[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

Proposed Insured #1: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Simple Avg              Death Benefit Option = Level                            Presented By:
Male, Age 55                                              Total Initial Face Amount = 1,500,000                   PL agent
Select Nonsmoker                                          Premium Payment Interval = Annual                       12535 Insurance Dr

Proposed Insured #2: Mrs.  Insured
Female, Age 55
Select Nonsmoker

                                                           Summary Page
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                      Current Policy Charges (1)                    Guaranteed Policy Charges (2)
                                      Assuming Hypothetical Gross   Assuming Hypothetical Gross      Assuming Hypothetical Gross
                                      Annual Investment Return of   Annual Investment Return of      Annual Investment Return of
                                           6.00% (5.02% Net)             0.00% (-0.92% Net)              6.00% (5.02% Net)
                             Loans                  Net        Net               Net        Net                   Net        Net
     Planned   Premiums  and With-  Accum'd      Surr'r      Death  Accum'd   Surr'r      Death    Accum'd     Surr'r      Death
      Annual    Plus 5%    drawals    Value       Value    Benefit    Value    Value    Benefit      Value      Value    Benefit
 Yr  Premium   Interest     (BOY)]    (EOY)       (EOY)      (EOY)    (EOY)    (EOY)      (EOY)      (EOY)      (EOY)      (EOY)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1   31,711     33,297       0      28,533      5,142   1,500,000   26,835    3,444  1,500,000     28,531      5,140  1,500,000
  2   31,711     68,259       0      57,985     37,193   1,500,000   52,944   32,152  1,500,000     57,980     37,188  1,500,000
  3   31,711    104,969       0      88,358     70,165   1,500,000   78,301   60,108  1,500,000     88,346     70,153  1,500,000
  4   31,711    143,514       0     119,652    104,058   1,500,000  102,883   87,289  1,500,000    119,630    104,036  1,500,000
  5   31,711    183,987       0     151,866    138,871   1,500,000  126,659  113,664  1,500,000    151,831    138,836  1,500,000
  6   31,711    226,483       0     184,992    174,596   1,500,000  149,592  139,196  1,500,000    184,938    174,542  1,500,000
  7   31,711    271,104       0     219,007    211,210   1,500,000  171,626  163,829  1,500,000    218,928    211,131  1,500,000
  8   31,711    317,956       0     253,870    248,672   1,500,000  192,685  187,487  1,500,000    253,761    248,563  1,500,000
  9   31,711    367,151       0     289,515    286,916   1,500,000  212,665  210,066  1,500,000    289,367    286,768  1,500,000
 10   31,711    418,806       0     326,102    326,102   1,500,000  231,447  231,447  1,500,000    325,672    325,672  1,500,000

 15   31,711    718,501       0     559,703    559,703   1,500,000  321,265  321,265  1,500,000    541,406    541,406  1,500,000
 20   31,711  1,100,996       0     863,169    863,169   1,500,000  355,794  355,794  1,500,000    778,923    778,923  1,500,000
 25   31,711  1,589,168       0   1,273,869  1,273,869   1,500,000  269,552  269,552  1,500,000  1,046,052  1,046,052  1,500,000
 30   31,711  2,212,212       0   1,809,265  1,809,265   1,899,728       ##       ##         ##  1,388,135  1,388,135  1,500,000
 35   31,711  3,007,393       0   2,491,008  2,491,008   2,615,559                               1,873,199  1,873,199  1,966,859

## - Additional premiums are required to maintain the requested benefits.
All values except premiums, loans, loan interest and withdrawals are values at the end of the policy year. The 'Net Surrender Value'
column is equal to the accumulated value, less any policy debt and less any surrender charges. The 'Net Death Benefit' column is the
policy death benefit less any policy debt.

1 - The policy values under the Current Policy Charges heading reflect current policy charges, current cost of insurance rates,
current mortality and expense charges and the hypothetical gross earnings rate assumption described in the section entitled Gross
Hypothetical Returns. Current policy charges and cost of insurance rates are subject to change. Policy values will vary from those
illustrated if actual rates differ from those assumed. Current cost of insurance rates are not dependent upon future improvements in
underlying mortality.

2 - The policy values under the Guaranteed Policy Charges heading assume maximum cost of insurance rates.


Presented by: PL agent                              For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Simple Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                             SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                   Page: 1 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                                           Important Information About Your Illustration

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
THIS IS AN           This is an illustration and not a contract. Although the information contained in this illustration is based on
ILLUSTRATION,        certain tax and legal assumptions, it is not intended to be tax or legal advice. Such advice should be obtained
NOT A CONTRACT       from the applicant's own counsel or other advisor.

                     This illustration is prepared for presentation in the state of NY.

BENEFITS:                                             Death Benefit Option
                                               Start          End            Option
                                                  1            65            Level

                                                      Base Policy Face Amount

                                               Start          End            Amount
                                                  1            65         1,500,000

PREMIUM              Illustrated periodic premium payments are assumed to be made one time per year at the beginning of each premium
FREQUENCY:           payment interval.

TIMING OF            All values assume premiums and loan interest are paid when due. If a payment is received without being
PAYMENTS             designated as a premium payment or loan payment, and there is an outstanding loan, the payment will be applied
                     as a loan payment.

                     All values except premiums, loans, loan interest and withdrawals are values at the end of the policy year.

GROSS                You have selected to have your accumulated value allocated to the variable investment options.

                                                 Hypothetical Gross Earnings Rate

                                             Start        End         Gross        Net
                                                 1         65         6.00%      5.02%


Presented by: PL agent                              For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Simple Avg

           Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                             SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                   Page: 2 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                     The hypothetical rates of return and values shown are illustrative only and should not be deemed as a
                     representation of past or future investment results. The illustrated policy values might not be achieved if
                     actual rates of return, policy charges, premium amount or frequency differ from those assumed. Actual rates of
                     return may be more or less than those shown and will depend on a number of factors including the investment
                     allocations made to the variable investment options by the policyowner and the experience of those investment
                     options. No representation can be made by Pacific Life & Annuity, the Separate Account, or the underlying Fund
                     that these hypothetical rates of return can be achieved for any one year or sustained over any period of time.

                     The gross annual earnings rate assumption is after brokerage expenses and any foreign taxes. A portfolio's
                     foreign investment may be subject to foreign taxes. Foreign taxes from interest and dividend income are treated
                     as a deduction from relevant income for accounting purposes rather than an expense.

SUB-ACCOUNT          This illustration assumes that all net premiums (after deduction of premium load) have been allocated to the
ALLOCATION           variable investment options. The amounts shown for Death Benefits, Accumulated Values and Cash Surrender Values
                     in this illustration reflect an average daily investment advisory fee equivalent to an annual rate of 0.85% of
                     the aggregate average daily net assets of the fund. The policy values also reflect net operating expenses
                     (after any offset for custodian credits and excluding any foreign taxes) at an annual rate of 0.07% of the
                     aggregate average daily net assets of the portfolios. The total aggregate annualized expenses for the periods
                     ending December 31, 2000 (including investment advisory fees and excluding any foreign taxes) is 0.92%.


Presented by: PL agent                              For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Simple Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newporft Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonG I                 Page: 3 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                        Portfolio                  Investment    Operating
                                                 Advisory Fee     Expenses
                        Aggressive Equity               0.80%        0.04%
                        Aggressive Growth               1.00%        0.06%
                        Blue Chip                       0.95%        0.06%
                        Capital Opportunities           0.80%        0.06%
                        Diversified Research            0.90%        0.08%
                        Emerging Markets                1.10%        0.20%
                        Equity                          0.65%        0.04%
                        Equity Income                   0.95%        0.10%
                        Equity Index                    0.25%        0.04%
                        Financial Services              1.10%        0.10%
                        Focused 30                      0.95%        0.10%
                        Global Growth                   1.10%        0.19%
                        Growth LT                       0.75%        0.04%
                        Health Sciences                 1.10%        0.10%
                        High Yield Bond                 0.60%        0.04%
                        I-Net Tollkeeper                1.40%        0.06%
                        Inflation Managed               0.60%        0.02%
                        International Large-Cap         1.05%        0.12%
                        International Value             0.85%        0.11%
                        Large-Cap Core                  0.65%        0.04%
                        Large-Cap Value                 0.85%        0.05%
                        Managed Bond                    0.60%        0.04%
                        Mid-Cap Growth                  0.90%        0.06%
                        Mid-Cap Value                   0.85%        0.03%
                        Money Market                    0.34%        0.04%
                        Multi-Strategy                  0.65%        0.04%
                        REIT                            1.10%        0.04%
                        Research                        1.00%        0.10%
                        Small-Cap Equity                0.65%        0.04%
                        Small-Cap Index                 0.50%        0.10%
                        Strategic Value                 0.95%        0.10%
                        Technology                      1.10%        0.08%
                        Telecommunications              1.10%        0.08%

                     The investment advisory fees and net operating expenses for the underlying portfolios reflect fees and expenses
                     incurred by the portfolios for the periods ending December 31, 2000. The operating expenses for Aggressive
                     Growth, Blue Chip, Capital Opportunities, Equity Income, Financial Services, Global Growth, Health Sciences,
                     Mid-Cap Growth, Research, Technology, and Telecommunications are estimated. The Inflation Managed portfolio was
                     formerly called the Government Securities portfolio. The Large-Cap Core portfolio was formerly called the
                     Equity Income portfolio.

                     Although some portfolios may have names or investment objectives that resemble retail mutual funds managed by
                     the portfolio manager, these portfolios will not have the same underlying holdings or performance.

                     Please note: Net Premiums and Policy Accumulated Value may be invested in up to twenty (20) investment options
                     at one time.


Presented by: PL agent                              For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Simple Avg

           Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 4 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                        Pacific Select Estate Preserver- NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                             Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

NET ANNUAL           After deduction of the investment advisory fees and other operating expenses, illustrated gross annual
RETURN               investment returns of 0% and 6.00% correspond to approximate net annual rates of return of -0.92% and 5.02%

                     The amounts shown for Death Benefits, Accumulated Values and Cash Surrender Values reflect a non-guaranteed
                     persistency credit of 0.15% beginning in year 16, increasing to 0.25% in year 21. This persistency credit is
                     applied at the end of each policy year, based on the average annual unloaned policy accumulated value for the
                     year. The gross and net earnings rates shown on this illustration do not reflect the impact of this credit. For
                     the effects on the policy without this persistency credit, please refer to the guaranteed policy charge columns
                     in the illustration.

                     The amounts shown for Death Benefits, Accumulated Values and Cash Surrender Values also reflect the fact that
                     the net investment return on the variable investment options is lower than the gross return of the assets as a
                     result of the charges levied against the account.

FIXED ACCOUNT        Net premiums or Accumulated Value may also be allocated to a choice of two fixed options: Fixed Account and
OPTION(S)            Fixed LT Account. At the beginning of each year, a current rate will be declared and guaranteed for that year.
                     The guaranteed minimum annual interest rate on amounts allocated to the Fixed Account and Fixed LT Account is
                     3.00%. The current rate is set at Pacific Life & Annuity's discretion and is likely to change from year to year
                     but will never be less than the guaranteed rate. Our ability to pay these guarantees is backed by our financial
                     strength as a company.

                     There are limitations on transferring in and out of the Fixed Account and Fixed LT Account:

                     .  You can make transfers from the variable investment options to the fixed options only in the policy month
                        right before each policy anniversary.

                     .  You can only make one transfer from each Fixed Account option in any 12-month period, except if you have
                        signed up for the first year transfer program.

                     .  Currently, the company has waived the restrictions for transfers from the Fixed LT Account option during the
                        first policy year. You will be permitted to transfer any amount out of the Fixed LT Account at any time
                        during the first twelve policy months. We reserve the right to discontinue this program at any time.
                        However, if the program is in effect on the date you sign the application for your policy, the waiver on
                        transfer restrictions will remain in effect for your first policy year. After the first policy year, you can
                        only transfer up to the greater of $5,000 or 10% of your policy's accumulated value in the Fixed LT Account
                        in any 12-month period.

                     .  Fixed Account:    Transfers into the Fixed Account in any 12-month period are limited to the greater of
                                          $5,000 or 25% of your policy's accumulated value, except for scheduled transfers under the
                                          first year transfer program.

                     .  Fixed LT Account: Transfers into the Fixed LT Account in any 12-month period are limited to the greater of
                                          $5,000 or 10% of your policy's accumulated value.

                        There is a limitation on amounts allocated to the Fixed LT Account during any 12-month period of $1,000,000
                        for all policies of the same owner.

                        For more information on the Fixed Account Option(s), please consult the product prospectus.


Presented by: PL agent                              For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Simple Avg

           Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 5 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                     This illustration does not reflect allocations to either  fixed account.

