EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

     THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of
September 2, 1997, by and between OutSource International, Inc., a Florida
corporation (the "Company"), and Benjamin Cueto ("Employee").

     WHEREAS, the Company, through its Board of Directors, desires to retain the
services of Employee, and Employee desires to be retained by the Company, on the
terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement;

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants
and agreements contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration,
the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto,
intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:

     1. EMPLOYMENT. The Company hereby employs Employee, and Employee hereby
accepts employment, as President, Synadyne Division upon the terms subject to
this Agreement.

     2. TERM. The term ("Term") of this Agreement shall commence on September 2,
1997 and shall continue until terminated in accordance with the terms hereof.

     3. DUTIES. During his employment hereunder, Employee will serve as the
President of the Synadyne Division. Employee shall report directly to the
President of the Company and shall serve at his direction. Employee shall
perform services as assigned by the President of the Company consistent with the
title of Vice President of Business Development. Employee shall diligently
perform such duties and shall devote his entire business skill, time and effort
to his employment and his duties hereunder and shall not during the Term,
directly or indirectly, alone or as a member of a partnership, or as an officer,
director, employee or agent of any other person, firm or business organization
engage in any other business activities or pursuits requiring his personal
service that materially conflict with his duties hereunder or the diligent
performance of such duties. This shall not, however, preclude Employee from
serving on boards of directors of other corporations; provided that such service
does not conflict with the duties of Employee hereunder or result in a conflict
of interest.


         a. SALARY. During his employment hereunder, Employee shall be paid an
     initial salary of $125,000.00 per year, payable in equal installments not
     less than monthly ("Base Salary"). The Employee's Base Salary shall be
     reviewed at least annually by the Board of Directors or any Committee of
     the Board delegated the authority to review executive compensation.

         b. BONUS. In addition to Base Salary, Employee shall be entitled
     to participate in the Company's Stock Option Plan, as amended and restated
     (the "Stock Option Plan") and, in addition, to participate in a Management
     Bonus Program, beginning in calendar year 1998, to be established by the
     Company with an initial targeted bonus for calendar year 1998 of $62,500
     for Employee, based upon the achievement of mutually agreed upon goals and
     objectives (hereafter the "Management Bonus Program"). The bonus, if paid,
     shall be based on the following:

              (1) 50% Division results
              (2) 30% OSI achieving budget
              (3) 20% achieving your individual goals as mutually agreed upon
                  with the President

         c. INSURANCE. During his employment hereunder, Employee shall be
     entitled to participate in such health, life, disability and other
     insurance programs, if any, that the Company may offer to other key
     executive employees of the Company from time to time. You will be eligible
     for such benefits as of November 1, 1997.

         d. OTHER BENEFITS. During his employment hereunder, Employee shall be
     entitled to such other benefits, if any, that the Company may offer to
     other key executive employees of the Company from time to time. You will
     also be reimbursed up to $8500.00 in moving expenses.

         e. VACATION. Employee shall be entitled to three weeks' vacation leave
     (in addition to holidays) in each calendar year during the Term, or such
     additional amount as may be set forth in the vacation policy that the
     Company shall establish from time to time. Except with respect to vacation
     time unused as the result of a written request by the Company to postpone a
     vacation, any unused vacation from one calendar year shall not carry-over
     to any subsequent calendar year.

         f. EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT. Employee shall, upon submission of
     appropriate supporting documentation, be entitled to reimbursement of
     reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the performance of his duties
     hereunder in accordance with policies established by the Company. Such
     expenses shall include, without limitation, reasonable travel and
     entertainment expenses, gasoline and toll expenses and cellular phone use
     charges, if such charges are directly related to the business of the


