AMENDMENT TO BYLAWS OF
                              TECH DATA CORPORATION

         The Bylaws of TECH DATA CORPORATION are amended pursuant to resolution
of the Board of Directors adopted on April 5, 2000, as follows:

         1.       Section D of Article V of the Bylaws is amended and replaced
in its entirety, as follows:

                  "Section D: AUDIT COMMITTEE: The Board of Directors shall
         appoint from its members an Audit Committee (the "Committee") of three
         or more independent directors, as defined in the Audit Committee
         Charter (the "Charter") and as independence is determined by the Board.
         The Committee shall designate one of such members with the
         qualifications described in the Charter as the Chairman of the
         Committee, and may designate one or more qualified directors as
         alternate members of the Committee, who may replace any absent or
         disqualified member at any meeting of the Committee. The Committee
         shall meet in accordance with the Bylaws but at least twice annually,
         or more frequently as circumstances dictate. The Committee will meet at
         least annually with management, the Director of Internal Audit
         Services, and the independent public accountants, to discuss any
         matters the Committee or each of these groups believes should be
         discussed. At least annually, the Committee will review and reassess
         the adequacy of the Charter."