

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                LEASE AGREEMENT

                           dated  September 7, 2000


                        INVESTORS ASSET HOLDING CORP.,
                               as owner trustee

                                    - and -

                       AEROVIAS de MEXICO, S.A. de C.V.

                                - relating to -
                        Boeing/McDonnell Douglas MD-82
                        Manufacturer's Serial No: 49150
                        U.S. Registration No.: N491SH

                           Steel Hector & Davis LLP
                           200 S. Biscayne Boulevard
                           Miami, Florida 33131-2398


                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Clause                                                            Page
1.    DEFINITIONS and INTERPRETATION............................     1
1.1   Definitions...............................................     1
1.2   Interpretation............................................    13

2.    REPRESENTATIONS and WARRANTIES............................    14
2.1.  Lessee's Representations and Warranties...................    14
2.2.  Lessee's Further Representations and Warranties...........    15
2.3.  Repetition................................................    17
2.4.  Trustee's Representations and Warranties..................    17
2.5.  Lessor's Representations and Warranties...................    17
2.6.  Repetition................................................    18

3.    CONDITIONS PRECEDENT......................................    18
3.1.  Lessor's Documentary Conditions Precedent.................    18
3.2.  Lessor's Other Conditions Precedent.......................    20
3.3.  Lessor's Waiver...........................................    20
3.4.  Lessee's Conditions Precedent.............................    20

4.    COMMENCEMENT..............................................    21
4.1.  Leasing...................................................    21
4.2.  Delivery..................................................    21
4.3.  Delivery Inspection.......................................    22
4.4.  Acceptance and Risk.......................................    22

5.    PAYMENTS..................................................    22
5.1.  Rental Periods............................................    22
5.2.  Basic Rent................................................    23
5.3.  Extension Option..........................................    23
5.4.  Payments..................................................    23
5.5.  Gross-up..................................................    23
5.6.  Taxation..................................................    24
5.7.  Information...............................................    25
5.8.  Taxation of Indemnity Payments............................    26
5.9.  Default Interest..........................................    27
5.10. Contest...................................................    27
5.11. Verification..............................................    29
5.12. Forms.....................................................    30


5.13. Absolute..................................................    30
5.14. Deposit...................................................    31

6.    MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTIES.................................    32
6.1.  Assignment................................................    32
6.2.  Proceeds..................................................    32
6.3.  Parts.....................................................    33
6.4.  Agreement.................................................    33

7.    LESSOR'S COVENANTS and DISCLAIMERS........................    33
7.1.  Quiet Enjoyment...........................................    33
7.2.  Registration and Filings..................................    33
7.3.  Exclusion.................................................    34
7.4.  Lessee's Waiver...........................................    34
7.5.  Adverse Tax Change........................................    35
7.6.  Lessee's Confirmation.....................................    35
7.7.  Lessor Contribution.......................................    35

8.    LESSEE'S COVENANTS........................................    35
8.1.  Duration..................................................    35
8.2.  Information...............................................    36
8.3.  Lawful and Safe Operation.................................    37
8.4.  Taxes and Other Charges...................................    39
8.5.  Sub-Leasing...............................................    40
8.6.  Inspection................................................    42
8.7.  Protection of Title.......................................    42
8.8.  General...................................................    44
8.9.  Records...................................................    45
8.10. Registration and Filings..................................    45
8.11. Maintenance and Repair....................................    46
8.12. Removal of Engines and Parts..............................    48
8.13. Installation of Engines and Parts.........................    48
8.14. Non-Installed Engines and Parts...........................    50
8.15. Pooling of Engines and Parts..............................    50
8.16. Equipment Changes.........................................    51
8.17. Title to Parts............................................    52
8.18. Third Parties.............................................    52

9.    INSURANCE.................................................    52
9.1.  Insurances................................................    52
9.2.  Requirements..............................................    53


9.3.  Insurance Covenants.......................................    53
9.4.  Failure to Insure.........................................    55
9.5.  Continuing Indemnity......................................    56
9.6.  Application of Insurance Proceeds.........................    56
9.7.  Additional Insurance......................................    57

10.   INDEMNITY.................................................    57
10.1. General...................................................    57
10.2. Mitigation................................................    58
10.3. Duration..................................................    59

11.   EVENTS OF LOSS............................................    60
11.1. Total Loss................................................    60
11.2. Requisition...............................................    61

12.   RETURN OF AIRCRAFT........................................    62
12.1. Redelivery................................................    62
12.2. Final Checks..............................................    62
12.3. Final Inspection..........................................    64
12.4. Non-Compliance............................................    65
12.5. Export Documentation......................................    65
12.6. Acknowledgment............................................    65

13.   DEFAULT...................................................    66
13.1. Events....................................................    66
13.2. Rights....................................................    70
13.3. Repossession and Removal..................................    70
13.4. Default Payments..........................................    70

14.   ASSIGNMENT and TRANSFER...................................    71
14.1. No Assignment by Lessee...................................    71
14.2. Lessor Assignment.........................................    72
14.3. Grants of Security Interests..............................    74
14.4. Sale and Leaseback by Lessor..............................    75
14.5. Further Acknowledgments...................................    76
14.6. Certain Protections for Lessee's Benefit..................    76

15.   MISCELLANEOUS.............................................    76
15.1. Waivers; Remedies Cumulative..............................    76
15.2. Delegation................................................    77
15.3. Certificates..............................................    77


15.4. Appropriation.............................................    77
15.5. Currency Indemnity........................................    77
15.6. Severability..............................................    78
15.7. Remedy....................................................    78
15.8. Expenses..................................................    78
15.9. Time of Essence...........................................    78
15.10.Notices...................................................    78
15.11.Law and Jurisdiction......................................    79
15.12.Sole and Entire Agreement.................................    81
15.13.Indemnities...............................................    81
15.14.Counterparts..............................................    81
15.15.Confidentiality...........................................    81

SCHEDULE 1 -- TERMINATION VALUE                                     85

SCHEDULE 2 -- DESCRIPTION OF AIRCRAFT                               87

SCHEDULE 3 -- CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE                             89

SCHEDULE 4 -- CONDITION AT DELIVERY                                 93


SCHEDULE 6 -- INSURANCE PROVISIONS                                 103

SCHEDULE 7 -- FORM OF LEGAL OPINION                                109

SCHEDULE 8 -- FORM OF MONTHLY STATUS REPORT                        110


SCHEDULE 9-A  -- FORM OF LETTER OF CREDIT                          115


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

     This LEASE AGREEMENT, dated September 7, 2000 (this "Agreement"), is
between Investors Asset Holding Corp., a Massachusetts corporation, not in its
individual capacity except as set forth in this Agreement but as owner trustee
pursuant to the Trust Agreement (the "Lessor"), and Aerovias de Mexico, S.A. de
C.V., a corporation formed under the laws of Mexico (the "Lessee").


(A)  Aircraft is owned by Lessor and is subject to (1) an Aircraft Chattel
     Mortgage and Security Agreement [49150], dated as of July 21, 2000 (the
     "Senior Mortgage"), between Lessor, as mortgagor, and CL/PK Funding Trust,
     a Delaware business trust (the "Senior Mortgagee"), as mortgagee, and (2) a
     Second Priority Aircraft Chattel Mortgage and Security Agreement [49150],
     dated as of July 21, 2000 (the "Junior Mortgage"), between Lessor, as
     mortgagor, and PK AirFinance S.A., New York Branch, a societe anonyme
     organized and existing under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
     acting through its New York branch (the "Junior Mortgagee"), as mortgagee.

(B)  Lessor and Lessee wish to provide for the leasing of the Aircraft to the
     Lessee upon and subject to the covenants, terms and conditions set out in
     this Agreement.

     In consideration of the foregoing and for other good and valuable
consideration whose receipt and sufficiency Lessor and Lessee hereby
acknowledge, Lessor and Lessee agree as follows:


1.1  Definitions

     In this Agreement the following expressions shall, unless the context
     otherwise requires, have the following respective meanings:

     Affiliate means, in relation to any Person, any other Person controlled
     directly or indirectly by that Person, any other Person that controls
     directly or indirectly that Person or any other Person under common control
     with that Person.  For this purpose "control" of any Person means ownership
     of a majority of the voting power of the Person.

     Agreed Maintenance Performer means the Lessee or any other reputable
     maintenance  organization that is experienced in maintaining aircraft
     and/or engines of the same type as the Aircraft and the Engines, and duly
     certificated by the Aviation Authority.


     Agreed Maintenance Program means the Lessee's current Maintenance Program
     (which includes the adoption of MSG-3) as the same may be amended from time
     to time with the approval of the Aviation Authority.

     Agreed Value means on any date the amount set forth for such date in
     Schedule 9.

     Agreement has the meaning specified in the preamble.

     Aircraft means the aircraft described in Part 1 of Schedule 2 (which term
     includes, where the context admits, a separate reference to all Engines,
     Parts and Aircraft Documents).

     Aircraft Documents means the documents, data and records identified in Part
     2 of Schedule 2 and all additions, renewals, revisions and replacements
     from time to time made in accordance with this Agreement.

     Airframe means the Aircraft, excluding the Engines and the Aircraft

     APU means (i) the auxiliary power unit listed in Schedule 2, (ii) any and
     all Parts, so long as such Parts are incorporated in, installed on or
     attached to such auxiliary power unit or so long as title to such Parts is
     vested in the Lessor in accordance with the terms of Clause 8.17(a) after
     removal from such auxiliary power unit, and (iii) insofar as the same
     belong to Lessor, all substitutions, replacements or renewals from time to
     time made in or to such auxiliary power unit or to any of the Parts
     referred to in clause (ii) above, as required or permitted under this

     Appraisal Procedure means shall mean, with respect to any amount to be
     determined, the amount mutually agreed by Lessor and Lessee or, if Lessor
     and Lessee are unable to agree upon any such amount to be determined, the
     average of the amounts determined by three FAA-approved service centers in
     the continental United States, one such service center appointed by Lessor,
     one by Lessee and one by their appointed service centers, except that if
     any party fails to appoint a service center within thirty (30) days of
     receipt of written notification from the other party that it has named a
     service center, the Manufacturer or Engine Manufacturer (whichever is
     appropriate) shall be deemed appointed.

     Aviation Authority means the FAA or, if the State of Registration ceases to
     be the United States of America, the Person and/or Government Entity which,
     under the laws of the State of Registration, from time to time (a) has
     control or supervision of civil aviation; or (b) has jurisdiction over
     registration, airworthiness or operation of the Aircraft.

     Bankruptcy Laws has the meaning specified in Clause 13.1.


     Basic Rent means all amounts payable pursuant to Clause 5.2.

     Business Day means a day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which banks
     are open for business in Mexico City (D.F.), Mexico, New York, New York,
     and Boston, Massachusetts.

     Certificate of Acceptance means a certificate in the form of Schedule 3 to
     be completed and executed by the Lessee on Delivery.

     Cintra Group Airline means any airline, duly certificated by the aviation
     authority in its jurisdiction of incorporation, owned or controlled by or
     under common control with Cintra, S.A. de C.V., a Mexican corporation, or
     any of its Subsidiaries.

     Claim has the meaning specified in Clause 10.1.

     CPCP has the meaning specified in Clause 12.2.

     Cycle means one take-off and landing of an airframe.

     Damage Notification Threshold means $500,000.

     Default means any Event of Default and any event which with the giving of
     notice, lapse of time, determination of materiality or fulfillment of other
     condition or any combination of the foregoing would constitute an Event of

     Default Rate has the meaning specified in Clause 5.10.

     Delivery means the delivery of the Aircraft to the Lessee in accordance
     with the terms of this Agreement.

     Delivery Date means the date of the Acceptance Certificate.

     Delivery Location means a mutually agreed location in the State of Arizona,
     U.S.A. or any other location mutually agreed by Lessor and Lessee.

     Deposit means the amount, or other security, set forth or specified in
     Schedule 9.

     DGAC means the Direccion General de Aeronautica Civil of the Secretaria de
     Comunicaciones y Transportes of Mexico.

     Dollars and $ means the lawful currency of the United States of America.


     Engine means whether or not installed on the Aircraft:

          (a)  each engine of the manufacture, model and serial number specified
               in Part 1 of Schedule 2, title to which shall belong to the
               Lessor; or

          (b)  any engine which replaces that engine, title to which passes to
               the Lessor in accordance with Clause 8.17(a);

     and in each case includes all modules and Parts from time to time belonging
     to, installed in or appurtenant to that engine but excludes any engine
     replaced in accordance with Clause 8.13(a) title to which has, or should
     have, passed to the Lessee in accordance with Clause 8.17(c) pursuant to
     this Agreement.

     Engine Loss means the occurrence of any of the events referred to in the
     definition of "Total Loss" but with the references therein to "Airframe"
     being construed as references to an Engine.

     Engine Loss Date means the relevant date determined in accordance with the
     definition of "Total Loss Date" as if that definition applied to an Engine

     Engine Manufacturer means the Pratt & Whitney Division of United
     Technologies Corporation.

     Event of Default means an event specified in Clause 13.1.

     Expiry Date means the day preceding the numerically corresponding day
     forty-eight (48) months after the later of the Delivery Date or September
     1, 2000, or, if the extension option has been elected by Lessee pursuant to
     Clause 5.3, sixty (60) months after the later of the Delivery Date or
     September 1, 2000, whichever is appropriate, or if earlier the date on

          (a)  the Aircraft has been redelivered in accordance with this
               Agreement and all outstanding obligations of Lessee have been
               satisfied; or

          (b)  the Lessor receives the Agreed Value following a Total Loss and
               any other amounts then due and owing in accordance with this

     FAA means the United States Federal Aviation Administration of the
     Department of Transportation or any Person or Government Entity succeeding
     to the functions thereof.


     FAR means the Federal Aviation Regulations for the time being in force,
     issued by the FAA pursuant to the Federal Aviation Law and published in
     Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

     Federal Aviation Law means Title 49 of the United States Code, as amended,
     or any successor statutory provisions and the regulations promulgated under
     such provisions.

     Financial Indebtedness means any indebtedness in respect of (a) moneys
     borrowed, (b) any liability under any debenture, bond, note, loan stock,
     acceptance credit, documentary credit or other security, (c) the
     acquisition cost of any asset to the extent payable before or after the
     time of acquisition or possession, (d) the capitalized value (determined in
     accordance with accounting practices generally accepted in the State of
     Incorporation) of obligations under finance leases, or (e) any guarantee,
     indemnity or similar assurance against financial loss of any Person in
     respect of the above.

     Flight Hour means each hour or part thereof (rounded up to two decimal
     places) elapsing from the moment the wheels of an airframe leave the ground
     on take off until the moment the wheels of such airframe next touch the

     Government Entity means (a) any national government, political subdivision
     thereof or local jurisdiction therein, (b) any instrumentality, board,
     commission, court, or agency of any thereof, however constituted, and (c)
     any association, organization, or institution of which any of the above is
     a member or to whose jurisdiction any thereof is subject or in whose
     activities any of the above is a participant.

     Habitual Base means Mexico or, subject to the prior written consent of the
     Lessor (which will not be unreasonably withheld), any other country or
     countries in which the Aircraft is for the time being habitually based.

     Head Lease has the meaning specified in Clause 14.4.

     Head Lessor has the meaning specified in Clause 14.4.

     IATA means the International Air Transport Association.

     Indemnitees means Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender, any Owner
     Participant, any successors and permitted assigns of Lessor, Trustee or
     Owner Participant and their respective shareholders, members, Affiliates,
     partners, contractors, directors, managers, officers, servants, agents and


     Landing Gear means the landing gear assembly of the Aircraft excluding the
     wheels and brake units.

     Lessee has the meaning specified in the preamble.

     Lessor has the meaning specified in the preamble.

     Lessor Contribution has the meaning specified in Clause 7.7.

     Lessor Lender means:  (i) the Senior Mortgagee, CL/PK Funding Trust, and
     any other lender for whom the Senior Mortgagee acts as security agent under
     the Senior Mortgage and related loan documents, and PK AirFinance S.A., New
     York Branch as servicer on behalf of CL/PK Funding Trust; (ii) the Junior
     Mortgagee, PK AirFinance S.A., New York Branch, and any other lender for
     whom Junior Mortgagee acts as security agent under the Junior Mortgage and
     related loan documents; (iii) any other Person to whom Lessor or Owner
     Participant grants a Mortgage for the purpose of any financing or
     refinancing to be accomplished by Lessor, any Owner Participant or any
     Affiliate thereof, and any Person that lends money to Lessor and for whom a
     Mortgagee holds a Mortgage; and (iv) the successors and permitted assigns
     of such Persons.

     Lessor Lien means any Security Interest from time to time created by or
     arising through the Lessor, the Trustee or the Owner Participant that
     results from acts or omissions of, or claims against, the Lessor, the
     Trustee or the Owner Participant not related to the operation of the
     Aircraft during the Term or the transactions contemplated by or permitted
     under this Agreement, and any Security Interest in respect of the Aircraft
     for Lessor Taxes.

     Lessor Taxes means:

          (a)  Taxes imposed or to the extent increased as a direct result of
               the incorporation, residence, presence or activities of the
               Lessor, Trustee, each Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the
               case may be, in the jurisdictions imposing the liability
               unrelated to the Lessor's, Trustee's, Lessor Lenders' or Owner
               Participant's dealings with the Lessee pursuant to this Agreement
               or to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or the
               operation of the Aircraft by the Lessee;

          (b)  Taxes imposed on the gross or net income, profits, receipts,
               capital, franchises, excess profit or conduct of business or
               gains of the Lessor, Trustee, a Lessor Lender or Owner
               Participant, as the case may be, (i) by any Government Entity in
               the jurisdiction in which such Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or
               Owner Participant, as the case may be, is organized or


               or in which it has its principal place of business, or (ii) by
               any Government Entity in any other jurisdiction where the Lessor,
               Trustee, a Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the case may
               be, is liable for such Taxes other than as a result of the
               transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

          (c)  Taxes imposed with respect to any period commencing or event
               occurring before the date of this Agreement or after the Expiry
               Date and unrelated to the Lessor's, Trustee's, a Lessor Lender's
               or Owner Participant's, as the case may be, dealings with the
               Lessee pursuant to this Agreement or to the transactions
               contemplated by this Agreement during such period;

          (d)  Taxes imposed as a direct result of the initial sale of the
               Aircraft to the Lessor or as a result of the sale or other
               disposition by the Lessor, the Trustee, a Lessor Lender or the
               Owner Participant, as the case may be, of all or a portion of its
               interest in the Aircraft or this Agreement or any interest in the
               Lessor, unless such sale or disposition occurs as a consequence
               of the exercise of remedies following an Event of Default;

          (e)  Taxes attributable to the failure of the Lessor, Trustee, a
               Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the case may be, to
               provide any forms or certificates reasonably requested by the

          (f)  Taxes imposed on any Lessor's, Trustee's, a Lessor Lender's or
               Owner Participant's, as the case may be, assignee (i) if such Tax
               would not have been imposed on the Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender
               or Owner Participant, as the case may be, or (ii) to the extent
               such Tax exceeds the Tax that would have been imposed on the
               Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the case
               may be;

          (g)  Taxes attributable to the failure of the Lessor, Trustee, a
               Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the case may be, to comply
               with certification, information or reporting requirements or to
               file proper, accurate and timely reports or returns to avail
               itself of any applicable extensions or exemptions in (i) their
               respective state of incorporation or the state of their
               respective principal place of business or any other jurisdiction
               in which the relevant Indemnitee would be subject to taxation
               with respect to its net income other than in connection with this
               transaction and, or (ii) such other jurisdictions as Lessee may

          (h)  Taxes imposed in the nature of an intangible or similar tax upon
               or with respect to the value of an interest of the Lessor,
               Trustee, a Lessor Lender or


               Owner Participant, as the case may be, in the Aircraft, Airframe,
               Engine or any Part thereof, or in the Agreement, except to the
               extent such Taxes arise in any jurisdiction as a result of the
               use or operation of the Aircraft or the activities of the Lessee
               in such taxing jurisdiction;

          (i)  Taxes which arise out of or are caused by (i) the breach of any
               representation, warranty or covenant of such Lessor, Trustee,
               Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the case may be, (ii) any
               act or omission of the Lessor, Trustee, a Lessor Lender or Owner
               Participant, as the case may be, prohibited by this Agreement,
               (iii) the gross negligence or willful misconduct of such Lessor,
               Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, or (iv) the
               existence of any Lessor Liens; and

          (j)  Taxes imposed as a result of any financing or refinancing of the
               Aircraft undertaken by the Lessor, Trustee, a Lessor Lender or
               Owner Participant.

     Maintenance Program means an FAA or Aviation Authority approved maintenance
     program for the Aircraft encompassing scheduled maintenance, condition
     monitored maintenance and/or on-condition maintenance of Airframe, Engines
     and Parts, including servicing, testing, preventative maintenance, repairs,
     structural inspections, system checks, overhauls, approved modifications,
     service bulletins, engineering orders, airworthiness directives, corrosion
     control, inspections and treatments.

     Major Checks means each of the MSG-3 packages P-1 through P-6, inclusive,
     as set out in the Agreed Maintenance Program, and any other heavy
     maintenance visit or segment thereof suggested for commercial aircraft of
     the same model as the Aircraft by its Manufacturer.

     Manufacturer means (i) The Boeing Company, as successor by acquisition to
     McDonnell Douglas Corporation, and (ii) prior to such acquisition,
     McDonnell Douglas Corporation .

     Mexican GAAP means generally accepted accounting principles as in effect
     from time to time in Mexico and, subject to changes in such principles from
     time to time, consistently applied in accordance with the past practices of
     a Person.

     Mexico means the United Mexican States.

     Minimum Liability Coverage means $750,000,000 combined single limit.

     Mortgage has the meaning specified in Clause 14.3.

     Mortgagee has the meaning specified in Clause 14.3.


     MSG-3 means The Boeing Company's "MSG-3" Maintenance Program.

     Owner Participant means, individually or collectively, as the case may
     require, each of Airfund International Limited Partnership, a Massachusetts
     limited partnership, Airfund II International Limited Partnership, a
     Massachusetts limited partnership, American Income Fund I-C, a
     Massachusetts limited partnership, American Income Fund I-D, a
     Massachusetts limited partnership, and American Income Fund I-E, a
     Massachusetts limited partnership, in each case having an address c/o Equis
     Financial Group, 200 Nyala Farms, Westport, CT 06880, Attention:  Mr. James
     Coyne, Telefax No.: +1-203-341-9988.

     Part means, whether or not installed on the Aircraft:

          (a)  any component, furnishing or equipment (other than a complete
               Engine) furnished with, installed on or appurtenant to the
               Airframe and Engines on Delivery; and

          (b)  any other component, furnishing or equipment (other than a
               complete Engine) title to which has, or should have, passed to
               the Lessor pursuant to Clause 8.17(a),

     but excludes any such items title to which has, or should have, passed to
     the Lessee pursuant to Clause 8.17(c).

