
                         PIONEER FUNDS DISTRIBUTOR, INC.



                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


         A. PIONEER INDEPENDENCE PLANS.......................................2
                  1.   NATURE OF PIONEER INDEPENDENCE PLANS..................2

                  2.   CHANGES IN PIONEER INDEPENDENCE PLANS.................2

         B.   CUSTODIAN......................................................3
                  1.   QUALIFICATION.........................................3

                  2.   CUSTODIANSHIP.........................................5

                  3.   TERMINATION OF CUSTODIANSHIP..........................6

         C.   SPONSOR........................................................6
                  1.   TERMINATION OF OBLIGATIONS............................6

II.  CUSTODIAN'S FUNCTIONS...................................................9

         A.   PROCESSING OF PLAN INVESTMENTS.................................9
                  1.   ISSUANCE OF NEW PLANS.................................9

                       OUTSTANDING PLANS....................................10

                  3.   ADDITIONAL NOTICES...................................12

                  4.   REINVESTMENT OF DIVIDENDS............................13

                  5.   ACCELERATION OF INVESTMENTS..........................14

                  6.   EXTENDED INVESTMENT OPTION...........................15

                  7.   CHANGES IN FACE AMOUNT...............................15

                  8.   RIGHTS OF ACCUMULATION...............................17

                  9.    PLAN REINSTATEMENT PRIVILEGE........................18

                  10.  TAX-QUALIFIED RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS....................18

                  11.  RECORDKEEPING........................................18

              AND COMPLETIONS...............................................19
                  1.   GENERAL..............................................19

                  2.   REFUND...............................................20

                  3.   EIGHTEEN MONTH SURRENDER.............................20

                  4.   PARTIAL WITHDRAWAL AND LIQUIDATION...................22

                  5.   SYSTEMATIC WITHDRAWAL PROGRAM........................23


                  6.   TRANSFER OR ASSIGNMENT...............................24

                  7.   TERMINATION OF PLANS.................................24

                  8.   COMPLETION...........................................26

              OF FUND SHARES................................................28
                  1.   PURCHASE AND SALE OF FUND SHARES.....................28

                  2.   MAINTENANCE..........................................31

                  3.   STATEMENTS...........................................32

                  4.   VOTING OF FUND SHARES................................33

                  5.   SUBSTITUTION.........................................33

                  6.   FURNISHING OF INFORMATION............................34

         D.   DUTIES........................................................34
                  1.   DUTIES...............................................34

         E.   FEES AND CHARGES..............................................36
                  1.   REMUNERATION.........................................36

                  2.   PAYMENTS TO SPONSOR..................................37

III.  SPONSOR'S FUNCTION....................................................37

                  1.   GENERAL..............................................37

                  2.   OPERATIONS...........................................37

                  3.   INITIAL INVESTMENT...................................43

                  4.   CREATION AND SALES CHARGES...........................38

                  5.    PLANS IN DEFAULT....................................39

                  6.    PLAN CANCELLATIONS..................................39

         C.   SUBSTITUTION OF THE UNDERLYING INVESTMENT.....................41
                  1.   PROCEDURE............................................41

IV.  FUNCTIONS OF SPONSOR AND CUSTODIAN.....................................43

         A.   PLANHOLDER INQUIRIES..........................................43

V.  MISCELLANEOUS...........................................................44

         A.   ASSIGNMENT....................................................44

         B.   INDEMNIFICATION BY THE SPONSOR................................44

         C.   INDEMNIFICATION BY THE CUSTODIAN..............................44

         D.   COUNTERPARTS..................................................45

         E.   INSPECTION....................................................46

         F.   SCHEDULES.....................................................46


         G.   AMENDMENT.....................................................46

         H.   CONSTRUCTION..................................................46


                               CUSTODIAN AGREEMENT

     AGREEMENT  made this 17th day of  February,  1998,  between  Pioneer  Funds

Distributor,  Inc.,  a  Massachusetts  corporation  with its  office at 60 State

Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts  (hereinafter  called the  "Sponsor")  and State

Street Bank and Trust Company, a Massachusetts trust company having an office at

225 Franklin Street, Boston Massachusetts (hereinafter called the "Custodian").


     WHEREAS,  the Sponsor is registered as a broker-dealer  with the Securities

and Exchange  Commission  under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended

(hereinafter,  the "1934  Act"),  is a member in good  standing of the  National

Association  of  Securities  Dealers,  Inc.  (the "NASD") and was formed to sell

investment company products to other registered broker-dealers; and

     WHEREAS,  Pioneer  Independence Plans is a unit investment trust registered

under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), providing

for the accumulation of shares of Pioneer Independence Fund (the "Fund"); and

     WHEREAS,  the Fund is a Delaware  business trust  registered as an open-end

management investment company under the 1940 Act; and


     WHEREAS,  the Sponsor  desires to obtain the  services of the  Custodian in

connection with the  administration of Pioneer  Independence Plans providing for

investment  in  shares  of the  Fund or  shares  of  other  open-end  management

investment companies as herein provided;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of their mutual  covenants  herein set

forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:



     1.  NATURE OF PIONEER  INDEPENDENCE  PLANS.  The  Sponsor  intends to offer

Pioneer  Independence Plans for the accumulation of shares of the Fund (all such

shares  being  hereinafter  called  the  "Fund  Shares"),  or any  other  shares

substituted therefor,  under the terms of Pioneer Independence Plans. Holders of

each Pioneer  Independence  Plan (a "Plan")  issued under  Pioneer  Independence

Plans are hereinafter called  "Planholders."  Issuance and transfer of the Plans

will be by book entry only.

     2. CHANGES IN PIONEER  INDEPENDENCE  PLANS.  Each Plan shall be governed by

the terms and  conditions set forth in the prospectus for such Plan in effect at

the time such Plan was issued (the "Prospectus"). Pioneer Independence Plans are

subject to such  changes in form and content as the Sponsor may effect from time

to time.  No changes in the terms and  conditions of any  previously  issued and

outstanding  Plan which will adversely affect any material right of a Planholder

thereof may be made without notice to, and consent of, the Planholder.  Any such


changes  in Pioneer  Independence  Plans  affecting  the  implementation  of the

provisions  of this  Agreement  shall be  acknowledged  by the  Sponsor  and the

Custodian.  The Sponsor or Custodian may substitute other shares for Fund Shares

on the conditions provided in Sections II(C)(5) and III(C) below.


         1.    QUALIFICATION.

                  a. The  Custodian  and any successor Custodian shall be a bank

         or trust company, as defined under the 1940 Act, having at all times an

         aggregate  capital,  surplus   and   undivided  profits  in  excess  of

         $2,000,000. The Custodian covenants that it has now, and agrees that so

         long as it acts as  Custodian under any Plan it shall continue to have,

         such qualifications.

                  b. All monies received  by  the Custodian under or pursuant to

         any  provision  of  this  Agreement  or  any  Plan  or other instrument

         referred  to herein shall be held by the Custodian as a deposit for the

         purposes  for which they were paid or are held, and the Custodian shall

         not be under any liability for interest on any such monies, except such

         as it may agree to pay thereon.

                  c. The Custodian shall be obligated to perform such duties and

         only  such  duties  as are specifically set forth in this Agreement and

         the  Prospectus,  and  no  implied  obligations shall be read into this

         Agreement or the Prospectus against the Custodian, and


         in the absence of bad faith on its part, the Custodian may conclusively

         rely,  as  to  the  truth  of the statements and the correctness of the

         representations  made  therein,  upon  any  instruments,  certificates,

         opinions or other writings furnished to the Custodian and conforming to

         the requirements hereof.  The Custodian shall not be responsible in any

         manner whatsoever for the correctness of the covenants of the Custodian

         herein,  or  recitals in the Prospectus made solely by the Sponsor. The

         Custodian  makes  no  representations  as  to  the  Prospectus  or  the

         securities issued in connection therewith, or the validity thereof, and

         the  Custodian  shall incur no liability or responsibility with respect

         to  any  such matters.  The  Custodian shall not be responsible for any

         actions  or   inactions  of,  and  may  rely  on  information, records,

         documents  or  services  (including  functions performed by the Sponsor

         under Section II. (D)(1)(h) of  this Agreement) that have been taken or

         have  failed  to  be  taken, prepared,  maintained or performed by, the

         Sponsor or  any other person authorized by the Sponsor on behalf of the

         Custodian, the Sponsor or Pioneer Independence Plans.

                  d. The Custodian  may, at the same time it acts hereunder, act

         in  any one or more of the following capacities: as registrar, transfer

         agent  and  custodian  for  the issuer of Fund Shares, as agent for the

         parties  or  for  the Planholders or the Sponsor, or the issuer of Fund

         Shares,  and in other capacities customary for banks on behalf of these

         persons and of others dealing with them.

                  e. The Custodian may consult with legal counsel to be selected

         with  reasonable  care  by  the  Custodian  (who  may be counsel to the

         Sponsor)  and  the  Custodian shall not be liable for any action taken,

         omitted or suffered by it in good faith in accordance


         with  the  advice of such counsel.  Whenever  in the performance of its

         duties  hereunder the Custodian shall deem it necessary or desirable, a

         matter  may be proved or established by a certificate signed by any two

         officers  of  the  Sponsor  and  delivered  to  the Custodian, and such

         certificate  shall  be  fully warranted to the Custodian for any action

         taken,  suffered  or  omitted  by or in reliance thereon. The Custodian

         may,  in  the  absence  of  bad  faith  on  its part, rely and shall be

         protected   in  acting  upon  any  request ,  letter  or  transmittal ,

         certificate, opinion of counsel, statement, instrument, report, notice,

         consent, order, Plan or  other paper or document reasonably believed by

         it to be genuine  and  to  have  been signed or presented by the proper

         party  or  parties.   The  Custodian  shall  be  liable for its willful

         misconduct or negligence.

