SUPERVISORY AGREEMENT

     This Supervisory Agreement (Agreement) is made this 25th of September 2000,
and shall become effective upon its execution by the Office of Thrift
Supervision (OTS), through its authorized representative whose name appears
below (the date of such execution is the Effective Date), by and between Life
Bank, FSB (the Institution), a federally chartered stock association, having
its principal office located at 10540 Magnolia Avenue, Suite B, Riverside,
California 92505, and the OTS, an office within the U.S. Department of the
Treasury, having its principal offices located at 1700 G Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20552, acting through its West Regional Director, or his
designee (Regional Director).

     WHEREAS, the Institution is: (1) a "savings association" within the meaning
of Section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (FDIA), 12 U.S.C.A. (S)
1813(b), and Section 2 of the Home Owners' Loan Act, 12 U.S.C.A. (S) 1462(4)
and, (2) an "insured depository institution," as that term is defined in Section
3(c) of the FDIA, as amended by the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and
Enforcement Act of 1989, Pub. L. No. 101-73, 103 Stat. 183 (FIRREA), 12
U.S.C.A. (S) 1813(c);

     WHEREAS, the OTS is the primary federal regulator of the Institution; and

     WHEREAS, based on the findings of the current regular examination, the OTS
is of the opinion that the Institution has engaged in acts and practices that
(a) are considered by the OTS to be unsafe and unsound and inconsistent with
prudent operations, and (b) have resulted in violations of certain laws or
regulations to which the Institution is subject, thereby providing grounds for
the initiation of administrative enforcement proceedings against the
Institution; and


     WHEREAS, the OTS is of the opinion that grounds exist for the initiation of
administrative enforcement proceedings against the Institution, but is willing
to forbear at this time from the initiation of such proceedings as long as the
Institution is in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement and all
applicable laws, regulations, and regulatory guidance; and

     WHEREAS, the Institution, acting through its duly elected Board of
Directors (Board), wishes to cooperate with the OTS and to evidence its intent
to (i) comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidance, (ii) engage
in safe and sound practices, and (iii) avoid the initiation of administrative
enforcement proceedings.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the mutual undertakings
set forth herein, the parties agree as follows:

                         I.  1. CORRECTIVE PROVISIONS

  1. Internal Asset Review. Within 45 days of the Effective Date, the Board
     shall approve and submit to the Assistant Regional Director (ARD) for
     review and non-objection revised policies and procedures governing Internal
     Asset Review (the IAR Policy) that address the concerns identified in the
     Report of Examination dated April 3, 2000. At a minimum, the IAR Policy
     shall (a) provide guidance to management on timely identification and
     classification of troubled, collateral dependent loans under Regulatory
     Bulletin 32; and (b) provide for adequate internal controls to ensure that
     management timely reviews and classifies assets under the IAR Policy, and
     at all times complies with the IAR Policy. To ensure the independence of
     the IAR function, the IAR Policy shall require the loan underwriting,
     servicing, and purchasing functions to be segregated from


     the credit review function, except for common oversight of all functions by
     members of senior management.

  2. Allowances for Loan and Lease Losses. Within 45 days of the Effective Date,
     the Board shall approve and submit to the ARD for review and non-objection
     revised policies and procedures governing allowance for loan and lease
     losses (the ALLL Policy) that address the concerns identified in the Report
     of Examination dated April 3, 2000. At a minimum, the ALLL Policy shall
     require management to set the ALLL after considering: (a) the historical
     losses within each loan portfolio; (b) classification and delinquency
     trends; (c) credit risk characteristics (e.g., loan to value ratio,
     borrowers' credit history, etc.); (d) economic trends; and (e) regulatory
     guidance. The ALLL Policy shall provide for adequate internal controls to
     ensure that management and the Institution comply with the policy at all

