessee to exercise any right or
power  given  it  herein  or to insist upon strict compliance by the other party
with  any  obligation  imposed  on it herein and no custom or practice of either
party  hereto  at  variance  with any term hereof shall constitute a waiver or a
modification  of the terms hereof by Lessor or Lessee or any right it has herein
to demand strict compliance with the terms hereof by the other party.  No person
has or shall have any authority to waive any provision of this Lease unless such
waiver  is  expressly
made  in  writing and signed by the waiving party or by an authorized officer or
agent  of  the  waiving  party.

                                   ARTICLE XIV

                              BROKER AND COMMISSION

SECTION 14.1.  All negotiations relating to the procurement of this Lease and of
the  Premises  have been carried on by and between Lessor and Lessee without the
intervention of any broker, agent or other intermediary.  Lessor and Lessee each
represent and warrant to the other that there are and there will be no broker's,
agent's  or other intermediary's fees or commissions payable as a result of this
transaction,  and  that  they  have  not  dealt  with any broker, agent or other
intermediary  who  might,  because  of  such  dealings,  have a claim for a fee,
commission  or  other  compensation.  Lessor  hereby  agrees  to indemnify, hold
harmless,  defend  and  protect  Lessee  from  and  against  any and all claims,
demands, damages, lawsuits and costs incurred because of claims for commissions,
compensation, expense or charge of whatever nature by any broker, agent or other
intermediary,  based  upon  any  dealing  with  Lessor.  Lessee hereby agrees to
indemnify,  hold  harmless,  defend  and protect Lessor from and against any and
all  claims, demands, damages, lawsuits and costs incurred because of claims for
commissions,  compensation,  expense or charge of whatever nature by any broker,
agent  or  other  intermediary  based  upon  any  dealing  with  Lessee.

                                   ARTICLE XV

                              ADDRESSES AND NOTICES

SECTION 15.1.   NOTICES.  All notices, requests, demands or other communications
required  or  permitted  to  be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be
addressed  and delivered by hand or by certified mail, return receipt requested,
or  by  commercial  overnight courier, by hand delivery by reputable courier, to
each  party  at the addresses set forth below.  Any such notice, request, demand
or  other  communication shall be considered given or delivered, as the case may
be,  on  the date of receipt.  Rejection or other refusal to accept or inability
to deliver because of changed address of which proper notice was not given shall
be  deemed  to be receipt of the notice, request, demand or other communication.
By  giving  prior written notice thereof, any party may from time to time and at
any  time  change  its  address  for  notices  hereunder.  Legal counsel for the
respective parties may send to the other party any notices, requests, demands or
other  communications required or permitted to be given hereunder by such party.

               Lessor's  Addresses  for  Notices:

               M.  Rea  Brookings
               1285  Iris  Lake  Road
               McDonough,  Georgia  30252

               David  F.  Herring
               707  Lexington  Avenue
               Jonesboro,  Georgia  30236

               With  copy  to:

               Frank  L.  Wilson,  III
               Wilson  Brock  &  Irby,  LLC
               Suite  700,  Overlook  I
               2849  Paces  Ferry  Road
               Atlanta,  GA  30339

               Lessee's  Address  for  Notices:

               Chancellor  Asset  Management,  Inc.
               c/o  Chancellor  Corporation
               210  South  Street,  10th  Floor
               Boston,  MA  02111
               Attention:  Peter  J.  Mullen,  Clerk

               With  copy  to:

               Victor  J.  Paci,  Esq.
               Bingham  Dana,  LLP
               150  Federal  Street
               Boston,  MA  02110

                                   ARTICLE XVI



     (a)  Except  as  provided  in subsection (c) below with respect to mortgage
subordination,  this  Lease  and all rights of Lessee hereunder are and shall be
subject  and subordinate to the lien of each mortgage, deed to secure debt, deed
of trust or other instrument in the nature thereof which may now affect Lessor's
fee  title to the Premises and to any other instrument encumbering the fee title
of  the  Premises and to any modifications, renewals, consolidations, extensions
or  replacements  thereof  that  this  Lease shall not be terminated by any such
holder  of  a  security  instrument  or  by  operation  of  law.