     2.  CUSTODIANSHIP.  The Custodian accepts the custodianship  hereunder with

respect to Plans  issued  after the date of this  Agreement  and shall  continue

custodianship on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and in the

Prospectus applicable to such Plans, provided that the Custodian may require the

Sponsor to furnish  the  following  items to the  Custodian  as a  condition  to

accepting custodianship with respect to a Plan:

                  a. Evidence satisfactory to the Custodian that the Sponsor has

         taken  all  necessary  action  to  satisfy  the  requirements  of   the

         Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act") and the 1940 Act in

         connection with  the  offer and issuance of the Plans; that the Sponsor

         is  registered as a broker-dealer under the 1934 Act and is a member in

         good  standing  of  the NASD; that the Fund Shares are the subject of a

         currently effective


         registration statement  under  the  1933  Act; and that the Sponsor has

         complied  with  all  other  federal  and  state regulatory requirements

         respecting the offer and issuance of the Plans.

                  b. Such additional documents, certificates and opinions as the

         Custodian may reasonably require.


                  a. Replacement    of   Custodian   by   Sponsor; Assumption of

         Administrative  Functions by Sponsor (Existing Plans and/or New Plans).

         The Sponsor shall have the right, upon at least 90 days' written notice

         to  the  Custodian,  to  substitute,  as  custodian, both under Pioneer

         Independence  Plans  issued and still in force and/or under any Pioneer

         Independence Plans issued thereafter, whether such Pioneer Independence

         Plans  are otherwise identical with that issued under this Agreement or

         not,  any  other  bank  or  trust  company  having  the  qualifications

         prescribed in Section I(B)(1)(a) above.  The Sponsor shall further have

         the  right, by  giving written notice to the Custodian 90 days prior to

         the  event,  to  assume  such  administrative functions with respect to

         Pioneer Independence Plans as may be mutually agreed by the Sponsor and

         the Custodian.

                  Upon such  termination, the Sponsor shall bear the cost of all

         reasonable out - of - pocket expenses  associated  with the movement of

         materials  and records.  Additionally, the Custodian reserves the right

         to charge for any other reasonable expenses associated with


         such  termination,  provided  that the Custodian advises the Sponsor of

         such additional charges in advance.


         The  Custodian  shall  have  the right to resign as custodian under any

         existing  Plan  at  any time but only if either: (a) the securities and

         other  property in which the funds of the Planholders are invested have

         been  completely  liquidated  and the proceeds of such liquidation have

         been  distributed  to  the  Planholders;  or (b) a successor custodian,

         meeting  with the approval of the Sponsor and having the qualifications

         prescribed  in  Section  I(B)(1)(a)  above, has  been designated by the

         resigning  Custodian  or  the  Sponsor  and the successor custodian has

         accepted such custodianship.

                  Notwithstanding the above, the Custodian shall have the right,

         upon  at least 90 days' written notice to the Sponsor, to terminate its

         obligation   to   accept   any   new  Pioneer  Independence  Plans  for

         custodianship hereunder.

                  In addition, the obligation of the Custodian to accept any new

         Pioneer  Independence Plans for custodianship hereunder shall terminate

         if  the  Sponsor:  (1) fails  to  maintain  an  effective  registration

         statement  under  the  1933  Act  covering  the  issuance  of   Pioneer

         Independence Plans; (2) fails to cause the requirements of the 1940 Act

         to  remain  satisfied  in  connection  with  the  issuance  of  Pioneer

         Independence  Plans;  (3)  has  its  membership  in  the  NASD  or  its

         registration as a broker-dealer under the 1934 Act canceled, revoked or

         suspended  for  more  than 120  days for any cause involving failure on


         the  part  of an executive officer or director of the Sponsor to follow

         ethical  standards  or  serious  neglect  of his or her duty to require

         representatives  to  follow  such  standards;  or (4) defaults  in  the

         performance  of any other duty, covenant or agreement contained in this

         Agreement  and  such  default shall remain unremedied for 30 days after

         written  notice  thereof  shall  have  been given to the Sponsor by the

         Custodian  (except  with  respect  to  item (3), for  which such remedy

         period shall be 120 days).

                  c.  RECORDS.   In   connection   with   any   termination   of

         custodianship,  the  Custodian  shall  furnish  such  records and other

         information  as  the  Sponsor  and  any  successor custodian reasonably

         believe  to  be  necessary  or  appropriate  to effect the termination.

C.       SPONSOR.


                  The  Sponsor  may  terminate  its  obligations under the Plans

         under   certain   circumstances   including,   but   not   limited  to,

         circumstances  where:   the  underlying fund (or any successor) ceases

         operations   or   is  subject  to  a  merger  or  acquisition;  or  the

         shareholders  of  the  underlying  fund  have approved the cessation of

         operations  or merger or acquisition; or the obligations of the Sponsor

         as  described  in  the Prospectus and this Agreement will be assumed by

         another  entity  that  the  Sponsor  believes  at  the  time  of


         assignment is capable of fulfilling its obligations as described in the

         Prospectus and under this Agreement.

                            II. CUSTODIAN'S FUNCTIONS


     1.  ISSUANCE OF NEW PLANS.  Upon receipt by the  Custodian or its agent of:

(1) an application for a Plan (a "Plan Application") in a form designated by the

Sponsor,  and (2) a check or other order for the  payment of money  representing

the initial  investment  under a Plan by the Planholder  thereof,  the Custodian


                  a.  Establish   a   Plan  account  ("Plan  Account") for  such

                      Planholder  that reflects the face amount of the new Plan;

                  b.  Forward for collection such check or other order  for  the

                      payment  of  money  as  hereinafter  provided  in  Section

                      (II)(A)(2)(a); and

                  c. Forward  to  the  Planholder  by first - class  mail,   the

                     Custodian's  letter of transmittal and notice conforming to

                     the  requirements  of  Section  27(f) of the 1940 Act, Rule

                     27f-1  thereunder (or any  successor rule) and as described

                     in the  Prospectus, such  other  explanatory information or

                     communication to the Planholders as may be furnished by the

                     Sponsor, and forward to the Planholder or, if requested  by

                     the  Sponsor,  to  the  Sponsor   for  forwarding  to   the

                     Planholder, by first-class  mail any notice of the right of

                     refund or


                     surrender,  as  provided  in Sections II(B)(2), (3) and (4)

                     below. Such forms of notice shall be approved in writing by

                     the Sponsor.


receipt by the  Custodian  or its agent of any Plan  investment  that is made in

accordance with the applicable  Prospectus,  including any investment being made

pursuant to an extended investment option, the Custodian shall:

                  a. Forward  for  collection  any  check or other order for the

         payment  of  money  representing such investment. In the event that any

         check or other order for the payment of money received by the Custodian

         from a Planholder is returned unpaid for any reason, the Sponsor agrees

         that  the amount thereof shall be forthwith charged by the Custodian to

         the Plan  Account  of  the Planholder with the Custodian. The Custodian

         shall  forthwith  place  a stop order against the Fund Shares purchased

         with  the  amount  so  charged  and  held  in  the  Plan Account of the

         Planholder,  and  such  Fund  Shares  shall  thereafter  be held by the

         Custodian  for  the  account  of  the  Sponsor  and  subject  to    its

         instructions  including, but  not  limited  to, any instructions by the

         Sponsor  to  redeem  the Fund Shares purchased with such check or other

         order  for payment of money.  The Custodian shall notify the Planholder

         of any such returned check and send a copy of such notice together with

         the returned check to the Sponsor (if the returned item is an order for

         payment  of  money,  the  Custodian  shall send the notification of the

         unpaid order). The Custodian shall, in accordance with the terms of the

         Plan Prospectus, impose a fee for any such returned checks or orders or



         redemption  proceeds  pending  the  receipt  of payment with respect to

         the  Fund  Shares  redeemed  of  any check (or order for the payment of

         money) from the payor bank thereon.