  3. Interest Rate Risk. Within 45 days of the Effective Date, the Board shall
     approve and submit to the ARD for review and non-objection revised policies
     and procedures governing the management of interest rate risk (the IRR
     Policy) that address the concerns identified in the Report of Examination
     dated April 3, 2000. At a minimum, the IRR Policy should detail the
     analysis to be used to supplement the OTS model until an internal modeling
     process is fully implemented. The IRR Policy shall require management to
     measure, monitor, and model the Institution's net interest income (NII) and
     net portfolio value (NPV). Management shall utilize its expertise and
     resources to determine the expected impact of proposed transactions on the
     Institution's capital levels, NII, and NPV prior to entering into any such


  4. Mortgage Banking Operations. Within 45 days of the Effective Date, the
     Board shall approve and submit to the ARD for review and non-objection
     revised policies and procedures governing mortgage-banking operations (the
     Mortgage Banking Policy) that address the concerns identified in the
     Report of Examination dated April 3, 2000. At a minimum, the Mortgage
     Banking Policy shall include a strategic plan for Mortgage Banking and
     include guidance for (i) calculating quarterly lower of cost or market
     (LOCOM) adjustments, (ii) tracking, reviewing and reporting of loan
     repurchases, and shall address management-board reports.

  5. Liquidity. Within 45 days of the Effective Date, the Board shall approve
     and submit to the ARD for review and non-objection revised policies and
     procedures governing liquidity (the Liquidity Policy) that address the
     concerns identified in the Report of Examination dated April 3, 2000. At a
     minimum, the Liquidity Policy should address minimum liquidity level
     targets and include plans to replace maturing brokered certificates of
     deposit and to increase core deposits.

  6. Separate Corporate Existence. Within 45 days of the Effective Date, the
     Board shall approve and submit to the ARD for review and non-objection
     revised policies and procedures governing separate corporate existence (the
     Separate Corporate Existence Policy) that address the concerns identified
     in the Report of Examination dated April 3, 2000. At a minimum, the
     Separate Corporate Existence Policy should ensure that the Institution is
     being operated with an adequate degree of separation such that the
     Institution is insulated from operations of the holding company.

  7. Loans to One Borrower. Within 45 days of the Effective Date, the Board
     shall approve and submit to the ARD for review and non-objection revised
     policies and procedures


     ensuring that the Institution complies with the loans-to-one-borrower
     (LTOB) regulations (12 C.F.R. (S) 545.93 and 12 C.F.R. Part 32) (the LTOB
     Policy). At a minimum, the LTOB Policy should require proper aggregation
     and combination of loans to borrowers engaged in a common enterprise, or
     where one person is receiving a direct benefit from a loan or extension of
     credit (see 12 C.F.R. (S) 32.5). The LTOB Policy should ensure that proper
     internal controls are in place to ensure that the Institution complies with
     all relevant LTOB regulations.

  8. Board Oversight. Within 45 days of the Effective Date, the Board shall
     approve and submit to the ARD for review and non-objection policies and
     procedures governing Board of Director oversight of the affairs of
     management and operation of the Institution (Board Oversight Policy) and
     that addresses the concerns identified in the Report of Examination dated
     April 3, 2000. At a minimum, the Board Oversight Policy shall address the
     responsibilities outlined in Section 310 of the Thrift Activities
     Handbook, and require that the Institution's regulatory reporting and
     financial record keeping functions be staffed with experienced, qualified
     personnel with sufficient resources to ensure timely and accurate record
     keeping and reporting.


  1. Within 45 days of the Effective Date, the Board shall approve and submit to
     the ARD a written analysis and assessment of the Institution's management
     needs (Management Plan), which include, at a minimum, (a) identify both the
     type and number of officer positions needed to manage and supervise
     properly the affairs of the Institution; (b) identify and establish the
     Institution committees needed to provide guidance and oversight to active
     management; (c) evaluate each Institution officer and staff member to


     determine whether these individuals possess the ability, experience, and
     other qualifications necessary to perform present and anticipated duties,
     including adherence to the Institution's established policies and
     procedures, and maintenance of the Institution in a safe and sound
     condition; and (d) establish a plan to recruit and hire any additional or
     replacement personnel with the requisite ability, experience, or other
     qualifications, which the Board determines are necessary to fill officer or
     staff positions consistent with the Board's analysis, evaluation and
     assessment as provided above. Particular attention should be provided to
     Treasury and Accounting, Regulatory Compliance, and Internal Auditing.


