- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            AWARD/CONTRACT                    1. THIS CONTRACT IS A RATED ORDER          RATING           PAGE       of PAGES
                                                 UNDER DPAS (15 CFR 350)                 DO-CS(U)          1            21
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     N00014-96-C-0279                            See Block 20c         96PR06041-00 / 18 APR 96 / 311 EW
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5.   ISSUED BY                   CODE  N00014          6. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 5)    CODE  S0513A
                                       ---------------                                                    -------------------------
     OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH                          DCMC SANTA ANA                   SCD-C
     ONR 251 WDW (703) 696-2574                        34 CIVIC CENTER PLZ
     BALLSTON TOWER ONE                                PO BOX C 12700
     800 NORTH QUINCY STREET                           SANTA ANA, CA 92712-2700
     ARLINGTON, VA 22217-5660
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.   NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No., street, city, county,         8. DELIVERY 
     State and ZIP Code.)                                              
                                                                                   See SECTION F of Schedule
     3001 REDHILL AVENUE                                                    [_] FOB ORIGIN    [_] OTHER (See below)
     COSTA MESA, CA 92626                                              ------------------------------------------------------------ 
                                                                        9. DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT
                                                                        10. SUBMIT INVOICES (4 copies        ITEM
                                                                        unless otherwise specified) TO THE      SEE SECTION G
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS SHOWN IN
CODE   54266                          FACILITY CODE   
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11.  SHIP TO/MARK FOR            CODE   N08014                    12.  PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY           CODE  SC 1006
                                        -------------------------                                              --------------------
     PROGRAM OFFICER                                              DFAS COLUMBUS CENTER           
                                                                  PO BOX 182381                  
                                                                  COLUMBUS, OH  43218-2381        
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [_] 18 U.S.C. 2304(c)(         N/A         )
     [_] 41 U.S.C. 253(c)(          N/A        )                            See Attached Financial Accounting Data Sheet(s)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15A. ITEM NO.             15B. SUPPLIES/SERVICES                  15C. QUANTITY       15D. UNIT      15E. UNIT     15F. AMOUNT
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          See SECTION B of Schedule
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                 15G. TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT  $  749,671.00
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       16. TABLE OF CONTENTS
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  (X) SEC  DESCRIPTION                           PAGE(S)            (X)  SEC              DESCRIPTION                    PAGE(S)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   PART I - THE SCHEDULE                                             PART II - CONTRACT CLAUSES
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   X   A   SOLICITATION/CONTRACT FORM               1                X    I      CONTRACT CLAUSES                         6-21
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   X   B   SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COSTS    2                               PART 111 - LIST OF DOCUMENTS, 
                                                                                     EXHIBITS AND OTHER ATTACH.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   X   C   DESCRIPTION/SPECS./WORK STATEMENT        2                X    J      LIST OF ATTACHMENTS                       21
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   X   D   PACKAGING AND MARKING                    2                        PART IV - REPRESENTATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   X   E   INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE                2                     K      REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS AND
                                                                                 OTHER STATEMENTS OF OFFERORS
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   X   F   DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE               2-3                
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   X   G   CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA            3-5                    L      INSTRS., CONDS., AND NOTICES TO OFFERORS
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   x   H   SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS           5-6                    M      EVALUATION FACTORS FOR AWARD
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   CONTRACTING OFFICER WILL COMPLETE ITEM 17 OR 18 AS APPLICABLE
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17.  [X] CONTRACTOR'S NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT (Contractor is        18. [ ] AWARD (Contractor is not required to sign this document.) 
         required to sign this document                                  Your offer on Solicitation Number ________. Including the
and return _2_ copies to issuing office.) Contractor agrees      additions or changes made by you which additions or changes are set
to furnish and deliver all items or perform all the services     forth in full above, is hereby accepted as to the terms listed 
set forth or otherwise identified above and on any               above and on any continuation sheets. This award consummates the
continuation sheets for the consideration stated herein. The     contract which consists of the following documents: (a) the 
rights and obligations of the parties to this contract shall     Government's solicitation and your offer, and (b) this award/
be subject to and governed by the following documents: (a) this   contract. No further contractual document is necessary.
award/contract, (b) the solicitation, if any and (c) such 
provisions, representations, certifications, and specifications,
as are attached or incorporated by reference herein. 
(Attachments are listed herein.)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or print)                    20A. NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER
     [STAMP OF DAVID PINTO,                                           [STAMP OF LAMBERT C. McCULLOUGH, CONTRACTING OFFICER
      TREASURER APPEARS HERE]                                         APPEARS HERE]
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19B. NAME OF CONTRACTOR                      19C. DATE SIGNED    20B. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA               20C. DATE SIGNED
     IRVINE SENSORS CORPORATION                         
  By [SIGNATURE APPEARS HERE]                     960716            By [SIGNATURE APPEARS HERE]                   7-17-96  
     --------------------------                                        --------------------------                          
  (Signature of personauthorized to sign)                           (Signature of Contracting Officer)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NSN 7540-01-152-8069                                                                                 STANDARD FORM 26 (REV. 4-85)
PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE                                                                           Prescribed by GSA
NAVONR OVERPRINT (4-85)                                                                              FAR (48 CFR) 53.214(a)