                  b. Deduct  from  the  payment  the  amount  of  any applicable

         original  issue,  stock  transfer,  sales or other taxes and apply such

         amounts  to  the purchase of the necessary tax stamps or to payments to

         the proper taxing authorities, as the case may be.

                  c. Deduct therefrom the applicable fees of the Sponsor and the

         Custodian  as  set  forth in Schedule A to this Agreement applicable to

         such  Plan.  Such  deductions  shall  be credited to the Sponsor or the

         Custodian, as the case may be.

                  d. Apply,  within two business days unless impracticable,  the

         balance  of the investment to the purchase of Fund Shares, at net asset

         value  next  determined  ( to  be computed to two decimal places) after

         receipt of  the  investment  in good order, and credit the Plan Account

         with the number of Fund Shares so purchased.

                  e. Prepare and  mail  to the Planholder a receipt in a form to

         be approved  by the Sponsor, and which complies as to form and delivery

         with  the requirements of Rule 10b-10 of the 1934 Act (or any successor

         rule), and  which  receipt  shall  show the following: the Plan account

         number; the amount of the investment received; the date of receipt; the

         front - end  sales  load (the "Creation and Sales Charge") deducted, if

         applicable;  the  price  paid  per  Fund  Share; the number of full and

         fractional Fund Shares purchased after the deductions; the total number

         of  Fund  Shares then held by the Custodian for the Planholder; and the

         due  date  of  the  Planholder's  next  investment.  The receipt of the

         purchase of Fund Shares shall


         be  mailed  promptly  by  the  Custodian to the Planholder, and to the

         Planholder's investment dealer.

         3.       ADDITIONAL NOTICES.

                  a. REMINDER  NOTICES.   The  Custodian  shall  mail  to   each

         Planholder who  has not elected an automatic investment option prior to

         the  Planholder's  investment  date  a  remittance  form  and,   unless

         otherwise agreed to, a return envelope to be used with the Planholder's

         next investment.  Such form  of  notice shall be approved in writing by

         the Sponsor.

                  b. PAST DUE INVESTMENT NOTICES. On a periodic basis as  agreed

         to from time to time by the Custodian and  the Sponsor,  the  Custodian

         shall  prepare  and  mail  to  the  Planholder  a  notice  of  past due

         investment in accordance with the Prospectus and  applicable law.  Such

         form shall  be approved in writing by the Sponsor.  The Custodian shall

         provide to the selling broker-dealer, or  in  the  absence of such, the

         Sponsor, a duplicate of each such notice sent to any Planholder.

                  c. REFUND  NOTICES.   The  Custodian  shall  also mail to each

         Planholder  any notice(s) required by Section 27(e) of the 1940 Act and

         Rule  27e-1  thereunder (or  any  successor  rule)  and  shall  be   in

         accordance  with  the terms and conditions of the Prospectus. Such form

         of notice shall be approved in writing by the Sponsor.


                  d. TERMINATION  NOTICES.  In  the  event  that a Plan is being

         terminated by the Sponsor or the Custodian in accordance with the terms

         of  the Prospectus and this Agreement, the Custodian shall also mail or

         deliver  to  the  affected  Planholder  a  notice  of termination.  The

         Custodian  will provide the selling broker-dealer or, in the absence of

         such,  the  Sponsor  with  a  duplicate of each such notice sent to any

         Planholder.  Such  form  of  notice shall be approved in writing by the


                  e. OTHER  NOTICES. The Custodian shall also mail or deliver to

         each Planholder any other notices required by any applicable federal or

         state  law,  rule  or regulation, in such form and by such means as are

         required  under  such  law,  rule  or  regulation. The form of any such

         notice shall be approved in writing by the Sponsor.

     4.  REINVESTMENT  OF DIVIDENDS.  The Custodian shall reinvest all dividends

and  capital  gain  distributions  received  on the  Fund  Shares  held by it as

Custodian for each Planholder, after deduction therefrom the applicable fees set

forth in the  attached  Schedule  and/or  specified in the  Prospectus,  and any

applicable  taxes required by law or elected by a Planholder to be withheld,  in

accordance  with the terms of the  Prospectus,  in Fund  Shares on the  dividend

payment  date,  at the net asset value,  determined on that date, as provided in

Section II(C)(1) below,  unless the Planholder has instructed the Custodian,  in

writing,  at least seven days prior to the record date,  to pay the dividends or

distributions in cash directly to the Planholder.

     5. ADVANCE INVESTMENTS.  A Planholder may complete his or her Plan ahead of

schedule by making one or more Plan  investments  in advance of their due dates,

but  only


in  accordance  with  the  terms  and  conditions of the applicable  Prospectus.

Advance  investments  shall be first  applied to satisfy the  obligation  of the

Planholder to pay for his or her next succeeding Plan investment or investments.

Thereafter,  the Custodian  shall,  unless timely advised to the contrary by the

Sponsor,  invest  the  balance  of  any  advance  investment,  after  authorized

deductions,  in  additional  Fund  Shares  as of the  close of  business  on the

business day that such accelerated  investment is received. The Custodian shall,

if so  instructed  by the  Sponsor,  redeem all or a portion of the Fund  Shares

purchased with such advance investment and remit the proceeds of such redemption

to the  Planholder.  There is no reduction in the Creation and Sales Charges for

advance  investments.  Advance  investments do not accelerate in any way the due

dates of unpaid Plan investments;  such unpaid investments will be considered to

be due on that date on which they would have  originally  been  required  if all

prior Plan  investments  (whether or not in fact made in advance)  had been made

when  respectively  due. Upon receipt by the Custodian of a permissible  advance

investment by any Planholder, the Custodian shall:

                  a. Process  the  investment  as provided in Section II (A) (2)


                  b. Apply the balance of the investment  to the next succeeding

         monthly Plan investment or investments in the order due under the Plan.

     6. EXTENDED INVESTMENT OPTION. A Planholder who owns any completed Plan may

make additional investments,  without completing a new Plan Application, thereby

activating the extended  investment option,  subject to deductions in accordance

with the terms and conditions of the applicable Prospectus.  The Planholder must

make the 181st investment  within the six-month


period,  unless  such  limitation has  been  waived  by  the Sponsor,  after the

180th  investment  date in order to activate  the  extended  investment  option;

failure of a  Planholder  to make the 181st  investment  within  such  six-month

period after being  credited for any advance  investments  made under the option

will  result  in  the  Planholder's  forfeiture  of his or  her  right  to  make

additional  investments under the extended  investment option, and the Plan will

be  considered  to have been  completed.  In addition,  failure of a Planholder,

during the extended  investment option period, to make any investment during any

six-month period (after any credit for any accelerated investment) may result in

the  Planholder's  forfeiture of his or her right to make any investments  under

the extended  investment  option,  and the Plan will be  considered to have been


     All Plans exercising the extended  investment  option shall terminate after

the 300th investment made under the Plan.

     7.  CHANGES IN FACE AMOUNT.  A  Planholder  may change the Plan face amount

initially  selected upon issuance of a Plan to a new Plan face amount offered by

the  Sponsor,  but only in  accordance  with the  terms  and  conditions  of the

applicable  Prospectus.  Plans are only available in face amounts offered by the

Sponsor,  as set  forth in the  Prospectus.  If such a change  in the Plan  face

amount is approved by the Sponsor,  the Custodian shall make appropriate changes

to the  Planholder's  Account.  Changes  in the face  amount of a Plan  shall be

implemented by the Custodian only upon receipt of:

                  a. written  instructions  from  the  Planholder,  Sponsor   or

         selling broker-dealer, as applicable, as to the increase or decrease in

         Plan face amount, which instructions shall


         set forth  the Plan Account number and registration, the face amount of

         the new Plan, the amount of each monthly investment under the new Plan,

         the  number  of  Plan  investments  which are to be credited to the new

         Plan, and the amount, if any, of the adjustment  in  Creation and Sales

         Charges resulting from the change in Plan face amount, which adjustment

         shall be effected at the time of the issuance of the new Plan, and such

         other information as may be reasonably requested by the Custodian. Such

         adjustment  shall  be  in  accordance  with the terms of the applicable

         Prospectus and  shall be effective concurrently with the change in Plan

         face amount, I.E., at the  time the Plan is adjusted to reflect the new

         face amount;

                  b.  in  the case of an increase in a Plan face amount, payment

         by  check  or other order for the payment of money in the amount of the

         first Plan  investment  to  be made under the increased face amount for

         the Plan,  as  specified  in  the  applicable  Prospectus,  unless such

         investment is reduced or waived by the Sponsor;

                  c.  if the total investments made on the original Plan are not

         an integral  multiple  of  the monthly Plan investments required on the

         amended  Plan, a  check  or other order for the payment of money in the

         sum  that  is  required  by the Sponsor to enable the remaining monthly

         investments (after giving credit for investments already made) to equal

         the face amount of the amended Plan.

