60 State Street
                                Boston, MA 02109
                                 (617) 742-7825

                               SALES AGREEMENT FOR
                           PIONEER INDEPENDENCE PLANS


Pioneer  Funds  Distributor,  Inc.  ( "PFD" ),  acts as  sponsor  and  principal
underwriter,  as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "1940 Act"),
for Pioneer  Independence  Plans  ("Plan" or "Plans")  for the  accumulation  of
shares of Pioneer  Independence  Fund (the  "Fund").  The Plans and the Fund are
registered investment companies under the 1940 Act. As principal underwriter for
the Fund,  PFD  offers to sell Fund  shares  through  the Plans  subject  to the
conditions set forth in this Agreement and subsequent amendments hereto.

1.   Fund shares purchased  through PFD for sale to the public through the Plans
     shall be offered and sold at the price and on the terms and  conditions set
     forth in the currently  effective  prospectuses for the Fund and the Plans,
     as  amended  or  supplemented  from  time  to  time  (the  "Prospectus"  or
     "Prospectuses").  In the sale of Fund  shares  to the  public  through  the
     Plans,  you shall act as dealer  for your own  account or as agent for your
     customer and in no transaction  shall you have any authority to act or hold
     yourself out as agent for PFD,  the Fund,  the Fund's  Custodian,  the Plan
     Custodian,  the Fund's  transfer  agent or any other party,  and nothing in
     this  Agreement,  including  the  use  of  the  word  "commissions,"  shall
     constitute  you a  partner,  employee  or  agent  of PFD or  give  you  any
     authority to act for PFD.  Neither PFD nor the Fund shall be liable for any
     or your acts or obligations as a broker-dealer under this Agreement.

2.   Fund shares purchased through PFD for sale to the public shall be purchased
     only to cover orders previously received by you from your customers who are
     establishing or have established Plan accounts. If you purchase Fund shares
     from  your  customers,  you agree to pay such  customers  not less than the
     redemption  price in  effect on the date of  purchase,  as  defined  in the
     applicable Fund  prospectus.  Fund shares may not be purchased for your own
     account  but may be  purchased  by an  employer-sponsored  retirement  plan
     established  for the benefit of your employees or  affiliates.  Fund shares
     shall not be  reoffered  or sold  except to the Fund or PFD.  PFD agrees to
     purchase Fund shares only for investment or to cover orders received.

3.   Only unconditional  orders for a designated number of Fund shares or dollar
     amount of  investment  shall be accepted.  Procedures  relating to handling
     orders  shall be  conveyed  to you from time to time.  All such  orders are
     subject to acceptance or rejection by PFD in its sole discretion.

4.   In order to  assure  PFD that you will have  sufficient  assets to make any
     required  repayments of commissions  required under paragraphs 6, 9, 10 and
     11 below,  PFD shall  initially  establish  on its books an account in your
     name to which shall be credited 10% of the  commissions  due and payable to
     you. PFD shall retain such portion of those  commissions  as a reserve from
     which any claims for refund  with  respect to Plans sold by you can be paid
     in the event  you fail to honor any PFD  request  for such  repayment.  PFD
     shall have the right in its sole discretion to reduce or waive such reserve
     requirements on the basis of your refund  experience,  level of business or
     any other circumstances that PFD deems relevant.

5.   All applications for the Plans shall be made on application  forms approved
     or provided by PFD, and all initial investments collected shall be remitted
     in full,  without  deduction of any  commission by you,  together with such
     application  forms,  signed by each applicant  ("Planholder"),  to the Plan
     Custodian,  State Street Bank and Trust  Company,  by  addressing  all such
     correspondence  to Boston Financial Data Services,  P.O. Box 8330,  Boston,
     Massachusetts 02266-8300. Checks or other orders for payment of investments
     shall be drawn to the  order of State  Street  Bank and  Trust  Company.  A
     separate check or other payment mode shall accompany the  application  form
     submitted for each Plan. After the initial investment has been made and the
     Plan has been issued, the Planholder shall make all investments  payable to
     State Street Bank and Trust Company and send all future  investments to the
     address stated above,  or such other addressee as PFD shall identify to you
     in writing.

