Gilbert Bergsman Eichler Bergsman & Co., LLP Paul Eichler Certified Public Accountants Michael E. Silverman 404 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10016 Tel 212-447-9001 Fax 212-447-9006 March 12,2002 UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANCE COMMISSION 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20549 Attn: Filings Re: In the matter of eSAFFTYWORLD, Inc, (HO-09343) Gentlemen: This will confirm that the comments in our letter dated February 27, 2002 to the United States Securities and Exchange Conunission which refer to a draft copy of Form 8-K for the above company should also be deemed to apply to the filed Form 8-K. Sincerely yours, /s/Eichler Bergsman & Co., LLP Eichler Bergsman & Co., LLP Certified Public Accountants cc: Lester Greenberg, Esq. Richard Goldberg, Esq.