     8. RIGHTS OF  ACCUMULATION.  A Planholder may accumulate  Plans for reduced

Creation and Sales Charges, but only in accordance with the terms and conditions

of the applicable


Prospectus.  The  face  amounts  of  two  or more Plans purchased at one time by

"any person," as defined in the  applicable  Prospectus  may be combined to take

advantage of the lower Creation and Sales Charges available on larger purchases.

In addition, a Planholder  purchasing any new Plan or increasing the face amount

of any existing  Plan(s) may qualify for a reduced  Creation and Sales Charge on

the new Plan by combining  the face amount of the new Plan with the face amounts

of existing  Plans on which Plan  investments  due are  current  and/or with the

current value of assets held in accounts in other Pioneer mutual funds for which

Pioneering Management  Corporation or one of its affiliates serves as investment

adviser. To qualify for the reduced Creation and Sales Charges,  all of the Plan

Applications  for the new Plans involved must be submitted to the Sponsor at the

same time together with a request in writing that the face amounts of such Plans

and/or asset values of such Pioneer  mutual fund  accounts be cumulated  for the

purpose of  determining  the  applicable  Creation  and Sales Charge for the new

Plan.  If such a reduction  in the  Creation and Sales charge is approved by the

Sponsor,  the  Custodian  shall make  appropriate  changes  to the  Planholder's

Account. In the event investments in one or more of such Plans are discontinued,

the  remaining  Creation and Sales Charge will be changed to reflect the charges

applicable to the Plan that is still in effect.

     The  face  amounts  of  any  Plans  which  have  been  completed  (and  not

liquidated) or on which  investments are current may be aggregated with the face

amount of a Plan being  purchased by "any person" to ascertain  the Creation and

Sales Charge  applicable to the Plan being  purchased.  To qualify for a reduced


Creation  and Sales  Charge,  the Sponsor  must be notified by the dealer or the

Planholder  at the time of placing the order that the  Planholder  qualifies for

the reduced  Creation and Sales Charge.  If such a reduction in the Creation and

Sales Charge is approved by the Sponsor,  the Custodian  shall make  appropriate

changes to the Planholder's Account.

     9. PLAN REINSTATEMENT PRIVILEGE. A Planholder who has terminated his or her

Plan may exercise a Plan reinstatement or replacement provision,  which provides

for  reinvestment of a specified amount in the Plan, but only in accordance with

the terms and conditions of the applicable Prospectus. If the Plan reinstatement

privilege is exercised,  neither the total number of monthly Plan investments to

be made nor the unpaid  balance of monthly Plan  investments  due under the Plan

will be affected.  Any such  reinstatement or replacement  order received by the

Custodian or its agent shall be processed by the  Custodian and credited for the

Plan Account of such  Planholder in accordance  with the terms and conditions of

the applicable Prospectus, this Agreement and the 1940 Act.

     10.  TAX-QUALIFIED  RETIREMENT  ACCOUNTS.  A Plan may be used by  qualified

individuals  who wish to establish  Plan Accounts for  tax-qualified  retirement

plans  or by an  individual  who  wishes  to  register  a Plan as an  Individual

Retirement Account (an "IRA").

         11.       RECORDKEEPING.

The  Custodian  will  prepare  and  maintain complete  up-to-date records of the

performance of its duties hereunder,  on magnetic media or otherwise,  including

records  showing a separate Plan Account for each  Planholder,  and the name and

address of the Planholder;  the number,  date and amount of each investment made

by the  Planholder;  the date and  amount  of all  dividends  and  distributions

received by the Custodian on Fund Shares held for the account of the Planholder;


any  amounts  withheld  from  withdrawals  under a Plan in  accordance  with the

Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,  and any regulations  thereunder (or

successor  regulations);  and all deductions  made and the number of Fund Shares

acquired  and held by the  Custodian  for the account of the  Planholder.  These

records  shall  be  maintained  and  preserved  in  accordance  with  applicable

requirements  of  Section  31 of the  1940  Act  and  rules  thereunder  (or any

successor  rule), and in accordance with state securities laws ("Blue Sky laws")

applicable to records kept with regard to the Plans.  Such records shall be made

available to the Sponsor for  inspection  or audit via magnetic  media or at the

office of the Custodian at all reasonable times.


     1. GENERAL.  The Custodian  shall  liquidate  Fund Shares in a Planholder's

Plan Account, as provided in Section II(C)(1) below, and pay the proceeds,  plus

additional  amounts,  if any, to the Planholder within the time set forth in the

applicable  Prospectus.  The Sponsor  shall not suspend  redemption  or postpone

payment of redemption  proceeds more than seven days after such date of receipt,

except  during  any period  when:  (a) the New York Stock  Exchange,  Inc.  (the

"Exchange")  is closed,  other than for  customary  weekends and  holidays;  (b)

trading on the Exchange is  restricted;  (c) an emergency  exists as a result of

which  disposal  by  the  Fund  of  securities  owned  by it is  not  reasonably

practicable or it is not reasonably practicable for the Fund to fairly determine

the value of the net assets of its portfolio; or (d) the Securities and Exchange

Commission, by order, so permits.


     2. REFUND.  A Planholder  has the right for 45 days to surrender his or her

Plan in accordance  with Section 27 of the 1940 Act and the terms and conditions

of the  applicable  Prospectus.  Upon  surrender the  Custodian  will accept the

return of the Plan and the  Planholder  will  receive  a refund  of all  charges

deducted  from his or her Plan  investments  and the net asset value of the Fund

Shares held in his or her Plan Account at the time.  The 45-day period shall run

from the date on which the  Planholder is mailed a notice  (described in Section

II(A)(1)(c)  above) of his or her refund  rights,  a statement  of charges to be

deducted from projected investments, and a form for exercising the refund right,

which  information  shall be mailed by the  Custodian  within 60 days  after the

issuance  of the Plan,  to the date of receipt of the Plan by the  Sponsor.  The

Custodian shall inform the selling broker-dealer or, in the absence of such, the

Sponsor in the event such refund  procedures  are initiated  with respect to any

Plan Account.

     3. EIGHTEEN MONTH  SURRENDER.  A Planholder has the privilege for 18 months

to surrender his or her Plan, but only in accordance with Section 27 of the 1940

Act and the terms and conditions of the applicable  Prospectus.  Upon surrender,

the  Planholder  will receive a payment in an amount that is the sum of: (1) the

net asset value of the Fund Shares held in his or her Plan  Account at the time;

and (2) a refund of the amount by which the Creation and Sales Charges  deducted

from Plan investments  exceed 15% of the Plan investments made up to the date of

the surrender of the Plan. In the event the Plan is  surrendered,  the Custodian

shall  liquidate  Fund  Shares and pay the  proceeds to the  Planholder  who has

exercised the foregoing  privilege.  Any excess Creation and Sales Charge amount

due the  Planholder  shall be paid to the Custodian by the Sponsor for refund to

the  Planholder.  The  Planholder  shall  not be  entitled  to be  refunded


any  Custodian  fees  previously  paid. The 18-month  period  shall run from the

date on which  the Plan is  issued.  The  Planholder  must  request  a refund in

writing.  The request must be signed by the  Planholder  and be addressed to the

Custodian.  A cancellation request involving a Plan Account with a current asset

value of $100,000 or more (or any other amount  specified in the applicable Plan

Prospectus)  will  require  a  signature  guarantee  for all  Planholders  by an

acceptable  guarantor as described in the  Prospectus  or as shall  otherwise be

approved by the Custodian and Sponsor  (hereinafter  referred to as an "Approved

Guarantor").  The Custodian will send to the  Planholder a notice  (described in

Section  II(A)(1)(c) above) within 30 days following the expiration of 15 months

after the date of the issuance of a Plan if the Planholder has missed three Plan

investments  or more.  The Custodian  will also send to the  Planholder a notice

prior to the expiration of the 18-month period described above if the Planholder

has missed one Plan  investment  or more after the  expiration  of the  15-month

period but prior to the expiration of the 18-month period. (If the Custodian has

already sent a notice at 15 months, a second notice will not be required even if

additional  investments are missed.) These notices will inform the Planholder of

the Planholder's  rights of cancellation as set forth above, of the value of the

Plan at the time the notice is sent and of the amount to which the Planholder is

entitled.  The  Custodian  shall  inform the  selling  broker-dealer  or, in the

absence of such, the Sponsor,  in the event such refund procedures are initiated

with respect to any Plan Account.

