R E G I S T R A T I O N  -  Please Print or Type [landscape oriented
                                                 along left margin]

[Pioneer logo] Independence Plans
   PIONEER     Application
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                /  Special pricing applicable?  [] Yes [] No
                                /  Special Pricing Breakpoint (Dealer Use)
                                /  [____________________________]
New Account Number  __________  /  List all associated account numbers and
                                /  monthly amounts.
Monthly Unit       $__________  /  
                                /  _________________________     $__________
Total Plan Amount  $__________  /  _________________________     $__________
                                /  _________________________     $__________
Initial Investment $__________  /  _________________________     $__________
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              /REGISTER THIS PLAN AS FOLLOWS:             
Individual    /_________________________________________  ____-____-____
              /First Name   Middle Initial   Last Name    Social Security Number
Joint Tenant  /                                           (If joint tenants, use
with Right of /_________________________________________  Social Security Number
Survivorship  /First Name   Middle Initial   Last Name    of the first joint
              /                                           tenant listed.)
Uniform       /_________________________________________  
Gifts/        /Custodian's Name                           
Transfers     /                                           
to Minors     /_________________________________________  ____-____-____
              /Minor's Name (only one permitted)          Social Security Number
              /                                           of Minor
              /under the _____ [] Uniform [] Uniform      
              /          State    Gifts to   Transfers to ____-____-____
              /                   Minors Act Minors Act   Birthdate of Minor
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Corporations, /_______________________________________    ____-_________
Trusts, or    /Name of Corporation or Trustee(s)          Taxpayer
other         /                                           Identification Number
Fiduciaries   /_______________________________________    ____-____-____
              /Name of Trust                              Date of Trust
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Address       /__________________________  ______________ _________  ________
&             /Street or P.O. Box          City           State      ZIP
Citizenship   /
              /____-____-____ Citizen of U.S. [] Yes []No ___________________
              /Telephone                                  If no, citizen of
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TELEPHONE WITHDRAWAL FEATURE--Unless indicated below, I authorize BFDS to accept
instructions  from  any person to  redeem  up  to  90%  of the share value of my
account(s)  by  telephone, in accordance with the  procedures and conditions set
forth in the Pioneer Independence Plans current prospectus.

               [] I DO NOT want the Telephone Redemption Privilege.

Redemptions  by  telephone  must be for an amount less than $100,000 and will be
sent  by  check via U.S. mail to the  address  of record.  In the event that the
mailing  address  has been changed within 30 days of the redemption request, the
redemption request must be in writing if over $5,000.

Pioneering  Services  Corporation  and  BFDS  will  not  be liable for any loss,
expense or cost  arising out of any  telephone  redemption  request  effected in
accordance  with the  authorization(s)  set  forth in this  application  if they
reasonably  believe  such  request to be  genuine,  but may in certain  cases be
liable for losses due to unauthorized or fradulent transactions.  Procedures for
verification  of  telephone  transactions  may include  recordings  of telephone
transactions and requests for conformation of the shareholder's  Social Security
Number and current address.  Mailings of confirmations  occur promptly after the
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The  undersigned  warrant(s)  that I (we) have  full authority and, if a natural
person,  I  (we)  am  (are)  of  legal  age  to purchase shares pursuant to this
application, and have received a current prospectus for the plans.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (1) The  number  shown  above is my correct taxpayer identification number
          (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me); and

      (2) I  am  not  subject to backup withholding because (a) I am exempt from
          backup  withholding,  or (b)  I have not been notified by the Internal
          Revenue  Service  that  I am subject to backup withholding as a result
          of  a  failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has
          notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding.

You  must  cross  out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you
are currently  subject  to backup withholding because of underreporting interest
or dividends on your tax return.   For real estate transactions, item 2 does not
apply.  For  mortgage  interest  paid, the acquisition or abandonment of secured
property,  contributions  to  an  individual  retirement  arrangement (IRA), and
generally  payments  other  than interest and dividends, you are not required to
sign   the   certification,   but   you   must  provide  your  correct  taxpayer
identification number.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I/We,  the  undersigned  Depositor(s), have  read  and  understand the foregoing
application  and  the  attached  material  included  herein  by  reference.   In
addition, I/We  certify  that  the  information which I/we have provided and the
information which  is  included within the application and the attached material
included  herein  by  reference  is  accurate  including  but not limited to the
representations  contained  in  the  Withholding  Information  section  of  this
application above.   [The Internal Revenue Service does not require your consent
to any  provision  of  this document other than the  certifications required  to
avoid backup withholding.]

Signature of Owner* X ___________________________________  Date ________________

Signature of Joint Owner X ______________________________  Date ________________

*If a corporate or trust account, authorized signor should indicate title (e.g.,
President, Treasurer, or Trustee).
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A Bank Draft Authoriza-          /  MAIL APPLICATION    United Services Planning
tion is attached  [] Yes  [] No  /  AND INITIAL         Association, Inc.
                                 /  INVESTMENT TO:      P.O. Box XXXX
Check box for                    /                      Fort Worth, Texas  76113
Government Allotment      []     /
MAKE ALL CHECKS [___________     /
PAYABLE TO:     ______________   /
                ______]          /
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dealer Name ________________________ Authorized Signature X ____________________

Branch Office (Location) _______________________________________________________

Representative _________________________________________________________________
               Name                                                       Number

Representative's Signature X ______________________________________

7XX (12/97)
[copyright symbol] 1997 United Services Planning Association, Inc.         12057