         The Board of Directors of the Company may terminate this Agreement for
     any reason at any time including, without limitation, for "Cause." As used
     herein, "Cause" shall mean any of the following: (i) failure on the part of
     Employee to disclose to Company in writing on or before the date hereof
     Employee's breach of or default under any employment, non-compete,
     confidentiality or other agreement between Employee and any prior employer
     of Employee (including without limitation any breach or default that might
     result from Employee's entering into or performing his duties and
     obligations under this Agreement); (ii) an act of willful misconduct or
     gross negligence by Employee in the performance of his material duties or
     obligations to the Company; (iii)


     indictment of Employee for a felony involving moral turpitude, whether
     relating to his employment or otherwise; (iv) an act of dishonesty or
     breach of trust on the part of Employee resulting or intended to result
     directly or indirectly in personal gain or enrichment at the expense of the
     Company; (v) conduct on the part of Employee intended to injure the
     business of the Company; (vi) Employee's addiction to any drug or chemical;
     (vii) Employee's insubordination unless resulting from Employee's refusal
     to do an illegal act; (viii) a material failure of Employee to perform or
     observe the provisions of this Agreement (other than by reason of
     disability as defined herein). The existence of any of the foregoing events
     or conditions, except under clause (iii), shall be determined by the Board
     of Directors (excluding the Employee) in the exercise of its reasonable
     judgment provided that if such occurrence relates to section (i), (vi) or
     (viii) above, it must persist more than (a) five (5) days after notice is
     given to Employee by personal delivery or (b) ten (10) days after a notice
     is given to Employee by any other means, each notice which details the
     occurrence. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if occurrence under sections
     (ii), (v), (vii) or (viii) cannot reasonably be remedied within the time
     periods set forth, the Board of Directors shall not exercise its right to
     terminate under this section if Employee begins to remedy the occurrence
     within the time period and continues actively and diligently in good faith
     to completely remedy such occurrence. As used herein "insubordination"
     means Employee failing to use his best efforts to comply with a written
     directive made by the Company's Board of Directors for any action or
     inaction not inconsistent with the duties set forth here.


     Employee may terminate this Agreement with Good Reason. "Good Reason"

     a. At any time the Employee is required, without his written consent, to
relocate his office more than seventy-five miles from the location of the
Company's current corporate headquarters;

     b. The Company decreases the Employee's compensation below the levels
provided for by the terms of Section 4 (taking into account increases made from
time to time in accordance with Section 4);

     c. A material breach of the provisions of this Agreement by the Company
(except those set forth in Paragraph 4.a) and Employee provides at least 15 days
prior written notice to at least two members of the Company's Board of Directors
(other than Employee) of the existence of such breach and his intention to
terminate this Agreement (no such termination shall be effective if such breach
is cured during such period or if the Company is in good faith attempting to
cure such breach);

     d. The failure of the Company to comply with the provisions of Paragraph
4.a for an uninterrupted 10 day period; or

     e. The Company materially reduces the Employee's benefits under any
employee benefit plan, program or arrangement of the Company (other than a
change that affects all employees similarly situated) from the level in effect
upon the Employee's commencement or participation.



         a. In the event that: Employee's employment with the Company (including
     its subsidiaries) is terminated by the Company for Cause as provided in
     Paragraph 5; or Employee terminates his employment without Good Reason as
     described in Paragraph 6; then, on or before Employee's last day of
     employment with the Company:

              i. SALARY AND BONUS PAYMENTS: The Company shall pay in a lump sum
         to Employee such amount of compensation due to Employee hereunder for
         services rendered to the Company, as well as compensation for unused
         vacation time, as has accrued but remains unpaid. Any and all other
         rights granted to Employee under this Agreement shall terminate as of
         the date of termination.

              ii. NONCOMPETITION/NONSOLICITATION PERIOD. The provisions of
         Paragraph 14 shall continue to apply with respect to Employee for a
         period of one year following the date of termination.

         b. In the event that: Employee's employment with the Company (including
     its subsidiaries) is terminated by the Company for any reason other than
     for Cause as provided in Paragraph 5 and other than as a consequence of
     Employee's death, disability, or normal retirement under the Company's
     retirement plans and practices; or Employee terminates his employment with
     Good Reason as described in Paragraph 6; then:

              i. SALARY AND BONUS PAYMENTS: On or before Employee's last day of
         employment with the Company, the Company shall pay to Employee, as
         compensation for services rendered to the Company, a cash amount equal
         to the sum of (x) one-half (1/2) of the amount of Employee's Base
         Salary and (y) ninety percent of one-half (1/2) of the amount of the
         estimated target bonus under the Management Bonus Program as in effect
         immediately prior to his date of termination (the "Cash Amount"). The
         final calculation of Employee's target bonus shall be made, and any
         remaining bonus amount due to Employee paid, in the manner set forth in
         Section 7.a.i. At the election of the Company, the Cash Amount may be
         paid to Employee in periodic installments in accordance with the
         regular salary payment practices of the Company, with the first such
         installment to be paid on or before Employee's last day of employment
         with the Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, the entire
         Cash Amount shall be paid to Employee during the period not to exceed
         one year following Employee's last day of employment with the Company.
         No interest shall be paid with respect to any of the Cash Amount not
         paid on the Employee's date of termination.

              ii. BENEFIT PLAN COVERAGE: The Company shall maintain in full
         force and effect for Employee and his dependents for one year after the
         date of termination, all life, health, accident, and disability benefit
         plans and other similar employee benefit plans, programs and
         arrangements in which Employee or his dependents were entitled to
         participate immediately prior to the date of termination, in such
         amounts as were in effect immediately prior to the 


          date of termination, provided that such continued participation is
          possible under the general terms and provisions of such benefit plans,
          programs and arrangements. In the event that participation in any
          benefit plan, program or arrangement described above is barred, or any
          such benefit plan, program or arrangement is discontinued or the
          benefits thereunder materially reduced, the Company shall arrange to
          provide Employee and his dependents for one year after the date of
          termination with benefits substantially similar to those that they
          were entitled to receive under such benefit plans, programs and
          arrangements immediately prior to the date of termination, or, at the
          Company's option, a lump sum payment to Employee equal to the
          Company's cost immediately prior to termination to provide such
          benefits. If immediately prior to the date of termination the Company
          provided Employee with any club memberships, Employee will be entitled
          to continue such memberships at his sole expense. Notwithstanding any
          time period for continued benefits stated in this Paragraph 7.b.ii,
          all benefits in this Paragraph 7.b.ii will terminate on the date that
          Employee becomes an employee of another employer and eligible to
          participate in the employee benefit plans of such other employer. To
          the extent that Employee was required to contribute amounts for the
          benefits described in this Paragraph 7.b.ii prior to his termination,
          he shall continue to contribute such amounts for such time as these
          benefits continue in effect after termination.

              iii.[INTENTIONALLY OMITTED]

              iv. SAVINGS AND OTHER PLANS: Except as otherwise more specifically
         provided herein or under the terms of the respective plans relating to
         termination of employment, Employee's active participation in any
         applicable savings, retirement, profit sharing or supplemental employee
         retirement plans or any deferred compensation or similar plan of the
         Company or any of its subsidiaries shall continue only through the last
         day of his employment. All other provisions, including any distribution
         and/or vested rights under such plans, shall be governed by the terms
         of those respective plans.

              v. NONCOMPETITION/NONSOLICITATION PERIOD. The provisions of
         Paragraph 14 shall continue, beyond the time periods set forth in such
         paragraph, to apply with respect to Employee for the shorter of (x)
         twelve months following the date of termination or (y) until such time
         as the Company has failed to comply with the provisions of Paragraph
         7.b.i for a an uninterrupted 10-day period and such failure is not
         cured within 5 days after written notice of such failure is delivered
         to at least two directors of the Company (other than Employee).

         c. In the event Employee's employment with the Company (including its
     subsidiaries) is terminated by the Company other than for Cause as provided
     in Paragraph 5 and other than as a consequence of Employee's death,
     disability, or normal retirement under the Company's retirement plans and
     practices, and the reason for such termination is not based upon
     unsatisfactory performance by Employee of his duties hereunder as stated in
     written performance evaluations or other written documents prepared by the
     Company, then the following provision shall apply. This same provision
     shall also apply if Employee terminates his employment with Good Reason as
     described in Paragraph 6.


              i. EXERCISABILITY OF STOCK OPTIONS. Notwithstanding the vesting
         period provided for in the Stock Option Plan and any related stock
         option agreements between the Company and Employee for stock options
         ("options") and stock appreciation rights ("rights") granted Employee
         by the Company, all options and stock appreciation rights shall be
         immediately exercisable upon termination of employment. In addition,
         Employee will have the right to exercise all options and rights for the
         shorter of (x) one year following his termination of employment or (y)
         with respect to each option, the remainder of the period of
         exercisability under the terms of the appropriate documents that grant
         such options.