     4. PARTIAL WITHDRAWAL AND LIQUIDATION. A Planholder may make a partial cash

withdrawal  from his or her Plan Account,  but only in accordance with the terms

and conditions of the applicable Prospectus. The holder of a Plan which has been

established  for at least 45 days


may  withdraw  or  liquidate  part of  the  Fund  Shares held in his or her Plan

Account without terminating the Plan, subject to the following:

                  a.  The  Planholder  making a partial withdrawal of his or her

         Fund  Shares  may direct the Custodian to transfer the Fund Shares held

         in  the  Plan  Account  registered in his or her name to an identically

         registered  Pioneer  Independence  Fund account.  Following  a  partial

         withdrawal, the Planholder may, at any time prior to the termination of

         the Plan under which his or her Plan Account was established, redeposit

         the same number of Fund Shares.

                  b. A  Planholder may also partially liquidate by directing the

         Custodian,  as  Planholder's agent, to  sell or redeem part of the Fund

         Shares  held in his or her Plan Account and to forward the net proceeds

         to the Planholder. Following a partial liquidation, the Planholder may,

         at any time prior to the termination of the Plan under which his or her

         Plan  Account  was  established,  redeposit  an amount equal to the net

         proceeds  withdrawn  and have the Custodian purchase Fund Shares at net

         asset value for his or her Plan Account as provided in Section II(C)(1)

         below. Cash must be redeposited for cash received on liquidation.

                  Any such request for a withdrawal received by the Custodian or

         its agent  shall  be  processed by the Custodian, and proceeds shall be

         payable  by  the  Custodian  to such Planholder, in accordance with the

         terms  and  conditions  of  the applicable Prospectus and the 1940 Act.

         Following  a  partial  cash  withdrawal,  a  Planholder is permitted to

         exercise a


         restoration   or   replacement   privilege   with   respect   to   such

         withdrawal  if  and  to  the  extent such restoration or replacement is

         provided  for  in  the  applicable Prospectus.  Upon  receipt  by   the

         Custodian  or  its agent of any investment identified by the Planholder

         as  being a  replacement or restoration of a partial withdrawal for the

         account  of  a  Planholder  and  that  is  made  in accordance with the

         applicable  Prospectus,  the  Custodian  will  process  and credit such

         payment  to  the  Plan  Account  in accordance with this Agreement, the

         applicable Prospectus, and the 1940 Act.

     5.  SYSTEMATIC  WITHDRAWAL  PROGRAM.  A Planholder may elect to establish a

systematic withdrawal program,  after the Planholder has completed all regularly

scheduled Plan  investments or from an incomplete Plan if the withdrawals are to

be taken from a Plan that is part of an IRA and the  Planholder  has reached age

59 1/2, but only in accordance  with the terms and  conditions of the applicable

Prospectus.  Under a systematic  withdrawal program, the Planholder can elect to

receive  monthly or quarterly  payments in any amount of $50 or more. To provide

funds  for  payments  to be made  under a  systematic  withdrawal  program,  the

Custodian,  as agent for the  Planholder,  will  redeem  Fund Shares held in the

Planholder's  Plan  Account at the net asset value in effect at the time of each

such redemption.  All systematic withdrawal program transactions will be made as

of the end of the day specified for the  withdrawal  by the  Planholder  (or, if

such day is not a business  day, the first  business  day after that date).  The

Planholder  may change  the amount of  payments  under a  systematic  withdrawal

program or discontinue the program at any time.


     While a systematic  withdrawal program is in effect, the Planholder may not

elect to receive  dividends and  distributions on Fund Shares held in his or her

Plan Account in cash.

     6. TRANSFER OR  ASSIGNMENT.  A Planholder may make a transfer or assignment

of his or her  right,  title,  and  interest  in the  entire  Plan,  but only in

accordance with the terms and conditions of the applicable Prospectus.  Any such

request for a transfer or  assignment  received  by the  Custodian  or its agent

shall be recorded by the Custodian in accordance  with the terms and  conditions

of the  applicable  Prospectus  until  the  assignee  shall  have  notified  the

Custodian that the transfer or assignment has terminated.  The terms of any such

transfer or assignment shall be subject to the applicable Prospectus. During the

term of the transfer or assignment,  such  Planholder  shall retain those rights

specified in the applicable Prospectus.

     7.  TERMINATION OF PLANS.  Plans may be terminated  only in accordance with

the terms and conditions of the applicable  Prospectus.  Plans may be terminated

under the following circumstances:

                  a. TERMINATION BY PLANHOLDER. A  Planholder  may  at  any time

         terminate  his  or  her Plan by surrendering the Plan to the Custodian,

         but  only in accordance with the terms and conditions of the applicable


                  b. TERMINATION  BY  SPONSOR  OR CUSTODIAN. Neither the Sponsor

         nor  the Custodian may terminate a Plan until such time as is specified

         in the  applicable Prospectus, unless and to the extent that conditions

         specified in the Prospectus applicable to such Plan and permitting such

         termination  have  been satisfied.  If  a Plan is in a state of default


         or  delinquency, as  defined  in  the applicable Prospectus, either the

         Sponsor or the Custodian may terminate such Plan in the manner provided

         in such Prospectus.

                  c. TERMINATION UNDER OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES. Pioneer Independence

         Plans  shall  be terminated if Fund Shares cannot be purchased for more

         than  120  days, and neither  the Sponsor nor the Custodian substitutes

         another  investment medium as provided in Sections II(C)(5) and III(C),

         below.   If  a  Planholder  fails  to  consent to a substitution by the

         Custodian  pursuant  to Section II(C)(5)(b), below, the  Custodian  may

         consider the Plan terminated.

                  d. PLAN  TERMINATION  PROCEDURES.   In  connection  with   the

         termination  of  any  Plan  in  accordance  with  the provisions of the

         applicable  Prospectus  and  this Agreement, the Custodian will furnish

         the Planholder and the Sponsor with a notice of termination showing all

         changes  in  such Planholder's Plan Account since the date of the  last

         previous  statement  issued  by the Custodian, and the Planholder shall

         thereafter  have  no further claim against the Custodian, except as may

         be  set  forth  in  such  statement,  and  shall not be entitled to any

         further accounting. In the event of termination of a Plan,  liquidation

         of the  Plan  Account  and  final  payment  to  the Planholder shall be

         effected by the Custodian in accordance with the applicable Prospectus.

     8.  COMPLETION.   The  options   described  below  are  available  for  the

disposition of the Fund Shares from a completed Plan. If the disposition of Fund

Shares is such that all of the Fund


Shares  held  in  a  Plan  are transferred or liquidated,  the Planholder  shall

be deemed to have no further  rights under the Plan,  except in accordance  with

the terms of the applicable Prospectus.

                  a. The Planholder  may  elect  to  have the Custodian hold the

         Fund Shares for 15 years from the date of issuance of the Plan, plus an

         additional  10  years,  and  neither  the Custodian nor the Sponsor may

         terminate  the custodianship except in accordance with the terms of the

         applicable Prospectus;

                  b.  The  Planholder  may elect to have the Fund Shares held in

         his  or  her  Plan  Account  transferred to a Pioneer Independence Fund

         account  registered  in  the  Planholder's  name,  at  which  time  the

         Planholder  will  be  deemed  to  have no further rights under the Plan

         except as described in the applicable Prospectus;

                  c.  The Planholder may elect to have the Fund Shares in his or

         her  Plan Account redeemed and the cash proceeds paid to the Planholder

         directly; or

                  d. The Planholder  may elect to have the Fund Shares in his or

         her  Plan Account redeemed in accordance with the systematic withdrawal

         program  established  in  connection  with  the  Plan  on  a monthly or

         quarterly  basis  in  amounts of $50 or more and have the cash proceeds

         paid to the Planholder directly.

     The  Custodian  and the Sponsor agree that no Plan may be terminated by the

Sponsor or the Custodian for a period of 15 years from the date of issue so long

as the Planholder  continues to make investments in accordance with the terms of

the applicable  Prospectus.  After expiration of


15  years  from  the  date  of issue of the Plan, or after the 300th  investment

if the  Planholder  has  exercised the option to extend the  custodianship,  the

Custodian shall include with the next to last confirmation statement a notice to

the  Planholder  advising the  Planholder  to exercise the privilege of complete

withdrawal within 60 days.

     In the event of the  Planholder's  failure to  exercise  the  privilege  of

complete  withdrawal,  the  Custodian  in its  discretion  may, as agent for the

Planholder,  (a) surrender for liquidation  all Fund Shares in the  Planholder's

Plan  Account  or (b)  redeem  sufficient  Fund  Shares  to pay  all  authorized

deductions.  The  remaining  Fund  Shares  and/or  cash  (after  payment  of all

authorized  deductions),  will be  held by the  Custodian  for  delivery  to the

Planholder.  Upon  surrender of the Plan to the  Custodian,  the Custodian  will

deliver to the  Planholder  a  confirmation  statement  for his or her full Fund

Shares  after  transferring  such Fund  Shares to a  Pioneer  Independence  Fund

account  registered in the name of the Planholder and any balance of cash, or if

all Fund Shares have been sold, the net redemption  proceeds less any additional

authorized  deductions.  No interest shall be payable upon any funds held by the

Custodian pending the surrender of the Plan.