     Permitted Lien means:

          (a)  any Security Interest for Taxes not assessed or, if assessed, not
               yet due and payable, or being contested in good faith by
               appropriate proceedings;

          (b)  any Security Interest of a repairer, mechanic, carrier, hangar
               keeper, unpaid seller or other similar lien arising in the
               ordinary course of business or by operation of law in respect of
               obligations which are not overdue in accordance with applicable
               law (or, if applicable, generally accepted accounting principles
               and practices in the relevant jurisdiction) or are being
               contested in good faith by appropriate proceedings;

          (c)  any Lessor Lien;

          (d)  the respective rights of the Lessor and the Lessee as herein
               provided (including such rights with respect to Subleases
               permitted hereunder);


          (e)  any other Security Interest with respect to which Lessee shall
               have provided a bond or other security in an amount and under
               terms reasonably satisfactory to Lessor (as evidenced by Lessor's
               prior written consent thereto); and

          (f)  Security Interests arising out of any judgment or award against
               the Lessee that is, within 60 days after entry, discharged,
               vacated or appealed, with execution stayed pending appeal;

     but only if, in the case of (a) and (b):  (i) adequate reserves have been
     provided by the Lessee for the payment of the Taxes or obligations in
     accordance with generally accounting principles and practices in the
     relevant jurisdiction; and (ii) such proceedings, or the continued
     existence of the Security Interest, do not give rise to any reasonable
     likelihood of the sale, forfeiture or other loss of the Aircraft or any
     interest therein or of criminal liability on the Lessor.

     Person means any individual person, corporation, partnership, limited
     liability company, firm, joint stock company, joint venture, trust, estate,
     unincorporated organization, association, Government Entity or organization
     or association of which any of the above is a member or a participant.

     Redelivery Credit means the net amount, if any, determined to be payable by
     Lessor and due to Lessee pursuant to Schedule 5 after the return of the
     Aircraft and the due performance of all other obligations then due in
     accordance with this Agreement.

     Redelivery Location means Mexico City International Airport, or such other
     airport in the continental United States of America as may be specified by

     Rent means collectively, all Basic Rent and all Supplemental Rent.

     Rental Period means each period ascertained in accordance with Clause 5.1.

     Rent Date means the Delivery Date and the day after the last day of each
     Rental Period during the Term.

     Security Interest means any mortgage, charge, pledge, lien, assignment,
     hypothecation, right of set-off, or any agreement or arrangement having the
     effect of creating a security interest, other than a Permitted Lien.

     Settlement Date has the meaning specified in Clause 11.1.

     SRM has the meaning specified in Clause 12.2.


     State of Incorporation means Mexico.

     State of Registration means United States of America.

     Subsequent Investment means each payment made or to be made by or on behalf
     of the Lessor after the Delivery Date pursuant to Clause 7.7 or Schedule

     Subsidiary means:

          (a)  in relation to any reference to financial statements, any company
               whose financial statements are consolidated with the financial
               statements of the Lessee in accordance with accounting principles
               generally accepted under accounting standards of the State of
               Incorporation; and

          (b)  for any other purpose, an entity from time to time (i) of which
               another has direct or indirect control or owns directly or
               indirectly more than 50% of the voting share capital, or (ii)
               which is a direct or indirect subsidiary of another under the
               laws of the jurisdiction of its incorporation.

     Successor has the meaning specified in Clause 8.8.

     Supplemental Rent means all amounts, liabilities and obligations (other
     than Basic Rent) which Lessee assumes or agrees to pay under this Agreement
     to Lessor or any other Person, including payment of indemnities, Agreed
     Value and Termination Value.

     Taxes means all present and future taxes, levies, imposts, duties or
     charges in the nature of taxes, whatever and wherever imposed, including
     customs duties, value added taxes or similar taxes and any franchise,
     transfer, sales, use, asset, business, occupation, excise, personal
     property, stamp, income or other tax or duty imposed by any national or
     local taxing or fiscal authority or agency, together with any penalties,
     additions to tax, fines or interest thereon.

     Term means the period commencing on the Delivery Date and ending on the
     Expiry Date.

     Termination Value means on any date the amount set forth for such date in
     Schedule 1.

     Total Loss means with respect to the Airframe:

          (a)  the actual, arranged or constructive total loss of the Airframe
               (including any damage to the Airframe which results in an
               insurance settlement on the basis


               of a total loss, or requisition for use or hire which results in
               an insurance settlement on the basis of a total loss);

          (b)  the Airframe being destroyed, damaged beyond repair or
               permanently rendered unfit for normal use for any reason

          (c)  the requisition of title, or other compulsory acquisition,
               capture, seizure, deprivation, confiscation or detention (for a
               period in excess of 120 days) for any reason of the Airframe by
               any Government Entity (whether de jure or de facto), but
               excluding requisition for use or hire not involving requisition
               of title; or

          (d)  the hi-jacking, theft, condemnation, confiscation, seizure or
               requisition for use or hire of the Airframe which deprives any
               Person permitted by this Agreement to have possession and/or use
               of the Airframe of its possession and/or use for more than 120
               consecutive days.

     Total Loss Date means:

          (a)  in the case of an actual total loss, the actual date on which the
               loss occurs or, if such date is unknown, the day on which the
               Aircraft was last heard of;

          (b)  in the case of any of the events described in sub-paragraph (a)
               of the definition of "Total Loss" (other than an actual total
               loss), the earlier of (i) 30 days after the date on which notice
               claiming such total loss is given to the relevant insurers, and
               (ii) the date on which such loss is admitted or compromised by
               the insurers;

          (c)  in the case of any of the events described in sub-paragraph (b)
               of the definition of "Total Loss", the date on which such
               destruction, damage or rendering unfit occurs;

          (d)  in the case of any of the events described in sub-paragraph (c)
               of the definition of "Total Loss", the date on which the relevant
               requisition of title or other compulsory acquisition, capture,
               seizure, deprivation, confiscation or detention occurs;

          (e)  in the case of any of the events described in sub-paragraph (d)
               of the definition of "Total Loss", the expiry of the period of
               120 days referred to in such sub-paragraph (d);


          and, in each case (other than an actual Total Loss), the Total Loss
          shall be deemed to have occurred at noon New York City time on such

     Transfer has the meaning specified in Clause 14.2.

     Transferee has the meaning specified in Clause 14.2.

     Trust Agreement means the "IAHC/Finnair 1996-1 Trust" Trust Agreement dated
     as of March 19, 1996, between Trustee and the Owner Participant.

     Trustee means Investors Asset Holding Corp., a Massachusetts corporation,
     in its individual capacity, having its principal corporate trust office at
     200 Nyala Farms, Westport, CT 06880, Attention:  Mr. James Coyne, Telefax
     No.:  +1-203-341-9988.

1.2  Interpretation

     a.   In this Agreement, unless the contrary intention is stated, a
          reference to:

          i.    each of "the Lessor", "the Lessee" or any other Person includes
                without prejudice to the provisions of this Agreement any
                successor in title to it and any permitted assignee;

          ii.   terms used herein include, as appropriate, all genders and the
                plural as well as the singular;

          iii.  the term "including", when used in this Agreement, means
                "including without limitation" and "including but not limited
                to" and the term "or" shall include "and/or".

          iv.   any document shall include that document as amended, novated or
                supplemented and all schedules thereto;

          v.    a law (1) includes any statute, decree, constitution,
                regulation, order, judgment or directive of any Government
                Entity; (2) includes any treaty, pact, compact or other
                agreement to which any Government Entity is a signatory or
                party; (3) includes any judicial or administrative
                interpretation or application thereof; and (4) is a reference to
                that provision as amended, substituted or re-enacted; and

          vi.   a Clause or a Schedule is a reference to a clause of or a
                schedule to this Agreement, including any sub-clause or sub-part
                of such clause or schedule.


     b.   The headings in this Agreement are to be ignored in construing this


  2.1. Lessee's Representations and Warranties

     The Lessee represents and warrants to the Lessor as follows:

     a.   Status:  The Lessee is a corporation duly organized and validly
          existing under the laws of the State of Incorporation, has the
          corporate power to own its assets and carry on its business as it is
          being conducted and is (or will at the relevant time be) the holder of
          all necessary air transportation licenses required in connection
          therewith and with the use and operation of the Aircraft.

     b.   Power and authority:  The Lessee has the corporate power to enter into
          and perform, and has taken all necessary corporate action to authorize
          the entry into, performance and delivery of, this Agreement and the
          transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     c.   Legal validity:  This Agreement constitutes the Lessee's legal, valid
          and binding obligation.

     d.   Non-conflict:  The entry into and performance by the Lessee of, and
          the transactions contemplated by, this Agreement do not and will not:

          i.    conflict with any laws binding on the Lessee;

          ii.   conflict with the constitutional documents of the Lessee; or

          iii.  conflict with or result in default under any document which is
                binding upon the Lessee or any of its assets, or result in the
                creation of any Security Interest over any of its assets.

     e.   Authorization:  All authorizations, consents and registrations
          required by, and all notifications to be given by, the Lessee in
          connection with the entry into, performance, validity and
          enforceability of, this Agreement and the transactions contemplated by
          this Agreement have been (or will on or before Delivery have been)
          obtained, effected or given (as appropriate) and are (or will on their
          being obtained or effected be) in full force and effect, including the
          authorization from the DGAC to acquire the Aircraft on lease with
          foreign registration marks and to incorporate the Aircraft into
          Lessee's fleet; provided, that within thirty (30) days after the
                          --------  ----


          Date, a Spanish translation of this Agreement, together with
          a notarized copy of the original English version of this Agreement,
          shall be filed with the DGAC.

     f.   No Immunity:

          i.    The Lessee is subject to civil commercial law with respect to
                its obligations under this Agreement.

          ii.   Neither the Lessee nor any of its assets is entitled to any
                right of immunity and the entry into and performance of this
                Agreement by the Lessee constitute private and commercial acts.

     g.   Financial Statements:  the audited consolidated financial statements
          of the Lessee and its Subsidiaries most recently delivered to the

          i.    have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles and
                practices generally accepted in Mexico and consistently applied;

          ii.   fairly present the consolidated financial condition of the
                Lessee and its Subsidiaries as at the date to which they were
                drawn up and the consolidated results of operations of the
                Lessee and its Subsidiaries for the periods covered by such

2.2.   Lessee's Further Representations and Warranties

     The Lessee further represents and warrants to the Lessor that:

     a.   No Default:  No Default or Event of Default has occurred and is
          continuing or might reasonably be expected to result from the entry
          into or performance of this Agreement.

     b.   Registration:

          i.    It is not necessary or advisable under the laws of the State of
                Incorporation, the State of Registration or the Habitual Base in
                order to ensure the validity, effectiveness and enforceability
                of this Agreement or to establish, perfect or protect the
                property rights of the Lessor and any Lessor Lender in the
                Aircraft, any Engine or Part that this Agreement or any other
                instrument relating thereto be filed, registered or recorded or
                that any other action be taken or, if any such filings,
                registrations, recordings or other actions are necessary, the
                same have been effected or will have been


                effected on or before Delivery or, as to the filing of this
                Agreement, together with a Spanish translation of this
                Agreement, with the DGAC, within thirty (30) days after the
                Delivery Date.

          ii.   Under the applicable laws of the State of Incorporation, the
                State of Registration and the Habitual Base, the property rights
                of the Lessor and any Lessor Lender in the Aircraft have been
                fully established, perfected and protected and, with respect to
                such rights, this Agreement will have priority in all respects
                over the claims of all creditors of the Lessee, with the
                exception of such claims as are mandatorily preferred by law and
                not by virtue of any contract.

     c.   Litigation:  No litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings
          are pending or, to the Lessee's knowledge, threatened against the
          Lessee which, if adversely determined, would be reasonably likely to
          have a material adverse effect upon its financial condition or
          business or its ability to perform its obligations under this

     d.   Pari Passu:  The obligations of the Lessee under this Agreement rank
          at least pari passu with all other present and future unsecured and
          unsubordinated obligations (including contingent obligations) of the
          Lessee, with the exception of such obligations as are mandatorily
          preferred by law and not by virtue of any contract.

     e.   Material Adverse Change:  There has been no material adverse change in
          the consolidated financial condition of the Lessee and its
          Subsidiaries or the financial condition of the Lessee since December
          31, 1999.

     f.   Taxes:  The Lessee has delivered all necessary returns and payments
          due to the tax authorities in the State of Incorporation, the State of
          Registration and the Habitual Base other than any Taxes (i) which are
          being contested by the Lessee in good faith and by appropriate
          proceedings, (ii) which do not involve any material risk of the
          creation of a Lessor Lien on, or the sale, forfeiture, loss or other
          disposition of, the Aircraft, the Airframe or any Engine or interest
          therein, and (iii) where the failure to do so could not reasonably be
          expected to have a material adverse effect on the business or
          operations of Lessee or its ability to comply with its obligations


2.3.   Repetition

     The representations and warranties contained in Clause 2.1 and Clause 2.2
     will be deemed to be repeated by the Lessee on Delivery with reference to
     the facts and circumstances then existing. The representations and
     warranties contained in Clause 2.1 will be deemed to be repeated by the
     Lessee on each Rent Date as if made with reference to the facts and
     circumstances then existing.

2.4.   Trustee's Representations and Warranties

     The Trustee represents and warrants to the Lessee that:

     a.   Status: The Trustee is a corporation duly organized and validly
          existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and has
          full power to carry on its business as it is now being conducted,
          including to act as trustee pursuant to the Trust Agreement.

     b.   Power and authority:  The Trustee has the power to enter into and
          perform, and has taken all necessary trust action to authorize the
          entry into, performance and delivery of, the Trust Agreement and the
          transactions contemplated by the Trust Agreement.

2.5.   Lessor's Representations and Warranties

     The Lessor represents and warrants to the Lessee that:

     a.   Power and authority:  The Lessor has the power to enter into and
          perform, and has taken all necessary trust action to authorize the
          entry into, performance and delivery of, this Agreement and the
          transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     b.   Legal validity:  This Agreement constitutes the Lessor's legal, valid
          and binding obligation.

     c.   Non-conflict:  The entry into and performance by the Lessor of, and
          the transactions contemplated by, this Agreement do not and will not:

          i.     conflict with any laws binding on the Lessor;

          ii.    conflict with the constitutional documents of the Lessor; or

          iii.   conflict with or cause a default under any document which is
                 binding upon the Lessor or any of its assets.


     d.   Authorization:  So far as concerns the obligations of the Lessor, all
          authorizations, consents, registrations and notifications required
          under the laws of the United States of America in connection with the
          entry into, performance, validity and enforceability of, and the
          transactions contemplated by, this Agreement by the Lessor have been
          (or will on or before Delivery have been) obtained or effected (as
          appropriate) and are (or will on their being obtained or effected be)
          in full force and effect.

     e.   No Immunity:

          i.     The Lessor is subject to civil commercial law with respect to
                 its obligations under this Agreement.

          ii.    Neither the Lessor nor any of its assets is entitled to any
                 right of immunity and the entry into and performance of this
                 Agreement by the Lessor constitute private and commercial acts.

     f.   Lessor Tax Status:  The Lessor is a taxpayer in the United States of
          America and, upon the reasonable request of  the Lessee, the Lessor
          will provide the Lessee with a copy of any relevant forms, duly
          completed by the Lessor, certifying that the Lessor has filed a tax
          return with the Internal Revenue Service of the United States of

     g.   Right to Lease:  On the Delivery Date, the Lessor shall have the right
          to lease the Aircraft to the Lessee in accordance with the terms of
          this Agreement.

  2.6.  Repetition

     The representations and warranties in Clauses 2.4 and 2.5 will survive the
     execution of this Agreement.  The representations and warranties contained
     in Clauses 2.4 and 2.5 will be deemed to be repeated by the Trustee and the
     Lessor, respectively, on Delivery and on each subsequent Rent Date as if
     made with reference to the facts and circumstances then existing.


  3.1.  Lessor's Documentary Conditions Precedent

     The Lessor's obligation to lease the Aircraft to the Lessee under this
     Agreement is subject to the receipt of the following by the Lessor from the
     Lessee on or before Delivery in form and substance reasonably satisfactory
     to the Lessor, provided that it shall not be a condition


     precedent to the obligations of the Lessor that any document be produced,
     or action taken, which is to be produced or taken by it or any Person
     within its control:

     a.   Constitutional Documents:  a copy of the constitutional documents of
          the Lessee;

     b.   Opinion:  an opinion, in the form set out in Schedule 7, in respect of
          the Lessee's obligations under this Agreement issued by Lessee's chief
          internal legal counsel, and an opinion issued by White & Case, special
          New York and U.S. counsel to Lessee, in a form reasonably acceptable
          to Lessor;

     c.   Licenses:  copies of the Lessee's air transport license, air
          operator's certificate and all other licenses, certificates and
          permits required by the Lessee (including any authorization required
          under FAR Part 129.14) in relation to, or in connection with, the
          operation of the Aircraft;

     d.   Certificate:  a certificate of a duly authorized officer of the

          i.     setting out a specimen of the signature of the officer of
                 the Lessee referred to in Clause 3.1(h); and

          ii.    certifying that each copy of a document specified in this
                 Clause 3.1 is correct, complete and in full force and effect;

     e.   Insurances:  a certificate of insurance and brokers' undertakings,
          substantially in the form of Part 3 and Part 2, respectively, of
          Schedule 6;

     f.   Registration:  evidence that the Aircraft has been validly registered
          under the laws of the State of Registration and that all filings,
          registrations, recordings and other actions have been or will be taken
          which are necessary to ensure the validity and effectiveness of this
          Agreement and to protect the respective rights of the Lessor and any
          Lessor Lender in the Aircraft or any Part;

     g.   Process Agent: a letter from the process agent appointed by the Lessee
          in this Agreement accepting such appointment together with a power of
          attorney executed before a Mexican notary public, in form and
          substance satisfactory to Lessor, granting powers of attorney with
          respect to lawsuits and collections to such process agent;

     h.   Execution Power of Attorney: a copy of the general power of attorney
          in favor of an authorized officer of the Lessee, executed before a
          Mexican notary public, granting to such officer the power, on behalf
          of the Lessee, to execute, deliver and bind the


          Lessee to perform this Agreement and all related documents including
          the Certificate of Acceptance;

      i.  DGAC Approvals: evidence, in form and substance reasonably
          satisfactory to the Lessor, that the Lessee has obtained all necessary
          approvals, consents or authorizations from the DGAC or any other
          Government Entity in Mexico in respect of the leasing of the Aircraft
          by the Lessee under this Agreement and the operation of the Aircraft
          by the Lessee whilst the Aircraft is registered with the Aviation
          Authority; and

      j.  General: this Agreement, completed, duly executed and delivered by
          Lessee and such other documents as the Lessor may reasonably request.

      k.  Asset Tax Election: evidence that Lessee has elected to treat the
          Aircraft as a part of its property for purposes of the Mexican assets
          tax law (Ley del Impuesto al Activo).

 3.2.  Lessor's Other Conditions Precedent

     The obligation of the Lessor to deliver and lease the Aircraft under this
     Agreement is also subject to the following additional conditions precedent:

     a.   that the representations and warranties of the Lessee under Clauses
          2.1 and 2.2 are correct and would be correct if repeated on Delivery;

     b.   that all payments due to the Lessor under this Agreement on or before
          Delivery, including the first payment of Basic Rent, shall have been
          received by the Lessor.

 3.3.  Lessor's Waiver

     The conditions specified in Clauses 3.1 and 3.2 are for the sole benefit of
     the Lessor and may be waived or deferred in whole or in part and with or
     without conditions by the Lessor.  Without limiting the generality of the
     foregoing, Lessor hereby agrees to defer for ten (10) Business Days after
     the Delivery Date the obligation of the Lessee to deliver (i) documents
     evidencing the due appointment of Lessee's agent for service of process in
     the State of New York and acceptance of such appointment, (ii) a notarized
     version of the authorizing resolutions of Lessee relating to the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement, and (iii) documents evidencing
     Lessee's election to treat the Aircraft as a part of its property for
     purposes of the Mexican assets tax law.

 3.4.  Lessee's Conditions Precedent


      The Lessee's obligation to accept the Aircraft on lease from the Lessor
      under this Agreement is subject to the satisfaction by the Lessor of the
      following conditions precedent:

      a.  Condition of Aircraft:  the Aircraft shall be in the condition set
          forth in Schedule 4 and the tests and inspections mentioned in
          Schedule 4 shall have been performed to the Lessee's reasonable

      b.  Certificate:  the receipt by the Lessee of a certificate of a duly
          authorized officer of the Lessor setting out a specimen of each
          signature of an officer signing this Agreement or any document or
          instrument in connection herewith; and

      c.  Representations and Warranties:  that the representations and
          warranties of the Trustee and Lessor under Clauses 2.4 and 2.5,
          respectively are correct and would be correct if repeated on Delivery.

      d.  Documents: Receipt by Lessee of the following documents, in form and
          substance satisfactory to Lessee:

          i.     this Agreement, completed, duly executed and delivered by

          ii.    a pro forma invoice for the Aircraft (for customs purposes
                 only) signed by Lessor, as required for importation of the
                 Aircraft into Mexico;

          iii.   quiet enjoyment letters from each Lessor Lender, addressed to
                 Lessee; and

          iv.    such other documents as Lessee may reasonably request.


  4.1.  Leasing

      The Lessor will lease the Aircraft to the Lessee and the Lessee will take
      the Aircraft on lease in accordance with this Agreement for the duration
      of the Term.

  4.2.  Delivery

      The Aircraft will be delivered to, and will be accepted by, the Lessee at
      the Delivery Location on the Delivery Date or on such other day as may be
      agreed, immediately following satisfaction of the conditions precedent
      specified in Clauses 3.1, 3.2 and 3.4 (or their waiver or deferral by the
      party entitled to grant such waiver or deferral).


  4.3.  Delivery Inspection

      Lessee acknowledges that the Aircraft and Aircraft Documents have been
      made available for inspection by Lessee to Lessee's satisfaction prior to
      the date of this Agreement. Lessee confirms that it has performed such
      inspections as it deems necessary and, pursuant to such inspections and
      subject to the Aircraft meeting the conditions set forth in Schedule 4,
      all of the Aircraft and the Aircraft Documents are in acceptable condition
      for Lessee to enter into this Agreement, to take Delivery of the Aircraft
      and Aircraft Documents and to lease the Aircraft and Aircraft Documents.

  4.4.  Acceptance and Risk

      a.  Immediately following satisfaction of the conditions precedent
          specified in Clauses 3.1, 3.2 and 3.4 (or their waiver or deferral by
          the party entitled to grant such waiver or deferral), the Lessor and
          the Lessee shall forthwith complete Annex 1 to the Certificate of
          Acceptance (specifying the maintenance status of the Airframe,
          Engines, APU and Landing Gear) and the Lessee shall sign and deliver
          to the Lessor the Certificate of Acceptance.

      b.  On and from Delivery, the Aircraft and every Part will be in every
          respect at the sole risk of the Lessee, which will bear all risk of
          loss, theft, damage or destruction to the Aircraft from any cause

      c.  Upon or immediately following Delivery, the Lessor shall file this
          Lease and complete the registration of the ownership of the Aircraft
          at the FAA Aircraft Registry, and shall provide to the Lessee a copy
          of the certificate of registration and certificate of airworthiness.

      d.  Upon or immediately following Delivery, the Lessee shall deliver to
          Lessor a copy of the required Mexican import permit (pedimento de


  5.1.  Rental Periods

      The first Rental Period will commence on the Delivery Date and end on
      September 30, 2000. Each subsequent Rental Period will commence on the
      first day of each succeeding calendar month during the Term. Each Rental
      Period will end on the date immediately preceding the first day of the
      next Rental Period except that if a Rental Period would otherwise overrun
      the Expiry Date, it will end on the Expiry Date.