  1. Within 15 days of receipt of the ARD's notice of objection, if any, to any
     aspect of the foregoing Policies, the Institution shall submit a revised
     Policy to the ARD addressing any such objections or comments of the ARD.

  2. Once the Policy is submitted pursuant to this Agreement and all objections
     from the ARD, if any, have been satisfactorily resolved, the Institution
     may not amend, suspend, or revoke the Policy without the prior written non-
     objection from the ARD.

  3. Within 15 days of receiving notice of the ARD's non-objection to the
     Policy, the Institution shall implement the Policy and ensure that all
     directors, officers, employees and agents adhere to it.

  4. Within 45 days following the end of each calendar quarter, the Board shall
     approve and submit a report to the ARD detailing its progress in
     implementing each of the foregoing Policies.



  1. The Board of Directors of the Institution shall be expanded by an
     additional two (at a minimum) members with specific financial institution
     industry experience, and who are independent with respect to the
     Institution. For purposes of this Agreement, an individual who is
     "independent with respect to the Institution" means any individual (a) who
     is not an officer of the Institution or its affiliates and who does not
     own, directly or indirectly, more than 5% of the outstanding shares of the
     holding company, (b) who is not related by blood, marriage, or common
     financial interest to an officer or director of the Institution, or to any
     individual owning, directly or indirectly, more than 5% of the holding
     company's outstanding shares, and (c) who is not indebted to the
     Institution, directly or indirectly (including the indebtedness of any
     entity in which the individual has a financial interest).

  2. The Board shall meet at least monthly. The Board shall prepare in advance
     and shall follow a detailed written agenda at each meeting, which shall
     include consideration of actions of any committees. A chronological file of
     all written agendas shall be maintained. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
     Board shall not be precluded from considering matters other than those
     contained in the agenda. Detailed written minutes of all Board meetings and
     Board Committee meetings shall be maintained and recorded on a timely


  1. The Institution shall provide the ARD with at least 30 days prior written
     notice of any transaction that would constitute a covered transaction
     within the meaning of 12 C.F.R.


     (S)(S) 563.41(b)(7) and 563.42(a)(2). Upon written notice of objection by
     the ARD during the notice period, the Institution shall not enter into any
     of said transactions.

  2. The Institution shall comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements
     pertaining to transactions with affiliates, as set forth in all applicable
     law, regulations, and regulatory guidance. See, e.g., 12 C.F.R. (S)(S)
     563.41 and 563.42, Sections 23A and 23B of the Federal Reserve Act, 12
     U.S.C. (S)(S) 371c and 371c-1, and Section 11 of the Home Owners' Loan
     Act, 12 U.S.C. (S) 1468(a).

  3. Within 60 days of the Effective Date, the Institution shall review and
     analyze of all existing agreements with affiliates and other activities
     falling within the proscriptions of the transactions with affiliates
     regulations to confirm that the agreements and activities comply with all
     applicable laws, regulations, and regulatory guidance and that the
     Institution has formal written agreements with respect to all transactions
     with affiliates. The Institution shall summarize in writing its findings
     from that review and analysis. The review and analysis shall be recorded in
     the minutes of the Board. Further, within 60 days of the Effective Date,
     the Institution shall confirm in writing to the ARD that its files contain
     current and adequate documentation and analysis to support compliance with
     Section E of this Agreement and all applicable law, regulations, and
     regulatory guidance.