     (b)  In  confirmation  of  the  subordination  pursuant  to subsection (a),
Lessee  shall,  upon  demand  and at any time or times, execute, acknowledge and
deliver  to Lessor or the holder of any such mortgage, deed to secure debt, deed
of  trust or other instrument, without expense, any and all instruments that may
be  requested  by  Lessor  or  such holder to evidence the subordination of this
Lease  and all rights hereunder to the lien of any such mortgage, deed to secure
debt,  deed  of  trust or other instrument, and each such renewal, modification,
consolidation,  replacement  and extension thereof.  If Lessee shall fail at any
time,  within  ten (10) days following the giving of a written request therefor,
to  execute, acknowledge and deliver any such instrument, Lessor or such holder,
in  addition  to  any other remedies available to it in consequence thereof, may
execute,  acknowledge and deliver the same as the attorney-in-fact of Lessee and
in  Lessee's  name,  place  and  stead,  and  Lessee  hereby  irrevocably makes,
constitutes  and appoints Lessor or such holder, and their respective successors
and  assigns,  such  attorney-in-fact  for  that  purpose.

     (c)  Lessee  shall,  upon  demand  and  at  any  time  or  times,  execute,
acknowledge  and  deliver  to  Lessor  or to the holder of any mortgage, deed to
secure  debt, deed of trust or other instrument affecting or encumbering the fee
title  of  the  Premises,  without  expense, any and all instruments that may be
necessary  to make this Lease superior to the lien of any such mortgage, deed to
secure  debt, deed of trust or other instrument, and each renewal, modification,
consolidation,  replacement  and extension thereof.  If Lessee shall fail at any
time,  within  ten (10) days following the giving of a written request therefor,
to  execute, acknowledge and deliver any such instrument, Lessor or such holder,
in  addition  to  any other remedies available to it in consequence thereof, may
execute,  acknowledge and deliver the same as the attorney-in-fact of Lessee and
in  Lessee's  name,  place  and  stead,  and  Lessee  hereby  irrevocably makes,
constitutes  and appoints Lessor or such holder, and their respective successors
and  assigns,  such  attorney-in-fact  for  that  purpose.

SECTION  16.2.  ATTORNMENT.  If the holder of any mortgage, deed to secure debt,
deed  of trust or other instrument affecting or encumbering the fee title of the
Premises  shall  hereafter  succeed  to the rights of Lessor under this Lease or
the  lessor under the Lease, whether through possession or foreclosure action or
otherwise,  Lessee  shall, at the option of such holder, attorn to and recognize
such  successor as Lessee's landlord under this Lease and shall promptly execute
and  deliver  any  instrument that may be necessary to evidence such attornment.
Lessee hereby irrevocably appoints Lessor or such holder the attorney-in-fact of
Lessee  to execute and deliver such instrument on behalf of Lessee should Lessee
refuse  and fail to do so within ten (10) days after Lessor or such holder shall
have  given  notice  to  Lessee  requesting  the  execution and delivery of such
instrument.  Upon  such  attornment, this Lease shall continue in full force and
effect  as a direct Lease between such successor landlord and Lessee, subject to
all  of  the  terms  conditions  of  this  Lease.

                                  ARTICLE XVII

                              ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE

SECTION  17.1.  At  any  time and from time to time, Lessee, within fifteen (15)
days  after  written request, shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to Lessor a
certificate  evidencing  whether  or  not  (i)  this  Lease is in full force and
effect; (ii) this Lease has been modified or amended in any way; (iii) there are
any existing defaults on the part of Lessor hereunder to the knowledge of Lessee
and specifying the nature of such defaults, if any; (iv) the date to which rent,
and  other  amounts  due  hereunder,  if  any, have been paid; and (v) any other
information  reasonably  requested  by  Lessor  for  inclusion  therein.  Each
certificate  delivered  pursuant  to  this  Section  may  be  relied upon by any
prospective  purchaser  or  transferee  of Lessor's interest hereunder or of any
part  of Lessor's property or by any mortgagee of Lessor's interest hereunder or
of  any  part  of  Lessor's  property  or  by an assignee of any such mortgagee.

                                  ARTICLE XVIII

                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

SECTION  18.1.  SEVERABILITY.  If during the term of this Lease or any extension
hereof  any  clause or provision of this Lease is or becomes illegal, invalid or
unenforceable because of present or future laws or any rule or regulation of any
governmental  body  or  entity,  the intention of the parties hereto is that the
remaining  parts  of  this  Lease  shall  not  be  affected thereby, unless such
invalidity  is,  in the sole determination of Lessor, essential to the rights of
both  parties,  in  which  event Lessor has the right to terminate this Lease on
written  notice  to  Lessee.