  5.2.  Basic Rent

      a.  Time of Payment:  the Lessee will pay to the Lessor or its order Basic
          Rent on the Delivery Date and in advance on each subsequent Rent Date.
          Payment must be initiated adequately in advance of the Rent Date to
          ensure that the Lessor receives credit for the payment on the Rent

      b.  Amount: The Basic Rent payable on (i) the later of the Delivery Date
          and September 1, 2000, and (ii) each subsequent Rent Date in respect
          of the immediately following Rental Period shall be the amount set
          forth in Schedule 9.

  5.3.  Extension Option

      Provided that no Default or Event of Default shall have occurred and be
      continuing, if Lessee shall have given written notice to Lessor not less
      than one hundred and eighty (l80) days prior to the original Expiry Date,
      which notice shall be irrevocable, Lessee shall have the option to extend
      of the Term this Agreement for an additional term of twelve (12) months.
      All of the terms and conditions of this Agreement with respect to the
      original Term shall continue in full force and effect during any such
      extension of the Term.

  5.4.  Payments

      a.  All payments of Rent by the Lessee to the Lessor under this Agreement
          will be made for value on the due date, for the full amount due, in
          Dollars and in same day funds, settled through the New York Clearing
          House System or such other funds as may for the time being be
          customary for the settlement in New York City of payments in Dollars
          by telegraphic transfer to the account of the Lessor at Fleet Bank,
          NA, New York, New York, ABA No. 021-200-339, Account No. 9403-530699,
          reference "EFG Rent Escrow", or to such other account as Lessor may
          direct in writing upon five Business Days prior written notice to

      b.  If any Rent or other payment would otherwise become due on a day which
          is not a Business Day, it shall be due on the immediately succeeding
          Business Day.

  5.5.  Gross-up

      a.  All payments by the Lessee under or in connection with this Agreement
          will be made without offset or counterclaim, free and clear of and
          without deduction or withholding for or on account of any Taxes.


      b.  All Taxes (other than Lessor Taxes) in respect of payments under this
          Agreement shall be for the account of the Lessee.

      c.  If the Lessee is compelled by law to make payment to the Lessor or any
          indemnitee under or in connection with this Agreement subject to any
          Tax, other than Lessor Taxes, and the Lessor or such indemnitee does
          not actually receive for its own benefit on the due date a net amount
          equal to the full amount provided for under this Agreement, the Lessee
          will pay all necessary additional amounts to ensure receipt by the
          Lessor or such indemnitee of the full amount so provided for.

  5.6.  Taxation

      a.  The Lessee will, on written demand, pay and indemnify the Lessor,
          Trustee, any Lessor Lender and Owner Participant against all Taxes
          levied or imposed against or upon the Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor
          Lender, Owner Participant or the Lessee and relating to or
          attributable to the Lessee, this Agreement or the Aircraft directly or
          indirectly in connection with the importation, exportation,
          registration, ownership, leasing, sub-leasing, purchase, delivery,
          possession, use, operation, repair, maintenance, overhaul,
          transportation, landing, storage, presence or redelivery of the
          Aircraft or any part thereof or any rent, receipts, insurance
          proceeds, income or other amounts arising therefrom; provided,
          however, that the Lessee shall have no liability for Lessor Taxes
          except to the extent resulting from or increased by any Default or the
          exercise of any right or remedy pursuant to Clause 13.  The
          verification provisions of Clause 5.11 shall be applied, upon the
          Lessee's request, with respect to any indemnity payments due pursuant
          to this Clause 5.6.a.

      b.  If the Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner Participant (as the
          case may be) shall, in its reasonable opinion and based upon its own
          reasonable interpretation of any relevant laws or regulations, realize
          any Tax savings (by way of refund, deduction, credit or otherwise,
          including foreign tax credits and any reduction in Taxes) in respect
          of any amount with respect to which the Lessee shall have made a
          payment (or increased payment) pursuant to Clause 5.5 or 5.8, or shall
          have paid or indemnified the Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender or
          Owner Participant pursuant to sub-clause (a) above, and such Tax
          savings shall not have been taken into account previously in
          calculating any indemnity payment made by the Lessee, then the Lessor,
          Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the case may be,
          shall, subject to the Lessee's obligations to repay such amount to the
          Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the case
          may be, if the relevant Tax savings are subsequently disallowed or
          canceled (including by reason of such payment), promptly pay to the
          Lessee such amount as the Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner
          Participant, as the case may be, shall, in its reasonable opinion


          by a written calculation thereof setting forth in reasonable detail
          the basis for determination), have concluded to be the amount of such
          Tax savings (together with, in the case of a refund, any interest
          received thereon); provided however that none of the Lessor, Trustee,
          any Lessor Lender nor Owner Participant shall be obliged to make any
          payment to the Lessee pursuant to this sub-clause (b) to the extent
          that the amount of any Tax savings in respect of which such payment is
          to be made would exceed the aggregate amount of all prior payments
          made by the Lessee to, on behalf of or as indemnification of the
          Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the case
          may be, under this Agreement for Taxes less the amount of all prior
          payments made pursuant to this sub-clause (b) in respect of such Tax
          savings, provided further, that any amount not paid to the Lessee
          pursuant to the foregoing limitation shall be carried forward to
          reduce pro tanto any future payments or indemnity that the Lessee may
          be required to make to the Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner
          Participant (as the case may be) pursuant to Clause 5.5, 5.6(a) and
          5.8. The Lessee acknowledges that nothing contained in this sub-clause
          (b) shall interfere with the right of the Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor
          Lender or Owner Participant, as the case may be, to arrange its tax
          affairs in whatsoever manner it thinks fit and, in particular, neither
          the Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender nor Owner Participant shall be
          under any obligation to claim any Tax savings in priority to any other
          savings available to it; provided, however, that such Lessor, Trustee,
          any Lessor Lender or Owner Participant (as the case may be) shall not
          discriminate against the Lessee in its use and allocation of any
          credit or savings. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, each of
          the Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the
          case may be, shall in good faith use reasonable diligence in filing
          its tax returns and in dealing with taxing authorities to seek and
          claim any such Tax savings.

  5.7.  Information

     If the Lessee is required by any applicable law, or by any third party, to
     deliver any report or return in connection with any Taxes, the Lessee will
     duly complete the same and Lessee will either make such report or return in
     such manner as will show the ownership of the Aircraft in Lessor and send a
     copy of such report or return to Lessor or will notify Lessor of such
     requirement and make such report or return in such manner as shall be
     reasonably satisfactory to Lessor.  If actual notice is given by any taxing
     authority to Lessor, Trustee, a Lessor Lender or Owner Participant (as the
     case may be) that a report or return is required to be filed in its name
     with respect to any Taxes that are the responsibility of the Lessee under
     this Agreement, the Lessor, Trustee, such Lessor Lender or Owner
     Participant shall promptly notify Lessee of such required report or return.
     Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner Participant (as the case may
     be) agrees to respond to any reasonable request of Lessee for information
     within its control with respect to the filing of any report or return, but
     Lessee agrees to duly complete the same or pay any reasonable costs, fees
     or other charges


     of independent counsel or independent accountants incurred in connection
     with such request. Lessee shall have no obligation under the preceding
     sentence if such Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant (as
     the case may be) has failed to furnish the Lessee with such information as
     is within such Lessor's, Trustee's, Lessor Lender's or Owner Participant's
     control and is necessary to file such returns.

  5.8.  Taxation of Indemnity Payments

     a.   If and to the extent that any sums payable to the Lessor, Trustee, any
          Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the case may be, by the Lessee
          under this Agreement by way of indemnity are insufficient, by reason
          of any Taxes payable in respect of those sums, for the Lessor,
          Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the case may be,
          to discharge the corresponding liability to the relevant third party
          (including any taxation authority), or to reimburse the Lessor,
          Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the case may be,
          for the cost incurred by it to a third party (including any taxation
          authority) the Lessee will, upon the written request for payment of
          such amount, pay to the Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner
          Participant, as the case may be, such sum as will, after the tax
          liability has been fully satisfied, leave the Lessor, Trustee, any
          Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the case may be, with the same
          amount as it would have been entitled to receive in the absence of
          that liability, together with interest on the amount of the deficit at
          the Default Rate in respect of the period commencing on the date on
          which the payment of taxation is finally due or, if later, five (5)
          Business Days after the date on which the Lessor, Trustee, Lessor
          Lender or Owner Participant, as the case may be, notified the Lessee
          in writing of the deficit and made payment therefor, until payment by
          the Lessee (both before and after judgment).

     b.   If and to the extent that any sums constituting (directly or
          indirectly) an indemnity to the Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender or
          Owner Participant, as the case may be, but paid by the Lessee to any
          Person other than the Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner
          Participant, as the case may be, are treated as taxable in the hands
          of the Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the
          case may be, the Lessee will, upon the written request for payment of
          such amount, pay to the Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner
          Participant, as the case may be, such sum as will, after the tax
          liability has been fully satisfied, indemnify the Lessor, Trustee, any
          Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the case may be, to the same
          extent as it would have been indemnified in the absence of such
          liability, together with interest on the amount payable by Lessee
          under this sub-clause at the Default Rate in respect of the period
          commencing on the date on which the payment of taxation is finally due
          or, if later, five (5) Business Days after the date on which the
          Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the case
          may be, notified the Lessee in


          writing of its liability for Taxes with respect to indemnity amounts
          treated as taxable in the hands of the Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor
          Lender or Owner Participant, as the case may be, until payment by the
          Lessee (both before and after judgment).

  5.9.   Default Interest

      If the Lessee fails to pay any amount payable under this Agreement on the
      due date, the Lessee will pay on demand from time to time to the Lessor or
      any indemnitee interest (both before and after judgment) on the amount,
      from the due date to the day of payment in full by the Lessee to the
      Lessor or indemnitee, at a per annum rate equal to the lower of (i) the
      base rate or prime rate for commercial loans as announced from time to
      time by Fleet Bank at its principal lending office in New York, New York,
      plus 3.0% per annum (the "Default Rate"), or (ii) the maximum lawful per
      annum rate for commercial loans. In addition, should the Lessee's failure
      to pay extend past the time period set forth in Section 13.1, the Lessee
      shall pay one hundred fifty ($150.00) Dollars per each unpaid invoice. All
      such interest will be calculated on the basis of the actual number of days
      elapsed and on a 365 day year.

  5.10.  Contest

      If a written claim is made against the Lessor, Trustee, a Lessor Lender or
      Owner Participant for any Taxes for which the Lessee is responsible under
      this Agreement or if the Lessor, Trustee, a Lessor Lender or Owner
      Participant claims any indemnity hereunder, such Lessor, Trustee, Lessor
      Lender or Owner Participant shall promptly notify the Lessee in writing
      within 30 days of its receipt of any written claim or knowledge of any
      indemnity claim and shall provide the Lessee such information regarding
      such claim as the Lessee may reasonably request. If the Lessee disputes
      the payment of any Taxes payable by the Lessor, Trustee, a Lessor Lender
      or Owner Participant, as the case may be, for which the Lessee is
      responsible under this Agreement or the payment of any indemnity claimed
      hereunder, the Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the
      case may be, will take such action as the Lessee may reasonably request,
      at the Lessee's expense, in good faith diligently to contest the validity,
      applicability or amount of such Taxes by (i) resisting payment thereof to
      the extent permitted by applicable law, (ii) not paying the same except
      under protest, if protest is necessary and proper, (iii) if payment is
      made, using reasonable efforts to obtain a refund thereof in appropriate
      administrative or judicial proceedings, and (iv) considering in good faith
      any other reasonable action as the Lessee may reasonably request, but will
      not be obliged to take any such action:

      a.  which the Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the
          case may be, considers, in its reasonable judgment, may materially
          prejudice it;


     b.   unless the Lessee shall have provided such Person with an opinion of
          counsel, reasonably acceptable to such Person, that a reasonable basis
          exists for such contest, which the Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or
          Owner Participant, as the case may be, considers does not have a
          reasonable prospect of success;

     c.   for which the Lessee has not made adequate provision to the reasonable
          satisfaction of the Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner
          Participant, as the case may be, in respect of the expense concerned;

     d.   if such action gives rise to any material likelihood of the Aircraft
          or any interest therein being sold, forfeited or otherwise lost or of
          criminal liability on the part of the Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender
          or Owner Participant, as the case may be.

     In the event of a contest of any Taxes hereunder, the Lessor, Trustee,
     Lessor Lender or Owner Participant (as the case may be) shall keep the
     Lessee informed as to the progress of the contest and provide the Lessee
     with copies of correspondence and other documents received by such Lessor,
     Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant (as the case may be) from the
     taxing authority, consult with the Lessee if requested by the Lessee, make
     available for review and comment to the Lessee any written documents or
     materials relating to the contest that such Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender
     or Owner Participant (as the case may be) proposes to submit to the taxing
     authority, forward copies of all material submissions made in such contest,
     consider in good faith any request concerning the conduct of any such
     contest and without waiving its right to be indemnified hereunder with
     respect to such claim shall not settle any such claim or contest pursuant
     to this provision without the written consent of the Lessee.

     Any contest required pursuant to the preceding sentence shall, at the
     option of such Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant (as the
     case may be) be conducted by such Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner
     Participant (as the case may be) or the Lessee in the name of the Lessee or
     such Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant; provided however
     that if a claim with respect to a Tax for which the Lessee has agreed to
     indemnify the Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant (as the
     case may be) can be contested separately from the contest of any other Tax
     of such Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant and in the name
     of the Lessee, and the separation of the contest of such Tax does not
     prejudice such Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant in any
     way, then such Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant shall
     permit the Lessee, at the Lessee's sole cost and expense, to contest such
     claim in the Lessee's name.

     If the Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant (as the case may
     be) shall obtain a refund or credit of all or any part of any Taxes paid by
     the Lessee, such Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant shall
     pay to the Lessee the amount of such refund or


     credit (taking into account any Tax savings resulting therefrom), net of
     expenses not already paid or reimbursed by the Lessee, and any interest
     fairly attributable thereto plus an amount equal to the Tax savings
     realized by such Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant as a
     result of any payment to the Lessee pursuant to this sentence.

     The Lessee shall not be required to make payment to the Lessor, Trustee, a
     Lessor Lender or Owner Participant on any indemnification claim being
     diligently contested pursuant to this Clause 5.10 unless (and only to the
     extent) the Lessor, Trustee or Owner Participant has been required to make
     any payment of taxes giving rise to such indemnification claim.

  5.11.  Verification

The Lessor, Trustee, a Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the case may be,
shall provide the Lessee, upon the Lessee's request, with a written statement
setting forth in reasonable detail the computation of the amount of any payment
or increased payment to be made by the Lessee pursuant to Clause 5.5 and 5.8, or
any indemnity by the Lessee pursuant to Clause 5.6(a), or any Tax savings in
respect of which a payment is to be made to the Lessee pursuant to Clause
5.6(b). At the Lessee's request, the amount of any such payments or indemnities
by the Lessee or payment by the Lessor, Trustee, a Lessor Lender or Owner
Participant (as the case may be) to the Lessee pursuant to this Agreement shall
be verified by the independent, internationally recognized accounting firm of
the Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or the Owner Participant, as they shall
elect, or (if not) by another firm of accountants mutually acceptable to such
Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant and the Lessee, who shall be
asked to verify, after consulting with the Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or
Owner Participant (as the case may be), whether such Lessor's, Trustee's, Lessor
Lender's or Owner Participant's computations are correct and to report its
conclusions to both the Lessee and such Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner
Participant.  The Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant (as the
case may be) and the Lessee hereby agree to provide the accountants with all
information and materials as shall be reasonably necessary or desirable in
connection herewith.  The fees and disbursements of such accounting firm shall
be paid by the Lessee unless such verification shall result in an adjustment in
the Lessee's favor greater than or equal to the greater of (i) five percent (5%)
of the total amount verified, or (ii) the fee charged by such accounting firm,
in which case such fee shall be paid by such Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or
Owner Participant.  Any information provided to such accountants by the Lessee
or the Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant (as the case may be)
shall be and remain the exclusive property of the Lessee or such Lessor,
Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant and shall be deemed by the parties
to be (and the accountants will confirm in writing that they will treat such
information as) the private, proprietary and confidential property of such
Lessee, or Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant, as the case may
be, and no person other than the Lessee or the Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or
Owner Participant (as the case may be) and the accountants shall be entitled
thereto, and all such materials shall be returned to the Lessee or the Lessor,
Trustee, Lessor


Lender or Owner Participant, as the case may be. Such accounting firm shall be
requested to make its determination within thirty (30) days. In the event such
accounting firm shall determine that such computations are incorrect, then such
firm shall determine what it believes to be the correct computations. The
computations of the accounting firm shall be final, binding and conclusive upon
the Lessee and the Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant (as the
case may be) absent manifest error, and the Lessee shall have no right to
inspect the books, records, tax returns or other documents of or relating to
such Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant to verify such
computations or for any other purpose. If for any reason Lessee makes any
payment with respect to Taxes imposed on Lessor, Trustee, a Lessor Lender or
Owner Participant in respect of the transactions contemplated hereby, which
Taxes are not the responsibility of Lessee under Section 5.5, 5.6 or 5.8, then
the applicable Lessor, Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant shall pay to
Lessee within ten (10) days of Lessee's demand therefor an amount equal to the
amount paid by Lessee with respect to such Taxes, provided, however, that no
such demand shall be honored unless made within thirty (30) days after the date
of such payment. If Lessor, Trustee, a Lessor Lender or Owner Participant shall
obtain a refund of all or any part of such taxes paid by Lessee, such Lessor,
Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant shall promptly pay to Lessee the
amount of such refund less the amount of any taxes payable by such Lessor,
Trustee, Lessor Lender or Owner Participant in respect of the receipt of such

  5.12.  Forms

Each of Lessor, Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner Participant agrees to
furnish from time to time to the Lessee or to such other person as the Lessee
may designate such duly executed and properly completed forms that such Lessor,
Trustee, any Lessor Lender or Owner Participant is legally able to deliver and
as may be necessary in order to claim any reduction of, or exemption from any
Tax which the Lessee may be required to indemnify against hereunder.

  5.13.  Absolute

The Lessee's obligations under this Agreement are absolute and unconditional
irrespective of any contingency whatever including (but not limited to):

     a.   any right of offset, counterclaim, recoupment, defense or other right
          which either party to this Agreement may have against the other;

     b.   except as specified in clause (c) below, any unavailability of the
          Aircraft for any reason, including a requisition of the Aircraft or
          any prohibition or interruption of, interference with or other
          restriction against the Lessee's use, operation or possession of the


     c.   any lack or invalidity of title or any other defect in title (provided
          that such lack or invalidity of title or other defect does not result
          in the Lessee being deprived of its possession or use of the Aircraft
          or prevent the Lessee from purchasing the Aircraft free of Lessor
          Liens), airworthiness, merchantability, fitness for any purpose,
          condition, design or operation of any kind or nature of the Aircraft
          for any particular use or trade, or for registration or documentation
          under the laws of any relevant jurisdiction, or any Total Loss in
          respect of or any damage to the Aircraft;

     d.   any insolvency, bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement, readjustment
          of debt, dissolution, liquidation or similar proceedings by or against
          the Lessor or the Lessee;

     e.   any invalidity, unenforceability or lack of due authorization of, or
          other defect in, this Agreement; or

     f.   any other cause which, but for this provision, would or might
          otherwise have the effect of terminating or in any way affecting any
          obligation of the Lessee under this Agreement.

     provided, however, that this Clause 5.13 shall be without prejudice to the
     Lessee's right to claim damages and/or other relief from the courts in the
     event of any breach by the Lessor of its obligations under this Agreement,
     or in the event that, as a result of any lack or invalidity of title to the
     Aircraft on the part of the Lessor, the Lessee is deprived of its
     possession of the Aircraft.

  5.14.  Deposit

     The Lessor (or one or more Lessor Lenders) shall retain the Deposit during
     the Term as additional security for Lessee's obligations under this
     Agreement. On the Delivery Date, the Deposit, together with any interest
     earned thereon shall constitute a security deposit under this Lease, shall
     be non-refundable during the Term of this Lease, and shall be held by
     Lessor (or one or more Lessor Lenders) in an interest bearing account
     (which may be a general account and need not be segregated) as security for
     the timely and faithful performance by Lessee of all of Lessee's
     obligations under this Lease. If Lessee fails to pay Rent hereunder or to
     pay any other sums due or to or to perform any of the other terms and
     provisions of this Lease or an Event of Default has otherwise occurred and
     is continuing hereunder, Lessor may use, apply, draw upon or retain all or
     any portion of the Deposit in partial payment for sums due to Lessor by
     Lessee, to compensate Lessor for any sums it may in its discretion advance
     as a result of an Event of Default, or to apply toward losses or expenses
     Lessor may suffer or incur as a result of the occurrence of an Event of
     Default hereunder.  If Lessor uses, draws upon or applies all or any
     portion of the Deposit, such application shall not be deemed a cure of any
     Default or Event of Default, and Lessee shall within five (5) Business Days


     written demand therefor deposit with Lessor cash or other collateral
     acceptable to Lessor in an amount sufficient to restore the Security
     Deposit to its original level as set forth in Schedule 9 hereto, and the
     failure of Lessee to do so shall be a material breach of this Lease by
     Lessee. Provided no Default has occurred and is continuing under this
     Lease, the Deposit shall be returned to Lessee, together with interest (net
     of any reasonable fees, commissions and other expenses incurred in
     connection with investment of the Deposit), if any, earned thereon, within
     five (5) Business Days following the Expiry Date, or, if later, the date
     Lessee's obligations relating to the return of the Aircraft have been fully


  6.1.   Assignment

     Notwithstanding this Agreement, the Lessor will remain entitled to the
     benefit of each warranty, express or implied, and any unexpired customer
     and/or product support given or provided in respect of the Aircraft, any
     Engine or Part by any manufacturer, vendor, maintenance performer,
     subcontractor or supplier.  Unless an Event of Default shall have occurred
     and be continuing, the Lessor hereby authorizes the Lessee to pursue any
     claim thereunder in relation to defects affecting the Aircraft, any Engine
     or Part and the Lessee agrees diligently to pursue any such claim which
     arises at its own cost.  The Lessee will notify the Lessor promptly upon
     becoming aware of any such claim.  The Lessor will provide such assistance
     to the Lessee in making a claim under any such warranties or customer
     and/or product support as the Lessee may reasonably request, and, if
     requested by the Lessee and at the Lessee's expense, will pursue a claim in
     its own name where the relevant manufacturer, vendor, maintenance
     performer, subcontractor or supplier has refused to acknowledge the
     Lessee's right to pursue that claim.