     Promptly  upon  receipt of  payment,  Fund  shares sold by you under a Plan
     shall be deposited  by the  Custodian to a Plan account on the books of the
     Plans registered in accordance with your  instructions.  Certificates  will
     not be issued for the Plans or for Fund shares.

6.   PFD  reserves  the  right  in  its  sole  discretion  to  reject  any  Plan
     application  and return any investment  made in connection  therewith.  PFD
     also reserves the right in its sole  discretion to give any  Planholder the
     privilege of canceling a Plan in  accordance  with any rights  described in
     the Plans"  Prospectus  effective at the time of purchase of the Plan.  PFD
     further  reserves  the right to  refund  all or part of any  investment  or
     investments  made by any  Planholder  in the  event  that  it,  in its sole
     discretion, believes that the solicitation and/or sale associated therewith
     was effected in violation of any applicable state or federal law or rule or
     regulation  of the NASD.  In the event of any such refund or  refunds,  you
     shall not be entitled to any commissions thereon,  and, if such commissions
     have been paid,  you shall  promptly  refund same to PFD or PFD may, at its
     option, charge the same against future commissions. To this end, you hereby
     grant PFD a lien on any such commissions.

7.   On all approved  sales of Plans made by you and  acceptance of such Plan(s)
     by the applicant, you shall earn a commission in accordance with Appendix A
     which is attached  hereto and made a part of this  Agreement.  As nearly as

     commissions   will   be   paid   monthly   as   the   Creation   and  Sales
     Charges (as defined in the Plans'  Prospectus)  applicable to the Plans are
     received  by PFD from the  Custodian.  Commissions  will be paid  only with
     respect to Plan investments actually received;  no commissions will be paid
     with respect to Plan investments scheduled but not made. Your rights to all
     commissions  on Plan  investments  made under Plans sold during the term of
     this agreement shall survive the  termination of this  agreement,  provided
     you are in compliance with paragraph 16 below.  Commission  checks for less
     than $1 will not be issued.

     PFD may,  from time to time,  offer  additional  commissions  or bonuses on
     sales of Fund shares through the Plans made by you or your  representatives
     without otherwise revising this Agreement.  Any such additional commissions
     or bonuses  shall take effect in accordance  with the terms and  conditions
     contained in a written notification to you.

8.   Anything herein to the contrary  notwithstanding,  Appendix A is subject to
     change by PFD at any time and from time to time,  but no such changes shall
     affect amounts payable to you as commissions on Plans accepted by PFD prior
     to any such changes.  Any such changes shall be  communicated by PFD to you
     in writing prior to becoming effective.

9.   A notice of  cancellation  right will be mailed to each  Planholder  within
     sixty (60) days  after his first  investment  under a Plan.  In the event a
     Planholder  exercises  his  right  under  Section  27 of  the  1940  Act to
     surrender his Plan within  forty-five (45) days after receiving such notice
     and to  receive  the value of the Fund  shares  held  under his Plan plus a
     refund of all  Creation and Sales  Charges  paid under the Plan,  you shall
     promptly refund to PFD any commissions  previously paid to you with respect
     to such Plan. PFD may, however,  at its option,  charge such amount against
     future  commissions  receivable by you. To this end, you hereby grant PFD a
     lien on any such commissions.

10.  In the event a Planholder  exercises his right under Section 27 of the 1940
     Act to surrender his Plan within the first  eighteen (18) months  following
     its  issuance  and to receive the value of the Fund shares held in his Plan
     account  plus amount  equal to that part of the excess paid with respect to
     that Plan for Creation  and Sales  Charges  which  exceeds 15% of the gross
     payments made, you shall promptly refund to PFD a portion of the commission
     previously  paid to you with respect to such Plan as the amount refunded to
     the  Planholder  bears to the total  Creation  and Sales Charge paid by him
     with  respect to such Plan.  PFD may  however,  at its option,  charge such
     amount  against  future  commissions  receivable  by you. To this end,  you
     hereby grant PFD a lien on any such commissions.