     If the Planholder fails to surrender the Plan for a period of 60 days after

the sending of the termination  notice, the Custodian in its discretion,  acting

as agent for the  Planholder,  may mail to the  Planholder  a check for all cash

standing to the  Planholder's  credit and  surrender for  liquidation  such Fund

Shares, if any, held in the Planholder's  Plan Account,  and the Planholder will

be deemed to have no further rights under the Plan.


     In the event a check and/or a confirmation statement for Fund Shares cannot

be delivered to the Planholder as described  above, the Custodian shall hold the

cash or the Fund Shares in trust subject only to the escheatment laws.



                  a. Purchases  and  sales  of  Fund  Shares  by  the  Custodian

         pursuant  to this Agreement shall be made in accordance with applicable

         law,  the   Prospectus, the  Fund's   Prospectus   and   the  Sponsor's

         Distribution Agreement with the Fund.

                  b. All  purchases  of Fund Shares by the Custodian pursuant to

         the  provisions  of  this Agreement shall be made from the Fund, or its

         issuing agent (or any underwriter of Fund Shares with which the Sponsor

         may contract for such purpose) at the net asset value of the Fund  next

         determined  after  the  time  of  purchase  as calculated by Pioneering

         Management Corporation (or  any  successor  thereto) in accordance with

         the terms of the Fund's then current Prospectus. The Custodian shall be

         entitled  to presume conclusively that the price so set with respect to

         any Fund Shares purchased by the Custodian is said net asset value.

                  c. Funds  received  by  the  Custodian  to  be  applied to the

         purchase of Fund Shares at the net asset value per share determined  as

         described in Section II(C)(1)(a) shall, unless


         impracticable,  be  applied  to  such purchase within two business days

         after  the  receipt  by  the  Custodian  of  said investments payments,

         dividends or distributions.

                  d. All sales  of  Fund  Shares  by  the  Custodian, as  agent,

         pursuant  to the provisions of this Agreement, shall be made by deposit

         of  the Fund Shares with the Fund or its duly authorized agent together

         with  a  request  that  the Fund Shares be repurchased at the net asset

         value of the Fund next determined after receipt of a proper redemption

         request  as  calculated  by  Pioneering  Management Corporation (or any

         successor  thereto)  in  accordance  with  the terms of the Fund's then

         current Prospectus, so long as the privilege of redemption at net asset

         value is available to holders of Fund Shares as set forth in the Fund's

         then  current Prospectus.  Whenever, pursuant to the provisions of this

         Agreement, Fund Shares are to be sold or redeemed, the Custodian  shall

         first withdraw the Fund Shares from the custodianship hereunder and, as

         agent  for  the  Planholder, shall  sell  or redeem said Fund Shares by

         depositing  them  for repurchase as set forth above. Anything herein to

         the  contrary  notwithstanding, (i)  the  Custodian,  as  agent for the

         Planholders, is authorized to offset sales and purchases for all of the

         Planholders  on a business day and, accordingly, to place with the Fund

         or  its  agent  a  net  purchase order for the excess of purchases over

         sales,  or a net sale order for the excess of sales over purchases; and

         (ii)  any  such  sales  of  Fund  Shares  in  connection  with  a  Plan

         termination,  a  withdrawal  of  Fund  Shares  by  a  Planholder, or an

         exercise of an exchange privilege by a Planholder, shall be effected by

         the  Custodian  in  accordance  with  the  terms  and conditions of the

         applicable Prospectus.


                  e. Issuance  and transfer of Fund Shares will be by book entry


                  f. The  Fund shall make the net asset value per share for Fund

         Shares  available  to  the  Custodian as soon as reasonably practicable

         after  the  net  asset  value per share is calculated and shall use its

         best efforts to make such net asset value per share available by 7 p.m.

         Boston time each Business Day.  For the purposes of this section of the

         Agreement, "Business  Day" shall  mean any day on which the Exchange is

         open for regular trading and on which the Fund calculates its net asset

         value pursuant to the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                  g. The  Fund  shall  furnish  notice  as  soon  as  reasonably

         practicable (by wire or telephone, followed by written confirmation) to

         the  Custodian  of any income, dividends, or capital gain distributions

         payable on Fund Shares.

     Consistent  with the foregoing,  the Custodian shall enter a gross purchase

and sale order for full and  fractional  Fund Shares (in two decimal  places) at

the net asset value next  determined for all  Planholder  requests to invest in,

transfer or redeem Fund Shares under Pioneer Independence Plans which,  pursuant

to the terms and conditions of the  Prospectus,  the Custodian  received in good

order  prior to the close of trading  on the  Exchange,  normally 4 p.m.  Boston

time.  Such orders shall be forwarded to the Fund by 11 a.m.  Boston time on the

next following Business Day (such orders will be deemed to have been received by

the Fund as of the close of trading on the Exchange on the day of receipt by the

Custodian of the Planholders' requests). The Custodian shall pay for Fund Shares

on the same Business Day an order to purchase Fund Shares is


transmitted  to  the  Fund.  Payment  shall  be in federal funds  transmitted by

wire to the Fund to be received by 11:00 a.m.  Boston time of the  Business  Day

the Fund is  notified  of the  purchase  order for Fund  Shares.  If  payment in

federal  funds for any purpose is not  received or is received by the Fund after

11:00 a.m. Boston time on such Business Day, the Custodian shall promptly,  upon

the Fund's request, reimburse the Fund for any charges, costs, fees, interest or

other  expenses  incurred by the Fund in  connection  with any  advances  to, or

borrowings or overdrafts by, the Fund, or any similar  expenses  incurred by the

Fund, as a result of portfolio  transactions  effected by the Fund based on such

purchase request. For purposes of this section,  upon receipt by the Fund of the

federal  funds  so  wired,  such  funds  cease to be the  responsibility  of the

Custodian and shall become the responsibility of the Fund.

     2. MAINTENANCE.  The Custodian shall have possession of and shall segregate

and hold in trust,  or shall  hold in book share  form,  where  applicable,  all

securities  and  other  properties  in which the  funds of the  Planholders  are

invested  on  behalf  of  the  Planholders,   all  monies  held  for  such  Plan

investments,  any  redemption  to the  Planholders  or other  special  funds for

payments to the Planholders,  and all income and distributions upon,  accretions

to and proceeds of such  securities  and funds,  subject only to the  deductions

specified in this Agreement or in the Prospectus,  until distribution thereof to

the  Planholders  in accordance  with the terms and conditions of the applicable

Prospectus.  The Custodian also will effect  partial or complete  liquidation of

Plans  in  connection  with  withdrawals  or  terminations.   The  Custodian  is

authorized  to commingle  payments and  dividends for all Fund Shares held by it

hereunder  and to direct  all Fund  Shares to be  registered  in its name or the

names of its nominees.  Nothing herein shall be


construed  to  allow  the  Custodian to  commingle  the Fund Shares,  funds,  or

securities  with those of any plans  other than the Pioneer  Independence  Plans

specifically  covered herein. The Custodian shall maintain a separate record for

each Plan established by a Planholder, showing the number of Fund Shares (to two

decimal  places)  and the  amount of cash,  if any,  to the  credit of each Plan

Account.   Such  records  shall  be  maintained  separate  and  apart  from  the

Custodian's corporate records.

     All monies  deposited with or received by the Custodian  hereunder shall be

held by it without  interest as part of the  custodianship  until required to be

disbursed in  accordance  with the  provisions  of this  Agreement or of Pioneer

Independence Plans.

     3. STATEMENTS. The Custodian shall render statements to the Sponsor at such

time and in such form as may be agreed upon by the parties hereto  showing,  for

each Plan  Account in which  transactions  were  effected  during the  specified

period, the Plan number, the amount and date of the Plan investment(s) received,

the number of such  investment(s),  the deductions  made, the balance applied to

the  purchase of Fund Shares for each Plan Account and the number of Fund Shares


     4. VOTING OF FUND SHARES.  The Custodian will provide notice to Planholders

of all Pioneer  Independence  Fund  shareholder  meetings,  together  with proxy

statements.  The  Custodian  shall  vote  Fund  Shares  held  under  any Plan in

accordance with the Planholder's  instructions contained in a voting instruction

card  provided with the proxy  statement or in accordance  with the terms of the

applicable Prospectus.


         5.       SUBSTITUTION.

                  a. BY SPONSOR.  The Sponsor  may effect  substitution  of Fund

         Shares as provided in Section III(C), below.

                  b. BY CUSTODIAN.  If  Fund  Shares  cannot be purchased by the

         Custodian  for  more than 120 days, and the Sponsor fails to substitute

         shares,  the  Custodian  may  select another investment medium which it

         deems  to be comparable to the Fund Shares and, to the extent required,

         subject to  prior approval of the Securities and Exchange Commission to

         the  extent  required by the 1940 Act.  The Custodian shall notify each

         Planholder  in  writing  that  the  substitution  will  be  made if the

         Planholder,  within 30 days, gives written consent to the Custodian and

         agrees  to bear his or her reasonable pro-rata share of the Custodian's

         related  expenses,  including tax liability sustained by the Custodian.