  1. No later than March 31, 2001, the Institution shall achieve and thereafter
     maintain core capital of not less than 6.0 percent, as measured at the end
     of each calendar quarter and total risk-based capital of not less than 11.0
     percent of modified total risk-weighted assets (as defined herein), as
     measured at the end of each calendar quarter. Modified total risk-weighted
     assets is defined as the sum of risk-weighted assets prescribed in 12
     C.F.R. Part


     567, except that all subprime loans and all high loan-to-value (LTV) loans
     in excess of the limit prescribed in Thrift Bulletin 72a, shall require
     double the risk-weighting set forth in 12 C.F.R. Part 567. For the sole
     purpose of this Agreement, subprime loans shall be defined as any loan to a
     borrower with a credit score of 619 and below, or a credit grade of B+ or
     below. This capital requirement may be achieved through the infusion by the
     Institution's holding company of cash, marketable securities, or other non-
     cash capital contribution that is approved in advance by the OTS.

  2. If the Institution's capital falls below the levels required hereunder as a
     result of any OTS determination that adversely affects the Institution's
     financial condition (other than a determination generally applicable to the
     thrift industry), the Institution shall have 45 days from the date of such
     determination to infuse sufficient capital to meet the capital level
     required hereunder. The Institution shall provide satisfactory evidence of
     such infusion to the ARD within five (5) days after the infusion is

  3. Within 45 days following the end of each calendar quarter, the Board shall
     certify in writing to the ARD that the quarterly supplemental capital
     calculations supplied to the OTS are true and correct.

  4. Upon the Effective Date of this Agreement, the Institution shall no longer
     be required to calculate and submit the special average quarterly capital
     calculation as established in the Report of Examination dated April 29,



1. Without the prior written approval of the ARD, the Institution shall not pay
   or commit to pay a dividend to any class of stock or make any capital
   distribution as that term is defined at 12 C.F.R. (S) 563.141. This
   restriction shall not prevent the Institution from paying interest on deposit
   accounts according to their terms.

                              II. MISCELLANEOUS


1. Notwithstanding the requirements herein that the Institution submit various
   matters to the Assistant Regional Director for purpose of review, such
   regulatory oversight does not derogate or supplant each individual director's
   continuing fiduciary duty. The Board shall have the ultimate responsibility
   for overseeing the safe and sound operation of the Institution at all times,
   including compliance with any and all directives of the OTS.


1. The Board, and senior management of the Institution, shall cause the
   Institution to comply with the terms of this Agreement and shall take all
   actions necessary or appropriate thereafter to cause the Institution to
   continue to carry out the provisions of this Agreement.

2. The Board, on a quarterly basis, shall adopt a Board Resolution ("the
   Compliance Resolution") formally resolving that, following a diligent review
   of relevant information (including reports of management and consultants, if
   any), to the best of its knowledge and belief, during the immediately
   preceding calendar quarter, the Institution has complied with each provision
   of this Agreement, except as otherwise stated. The Compliance Resolution
   shall specify in detail how, if at all, full compliance was found


   not to exist. The Compliance Resolution is in addition to, and not in lieu
   of, any other requirements of this Agreement for reporting compliance with
   certain provisions hereof.

3. The minutes of the meeting of the Board shall set forth the following
   information with respect to the adoption of each Compliance Resolution: (i)
   the identity of each director voting in favor of its adoption; and (ii) the
   identity of each director voting in opposition to its adoption or abstaining
   from voting thereon, setting forth each director's reasoning for such
   opposition or abstention.

4. Within 60 days of the end of each calendar quarter, beginning with the end of
   the first calendar quarter following the Effective Date, the Institution
   shall provide to the ARD a certified true copy of the Compliance Resolution.
   The Board, by virtue of the Institution's submission of a certified copy of
   each such Compliance Resolution to the ARD, shall be deemed to have certified
   to the accuracy of the statements set forth in the Compliance Resolution,
   except as provided below. In the event that one or more directors does not
   agree with the representations set forth in a Compliance Resolution, such
   disagreement shall be noted in the minutes of the Institution.