11.  In the event a Planholder  exercises his privilege  under the Prospectus to
     reduce  the face  amount of his Plan and to  receive a refund of all excess
     Creation  and Sales  Charges  paid  under the Plan or if a refund of excess
     Creation and Sales  Charges is

     due     a      Planholder       by       operation       of      Rights  of
     Accumulation,  you shall promptly refund to PFD any commissions  previously
     paid to you with  respect to such Plan.  PFD may,  however,  at its option,
     charge such amount  against future  commissions  receivable by you. To this
     end, you hereby grant PFD a lien on any such commissions.

12.  You will accept Plan  applications  only from  persons who have  received a
     copy of the  Prospectuses,  as issued under the Securities Act of 1933, and
     who, to the best of your  knowledge  and belief,  can and will complete all
     payments  specified in the application.  If a Planholder becomes delinquent
     in his payments,  it shall be your responsibility to contact the Planholder
     for the purpose of reinstating the payment schedule.

13.  Plans  shall be  offered  and sold in such face  amounts  calling  for such
     periodic payments as PFD shall from time to time determine and set forth in
     the Plan  Prospectus.  PFD reserves the right, in its sole  discretion,  to
     suspend,  alter,  or  modify  in any way the sale of any of the Plans or to
     withdraw the offering of the Plans entirely; provided, however, that in the
     event any such suspension, restriction, alteration, or modification results
     from other than a state or federal regulatory or statutory requirement,  no
     such change  shall be effected  prior to your having been  notified of such
     change by PFD thirty (30) days prior thereto.

14.  No person is  authorized or permitted to give any  information  or make any
     representations concerning the Plans or the Fund other than those which are
     contained  in  the  Prospectuses  and in  such  other  printed  information
     (including the Statement of Additional  Information) as may be subsequently
     issued by PFD as information  supplemental to the  Prospectuses or approved
     by PFD in writing  for use in  connection  therewith.  You will not use the
     words "Pioneer  Independence  Plans," Pioneer  Independence Fund," "Pioneer
     Funds  Distributor,  Inc." or any  derivatives  of such  words,  whether in
     writing,  by radio or television,  or any other media,  without PFD's prior
     written  approval.  In purchasing  Plans or Fund shares from PFD, you shall
     rely solely on the  representations  contained in the Plans' Prospectus and
     the Fund's Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information.

15.  Copies of the Prospectuses,  any printed information issued as supplemental
     to the Prospectuses  and Plan application  forms will be supplied by PFD in
     reasonable  quantities upon request.  All other expenses incurred by you in
     connection with activities under this Agreement shall be borne by you.

16.  You represent that you are and will remain a member in good standing of the
     NASD and agree to abide by all of its rules and regulations,  including its
     Conduct  Rules.  Reference  specifically  made to Rule 2830 of the  Conduct
     Rules  which is  incorporated  herein as if set forth in full.  You further
     agree to comply with all  applicable  state and  federal  laws and with the
     rules and regulations of authorized  regulatory  agencies thereunder having
     jurisdiction.  You will not  offer  the  Plans  for sale  unless it is duly
     registered  under  applicable  state and federal  statues and the rules and
     regulations thereunder.

17.  Commissions  on the first  twelve (12)  investments  will be paid to you so
     long  as this  Agreement  remains  in  full  force  and  effect  or so long
     thereafter  as  you  continue   membership  in  the  NASD.  If  you  should
     voluntarily  terminate your  membership in the NASD, PFD reserves the right
     to assign  Plan  accounts  as to which you are the dealer of record and the
     right to receive  commissions  with respect to such Plan accounts to one of
     its other active dealers.  Nevertheless,  PFD, in its sole discretion,  may
     pay commissions to you on Plan  investments  made with respect to such Plan
     accounts subsequent to such voluntary  termination by you.  Notwithstanding
     the above,  in the event your  membership  in the NASD is  discontinued  or
     suspended  because of  disciplinary  proceedings  by the NASD,  the SEC, or
     other  regulatory  bodies,  no  commissions  will be paid on any investment
     received  during the period of a suspension or after the effective  date of
     an expulsion or revocation of a membership;  provided, however, that in the
     event your NASD membership is thereafter reinstated in good standing, or if
     such  disciplinary   action  by  another   regulatory  body  is  thereafter
     terminated by same,  payment of such  commissions to you shall then resume,
     if such payment  resumption is allowable  under  applicable  law,  rules or

18.  You agree to cooperate as requested  with  programs  that the Fund,  PFD or
     their  affiliates  provide  to enhance  services  provided  to  Planholders
     (shareholders who own Fund shares directly or indirectly through the Plans)
     and to take an active role in providing such Planholder services, including
     but not  limited to  providing  certain  information  and  assistance  with
     respect to  Planholder  accounts,  responding  to  Planholder  inquiries or
     advising us of such inquiries where appropriate.