  6.2.   Proceeds

     All proceeds of any such claim as is referred to in Clause 6.1 which exceed
     the Damage Notification Threshold will be paid directly to the Lessor, but
     to the extent that such claim relates:

     a.   to defects affecting the Aircraft which have been rectified; or

     b.   to compensation for loss of use of the Aircraft, an Engine or any Part
          during the Term; or

     c.   to costs incurred by the Lessee in pursuing such claim (whether or not
          proceeds of such claim are payable to the Lessee); or


     d.   to any proceeds in an amount less than the Damage Notification

     and provided no Default shall have occurred and be continuing, such
     proceeds shall be paid directly to the Lessee.

  6.3.   Parts

     Except to the extent the Lessor otherwise agrees in a particular case, the
     Lessee will assure that all engines, components, furnishings or equipment
     provided by the manufacturer, vendor, maintenance performer, subcontractor
     or supplier as a replacement for a defective Engine or Part pursuant to the
     terms of any warranty or customer and/or product support arrangement comply
     with Clause 8.13(a), are installed on the Aircraft promptly and that title
     to any such engine or part vests in the Lessor in accordance with this
     Agreement.  On installation those items will be deemed to be a Engine or
     Part, as applicable.

  6.4.   Agreement

     To the extent any warranties or customer and/or product support relating to
     the Aircraft are made available under an agreement between any
     manufacturer, vendor, maintenance performer, subcontractor or supplier and
     the Lessee, this Clause 6 is subject to that agreement. Lessee shall take
     all such steps as are necessary and requested by the Lessor at the end of
     the Term to ensure the benefit of any of those warranties or customer
     and/or product support which have not expired are vested in the Lessor.


  7.1.   Quiet Enjoyment

     Provided no Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, neither
     the Lessor nor any Person claiming by, through or on account of the Lessor
     will interfere with the quiet use, possession and enjoyment of the Aircraft
     by the Lessee.

  7.2.   Registration and Filings

     The Lessor shall, at the Lessor's cost:

     a.   not do or suffer to be done anything which might reasonably be
          expected to adversely affect the registration of the Aircraft with the
          Aviation Authority; and


     b.   do all acts and things (including making any filing or registration
          with the Aviation Authority or any other Government Entity) as may be
          required following any change in the ownership of the Aircraft.

  7.3.  Exclusion





  7.4.  Lessee's Waiver



  7.5.  Adverse Tax Change

     If as a result of any change in, or amendment to, the laws (or any
     regulations or rulings promulgated thereunder) of Mexico or of any
     political subdivision or taxing authority thereof or therein affecting
     taxation, or any change in official position regarding application or
     interpretation of such laws (including a holding of a court of competent
     jurisdiction), which change or amendment becomes effective after Delivery,
     the Lessee determines, based upon the opinion of independent tax counsel or
     an independent accounting firm of recognized standing in Mexico, that it
     has or will become obligated to pay Taxes in excess of those payable on the
     date hereof due to the jurisdiction of incorporation, domicile or principal
     place of business of the Lessor, the Trustee or the Owner Participant, the
     Lessor, the Trustee or the Owner Participant, as the case may be, shall, if
     requested by the Lessee, use reasonable efforts to assign or otherwise
     transfer its rights and interests in and to the Aircraft and this Agreement
     to an Affiliate in a jurisdiction that is not affected by such event;
     provided that such assignment or transfer can be made upon terms such that
     the Lessor, Trustee or Owner Participant, as the case may be, suffers no
     economic, legal or regulatory disadvantage.  The Lessee shall pay all costs
     and expenses incurred by the Lessor in connection with any such assignment
     or transfer.

  7.6.  Lessee's Confirmation


  7.7.  Lessor Contribution

     Provided that no Default has occurred and is continuing, the Lessor shall,
     at the Lessor's sole cost, make each Subsequent Investment as required in
     accordance with Schedule 10. The notification and verification provisions
     of Clause 5.11 shall apply, mutatis mutandi, to any amounts Lessee claims
     to be due from Lessor pursuant to this Clause 7.7 or Schedule 10; provided,
     however, that in place of a firm of accountants any disputes not resolved
     by the parties shall be determined by such other arbitrator(s) as the
     Lessor and Lessee shall agree upon, or if the parties can not so agree,
     such arbitrator as shall be appointed in accordance with the Commercial
     Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association.


  8.1.  Duration

     The undertakings in this Clause 8 and in Clause 12 will:


     a.   except as otherwise stated, be performed at the expense of the Lessee;

     b.   remain in force until redelivery of the Aircraft to the Lessor in
          accordance with this Agreement and thereafter to the extent of any
          accrued rights of the Lessor in relation to those undertakings.

  8.2.  Information

     The Lessee shall:

     a.   notify the Lessor forthwith of the occurrence of any Event of Default;

     b.   furnish to the Lessor:

          i.     within 60 days after the last day of the first three fiscal
                 quarters of each fiscal year of the Lessee, unaudited quarterly
                 financial statements of the Lessee prepared for such quarter,
                 including a balance sheet as of the last day of such quarter
                 and statements of income and retained earnings and statements
                 of cash flow for such fiscal quarter, all in reasonable detail
                 (subject to year-end audit adjustments) and prepared in
                 accordance with Mexican GAAP;

          ii.    as soon as available but not in any event later than 120 days
                 after the last day of each fiscal year of the Lessee, audited
                 consolidated financial statements of the Lessee prepared for
                 such year, including a consolidated balance sheet of the Lessee
                 and its Subsidiaries as of the last day of such year and
                 consolidated statements of income and retained earnings and
                 consolidated statements of cash flow for such fiscal year and
                 on a comparative basis figures for the immediately preceding
                 fiscal year, all in reasonable detail, each prepared in
                 accordance with Mexican GAAP and certified by Coopers & Lybrand
                 or another firm of internationally recognized independent
                 certified public accountants as fairly presenting the financial
                 position and the results of operations of Lessee and its
                 Subsidiaries at the end of and for such fiscal year and as
                 having been prepared in accordance with Mexican GAAP;

          iii.   at the same time as it is issued to the creditors of the
                 Lessee, a copy of each notice or circular issued to the
                 Lessee's creditors as a group; and

          iv.    on request from time to time such other information regarding
                 the Lessee and its business and affairs as the Lessor may
                 reasonably request;


     c.   on request, inform the Lessor as to the current serial numbers of the
          Engines and any engine installed on the Airframe;

     d.   promptly furnish to the Lessor all information which the Lessor from
          time to time reasonably requests regarding the Aircraft, any Engine or
          any Part and its use, location and condition, including the hours
          available on the Aircraft and any Engine until the next scheduled
          check, inspection, overhaul or shop visit, as the case may be;

     e.   on request, furnish to the Lessor evidence reasonably satisfactory to
          the Lessor that all Taxes and charges incurred by the Lessee with
          respect to the Aircraft have been paid and discharged in full;

     f.   provide the Lessor, within 15 days following the end of each Rental
          Period, with a monthly report on the Aircraft in the form set out in
          Schedule 8;

     g.   give the Lessor annual written notice of the time and location of all
          Major Checks during the succeeding 12-month period;

     h.   promptly notify the Lessor of:

          i.   any loss, theft, damage or destruction to the Airframe, any
               Engine or any Part, or any modification to the Aircraft if the
               potential cost may reasonably be expected to exceed the Damage
               Notification Threshold;

          ii.  any claim or other occurrence likely to give rise to a claim
               under the Insurances (but, in the case of hull claims only, in
               excess of the Damage Notification Threshold) and details of any
               negotiations with the insurance brokers over any such claim; and

          iii. any litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings that
               are pending or, to the Lessee's knowledge, threatened against the
               Lessee which, if adversely determined, would have a material
               adverse effect upon its financial condition or business or its
               ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.

          All reports delivered to the Lessor, Trustee or Owner Participant
          pursuant to this Clause 8.2 shall be in English.

8.3.   Lawful and Safe Operation

     The Lessee shall:

     a.   comply with the law for the time being in force in any country or
          jurisdiction in which the Aircraft is being operated which is
          applicable to the Aircraft or the use and operation of the Aircraft;

     b.   not use the Aircraft in any manner contrary to any requirement of the
          Aviation Authority or the DGAC or the manufacturers of the Aircraft,
          any Engine or any Part or any rule or regulation of the Aviation
          Authority or the DGAC or for any purpose for which the Aircraft is not
          designed or reasonably suitable; provided, that, after providing the
          Lessor with a certificate of its President, Director of Finance or
          chief internal legal counsel stating all relevant facts with respect
          thereto, the Lessee may, in good faith and by appropriate procedures,
          contest the validity or application of any such requirement, rule or
          regulation in any reasonable manner which does not materially
          adversely affect the Lessor, or any of its interests in or to the
          Aircraft or this Agreement;

     c.   ensure that the crew and engineers employed by it in connection with
          the operation and maintenance of the Aircraft have the qualifications
          and hold the licenses required by the Aviation Authority (or the DGAC,
          if applicable) and applicable law;

     d.   use the Aircraft solely in commercial or other operations for which
          the Lessee is duly authorized by the Aviation Authority, the DGAC and
          applicable law;

     e.   not knowingly use the Aircraft (or use it when the Lessee ought
          reasonably to have known that it was being so used) for the carriage

          i.   whole animals, living or dead, except in the cargo compartments
               according to IATA regulations, and except domestic pet animals
               carried in a suitable container to prevent the escape of any
               liquid and to ensure the welfare of the animal;

          ii.  acids, toxic chemicals, other corrosive materials, explosives,
               nuclear fuels, nuclear wastes or any nuclear assemblies or
               components, except as permitted for cargo aircraft under the
               "Restriction of Goods" schedule issued by IATA from time to time
               and provided that all the requirements for packaging or otherwise
               contained therein are fulfilled;

          iii. any other goods, materials or items of cargo which could
               reasonably be expected to cause damage to the Aircraft and which
               would not be adequately covered by the Insurances; or

          iv.  any illegal item or substance;


     f.   not utilize the Aircraft for purposes of training, qualifying or re-
          confirming the status of cockpit personnel except for the benefit of
          the Lessee's cockpit personnel, and then only if the use of the
          Aircraft for such purpose is not disproportionate to the use for such
          purpose of other aircraft of the same type operated by the Lessee;

     g.   not cause or permit the Aircraft to proceed to, or remain at, any
          location which is for the time being the subject of a prohibition
          order (or any similar order or directive) by:

          i.   any Government Entity of the State of Registration or the
               Habitual Base; or

          ii.  any Government Entity of the country in which such location is
               situated; or

          iii. any Government Entity having jurisdiction over the Lessor or the

          provided, however, that the failure of the Lessee to comply with the
          provisions of this sentence shall not give rise to a Default or an
          Event of Default hereunder where such failure is attributable to a
          hijacking, medical emergency, equipment malfunction, weather
          condition, navigational error or other isolated extraordinary event
          (not within the Lessee's control) and the Lessee is diligently
          proceeding to rectify such failure as soon as is reasonably

     h.   obtain and maintain in full force all certificates, licenses, permits
          and authorizations required for the use and operation of the Aircraft
          for the time being, and for the making of payments required by, and
          the compliance by the Lessee with its other obligations under, this

8.4.   Taxes and Other Charges

     Subject to Clauses 5.6(b), 5.10 and 5.11, the Lessee will promptly pay:

     a.   all license and registration fees, Taxes (other than Lessor Taxes) and
          other amounts of any nature imposed by any Government Entity that are
          imposed on the Lessee or for which the Lessee is responsible under
          this Agreement with respect to the Aircraft, including the purchase,
          ownership, delivery, leasing, possession, use, operation, return, sale
          or other disposition of the Aircraft; and

     b.   all rent, fees, charges, Taxes (other than Lessor Taxes) imposed on
          the Lessee and other amounts in respect of any premises where the
          Aircraft or any Part thereof is located from time to time during the


     except to the extent that such payment is being contested in good faith by
     appropriate proceedings in respect of which adequate resources have been
     provided by the Lessee and non-payment of which does not give rise to any
     material likelihood of the Aircraft or any interest therein being sold,
     forfeited or otherwise lost or of criminal liability on the part of the

8.5.   Sub-Leasing

     a.   Lessee will not, without the prior written consent of Lessor (except
          as set forth in clause (b) below), sub-lease or part with possession
          of the Aircraft, the Engines or any Part except that Lessee may part
          with possession (i) with respect to the Aircraft, the Engines or any
          Part to the relevant manufacturers for testing or similar purposes or
          to an Agreed Maintenance Performer for service, repair, maintenance or
          overhaul work, or alterations, modifications or additions to the
          extent required or permitted by this Agreement, and (ii) with respect
          to an Engine or Part, as expressly permitted by this Agreement. For
          the avoidance of doubt, Lessee shall be entitled to enter into "wet
          lease" or charter arrangements with the Aircraft for short-term
          periods that, including all renewals, do not exceed six months so long
          as possession and operational control of the Aircraft remains with the
          Lessee at all times.

     b.   Lessee may sub-lease (a "Sub-Lease") the Aircraft to a Cintra Group
          Airline, incorporated in the State of Registration or the State of
          Incorporation, without the prior consent of the Lessor if the
          following conditions are fulfilled:

          i.   no Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing;

          ii.  notwithstanding such Sub-Lease, Lessee shall remain primarily
               responsible to Lessor hereunder and the Sub-Lease, by its terms,
               shall be expressly subject and subordinate in all respects to
               this Agreement;

          iii. the Sub-Lease shall include clauses identical to or having the
               same substantive effect as Clauses 2.1 (except that the State of
               Incorporation may be the state of incorporation of the relevant
               sublessee), 8, 9, 13, 15.12 and Schedule 6 of this Agreement save
               that a Sub-Lease may impose additional or more stringent
               obligations on, or give fewer rights to, any Sub-Lessee than are
               imposed on Lessee under such provisions of this Agreement and
               that the term of the Sub-Lease shall not be capable of extending
               beyond the Expiry Date;

          iv.  the rights, title and interests of Lessor and the Indemnitees in
               and to the Aircraft and this Agreement shall be duly evidenced
               and protected to the


                  reasonable satisfaction of Lessor and such Indemnitee
                  (including as to the making of all necessary filings and

          v.      Lessee and the Sub-Lessee shall have executed and delivered to
                  Lessor a security assignment in respect of the Sub-Lease
                  together with an acknowledgment of such assignment, and, if
                  requested by Lessor or any Lessor Lender, Lessee and the Sub-
                  Lessee shall have executed and delivered to Lessor and any
                  mortgagee an acknowledgment of any assignment by Lessor of
                  such security agreement to such mortgagee, each such document
                  to be in a form reasonably acceptable to the Lessor;

          vi.     the Sub-Lessee shall be a reputable air carrier and shall hold
                  all necessary consents, licenses, permits and authorizations
                  required under the applicable law of the state of
                  incorporation or establishment of such carrier for the public
                  transport of passengers and cargo, and shall not be subject to
                  any event of the types described in Clause 13.1(g), (h) or (i)
                  as of the commencement of the Sub-Lease;

          vii.    the Aircraft shall not be re-registered outside the State of
                  Registration without the prior written consent of Lessor which
                  shall not be unreasonably withheld. Lessor shall be entitled
                  to withhold such consent if the suggested jurisdiction of re-
                  registration is a jurisdiction which Lessor or any Lessor
                  Lender reasonably determines to be unacceptable in terms of
                  political or judicial risk;

          viii.   at least five Business Days prior to the execution by Lessee
                  of any Sub-Lease, Lessee will provide Lessor with a copy of
                  the draft Sub-Lease in order for Lessor to satisfy itself that
                  the conditions set out in this Clause as to form of the Sub-
                  Lease are fulfilled. Prior to delivery of the Aircraft under
                  any Sub-Lease, Lessee will provide Lessor with an original
                  counterpart of the Sub-Lease duly executed by Lessee and Sub-

          ix.     Lessee shall be responsible for all reasonable costs incurred
                  by Lessor in connection with the Sub-Lease;

          x.      the Sub-Lease shall provide that no further subleases of the
                  Aircraft by the Sub-Lessee shall be permitted; and

          xi.     Lessee shall give written notice to Lessor of any Sub-Lease at
                  least ten (10) days prior to the date on which such Sub-Lease
                  is to be executed (which notice shall include the identity of
                  any proposed change in the State of


                    Registration and the Habitual Base of the Aircraft and, if
                    then determined, the term and the delivery date of the
                    proposed sublease).

     c.   In circumstances where the conditions set out in (b) above are not
          fulfilled in relation to any Sub-Lease, the consent of Lessor to such
          Sub-Lease shall be required.

8.6.   Inspection

     a.   The Lessor and any Person designated by the Lessor may, at any
          reasonable time and upon prior written notice, visit, inspect and
          survey the Aircraft, any Engine or any Part for the purpose of
          verifying compliance by the Lessee with its obligations under this
          Agreement as to the maintenance, use or operation of the Aircraft;
          provided, that such inspection shall not unreasonably interfere with
          the operation of the Aircraft or the conduct of the Lessee's business.

     b.   The Lessor shall bear its own costs and expenses in connection with
          any such visit, inspection or survey unless the visit, inspection or
          survey discloses that the Lessee is in breach of its material
          obligations under this Agreement, in which case such costs and
          expenses shall be paid by the Lessee on demand.

     c.   The Lessor shall:

          i.   have no duty to make, or liability arising out of, any such
               visit, inspection or survey; and

          ii.  so long as no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing,
               not exercise such right other than on reasonable notice and so as
               not to disrupt unreasonably the maintenance or operation of the

8.7.   Protection of Title

     The Lessee shall:

     a.   not do or knowingly permit to be done or omit or knowingly permit to
          be omitted to be done any act or thing which might reasonably be
          expected to jeopardize the respective rights, title and interest of
          the Lessor as owner of the Aircraft and lessor under this Agreement,
          the right, title and interest of any mortgagee of the Aircraft and
          assignee of this Agreement or the validity, enforceability or priority
          of any mortgage;


     b.   on all occasions when the ownership of the Aircraft, any Engine or any
          Part is relevant, make clear to third parties that title is held by
          the Lessor and is subject to any Mortgage;

     c.   not at any time:

          i.   represent or hold out the Lessor as carrying goods or passengers
               on the Aircraft or as being in any way connected or associated
               with any operation or carriage (whether for hire or reward or
               gratuitously) which may be undertaken by the Lessee; or

          ii.  pledge the credit of the Lessor;

     d.   ensure that there is always affixed, and not removed or in any way
          obscured, a fireproof plate (having dimensions of not less than 6 in.
          x 4 in.) in a location reasonably adjacent to, and not less prominent
          than, the airworthiness certificate for the Aircraft and in a
          reasonably prominent position on each Engine stating:

               "This Aircraft/Engine is leased to Aerovias de Mexico, S.A.
                 de C.V.
                   Owner: Investors Asset Holding Corp., not in its Individual
                             Capacity but Solely as Owner Trustee
                             Mortgagees: CL/PK Funding Trust and
                            PK AirFinance S.A., New York Branch"

          and Lessee agrees to make such changes to such lease identification
          plates as Lessor may reasonably request from time to time.

     e.   not create or permit to exist any Security Interest upon the Aircraft,
          any Engine or any Part;

     f.   not do or permit to be done anything which may reasonably be expected
          to expose the Aircraft, any Engine or any Part to penalty, forfeiture,
          impounding, detention, appropriation, damage or destruction and,
          without prejudice to the foregoing, if any such penalty, forfeiture,
          impounding, detention, appropriation, damage or destruction occurs,
          give the Lessor notice and use its best efforts to procure the
          immediate release of the Aircraft, such Engine or such Part, as the
          case may be;

     g.   not abandon the Aircraft, the Engine or any Part;

     h.   pay and discharge or cause to be paid and discharged when due and
          payable or make adequate provision by way of security or otherwise for
          all debts, damages, claims and


          liabilities which have given or might reasonably be expected to give
          rise to a Security Interest over or affecting the Aircraft, any Engine
          or any Part;

     i.   not attempt, or hold itself out as having any power, to sell, lease or
          otherwise dispose of the Aircraft, any Engine or any Part other than
          as expressly permitted by this Agreement; and

     j.   do or cause to be done, at its sole cost and expense, any and all acts
          and things which may be required under the terms of any applicable law
          (other than Federal Aviation Law) involving any jurisdiction in which
          Lessee may operate, or any and all acts and things which the Lessor or
          any Lessor Lender may reasonably request, to perfect and preserve
          Lessor's ownership rights regarding and any Lessor Lender's security
          interest in and to the Aircraft within any such jurisdiction.

8.8.   General

     The Lessee will:

     a.   not make any substantial change in the nature of the business in which
          it is engaged if such change, in the reasonable opinion of the Lessor,
          might reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the
          Lessee's performance of its obligations under this Agreement;

     b.   preserve its corporate existence, and will not merge or consolidate
          with any Person unless the successor Person resulting from such merger
          or consolidation (the "Successor"):

          i.   is the Lessee or an Affiliate incorporated in the State of
               Incorporation or the State of Registration;

          ii.  shall have a net worth immediately after such merger or
               consolidation of not less than the Lessee's net worth immediately
               prior thereto;

          iii. shall be authorized under applicable law to perform the Lessee's
               obligations under this Agreement and any assignment or assumption
               relating thereto to the same extent as the Lessee;

          iv.  shall deliver to the Lessor an agreement, in form and substance
               reasonably satisfactory to the Lessor, containing an assumption
               by the Successor of the Lessee's representations and warranties
               under this Agreement (with such changes and qualifications as are
               appropriate), together with the due and


               punctual performance of all the Lessee's obligations under this
               Agreement; and

          v.   shall deliver to the Lessor an opinion of counsel reasonably
               satisfactory in form and substance to the Lessor to the effect
               that the agreements referred to in sub-clauses (iii) and (iv)
               above constitute the Successor's legal, valid and binding
               obligations; and

     c.   other than pursuant to a Sub-Lease permitted under Section 8.5 hereof,
          ensure that no change will occur in the Habitual Base of the Aircraft
          without the prior written consent of the Lessor.

8.9.   Records

     The Lessee shall procure that accurate, complete and current records of all
     flights made by, and all maintenance carried out on, the Aircraft
     (including, in relation to each Engine and Part subsequently installed,
     before the installation) are kept in English (to the extent required for
     FAR Part 129 operators and otherwise by applicable law), and shall keep the
     records in such manner as the Aviation Authority may from time to time
     require and ensure that they comply with the requirements of the
     manufacturers of the Aircraft, any Engine or any Part. The records will
     form part of the Aircraft Documents.

8.10.  Registration and Filings

     The Lessee shall:

     a.   maintain the registration of the Aircraft with the Aviation Authority
          reflecting (so far as permitted by applicable law) the title and
          interest of Lessor and the security interest of any Lessor Lender in
          the Aircraft and this Agreement, and not do or suffer to be done
          anything that might reasonably be expected to adversely affect such
          registration (to the extent that such is the Lessee's, and not the
          Lessor's, obligation under applicable law), title or interest;

     b.   do all acts and things (including making any filing or registration
          with the Aviation Authority, the DGAC or any other Government Entity)
          and executing and delivering all documents (including any amendment of
          this Agreement) as may be reasonably required by the Lessor:

          i.   following any change or proposed change in the ownership or
               financing of the Aircraft (but, in each case, at the Lessor's
               cost); or


          ii.    following any modification of the Aircraft, any Engine or any
                 Part or the permanent replacement of any Engine or Part in
                 accordance with this Agreement, so as to ensure that the rights
                 of the Lessor under this Agreement apply with the same effect
                 as before; or

          iii.   to establish, maintain, preserve, perfect and protect the
                 rights of the Lessor under this Agreement; and

     c.   within thirty (30) days after the Delivery Date, cause a notarized
          copy of this Agreement, together with certified Spanish translation of
          this Agreement, to be filed with the DGAC and deliver a certified copy
          of such filing to the Lessor.