DEDUCTIONS AND       A Premium Load is deducted from each premium payment.  The Accumulated Value is subject to several monthly
CHARGES              charges: cost of insurance charges, administrative charge, mortality and expense risk charge, and deductions
                     for optional insurance benefits, if present.

                     The surrender charge is equal to a specified amount that is determined by the insured's age and risk
                     classification, the death benefit option selected, the policy face amount, and any face increases. Over time,
                     the surrender charge decreases until it reaches zero at the end of the 120th policy month. For more detailed
                     information about the surrender charge, please see the current prospectus.

LOANS/PARTIAL        [Any loans or withdrawals illustrated are based on Current Policy Charge Assumptions and might not be
WITHDRAWALS          available under Guaranteed Policy Charge Assumptions. Policy loans and/or Partial Withdrawals may have an
                     adverse effect on the policyowner's Benefits.

                     This illustration shows a policy loan. Interest is charged on policy loans at an effective annual rate of 4.10%
                     in arrears. The guaranteed interest rate credited to the portion of the Accumulated Value securing the policy
                     loan is 3.10% in policy years 1-10, 3.70% in policy years 11-20 and 3.85% thereafter. This illustration
                     reflects interest credited to the portion of the accumulated value securing the policy loan at a current
                     effective annual rate of 3.10% in policy years 1-10, 3.70% in policy years 11-20 and a current effective annual
                     rate of 4.10% thereafter. Pacific Life & Annuity reserves the right to decrease the current rate credited. For
                     example, we may decrease the rate credited if we believe that it is necessary to maintain the policy loan as a
                     non-taxable distribution. However we will not reduce the effective annual rate credited to less than the
                     guaranteed rate stated above. All values assume premiums and loan interest are paid when due. If a payment is
                     received without being designated as a premium payment or loan payment, and there is an outstanding loan, the
                     payment will be applied as a loan payment.

                     The loan is automatically repaid from the Gross Death Benefit at the death of the second insured, resulting in
                     the estimated payment to the beneficiary of the Net Death Benefit illustrated. Upon lapse or surrender, the
                     loan is automatically repaid, resulting in the estimated payment to the policyowner of the Net Surrender Value.
                     The automatic repayment of the loan during a lapse or surrender will cause the recognition of taxable income,
                     to the extent that the Net Surrender Value plus the amount of the repaid loan exceeds the policyowner's basis
                     in the policy.

                     The policy will lapse if the Accumulated Value less Policy Debt is insufficient to cover the current monthly
                     deduction for charges on any monthly payment date, and a grace period expires without the policyowner making a
                     sufficient payment. If the policy is insufficiently funded in relation to the income stream from the policy,
                     the policy can lapse prematurely and result in a significant income tax liability to the policyowner in the
                     year in which the lapse occurs.

                     A policyowner should be careful to structure a policy so that the policy will not lapse prematurely under
                     various market conditions or scenarios as a result of withdrawals and/or loans taken from the policy. The
                     policyowner should also request at least annually a revised illustration that reflects current policy values to
                     assure the policy is sufficiently funded to support a desired income stream, if any.]


Presented by: PL agent                              For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Simple Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 6 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

FUTURE ACTION        If you want to change the premium amount that you are billed, you must request the change in writing.
POLICYOWNER          [Policy loans or withdrawals are illustrated. This illustration assumes that a written request is submitted by
                     the policyowner at the start of the policy year indicated to receive the partial withdrawal or loan
                     illustrated, unless the policyowner is eligible for and elects the Automated Income Option (AIO).]

COLUMN               Accumulated     The total value of the amounts in the Investment Options for the Policy as well as any amounts
DEFINITIONS AND      Value           set aside in the Loan Account, including any accrued earned interest, as of the end of the
KEY TERMS                            policy year.

                     Age (BOY)       The insured's age as of his or her nearest birthday as of the policy date, increased by the
                                     number of complete policy years elapsed.

                     BOY             Beginning of year.

                     Cash            The Accumulated Value minus any applicable Surrender Charge as of the end of the policy year.
                     Value (EOY)

                     Cum. Premium    The illustrated premiums paid each year accumulated at a hypothetical rate of return of 5%.
                     Plus 5%

                     "Current        Reflect current policy charges at the hypothetical gross earnings rate(s).

                     EOY             End of year.

                     Estimated       Estimated dollar amount of any tax that may be due as a result of a policy loan or partial
                     Tax on          withdrawal.

                     Face Amount     The minimum death benefit for so long as the policy remains in force. The face amount may be
                                     increased or decreased under certain circumstances.

                     Fixed Account   An account that is part of Pacific Life & Annuity's general account to which all or a portion
                                     of the net premiums may be allocated for accumulation at a fixed rate of interest (which may
                                     not be less than 3.0%) declared by Pacific Life & Annuity.

                     Fixed LT        An account that is part of Pacific Life & Annuity's general account to which all or a portion
                                     of the net premiums may be allocated for accumulation at a fixed rate of interest (which may
                                     not be less than 3.0%) declared by Pacific Life & Annuity.

                     "Guaranteed     Reflect maximum policy charges at 0% hypothetical gross investment return and at an assumed
                     Policy Charges" hypothetical gross earnings rate.


Presented by: PL agent                              For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Simple Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 7 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                     Material Change  IRC 7702A describes the 7-Pay Test and also provides that a Material Change will cause the
                                      7-Pay Test period to start over. A Material Change may occur when there is an increase in
                                      benefits, depending on the amount of cumulative premiums paid into the policy at that time. In
                                      addition, a Material Change will occur if certain policy guarantees change (e.g. a change in
                                      rating class).

                     Net Annual Loan  The loan amount taken in cash from a policy. This does not include loans taken to pay loan
                     (BOY)            interest.

                     Net Cash         Cash Surrender Value after deducting any outstanding loan amount.
                     Surrender Value

                     Net Death        The amount payable upon the second insured's death. The death benefit proceeds are always
                     Benefit (EOY)    reduced by any outstanding loan balance and increased by any applicable rider benefits.

                     Partial          A partial withdrawal of a portion of the Net Cash Surrender Value. All illustrated partial
                     Withdrawal       withdrawals are based on current policy charges and hypothetical gross earnings rate
                     (BOY)            assumptions and may not be available if actual experience is different from the assumptions.

                     Premium Outlay   Annualized premiums that are the sum of the periodic payments you plan to make each year.

                     Variable         A separate account of Pacific Life & Annuity or a subaccount of such a separate account, which
                     Investment       is used only to support the variable death benefits and policy values of variable life
                     Options          insurance policies, and the assets of which are segregated from the Pacific Life & Annuity's
                                      general account and our other separate accounts.

TAX INFORMATION      Although the information in this illustration is based on our understanding of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC)
                     and on certain tax and legal assumptions, it is not intended to be tax or legal advice.  Such advice should be
                     obtained from your own counsel or other tax advisor.

                     The following tax rates have been used to estimate your taxes, if any, due to a policy loan or partial

                                                      Assumed Income Tax Rate

                                                   Start      End        Rate
                                                    1          65       31.00%

                     Death Proceeds: Death benefit proceeds from a life insurance policy are generally excludable from the
                     beneficiary's gross income for income tax purposes.


Presented by: PL agent                              For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Simple Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 8 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                     Guideline Premium Test: A life insurance policy will qualify as life insurance under IRC Section 7702 if it
                     meets one of two alternative tests. This illustration uses the Guideline Premium Test which requires that the
                     sum of the premiums paid reduced by non-taxable partial withdrawals and non-taxable cash dividends at any time
                     does not exceed the greater of the guideline single premium or the sum of the guideline level premiums at such
                     time, and the death benefit payable under the policy at any time is at least equal to an applicable percentage
                     of the accumulated value (the "cash value corridor test"). For the policy being illustrated here, the Guideline
                     Single Premium at issue is $327,996.20 and the Guideline Level Premium at issue is $31,711.40 per year. Failure
                     to qualify as life insurance will have adverse tax consequences.

                     Withdrawals/Loans: Interest credited to the accumulated value of a life insurance policy is generally tax-
                     deferred and may be taxable at the time of partial withdrawal, surrender or lapse. Assuming the life insurance
                     policy is not a MEC (as described below), partial withdrawals are taxed under the "cost recovery rule" and are
                     generally taxable only to the extent the partial withdrawal exceeds the cost basis of the policy. Basis equals
                     the gross premiums paid less prior non-taxable partial withdrawals and non-taxable cash dividends. For a life
                     insurance policy that is not a Modified Endowment Contract as defined in IRC Sec. 7702A: Withdrawals in the
                     first 15 policy years may be taxable under IRC 7702(f)(7)(B); after 15 years, withdrawals up to policy tax
                     basis are not taxable; and policy loans are not taxable provided that the policy remains in force until the
                     insured dies. Withdrawals and policy loans may reduce policy values and death benefits.

                     If a life insurance policy loan is still outstanding when a policy is surrendered or lapses, the loan is
                     automatically repaid from policy values. This will result in taxable income to the extent the cash surrender
                     value plus the amount of the repaid loan exceeds the cost basis of the policy. Any tax estimate(s) included in
                     this illustration does not include an estimate of this tax.

                     If a life insurance policy loan is still outstanding at the time of death, the loan is automatically repaid
                     from the policy's death benefit. This use of the death benefit to repay a policy loan does not cause the
                     recognition of taxable income.

                     Modified Endowment Contracts: As defined in IRC Section 7702A, a modified endowment contract (MEC) is a life
                     insurance policy in which the cumulative premium payments (less non-taxable partial withdrawals and non-taxable
                     cash dividends) since the policy effective date exceeds, at any time during the first seven policy years, the
                     cumulative total of the Seven-Pay Premiums (the 7-pay test). The initial annual Seven-Pay Premium limit on the
                     policy being illustrated here is $79,505.37.

                     Generally, once a policy is a MEC, it is always a MEC. However, if premiums in excess of the Seven-Pay Premium
                     limit are paid, the MEC status can be avoided if such premium payments, plus interest (which is taxable), are
                     returned to the policyowner within 60 days after the end of the 'measuring year' in which the premium payment
                     was made. For this purpose, the 'measuring year' is the same as a policy year, except that, if the policy has a
                     Material Change then the 'measuring year' will run between anniversaries of the Material Change date instead.
                     Note, if a Material Change occurs on a date other than a policy anniversary, the specific timing of the 60-day
                     window may change.

                           SUMMARY PAGE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

Presented by: PL agent                              For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Simple Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 9 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                     Distributions from a MEC, either a partial withdrawal, a cash dividend, or loan, are taxed to the extent there
                     is a gain in the policy and may be subject to additional penalties. Distributions taken from a policy during
                     the two years prior to the policy becoming a MEC will be treated as taxable under MEC rules in the year the
                     policy becomes a MEC. This illustration does not reflect this taxation process.

                     If there is a "material change" in the terms or benefits of the policy, the 7-pay test will be applied as if
                     this is a new policy at the date of the material change.

                     Based on our understanding of the Internal Revenue Code and the assumptions in this illustration, THIS POLICY
                     WOULD NOT BECOME A MEC.

PREMIUM LIMITS           Initial Guideline Single,Premium:       $327,996.20
SUMMARY                  Initial Guideline Level Premium:        $ 31,711.40
                         Initial Seven Pay Premium:              $ 79,505.37

                     When the death benefit is greater than the face amount due to accumulated value growth, payment of additional
                     premium will be subject to approval.

POLICY FREE LOOK     There is a free look right in the policy, which provides that you may return it within 10 days after you
RIGHT                receive it. You need only deliver it to Pacific Life & Annuity Company or to the agent who delivered the policy
                     to you. In such case, the policy will be deemed void from the beginning and Pacific Life & Annuity Company will
                     refund the premiums paid. If the policy is issued as a replacement of existing coverage, the free look period
                     is 60 days and Pacific Life & Annuity Company will refund the policy value plus any charges and loads which
                     were deducted.