         The Planholder's failure to give such written consent within the 30 day

         period  shall  give  the  Custodian  authority  to  terminate  the Plan


                  If the Fund Shares are not available for purchase for a period

         of  120  days  or  longer,  and  neither  the Sponsor nor the Custodian

         substitutes  other  shares,  the  Custodian  shall  have the authority,

         without further action on its part, to terminate the Plan.

                  c. NOTICE. The  Custodian  or  the  Sponsor shall, within five

         days  after  any  substitution,  deliver  or  mail to each Planholder a

         notice of substitution, including an


         identification  of  the  Fund  Shares  eliminated  and  the  securities

         substituted, and a specification of the Fund Shares of such Planholders

         affected by the substitution.

     6. FURNISHING OF INFORMATION.  The Custodian shall furnish such records and

other information  regarding Pioneer Independence Plans and the custodianship as

the  Sponsor  may  reasonably   believe   necessary  or   appropriate   for  the

administration of the Plans, as provided in Section III below.

D.       DUTIES.

         1.       DUTIES.  The Custodian shall:

                  a. Mail  to  each  Planholder  a  confirmation  of Fund Shares

         purchased,  stating  the  purchase price per Fund Share, number of Fund

         Shares  purchased  after applicable deductions, and the total number of

         Fund Shares held for the Planholder's Plan Account;

                  b. Mail  to  each  Planholder  a notice of the next investment


                  c. Upon  the  instruction  of the Sponsor or the Fund, mail to

         each Planholder such prospectuses, periodic financial reports, dividend

         statements,  tax  notices  and  notices  of  meetings  and  other proxy

         soliciting  materials as are required by law or regulation; the cost of

         such  mailings  shall  be reimbursed to the Custodian by the Sponsor or

         the Fund;

                  d. Cause  periodic  audits  of  the  books  of  the  Custodian

         relating  to the custodianship of Pioneer Independence Plans to be made

         at least annually by independent


         certified  public  accountants  selected  by the Sponsor and reasonably

         satisfactory to the Custodian, and more frequently, if required by  law

         or regulation;

                  e. Prepare  and  file such reports and returns as are required

         by  law  or  regulation  to  permit  the  custodianship  to continue in


                  f. Answer  all  inquires  from  Planholders  concerning  their

                  g. Furnish   to   the   Internal   Revenue   Service   and  to

         each  Planholder  all  required  returns relating to dividends or other

         distributions  to  such Planholder's Plan Account(s) for federal income

         tax reporting purposes; and

                  h.   Any  and  all  duties  of  the  Custodian  enumerated  in

         the  foregoing provisions of Section II for which the Custodian assumes

         primary  responsibility  may  be  delegated  by  the  Custodian  to the

         Sponsor.  Upon  the  written request of the Sponsor, the Custodian will

         delegate  any  of  its  functions  described  in  this Section II or in

         Section  III  below,  provided  that such delegation is consistent with

         Sections 26 and 27 of the 1940 Act.   In  addition,  the  Custodian may

         delegate  its  duties  under  this  Agreement  to its affiliate, Boston

         Financial  Data  Services,  Inc. ("BFDS"), a  transfer agent registered

         under  Section 17A(c)(2) of the 1933 Act, provided that such delegation

         is  not  inconsistent with Sections 26 or 27 of the 1940 Act.  No other

         delegation  of  the  Custodian's duties may be made without the written

         agreement  of the Sponsor.  In the event the Custodian delegates one or

         more  of  its  duties  hereunder  with the consent of the Sponsor or to

         BFDS, the Custodian shall remain


         responsible for  all  acts and omissions relative to the performance of

         such duties as if any related acts and/or omissions are its own.


     1.  REMUNERATION.  As remuneration  for the services to be performed by the

Custodian under this Agreement,  the Custodian shall receive the fees,  charges,

and  reimbursements  for expenses as listed in the  attached  Schedule A to this

Agreement  and the  applicable  Prospectus  which charges shall be deducted from

Plan investments or Planholders'  Plan Accounts,  as specified in the applicable

Prospectus, unless the Custodian is otherwise reimbursed by the Sponsor.

     In the  event  of a  default  by the  Sponsor  in  the  performance  of any

administrative   service  relating  to  the  custodianship   described  in  this

Agreement,  the Custodian will perform such service for a consideration  payable

by or from the account of the Planholders.  Such  consideration  shall not be in

excess of the amount provided for in this Agreement, including Schedules hereto.

Any  deductions  under the terms of this  provision  shall be made in accordance

with the terms of Section  26(a)(2) of the 1940 Act and any rules thereunder (or

any successor rules).

     2.   PAYMENTS  TO  SPONSOR.   No  payment  to  the   Sponsor,   or  to  any

affiliated person or agent of the Sponsor,  shall be allowed the Custodian as an

expense  except for payment to the Sponsor of a delegated  duty fee described in

the attached Schedule A.


                             III. SPONSOR'S FUNCTION


     1. GENERAL.  The Sponsor agrees to perform the functions  required of it by

the terms of this Agreement and the applicable Prospectus.

     2. OPERATIONS.  The Sponsor will use its best efforts to distribute Pioneer

Independence  Plans by  entering  into sales  agreements  with other  registered

broker-dealers,  maintain  adequate office  facilities and management  staff and

keep current records.

     3. COMPLIANCE. The Sponsor assumes full responsibility for the preparation,

contents and  distribution of the Prospectus,  for complying with all applicable

requirements  of the 1933 Act and of the  1940 Act and for the  preparation  and

filing of such other reports or documents as are required by law or  regulation,

and  covenants  and  agrees  to take all  action,  and not to omit  any  action,

necessary to carry out such  responsibilities.  The Custodian is not responsible

for the preparation,  contents and  distribution of the Fund Prospectus,  or for

any  related  compliance.  With  respect to any  duties for which the  Custodian

assumes  primary  responsibility  but which it  delegates  to the  Sponsor,  the

Sponsor  covenants and agrees that the Sponsor will take or cause its affiliates

to take all  action,  and not to omit any  action,  necessary  to carry out such

duties, and agrees to furnish to the Custodian,  upon request,  evidence thereof

satisfactory  to the  Custodian  and its counsel.  The Sponsor will use its best

efforts to make Fund Shares available for purchase to the Custodian at net asset



     4. INITIAL  PAYMENT.  Upon the sale of each Plan,  the Sponsor will require

each  selling  broker-dealer,  not  later  than  the  time  for the  first  Plan

investment for the purchase of Fund Shares, to forward to the Custodian: (i) the

Plan  Application  and (ii) a check  payable to the Custodian  representing  the

initial Plan  investment or copies of forms  appropriate  for the election of an

automatic  investment  option  authorizing  the  payment  of money  by wire,  by

Automatic  Clearinghouse  ("ACH"),  by  Electronic  Funds  Transfer  ("EFT")  or

transfer or in some other form acceptable to the Custodian.

     4. CREATION AND SALES  CHARGES.  The Sponsor  receives a Creation and Sales

Charge to  compensate  it for its  services  and costs in creating the Plans and

arranging  for their  administration,  for making the Fund Shares  available  to

Planholders  at net asset value and for selling  expenses and  commissions  with

respect to the Pioneer  Independence  Plans.  This  charge is deducted  from the

first 12 investments under a Plan as set forth in the applicable Prospectus.

     5. PLANS IN DEFAULT. Upon receipt from the Custodian of a monthly statement

of Planholders  specifying  those Plans in current default on Plan  investments,

the Sponsor  will request that the selling  broker-dealer  endeavor  promptly to

have said Planholders remedy their defaults.