8.11.  Maintenance and Repair

     The Lessee shall:

     a.   keep the Aircraft airworthy in all respects and in good repair and

     b.   not make any material change to the Agreed Maintenance Program without
          the approval of the Aviation Authority, and not change the intervals
          between Major Checks of the Airframe without the consent of Lessor,
          not to be unreasonably withheld;

     c.   maintain the Aircraft in accordance with the Agreed Maintenance
          Program through Agreed Maintenance Performers and perform (at the
          respective intervals provided in and to the extent required by the
          Agreed Maintenance Program) all Major Checks;

     d.   maintain the Aircraft in accordance with FAA Part 129 and any other
          rules and regulations of the Aviation Authority as are applicable to
          passenger category aircraft of the same type as the Aircraft operated
          by non-United States air carriers; provided, that after providing the
          Lessor with a certificate of its President, Director of Finance or
          chief internal legal counsel stating all relevant facts with respect
          thereto, Lessee may, in good faith and by appropriate procedures,
          contest the validity or application of any such rule or regulation in
          any reasonable manner which does not materially adversely affect the
          Lessor, or any of its interests in or to the Aircraft or this

     e.   comply with all mandatory inspection and modification requirements,
          airworthiness directives and similar requirements applicable to the
          Aircraft, any Engine or Part having a compliance date during the Term
          and that are required by the Aviation Authority; provided, that after
          providing the Lessor with a certificate of its President,


          Director of Finance or chief internal legal counsel stating all
          relevant facts with respect thereto, Lessee may, in good faith and by
          appropriate procedures, contest the validity or application of any
          such requirements or airworthiness directives in any reasonable manner
          which does not materially adversely affect the Lessor, or any of its
          interests in or to the Aircraft or this Agreement;

     f.   comply with all mandatory service bulletins issued by any manufacturer
          of the Aircraft, Engines or Parts and comply with all other service
          bulletins issued by any such manufacturer if and to the extent that
          the Lessee generally complies with such other service bulletins in
          relation to the other leased or owned Boeing/McDonnell Douglas MD-82
          aircraft in its fleet;

     g.   comply with all applicable laws and the regulations of the Aviation
          Authority and any other aviation authorities with jurisdiction over
          the Lessee or the Aircraft, any Engine or Part, and comply with all
          requirements of the Manufacturer, the Engine Manufacturer and the
          manufacturers of Parts, that relate to the maintenance, condition, use
          or operation of the Aircraft or require any modification or alteration
          to the Aircraft, any Engine or Part; provided, that after providing
          the Lessor with a certificate of its President, Director of Finance or
          chief internal legal counsel stating all relevant facts with respect
          thereto, the Lessee may, in good faith and by appropriate procedures,
          contest the validity or application of any such regulations or
          requirements in any reasonable manner which does not materially
          adversely affect the Lessor, or any of its interests in or to the
          Aircraft or this Agreement;

     h.   maintain in good standing a current Certificate of Airworthiness for
          the Aircraft issued by the Aviation Authority except when the Aircraft
          is undergoing maintenance, modification or repair required or
          permitted by this Agreement, and from time to time provide to the
          Lessor a copy on request;

     i.   maintain the Engines with respect to overhaul build standards and disc
          replacements at a level which is not materially inferior to the level
          applied by the Lessee in relation to other engines of the same type as
          the Engines in its fleet;

     j.   maintain the Engines and the APU in an "on condition" program in
          accordance with the Approved Maintenance Program;

     k.   subject to Clause 11.1(c), procure promptly the replacement of any
          Engine or Part which has become time, cycle or calendar expired, lost,
          stolen, seized, confiscated, destroyed, damaged beyond repair,
          unserviceable or permanently rendered unfit for use, with an engine or
          part complying with the conditions set out in Clause 8.13(a); and


     l.   maintain, protect and preserve the Aircraft in a manner consistent
          with Lessee's practices applied to similar equipment owned by Lessee
          or leased from other lessors, without in any way materially favoring
          or disfavoring the Aircraft relative to such other equipment.

  8.12.  Removal of Engines and Parts

     The Lessee will ensure that no Engine or Part installed on the Aircraft is
     at any time removed from the Aircraft other than:

     a.   if replaced as expressly permitted by this Agreement; or

     b.   if the removal is of an obsolete item and is in accordance with the
          Agreed Maintenance Program; or

     c.   pursuant to, and in accordance with, Clause 8.15; or

     d.   i.    during the course of maintaining, servicing, repairing,
                overhauling or testing that Engine or the Aircraft, as the case
                may be; or

          ii.   as part of a normal engine or part rotation program; or

          iii.  for the purpose of making such modifications to the Engine or
                the Aircraft, as the case may be, as are permitted under this

          and then in each case only if it is reinstalled or replaced by an
          engine or part complying with Clause 8.13(a) as soon as practicable
          and in any event no later than the Expiry Date.

  8.13.  Installation of Engines and Parts

     a.   The Lessee will ensure that, except as permitted by this Agreement, no
          engine or part is installed on the Aircraft unless:

          i.    in the case of an engine, it is an engine of the same model as,
                or an improved or advanced version of, the Engine it replaces
                (provided, in the case of an improved or advanced version, it
                can be installed and operated on the Airframe without
                modification of the Airframe or the engine, whether or not the
                other installed Engine is also such an improved or advanced
                version) and it has attached to it a current "serviceable tag"
                issued by the manufacturer or


                supplier indicating that the engine is new, serviceable or
                overhauled, and the Lessee shall retain all such tags to the
                extent required under applicable law;

          ii.   in the case of a part, it is in as good operating condition, is
                of the same or a more advanced make and model and is of the same
                interchangeable modification status as the replaced Part and has
                attached to it a current "serviceable tag" issued by the
                manufacturer or supplier indicating that the part is new,
                serviceable or overhauled, and the Lessee shall retain all such
                tags to the extent required under applicable law; provided, that
                the replacement of parts will not, in the aggregate, result in
                the material diminution in the value or utility of the Aircraft;

          iii.  in the case of a part, it has become and remains the property of
                the Lessor free from Security Interests and on installation on
                the Aircraft will, without further act, be subject to this
                Agreement; and

          iv.   in each case, the Lessee has full details as to its source and
                maintenance records as required by the Aviation Authority for
                Part 129 operators.

     b.   If no Event of Default has occurred which is continuing, the Lessee
          will be entitled to install any engine or part on the Aircraft by way
          of replacement notwithstanding Clause 8.13(a) if:

          i.    there is not available to the Lessee at the time and in the
                place that engine or part is required to be installed on the
                Aircraft a replacement engine or part complying with the
                requirements of Clause 8.13(a);

          ii.   it would result in an unreasonable disruption of the operation
                of the Aircraft or the business of the Lessee to ground the
                Aircraft until an engine or part complying with Clause 8.13(a)
                becomes available for installation on the Aircraft; and

          iii.  as soon as practicable after installation of the same on the
                Aircraft but, in any event, no later than the Expiry Date, the
                Lessee removes any such engine or part and replaces it with the
                Engine or Part replaced by it or by an engine or part complying
                with Clause 8.13(a).

     c.   The Lessor agrees, for the benefit of the Lessee and any mortgagee or
          holder of any other Security Interest in any engine or part (other
          than an Engine or Part) owned by the Lessee, any lessor of any engine
          or part (other than an Engine or Part leased to the Lessee) and any
          conditional vendor of any engine or part (other than an Engine or


           Part purchased by the Lessee subject to a conditional sale agreement
           or any other security agreement), that no right, title to or interest
           in any such engine or part shall be exercised or asserted by the
           Lessor and the Lessor acknowledges and confirms that it will not
           acquire any right, title or interest to or in any such engine or part
           as a result of its installation on the Airframe.

  8.14.  Non-Installed Engines and Parts

     a.    The Lessee shall ensure that any Engine or Part which is not
           installed on the Airframe (or any other airframe as permitted by this
           Agreement) is, except as expressly permitted by this Agreement,
           properly and safely stored and kept free from Security Interests.

     b.    Notwithstanding sub-clause (a), the Lessee shall be permitted, if no
           Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, to install any
           Engine on an airframe and any Part on an airframe or engine:

           i.    owned and operated by the Lessee free from Security Interests;

           ii.   operated by the Lessee and either (1) leased or hired to the
                 Lessee pursuant to a lease or conditional sale agreement on
                 terms whereby the Lessee has full operational control of that
                 aircraft or engine, or (2) owned by the Lessee and subject to a
                 mortgage, a lease, conditional sale agreement or other
                 agreement that constitutes a Security Interest vested in or
                 held by any other Person, provided that:

                 (A)   the terms of any such lease, conditional sale agreement
                       or security Interest will not have the effect of
                       prejudicing the title and interest of the Lessor or any
                       mortgagee in and to that Engine or Part; and

                 (B)   the lessor under such lease, the seller under such
                       conditional sale agreement or the secured party of any
                       Security Interest, as the case may be, has confirmed and
                       acknowledged in writing (which confirmation and
                       acknowledgment may be contained in the lease, conditional
                       sale agreement or document creating the Security
                       Interest) to the Lessor, in form and substance reasonably
                       satisfactory to the Lessor, that it will recognize the
                       rights, title and interest of the Lessor and any
                       mortgagee to and in that Engine or Part and that it will
                       not acquire any rights of ownership whatever in relation

  8.15.  Pooling of Engines and Parts


     The Lessee will not enter into nor permit any pooling agreement or
     arrangement in respect of an Engine or Part without the prior written
     consent of the Lessor, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld in any
     case where an Engine or Part is leased, let on hire or otherwise made
     available by the Lessee (on terms conferring no more than a contractual
     right in personam against the Lessee and not a right in rem against such
     Engine or Part) pursuant to a pooling agreement to which the Lessee is a
     party and:

     a.   the other parties to which are reputable, solvent commercial air
          carriers or the manufacturers or suppliers of the Engine or Part (or
          other reputable, solvent organizations whose business includes the
          administration of and participation in such pooling agreements or
          arrangements); and

     b.   which does not contemplate the transfer of title to the pooled Engine
          or Part; and

     c.   either provides that the Lessor (or any mortgagee designated by
          Lessor) will be sole loss payee in respect of any loss or damage to
          the Engine or Part, or provides for Lessor to acquire title to a
          substitute engine or part satisfying the conditions set out in Clause
          8.13(a) if the Engine or Part is destroyed.

  8.16.  Equipment Changes

     a.   The Lessee will not make any modification or addition to the Aircraft
          (each an "Equipment Change"), except for an Equipment Change that:

          i.     is expressly permitted or required by any other provision of
                 this Agreement, or

          ii.    the Lessee may deem desirable in the proper conduct of its
                 business, provided that no such Equipment Change impairs the
                 condition or airworthiness of the Aircraft, or diminishes the
                 value, useful life or utility of the Airframe, Engine or Part,

          iii.   has the prior written approval of the Lessor, or

          iv.    is made promptly following Delivery in order to conform the
                 configuration of the Aircraft to Lessee's standard
                 configuration for MD-82 aircraft.

     b.   So long as no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, the
          Lessee may remove any Equipment Change if it can be removed from the
          Aircraft without diminishing or impairing the value, utility,
          condition or airworthiness of the Aircraft.


  8.17.  Title to Parts

     a.    Subject to Clause 8.13(c), title to all parts installed on the
           Aircraft, whether by way of replacement as the result of an Equipment
           Change or otherwise (except those installed pursuant to Clause
           8.13(b) or Clause 8.15) will on installation, without further act,
           vest in the Lessor subject to this Agreement free and clear of all
           Security Interests. The Lessee will at its own expense take all such
           steps and execute, and procure the execution of, all such instruments
           that are necessary to ensure that title so passes to the Lessor
           according to all applicable laws. At any time when requested by the
           Lessor, the Lessee will provide evidence to the Lessor's reasonable
           satisfaction (including the provision, if required, to the Lessor of
           a legal opinion of Lessee's chief internal counsel) that title has so
           passed to the Lessor.

     b.    Except as referred to in Clause 8.16(b), any Engine or Part at any
           time removed from the Aircraft will remain the property of the Lessor
           until a replacement has been made in accordance with this Agreement
           and until title to that replacement has passed, according to
           applicable laws, to the Lessor subject to this Agreement free of all
           Security Interests, whereupon title to the Engine or Part will,
           provided no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, pass to
           the Lessee.

  8.18.  Third Parties

     The Lessee shall ensure that no Person having possession of the Aircraft
     during the Term (other than the Lessor) will act in any manner inconsistent
     with the Lessee's obligations under this Agreement and that all such
     Persons shall comply with those obligations as if references to "Lessee"
     included a separate reference to those Persons.


  9.1.   Insurances

     The Lessee will maintain in full force and effect during the Term
     insurances in respect of the Aircraft in form and substance reasonably
     satisfactory to the Lessor (the "Insurances" which expression includes,
     where the context so admits, any relevant re-insurances). The Insurances
     will be effected either:

     a.   on a direct basis with insurers of recognized standing who normally
          participate in aviation insurances in the leading international
          insurance markets and led by reputable underwriters reasonably
          satisfactory to the Lessor; or


     b.   with a single insurer or group of insurers reasonably satisfactory to
          the Lessor who does not retain the risk, but effects substantial
          reinsurance in the leading international insurance markets and through
          brokers and underwriters each of recognized standing and reasonably
          acceptable to the Lessor for a percentage reasonably acceptable to the
          Lessor of all risks insured (the "Reinsurances"),

     and the Lessor acknowledges and confirms that the current deductibles and
     exclusions, together with the existing brokers and insurers in respect of
     the insurances maintained by Lessee on the date of this Agreement are
     acceptable to it.

  9.2.   Requirements

     The Lessor's current requirements as to Insurances are as specified in this
     Clause and in Part 1 of Schedule 6. The Lessor may from time to time
     stipulate such other requirements for the Insurances as the Lessor
     reasonably considers necessary to ensure that the scope and level of cover
     is maintained in accordance with the then prevailing industry practice in
     relation to aircraft of the same type as the Aircraft and in relation to
     operators of similar standing to the Lessee. In the event that the Lessor
     proposes any such stipulation, it shall notify the Lessee accordingly and
     the Lessor and/or its brokers will then consult in good faith with the
     Lessee and the Lessee's brokers with regard to such proposed stipulation.
     If, following the consultation, the Lessor and the Lessee are satisfied
     that the stipulation should be made, the Lessee shall then comply with the
     stipulated requirements. If, however, the Lessor and the Lessee do not
     agree regarding the proposed stipulation, the Lessor and the Lessee (and
     their respective brokers) shall agree upon and name a third broker, to
     determine whether the proposed stipulation is required in order to ensure
     that the scope and level of cover is maintained in accordance with the then
     prevailing industry practice in relation to aircraft of the same type and
     in relation to operators of similar standing to the Lessee. The party whose
     position is not accepted by the third broker shall pay all costs and
     expenses of such broker in connection with the making of its determination.

  9.3.   Insurance Covenants

     The Lessee shall:

     a.   ensure that all legal requirements as to insurance of the Aircraft,
          any Engine or any Part that may from time to time be imposed by the
          laws of the State of Registration or any jurisdiction to, from or over
          which the Aircraft may be flown, in so far as they affect or concern
          the operation of the Aircraft, are complied with and, in particular,
          those requirements compliance with which is necessary to ensure that:

          i.     the Aircraft does not become subject to detention or


          ii.    the Insurances remain valid and in full force and effect; and

          iii.   the interests of the Indemnitees in the Insurances and the
                 Aircraft or any Part are not thereby prejudiced;

     b.   not use, cause or permit the Aircraft, any Engine or any Part to be
          used for any purpose or in any manner not covered by the Insurances or
          outside any geographical limit imposed by the Insurances;

     c.   comply with the terms and conditions of each policy of the Insurances
          and not do, consent or agree to any act or omission that:

          i.     invalidates or may reasonably be expected to invalidate the

          ii.    renders or may reasonably be expected to render void or
                 voidable the whole or any part of any of the Insurances; or

          iii.   brings any particular liability within the scope of an
                 exclusion, exception or sub-limit to the Insurances;

     d.   not take out without the prior written approval of the Lessor any
          insurance or reinsurance in respect of the Aircraft other than those
          required or permitted under this Agreement unless relating solely to
          hull total loss, business interruption, engine break-down, profit
          commission and deductible risk;

     e.   commence renewal procedures at least 30 days prior to the expiration
          of any of the Insurances and provide to the Lessor:

          i.     if requested by the Lessor, a written status report of renewal
                 negotiations 14 days prior to each expiration date;

          ii.    telefaxed confirmation of completion of renewal prior to each
                 expiration date;

          iii.   certificates of insurance (and where appropriate certificates
                 of reinsurance), and broker's (and any reinsurance brokers')
                 letter of undertaking substantially in the form set out in
                 Parts 2 and 3 of Schedule 6, detailing the coverage and
                 confirming the insurers' (and any reinsurers') agreement to the
                 specified insurance requirements of this Agreement within seven
                 days after each renewal date;


     f.   provide to the Lessor copies of those documents evidencing the
          Insurances which the Lessor may reasonably request (but not including
          information regarding premiums);

     g.   on request, provide to the Lessor evidence that the Insurance premiums
          have been paid;

     h.   not make any modification or alteration to the Insurances material and
          adverse to the interests of any of the Indemnitees;

     i.   be responsible for any deductible under the Insurances; and

     j.   provide any other insurance and reinsurance related information, or
          assistance, in respect of the Insurances as the Lessor may reasonably
          request (but not including copies of the insurance policies (unless a
          dispute as to coverage arises) or information regarding premiums).

  9.4.   Failure to Insure

     If the Lessee fails to maintain the Insurances in compliance with this
     Agreement, or to provide Lessor with the evidence thereof required under
     Clause 9, each of the Indemnitees will be entitled but not obligated
     (without prejudice to any other rights of the Lessor under this Agreement):

     a.   to pay the premiums due or to effect and maintain insurances
          satisfactory to it or otherwise remedy the Lessee's failure in such
          manner (including to effect and maintain an "owner's interest" policy)
          as it considers appropriate.  Any sums so expended by it will become
          immediately due and payable by the Lessee to the Lessor on demand (and
          Lessor will endeavor to make such demand promptly following the
          incurring of such expenditure), together with interest thereon at the
          Default Rate from the date of expenditure by it up to the date of
          reimbursement by the Lessee (before and after any judgment); and

     b.   at any time while such failure is continuing to require the Aircraft
          to remain at any airport or to proceed to and remain at any airport
          designated by it until the failure is remedied to its reasonable


  9.5.   Continuing Indemnity

     The Lessor may require the Lessee to effect and to maintain insurance after
     the Expiry Date with respect to its liability under the indemnities in
     Clause 10 for such period as the Lessor may reasonably require (but in any
     event not more than two years) providing for each Indemnitee to be named as
     additional insured. The Lessee's obligation under this Clause 9.6 shall not
     be affected by the Lessee ceasing to be lessee of the Aircraft or any of
     the Indemnitees ceasing to have any interest in respect of the Aircraft.
     Such insurance shall be maintained at the cost of Lessee until the Aircraft
     has been returned and Lessee has performed its obligations relating to such
     return under this Agreement and, thereafter, at the cost of Lessor.

  9.6.   Application of Insurance Proceeds

     As between the Lessor and the Lessee:

     a.   All insurance payments received as the result of a Total Loss or an
          Engine Loss occurring during the Term will be paid to the Lessor (or
          any mortgagee designated by Lessor), and the Lessor shall promptly pay
          the balance of those amounts to the Lessee after deduction of all
          amounts then due and payable by the Lessee to the Lessor under this
          Agreement, including under Clause 11.1(b) and Clause 11.1(c).

     b.   All insurance proceeds in respect of any damage or loss to the
          Aircraft, any Engine or any Part occurring during the Term not
          constituting a Total Loss and in excess of the Damage Notification
          Threshold will be paid to the Lessor (or any mortgagee designated by
          Lessor)  and applied in payment (or to reimburse the Lessee) for
          repairs or replacement property upon the Lessor being reasonably
          satisfied that the repairs or replacement have been effected in
          accordance with this Agreement.  Insurance proceeds in amounts below
          the Damage Notification Threshold may be paid by the insurer directly
          to the Lessee.  Any balance remaining shall be paid to or retained by
          the Lessee.

     c.   All insurance proceeds in respect of third party liability will,
          except to the extent paid by the insurers to the relevant third party,
          be paid to the Lessor to be paid directly in satisfaction of the
          relevant liability or promptly to the Lessee in reimbursement of any
          payment so made.

     d.   Notwithstanding Clauses 9.6(a), (b) and (c), if at the time of the
          payment of any such insurance proceeds a Default has occurred and is
          continuing all such proceeds will be paid to or retained by the Lessor
          (or any mortgagee designated by Lessor)  to be applied toward payment
          of any amounts then due and payable by the Lessee in such


          order as the Lessor sees fit or as the Lessor may elect. In the event
          that the Lessee remedies any such Default to the reasonable
          satisfaction of the Lessor, the Lessor shall procure that all such
          insurance proceeds then held by the Lessor in excess of the amounts
          (if any) applied by the Lessor (or any mortgagee designated by Lessor)
          in accordance with this sub-clause (d) shall be paid promptly to the

  9.7.   Additional Insurance.

     The Lessee agrees to procure any additional Insurances as at any time
     requested by the Lessor and Lessor agrees to reimburse the Lessee for the
     cost of, and all reasonable expenses incurred in obtaining, any such
     additional Insurances.


