EXHIBIT 99.1 Faro Technologies Inc. Exhibit 99.1 - List of Properties CORPORATE HQ - FLORIDA DETROIT TECH CENTER 125 Technology Park Megellan Technology Center Lake Mary Suite 100 Florida 32746-6204 46998 Megellan Drive Wixom, MI 48393 Telephone: 407 333 9911 Telephone: 888 258 9338 Telephone: 248 669 8620 Facsimile: 407 333 4181 Telephone: 888 569 6890 Facsimile: 248 669 8656 FARO FRANCE SALES OFFICE FARO UK SALES OFFICE FARO EUROPE HQ 46, avenue des Freres Lumiere The Techno Centre Ingersheimerstr .12 78190 Trappes Conventry University Technology Park D-70499 Stuttgart-Weilimdorf France Puma Way, Coventry, CV1 2TT Germany United Kingdom Telephone: 011 33 1 3016 0600 Telephone: 011 44 24 7623 6151 Telephone: 011 49 1711 22 22435 Facsimile: 011 33 1 3016 0606 Facsimile: 011 44 24 7623 6150 Facsimile: 011 49 1711 22 22444 MUNICH SALES OFFICE PEINE SALES OFFICE PORTUGAL SALES AND R&D OFFICE Fraunhoferstr 18a, 2 Stock Woltorferstr. 76A Rva das Leirinhas n 48, Aradas Martinsried, 82152 Peine, 31224 Aveiro, 3810 Germany Germany Portugal Telephone: 011 49 8989 556 20 Telephone: 011 49 5171 4882 30 Telephone: 011 35 1034 3711 41 Facsmile: 011 49 8989 5562 22 Facsmile: 011 49 5171 4882 32 Facsmilie: 011 35 1034 3711 43 GLADBECK SALES OFFICE Am Wiesenbusch 2 Gladbeck, 45966 Germany Telephone: 011 49 2043 9443 87 Facsimile: 011 49 2043 9443 95