Continuation Sheet

                            DIALS, KNOBS AND P0INTERS


          1. CONTRACT AWARD:

     a.  This  contract   constitutes   the   Government's   acceptance  of  the
Contractor's offer, and incorporates ELECTRONIC HARDWARE CORPORATION'S technical
and business  proposals and all written revisions thereto including the best and
final offer dated May 18, 1999, and any subsequent  revisions  under Request for
Proposal  SP0500-98-R-0037,  as revised by  Amendments  001 through  0003.  This
contract is an indefinite quantity indefinite delivery type contract under which
the  Electronic  Hardware  Corporation  (EHC)  shall  provide  Dials,  Knobs and
Pointers that are required by military and other federal customers in and out of
the continental United States including sales to foreign military (FMS).

     b.  Performance  under this contract shall be governed by the terms
and  conditions of  SP0500-98-R-  0037, the Statement  of Work  (SOW),  and also
those  terms and conditions  negotiated  prior  to  award  which  were accepted
by both the Contractor and the Government.


         a.       This contact will  continue for one base year (twelve  months)
                  with four one year option periods. The Government reserves the
                  right to  exercise,  at a later date one or more of the option
                  years.  Acceptance  of  these  options  by the  contractor  is

         b.       For the base year of the contract  the  ordering  period shall
                  commence  on the date of award  and  shall  continue for one
                  calender year thereafter. If and when any option is exercised,
                  the ordering  period for the option year shall commence on
                  the day following  the last day of the preceding  contract
                  period and shall continue for one calender year thereafter.

         c.       The dollar value  Comprising  the  Guaranteed  Minimum for the
                  base year of this  contract is $  100,000.00.  The  Guaranteed
                  Minium will be $50,000.00 for each of the four option years.

           3.       COVERED PRODUCTS:

               a.  ELECTRONIC  HARDWARE  CORPORATION  will supply one hundred
               percent (100%) of all items in Federal Stock Class (FSC) 5355 and
               any other items listed in the solicitation or agreed to during

                b. As  negotiated,  DISC may add or delete items covered by this
                contract  on an "as  needed"  basis  during  any  term  of  this
                contract,  base  year  or  option  year  period,  subsequent  to
                contract award.

                4.       ORDERING ACTIVITIES:

               Ordering Activities.  The Defense Industrial Supply Center (DISC)
  (which will be known as the Defense  Supply Center  Philadelphia  (DSCP) after
  July 2, 1999) is the sole ordering activity for initial implementation of this
  contract.  During any term of this contract ( base year or option years), DISC
  may add or delete customer ordering activities.  For ordering activities added
  to the contract after award, ordering points, receiving points, the listing of
  personnel  and the extent of their  authorization  to access the  contractor's
  on-line catalog, will be incorporated into the contract by modification  which
  will add the activities to the contract.

             5.       DELIVERY ORDER LIMITATIONS:

                  a.  Minimum Order Value: There is no minimum ordering value
                  per shipment.

                  b.  Minimum Order Quantity: There shall be no minimum ordering
                  quantity under this contract.


               On-line Catalog Prices. As prescribed by the SOW, prices cited in
  the  contractor's  on-line  price and product  catalogue  shall  represent the
  delivered  price for each  product, a price which will  consist of the product
  price (material cost plus the adder) plus the DISC  administrative  fee. As of
  the date of  award,  the DISC  administrative  fee will be ten and two  tenths
  percent (10.2%). The DISC administrative fee may be modified at any time after
  award through a contract modification.