                              END OF SUMMARY PAGE

Presented by: PL agent                              For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Simple Avg

           Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                 Page: 10 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

Proposed Insured #1: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Simple Avg              Death Benefit Option = Level               Presented By:
Male, Age 55                                               Total Initial Face Amount = 1,500,000      PL agent
Select Nonsmoker                                           Premium Payment Interval = Annual          12535 Insurance Dr

Proposed Insured #2: Mrs.  Insured
Female, Age 55
Select Nonsmoker

                                                           Summary Page
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                     Current Policy Charges (1)                         Guaranteed Policy Charges (2)
                                     Assuming Hypothetical Gross    Assuming Hypothetical Gross          Assuming Hypothetical Gross
                                     Annual Investment Return of    Annual Investment Return of          Annual Investment Return of
                                         12.00% (10.97% Net)              0.00% (-0.92% Net)                 12.00% (10.97% Net)
                             Loans                 Net         Net               Net        Net                     Net          Net
     Planned  Premiums   and With-  Accum'd     Surr'r       Death  Accum'd   Surr'r      Death     Accum'd      Surr'r        Death
      Annual   Plus 5%     drawals    Value      Value     Benefit    Value    Value    Benefit       Value       Value      Benefit
 Yr  Premium  Interest      (BOY)]    (EOY)      (EOY)       (EOY)    (EOY)    (EOY)      (EOY)       (EOY)       (EOY)        (EOY)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1  31,711     33,297        0      30,231      6,840   1,500,000   26,835    3,444  1,500,000      30,230       6,839    1,500,000
  2  31,711     68,259        0      63,226     42,434   1,500,000   52,944   32,152  1,500,000      63,221      42,429    1,500,000
  3  31,711    104,969        0      99,223     81,030   1,500,000   78,301   60,108  1,500,000      99,211      81,018    1,500,000
  4  31,711    143,514        0     138,490    122,896   1,500,000  102,883   87,289  1,500,000     138,467     122,873    1,500,000
  5  31,711    183,987        0     181,318    168,323   1,500,000  126,659  113,664  1,500,000     181,279     168,284    1,500,000
  6  31,711    226,483        0     228,026    217,630   1,500,000  149,592  139,196  1,500,000     227,967     217,571    1,500,000
  7  31,711    271,104        0     278,957    271,160   1,500,000  171,626  163,829  1,500,000     278,869     271,072    1,500,000
  8  31,711    317,956        0     334,478    329,280   1,500,000  192,685  187,487  1,500,000     334,354     329,156    1,500,000
  9  31,711    367,151        0     394,982    392,383   1,500,000  212,665  210,066  1,500,000     394,814     392,215    1,500,000
 10  31,711    418,806        0     461,134    461,134   1,500,000  231,447  231,447  1,500,000     460,693     460,693    1,500,000

 15  31,711    718,501        0     947,660    947,660   1,500,000  321,265  321,265  1,500,000     932,335     932,335    1,500,000
 20  31,711  1,100,996        0   1,778,039  1,778,039   1,902,501  355,794  355,794  1,500,000   1,722,292   1,722,292    1,842,852
 25  31,711  1,589,168        0   3,220,828  3,220,828   3,381,869  269,552  269,552  1,500,000   3,067,265   3,067,265    3,220,628
 30  31,711  2,212,212        0   5,658,883  5,658,883   5,941,828       ##       ##         ##   5,254,505   5,254,505    5,517,230
 35  31,711  3,007,393        0   9,755,279  9,755,279  10,243,042                                8,706,160   8,706,160    9,141,468

## - Additional premiums are required to maintain the requested benefits.
All values except premiums, loans, loan interest and withdrawals are values at the end of the policy year. The 'Net Surrender Value'
column is equal to the accumulated value, less any policy debt and less any surrender charges. The 'Net Death Benefit' column is the
policy death benefit less any policy debt.

1 - The policy values under the Current Policy Charges heading reflect current policy charges, current cost of insurance rates,
current mortality and expense charges and the hypothetical gross earnings rate assumption described in the section entitled Gross
Hypothetical Returns. Current policy charges and cost of insurance rates are subject to change. Policy values will vary from those
illustrated if actual rates differ from those assumed. Current cost of insurance rates are not dependent upon future improvements in
underlying mortality.

2 - The policy values under the Guaranteed Policy Charges heading assume maximum cost of insurance rates.


Presented by: PL agent                             For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Simple Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 1 of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                                           Important Information About Your Illustration
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
THIS IS AN            This is an illustration and not a contract. Although the information contained in this illustration is based
ILLUSTRATION,         on certain tax and legal assumptions, it is not intended to be tax or legal advice. Such advice should be
NOT A CONTRACT        obtained from the applicant's own counsel or other advisor.

                      This illustration is prepared for presentation in the state of NY.

BENEFITS:                                              Death Benefit Option

                                                Start     End                Option
                                                   1       65                Level

                                                      Base Policy Face Amount

                                                Start     End                Amount
                                                   1       65             1,500,000

PREMIUM               Illustrated periodic premium payments are assumed to be made one time per year at the beginning of each
FREQUENCY:            premium payment interval.

TIMING OF             All values assume premiums and loan interest are paid when due. If a payment is received without being
PAYMENTS              designated as a premium payment or loan payment, and there is an outstanding loan, the payment will be applied
                      as a loan payment.

                      All values except premiums, loans, loan interest and withdrawals are values at the end of the policy year.

GROSS                 You have selected to have your accumulated value allocated to the variable investment options.

                                                 Hypothetical Gross Earnings Rate

                                               Start      End      Gross        Net
                                                   1       65     12.00%     10.97%


Presented by: PL agent                            For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Simple Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                             SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                   Page: 2 of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                      The hypothetical rates of return and values shown are illustrative only and should not be deemed as a
                      representation of past or future investment results. The illustrated policy values might not be achieved if
                      actual rates of return, policy charges, premium amount or frequency differ from those assumed. Actual rates of
                      return may be more or less than those shown and will depend on a number of factors including the investment
                      allocations made to the variable investment options by the policyowner and the experience of those investment
                      options. No representation can be made by Pacific Life & Annuity, the Separate Account, or the underlying Fund
                      that these hypothetical rates of return can be achieved for any one year or sustained over any period of time.

                      The gross annual earnings rate assumption is after brokerage expenses and any foreign taxes. A portfolio's
                      foreign investment may be subject to foreign taxes. Foreign taxes from interest and dividend income are
                      treated as a deduction from relevant income for accounting purposes rather than an expense.

  SUB-ACCOUNT        This illustration assumes that all net premiums (after deduction of premium load) have been allocated to the
  ALLOCATION         variable investment options. The amounts shown for Death Benefits, Accumulated Values and Cash Surrender Values
                     in this illustration reflect an average daily investment advisory fee equivalent to an annual rate of 0.85% of
                     the aggregate average daily net assets of the fund. The policy values also reflect net operating expenses
                     (after any offset for custodian credits and excluding any foreign taxes) at an annual rate of 0.07% of the
                     aggregate average daily net assets of the portfolios. The total aggregate annualized expenses for the periods
                     ending December 31, 2000 (including investment advisory fees and excluding any foreign taxes) is 0.92%.


Presented by: PL agent                            For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Simple Avg

        Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                          Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 3 of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                                     Portfolio                       Investment        Operating
                                                                   Advisory Fee         Expenses
                                      Aggressive Equity                   0.80%            0.04%
                                      Aggressive Growth                   1.00%            0.06%
                                      Blue Chip                           0.95%            0.06%
                                      Capital Opportunities               0.80%            0.06%
                                      Diversified Research                0.90%            0.08%
                                      Emerging Markets                    1.10%            0.20%
                                      Equity                              0.65%            0.04%
                                      Equity Income                       0.95%            0.10%
                                      Equity Index                        0.25%            0.04%
                                      Financial Services                  1.10%            0.10%
                                      Focused 30                          0.95%            0.10%
                                      Global Growth                       1.10%            0.19%
                                      Growth LT                           0.75%            0.04%
                                      Health Sciences                     1.10%            0.10%
                                      High Yield Bond                     0.60%            0.04%
                                      I-Net Tollkeeper                    1.40%            0.06%
                                      Inflation Managed                   0.60%            0.02%
                                      International Large-Cap             1.05%            0.12%
                                      International Value                 0.85%            0.11%
                                      Large-Cap Core                      0.65%            0.04%
                                      Large-Cap Value                     0.85%            0.05%
                                      Managed Bond                        0.60%            0.04%
                                      Mid-Cap Growth                      0.90%            0.06%
                                      Mid-Cap Value                       0.85%            0.03%
                                      Money Market                        0.34%            0.04%
                                      Multi-Strategy                      0.65%            0.04%
                                      REIT                                1.10%            0.04%
                                      Research                            1.00%            0.10%
                                      Small-Cap Equity                    0.65%            0.04%
                                      Small-Cap Index                     0.50%            0.10%
                                      Strategic Value                     0.95%            0.10%
                                      Technology                          1.10%            0.08%
                                      Telecommunications                  1.10%            0.08%

                      The investment advisory fees and net operating expenses for the underlying portfolios reflect fees and
                      expenses incurred by the portfolios for the periods ending December 31, 2000. The operating expenses for
                      Aggressive Growth, Blue Chip, Capital Opportunities, Equity Income, Financial Services, Global Growth, Health
                      Sciences, Mid-Cap Growth, Research, Technology, and Telecommunications are estimated. The Inflation Managed
                      portfolio was formerly called the Government Securities portfolio. The Large-Cap Core portfolio was formerly
                      called the Equity Income portfolio.

                      Although some portfolios may have names or investment objectives that resemble retail mutual funds managed by
                      the portfolio manager, these portfolios will not have the same underlying holdings or performance.

                      Please note: Net Premiums and Policy Accumulated Value may be invested in up to twenty (20) investment options
                      at one time.


Presented by: PL agent                             For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Simple Avg

           Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 4 of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

NET ANNUAL            After deduction of the investment advisory fees and other operating expenses, illustrated gross annual
RETURN                investment returns of 0% and 12.00% correspond to approximate net annual rates of return of -0.92% and 10.97%

                      The amounts shown for Death Benefits, Accumulated Values and Cash Surrender Values reflect a non-guaranteed
                      persistency credit of 0.15% beginning in year 16, increasing to 0.25% in year 21. This persistency credit is
                      applied at the end of each policy year, based on the average annual unloaned policy accumulated value for the
                      year. The gross and net earnings rates shown on this illustration do not reflect the impact of this credit.
                      For the effects on the policy without this persistency credit, please refer to the guaranteed policy charge
                      columns in the illustration.

                      The amounts shown for Death Benefits, Accumulated Values and Cash Surrender Values also reflect the fact that
                      the net investment return on the variable investment options is lower than the gross return of the assets as a
                      result of the charges levied against the account.

FIXED ACCOUNT         Net premiums or Accumulated Value may also be allocated to a choice of two fixed options: Fixed Account and
OPTION(S)             Fixed LT Account. At the beginning of each year, a current rate will be declared and guaranteed for that year.
                      The guaranteed minimum annual interest rate on amounts allocated to the Fixed Account and Fixed LT Account is
                      3.00%. The current rate is set at Pacific Life & Annuity's discretion and is likely to change from year to
                      year but will never be less than the guaranteed rate. Our ability to pay these guarantees is backed by our
                      financial strength as a company.

                      There are limitations on transferring in and out of the Fixed Account and Fixed LT Account:

                      .  You can make transfers from the variable investment options to the fixed options only in the policy month
                         right before each policy anniversary.
                      .  You can only make one transfer from each Fixed Account option in any 12-month period, except if you have
                         signed up for the first year transfer program.
                      .  Currently, the company has waived the restrictions for transfers from the Fixed LT Account option during
                         the first policy year. You will be permitted to transfer any amount out of the Fixed LT Account at any time
                         during the first twelve policy months. We reserve the right to discontinue this program at any time.
                         However, if the program is in effect on the date you sign the application for your policy, the waiver on
                         transfer restrictions will remain in effect for your first policy year. After the first policy year, you
                         can only transfer up to the greater of $5,000 or 10% of your policy's accumulated value in the Fixed LT
                         Account in any 12-month period.
                      .  Fixed Account:      Transfers into the Fixed Account in any 12-month period are limited to the greater of
                                             $5,000 or 25% of your policy's accumulated value, except for scheduled transfers under
                                             the first year transfer program.
                      .  Fixed LT Account:   Transfers into the Fixed LT Account in any 12-month period are limited to the greater
                                             of $5,000 or 10% of your policy's accumulated value.

                      There is a limitation on amounts allocated to the Fixed LT Account during any 12-month period of $1,000,000
                      for all policies of the same owner.

                      For more information on the Fixed Account Option(s), please consult the product prospectus.


Presented by: PL agent                             For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Simple Avg

           Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 5 of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                      This illustration does not reflect allocations to either fixed account.

DEDUCTIONS AND        A Premium Load is deducted from each premium payment.  The Accumulated Value is subject to several monthly
CHARGES               charges: cost of insurance charges, administrative charge, mortality and expense risk charge, and deductions
                      for optional insurance benefits, if present.

                      The surrender charge is equal to a specified amount that is determined by the insured's age and risk
                      classification, the death benefit option selected, the policy face amount, and any face increases.  Over
                      time, the surrender charge decreases until it reaches zero at the end of the 120th policy month.  For more
                      detailed information about the surrender charge, please see the current prospectus.