  10.1.  General

     The Lessee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnitees from
     and against any and all claims, proceedings, losses, liabilities, suits,
     judgments, costs, expenses, penalties or fines (each a "Claim") regardless
     of when the same is made or incurred, whether during or after the Term (but
     not before):

     a.   that may at any time be suffered or incurred directly or indirectly as
          a result of or connected with possession, delivery, performance,
          management, registration, control, maintenance, condition, service,
          repair, overhaul, leasing, sub-leasing, use, operation or return of
          the Aircraft, any Engine or Part (either in the air or on the ground)
          whether or not the Claim may be attributable to any defect in the
          Aircraft, any Engine or any Part or to its design, testing, use or
          otherwise, and regardless of when the same arises or whether it arises
          out of or is attributable to any act or omission, negligent or
          otherwise, of any Indemnitee;

     b.   that arise out of any act or omission that invalidates or that renders
          voidable any of the Insurances;

     c.   that may at any time be suffered or incurred as a consequence of any
          design, article or material in the Aircraft, any Engine or any Part or
          its operation or use constituting an infringement of patent,
          copyright, trademark, design or other proprietary right or a breach of
          any obligation of confidentiality owed to any Person,

     but excluding any Claim to the extent that:


          i.     it arises as a result of the willful misconduct or gross
                 negligence of such Indemnitee;

          ii.    it arises as a result of a breach by the Lessor of its express
                 obligations under this Agreement or as a result of a
                 representation or warranty given by the Lessor in this
                 Agreement not being true and correct at the date when, or when
                 deemed to have been, given or made;

          iii.   it constitutes a Lessor Tax or Lessor Lien;

          iv.    it represents a Tax or loss of tax benefits (the Lessee's
                 liabilities for which, to the extent thereof, are set out in
                 Clauses 5.5, 5.6 and 5.8);

          v.     it constitutes a cost or expense that is required to be borne
                 by the Lessor in accordance with any other provision of this

          vi.    it results from any voluntary disposition by the Lessor of all
                 or any part of its rights, title or interest in or to the
                 Aircraft or under this Agreement, unless such disposition
                 occurs as a consequence of an Event of Default; or

          vii.   it is attributable to an event occurring after the Term unless
                 the Claim results from or arises out of an act or omission by
                 the Lessee, or any circumstance existing, during the Term.

  10.2.  Mitigation

     a.   The Lessor agrees that it shall, as soon as reasonably practicable
          after it becomes aware of any circumstances that would, or would
          reasonably be expected to, become the subject of a claim for
          indemnification pursuant to Clause 10.1, notify the Lessee in writing
          accordingly.  The Lessor (and any other Indemnitee seeking
          indemnification, as the case may be) and the Lessee shall then consult
          with one another in good faith in order to determine what action (if
          any) may reasonably be taken to avoid or mitigate such Claim.  The
          Lessee shall have the right to take all reasonable action (on behalf
          and, if necessary, in the name of the Lessor or such other Indemnitee)
          in order to resist, defend or settle (provided such settlement is
          accompanied by payment in full and requires no admissions or covenants
          by Lessor) any claims by third parties giving rise to such Claim,
          provided always that the Lessee shall not be entitled to take any such
          action unless adequate provision, reasonably satisfactory to the
          Lessor and such other Indemnitee, shall have been made in respect of
          the third party claim and the costs thereof.  The Lessee or, if the
          Lessee's insurers have confirmed that the Claim is covered by Lessee's
          Insurances, the Lessee's


          insurers shall be entitled to select any counsel to represent it or
          them, the Lessor and such other Indemnitee in connection with any such
          action, subject in the case of Lessee to the approval of the Lessor
          and such other Indemnitee (such approval not to be unreasonably
          withheld) and any action taken by the Lessee shall be on a full
          indemnity basis in respect of the Lessor and such other Indemnitee.

     b.   Any sums paid by the Lessee to the Lessor or any Indemnitee in respect
          of any Claim pursuant to Clause 10.1 shall be paid subject to the
          condition that, in the event that the Lessor or such Indemnitee is
          subsequently reimbursed in respect of that Claim by any other Person,
          the Lessor or such Indemnitee shall, provided no Default shall have
          occurred and be continuing, promptly pay to the Lessee an amount equal
          to the sum paid to it by the Lessee, including any interest on such
          amount to the extent attributable thereto and received by the Lessor
          or such Indemnitee, less any Tax payable by the Lessor or such
          Indemnitee in respect of such reimbursement.

     c.   Upon the making of any indemnity payment pursuant to Clause 10.1, the
          Lessee, without any further action, shall be subrogated to any claims
          the Lessor may have relating thereto to the extent of such payment.
          The Lessor agrees to give such further assurances or agreements and to
          cooperate with the Lessee to permit the Lessee to pursue such claims,
          if any, to the extent reasonably requested by the Lessee and at the
          Lessee's sole cost and expense.

     d.   In the event that the Lessee shall have paid an amount to the Lessor
          pursuant to Clause 10.1, and the Lessor subsequently shall be
          reimbursed in respect of such indemnified amount from any other
          person, the Lessor shall promptly (but not before the Lessee shall
          have made all payments then due to the Lessor under this Agreement)
          pay to the Lessee an amount equal to the amount of such reimbursement.

  10.3.  Duration

     The indemnities contained in this Agreement will survive and continue in
     full force after the Expiry Date.



  11.1.  Total Loss

     a.   Pre-delivery:  If a Total Loss occurs prior to Delivery, this
          Agreement will immediately terminate and, except as expressly stated
          in this Agreement, neither party will have any further obligation or
          liability under this Agreement except that the Lessor will return to
          the Lessee the Deposit and any other amounts paid by the Lessee to the
          Lessor with respect to the Aircraft prior to Delivery.

     b.   Post-delivery:  If a Total Loss occurs after Delivery, the Lessee will
          pay to the Lessor (or any mortgagee designated by Lessor), no later
          than 90 days after the Total Loss Date (the "Settlement Date"), the
          Termination Value on the Settlement Date, less any portion of Basic
          Rent previously paid by the Lessee and corresponding to periods after
          the date of such payment, unless the Aircraft is restored to the
          Lessor or the Lessee within that period (or, in the case of a Total
          Loss coming within paragraph (c) of the definition of Total Loss and
          involving the loss of the Lessor's title to the Aircraft, if both the
          Aircraft and the Lessor's title thereto are restored to the Lessor or,
          in the case of the Aircraft, to the Lessee). The receipt by the Lessor
          (or any mortgagee designated by Lessor) of the insurance proceeds in
          respect of the Total Loss on or prior to the Settlement Date shall
          discharge the Lessee from its obligation to pay the Termination Value
          to the Lessor pursuant to this sub-clause (b), provided such proceeds
          are not less than an amount equal to the Termination Value less an
          amount equal to the portion of any Basic Rent previously paid by the
          Lessee and corresponding to periods after the date of such payment. In
          the event that the insurance proceeds are paid initially to the Lessee
          and not to the Lessor, they may be retained by the Lessee if the
          Lessee shall have paid the Termination Value, less an amount equal to
          the portion of any Basic Rent previously paid by the Lessee and
          corresponding to periods after the date of such payment, to the
          Lessor; otherwise, the Lessee shall pay the Termination Value, less an
          amount equal to the portion of any Basic Rent previously paid by the
          Lessee and corresponding to periods after the date of such payment, to
          the Lessor within two (2) Business Days following receipt by the
          Lessee of such proceeds. In the event that the Lessee pays the
          Termination Value, less an amount equal to the portion of any Basic
          Rent previously paid by the Lessee and corresponding to periods after
          the date of such payment, to the Lessor in accordance with this sub-
          clause (b), the Lessor shall promptly assign to the Lessee its rights
          under the Insurances to receive the insurance proceeds in respect of
          the Total Loss to the extent that such proceeds shall not have been
          paid to the Lessee. Subject to the rights of any insurers and
          reinsurers or other third parties, upon irrevocable payment in full to
          the Lessor of that amount and all other amounts then due and payable
          to the Lessor under this Agreement, the Lessor shall, without


          recourse or warranty (except as to the absence of Lessor Liens and as
          to good and marketable title), and without further act, be deemed to
          have transferred to the Lessee all of the Lessor's rights to any
          Engines or Parts not installed when the Total Loss occurred, all on an
          "as-is, where is" basis, and shall, at the Lessee's expense, execute
          and deliver such bills of sale and other documents and instruments as
          the Lessee may reasonably request to evidence (on the public record or
          otherwise) the transfer and the vesting of the Lessor's rights in such
          Engines and Parts in the Lessee, free and clear of all rights of the
          Lessor and any Lessor Liens.

     c.   Engine Loss:  Upon the occurrence of an Engine Loss (including, for
          the avoidance of doubt, at a time when the Engine is not installed on
          the Airframe) in circumstances in which there has not also occurred a
          Total Loss, the Lessee shall give the Lessor written notice promptly
          upon becoming aware of the same and shall (unless the Lessor has
          received the insurance proceeds relating to such Engine Loss), within
          90 days after the Engine Loss Date, convey or cause to be conveyed to
          the Lessor, as replacement for such Engine, title to a replacement
          engine that is in the same or better operating condition, has as many
          or more Flight Hours and Cycles available until the next scheduled
          checks, inspections, overhauls and shop visits and has the same or
          greater value and utility as the lost Engine and that complies with
          the conditions set out in Clause 8.13(a).  The Lessee will at its own
          expense take all such steps and execute, and procure the execution of,
          all such instruments that are necessary to ensure that title to the
          replacement engine passes to the Lessor according to all applicable
          laws, and if requested by the Lessor, will provide evidence to the
          Lessor's reasonable satisfaction (including the provision, if
          required, to the Lessor of a legal opinion of counsel to Lessee
          reasonably satisfactory to Lessor) that title has so passed to the
          Lessor, whereupon the leasing of the replaced Engine the subject of
          the Engine Loss shall cease and title to such replaced Engine shall
          (subject to any salvage rights of insurers) vest in the Lessee
          pursuant to Clause 8.17(c).  If the Lessor subsequently receives any
          insurance proceeds relating to such Engine Loss, the Lessor shall
          promptly remit such proceeds to the Lessee.  No Engine Loss with
          respect to any Engine that is replaced in accordance with the
          provisions of this Clause 11.1(c) shall result in any increase or
          decrease in Basic Rent, the Agreed Value or the Termination Value.

  11.2.  Requisition

     During any requisition for use or hire of the Aircraft, any Engine or Part
     that does not constitute a Total Loss:

     a.   the Basic Rent and Supplemental Rent payable under this Agreement will
          not be suspended or abated either in whole or in part, and the Lessee
          will not be released


          from any of its other obligations under this Agreement (other than
          operational obligations with which the Lessee is unable to comply
          solely by virtue of the requisition); and

     b.   so long as no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, the
          Lessee will be entitled to any compensation payable by the
          requisitioning authority in respect of the Term. The Lessee will, as
          soon as practicable after the end of any such requisition, cause the
          Aircraft to be put into the condition required by this Agreement. The
          Lessor will be entitled to all compensation payable by the
          requisitioning authority in respect of any change in the structure,
          state or condition of the Aircraft arising during the period of
          requisition, and the Lessor will apply such compensation in
          reimbursing the Lessee for the cost of complying with its obligations
          under this Agreement in respect of any such change, but so that, if
          any Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, the Lessor may
          apply the compensation in or towards settlement of any amounts owing
          by the Lessee under this Agreement. All such sums shall be held by the


  12.1.  Redelivery

     On the Expiry Date or termination of the leasing of the Aircraft under this
     Agreement, the Lessee shall, unless a Total Loss has occurred, at its
     expense, redeliver the Aircraft and Aircraft Documents to the Lessor at the
     Redelivery Location in a condition complying with this Clause 12 and
     Schedule 5, free and clear of all Security Interests (other than Lessor
     Liens); provided, however, that if Lessor designates an alternate
     Redelivery Location in the continental United States of America then the
     Lessor shall reimburse the Lessee for the cost of a ferry flight from
     Mexico City International Airport (or such closer location at which Lessee
     has then placed the Aircraft) to such alternate Redelivery Location,
     provided, however, that if such cost is in excess of $10,000.00 any excess
     shall not be reimbursed and shall be borne by the Lessee.

  12.2.  Final Checks

     Immediately prior to return of the Aircraft, Lessee shall perform the

     a.   Lessee shall perform (or have performed by an Agreed Maintenance
          Performer) a full and complete zonal, systems and structural check
          ("C" or its equivalent), the work, if any, required to be performed
          within thirty (30) days thereafter in accordance with the heavy work
          cards, the corresponding lower checks ("A" and "B" or equivalent) and
          any other maintenance and inspections tasks that are a part thereof,
          all in


          accordance with the Agreed Maintenance Program. At return, the
          Airframe will have zero Flight Hours since such "C" check and any such
          heavy maintenance work, except for the acceptance flights and the
          ferry flight to the Redelivery Location. Lessee will also weigh the
          Aircraft. Lessee shall also perform during such check any other work
          reasonably requested by Lessor (and not otherwise required under this
          Agreement) so long as such work does not prevent Lessee from returning
          the Aircraft on the Expiry Date, and Lessor shall reimburse Lessee for
          the cost of such work based on its third-party labor rates. The Lessor
          shall indemnify and hold harmless the Lessee from and against any and
          all costs and expenses incurred by the Lessee in the event the
          performance of such additional work causes a delay in the return of
          the Aircraft.

     b.   Lessee shall perform (or have performed by an Agreed Maintenance
          Performer) an internal and external corrosion inspection in accordance
          with the manufacturer's corrosion prevention and control program
          ("CPCP") specified for the model type and correct any discrepancies in
          accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and the
          manufacturer's structural repair manual ("SRM"). In addition, all
          inspected areas will be properly treated with corrosion inhibitor as
          recommended by the manufacturer.

     c.   With respect to the Engines:

          i.     Lessee shall perform a videotape borescope inspection of the
                 low pressure and high pressure compressors and the turbine area
                 of the Engines. All items beyond the applicable Engine
                 manufacturer's maintenance manual limits will be rectified at
                 Lessee's sole cost and expense. No Engine will be "on watch"
                 for any reason requiring special or out of sequence inspection.

          ii.    In accordance with the applicable manufacturer's maintenance
                 manual, Lessee shall perform a maximum power assurance run and
                 condition, acceleration and bleed valve scheduling checks on
                 the Engines, and Lessee will record and evaluate the Engine
                 performance with Lessor and/or its representative entitled to
                 be present. The performance and all operating parameters of
                 each Engine will be within the limits specified in the Engine
                 manufacturer's maintenance manual.

          iii.   If the Engine historical and technical records and the
                 condition trend monitoring data of any Engine or the APU
                 indicate an abnormal acceleration (as determined with reference
                 to the applicable maintenance manual) in the rate of
                 deterioration in the performance of such Engine or APU, Lessee
                 shall correct such conditions causing the accelerated rate of


     d.   Lessee shall remove its logo and exterior markings and shall repaint
          the Airframe white in accordance with the SRM and the paint
          manufacturer's instructions, avoiding any over-spray on other

  12.3.  Final Inspection

     a.   At least 45 days before the redelivery of the Aircraft, the Lessee
          will make available to the Lessor at its maintenance base (i) the
          Aircraft Documents, (ii) a current and complete copy of the Agreed
          Maintenance Program, (iii) a copy of all Engine and APU trend
          monitoring data, (iv) a written summary of all sampling programs
          involving or affecting the Aircraft, and (v) a copy of all other
          documentation and data reasonably requested by Lessor and required to
          be maintained by FAR Part 129 operators for review and inspection in
          order to prepare for the Final Inspection of the Aircraft and in order
          to facilitate the Aircraft's integration into any subsequent
          operator's fleet. The Lessor agrees that it will not disclose the
          contents of the Agreed Maintenance Program to any Person except to the
          extent necessary to monitor the Lessee's compliance with this
          Agreement and/or to bridge the maintenance program for the Aircraft
          from the Agreed Maintenance Program to another program after the
          Expiry Date.

     b.   During the 30 days immediately prior to redelivery of the Aircraft,
          the Lessee will make the Aircraft available to the Lessor at the
          Lessee's maintenance base for inspection (the "Final Inspection") in
          order to verify that the condition of the Aircraft complies with this

     c.   At the request of Lessor, Lessee shall perform "bridging" maintenance
          procedures for the purpose of standardizing the Aircraft to the
          maintenance program of any subsequent operator of the Aircraft;
          provided, however, that Lessor shall pay to Lessee all costs and
          expenses incurred by the Lessee relating to the "bridging" procedures.
          The Lessor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Lessee from and
          against any and all costs and expenses incurred by the Lessee in the
          event the performance of such "bridging" causes a delay in the return
          of the Aircraft.

     d.   The Lessor shall also be entitled, as part of the Final Inspection, to
          require the Lessee to perform an acceptance flight of up to two hours
          at the Lessee's cost (with up to three of the Lessor's representatives
          as on-board observers) and such further acceptance flights as may be
          necessary in the event that the first or subsequent flights do not
          confirm that the Aircraft complies with the requirements of this
          Agreement.  The Lessee's pilots shall be in control of such acceptance
          flights at all times.


  12.4.  Non-Compliance

     To the extent that, on the Expiry Date, the condition of the Aircraft does
     not comply with this Agreement, the Lessee shall at the option of the

     a.   immediately rectify the non-compliance and, to the extent the non-
          compliance extends beyond the Expiry Date due to acts or omissions of
          the Lessee, the Term will be automatically extended until the non-
          compliance has been rectified; or

     b.   redeliver the Aircraft to the Lessor and indemnify the Lessor, and
          provide security reasonably acceptable to the Lessor for that
          indemnity, against the cost of putting the Aircraft into the condition
          required by this Agreement.

     During any extension of the Term pursuant to sub-clause (a), this Agreement
     will remain in full force and effect, including the obligation to pay rent
     (which Lessee shall pay at the rate of $5,500 per day weekly in arrears);
     provided, however, that Lessee shall not operate, or permit others to
     operate, the Aircraft after the Expiry Date except for acceptance flights
     pursuant to Clause 12.2 and a ferry flight to the Redelivery Location.

     c.   The Lessor may require the Lessee to remove any Equipment Change that
          would diminish or impair the value, utility, condition or
          airworthiness of the Aircraft and to restore the Aircraft to its
          condition prior to that Equipment Change.

  12.5.  Export Documentation

     Upon redelivery and upon request by the Lessor, the Lessee shall provide to
     the Lessor all documents necessary to export the Aircraft from the State of
     Incorporation (including a valid and subsisting export license for the

  12.6.  Acknowledgment

     Provided the Lessee has complied with its obligations under this Agreement,
     upon redelivery of the Aircraft by the Lessee to the Lessor at the
     Redelivery Location, the Lessor will deliver to the Lessee a written
     acknowledgment confirming that the Lessor is satisfied that the Aircraft is
     in the condition required by this Agreement and has been redelivered to the
     Lessor in accordance with this Agreement. Within one (1) Business Day of
     the delivery of such acknowledgment the Lessor shall return the balance, if
     any, of the Deposit to Lessee.



13.1.  Events

     Each of the following events will constitute an Event of Default and a
     repudiation of this Agreement by the Lessee:

     a.   Non-payment:  the Lessee fails to pay any amount of Basic Rent and
          such failure continues for three Business Days after written notice
          from Lessor, or Lessee fails to pay any amount of Termination Value
          when due, or, after the Lessor gives written notice to the Lessee that
          Supplemental Rent is due, fails to make any payment of  Supplemental
          Rent in accordance with the terms of  this Agreement and such failure
          continues for 15 days; or

     b.   Insurance:  the Lessee fails to comply with any provision of clause 9
          or any insurance required to be maintained under this Agreement is
          canceled or terminated; or

     c.   Breach:  the Lessee fails to comply with any other provision of this
          Agreement and the failure continues for 30 days after written notice
          from the Lessor to the Lessee, provided however, that, if such failure
          cannot reasonably be remedied within such 30 day period and the Lessee
          is diligently undertaking all necessary remedial action, the 30 day
          period shall be extended once for a further 30 days; or

     d.   Representation:  any representation or warranty made by the Lessee in
          this Agreement or in any document or certificate furnished to the
          Lessor pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement is or proves
          to have been incorrect in any material respect when made and the
          Lessee's ability to comply with its obligations under this Agreement,
          and/or the Lessor's or any mortgagee 's rights, title and interest to
          and in the Aircraft and/or under this Agreement, are thereby
          materially and adversely affected and, if the effect of such
          misrepresentation is curable, shall not have been cured within thirty
          days after the Lessee's receipt of written notice thereof from the
          Lessor; or

     e.   Cross Default:

          i.     any Financial Indebtedness of the Lessee that exceeds
                 $7,500,000 is not paid when due and any applicable grace period
                 shall have expired;

          ii.    the security for any such Financial Indebtedness is enforced;


          iii.   any material lease, conditional sale, installment sale or
                 forward purchase agreement of the Lessee in respect of an
                 aircraft is terminated as a consequence of an event of default
                 or termination event (however described);

          provided always, in any such case, it shall not constitute an Event of
          Default under this Agreement:

          i.     if the relevant Financial Indebtedness constitutes non-recourse
                 borrowing or financing; or

          ii.    if the non-payment, acceleration, termination or event in
                 question is being contested by the Lessee in good faith and on
                 reasonable grounds and any termination of agreement or
                 enforcement of security through judicial process has been
                 stayed by a court of competent jurisdiction; or

     f.   Approvals:  any consent, authorization, license, certificate or
          approval of or registration with or declaration to any Government
          Entity in connection with this Agreement, including:

          i.     any authorization required by the Lessee of, or in connection
                 with, the execution, delivery, validity, enforceability or
                 admissibility in evidence of this Agreement or the performance
                 by the Lessee of its obligations under this Agreement; or

          ii.    any airline license, air transport license, franchise,
                 concession, permit, certificate, right or privilege required by
                 the Lessee for the conduct of its business,

          is modified, withheld, revoked, suspended, canceled, withdrawn,
          terminated or not renewed, or otherwise ceases to be in full force and
          is not reissued, reinstated or renewed within 30 days, provided
          however that any such modification, withholding, revocation,
          suspension, cancellation, withdrawal, termination or non-renewal shall
          only constitute an Event of Default if it has a material adverse
          effect on the Lessee's ability to perform its obligations under this
          Agreement or the Lessor's rights, title and interest to and in the
          Aircraft or under this Agreement; or


     g.   Insolvency:

          i.     the Lessee is, or is deemed for the purposes of any relevant
                 law to be, unable to pay its debts as they fall due or to be
                 insolvent, or admits in writing its inability to pay its debts
                 as they fall due (disregarding for that purpose any assumed,
                 and not actual acceleration of such debts made solely for the
                 purpose of complying with applicable accounting rules); or

          ii.    the Lessee suspends making payments on all or any class of its
                 debts or a moratorium is declared in respect of any of its
                 indebtedness; or

     h.   Bankruptcy and Similar Proceedings:

          i.     Lessee shall consent to the appointment of a receiver, trustee
                 or liquidator for itself or for a substantial part of its
                 property and such appointment has a material adverse effect on
                 the Lessee's ability to perform its obligations under this
                 Agreement; or

          ii.    Lessee shall file a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or a
                 voluntary petition or answer seeking reorganization in a
                 proceeding under any laws dealing with bankruptcy, concurso
                 mercantil, insolvency, moratorium or creditors' rights
                 generally (any or all of which are hereinafter referred to as
                 "Bankruptcy Laws") or an answer admitting the material
                 allegations of a petition filed against Lessee in any such
                 proceeding, or Lessee shall by voluntary petition answer or
                 consent to or seek relief under the provisions of any
                 Bankruptcy Laws; or

          iii.   any order, judgment or decree is entered by a court of
                 competent jurisdiction appointing a receiver, trustee or
                 liquidator of Lessee or a substantial part of its property and
                 such appointment will have a material adverse effect on the
                 Lessee's ability to perform its obligations under this
                 Agreement, or ordering a substantial part of Lessee's property
                 to be sequestered and such sequestering will have a material
                 adverse effect on the Lessee's ability to perform its
                 obligations under this Agreement, and such actions are
                 instituted or done with the consent of Lessee or, if instituted
                 by another Person, the order, judgment or decree is not
                 dismissed, remedied or relinquished within 60 days; or

          iv.    a petition against Lessee in a proceeding under any Bankruptcy
                 Laws shall be filed and shall not be withdrawn or dismissed
                 within 60 days thereafter, or if, under the provisions of any
                 Bankruptcy Laws that may apply to Lessee, any court of
                 competent jurisdiction shall assume jurisdiction, custody or


                 of Lessee or of any substantial part of its property and such
                 assumption of jurisdiction, custody or control will have a
                 material adverse effect on the Lessee's ability to perform its
                 obligations under this Agreement and such jurisdiction, custody
                 or control remains in force unrelinquished, unstayed or
                 unterminated for a period of 60 days; or

          v.     the Lessee enters into a concurso mercantil, composition,
                 assignment or arrangement with any creditors of, or the
                 reorganization, rehabilitation, administration, liquidation, or
                 dissolution of, the Lessee; or

     i.   Unlawful:  it becomes unlawful for the Lessee to perform any of its
          material obligations under this Agreement or this Agreement becomes
          wholly or partly invalid or unenforceable, provided that any such
          partial invalidity or unenforceability shall only constitute an Event
          of Default if  it has a material adverse effect on the Lessee's
          ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement or the
          Lessor's rights, title and interest in and to the Aircraft or under
          this Agreement; or

     j.   Suspension of Business:  the Lessee suspends or ceases to carry on a
          substantial part of its business and such suspension or cessation of
          business will have a material adverse effect on the Lessee's ability
          to perform its obligations under this Agreement; or

     k.   Disposal:  the Lessee disposes of a substantial part of its assets and
          the disposal of such assets will have a material adverse effect on the
          Lessee's ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement,
          whether by one or a series of transactions, related or not, other than
          pursuant to a merger or consolidation as referred to in, and subject
          to, Clause 8.8(b) or for the purpose of any other reorganization or
          amalgamation the terms of which have received the previous consent in
          writing of the Lessor; or

     l.   Rights:  the existence, validity, enforceability or priority of the
          rights of the Lessor as owner and lessor in respect of the Aircraft is
          challenged by the Lessee or any other Person lawfully claiming by or
          through the Lessee; or

     m.   Change of Ownership:  any single Person or group of Persons acquire
          control, directly or indirectly, of the Lessee where such acquisition
          of control will have a materially adverse effect on the Lessee's
          ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement or the
          Lessor's rights, title and interest in and to the Aircraft or under
          this Agreement).