         d. The provisions of this Paragraph 7 shall apply if Employee's
     employment is terminated prior to or more than two years after the
     occurrence of a Change of Control (as defined in Paragraph 8.c). From the
     occurrence of any Change of Control until the second anniversary of such
     Change of Control, the provisions of Paragraph 8 shall apply in place of
     this Paragraph 7, EXCEPT THAT in the event that after a Change of Control
     Employee's employment is terminated by Employee without Good Reason or
     Company terminates Employee for Cause, then the provisions of Paragraph 8
     shall not apply and the provisions of Paragraph 7.a shall apply.
     Termination upon death, disability and retirement are covered by Paragraphs
     9, 10, and 11, respectively.


     Employee's employment with the Company is terminated within two years
     following the occurrence of a Change of Control (other than as a
     consequence of his death or disability, or of his normal retirement under
     the Company's retirement plans and practices) either (x) by the Company for
     any reason other than for Cause or (z) by Employee with Good Reason as
     provided in Paragraph 6, then Employee shall be entitled to receive from
     the Company, the following:

               i. BASE SALARY. Employee's Base Salary as in effect at the date
          of termination shall be paid on the date of termination;

              ii. TARGET BONUS. Ninety percent of the amount of the Employee's
         estimated target bonus under the Management Bonus Program for the
         fiscal year in which the date of termination occurs shall be paid on
         the date of termination; the final calculation of Employee's target
         bonus shall be made, and any remaining bonus amount due to Employee
         paid, in the manner set forth in Section 7.a.i.; and

              iii.[OMITTED INTENTIONALLY]

              iv. OTHER  BENEFITS.  All benefits  under  Paragraphs  7.b.ii, 
          7.b.iv and 7.c.i shall be extended to Employee as described in such

         b. NONCOMPETITION/NONSOLICITATION PERIOD. In the event of a termination
     under Paragraph 8.a within one year after a Change of Control the
     provisions of Paragraph 14 shall continue to apply as stated in paragraph


         c. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Change of Control" shall

              i. The acquisition, other than from the Company, by any
         individual, entity or group (within the meaning of ' 13(d)(3) or '
         14(d)(2) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
         "Exchange Act")) of beneficial ownership (within the meaning of Rule
         13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act) (any of the foregoing
         described in this Paragraph 8.c.i hereafter a "Person") of 33% or more
         of either (a) the then outstanding shares of Capital Stock of the
         Company (the "Outstanding Capital Stock") or (b) the combined voting
         power of the then outstanding voting securities of the Company entitled
         to vote generally in the election of directors (the "Voting
         Securities"), PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that any acquisition by (x) the
         Company or any of its subsidiaries, or any employee benefit plan (or
         related trust) sponsored or maintained by the Company or any of its
         subsidiaries or (y) any Person that is eligible, pursuant to Rule
         13d-1(b) under the Exchange Act, to file a statement on Schedule 13G
         with respect to its beneficial ownership of Voting Securities, whether
         or not such Person shall have filed a statement on Schedule 13G, unless
         such Person shall have filed a statement on Schedule 13D with respect
         to beneficial ownership of 33% or more of the Voting Securities or (z)
         any corporation with respect to which, following such acquisition, more
         than 60% of, respectively, the then outstanding shares of common stock
         of such corporation and the combined voting power of the then
         outstanding voting securities of such corporation entitled to vote
         generally in the election of directors is then beneficially owned,
         directly or indirectly, by all or substantially all of the individuals
         and entities who were the beneficial owners, respectively, of the
         Outstanding Capital Stock and Voting Securities immediately prior to
         such acquisition in substantially the same proportion as their
         ownership, immediately prior to such acquisition, of the Outstanding
         Capital Stock and Voting Securities, as the case may be, shall not
         constitute a Change of Control; or