LOANS/PARTIAL         [Any loans or withdrawals illustrated are based on Current Policy Charge Assumptions and might not be
WITHDRAWALS           available under Guaranteed Policy Charge Assumptions.  Policy loans and/or Partial Withdrawals may have an
                      adverse effect on the policyowner's Benefits.

                      This illustration shows a policy loan. Interest is charged on policy loans at an effective annual rate of
                      4.10% in arrears. The guaranteed interest rate credited to the portion of the Accumulated Value securing the
                      policy loan is 3.10% in policy years 1-10, 3.70% in policy years 11-20 and 3.85% thereafter. This illustration
                      reflects interest credited to the portion of the accumulated value securing the policy loan at a current
                      effective annual rate of 3.10% in policy years 1-10, 3.70% in policy years 11-20 and a current effective
                      annual rate of 4.10% thereafter. Pacific Life & Annuity reserves the right to decrease the current rate
                      credited. For example, we may decrease the rate credited if we believe that it is necessary to maintain the
                      policy loan as a non-taxable distribution. However we will not reduce the effective annual rate credited to
                      less than the guaranteed rate stated above. All values assume premiums and loan interest are paid when due. If
                      a payment is received without being designated as a premium payment or loan payment, and there is an
                      outstanding loan, the payment will be applied as a loan payment.

                      The loan is automatically repaid from the Gross Death Benefit at the death of the second insured, resulting in
                      the estimated payment to the beneficiary of the Net Death Benefit illustrated. Upon lapse or surrender, the
                      loan is automatically repaid, resulting in the estimated payment to the policyowner of the Net Surrender
                      Value. The automatic repayment of the loan during a lapse or surrender will cause the recognition of taxable
                      income, to the extent that the Net Surrender Value plus the amount of the repaid loan exceeds the
                      policyowner's basis in the policy.

                      The policy will lapse if the Accumulated Value less Policy Debt is insufficient to cover the current monthly
                      deduction for charges on any monthly payment date, and a grace period expires without the policyowner making a
                      sufficient payment. If the policy is insufficiently funded in relation to the income stream from the policy,
                      the policy can lapse prematurely and result in a significant income tax liability to the policyowner in the
                      year in which the lapse occurs.

                      A policyowner should be careful to structure a policy so that the policy will not lapse prematurely under
                      various market conditions or scenarios as a result of withdrawals and/or loans taken from the policy. The
                      policyowner should also request at least annually a revised illustration that reflects current policy values
                      to assure the policy is sufficiently funded to support a desired income stream, if any.]


Presented by: PL agent                             For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Simple Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 6 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

FUTURE ACTION         If you want to change the premium amount that you are billed, you must request the change in writing.
POLICYOWNER           [Policy loans or withdrawals are illustrated. This illustration assumes that a written request is submitted by
                      the policyowner at the start of the policy year indicated to receive the partial withdrawal or loan
                      illustrated, unless the policyowner is eligible for and elects the Automated Income Option (AIO).]

COLUMN                Accumulated     The total value of the amounts in the Investment Options for the Policy as well as any
DEFINITIONS AND       Value           amounts set aside in the Loan Account, including any accrued earned interest, as of the end
KEY TERMS                             of the policy year.

                      Age (BOY)       The insured's age as of his or her nearest birthday as of the policy date, increased by the
                                      number of complete policy years elapsed.

                      BOY             Beginning of year.

                      Cash Surrender  The Accumulated Value minus any applicable Surrender Charge as of the end of the policy year.
                      Value (EOY)

                      Cum. Premium    The illustrated premiums paid each year accumulated at a hypothetical rate of return of 5%.
                      Plus 5%

                      "Current        Reflect current policy charges at the hypothetical gross earnings rate(s).

                      EOY             End of year.

                      Estimated       Estimated dollar amount of any tax that may be due as a result of a policy loan or partial
                      Tax on          withdrawal.

                      Face Amount     The minimum death benefit for so long as the policy remains in force.  The face amount may
                                      be increased or decreased under certain circumstances.

                      Fixed Account   An account that is part of Pacific Life & Annuity's general account to which all or a portion
                                      of the net premiums may be allocated for accumulation at a fixed rate of interest (which
                                      may not be less than 3.0%) declared by Pacific Life & Annuity.

                      Fixed LT        An account that is part of Pacific Life & Annuity's general account to which all or a
                      Account         portion of the net premiums may be allocated for accumulation at a fixed rate of interest
                                      (which may not be less than 3.0%) declared by Pacific Life & Annuity.

                      "Guaranteed     Reflect maximum policy charges at 0% hypothetical gross investment return and at an assumed
                      Policy Charges" hypothetical gross earnings rate.


Presented by: PL agent                             For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Simple Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 7 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
  & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                         Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY
                      Material        IRC 7702A describes the 7-Pay Test and also provides that a Material Change will cause the
                      Change          7-Pay Test period to start over.  A Material Change may occur when there is an increase in
                                      benefits, depending on the amount of cumulative premiums paid into the policy at that time.
                                      In addition, a Material Change will occur if certain policy guarantees change (e.g. a change
                                      in rating class).

                      Net Annual      The loan amount taken in cash from a policy.  This does not include loans taken to pay loan
                      Loan (BOY)      interest.

                      Net Cash        Cash Surrender Value after deducting any outstanding loan amount.

                      Net Death       The amount payable upon the second insured's death.  The death benefit proceeds are always
                      Benefit (EOY)   reduced by any outstanding loan balance and increased by any applicable rider benefits.

                      Partial         A partial withdrawal of a portion of the Net Cash Surrender Value.  All illustrated partial
                      Withdrawal      withdrawals are based on current policy charges and hypothetical gross earnings rate
                      (BOY)           assumptions and may not be available if actual experience is different from the assumptions.

                      Premium Outlay  Annualized premiums that are the sum of the periodic payments you plan to make each year.

                      Variable        A separate account of Pacific Life & Annuity or a subaccount of such a separate account,
                      Investment      which is used only to support the variable death benefits and policy values of variable life
                      Options         insurance policies, and the assets of which are segregated from the Pacific Life & Annuity's
                                      general account and our other separate accounts.

TAX INFORMATION       Although the information in this illustration is based on our understanding of the Internal Revenue Code
                      (IRC) and on certain tax and legal assumptions, it is not intended to be tax or legal advice.  Such advice
                      should be obtained from your own counsel or other tax advisor.

                      The following tax rates have been used to estimate your taxes, if any, due to a policy loan or partial
                                                         Assumed Income Tax Rate

                                              Start                End                   Rate
                                                  1                 65                 31.00%

                      Death Proceeds: Death benefit proceeds from a life insurance policy are generally excludable from the
                      beneficiary's gross income for income tax purposes.


Presented by: PL agent                             For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Simple Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 8 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY
                      Guideline Premium Test: A life insurance policy will qualify as life insurance under IRC Section 7702 if it
                      meets one of two alternative tests. This illustration uses the Guideline Premium Test which requires that the
                      sum of the premiums paid reduced by non-taxable partial withdrawals and non-taxable cash dividends at any time
                      does not exceed the greater of the guideline single premium or the sum of the guideline level premiums at such
                      time, and the death benefit payable under the policy at any time is at least equal to an applicable percentage
                      of the accumulated value (the "cash value corridor test"). For the policy being illustrated here, the
                      Guideline Single Premium at issue is $327,996.20 and the Guideline Level Premium at issue is $31,711.40 per
                      year. Failure to qualify as life insurance will have adverse tax consequences.

                      Withdrawals/Loans: Interest credited to the accumulated value of a life insurance policy is generally tax-
                      deferred and may be taxable at the time of partial withdrawal, surrender or lapse. Assuming the life insurance
                      policy is not a MEC (as described below), partial withdrawals are taxed under the "cost recovery rule" and are
                      generally taxable only to the extent the partial withdrawal exceeds the cost basis of the policy. Basis equals
                      the gross premiums paid less prior non-taxable partial withdrawals and non-taxable cash dividends. For a life
                      insurance policy that is not a Modified Endowment Contract as defined in IRC Sec. 7702A: Withdrawals in the
                      first 15 policy years may be taxable under IRC 7702(f)(7)(B); after 15 years, withdrawals up to policy tax
                      basis are not taxable; and policy loans are not taxable provided that the policy remains in force until the
                      insured dies. Withdrawals and policy loans may reduce policy values and death benefits.

                      If a life insurance policy loan is still outstanding when a policy is surrendered or lapses, the loan is
                      automatically repaid from policy values. This will result in taxable income to the extent the cash surrender
                      value plus the amount of the repaid loan exceeds the cost basis of the policy. Any tax estimate(s) included in
                      this illustration does not include an estimate of this tax.

                      If a life insurance policy loan is still outstanding at the time of death, the loan is automatically repaid
                      from the policy's death benefit. This use of the death benefit to repay a policy loan does not cause the
                      recognition of taxable income.

                      Modified Endowment Contracts: As defined in IRC Section 7702A, a modified endowment contract (MEC) is a life
                      insurance policy in which the cumulative premium payments (less non-taxable partial withdrawals and non-
                      taxable cash dividends) since the policy effective date exceeds, at any time during the first seven policy
                      years, the cumulative total of the Seven-Pay Premiums (the 7-pay test). The initial annual Seven-Pay Premium
                      limit on the policy being illustrated here is $79,505.37.

                      Generally, once a policy is a MEC, it is always a MEC. However, if premiums in excess of the Seven-Pay
                      Premium limit are paid, the MEC status can be avoided if such premium payments, plus interest (which is
                      taxable), are returned to the policyowner within 60 days after the end of the 'measuring year' in which the
                      premium payment was made. For this purpose, the 'measuring year' is the same as a policy year, except that,
                      if the policy has a Material Change then the 'measuring year' will run between anniversaries of the Material
                      Change date instead. Note, if a Material Change occurs on a date other than a policy anniversary, the
                      specific timing of the 60-day window may change.


Presented by: PL agent                             For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Simple Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 9 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY
                      Distributions from a MEC, either a partial withdrawal, a cash dividend, or loan, are taxed to the extent
                      there is a gain in the policy and may be subject to additional penalties. Distributions taken from a policy
                      during the two years prior to the policy becoming a MEC will be treated as taxable under MEC rules in the
                      year the policy becomes a MEC. This illustration does not reflect this taxation process.

                      If there is a "material change" in the terms or benefits of the policy, the 7-pay test will be applied as if
                      this is a new policy at the date of the material change.

                      Based on our understanding of the Internal Revenue Code and the assumptions in this illustration,
                      THIS POLICY WOULD NOT BECOME A MEC.

PREMIUM LIMITS                 Initial Guideline Single Premium:            $327,996.20
SUMMARY                        Initial Guideline Level Premium:              $31,711.40
                               Initial Seven Pay Premium:                    $79,505.37

                      When the death benefit is greater than the face amount due to accumulated value growth, payment of additional
                      premium will be subject to approval.

POLICY FREE LOOK      There is a free look right in the policy, which provides that you may return it within 10 days after you
RIGHT                 receive it.  You need only deliver it to Pacific Life & Annuity Company or to the agent who delivered the
                      policy to you. In such case, the policy will be deemed void from the beginning and Pacific Life & Annuity
                      Company will refund the premiums paid. If the policy is issued as a replacement of existing coverage, the free
                      look period is 60 days and Pacific Life & Annuity Company will refund the policy value plus any charges and
                      loads which were deducted.