     6. PLAN  CANCELLATIONS.  In the event that the  Sponsor  receives  from the

Custodian a notice of Plan  cancellation by a Planholder,  and such cancellation

is subject under  applicable  law and the Prospectus to a refund of a portion of

the Creation and Sales Charges  previously  imposed under the Plan,  the Sponsor

shall  transmit  funds to the order of the  Custodian  in an amount equal


to  the  refundable  amount  calculated  in  accordance  with applicable law and

the Prospectus.  The Custodian  shall then refund the appropriate  amount to the



     1. The  Sponsor  shall  furnish  to the  Custodian  and file to the  extent

required by law on behalf of the Custodian:

                  a. FINANCIAL  STATEMENTS. As soon as available, a copy of each

         audit   report   and   other   financial  statements  relating  to  the

         custodianship  of the Pioneer Independence Plans and sufficient reports

         and  other documents required to be mailed to Planholders under Section


                  b. TAX RETURNS.  Not  less  than 20 calendar days prior to the

         due  date  thereof,  all  federal and state income tax returns, and all

         other tax returns, if any, required by law to be filed by the Custodian

         with  respect  to  its  custodianship  hereunder,  prepared in form for

         execution  and  filing,  together  with  advice  concerning  the proper

         allocation of expenses and other items among the Planholders.  Such tax

         returns shall be filed by the Sponsor on behalf of the Custodian.

                  c.  DISTRIBUTION  AGREEMENT.  Promptly  after  the   execution

         thereof,  a copy of any amendment to the Distribution Agreement between

         the  Sponsor and the Fund and a copy of any new or additional agreement

         entered into in lieu thereof.


                  d. PIONEER INDEPENDENCE PLANS MATERIALS.  Draft  copies of all

         literature,  prospectuses,  printed  matter  and  other  material which

         contain  any  references  to  the Custodian,  except  material which is

         merely   circulated   among  or  sent  to  employees,  stockholders  or

         representatives  of  the  employees, stockholders or representatives of

         the Sponsor and correspondence in the ordinary course of business which

         refers  in  accurate terms to the Custodian's functions with respect to

         Pioneer  Independence Plans.  The  Sponsor  agrees  that  none  of  the

         documents specified in this clause shall be reproduced in final form or

         distributed  until  a draft of such documents have been provided to the

         Custodian.  In the event the Custodian has comments on such drafts, the

         Custodian  shall  comment  in writing and transmit such comments to the

         Sponsor within 48 hours of receipt of the draft material.

                  e. DISTRIBUTION REPORTS.  Not later than the time specified by

         Treasury  Regulations  for  advising  Planholders of income and capital

         gains  distributions  of regulated investment companies and within such

         time  requirements  as  may be specified by the Securities and Exchange

         Commission  or  other  regulatory  agency,  printed forms for reporting

         distribution to Planholders for income tax purposes.


     1. PROCEDURE.  In the event that the Sponsor  substitutes shares of another

investment medium for Fund Shares in accordance with the procedures set forth in

the applicable  Prospectus and as required by law, all required notices shall be

prepared by the Sponsor. In connection


with  such  substitution,  the Custodian  is  authorized  to  charge against the

Plan Account of a Planholder  such  Planholder's  pro rata share of the expenses

(including tax liability)  incurred by the Custodian or the Sponsor,  and to pay

to the  Custodian  or to the Sponsor the amount of such charge  attributable  to

expenses incurred by the Custodian or the Sponsor,  respectively,  in connection

with the substitution.  The Custodian and the Sponsor shall furnish one another,

and make available to Planholders upon request, a detailed  statement  itemizing

their respective expenses.

     The Sponsor may effect  substitution  of Fund Shares whenever it deems such

substitution  to be in the best  interests  of the  Planholders,  subject to the


                  a. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION. To the extent required,

         the Sponsor shall receive prior approval by the Securities and Exchange

         Commission for  any  substitution under the provisions of Section 26(b)

         of the 1940 Act.

                  b. SHARES.  The  Sponsor  may  substitute for Fund Shares then

         held  and  yet  to be purchased or both.  Substituted  shares  must  be

         generally  comparable  in character and quality to Fund Shares and must

         be registered under the 1933 Act.  In  the  event  of a substitution of

         Fund Shares, the terms "Fund" and "Fund Shares" as used herein shall be

         deemed  to  include the substituted open-end management company and the

         substituted shares of such open-end management company.

                  c. CUSTODIAN. The Sponsor shall satisfy the Custodian that the

         substitute  shares may be purchased and redeemed on generally favorable

         terms and arrange for the Custodian to acquire substitute shares having

         an aggregate value at least equal to that of the


         Fund Shares replaced.   In  addition,  the  Sponsor  shall  provide the

         Custodian with a signed certificate stating that any appropriate notice

         of  the  proposed  substitution  has  been  given  to  each  Planholder

         according to the terms of the Prospectus.

                  d. PLANHOLDERS. The  Sponsor  shall  notify each Planholder in

         writing  that,  unless  the  Planholder  surrenders  the  Plan  to  the

         Custodian within 30 days  of  the  date  of mailing of such notice, the

         Planholder  will  be  deemed  to  have  authorized the substitution and

         agreed to bear his or her pro rata share of actual related expenses, if




     The Sponsor and the  Custodian  will  respond  promptly to each  Planholder

inquiry received by the Sponsor and Custodian,  respectively, to the extent that

the Sponsor or Custodian,  as  applicable,  can respond to such inquiry.  In the

event that any such inquiry  cannot be responded  to, the party  receiving  such

inquiry will refer the inquiry to the other party to this Agreement.


                                V. MISCELLANEOUS


     This  Agreement  shall not be  assigned  by either  of the  parties  hereto

without the prior written consent of the other party.


     The Sponsor, its successors and assigns, shall at all times fully indemnify

and hold harmless the Custodian,  its  successors and assigns,  from any and all

liability, claims, demands, actions, suits, cost or expense of any nature as the

same may arise or be made  against  or be  incurred  by the  Custodian  from the

failure of the Sponsor to comply with any law, rule,  regulation or order of the

United States, any state or any other jurisdiction, governmental authority, body

or  board  having   jurisdiction,   relating  to  the  sale,   registration   or

qualification  of the Plans or any of them, or the securities sold in connection

therewith.  The Fund also agrees to indemnify the Custodian  for, and to hold it

harmless against,  any loss, liability or expense incurred without negligence or

bad faith on the part of the Custodian, arising out of or in connection with the

acceptance  hereof or the  performance of its duties  hereunder,  as well as the

costs and expenses of defending  against any claim or liability in the premises,

provided  that no claim  against  the  Custodian  which  might be subject to the

foregoing indemnification provisions shall be confessed,  settled or compromised

by the  Custodian  without the  Custodian  first having given 15 days'


notice  in  writing  to  the  Sponsor  of  the  material  facts,   and  provided

further that the Sponsor shall have the right upon written  demand  delivered to

the  Custodian  within 15 days  following  the date of such notice to contest or

defend such claim in the name of the Custodian.


     All communications provided for hereunder shall be in writing sent by first

class mail or delivered to the respective parties as follows:

                  Attention:  Robert P. Nault, General Counsel
                  60 State Street
                  Boston, MA  02109

                  Attention:  President, Boston Financial Data Services, Inc.
                  225 Franklin Street
                  Boston, MA  02110

provided  that  either  party  may, by  written  notice duly given in accordance

herewith, specify a different address for the purpose hereof.


     This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which

shall be deemed an  original  and all of which  shall be deemed one and the same




     An executed copy of this Agreement and all amendments thereto shall be kept

on file by the Custodian  and shall be open to  inspection by any  Planholder at

any time during the business hours of the Custodian.


     All references  herein to Schedules  shall be deemed to refer to Schedule A

attached to this Agreement which is hereby expressly made a part hereof.


     This  Agreement,  including  but not limited to  Schedule A hereto,  may be

amended from time to time as mutually  agreed by the parties  hereto in writing.

Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  this  Agreement  shall not be amended in such a

manner as to  adversely  affect  the  rights and  privileges  of any  Planholder

without first obtaining the Planholder's written consent.


     This  Agreement  shall be  subject to and  construed  under the laws of the

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement to be

duly executed,  and their respective  corporate seals to be hereunto affixed and

attested, all as of the day and year first above written.

                                           PIONEER FUNDS DISTRIBUTOR, INC.

                                        By: /s/ Robert L. Butler
                                            [Robert L. Butler


- ----------------------------

                                           STATE STREET BANK AND TRUST COMPANY

                                        By:  /s/ Ronald E. Logue
                                             [Ronald E. Logue
                                             Executive Vice President]





                                   SCHEDULE A

                                FEES SCHEUDLE FOR
                         FOR SERVICES AS PLAN CUSTODIAN
                            (DATED FEBRUARY 5, 1998)

         The following fees and charges will be deducted from the Plans or from
Planholder accounts and paid to the Custodian in accordance with the terms of
the Prospectus. An asterisk (*) denotes fees that the Fund has voluntarily
elected to pay to the Custodian on behalf of the Plans.


         Fees are based on an annual per shareholder account charge for account
maintenance plus transaction and out-of-pocket expenses. There is a minimum
charge of $3,500 per month applicable to each fund in the complex. Fees are
billable on a monthly basis at the rate of 1/12 of the annual fee. A charge is
made for an account in the month that an account opens or closes.


        Open Account                            12.00/year *


        New Account Kits                        $3.00/each *
        Telephone Calls                         $2.50/each *
        Correspondence                          $3.00/each *


        IRA Annual Maintenance                  $10.00/year1
        Bounced Checks                          $5.00/each
        Transcripts                             $5.00/each year researched
        Terminations of Incomplete Plans        $2.50/each
        Inactive Accounts 2                     $12.00/year

         1  The Custodian will receive $6; The Pioneer Group, Inc. will
            receive $4.
         2  A Plan that is not current and to which no investments have been
            made for a 12-month period.


         Out-of-pocket expenses include, but are not limited to: confirmation
statements, checks, postage, forms, telephone, microfilm, microfiche, year-end
forms and expenses incurred at the specific direction of Pioneer Funds
Distributor, Inc.