  13.2.  Rights

     If an Event of Default occurs, and for as long as it shall continue, the
     Lessor may at its option (and without prejudice to any of its other rights
     under this Agreement):

     a.   treat such event as a repudiation by the Lessee of its obligations
          under this Agreement and by notice to the Lessee with immediate effect
          terminate the leasing of the Aircraft (but without prejudice to the
          continuing obligations of the Lessee under this Agreement), whereupon
          all rights of the Lessee under this Agreement shall cease; and/or

     b.   proceed by appropriate court action or actions to enforce performance
          of this Agreement or to recover damages for the breach of this
          Agreement; and/or

     c.   either:

          i.     take possession of the Aircraft, for which purpose the Lessor
                 may enter any premises belonging to, occupied by or under the
                 control of the Lessee (for which purpose the Lessee hereby
                 grants to the Lessor an irrevocable license to the extent
                 permitted by applicable law) where the Aircraft may be located,
                 or cause the Aircraft to be redelivered to the Lessor at the
                 Redelivery Location; or

          ii.    by serving notice, require the Lessee to redeliver the Aircraft
                 to the Lessor at the Redelivery Location.

  13.3.  Repossession and Removal

     If an Event of Default occurs, and for as long as it shall continue, the
     Lessor may sell or otherwise deal with the Aircraft as if this Agreement
     had never been made and the Lessee will, at the request of the Lessor, take
     all steps necessary to return the Aircraft to Lessor, including if
     requested by Lessor to export the Aircraft from the country where the
     Aircraft is for the time being situated, and any other steps necessary to
     enable the Aircraft to be redelivered to the Lessor in accordance with this

  13.4.  Default Payments

     If an Event of Default occurs, the Lessee will indemnify the Lessor on
     demand against any loss, damage, expense, cost or liability which the
     Lessor may sustain or incur directly or indirectly as a result, including:


     a.   in the event that the Aircraft has not been sold, upon written notice
          from Lessor to Lessee specifying a payment date not earlier than 15
          days from the date of such notice, as liquidated damages for loss of a
          bargain and not as a penalty (in lieu of the Basic Rent for the
          Aircraft due for periods commencing after the date specified for
          payment in such notice), any unpaid Basic Rent due for periods prior
          to and including the period ending with the payment date specified in
          such notice plus an amount (together with interest, if any, at the
          Default Rate on the amount of any such unpaid Basic Rent and on such
          specified amount from the respective due dates to and including the
          actual date of payment) equal to the excess, if any, of (i) the
          Termination Value computed as of the Rent Date immediately preceding
          the date specified for payment in such notice, over (ii) the fair
          market sales value of the Aircraft; for purposes hereof, the "fair
          market sales value" of the Aircraft shall be as specified in an
          appraisal by a recognized independent aircraft appraiser chosen by the

     b.   in the event that the Aircraft is sold, the amount (if any) by which
          the aggregate of (i) the net sale proceeds (calculated on an after-tax
          basis by deducting the costs of sale, including the loss or recapture
          of the Lessor's tax benefits, if any, together with the cost of
          preparing the Aircraft for sale, and the repayment of any outstanding
          indebtedness in relation to the financing of the Aircraft) plus (ii)
          the present value of the anticipated after-tax net income to be
          derived from such net sale proceeds up to the scheduled Expiry Date,
          discounted on a monthly basis using 9.0% per annum as the discount
          rate, are less than the Termination Value computed as of the Rent Date
          immediately preceding the date of sale;

     c.   any amount of principal, interest, fees or other sums whatsoever paid
          or payable on account of funds borrowed in order to carry any amount
          unpaid by the Lessee; and

     d.   any loss, premium, penalty or expense that may be incurred in repaying
          funds raised to finance the Aircraft or in unwinding any swap, forward
          interest rate agreement or other financial instrument relating in
          whole or in part to the Lessor's financing of the Aircraft.

     For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of Clause 5.9 will apply to any
     sums payable by the Lessee pursuant to this Clause 13.4.


  14.1.  No Assignment by Lessee


     The Lessee will not assign or create or permit to exist any Security
     Interest over any of its rights under this Agreement, except as expressly
     permitted hereunder, including under Clause 8.5 hereof.

  14.2.  Lessor Assignment

     The Lessor may sell, assign or transfer all or any of its rights under this
     Agreement and in the Aircraft (a "Transfer") and the Lessor will, other
     than in the case of an assignment for security purposes, have no further
     obligation under this Agreement following a Transfer but, notwithstanding
     any Transfer, will remain entitled to the benefit of each indemnity under
     this Agreement.

     a.   In connection with any Transfer, the following conditions shall apply:

          i.     Lessor shall give Lessee written notice of such Transfer at
                 least ten Business Days before the date of such Transfer,
                 specifying the name and address of the proposed purchaser,
                 assignee or transferee (the "Transferee");

          ii.    the Transfer will not adversely affect the Lessee's rights and
                 interests in the Aircraft and/or this Agreement, nor subject
                 the Lessee to any Tax or Claim or any other obligation or
                 liability to which it would not have been subject had such
                 assignment or transfer not taken place;

          iii.   the Transferee will have full corporate power and authority to
                 enter into and perform the transactions contemplated by this
                 Agreement on the part of "Lessor";

          iv.    on the Transfer date the Lessor and the Transferee shall enter
                 into an agreement or agreements in which the Transferee
                 confirms that it shall be deemed a party to this Agreement and
                 agrees to be bound by all the terms of, and to undertake all of
                 the obligations of, the Lessor contained in this Agreement;

          v.     either (x) the Transferee shall be a financial institution, a
                 corporation or a partnership having experience in aircraft
                 leasing and with a net worth of U.S. $10,000,000 (United States
                 Dollars Ten Million) and shall not be an entity operating or
                 having a bona fide intent to operate on the same routes as the
                 Lessee; or (y) the Lessee has given its prior written consent
                 to such assignment (which consent shall not be unreasonably
                 withheld or delayed);


          vi.    in connection with such assignment, the Aircraft may be
                 registered in the jurisdiction where it is registered prior to
                 such assignment under the relevant laws and rules and
                 regulations of such jurisdiction;

          vii.   the Lessor shall pay all reasonable, out-of-pocket costs and
                 expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable legal fees
                 and registration costs) imposed on or incurred by the Lessee as
                 a result of the entering into of such assignment.

     b.   Upon any Transfer, the Transferee shall be deemed Lessor for all
          purposes of this Agreement, each reference in this Agreement to the
          "Lessor" shall thereafter be deemed for all purposes to refer to the
          Transferee, and the transferor shall be relieved of all obligations of
          the "Lessor" under this Agreement arising after the time of such
          Transfer except to the extent attributable to acts or events occurring
          prior to the time of such Transfer.

     c.   Upon compliance by Lessor and a Transferee with the terms and
          conditions of Clause 14.2(a), Lessee shall at the time of Transfer, at
          the specific written request and at the sole cost and expense of

          i.     execute and deliver to Lessor and to such Transferee an
                 agreement, in form and substance satisfactory to Lessor, Lessee
                 and such Transferee, dated the date of such transfer,
                 consenting to such transfer, agreeing to pay all or such
                 portion of the Basic Rent and other payments under this
                 Agreement to such Transferee or its designee as such Transferee
                 shall direct, and agreeing that such Transferee shall be
                 entitled to rely on all representations and warranties made by
                 Lessee in this Agreement or in any certificate or document
                 furnished by Lessee in connection with this Agreement as though
                 such Transferee was the original "Lessor";

          ii.    deliver to Lessor and to such Transferee a certificate, signed
                 by a duly authorized officer or Lessee, dated the date of such
                 transfer, to the effect that no Event of Default has occurred
                 and is continuing or, if one is then continuing, describing
                 such Event of Default;

          iii.   cause to be delivered to Lessor and such Transferee
                 certificates of insurance (and where appropriate certificates
                 of reinsurance) and broker's (and any reinsurance brokers')
                 letter of undertaking substantially in the form set out in
                 Parts 2 and 3 of Schedule 6, detailing the coverage and
                 confirming the insurers' (and any reinsurers') agreement to the
                 specified insurance requirements of this Agreement and listing
                 the Lessor and Transferee as


                 additional insureds and the Transferee as sole loss payee
                 (subject to other direction by the Lessor);

          iv.    deliver to Lessor and to such Transferee an opinion of Lessee's
                 chief internal counsel to the effect that such Transferee may
                 rely on the opinion delivered by such counsel or its
                 predecessor counsel in connection with this Agreement on the
                 Delivery Date with the same force and effect as if such
                 Transferee was an original addressee of such opinion when

          v.     deliver to Lessor and such Transferee information on the
                 location of the Airframe and Engines at all times requested by
                 Lessor in order to permit the Transfer to take place at a time
                 and on a date so as to eliminate or minimize any Taxes
                 applicable to the Transfer; and

          vi.    such other documents as Lessor or such Transferee may
                 reasonable request, so long as such documents do not adversely
                 affect the rights or obligations of Lessee under this Agreement
                 or otherwise adversely affect Lessee.

  14.3.  Grants of Security Interests

     The Lessor shall be entitled at any time after Delivery to grant a security
     interest in the Aircraft or its right, title and interest in this Agreement
     (each, a "Mortgage") in favor of any Person (each, a "Mortgagee"). In the
     case of any such grant by Lessor of a Mortgage to a Mortgagee in all or any
     portion of Lessor's rights, title and interest in and to the Aircraft and
     this Agreement, Lessee shall promptly, at the specific written request and
     at the sole cost and expense of Lessor:

     a.   execute and delivery to Lessor and to such Mortgagee an agreement, in
          form and substance satisfactory to Lessor, such Mortgagee and Lessee,
          dated the date of the grant of such Mortgage, (i) consenting to such
          Mortgage and to any assignment of Lessor's rights, title and interest
          in and to this Agreement to such Mortgagee for security purposes, (ii)
          if requested in writing by Lessor, agreeing that Lessee will pay the
          Basic Rent and other payments under this Agreement to such Mortgagee,
          and (iii) agreeing that such Mortgagee shall be entitled to rely on
          all representations and warranties made by Lessee in this Agreement or
          in any certificate or document furnished by Lessee in connection with
          this Agreement as though such Mortgagee was originally the "Lessor";

     b.   execute and deliver to Lessor and such Mortgagee such agreements as
          the Lessor may reasonably require for the purposes of effecting all
          necessary amendments to this Agreement (including Clauses 8, 9 and 10
          and Schedule 6);


     c.   deliver to Lessor and such Mortgagee a certificate, signed by a duly
          authorized officer of Lessee, dated the date of the grant of the
          Mortgage, to the effect that no Event of Default has occurred and is
          continuing or, if one is then continuing, describing such Event of

     d.   cause to be delivered to Lessor and such Mortgagee certificates of
          insurance (and where appropriate certificates of reinsurance) and
          broker's (and any reinsurance brokers') letter of undertaking
          substantially in the form set out in Parts 2 and 3 of Schedule 6,
          detailing the coverage and confirming the insurers' (and any
          reinsurers') agreement to the specified insurance requirements of this
          Agreement, adding such Mortgagee as an additional insured and, if
          requested by Lessor, listing such Mortgagee as sole loss payee;

     e.   deliver to Lessor and such Mortgagee an opinion of Lessee's chief
          internal counsel to the effect that such Mortgagee may rely on the
          opinion delivered by such counsel or its predecessor counsel in
          connection with this Agreement on the Delivery Date with the same
          force and effect as if such Mortgagee was an original addressee of
          such opinion when given; and

     f.   such other documents as Lessor or such Mortgagee may reasonably
          request so long as such documents do not adversely affect the rights
          or obligations of Lessee under this Agreement or otherwise adversely
          affect Lessee.

  14.4.  Sale and Leaseback by Lessor

     In addition to the Transfers and grants of Security Interests permitted by
     Clauses 14.2 and 14.3, Lessor shall be entitled to transfer its right,
     title and interests in and to the Aircraft to any Person and lease the
     Aircraft from such Person (a "Head Lessor"), and in such event Lessor shall
     retain its rights and obligations as the "Lessor" under this Agreement. In
     the event of such a sale and lease-back by Lessor, (a) the Lessor shall be
     entitled to assign its rights in this Agreement to such Head Lessor as
     security for its obligations under the lease from the Head Lessor (the
     "Head Lease"), (b) the Head Lessor shall be entitled to grant a Mortgage
     covering the Aircraft and this Agreement, (c) at the sole cost and expense
     of Lessor, Lessee shall execute and deliver to Lessor, such Head Lessor and
     such Mortgagee, as appropriate, the documents specified in Clauses
     14.2(c)(i) through (vi) and Clauses 14.3(a) through (f) above, and Lessee
     shall cooperate with Lessor to make such other changes to this Agreement,
     such as including such Head Lessor and such Mortgagee as additional
     insureds and "Indemnitees", as Lessor may reasonably request so long as
     such changes do not adversely affect the rights or obligations of Lessee
     under this Agreement or otherwise adversely affect Lessee.


  14.5.  Further Acknowledgments

     Lessee further acknowledges that any Transferee or Mortgagee shall in turn
     have the rights of, and be subject to the conditions to, transfer and
     grants of Security Interests set forth above in this Clause 14.

  14.6.  Certain Protections for Lessee's Benefit

     The rights of Lessee under this Agreement shall be superior to the rights
     of any Mortgagee or Head Lessor, and the Lessor shall require each
     Mortgagee and Head Lessor to agree in writing with the Lessee that such
     Mortgagee's and Head Lessor's rights in and to the Aircraft shall be
     subject to the terms of this Agreement, including to the Lessee's rights to
     the quiet use, possession and enjoyment provisions contained in this
     Agreement. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, no Mortgage or
     Head Lease shall increase the responsibilities, obligations or liabilities
     (including with respect to Taxes) of the Lessee or deprive the Lessee of
     any of its rights or privileges under this Agreement (including the right
     to register the Aircraft in the State of Registration). The Lessor's
     obligations to perform the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall
     remain in full force and effect notwithstanding the creation of any
     Mortgage or Head Lease. Lessor shall not create any Mortgage or enter into
     any Head Lease that violates the terms of this Clause 14.6.


  15.1.  Waivers; Remedies Cumulative

     The rights of either party under this Agreement:

     a.   may be exercised as often as necessary;

     b.   are cumulative and not exclusive of that party's rights under any law;

     c.   may be waived only in writing and specifically.

     Delay in exercising or non-exercise of any such right is not a waiver of
     that right.


15.2.  Delegation

     The Lessor may delegate to any Person or Persons all or any of the trusts,
     powers or discretions vested in it by this Agreement and any such
     delegation may be made upon such terms and conditions and subject to such
     regulations (including power to sub-delegate) as the Lessor in its absolute
     discretion thinks fit; provided, that any such delegation shall be subject
     to the conditions set forth in Clause 14.2(a).

15.3.  Certificates

     Except where expressly provided in this Agreement, any certificate or
     determination by the Lessor as to any rate of interest or as to any other
     amount payable under this Agreement will, in the absence of manifest error,
     be conclusive and binding on the Lessee.

15.4.  Appropriation

     If any sum paid or recovered in respect of the liabilities of the Lessee
     under this Agreement is less than the amount then due, the Lessor may apply
     that sum to amounts due under this Agreement in such proportions and order
     and generally in such manner as the Lessor may determine.

15.5.  Currency Indemnity

     a.   If the Lessor receives an amount in respect of the Lessee's liability
          under this Agreement or if such liability is converted into a claim,
          proof, judgment or order in a currency other than the currency (the
          "contract currency") in which the amount is expressed to be payable
          under this Agreement:

          i.   the Lessee will indemnify the Lessor, as an independent
               obligation, against any loss arising out of or as a result of
               such conversion;

          ii.  if the amount received by the Lessor, when converted into the
               contract currency (at the market rate at which the Lessor is able
               on the relevant date to purchase the contract currency in New
               York City with that other currency) is less than the amount owed
               in the contract currency, the Lessee will, forthwith on demand,
               pay to the Lessor an amount in the contract currency equal to the
               deficit; and

          iii. the Lessee will pay to the Lessor on demand any exchange costs
               and Taxes (other than Lessor Taxes) payable in connection with
               the conversion.


     b.   The Lessee waives, to the extent permitted by applicable law, any
          right it may have in any jurisdiction to pay any amount under this
          Agreement in a currency other than that in which it is expressed to be

15.6.  Severability

     If a provision of this Agreement is or becomes illegal, invalid or
     unenforceable in any jurisdiction, that will not affect:

     a.   the legality, validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of any
          other provision of this Agreement; or

     b.   the legality, validity or enforceability in any other jurisdiction of
          that or any other provision of this Agreement.

15.7.  Remedy

     If the Lessee fails to comply with any provision of this Agreement, the
     Lessor may, without being in any way obliged to do so or responsible for so
     doing and without prejudice to the ability of the Lessor to treat the non-
     compliance as a Default, effect compliance on behalf of the Lessee,
     whereupon the Lessee shall become liable to pay immediately any sums
     expended by the Lessor together with all costs and expenses (including
     reasonable legal costs) necessarily incurred in connection therewith.

15.8.  Expenses

     Each party shall bear its own expenses incurred or payable in connection
     with the negotiation, preparation and execution of this Agreement, and
     shall share the fees and expenses of special FAA counsel retained by Lessor
     and Lessee.

15.9.  Time of Essence

     The time stipulated in this Agreement for all payments payable by the
     Lessee to the Lessor and for the performance of the Lessee's other
     obligations under this Agreement will be of the essence of this Agreement
     (subject always to any applicable grace period).

15.10. Notices

     a.   All notices and other communications given under or in connection with
          this Agreement shall be in writing (including telefax) and in English,
          and shall be deemed to have been received as follows:


          i.   If sent by telefax, at the time of receipt by the sender of a
               transmission report indicating that all pages of the telefax
               transmission were properly transmitted (unless the recipient
               notifies the sender promptly, or if received after 5:30 p.m.
               local time, by no later than 10:00 a.m. local time the following
               Business Day, that the transmission was incomplete or illegible,
               in which case the telefax shall be deemed to have been received
               at the time of receipt by the sender of a further clear
               transmission report on re-transmitting the telefax), provided the
               relevant telefax transmission (or retransmission, as the case may
               be) was transmitted to the receiver between 9:00 a.m. and 5:30
               p.m. local time. If it was transmitted later, then it shall be
               deemed to have been received at 9:00 a.m. local time on the
               succeeding Business Day.

          ii.  In any other case, when delivered to the address specified in
               Clause 15.10(b).

     b.   All such notices, requests, demands and other communications shall be

          i.   if to the Lessor, to it at:  Investors Asset Holding Corp.
                                            200 Nyala Farms
                                            Westport, CT 06880
                                            Attention: James Coyne
                                            Telefax No.: +1-203-341-9988

                                            with copies to:

                                            Sigma Aircraft Management LLC
                                            232 East 50th Street
                                            New York, NY 10022
                                            Attention: Jan Melgaard, President
                                            Telefax No.: +1-212-752 9801

          ii.  if to the Lessee, to it at:  Paseo de la Reforma 445, Piso 10
                                            Mexico City
                                            Mexico D.F.  06500
                                            Attention: Director of Finance
                                            Telefax No.: +011-552-133-4606

          or to such other address or telefax number as shall have been notified
          by one party to the other in the manner set out in this Clause 15.11.

15.11. Law and Jurisdiction


          Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
          shall not apply to this Agreement.

     b.   The Lessor and the Lessee hereby irrevocably agree to submit to the
          non-exclusive jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the
          Southern District of New York and the Supreme Court of the State of
          New York located in the Borough of Manhattan, County of New York (the
          "Agreed Courts") in the event of any claims or disputes arising under
          this Agreement.  Such submission to jurisdiction shall not be
          construed so as to limit the right of either party to take proceedings
          against the other in whatsoever jurisdiction shall to it seem fit nor
          shall the taking of proceedings in any one or more jurisdictions
          preclude the taking of proceedings in any other jurisdiction, whether
          concurrently or not.  Final judgment against Lessor or Lessee in any
          such suit shall be conclusive and may be enforced in any other
          jurisdiction by suit on the judgment or as otherwise permitted by
          applicable law, a certified or true copy of which shall be conclusive
          evidence of the facts and of the amount of any indebtedness or
          liability of Lessor or Lessee.  Each of Lessor and Lessee hereby
          irrevocably waives any objection which it may now or hereafter have to
          the laying of venue in any suit, action or proceeding brought in any
          Agreed Court, and irrevocably waives any claim that any such suit,
          action or proceeding brought in any Agreed Court has been brought in
          an inconvenient forum.


     d.   Without prejudice to any other mode of service, the Lessee (i)
          appoints CT Corporation System, 1633 Broadway, New York, New York
          10019, as its agent for service of process relating to any proceedings
          before the Federal and State courts of New York in connection with
          this Agreement and agrees to maintain a process agent in New York
          City, and (ii) agrees that any failure by the process agent to notify
          the Lessee of the process shall not invalidate the proceedings


15.12. Sole and Entire Agreement

     This Agreement, and a Delivery and Discrepancy Procedures Agreement of even
     date herewith, are the sole and entire agreements between the Lessor and
     the Lessee in relation to the leasing of the Aircraft, and supersede all
     previous agreements in relation to that leasing. The terms and conditions
     of this Agreement can only be varied by an instrument in writing executed
     by both parties or by their duly authorized representatives.