                              END OF SUMMARY PAGE

Presented by: PL agent                             For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Simple Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                 Page: 10 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

Proposed Insured #1: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Weighted Avg        Death Benefit Option = Level                   Presented By:
Male, Age 55                                          Total Initial Face Amount = 1,500,000          PL agent
Select Nonsmoker                                      Premium Payment Interval = Annual              12535 Insurance Dr
Proposed Insured #2: Mrs.  Insured
Female, Age 55
Select Nonsmoker
                                                           Summary Page
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        Current Policy Charges (1)                       Guaranteed Policy Charges (2)
                                       Assuming Hypothetical Gross      Assuming Hypothetical Gross     Assuming Hypothetical Gross
                                       Annual Investment Return of      Annual Investment Return of     Annual Investment Return of
                                            6.00% (5.25% Net)               0.00% (-0.71% Net)                6.00% (5.25% Net)
                               Loans                 Net        Net                 Net        Net                   Net         Net
      Planned    Premiums  and With-   Accum'd    Surr'r      Death  Accum'd     Surr'r      Death    Accum'd     Surr'r       Death
       Annual     Plus 5%    drawals     Value     Value    Benefit    Value      Value    Benefit      Value      Value     Benefit
Yr    Premium    Interest     (BOY)]     (EOY)     (EOY)      (EOY)    (EOY)      (EOY)      (EOY)      (EOY)      (EOY)       (EOY)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1     31,711      33,297       0       28,596     5,205  1,500,000   26,895      3,504  1,500,000     28,595      5,204   1,500,000
 2     31,711      68,259       0       58,178    37,386  1,500,000   53,118     32,326  1,500,000     58,173     37,381   1,500,000
 3     31,711     104,969       0       88,749    70,556  1,500,000   78,643     60,450  1,500,000     88,738     70,545   1,500,000
 4     31,711     143,514       0      120,318   104,724  1,500,000  103,441     87,847  1,500,000    120,297    104,703   1,500,000
 5     31,711     183,987       0      152,888   139,893  1,500,000  127,481    114,486  1,500,000    152,853    139,858   1,500,000
 6     31,711     226,483       0      186,456   176,060  1,500,000  150,724    140,328  1,500,000    186,402    176,006   1,500,000
 7     31,711     271,104       0      221,006   213,209  1,500,000  173,111    165,314  1,500,000    220,927    213,130   1,500,000
 8     31,711     317,956       0      256,504   251,306  1,500,000  194,564    189,366  1,500,000    256,394    251,196   1,500,000
 9     31,711     367,151       0      292,891   290,292  1,500,000  214,977    212,378  1,500,000    292,742    290,143   1,500,000
10     31,711     418,806       0      330,333   330,333  1,500,000  234,228    234,228  1,500,000    329,902    329,902   1,500,000

15     31,711     718,501       0      570,589   570,589  1,500,000  327,089    327,089  1,500,000    552,351    552,351   1,500,000
20     31,711   1,100,996       0      886,032   886,032  1,500,000  365,666    365,666  1,500,000    802,371    802,371   1,500,000
25     31,711   1,589,168       0    1,317,535 1,317,535  1,500,000  284,945    284,945  1,500,000  1,094,749  1,094,749   1,500,000
30     31,711   2,212,212       0    1,885,185 1,885,185  1,979,445       ##         ##         ##  1,495,540  1,495,540   1,570,317
35     31,711   3,007,393       0    2,615,161 2,615,161  2,745,919                                 2,026,136  2,026,136   2,127,443

## - Additional premiums are required to maintain the requested benefits.
All values except premiums, loans, loan interest and withdrawals are values at the end of the policy year. The 'Net Surrender Value'
column is equal to the accumulated value, less any policy debt and less any surrender charges. The 'Net Death Benefit' column is the
policy death benefit less any policy debt.

1 - The policy values under the Current Policy Charges heading reflect current policy charges, current cost of insurance rates,
current mortality and expense charges and the hypothetical gross earnings rate assumption described in the section entitled Gross
Hypothetical Returns. Current policy charges and cost of insurance rates are subject to change. Policy values will vary from those
illustrated if actual rates differ from those assumed. Current cost of insurance rates are not dependent upon future improvements in
underlying mortality.

2 - The policy values under the Guaranteed Policy Charges heading assume maximum cost of insurance rates.


Presented by: PL agent                            For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Weighted Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 1 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                                           Important Information About Your Illustration
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
THIS IS AN           This is an illustration and not a contract. Although the information contained in this illustration
ILLUSTRATION,        is based on certain tax and legal assumptions, it is not intended to be tax or legal advice. Such
NOT A CONTRACT       advice should be obtained from the applicant's own counsel or other advisor.

                     This illustration is prepared for presentation in the state of NY.

BENEFITS:                                               Death Benefit Option

                                        Start                    End                Option
                                         1                        65                Level

                                                      Base Policy Face Amount

                                        Start                    End                Amount
                                         1                        65             1,500,000

PREMIUM              Illustrated periodic premium payments are assumed to be made one time per year at the beginning of
FREQUENCY:           each premium payment interval.

TIMING OF            All values assume premiums and loan interest are paid when due. If a payment is received without
PAYMENTS             being designated as a premium payment or loan payment, and there is an outstanding loan, the
                     payment will be applied as a loan payment.

                     All values except premiums, loans, loan interest and withdrawals are values at the end of the
                     policy year.

GROSS                You have selected to have your accumulated value allocated to the variable investment options.
                                                 Hypothetical Gross Earnings Rate

                                      Start          End             Gross               Net
                                       1             65             6.00%             5.25%


Presented by: PL agent                            For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Weighted Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 2 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                     The hypothetical rates of return and values shown are illustrative only and should not be deemed as a
                     representation of past or future investment results. The illustrated policy values might not be achieved if
                     actual rates of return, policy charges, premium amount or frequency differ from those assumed. Actual rates of
                     return may be more or less than those shown and will depend on a number of factors including the investment
                     allocations made to the variable investment options by the policyowner and the experience of those investment
                     options. No representation can be made by Pacific Life & Annuity, the Separate Account, or the underlying Fund
                     that these hypothetical rates of return can be achieved for any one year or sustained over any period of time.

                     The gross annual earnings rate assumption is after brokerage expenses and any foreign taxes. A portfolio's
                     foreign investment may be subject to foreign taxes. Foreign taxes from interest and dividend income are treated
                     as a deduction from relevant income for accounting purposes rather than an expense.

SUB-ACCOUNT          This illustration assumes that all net premiums (after deduction of premium load) have been allocated
ALLOCATION           to the variable investment options. You have requested that this illustration reflect your selection of
                     investment options. The amounts shown for the Death Benefits, Accumulated Values and Cash Surrender Values in
                     this illustration reflect your selection of investment options and the underlying portfolios' annualized fund
                     expenses (excluding any foreign taxes) incurred by the portfolios for the periods ending December 31, 2000
                     adjusted to reflect a decrease in fees for certain operating expenses.


Presented by: PL agent                            For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Weighted Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 3 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                                              Portfolio                    Advisory    Operating
                                                                                Fee     Expenses
                                              Aggressive Equity               0.80%        0.04%
                                              Aggressive Growth               1.00%        0.06%
                                              Blue Chip                       0.95%        0.06%
                                              Capital Opportunities           0.80%        0.06%
                                              Diversified Research            0.90%        0.08%
                                              Emerging Markets                1.10%        0.20%
                                              Equity                          0.65%        0.04%
                                              Equity Income                   0.95%        0.10%
                                              Equity Index                    0.25%        0.04%
                                              Financial Services              1.10%        0.10%
                                              Focused 30                      0.95%        0.10%
                                              Global Growth                   1.10%        0.19%
                                              Growth LT                       0.75%        0.04%
                                              Health Sciences                 1.10%        0.10%
                                              High Yield Bond                 0.60%        0.04%
                                              I-Net Tollkeeper                1.40%        0.06%
                                              Inflation Managed               0.60%        0.02%
                                              International Large-Cap         1.05%        0.12%
                                              International Value             0.85%        0.11%
                                              Large-Cap Core                  0.65%        0.04%
                                              Large-Cap Value                 0.85%        0.05%
                                              Managed Bond                    0.60%        0.04%
                                              Mid-Cap Growth                  0.90%        0.06%
                                              Mid-Cap Value                   0.85%        0.03%
                                              Money Market                    0.34%        0.04%
                                              Multi-Strategy                  0.65%        0.04%
                                              REIT                            1.10%        0.04%
                                              Research                        1.00%        0.10%
                                              Small-Cap Equity                0.65%        0.04%
                                              Small-Cap Index                 0.50%        0.10%
                                              Strategic Value                 0.95%        0.10%
                                              Technology                      1.10%        0.08%
                                              Telecommunications              1.10%        0.08%

                     You have selected allocations in the investment options that reflect the weighted annualized expenses of all
                     the available underlying portfolios as of December 31, 2000. The annualized expenses of the underlying
                     portfolios weighted according to your selection is equivalent to an annual rate of 0.66% for investment
                     advisory fees and 0.05% for operating expenses (after any offset for custodian credits and excluding any
                     foreign taxes) which amounts to a total of 0.71%. The investment advisory fees and net operating expenses for
                     the underlying portfolios reflect fees and expenses incurred by the portfolios for the periods ending December
                     31, 2000. The operating expenses for Aggressive Growth, Blue Chip, Capital Opportunities, Equity Income,
                     Financial Services, Global Growth, Health Sciences, Mid-Cap Growth, Research, Technology, and
                     Telecommunications are estimated. The Inflation Managed portfolio was formerly called the Government Securities
                     portfolio. The Large-Cap Core portfolio was formerly called the Equity Income portfolio.


Presented by: PL agent                            For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Weighted Avg

           Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 4 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                     Although some portfolios may have names or investment objectives that resemble retail mutual funds managed by
                     the portfolio manager, these portfolios will not have the same underlying holdings or performance.

                     Please note: Net Premiums and Policy Accumulated Value may be invested in up to twenty (20) investment options
                     at one time.

                     The annualized expenses for all available portfolios for the periods ending December 31, 2000 reflect an
                     average daily investment advisory fee equivalent to an annual rate of 0.85% of the aggregate average daily net
                     assets of the fund. They also reflect net operating expenses (after any offset for custodian credits and
                     excluding any foreign taxes) at an annual rate of 0.07% of the aggregate average daily net assets of the
                     portfolios. The total aggregate annualized expenses for the periods ending December 31, 2000 (including
                     investment advisory fees and excluding any foreign taxes) is 0.92%.

NET ANNUAL           After deduction of the investment advisory fees and other operating expenses, illustrated gross annual
RETURN               investment returns of 0% and 6.00% correspond to approximate net annual rates of return of -0.71% and 5.25%

                     The amounts shown for Death Benefits, Accumulated Values and Cash Surrender Values reflect a non-guaranteed
                     persistency credit of 0.15% beginning in year 16, increasing to 0.25% in year 21. This persistency credit is
                     applied at the end of each policy year, based on the average annual unloaned policy accumulated value for the
                     year. The gross and net earnings rates shown on this illustration do not reflect the impact of this credit. For
                     the effects on the policy without this persistency credit, please refer to the guaranteed policy charge columns
                     in the illustration.

                     The amounts shown for Death Benefits, Accumulated Values and Cash Surrender Values also reflect the fact that
                     the net investment return on the variable investment options is lower than the gross return of the assets as a
                     result of the charges levied against the account.

FIXED ACCOUNT        Net premiums or Accumulated Value may also be allocated to a choice of two fixed options:
OPTION(S)            Fixed Account and Fixed LT Account. At the beginning of each year, a current rate will be declared and
                     guaranteed for that year. The guaranteed minimum annual interest rate on amounts allocated to the Fixed Account
                     and Fixed LT Account is 3.00%. The current rate is set at Pacific Life & Annuity's discretion and is likely to
                     change from year to year but will never be less than the guaranteed rate. Our ability to pay these guarantees
                     is backed by our financial strength as a company.

                     There are limitations on transferring in and out of the Fixed Account and Fixed LT Account:

                     . You can make transfers from the variable investment options to the fixed options only in the policy month
                       right before each policy anniversary.

                     . You can only make one transfer from each Fixed Account option in any 12-month period, except if you have
                       signed up for the first year transfer program.


Presented by: PL agent                            For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Weighted Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 5 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                        Pacific Select Estate Preserver- NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                     . Currently, the company has waived the restrictions for transfers from the Fixed LT Account option during the
                       first policy year. You will be permitted to transfer any amount out of the Fixed LT Account at any time
                       during the first twelve policy months. We reserve the right to discontinue this program at any time. However,
                       if the program is in effect on the date you sign the application for your policy, the waiver on transfer
                       restrictions will remain in effect for your first policy year. After the first policy year, you can only
                       transfer up to the greater of $5,000 or 10% of your policy's accumulated value in the Fixed LT Account in any
                       12-month period.

                     . Fixed Account:       Transfers into the Fixed Account in any 12-month period are limited to the greater of
                                            $5,000 or 25% of your policy's accumulated value, except for scheduled transfers under
                                            the first year transfer program.

                     . Fixed LT Account:    Transfers into the Fixed LT Account in any 12-month period are limited to the greater
                                            of $5,000 or 10% of your policy's accumulated value.

                       There is a limitation on amounts allocated to the Fixed LT Account during any 12-month period of $1,000,000
                       for all policies of the same owner.

                       For more information on the Fixed Account Option(s), please consult the product prospectus.

                       This illustration does not reflect allocations to either fixed account.

DEDUCTIONS AND         A Premium Load is deducted from each premium payment.  The Accumulated Value is subject to several monthly
CHARGES                charges: cost of insurance charges, administrative charge, mortality and expense risk charge, and deductions
                       for optional insurance benefits, if present.

                       The surrender charge is equal to a specified amount that is determined by the insured's age and risk
                       classification, the death benefit option selected, the policy face amount, and any face increases. Over time,
                       the surrender charge decreases until it reaches zero at the end of the 120th policy month. For more detailed
                       information about the surrender charge, please see the current prospectus.