SECTION  18.2.  CAPTIONS.  All  captions,  headings,  articles,  sections,
subsections  and  other  reference  captions  are  solely  for  the  purpose  of
facilitating  reference  to  this  Agreement  and shall not supplement, limit or
otherwise  vary  the  text  of  this  Lease  in  any respect.  All references to
particular sections, paragraphs and subparagraphs by number refer to the text of
the  section,  paragraph  and  subparagraph  so  numbered  in  this  Agreement.

SECTION  18.3.  SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.  The words "Lessor" and "Lessee" as used
herein  shall  include  the  respective  contracting  party, whether singular or
plural,  and  whether  an  individual,  masculine or feminine, or a partnership,
joint  venture,  business  association  or  corporation.  The provisions of this
Lease  shall  inure  to the benefit of and be binding upon Lessor and Lessee and
their respective successors, heirs, legal representatives and permitted assigns.

SECTION  18.4.  GEORGIA  LAW.  The laws of the State of Georgia shall govern the
interpretation,  validity,  performance  and  enforcement  of  this  Lease.

SECTION  18.5.  TIME  OF  THE  ESSENCE.  Time  is  of the essence of this Lease;
provided,  however,  that  failure  of  Lessor  to  provide  Lessee  with  any
notification  regarding  charges provided for hereunder, within the time periods
prescribed  in  this  Lease,  shall not relieve Lessee of its obligation to make
such  contributions.  Unless  specifically provided otherwise, all references to
terms  of  days,  months  or  years shall be construed as references to calendar
days,  calendar  months  or  calendar  years  respectively.

SECTION  18.6.  COUNTERPARTS.  This  Lease  may  be  executed  in  any number of
counterparts,  each  of which shall be deemed an original and any of which shall
be  deemed  to be complete in itself and may be introduced into evidence or used
for  any  purpose  without  the  production  of  the  other  counterparts.

SECTION  18.7.  FORCE  MAJEURE.  Except  as otherwise expressly provided in this
Lease  Agreement,  Lessor shall be excused for the period of any delay and shall
not  be  deemed  to  be in default with respect to the performance of any of the
terms conditions of this Lease when prevented from so doing by a cause or causes
beyond  Lessor's  control,  which  shall  include, without limitation, all labor
disputes,  governmental  regulations  or  controls,  fire  or  other  casualty,
inability to obtain any material or services, acts of God or any other cause not
within  the  reasonable  control  of  the  Lessor.

SECTION  18.8.  AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY.  If Lessee signs as a corporation, each of
the persons (of which there must be at least two) executing this Lease on behalf
of  Lessee does hereby warrant and covenant that Lessee is a duly authorized and
existing  corporation,  that  Lessee  has  and  is  qualified  to do business in
Georgia,  that  the  corporation has full right and authority to enter into this
Lease,  that  each and both of the persons executing this Lease on behalf of the
corporation are authorized to do so, and that such execution is fully binding on
the  corporation.

SECTION  18.9.  NO  RECORDATION OF LEASE.  This Lease is not in recordable form,
and Lessee agrees not to record or permit the recording of this Lease; provided,
however, that Lessee shall be entitled to record a Memorandum of Lease in a form
approved  by  Lessor,  such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

SECTION  18.10.  ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.  This Lease supersedes all prior discussions
and  agreements  between  Lessor  and  Lessee  with  respect to the Lease of the
Premises.  This  Lease  contains the sole and entire understanding and agreement
between  Lessor  and  Lessee  with respect to the Lease of the Premises, and all
promises,  inducements,  offers,  solicitations, agreements, representations and
warranties heretofore made between the parties, if any, whether written or oral,
are  merged  into this Lease and shall have no binding legal effect.  This Lease
shall  not  be  modified  or amended in any respect except by written instrument
executed  by  or on behalf of Lessor and Lessee in the same manner as this Lease
is  executed.

SECTION  18.11.  EXHIBITS.  The  content  of  each  and  every  exhibit which is
referenced  in  this  Lease  as  being attached hereto is incorporated into this
Lease  as  fully  as  if  set  forth  in  the  body  hereof.

[Remainder  of  Page  Intentionally  Blank/Signatures  on  Following  Page]

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have signed and sealed this Lease
Agreement  as  of  the  Date  of  this  Lease.


                              /s/  M.  Rea  Brookings (SEAL)
                              M.  REA  BROOKINGS

                              /s/  David  F.  Herring (SEAL)
                              DAVID  F.  HERRING

                              LESSEE:CHANCELLOR ASSET 
                              MANAGEMENT, INC., a
                              Delaware  corporation

                              By: /s/  Franklyn E. Churchill
                              Title:   President

                                           [CORPORATE  SEAL]

                                    EXHIBIT A

                        (Legal Description for Premises)