1. All technical words or terms used in this Agreement, for which meanings are
   not defined or otherwise provided, shall insofar as applicable, have the
   meaning set forth in Chapter V of Title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulations
   (CFR). Any such technical words or terms used herein and undefined in said
   CFR shall have the meanings that accord with the best custom and usage in the
   thrift industry.



1. Reference in this Agreement to provisions of statutes and regulations shall
   be deemed to include references to all amendments to such provisions as have
   been made as of the Effective Date and references to successor provisions as
   they become applicable.


1. Except as otherwise provided herein, any request, demand, authorization,
   direction, notice, consent, waiver, or other document provided for or
   permitted by the Agreement to be made upon, given or furnished to, delivered
   to or filed with the OTS or the Institution shall be in writing and delivered
   via first class mail, overnight courier, facsimile, or hand-delivered, and
   addressed as follows:

      OTS: OTS-West Region             Institution: Life Bank, FSB
      Attn: Michael Buting, ARD        Attn: Chief Executive Officer
      1551 N. Tustin Ave., Suite 1050  10540 Magnolia Avenue, Suite B
      Santa Ana, CA 92705-8635         Riverside, CA 92505-1814

   Any notice shall be deemed duly given when received by the addressee thereof.
   Any party to this Agreement may from time to time change its address for
   receiving Notices to the other party in the manner set forth above.


1. This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated, modified or suspended
   in writing by the OTS, acting through its Director or the Regional Director
   (including any authorized designee thereof).

2. The Regional Director, or his designee, in his or her sole discretion, may,
   by written notice, suspend or waive (temporarily or permanently) any or all
   provisions of this Agreement.



1. Time limits for compliance with the terms of this Agreement run from the
   Effective Date, unless otherwise noted.


1. The section headings herein are for convenience only and shall not affect the
   construction of this Agreement.


1. In any case in which any provision of this Agreement is ruled to be invalid,
   illegal or unenforceable by the decision of any court of competent
   jurisdiction, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining
   provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby, unless the
   Regional Director, or his designee, in his or her sole discretion determines


1. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as (a) allowing or requiring the
   Institution to violate any law, rule, regulation, or policy statement to
   which it is subject, or (b) restricting or estopping the OTS from taking any
   action(s) it deems appropriate in fulfilling its lawful responsibilities.


1. The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to
   the benefit of, the parties hereto and their successors in interest. Nothing
   in this Agreement, express or implied, shall give to any person or entity,
   other than the parties hereto, the Federal


   Deposit Insurance Corporation, and their successors, any benefit or any legal
   or equitable right, remedy or claim under this Agreement.


1. Each director signing this Agreement attests, by such act, that he or she
   voted in favor of the resolution, in the form attached to this Agreement,
   authorizing the execution of this Agreement by the Institution.


1. The Institution represents and warrants that this Agreement has been duly
   authorized, executed and delivered, and constitutes, in accordance with its
   terms, a valid and binding obligation of the Institution. The Institution
   acknowledges that this Agreement is a "written agreement" entered into with
   the OTS within the meaning of Section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act,
   as amended, 12 U.S.C. (S) 1818.


   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the OTS, acting by and through the Regional Director, or
his designee, and the Institution, in accordance with a duly adopted resolution
of its Board (copy attached hereto), hereby executes this Agreement on this the
25th day of September, 2000 (the Effective Date).


By:                                           By:   /s/ Steven R. Gardner
   ------------------------------                ------------------------------
     Michael W. Buting                              Chief Executive Officer
     Assistant Regional Director

                         DIRECTORS OF THE INSTITUTION

      /s/ Robert K. Riley                             /s/ Ronald G. Skipper
   ------------------------------                ------------------------------
             Director                                       Director

      /s/ Milton E. Johnson                           /s/ John D. Goddard
   ------------------------------                ------------------------------
             Director                                       Director

       /s/ Edgar C. Keller
   ------------------------------                ------------------------------
             Director                                       Director

   ------------------------------                ------------------------------
             Director                                       Director