15.13. Indemnities

     All rights expressed to be granted to each Indemnitee under this Agreement
     are given to the Lessor as agent for and on behalf of that Indemnitee.

15.14. Counterparts

     This Agreement may be executed, manually or by telefacsimile signatures, in
     counterparts each of which will constitute one and the same document.

15.15. Confidentiality

     Neither the Lessor nor the Lessee shall, without the other's prior written
     consent, communicate or disclose the terms of this Agreement or any
     information or documents furnished pursuant to this Agreement (except to
     the extent that the same are within the public domain) to any third party
     (other than any prospective Transferee, Mortgagee or Head Lessor, the
     respective external legal advisers, auditors, insurance brokers or
     underwriters of Lessor, Lessee and such parties, the Manufacturer and the
     Engine Manufacturer); provided however that disclosure will be permitted,
     to the extent required:

     a.   pursuant to an order of any court of competent jurisdiction; or

     b.   pursuant to any procedure for discovery of documents in any
          proceedings before any such court; or

     c.   pursuant to any law or regulation having the force of law; or

     d.   pursuant to a lawful requirement of any authority with whose
          requirements the disclosing party is legally obliged to comply; or

     e.   in order to perfect any assignment of any assignable warranties.


                            [signature page follows]


          IN WITNESS WHEREOF Lessor and Lessee have executed this Lease
Agreement on the date shown at the beginning of this Agreement.

                                    INVESTORS ASSET HOLDING CORP., not in its
                                    individual capacity except as set forth in
                                    this Agreement but as owner trustee pursuant
                                    to the Trust Agreement


                                    AEROVIAS de MEXICO, S.A. de C.V.



     This is the "Original Executed Counterpart" of this Lease Agreement
received this 7th day of September, 2000 by the undersigned.

                                    CL/PK FUNDING TRUST

                                       BY:  PK AIRFINANCE S.A., NEW
                                            YORK BRANCH, as Servicer

                        SCHEDULE 1 -- TERMINATION VALUE

                              (Termination Value)

[The information contained in this Schedule has been omitted from the FAA filing
counterpart of this Agreement as such information is confidential and

                     SCHEDULE 2 -- DESCRIPTION OF AIRCRAFT

                                    Part 1

                           (Aircraft Specifications)

Manufacturer: Boeing/McDonnell Douglas
Model: MD-82
Manufacturer's Serial No: 49150
U.S. Registration No.: N491SH
Configuration: 141Y
Engine Type: JT8D-219
Engine Serial Numbers: 718165 and 708529

                                    Part 2

                             (Aircraft Documents)

1. FAA Approved Flight Manual
2. Flight Crew Operations Manual
3. Last W&B Report
4. System Schematic Manual
5. Copy of Prior Operator Maintenance Program
6. Loose Equipment and Emerg. Location Chart
7. All Maint. Insp. Checks and Logs
8. Total Airframe Time and Cycles
9. Engine Total Time and Cycles and Eng. Disks records
10. Time & Cycles on LLP for Engines
11. Summary of AD's A/C, APU, Appliances Terminated/Repetitive
12. Copy of AD's Job Card, EO, etc. (except for AD's reported)
13. List of SB's and AOL accomplished
14. List of Operator EO's
15. Engine OH times & records
16. Maintenance Shop Visit, Work Packages for Engines
17. List of Major Structures Repairs
18. Aircrcraft external repairs damage table
19. Engineering Orders
20. Galleys (SELL) Manual


          This Certificate of Acceptance is delivered on the date set forth in
paragraph 1 below by Aerovias de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. (the "Lessee") to
Investors Asset Holding Corp., not in its individual capacity except as set
forth in this Agreement but as owner trustee pursuant to the Trust Agreement
(the "Lessor") pursuant to the Lease Agreement, dated September 7, 2000, between
the Lessor and the Lessee (the "Agreement"). Capitalized terms used but not
defined in this Certificate of Acceptance shall have the meaning given to such
terms in the Agreement.

1.   Details of Acceptance.

     The Lessee hereby confirms to the Lessor that the Lessee has at 1:10 p.m.
     local time on this 8th day of September, 2000, in the airspace of the State
     of Arizona, accepted the following, in accordance with the provisions of
     the Agreement and the Annex attached hereto:

     (a)  Airframe: Boeing/McDonnell Douglas MD-82 airframe, Manufacturer's
          Serial 49150, U.S. Registration No. N491SH;

     (b)  Engines: two Pratt & Whitney JT8D-219 Engines, bearing Manufacturer's
          Serial Nos. 718165 and 708529;

     (c)  All Parts installed on, attached to or appurtenant to the Airframe and
          Engines; and

     (d)  Aircraft Documents as specified in Schedule 2 - Part 2 of the

2.   Lessee's Confirmation. The Lessee confirms to the Lessor that as at the
     time indicated above, being the time of Delivery:

     (a)  the Lessee's representations and warranties contained in Clauses 2.1
          and 2.2 (other than Clause 2.2(c)) of the Agreement are hereby

     (b)  the Aircraft is insured as required by the Agreement; and

     (c)  the Aircraft and Aircraft Documents have been made available for
          inspection by Lessee to Lessee's satisfaction prior to this date,
          Lessee has performed such inspections as it deems necessary and,
          pursuant to such inspections, all of the Aircraft and the Aircraft
          Documents are in acceptable condition for Lessee to enter into this
          Certificate of Acceptance, to take Delivery of the Aircraft and
          Aircraft Documents and to lease the Aircraft and Aircraft Documents
          pursuant to the Agreement.

3.   Lessor's Confirmation. The Lessor confirms to the Lessee that, as at the
     time indicated above, being the time of Delivery, the Lessor's
     representations and warranties contained in Clause 2.4 of the Agreement are
     hereby repeated.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF Lessor and Lessee have executed this Certificate of
Acceptance on the date shown at the beginning of this Agreement.

                              INVESTORS ASSET HOLDING CORP.,
                              as Owner Trustee


                              AEROVIAS de MEXICO, S.A. de C.V.



                                                                         ANNEX 1

                        MAINTENANCE STATUS AT DELIVERY

                            DATE: September 7, 2000


     Total Flight Hours  [         ]
     Total Cycles        [         ]


     Type of Check:
     Check Interval:
     Time Since Last Check:


     Position                                      No. 1           No. 2
     Type                                          JT8D-219        JT8D-219
     Serial Number                                 718165          708529

     Total Flight Hours:                       [               ][           ]
     Total Cycles:                             [               ][           ]
     Flight Hours Since Last Shop Visit:       [               ][           ]
     Cycles Since Last Shop Visit:             [               ][           ]
     Flight Hours to Next Hard Limit:          [               ][           ]
     Cycles to Next Hard Limit:                [               ][           ]


     Type:                                                     [            ]
     Serial Number:                                            [            ]
     Total Flight Hours:                                       [            ]
     Total Cycles:                                             [            ]
     Flight Hours Since Last HSI Inspection:                   [            ]
     Cycles Since Last HSI Inspection:                         [            ]
     Flight Hours Remaining on Turbine and Compressor LLPs:    [            ]
     Cycles Remaining on Turbine and Compressor LLPs:          [            ]


     Position:                    Nose         Left        Right
     Overhaul Interval:
     Time Since Overhaul:
     Time to Next Overhaul:

                      SCHEDULE 4 -- CONDITION AT DELIVERY

          The Aircraft and the Aircraft Documents shall conform to the following
on the Delivery Date:

          (1)  The Aircraft shall be clean in accordance with standard
international airline practices. The cockpit shall be "touched-up" in accordance
with standard international airline practices and shall have all necessary

          (2)  The Aircraft shall have installed the full complement of engines
and other equipment, parts, components, accessories, furnishings and loose
equipment as when redelivered by Finnair Oyj (the "Prior Operator") to the
Lessor, each such item properly functioning in accordance with its intended use.

          (3)  The Aircraft shall comply with all outstanding FAA Airworthiness
Directives affecting the Aircraft which by their terms require compliance on or
before September 1, 2000.

          (4)  The Aircraft shall have a current and valid U.S. Standard
Transport Category Certificate of Airworthiness.

          (5)  The Aircraft shall be in good operating condition, ordinary wear
and tear excepted. All temporary fuselage skin repairs shall have been made

          (6)  The Aircraft fuselage shall have been stripped and repainted
white in accordance with standard industry practices.

          (7)  The Aircraft will meet the noise compliance requirements of FAA
regulations found at 14 C.F.R. Part 36, Appendix C, Stage 3 (but only to the
extent such regulations were in effect on June 8, 1994) without waiver or

          (8)  In addition to compliance with all service bulletins which are
mandated by FAA regulations and airworthiness directives, compliance with which
is required by Clause (3) of this Schedule 4, the Aircraft shall be in
compliance with all mandatory service bulletins issued by the Manufacturer, the
Engine Manufacturer or any parts manufacturer which by their terms require
compliance on or by September 1, 2000.

          (9)  The Aircraft shall comply with the corrosion prevention and
treatment cards prescribed in the Prior Operator's maintenance program.

          (10)  The Aircraft shall be in substantially the same configuration
(including, but not limited to, interior seating configuration, galleys and
lavatories) as when the Aircraft was originally redelivered from the Prior
Operator to the Lessor.

          (11)  Neither the Aircraft nor any Engine shall have any open,
deferred, continued, carry over or placarded log book items.

          (12)  The Aircraft shall have received a complete "D" check (or its
equivalent) immediately prior to the Aircraft being returned in accordance with
the Prior Operator's maintenance program, subject to the passage of time and
ferry and test flights.

          (13)  Aircraft Documents shall consist of those items listed in Part 2
of Schedule 2, which items shall be complete, including the original aircraft
records and documents delivered by the Manufacturer, the Engine Manufacturer and
any parts manufacturer, and shall be in English or as documented by the
historical operators and maintenance contractors and otherwise acceptable to the
FAA. Lessor shall deliver one set of operational and maintenance documentation
(including the FAA approved flight manual, aircraft operations manual,
maintenance manual, wiring diagram and parts catalogue, updated to reflect any
changes required by manufacturer or regulatory authority).

          (14)  (a)   Each Engine shall have just completed a hot (including
burner cans) and cold section video borescope inspection, a copy of which shall
be provided to Lessee.

                (b)   No Engine shall be "on watch" for excessive oil
consumption, high Exhaust Gas Temperature or for any reason requiring any
special or out of sequence inspection.

          (15)  Each time controlled, cycle controlled or calendar controlled
component on the Aircraft, excluding the engines (but including any time
controlled components thereon), shall have a minimum of 3,000 hours, 3,000
cycles or twelve months remaining (whichever is most limiting) until the next
regularly scheduled overhaul, except that calendar controlled components which
have a life of twelve months or less shall have 100% of the life remaining on
such components at the time the Aircraft is redelivered from the Prior Operator.

          (16)  All fluid reservoirs (including fuel, oil, oxygen, hydraulic and
water) will be full and the waste tank serviced in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.

          (17)  The Lessor shall have provided the Lessee with a satisfactory
acceptance flight of up to two hours at the Lessor's cost (with up to three of
the Lessee's representatives on board as observers) and such further acceptance
flights as may be necessary in the event the first such flight or subsequent
flights do not confirm that the Aircraft complies with the delivery requirements
of this Agreement.


[The information contained in this Schedule has been omitted from the FAA filing
counterpart of this Agreement as such information is confidential and

                      SCHEDULE 6 -- INSURANCE PROVISIONS

                                    Part 1

                            (Insurance Requirements)

1.   The Insurances required to be maintained are as follows:

     (a)  HULL "ALL RISKS" of Loss or Damage while flying and on the ground with
          respect to the Aircraft for the Agreed Value and with a deductible not
          exceeding $250,000 (such deductible being protected by separate
          insurance to pay up to $200,000 in excess of the first $50,000
          thereof, subject to any aggregate limit stipulated in such insurance).

     (b)  HULL WAR AND ALLIED PERILS, covering those risks excluded from the
          Hull "All Risks" Policy to the extent such coverage is available from
          the leading international insurance markets, including confiscation
          and requisition by the State of Registration, for the Agreed Value;

          when on the ground or in transit other than by air or sea) on all
          Engines and Parts when not installed on the Aircraft (to the extent
          not covered under the Aircraft hull insurances described in paragraphs
          (a) and (b) above), including Engine test and running risks, in an
          amount equal to replacement value in the case of the Engines;

          PRODUCTS) LEGAL LIABILITY for a combined single limit (Bodily
          Injury/Property Damage) of an amount not less than the Minimum
          Liability Coverage for the time being in respect of any one occurrence
          (but, in respect of products liability, this limit may be an aggregate
          limit for any and all losses occurring during the currency of the
          policy; War and Allied Risks are also to be covered under the Policy
          to the extent available from the leading international insurance

2.   All required hull and spares insurance (specified in (1)(a), (b) and (c)
     above), so far as it relates to the Aircraft, will:

     (a)  include the Indemnitees as additional insureds (warranted no
          operational interest);

     (b)  provide that any loss will be settled jointly with the Lessor and the
          Lessee, and any claim that becomes payable on the basis of a Total
          Loss shall be paid in Dollars to the Lessor as sole loss payee, with
          any other claim being payable as may be necessary for the repair of
          the damage to which it relates;

     (c)  if separate Hull "All Risks" and "War Risks" insurances are arranged,
          include a 50/50 provision in the terms of Lloyd's endorsement AVS103;

     (d)  confirm that the Insurers are not entitled to replace the Aircraft in
          the event of a Total Loss.

3.   All required liability insurances (specified in (1)(d) above) will:

     (a)  include the Indemnitees as additional insureds for their respective
          rights and interests, warranted (each as to itself only) no
          operational interest; but the coverage provided will not include
          claims arising out of their legal liability as manufacturer, repairer
          or servicing agent;

     (b)  include a severability of interest clause;

     (c)  contain a provision confirming that the policy is primary without
          right of contribution and that the liability of the insurers will not
          be affected by any other insurance of which the Lessor or the Lessee
          have the benefit; and

     (d)  accept and insure the indemnity provisions of this Agreement to the
          extent of the risks covered by the relevant policy or policies.

4.   All Insurances will:

     (a)  be in accordance with normal industry practice of Persons operating
          similar aircraft in similar circumstances;

     (b)  operate on a worldwide basis subject to such limitations and
          exclusions as may be notified to the Lessor;

     (c)  acknowledge that the insurers are aware that the Aircraft is owned by
          the Lessor and is subject to this Agreement;

     (d)  provide that, in relation to the interests of each of the additional
          insureds, the Insurances will not be invalidated by any act or
          omission of any other Person which results in a breach of any terms
          conditions or warranty of the policies; provided, that

          the additional assured so protected has not caused, contributed to or
          knowingly condoned such act or omission;

     (e)  provide all terms of Lloyd's endorsement AVN 67B including a statement
          that the Insurers will waive any rights of recourse and/or subrogation
          against the additional insureds, subject to and in accordance with
          Clause 3.4 of such endorsement;

     (f)  provide that the additional insureds will have no obligation or
          responsibility for the payment of any premiums (but reserve the right
          to pay the same should any of them elect to do so) and that the
          Insurers will waive any right of offset or counterclaim against the
          respective additional insureds other than for outstanding premiums in
          respect of the Aircraft, any Engine or Part;

     (g)  provide that, except in the case of any provision for cancellation or
          automatic termination specified in the policies or endorsements
          thereof, the Insurance can only be canceled or materially altered in a
          manner adverse to the additional insureds by giving at least 30 days'
          written notice to the Lessor, except in the case of  war risks (or
          radioactive contamination), for which seven days' written notice (or
          such lesser period as is or may be customarily available in respect
          thereof) will be given; and

     (h)  contain a provision entitling the Lessor to initiate a claim under any
          policy, if so desired.

5.   All Reinsurances will:

     (a)  be on the same terms as the Insurances and will include the provisions
          of this Schedule;

     (b)  provide that, notwithstanding any bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation,
          dissolution or similar proceedings of or affecting the reinsured, the
          reinsurers' liability will be to make such payment as would have
          fallen due under the relevant policy of reinsurance if the reinsured
          had (immediately before such bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation,
          dissolution or similar proceedings) discharged its obligations in full
          under the original insurance policies in respect of which the then
          relevant policy of reinsurance has been effected; and

     (c)  contain a "cut-through" clause in the following form (or such other
          form as is reasonably satisfactory to the Lessor), subject to the
          provisions of such clause not contravening any law of the State of

               "The Reinsurers and the Reinsured hereby agree that, in the event
               of any claim arising under the Reinsurances in respect of a total
               loss or other claim

               where, as provided by the Lease Agreement, dated September 7,
               2000 and made between Investors Asset Holding Corp., as Owner
               Trustee, and Aerovias de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., such claim is to
               be paid to the person named as sole loss payee under the primary
               insurances, the Reinsurers will, in lieu of payment to the
               Reinsured, its successors in interest and assigns, pay to the
               person named as sole loss payee under the primary insurances
               effected by the Reinsured that portion of any loss for which the
               Reinsurers would otherwise be liable to pay the Reinsured
               (subject to proof of loss), it being understood and agreed that
               any such payment by the Reinsurers will (to the extent of such
               payment) fully discharge and release the Reinsurers from any and
               all further liability in connection therewith".

                                    PART 2

                        (Form of Broker's Undertaking)

                   [Separately delivered by Lessee's Broker]

                                    PART 3

                        (Form of Insurance Certificate)

                   [Separately delivered by Lessee's Broker]

                      SCHEDULE 7 -- FORM OF LEGAL OPINION

                  [Separately delivered by Lessee's counsel]



         Douglas MD-82      N491SH         49150         ...........


(a)    Airframe Total Flight Hours                 .......................

(b)    Airframe Total Cycles                       .......................

(c)    Airframe Flight Hours for Month             .......................

(d)    Airframe Flight Cycles for Month            .......................

2.    POWERPLANT STATUS:                            No.1             No.2

(a)    Serial Nos. of Delivered Engines             708529           718165

(b)    Serial Nos. of Replacement Engines
       (if applicable)                              ......           .......

(c)    Serial Nos. of Installed Engines
       (if different from (a) or (b) above)         ......           .......

(d)    Current Location of Delivered or
       Replacement Engines (as applicable)
       (if not installed on Airframe)               ......           .......

(e)    Total Time Since New of Delivered
       or Replacement Engines (as applicable)       ......           .......

(f)    Total Cycles Since New of Delivered
       or Replacement Engines (as applicable)       ......           .......

(g)    Total Flight Hours for the Month for
       each Delivered or Replacement Engine
       (as applicable)                              ......           .......

(h)    Total Cycles for the Month for each
       Delivered or Replacement Engine
       (as applicable)                              ......           .......

3.     APU STATUS:

(a)    Serial No. of Delivered APU                           ........

(b)    Serial No. of Replacement APU
       (if applicable)                                       ........

(c)    Serial No. of Installed APU
       (if different from (a) or (b) above)                  ........

(d)    Current Location of Delivered or
       Replacement APU (as applicable)
       (if not installed on Airframe)                        .......

(e)    Total Time Since New of Delivered
       or Replacement APU (as applicable)                    ........

(f)    Total Cycles Since New of Delivered
       or Replacement APU (as applicable)                    ........

(g)    Total Hours for the Month for
       Delivered or Replacement APU
       (as applicable)                                       ........

(h)    Total Cycles for the Month for
       Delivered or Replacement APU
       (as applicable)                                       ........


(a)    Routine Checks (A and above) performed during Month:

(b)   Airworthiness Directives complied with during Month:

(c)   Service Bulletins complied with during Month:


      Details of any repairs carried out to the Aircraft beyond SRM limits and
      Engine changes, giving reasons for repair or change:


(a)   Maintenance Checks (C segment and above) scheduled or expected to be
      performed on the Airframe during the next 12 months:

(b)   Scheduled shop visits or heavy maintenance visits scheduled or expected to
      be performed on the Engines during the next 12 months:

(c)   Overhauls, or replacements scheduled or expected to be performed on the
      APU or Landing Gear during the next 12 months:

Date:  ___________, 20__                     CERTIFIED FOR AND ON BEHALF OF
                                              AEROVIAS de MEXICO, S.A. de C.V.



[The information contained in this Schedule has been omitted from the FAA filing
counterpart of this Agreement as such information is confidential and

                                 SCHEDULE 9-A

                               Date Of Issuance: __________________

[Name of Lessor/designated Lessor Lender]

     Re: Credit No. _______________

     We hereby establish our Irrevocable Transferable Standby Letter of Credit
in your favor for the account of Aerovias de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. (the "Account
Party"), for the aggregate amount not exceeding ____________ United States
Dollars ($_______), available to you at sight upon demand at our counters at
(Location) on or before the expiration hereof against presentation to us of the
following statement, dated and signed by a representative of the beneficiary:

     "The amounts of US$________ is due to Investors Asset Holding Corp., as
     owner trustee, and is unpaid pursuant to the Lease Agreement, dated
     September __, 2000, between Investors Asset Holding Corp., as lessor, and
     the Account Party, as lessee, as the same may have been amended (the

The amount which may be drawn by you under this Letter of Credit shall be
automatically reduced by the amount of any drawings paid through the Issuing
Bank referencing this Letter of Credit No. ____. Partial drawings are permitted

     This Letter of Credit shall expire ________________ (____) days from the
date of issuance, but shall automatically extend without amendment for
additional _____________ (_____)-day periods from such expiration date and from
subsequent expiration dates, if you, as beneficiary, and the Account Party have
not received due notice of our intention not to renew ninety (90) days prior to
any such expiration date.

     We hereby agree with you that documents drawn under and in compliance with
the terms of this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation as

     This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the Uniform Customs and Practice
for Documentary Credits, 1993 Revision, International Chamber of Commerce
Publication No. 500 (the "UCP"), except to the extent that the terms hereof are
inconsistent with the provisions of the UCP, including but not limited to
Articles 13(b) and 17 of the UCP, in which case the terms of this Letter of
Credit shall govern.

     In the event of an Act of God, riot, civil commotion, insurrection, war or
any other cause beyond our control that interrupts our business (collectively,
an "Interruption Event") and causes the place for presentation of this Letter of
Credit to be closed for business on the last day for presentation, the expiry
date of this Letter of Credit will be automatically extended without amendment
to a date thirty (30) calendar days after the place for presentation reopens for

     This Letter of Credit is transferable, and we hereby consent to such
transfer, but otherwise may not be amended, changed or modified without the
express written consent of the beneficiary, the Issuing Bank and the Account

                                         [BANK SIGNATURE]