     You agree to assign an active registered  representative to each Planholder
     account on your and our records and to reassign  accounts  when  registered
     representatives   leave  your  firm.   You  also  agree  to  instruct  your
     representatives  to maintain  regular contact with  Planholders  whose Plan
     accounts are assigned to them.  With respect to Planholder  accounts  which
     are  held  in  nominee  or  "street"   name,  you  agree  to  provide  such
     documentation and verification that active  representatives are assigned to
     all such Planholder accounts as PFD may require from time to time.

19.  Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Fund's prospectus, SAI
     and Plan of  Distribution  under  Rule 12b-1 of the 1940 Act,  and  further
     subject  to your  maintaining  satisfactory  service to  Planholders  under
     paragraph 18 above (as  determined in PFD's sole  discretion),  you will be
     entitled to an annual service fee of up to 0.25% of assets of your clients'
     in  accounts of the Plans and the Fund,  provided  such assets have been in
     such  accounts for a minimum of one year.  Service fees will not be paid on
     clients'  assets  resulting from Plan  investments  subject to Creation and
     Sales  Charges,  even if such  payments  have been  accelerated,  until the
     assets resulting from each investment have been in the Plan account for one
     year. Assets in employer-sponsored retirement plans for the benefit of your
     employees or  affiliates  are not eligible for service  fees.  Service fees
     will normally be paid quarterly.

     Provided  that you  remain a  broker-dealer  registered  with the SEC and a
     member in good standing of the NASD,  and further  provided that you remain
     in compliance with the obligations assumed under paragraph 18, service fees
     on your clients'  assets in accounts in the Plans or the Fund will continue
     to be paid to you following  termination  of this Agreement and will not be
     assigned without your consent. It is understood and agreed,  however,  that
     such payments will only be made if permitted by, and at the rate authorized
     by, the Fund's  Plan of  Distribution,  the  Fund's  Trustees,  or any law,
     regulation or rule that is applicable.

20.  Each party  hereto has the right to cancel this  Agreement at any time upon
     five (5) days' written notice to the other.

21.  All  communications  to PFD shall be sent to the  address  above or to such
     other address as PFD may authorize in writing.  All  communications  and/or
     notices to you shall be duly  given,  mailed or  telegraphed  to you at the
     address  specified  below, or at such other address as you may authorize in

22.  Failure of either party to terminate  this Agreement upon the occurrence of
     any event set forth in this Agreement as a cause for termination  shall not
     constitute  a waiver of the right to  terminate  this  Agreement at a later
     time on account of such occurrence.

23.  PFD agrees to use its best efforts to provide to you such information,  and
     in  such  form,  regarding  Planholder's  accounts  as you  may  reasonably

24.  This  Agreement  shall  be  construed  in  accordance  with the laws of the
     Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,  and no modification  hereof shall be valid
     unless in writing.

25.  PFD  reserves  the right to amend this  Agreement  upon  thirty  (30) days'

26.  This  Agreement or any monies due or to become due  hereunder  shall not be
     assignable by you without prior written approval by PFD. Any request for an
     assignment  shall be on a form approved by PFD,  which may be obtained from
     PFD at the address shown above.

27.  This Agreement supersedes and cancels all previous agreements pertaining to
     the Plans and the Fund between PFD and you, whether oral or written.

                                   PIONEER FUNDS DISTRIBUTOR, INC.

                                   By:      ____________________________
                                            William A. Misata, Vice President

                                   Date:    ___________________________

The undersigned hereby accepts the offer set forth in above letter.

By:      ___________________________

Title:   ___________________________

Date:    ___________________________