Presented by: PL agent                            For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Weighted Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 6 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                        Pacific Select Estate Preserver- NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

LOANS/PARTIAL          [Any loans or withdrawals illustrated are based on Current Policy Charge Assumptions and might not be
WITHDRAWALS            available under Guaranteed Policy Charge Assumptions. Policy loans and/or Partial Withdrawals may have an
                       adverse effect on the policyowner's Benefits.

                       This illustration shows a policy loan. Interest is charged on policy loans at an effective annual rate of
                       4.10% in arrears. The guaranteed interest rate credited to the portion of the Accumulated Value securing the
                       policy loan is 3.10% in policy years 1-10, 3.70% in policy years 11-20 and 3.85% thereafter. This
                       illustration reflects interest credited to the portion of the accumulated value securing the policy loan at a
                       current effective annual rate of 3.10% in policy years 1-10, 3.70% in policy years 11-20 and a current
                       effective annual rate of 4.10% thereafter. Pacific Life & Annuity reserves the right to decrease the current
                       rate credited. For example, we may decrease the rate credited if we believe that it is necessary to maintain
                       the policy loan as a non-taxable distribution. However we will not reduce the effective annual rate credited
                       to less than the guaranteed rate stated above. All values assume premiums and loan interest are paid when
                       due. If a payment is received without being designated as a premium payment or loan payment, and there is an
                       outstanding loan, the payment will be applied as a loan payment.

                       The loan is automatically repaid from the Gross Death Benefit at the death of the second insured, resulting
                       in the estimated payment to the beneficiary of the Net Death Benefit illustrated. Upon lapse or surrender,
                       the loan is automatically repaid, resulting in the estimated payment to the policyowner of the Net Surrender
                       Value. The automatic repayment of the loan during a lapse or surrender will cause the recognition of taxable
                       income, to the extent that the Net Surrender Value plus the amount of the repaid loan exceeds the
                       policyowner's basis in the policy.

                       The policy will lapse if the Accumulated Value less Policy Debt is insufficient to cover the current monthly
                       deduction for charges on any monthly payment date, and a grace period expires without the policyowner making
                       a sufficient payment. If the policy is insufficiently funded in relation to the income stream from the
                       policy, the policy can lapse prematurely and result in a significant income tax liability to the policyowner
                       in the year in which the lapse occurs.

                       A policyowner should be careful to structure a policy so that the policy will not lapse prematurely under
                       various market conditions or scenarios as a result of withdrawals and/or loans taken from the policy. The
                       policyowner should also request at least annually a revised illustration that reflects current policy values
                       to assure the policy is sufficiently funded to support a desired income stream, if any.]

FUTURE ACTION          If you want to change the premium amount that you are billed, you must request the change in writing.
POLICYOWNER            Policy loans or withdrawals are illustrated. This illustration assumes that a written request is submitted by
                       the policyowner at the start of the policy year indicated to receive the partial withdrawal or loan
                       illustrated, unless the policyowner is eligible for and elects the Automated Income Option (AIO).

COLUMN                 Accumulated    The total value of the amounts in the Investment Options for the Policy as well as any amount
DEFINITIONS AND        Value          set aside in the Loan Account, including any accrued earned interest, as of the end of the
KEY TERMS                             policy year.

                       Age (BOY)      The insured's age as of his or her nearest birthday as of the policy date, increased by the
                                      number of complete policy years elapsed.


Presented by: PL agent                            For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Weighted Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 7 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                       BOY                    Beginning of year.

                       Cash Surrender         The Accumulated Value minus any applicable Surrender Charge as of the end of the
                       Value (EOY)            policy year.

                       Cum. Premium           The illustrated premiums paid each year accumulated at a hypothetical rate of return
                       Plus 5%                of 5%.

                       "Current Policy        Reflect current policy charges at the hypothetical gross earnings rate(s).

                       EOY                    End of year.

                       Estimated Tax on       Estimated dollar amount of any tax that may be due as a result of a policy loan or
                       Disbursements          partial withdrawal.

                       Face Amount            The minimum death benefit for so long as the policy remains in force. The face amount
                                              may be increased or decreased under certain circumstances.

                       Fixed Account          An account that is part of Pacific Life & Annuity's general account to which all or a
                                              portion of the net premiums may be allocated for accumulation at a fixed rate of
                                              interest (which may not be less than 3.0%) declared by Pacific Life & Annuity.

                       Fixed LT               An account that is part of Pacific Life & Annuity's general account to which all or
                       Account                a portion of the net premiums may be allocated for accumulation at a fixed rate of
                                              interest (which may not be less than 3.0%) declared by Pacific Life & Annuity.

                       "Guaranteed            Reflect maximum policy charges at 0% hypothetical gross investment return and at an
                       Policy Charges"        assumed hypothetical gross earnings rate.

                       Material Change        IRC 7702A describes the 7-Pay Test and also provides that a Material Change will cause
                                              the 7-Pay Test period to start over. A Material Change may occur when there is an
                                              increase in benefits, depending on the amount of cumulative premiums paid into the
                                              policy at that time. In addition, a Material Change will occur if certain policy
                                              guarantees change (e.g. a change in rating class).

                       Net Annual Loan        The loan amount taken in cash from a policy. This does not include loans taken to
                       (BOY)                  pay loan interest.

                       Net Cash               Cash Surrender Value after deducting any outstanding loan amount.
                       Surrender Value

                       Net Death              The amount payable upon the second insured's death. The death benefit proceeds
                       Benefit (EOY)          are always reduced by any outstanding loan balance and increased by any applicable
                                              rider benefits.


Presented by: PL agent                            For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Weighted Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 8 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                        Pacific Select Estate Preserver- NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                       Partial                A partial withdrawal of a portion of the Net Cash Surrender Value. All illustrated
                       Withdrawal             partial withdrawals are based on current policy charges and hypothetical gross
                       (BOY)                  earnings rate assumptions and may not be available if actual experience is different
                                              from the assumptions.

                       Premium Outlay         Annualized premiums that are the sum of the periodic payments you plan to make each

                       Variable               A separate account of Pacific Life & Annuity or a subaccount of such a separate
                       Investment             account, which is used only to support the variable death benefits and policy values
                       Options                of variable life insurance policies, and the assets of which are segregated from the
                                              Pacific Life & Annuity's general account and our other separate accounts.

TAX INFORMATION        Although the information in this illustration is based on our understanding of the Internal Revenue Code
                       (IRC) and on certain tax and legal assumptions, it is not intended to be tax or legal advice. Such advice
                       should be obtained from your own counsel or other tax advisor.

                       The following tax rates have been used to estimate your taxes, if any, due to a policy loan or partial

                                                      Assumed Income Tax Rate

                                           Start               End                  Rate
                                               1                65                31.00%

                       Death Proceeds: Death benefit proceeds from a life insurance policy are generally excludable from the
                       beneficiary's gross income for income tax purposes.

                       Guideline Premium Test: A life insurance policy will qualify as life insurance under IRC Section 7702 if it
                       meets one of two alternative tests. This illustration uses the Guideline Premium Test which requires that the
                       sum of the premiums paid reduced by non-taxable partial withdrawals and non-taxable cash dividends at any
                       time does not exceed the greater of the guideline single premium or the sum of the guideline level premiums
                       at such time, and the death benefit payable under the policy at any time is at least equal to an applicable
                       percentage of the accumulated value (the "cash value corridor test"). For the policy being illustrated here,
                       the Guideline Single Premium at issue is $327,996.20 and the Guideline Level Premium at issue is $31,711.40
                       per year. Failure to qualify as life insurance will have adverse tax consequences.

                       Withdrawals/Loans: Interest credited to the accumulated value of a life insurance policy is generally tax-
                       deferred and may be taxable at the time of partial withdrawal, surrender or lapse. Assuming the life
                       insurance policy is not a MEC (as described below), partial withdrawals are taxed under the "cost recovery
                       rule" and are generally taxable only to the extent the partial withdrawal exceeds the cost basis of the
                       policy. Basis equals the gross premiums paid less prior non-taxable partial withdrawals and non-taxable cash
                       dividends. For a life insurance policy that is not a Modified Endowment Contract as defined in IRC Sec.
                       7702A: Withdrawals in the first 15 policy years may be taxable under IRC 7702(f)(7)(B); after 15 years,
                       withdrawals up to policy tax basis are not taxable; and policy loans are not taxable provided that the policy
                       remains in force until the insured dies. Withdrawals and policy loans may reduce policy values and death


Presented by: PL agent                            For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Weighted Avg

              Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 9 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                        Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY- GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
& ANNUITY COMPANY]                                           Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                       If a life insurance policy loan is still outstanding when a policy is surrendered or lapses, the loan is
                       automatically repaid from policy values. This will result in taxable income to the extent the cash surrender
                       value plus the amount of the repaid loan exceeds the cost basis of the policy. Any tax estimate(s) included
                       in this illustration does not include an estimate of this tax.

                       If a life insurance policy loan is still outstanding at the time of death, the loan is automatically repaid
                       from the policy's death benefit. This use of the death benefit to repay a policy loan does not cause the
                       recognition of taxable income.

                       Modified Endowment Contracts: As defined in IRC Section 7702A, a modified endowment contract (MEC) is a life
                       insurance policy in which the cumulative premium payments (less non-taxable partial withdrawals and non-
                       taxable cash dividends) since the policy effective date exceeds, at any time during the first seven policy
                       years, the cumulative total of the Seven-Pay Premiums (the 7-pay test). The initial annual Seven-Pay Premium
                       limit on the policy being illustrated here is $79,505.37.

                       Generally, once a policy is a MEC, it is always a MEC. However, if premiums in excess of the Seven-Pay
                       Premium limit are paid, the MEC status can be avoided if such premium payments, plus interest (which is
                       taxable), are returned to the policyowner within 60 days after the end of the 'measuring year' in which the
                       premium payment was made. For this purpose, the 'measuring year' is the same as a policy year, except that,
                       if the policy has a Material Change then the 'measuring year' will run between anniversaries of the Material
                       Change date instead. Note, if a Material Change occurs on a date other than a policy anniversary, the
                       specific timing of the 60-day window may change.

                       Distributions from a MEC, either a partial withdrawal, a cash dividend, or loan, are taxed to the extent
                       there is a gain in the policy and may be subject to additional penalties. Distributions taken from a policy
                       during the two years prior to the policy becoming a MEC will be treated as taxable under MEC rules in the
                       year the policy becomes a MEC. This illustration does not reflect this taxation process.

                       If there is a "material change" in the terms or benefits of the policy, the 7-pay test will be applied as if
                       this is a new policy at the date of the material change.

                       Based on our understanding of the Internal Revenue Code and the assumptions in this illustration, THIS POLICY
                       WOULD NOT BECOME A MEC.

PREMIUM LIMITS                 Initial Guideline Single Premium:        $327,996.20
SUMMARY                        Initial Guideline Level Premium:         $ 31,711.40
                               Initial Seven Pay Premium:               $ 79,505.37

                       When the death benefit is greater than the face amount due to accumulated value growth, payment of additional
                       premium will be subject to approval.

POLICY FREE LOOK       There is a free look right in the policy, which provides that you may return it within 10 days after you
RIGHT                  receive it. You need only deliver it to Pacific Life & Annuity Company or to the agent who delivered the
                       policy to you. In such case, the policy will be deemed void from the beginning and Pacific Life & Annuity
                       Company will refund the premiums paid. If the policy is issued as a replacement of existing coverage, the
                       free look period is 60 days and Pacific Life & Annuity Company will refund the policy value plus any charges
                       and loads which were deducted.