              ii. Individuals who, as of the date hereof, constitute the Board
         (the "Incumbent Board") cease for any reason to constitute at least a
         majority of the Board, provided that any individual becoming a director
         subsequent to the date hereof whose election or nomination for election
         by the Company's shareholders, was approved by a vote of at least a
         majority of the directors then comprising the Incumbent Board shall be
         considered as though such individual were a member of the Incumbent
         Board, but excluding, for this purpose, any such individual whose
         initial assumption of office is in connection with an actual or
         threatened election contest relating to the election of the Directors
         of the Company (as such terms are used in Rule 14a-11 of Regulation
         14A, or any successor section, promulgated under the Exchange Act); or

              iii.Approval by the shareholders of the Company of a
         reorganization, merger or consolidation (a "Business Combination"), in
         each case, with respect to which all or substantially all holders of
         the Outstanding Capital Stock and Voting Securities immediately prior
         to such Business Combination do not, following such Business
         Combination, beneficially own, directly or indirectly, more than 60%
         of, respectively, the then outstanding shares of common stock and the
         combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities


         entitled to vote generally in the election of directors, as the case
         may be, of the corporation resulting from Business Combination; or

              iv. (a) a complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company or
         (b) a sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the
         assets of the Company other than to a corporation with respect to
         which, following such sale or disposition, more than 60% of,
         respectively, the then outstanding shares of common stock and the
         combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities
         entitled to vote generally in the election of directors is then owned
         beneficially, directly or indirectly, by all or substantially all of
         the individuals and entities who were the beneficial owners,
         respectively, of the Outstanding Capital Stock and Voting Securities
         immediately prior to such sale or disposition in substantially the same
         proportion as their ownership of the Outstanding Capital Stock and
         Voting Securities, as the case may be, immediately prior to such sale
         or disposition.

     9. TERMINATION BY REASON OF DEATH. If Employee shall die while employed by
the Company both prior to termination of employment and during the effective
term of this Agreement, all Employee's rights under this Agreement shall
terminate with the payment of that portion of Base Salary as has accrued but
remains unpaid and a prorated amount of targeted bonus under the Company's
Management Bonus Program through the month in which his death occurs, plus three
additional months of the fixed salary and targeted bonus. The calculation of
Employee's target bonus shall be made, and any bonus amount due to Employee
paid, in the manner set forth in Section 7.a.i. All benefits under Paragraphs
7.b.ii, 7.b.iv and 7.c.i shall be extended to Employee's estate as described in
such paragraphs. In addition, Employee's eligible dependents shall receive
continued benefit plan coverage under Paragraph 7.b.ii for three months from the
date of Employee's death.

     10. TERMINATION BY DISABILITY. Employee's employment hereunder may be
terminated by the Company for disability. In such event, all Employee's rights
under this Agreement shall terminate with the payment of that portion of Base
Salary as has accrued but remains unpaid as of the thirtieth (30th) day after
such notice is given EXCEPT that all benefits under Paragraphs 7.b.ii, 7.b.iv
and 7.c.i shall be extended to Employee as described in such paragraphs,
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that, with respect to Paragraph 7.b.ii, the period for
continued benefit plan coverage shall be limited to six months from the date of
termination. In addition, the noncompetition and nonsolicitation provisions of
Paragraph 14 shall continue to apply to Employee for a period of six months from
the date of termination. For purposes of this Agreement, "disability" is defined
to mean that, as a result of Employee's incapacity due to physical or mental

         a. Employee shall have been absent from his duties as an officer of the
     Company on a substantially full-time basis for six (6) consecutive months;

         b. Within thirty (30) days after the Company notifies Employee in
     writing that it intends to replace him, Employee shall not have returned to
     the performance of his duties as an officer of the Company on a full-time


     11. RETIREMENT. It is expected that the Compensation Committee of the
Company's Board of Directors will develop a benefit plan for retirement. It is
expected that Employee's rights upon retirement will be specifically described
in such retirement benefit plan. If retirement benefits for Employee are not
specifically described in such plan, the Company shall provide Employee upon
retirement benefits no lesser than the highest level of benefits accorded any
other retiring executive officer during the five year period immediately
preceding Employee's retirement.

