Consent of Independent Public Accountants

As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the use of our report
dated February 24, 1998 (and to all references to our firm) included in or
made a part of Pioneer Independence Plans' Pre-effective Amendment No. 1
to Registration Statement File No. 333-42113.

                                             /s/ Arthur Andersen LLP
                                             Arthur Andersen LLP

Boston, Massachusetts
March 11, 1998

                              ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

                   Consent of Independent Public Accountants

As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the use of our report
for Pioneer Funds Distributor, Inc. dated February 3, 1998 (and to all
references to our firm) included in or made a part of Pioneer Independence
Plans' Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement No. 333-42113.

                                             /s/ Arthur Andersen LLP
                                             Arthur Andersen LLP

March 11, 1998