                              END OF SUMMARY PAGE

Presented by: PL agent                            For: Mr. SEP-NY 6 Weighted Avg

           Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                 Page: 10 Of 10

 [LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                      Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
  & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                         Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

Proposed Insured #1: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Weighted Avg     Death Benefit Option = Level                    Presented By:
Male, Age 55                                        Total Initial Face Amount = 1,500,000           PL agent
Select Nonsmoker                                    Premium Payment Interval = Annual               12535 Insurance Dr
Proposed Insured #2: Mrs.  Insured
Female, Age 55
Select Nonsmoker
                                                        Summary Page
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    Current Policy Charges (1)                           Guaranteed Policy Charges (2)
                                    Assuming Hypothetical Gross        Assuming Hypothetical Gross       Assuming Hypothetical Gross
                                    Annual Investment Return of        Annual Investment Return of       Annual Investment Return of
                                        12.00% (11.21% Net)                0.00% (-0.71% Net)                12.00% (11.21% Net)
                           Loans                   Net         Net                Net        Net                     Net         Net
    Planned  Premiums  and With-   Accum'd      Surr'r       Death  Accum'd    Surr'r      Death    Accum'd       Surr'r       Death
    Annual   Plus 5%     drawals     Value       Value     Benefit    Value     Value    Benefit      Value        Value     Benefit
Yr  Premium  Interest     (BOY)]     (EOY)       (EOY)       (EOY)    (EOY)     (EOY)      (EOY)      (EOY)        (EOY)       (EOY)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1  31,711     33,297       0       30,298       6,907   1,500,000   26,895     3,504  1,500,000     30,297        6,906   1,500,000
 2  31,711     68,259       0       63,437      42,645   1,500,000   53,118    32,326  1,500,000     63,432       42,640   1,500,000
 3  31,711    104,969       0       99,670      81,477   1,500,000   78,643    60,450  1,500,000     99,658       81,465   1,500,000
 4  31,711    143,514       0      139,280     123,686   1,500,000  103,441    87,847  1,500,000    139,257      123,663   1,500,000
 5  31,711    183,987       0      182,579     169,584   1,500,000  127,481   114,486  1,500,000    182,540      169,545   1,500,000
 6  31,711    226,483       0      229,906     219,510   1,500,000  150,724   140,328  1,500,000    229,846      219,450   1,500,000
 7  31,711    271,104       0      281,628     273,831   1,500,000  173,111   165,314  1,500,000    281,540      273,743   1,500,000
 8  31,711    317,956       0      338,143     332,945   1,500,000  194,564   189,366  1,500,000    338,019      332,821   1,500,000
 9  31,711    367,151       0      399,877     397,278   1,500,000  214,977   212,378  1,500,000    399,708      397,109   1,500,000
10  31,711    418,806       0      467,530     467,530   1,500,000  234,228   234,228  1,500,000    467,089      467,089   1,500,000

15  31,711    718,501       0      968,031     968,031   1,500,000  327,089   327,089  1,500,000    952,897      952,897   1,500,000
20  31,711  1,100,996       0    1,830,903   1,830,903   1,959,066  365,666   365,666  1,500,000  1,775,731    1,775,731   1,900,032
25  31,711  1,589,168       0    3,344,908   3,344,908   3,512,153  284,945   284,945  1,500,000  3,188,979    3,188,979   3,348,428
30  31,711  2,212,212       0    5,930,604   5,930,604   6,227,134       ##        ##         ##  5,512,324    5,512,324   5,787,941
35  31,711  3,007,393       0   10,321,664  10,321,664  10,837,748                                9,219,922    9,219,922   9,680,918

## - Additional  premiums are required to maintain the requested benefits.
All values except premiums, loans, loan interest and withdrawals are values at the end of the policy year. The 'Net Surrender Value'
column is equal to the accumulated value, less any policy debt and less any surrender charges. The 'Net Death Benefit' column is the
policy death benefit less any policy debt.

1 - The policy values under the Current Policy Charges heading reflect current policy charges, current cost of insurance rates,
current mortality and expense charges and the hypothetical gross earnings rate assumption described in the section entitled Gross
Hypothetical Returns. Current policy charges and cost of insurance rates are subject to change. Policy values will vary from those
illustrated if actual rates differ from those assumed. Current cost of insurance rates are not dependent upon future improvements in
underlying mortality.

2 - The policy values under the Guaranteed Policy Charges heading assume maximum cost of insurance rates.


Presented by: PL agent                          For:  Mr. SEP-NY 12 Weighted Avg

            Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                             Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 1 of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                                            Important Information About Your Illustration
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
THIS IS AN            This is an illustration and not a contract. Although the information contained in this illustration
ILLUSTRATION,         is based on certain tax and legal assumptions, it is not intended to be tax or legal advice. Such
NOT A CONTRACT        advice should be obtained from the applicant's own counsel or other advisor.

                      This illustration is prepared for presentation in the state of NY.

                                                                Death Benefit Option
BENEFITS:                                          Start                 End                Option
                                                       1                  65                Level

                                                                Base Policy Face Amount

                                                   Start                 End                Amount
                                                       1                  65             1,500,000

PREMIUM               Illustrated periodic premium payments are assumed to be made one time per year at the beginning of each
FREQUENCY:            premium payment interval.

TIMING OF             All values assume premiums and loan payment interest are paid when due. If a payment is received without
PAYMENTS              being designated as a premium payment or loan payment, and there is an outstanding loan, the payment will be
                      applied as a loan payment.

                      All values except premiums, loans, loan interest and withdrawals are values at the end of the policy year.

GROSS                 You have selected to have your accumulated value allocated to the variable investment options.
                                                           Hypothetical Gross Earnings Rate

                                                   Start            End           Gross           Net
                                                       1             65          12.00%        11.21%


Presented by: PL agent                           For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Weighted Avg

            Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                             Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 2 of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY
                      The hypothetical rates of return and values shown are illustrative only and should not be deemed as
                      a representation of past or future investment results. The illustrated policy values might not be
                      achieved if actual rates of return, policy charges, premium amount or frequency differ from those
                      assumed. Actual rates of return may be more or less than those shown and will depend on a number of
                      factors including the investment allocations made to the variable investment options by the
                      policyowner and the experience of those investment options. No representation can be made by Pacific
                      Life & Annuity, the Separate Account, or the underlying Fund that these hypothetical rates of return
                      can be achieved for any one year or sustained over any period of time.

                      The gross annual earnings rate assumption is after brokerage expenses and any foreign taxes. A
                      portfolio's foreign investment may be subject to foreign taxes. Foreign taxes from interest and
                      dividend income are treated as a deduction from relevant income for accounting purposes rather than
                      an expense.

SUB-ACCOUNT           This illustration assumes that all net premiums (after deduction of premium load) have been
ALLOCATION            allocated to the variable investment options. You have requested that this illustration reflect your
                      selection of investment options. The amounts shown for the Death Benefits, Accumulated Values and
                      Cash Surrender Values in this illustration reflect your selection of investment options and the
                      underlying portfolios' annualized fund expenses (excluding any foreign taxes) incurred by the
                      portfolios for the periods ending December 31, 2000 adjusted to reflect a decrease in fees for
                      certain operating expenses.


Presented by: PL agent                           For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Weighted Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 3 of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY

                                        Portfolio                  Investment    Operating
                                                                 Advisory Fee     Expenses
                                        Aggressive Equity               0.80%        0.04%
                                        Aggressive Growth               1.00%        0.06%
                                        Blue Chip                       0.95%        0.06%
                                        Capital Opportunities           0.80%        0.06%
                                        Diversified Research            0.90%        0.08%
                                        Emerging Markets                1.10%        0.20%
                                        Equity                          0.65%        0.04%
                                        Equity Income                   0.95%        0.10%
                                        Equity Index                    0.25%        0.04%
                                        Financial Services              1.10%        0.10%
                                        Focused 30                      0.95%        0.10%
                                        Global Growth                   1.10%        0.19%
                                        Growth LT                       0.75%        0.04%
                                        Health Sciences                 1.10%        0.10%
                                        High Yield Bond                 0.60%        0.04%
                                        I-Net Tollkeeper                1.40%        0.06%
                                        Inflation Managed               0.60%        0.02%
                                        International Large-Cap         1.05%        0.12%
                                        International Value             0.85%        0.11%
                                        Large-Cap Core                  0.65%        0.04%
                                        Large-Cap Value                 0.85%        0.05%
                                        Managed Bond                    0.60%        0.04%
                                        Mid-Cap Growth                  0.90%        0.06%
                                        Mid-Cap Value                   0.85%        0.03%
                                        Money Market                    0.34%        0.04%
                                        Multi-Strategy                  0.65%        0.04%
                                        REIT                            1.10%        0.04%
                                        Research                        1.00%        0.10%
                                        Small-Cap Equity                0.65%        0.04%
                                        Small-Cap Index                 0.50%        0.10%
                                        Strategic Value                 0.95%        0.10%
                                        Technology                      1.10%        0.08%
                                        Telecommunications              1.10%        0.08%

                      You have selected allocations in the investment options that reflect the weighted annualized expenses of all
                      the available underlying portfolios as of December 31, 2000. The annualized expenses of the underlying
                      portfolios weighted according to your selection is equivalent to an annual rate of 0.66% for investment
                      advisory fees and 0.05% for operating expenses (after any offset for custodian credits and excluding any
                      foreign taxes) which amounts to a total of 0.71%. The investment advisory fees and net operating expenses for
                      the underlying portfolios reflect fees and expenses incurred by the portfolios for the periods ending December
                      31, 2000. The operating expenses for Aggressive Growth, Blue Chip, Capital Opportunities, Equity Income,
                      Financial Services, Global Growth, Health Sciences, Mid-Cap Growth, Research, Technology, and
                      Telecommunications are estimated. The Inflation Managed portfolio was formerly called the Government
                      Securities portfolio. The Large-Cap Core portfolio was formerly called the Equity Income portfolio.


Presented by: PL agent                           For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Weighted Avg

            Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                             Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 4 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY
                      Although some portfolios may have names or investment objectives that resemble retail mutual funds
                      managed by the portfolio manager, these portfolios will not have the same underlying holdings or

                      Please note: Net Premiums and Policy Accumulated Value may be invested in up to twenty (20)
                      investment options at one time.

                      The annualized expenses for all available portfolios for the periods ending December 31, 2000
                      reflect an average daily investment advisory fee equivalent to an annual rate of 0.85% of the
                      aggregate average daily net assets of the fund. They also reflect net operating expenses (after any
                      offset for custodian credits and excluding any foreign taxes) at an annual rate of 0.07% of the
                      aggregate average daily net assets of the portfolios. The total aggregate annualized expenses for
                      the periods ending December 31, 2000 (including investment advisory fees and excluding any foreign
                      taxes) is 0.92%.

NET ANNUAL            After deduction of the investment advisory fees and other operating expenses, illustrated gross
RETURN                annual investment returns of 0% and 12.00% correspond to approximate net annual rates of return of
                      -0.71% and 11.21% respectively.

                      The amounts shown for Death Benefits, Accumulated Values and Cash Surrender Values reflect a
                      non-guaranteed persistency credit of 0.15% beginning in year 16, increasing to 0.25% in year 21.
                      This persistency credit is applied at the end of each policy year, based on the average annual
                      unloaned policy accumulated value for the year. The gross and net earnings rates shown on this
                      illustration do not reflect the impact of this credit. For the effects on the policy without this
                      persistency credit, please refer to the guaranteed policy charge columns in the illustration.

                      The amounts shown for Death Benefits, Accumulated Values and Cash Surrender Values also reflect the
                      fact that the net investment return on the variable investment options is lower than the gross
                      return of the assets as a result of the charges levied against the account.

FIXED ACCOUNT         Net premiums or Accumulated Value may also be allocated to a choice of two fixed options: Fixed
OPTION(S)             Account and Fixed LT Account. At the beginning of each year, a current rate will be declared and
                      guaranteed for that year. The guaranteed minimum annual interest rate on amounts allocated to the
                      Fixed Account and Fixed LT Account is 3.00%. The current rate is set at Pacific Life & Annuity's
                      discretion and is likely to change from year to year but will never be less than the guaranteed
                      rate. Our ability to pay these guarantees is backed by our financial strength as a company.

                      There are limitations on transferring in and out of the Fixed Account and Fixed LT Account:

                      . You can make transfers from the variable investment options to the fixed options only in the policy
                        month right before each policy anniversary.

                      . You can only make one transfer from each Fixed Account option in any 12-month period, except if you
                        have signed up for the first year transfer program.


Presented by: PL agent                           For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Weighted Avg

            Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                             Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 5 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY
                      . Currently, the company has waived the restrictions for transfers from the Fixed LT Account option during
                        the first policy year. You will be permitted to transfer any amount out of the Fixed LT Account at any time
                        during the first twelve policy months. We reserve the right to discontinue this program at any time.
                        However, if the program is in effect on the date you sign the application for your policy, the waiver on
                        transfer restrictions will remain in effect for your first policy year. After the first policy year, you can
                        only transfer up to the greater of $5,000 or 10% of your policy's accumulated value in the Fixed LT Account
                        in any 12-month period.

                      .  Fixed Account:     Transfers into the Fixed Account in any 12-month period are limited to the greater of
                                            $5,000 or 25% of your policy's accumulated value, except for scheduled transfers under
                                            the first year transfer program.

                      .  Fixed LT Account:  Transfers into the Fixed LT Account in any 12-month period are limited to the greater of
                                            $5,000 or 10% of your policy's accumulated value.

                      There is a limitation on amounts allocated to the Fixed LT Account during any 12-month period of
                      $1,000,000 for all policies of the same owner.