     12. INDEMNIFICATION. If litigation shall be brought to enforce or interpret
any provision contained herein, the non-prevailing party shall indemnify the
prevailing party for reasonable attorney's fees (including those for
negotiations, trial and appeals) and disbursements incurred by the prevailing
party in such litigation, and hereby agrees to pay prejudgment interest on any
money judgment obtained by the prevailing party calculated at the generally
prevailing NationsBank of Florida, N.A. base rate of interest charged to its
commercial customers in effect from time to time from the date that payment(s)
to him should have been made under this Agreement.



         a. The nature of the system and methods employed in the Company's
     business is such that Employee will be placed in a close business and
     personal relationship with the customers of the Company and be privy to
     confidential customer usage and rate information. Accordingly, at all times
     during the term of this Agreement and for a period of one (1) year
     immediately following the termination of Employee's employment hereunder
     (the "Noncompetition and Nonsolicitation Period") for any reason
     whatsoever, and for such additional periods as may otherwise be set forth
     in this Agreement in reference to this Paragraph 14, so long as the Company
     continues to carry on the same business, Employee shall not, for any reason
     whatsoever, directly or indirectly, for himself or on behalf of, or in
     conjunction with, any other person, persons, company, partnership,
     corporation or business entity:

              i. Call upon, divert, influence or solicit or attempt to call
              upon, divert, influence or solicit any customer or customers of
              the Company nationwide;

              ii. Divulge the names and addresses or any information concerning
              any customer of the Company;

              iii. Disclose any information or knowledge relating to the
              Company, including but not limited to, the Company's system or
              method of conducting business to any person, persons, firms,
              corporations or other entities unaffiliated with the Company, for
              any reason or purpose whatsoever;

              iv. Own, manage, operate, control, be employed by, participate in
              or be connected in any manner with the ownership, management,
              operation or control of the same, similar or 


               related line of business as that carried on by the Company
               ("Competition") within a radius of fifty (50) miles from
               Employee's principal office.

         b. The time period covered by the covenants contained in this Paragraph
14 shall not include any period(s) of violation of any covenant or any period(s)
of time required for litigation to enforce any covenant.

         c. The covenants set forth in this Paragraph 14 shall be construed as
an agreement independent of any other provision in this Agreement and existence
of any potential or alleged claim or cause of action of Employee against the
Company, whether predicted on this Agreement or otherwise, shall not constitute
a defense to the enforcement by the Company of the covenants contained herein.
An alleged or actual breach of the Agreement by the Company shall not be a
defense to enforcement of the provisions of this Paragraph 14.

         d. Employee acknowledges that he has read the foregoing and agrees that
the nature of the geographical restrictions are reasonable given the
international nature of the Company's business. In the event that these
geographical or temporal restrictions are judicially determined to be
unreasonable, the parties agree that these restrictions shall be judicially
reformed to the maximum restrictions which are reasonable.

         e.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein,
in the event that Employee engages in Competition, or any conduct expressly
prohibited by this Paragraph 14 at any time during the Noncompetition and
Nonsolicitation Period for any reason whatsoever, Employee shall not receive any
of the termination benefits he otherwise would be entitled to receive pursuant
to Paragraphs 7.b., 7.c., 8.a. and 10 hereof.


         a. NONDISCLOSURE. Employee acknowledges and agrees that the
     Confidential Information (as defined below) is a valuable, special and
     unique asset of the Company's business. Accordingly, except in connection
     with the performance of his duties hereunder, Employee shall not at any
     time during or subsequent to the term of his employment hereunder disclose,
     directly or indirectly, to any person, firm, corporation, partnership,
     association or other entity any proprietary or confidential information
     relating to the Company or any information concerning the Company's
     financial condition or prospects, the Company's customers, the design,
     development, manufacture, marketing or sale of the Company's products or
     the Company's methods of operating its business (collectively "Confidential
     Information"). Confidential Information shall not include information
     which, at the time of disclosure, is known or available to the general
     public by publication or otherwise through no act or failure to act on the
     part of Employee.