             7.       DELIVERY:

             a.   Place or Delivery: Supplies ordered under this contract shall
be delivered f.o.b. destination to the point specified by the ordering activity.
All shipments points, including FMS, will be f.o.b. continental USA, excluding

               b. Delivery as follows:
                  Type of item                                    Delivery

                  All Emergency Requirements                      24Hours

                  EHC Manufactured Catalog Items                  30Days
                  EHC Manufactured Non-Catalog Items              60Days

                  3rd Party Manufactured Catalog Items             3Days
                  3rd Party Manufactured Non Catalog Items        90Days

    Delivery shall be made to the receiving point designated in the order within
    the number of hours or days after  date of order as  specified  by the above
    delivery schedule and the order document.

         c.  Exceptions to b. above.  With the Contractor's concurrence, the
             DISC customer may specify deliveries outside the schedule as
             defined in b. above.  However, such alternate deliveries shall
             apply only to the order in which the alternate delivery is
             specified, and will not constitute a "change" to the delivery
             requirements for this contract or any other orders.

         d.  Special Note:   The foregoing delivery provisions also apply to
             items to be delivered to ordering activities added to this
             contract after the award date, unless alternate delivery
             provisions are negotiated between the parties.

         8. PHASE IN:
         a.       Sixty (60) Day Implementation Period.  The first sixty days
                  following the date of the contract shall be considered the
                  implementation period.  During the sixty day implementation
                  period, the performance requirements, as they relate to the
                  time of delivery, shall not apply.

          b. The following specifics have been negotiated by the parties
          to this contract and shall commence on the date of award of the

1. EHC will be able to supply one hundred percent (100%) of all items covered by
   FSC 5355
2. DISC will provide EHC with an inventory base line report of all FSC 5355
   items currently in government inventory.
3. DISC will continue to draw and ship from existing inventory to support any
   requirements for which government stock is available.
4. At the time of award EHC will be expected to supply all FSE 5355 requirements
   not available to DISC from government inventory.
5. DISC will advise EHC when stock in an item falls below the DISC re-order
   point at which time EHC will be expected to supply this item within the
   delivery requirements set by this contract.
6. DISC will provide access to non-proprietary government drawings for FSC 5355,
   upon request, for inspection purposes only.
7. DISC will not buy back any inventory from EHC in case of a contract
   termination for cause or for convenience or upon completion of this contract.
8. Should this contract be terminated for cause or for convenience, and assuming
   that EHC. Is eligible to receive a government contract, EHC will be solicited
   like any other supplier for FSC 5355 items.

                                       9. CONTRACT UNIT PRICE:

                  a.       The unit prices  submitted  for the Market  Basket of
                           items  cited in the  business  proposal  shall be the
                           effective  prices for orders of those items as of the
                           date of this contract.
                  b. Identity and historical annual demand for all items covered
         by this contract have been furnished to Electronic Hardware Corporation
         on diskettes  that were  included with the  solicitation  and amendment
         0002 dated Aug. 28, 1998. The contractor  shall submit prices for these
         items within thirty (30) days of the date of contract  award.  Each new
         item price will be reviewed  approved or disapproved by the contracting

                  c. The parties to this contract have  negotiated the following
         pricing structure: the product price as defined in the solicitation has
         been  divided in two  components - "Material  Costs" and  "adder".  The
         material cost for items that Electronic  Hardware  Corporation does not
         manufacture  will be the invoice price it pays for those items. For the
         items  that  Electronic  Hardware  Corporation  does  manufacture,  the
         material cost will include the cost to manufacture the items.  The cost
         to ware house pick, pack,  inspect,  and ship supplies will be included
         in the adder.  The adder will also  include  the profit and the cost of
         money for the warehousing and shipping  operations.  Material cost will
         be based upon  current  1999 quoted  item prices for the most  economic

                    d. For each order,  the product  price will be determined by
  adding the "Adder" (a percentage of the material  cost) to the material  cost.
  The Adder will have the following values:

                    TYPE OF ITEM                              PERCENTAGE VALUE

                    Catalog Items                                      66%
                    Non-catalog Items                                  59%

           c. The price for each item is influenced by commercial  market forces
  such as supply and demand and competition among suppliers, and may, therefore,
  fluctuate.  Accordingly,  each product  price may be increased or decreased if
  such adjustment is appropriate. Price change requests must be submitted to the
  Contracting  Officer  or his  or her  representative.  Product  prices  may be
  adjusted no more than once a month.  Upon  request,  the Vendor shall  furnish
  data to the Government,  as requested by the Contracting  Officer,  to support
  price changes and to confirm that the contract unit prices under this contract
  are fair and  reasonable.  The  contracting  officer  will review this data to
  confirm the prices are based on the catalog or market  prices which the Vendor
  pays to its suppliers,  or represent actual  manufacturing costs if the Vendor
  is the  manufacturer.  This supporting  documentation  shall be in the form of
  product  price  invoices and unit prices  charged to the  Vendor's  commercial
  business as well as any other  information  as  requested  by the  Contracting
  Officer.  If  necessary,   DISC  will  assist  Electronic  Hardware  in  price
  negotiations with its suppliers.

                    F.     The  contractor  warrants  that  the unit  prices  in
                           effect at time of delivery  order  placement  will be
                           honored  and  will  not  include  any  allowance  for
                           possible future increases in the price.  Billing will
                           be based on the  applicable  price in  effect  at the
                           time of order  in lieu of the  receipt  date.  Should
                           price   verifications   reveal   any   instances   of
                           overpricing,   the   contractor   further  agrees  to
                           promptly reimburse the government for that amount.

                    g. The Vendor's  price to the  government  shall reflect any
                "reduced  price  specials"  or  "sales"  for  items  under  this
                contract that it received from its suppliers. Vendor shall offer
                the  government the same  discounts,  rebates and quantity price
                breaks that it offers its commercial customers

                    h.  The requirement of this clause shall also apply to new
                items added to the contract after contract award.

    10. PAYMENT:
           a.       Electronic Invoicing.  As provided in the solicitation, the
           contractor shall submit electronic invoices to the following payment

                          DFAS COLUMBUS CENTER (S36054)
                                ATTN: DFAS-CO-SEF
                                  PO BOX 192317
                             COLUMBUS, OH 43218-6238

with an electronic copy being sent to:

                              DEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER
                                 700 ROBBINS AVE
                           PHILADELPHIA, PA 19111-5096

The prices included in the invoice shall be "product  prices" only as defined on
page 43 of the  solicitation  and in  paragraph 9 above,  exclusive  of the DISC
Administrative  fee.  Invoices  shall be submitted in accordance  with ANSI X 12
standards, 810 Transaction Set, and shall be submitted through a VAN. Contractor
shall  have an EDI  Trading  Partnership  with DFAS prior to  submission  of any
invoices under this contract. The complete delivery order designation consisting
of the 17  alpha/numeric  characters  shall be cited on each invoice.  (Example:

NOTE: Until such time as electronic invoicing is feasible, the contractor shall
use standard paper invoicing procedures.

b. Payment terms are 1%-20 days Net 30 days.
c. The contractor shall be paid for each item ordered, delivered, and accepted
by the ordering activity during the term of the

d. Unless a delivery order specifies otherwise, fast payment procedure shall
apply. See Clause "52 212-4(i)", as amended on
page 8 of the solicitation.


               a.  Contract  administration  of all  provisions  of the contract
               remains  the  responsibility  of the  Defense  Industrial  supply
               Center,  which  will  be  known  as  the  Defense  Supply  Center
               Philadelphia after July 2, 1999.

               b.  Support administration, when necessary shall be preformed by:

                            DCMC LONG ISLAND (S3309A)
                                 605 STEWART AVE
                          GARDEN CITY, N.Y. 11530-4761

         (MAY 1996) DISC  52.216-9125,  as found on pages  16-18 of Request  For
         Quotations SP0500-98-R-0037, is hereby deleted during all terms of this

b        The first ten hours of any yearly surge test will be provided free of
         charge; any additional hours will be provided at the rate of $94.00 per

c.       Roll-Our Plan.  The contractor / vendor shall successfully deploy a
         fully operational on-line Electronic Order Entry system within ninety
         (90) days of the date of the contract award.

d.       Subparagraph  (a)(2).  which  describes  option  prices,  in the clause
         as found on page 20 of  Request  For  Quotations  SP0500-98-R-0037,  is
         hereby deleted from this contract.