                      For more information on the Fixed Account Option(s), please consult the product prospectus.

                      This illustration does not reflect allocations to either fixed account.

DEDUCTIONS AND        A Premium Load is deducted from each premium payment. The Accumulated Value is subject to several
CHARGES               monthly charges: cost of insurance charges, administrative charge, mortality and expense risk
                      charge, and deductions for optional insurance benefits, if present.

                      The surrender charge is equal to a specified amount that is determined by the insured's age and risk
                      classification, the death benefit option selected, the policy face amount, and any face increases.
                      Over time, the surrender charge decreases until it reaches zero at the end of the 120th policy
                      month. For more detailed information about the surrender charge, please see the current prospectus.


Presented by: PL agent                           For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Weighted Avg

           Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 6 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY
LOANS/PARTIAL         [Any loans or withdrawals illustrated are based on Current Policy Charge Assumptions and might not be
WITHDRAWALS           available under Guaranteed Policy Charge Assumptions. Policy loans and/or Partial Withdrawals may have an
                      adverse effect on the policyowner's Benefits.

                      This illustration shows a policy loan. Interest is charged on policy loans at an effective annual rate of
                      4.10% in arrears. The guaranteed interest rate credited to the portion of the Accumulated Value securing the
                      policy loan is 3.10% in policy years 1-10, 3.70% in policy years 11-20 and 3.85% thereafter. This illustration
                      reflects interest credited to the portion of the accumulated value securing the policy loan at a current
                      effective annual rate of 3.10% in policy years 1-10, 3.70% in policy years 11-20 and a current effective
                      annual rate of 4.10% thereafter. Pacific Life & Annuity reserves the right to decrease the current rate
                      credited. For example, we may decrease the rate credited if we believe that it is necessary to maintain the
                      policy loan as a non-taxable distribution. However we will not reduce the effective annual rate credited to
                      less than the guaranteed rate stated above. All values assume premiums and loan interest are paid when due. If
                      a payment is received without being designated as a premium payment or loan payment, and there is an
                      outstanding loan, the payment will be applied as a loan payment.

                      The loan is automatically repaid from the Gross Death Benefit at the death of the second insured, resulting in
                      the estimated payment to the beneficiary of the Net Death Benefit illustrated. Upon lapse or surrender, the
                      loan is automatically repaid, resulting in the estimated payment to the policyowner of the Net Surrender
                      Value. The automatic repayment of the loan during a lapse or surrender will cause the recognition of taxable
                      income, to the extent that the Net Surrender Value plus the amount of the repaid loan exceeds the
                      policyowner's basis in the policy.

                      The policy will lapse if the Accumulated Value less Policy Debt is insufficient to cover the current monthly
                      deduction for charges on any monthly payment date, and a grace period expires without the policyowner making a
                      sufficient payment. If the policy is insufficiently funded in relation to the income stream from the policy,
                      the policy can lapse prematurely and result in a significant income tax liability to the policyowner in the
                      year in which the lapse occurs.

                      A policyowner should be careful to structure a policy so that the policy will not lapse prematurely under
                      various market conditions or scenarios as a result of withdrawals and/or loans taken from the policy. The
                      policyowner should also request at least annually a revised illustration that reflects current policy values
                      to assure the policy is sufficiently funded to support a desired income stream, if any.

FUTURE ACTION         If you want to change the premium amount that you are billed, you must request the change in
REQUIRED BY           writing.
                      Policy loans or withdrawals are illustrated. This illustration assumes that a written request is submitted by
                      the policyowner at the start of the policy year indicated to receive the partial withdrawal or loan
                      illustrated, unless the policyowner is eligible for and elects the Automated Income Option (AIO).

COLUMN DEFINITIONS    Accumulated     The total value of the amounts in the Investment Options for the Policy as well
AND KEY TERMS         Value           as any amounts set aside in the Loan Account, including any accrued earned
                                      interest, as of the end of the policy year.

                      Age (BOY)       The insured's age as of his or her nearest birthday as of the policy date,
                                      increased by the number of complete policy years elapsed.


Presented by: PL agent                           For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Weighted Avg

           Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 7 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY
                      BOY               Beginning of year.

                      Cash Surrender    The Accumulated Value minus any applicable Surrender Charge as of the end of the
                      Value (EOY)       policy year.

                      Cum. Premium      The illustrated premiums paid each year accumulated at a hypothetical rate of
                      Plus 5%           return of 5%.

                      "Current Policy   Reflect current policy charges at the hypothetical gross earnings rate(s).

                      EOY               End of year.

                      Estimated Tax on  Estimated dollar amount of any tax that may be due as a result of a policy loan
                      Disbursements     or partial withdrawal.

                      Face Amount       The minimum death benefit for so long as the policy remains in force. The face
                                        amount may be increased or decreased under certain circumstances.

                      Fixed Account     An account that is part of Pacific Life & Annuity's general account to which all
                                        or a portion of the net premiums may be allocated for accumulation at a fixed
                                        rate of interest (which may not be less than 3.0%) declared by Pacific Life &

                      Fixed LT          An account that is part of Pacific Life & Annuity's general account to which all
                      Account           or a portion of the net premiums may be allocated for accumulation at a fixed
                                        rate of interest (which may not be less than 3.0%) declared by Pacific Life &

                      "Guaranteed       Reflect maximum policy charges at 0% hypothetical gross investment return and at
                      Policy Charges"   an assumed hypothetical gross earnings rate.

                      Material Change   IRC 7702A describes the 7-Pay Test and also provides that a Material Change will
                                        cause the 7-Pay Test period to start over. A Material Change may occur when
                                        there is an increase in benefits, depending on the amount of cumulative premiums
                                        paid into the policy at that time. In addition, a Material Change will occur if
                                        certain policy guarantees change (e.g. a change in rating class).

                      Net Annual Loan   The loan amount taken in cash from a policy. This does not include loans taken
                      (BOY)             to pay loan interest.

                      Net Cash          Cash Surrender Value after deducting any outstanding loan amount.
                      Surrender Value

                      Net Death         The amount payable upon the second insured's death. The death benefit proceeds
                      Benefit (EOY)     are always reduced by any outstanding loan balance and increased by any
                                        applicable rider benefits.


Presented by: PL agent                           For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Weighted Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 8 of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY
                      Partial           A partial withdrawal of a portion of the Net Cash Surrender Value. All
                      Withdrawal        illustrated partial withdrawals are based on current policy charges and
                      BOY)              hypothetical gross earnings rate assumptions and may not be available if actual
                                        experience is different from the assumptions.

                      Premium Outlay    Annualized premiums that are the sum of the periodic payments you plan to make
                                        each year.

                      Variable          A separate account of Pacific Life & Annuity or a subaccount of such a separate
                      Investment        account, which is used only to support the variable death benefits and policy
                      Options           values of variable life insurance policies, and the assets of which are
                                        segregated from the Pacific Life & Annuity's general account and our other
                                        separate accounts.

TAX INFORMATION       Although the information in this illustration is based on our understanding of the Internal Revenue
                      Code (IRC) and on certain tax and legal assumptions, it is not intended to be tax or legal advice.
                      Such advice should be obtained from your own counsel or other tax advisor.

                      The following tax rates have been used to estimate your taxes, if any, due to a policy loan or
                      partial withdrawal:
                                                         Assumed Income Tax Rate

                                                Start              End                  Rate
                                                    1               65                31.00%

                      Death Proceeds: Death benefit proceeds from a life insurance policy are generally excludable from
                      the beneficiary's gross income for income tax purposes.

                      Guideline Premium Test: A life insurance policy will qualify as life insurance under IRC Section
                      7702 if it meets one of two alternative tests. This illustration uses the Guideline Premium Test
                      which requires that the sum of the premiums paid reduced by non-taxable partial withdrawals and
                      non-taxable cash dividends at any time does not exceed the greater of the guideline single premium
                      or the sum of the guideline level premiums at such time, and the death benefit payable under the
                      policy at any time is at least equal to an applicable percentage of the accumulated value (the "cash
                      value corridor test"). For the policy being illustrated here, the Guideline Single Premium at issue
                      is $327,996.20 and the Guideline Level Premium at issue is $31,711.40 per year. Failure to qualify
                      as life insurance will have adverse tax consequences.

                      Withdrawals/Loans: Interest credited to the accumulated value of a life insurance policy is
                      generally tax-deferred and may be taxable at the time of partial withdrawal, surrender or lapse.
                      Assuming the life insurance policy is not a MEC (as described below), partial withdrawals are taxed
                      under the "cost recovery rule" and are generally taxable only to the extent the partial withdrawal
                      exceeds the cost basis of the policy. Basis equals the gross premiums paid less prior non-taxable
                      partial withdrawals and non-taxable cash dividends. For a life insurance policy that is not a
                      Modified Endowment Contract as defined in IRC Sec. 7702A: Withdrawals in the first 15 policy years
                      may be taxable under IRC 7702(f)(7)(B); after 15 years, withdrawals up to policy tax basis are not
                      taxable; and policy loans are not taxable provided that the policy remains in force until the
                      insured dies. Withdrawals and policy loans may reduce policy values and death benefits.


Presented by: PL agent                           For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Weighted Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                  Page: 9 Of 10

[LOGO OF PACIFIC LIFE                                       Pacific Select Estate Preserver - NY - GPT - Life Insurance Illustration
 & ANNUITY COMPANY]                                          Last Survivor Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policy
                                                                                              Form #P0156NY - For Presentation in NY
                      If a life insurance policy loan is still outstanding when a policy is surrendered or lapses, the
                      loan is automatically repaid from policy values. This will result in taxable income to the extent
                      the cash surrender value plus the amount of the repaid loan exceeds the cost basis of the policy.
                      Any tax estimate(s) included in this illustration does not include an estimate of this tax.

                      If a life insurance policy loan is still outstanding at the time of death, the loan is automatically
                      repaid from the policy's death benefit. This use of the death benefit to repay a policy loan does
                      not cause the recognition of taxable income.

                      Modified Endowment Contracts: As defined in IRC Section 7702A, a modified endowment contract (MEC)
                      is a life insurance policy in which the cumulative premium payments (less non-taxable partial
                      withdrawals and non-taxable cash dividends) since the policy effective date exceeds, at any time
                      during the first seven policy years, the cumulative total of the Seven-Pay Premiums (the 7-pay
                      test). The initial annual Seven-Pay Premium limit on the policy being illustrated here is

                      Generally, once a policy is a MEC, it is always a MEC. However, if premiums in excess of the
                      Seven-Pay Premium limit are paid, the MEC status can be avoided if such premium payments, plus
                      interest (which is taxable), are returned to the policyowner within 60 days after the end of the
                      'measuring year' in which the premium payment was made. For this purpose, the 'measuring year' is
                      the same as a policy year, except that, if the policy has a Material Change then the 'measuring
                      year' will run between anniversaries of the Material Change date instead. Note, if a Material Change
                      occurs on a date other than a policy anniversary, the specific timing of the 60-day window may

                      Distributions from a MEC, either a partial withdrawal, a cash dividend, or loan, are taxed to the
                      extent there is a gain in the policy and may be subject to additional penalties. Distributions taken
                      from a policy during the two years prior to the policy becoming a MEC will be treated as taxable
                      under MEC rules in the year the policy becomes a MEC. This illustration does not reflect this
                      taxation process.

                      If there is a "material change" in the terms or benefits of the policy, the 7-pay test will be
                      applied as if this is a new policy at the date of the material change.

                      Based on our understanding of the Internal Revenue Code and the assumptions in this illustration,
                      THIS POLICY WOULD NOT BECOME A MEC.

PREMIUM LIMITS                  Initial Guideline Single Premium:    $327,996.20
SUMMARY                         Initial Guideline Level Premium:      $31,711.40
                                Initial Seven Pay Premium:            $79,505.37

                      When the death benefit is greater than the face amount due to accumulated value growth, payment of
                      additional premium will be subject to approval.

POLICY FREE LOOK      There is a free look right in the policy, which provides that you may return it within 10 days after
RIGHT                 you receive it. You need only deliver it to Pacific Life & Annuity Company or to the agent who
                      delivered the policy to you. In such case, the policy will be deemed void from the beginning and
                      Pacific Life & Annuity Company will refund the premiums paid. If the policy is issued as a
                      replacement of existing coverage, the free look period is 60 days and Pacific Life & Annuity Company
                      will refund the policy value plus any charges and loads which were deducted.


Presented by: PL agent                           For: Mr. SEP-NY 12 Weighted Avg

          Pacific Life & Annuity Company, 700 Newport Center Drive,
                            Newport Beach, CA 92660

                              SEPNY - GPT - NonGI                 Page: 10 Of 10