         b. RETURN OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Upon termination of Employee's
     employment, for whatever reason and whether voluntary or involuntary, or at
     any time at the request of the Company, Employee shall promptly return all
     Confidential Information in the possession or under the control of Employee
     to the Company and shall not retain any copies or other reproductions 


     or extracts thereof. Employee shall at any time at the request of the
     Company destroy or have destroyed all memoranda, notes, reports, and
     documents, whether in "hard copy" form or as stored on magnetic or other
     media, and all copies and other reproductions and extracts thereof,
     prepared by Employee and shall provide the Company with a certificate that
     the foregoing materials have in fact been returned or destroyed.

         c. BOOKS AND RECORDS. All books, records and accounts whether prepared
     by Employee or otherwise coming into Employee's possession, shall be the
     exclusive property of the Company and shall be returned immediately to the
     Company upon termination of Employee's employment hereunder or upon the
     Company's request at any time.

     16. INJUNCTION/SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE SETOFF. Employee acknowledges that a
breach of any of the provisions of Paragraphs 14 or 15 hereof would result in
immediate and irreparable injury to the Company which cannot be adequately or
reasonably compensated at law. Therefore, Employee agrees that the Company shall
be entitled, if any such breach shall occur or be threatened or attempted, to a
decree of specific performance and to a temporary and permanent injunction,
without the posting of a bond, enjoining and restraining such breach by Employee
or his agents, either directly or indirectly, and that such right to injunction
shall be cumulative to whatever other remedies for actual damages to which the
Company is entitled. Employee further agrees that, except as otherwise provided
in Paragraph 13 hereof, the Company may set off against or recoup from any
amounts due under this Agreement to the extent of any losses incurred by the
Company as a result of any breach by Employee of the provisions of Paragraphs 14
or 15 hereof.

     17. SEVERABILITY: Any provision in this Agreement that is prohibited or
unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective
only to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating
or affecting the remaining provisions hereof, and any such prohibition or
unenforceability in any jurisdiction shall not invalidate or render
unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction.

     18. SUCCESSORS: This Agreement shall be binding upon Employee and inure to
his and his estate's benefit, and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit
of the Company and any permitted successor of the Company. Neither this
Agreement nor any rights arising hereunder may be assigned or pledged by:
Employee or anyone claiming through Employee; or by the Company, except to any
corporation which is the successor in interest to the Company by reason of a
merger, consolidation or sale of substantially all of the assets of the Company.
The foregoing sentence shall not be deemed to have any effect upon the rights of
Employee upon a Change of Control.

     19. CONTROLLING LAW: This Agreement shall in all respects be governed by,
and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Florida.

     20. NOTICES. Any notice required or permitted to be given hereunder shall
be written and sent by registered or certified mail, telecommunicated or hand
delivered at the address set forth herein or to any other address of which
notice is given:


     To the Company:  OutSource International, Inc.
                      1144 East Newport Center Drive
                      Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442
                      Attention: General Counsel

     To Employee:     Benjamin Cueto
                      9753 Sibley Circle
                      Orlando, Florida 32836

     21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
between the parties hereto on the subject matter hereof and may not be modified
without the written agreement of both parties hereto.

     22. WAIVER. A waiver by any party of any of the terms and conditions hereof
shall not be construed as a general waiver by such party.

     23. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of
which shall be deemed an original and both of which together shall constitute a
single agreement.

     24. INTERPRETATION. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of
this Agreement and any other agreement or document defining rights and duties of
Employee or the Company upon Employee's termination, the rights and duties set
forth in this Agreement shall control.

     25. CERTAIN LIMITATIONS ON REMEDIES. Paragraph 7.b provides that certain
payments and other benefits shall be received by Employee upon the termination
of Employee by the Company other than for Cause and states that these same
provisions shall apply if Employee terminates his employment for Good Reason. It
is the intention of this Agreement that if the Company terminates Employee other
than for Cause (and other than as a consequence of Employee's death, disability
or normal


retirement) or if Employee terminates his employment with Good Reason, then the
payments and other benefits set forth in Paragraph 7.b shall constitute the sole
and exclusive remedies of Employee. This Paragraph 25 shall have no effect upon
the provisions of Paragraph 8 of this Agreement.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Employment Agreement has been executed by the
parties as of the date first above written.


                                      OUTSOURCE INTERNATIONAL, INC.




                                      Name: Benjamin Cueto