                                   ESTIMATED       FIXED      TOTAL ESTIMATED
0001      The Contractor shall     $699,563.00   $50,108.00     $749,671.00
          furnish the necessary
          personnel and facilities
          to conduct research as
          described in Section C.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002      Reports and Data in                                   NSP
          accordance with Exhibit A
          (DD Form 1423)
TOTAL ESTIMATED CONTRACT           $699,563.00   $50,108.00     $749,671.00


1.  The work and services to be performed hereunder shall be subject to the 
requirements and standards contained in Exhibit A and the following 

2.  The contractor shall conduct work in accordance with Section 3, entitled 
"Phase II Work Plan," on pages 13-15 of the contractor's proposal entitled, "3D 
Silicon MIMD/SIMD Massively Parallel Processor," dated 16 MAY 1995, which 
section is hereby incorporated by reference.


Preservation, packaging, packing and marking of all deliverable contract line 
items shall conform to normal commercial packing standards to assure safe 
delivery at destination.


Inspection and acceptance of the final delivery under this contract will be 
accomplished by the Program Officer designated in Section F of this contract, 
who shall have at least thirty (30) days after contractual delivery for 


1.  The research work under this contract shall be conducted during the period 
from the award date through 31 JAN 1998. A final report will be prepared, 
submitted, reproduced and distributed by sixty days thereafter unless the 
contract is extended, in which case, the final report will be prepared in 
accordance with the terms of such extension.

    a.  Item No. 0002 of Section B (Reports and Data) shall be delivered within 
the time periods stated in Exhibit A, F.O.B. Destination.

2.  Distribution, consignment and marking instructions for all contract line 
items shall be in accordance with the following:

                                    Page 2

     a.  Item No. 0002 shall be shipped F.O.B. Office of Naval Research, 
Arlington, Virginia 22217-5660, consigned to:

         Program Officer
         Office of Naval Research
         Ballston Tower One
         800 North Quincy Street
         Arlington, Virginia 22217-5660

     Attn: Elizabeth Wald
     Ref: Contract N00014-96-C-0279



    (a)  "Invoice" as used in this clause includes contractor requests for 
interim payments using public vouchers (SF 1034) but does not include contractor
requests for progress payments under fixed price incentive contracts.

    (b)  The Contractor shall submit invoices and any necessary supporting 
documentation, in an original and 4 copies, to the contract auditor* at the 
following address:

    PO BOX 182381
    COLUMBUS, OH 43218-2381

unless delivery orders are applicable, in which case invoices will be segregated
by individual order and submitted to the address specified in the order. In 
addition, an information copy shall be submitted to the Program Officer 
identified in Section F.2a of this contract. Following verification, the 
contract auditor* will forward the invoice to the designated payment office for 
payment in the amount determined to be owing, in accordance with the applicable 
payment (and fee) clause(s) of this contract.

     (c)  Invoices requesting interim payments shall be submitted no more than 
once every two weeks, unless another time period is specified in the Payments 
clause of this contract. For indefinite delivery type contracts, interim payment
invoices shall be submitted no more than once every two weeks for each delivery 
order. There shall be a lapse of no more than 30 calendar days between 
performance and submission of an interim payment invoice.

     (d)  In addition to the information identified in the Prompt Payment clause
herein, each invoice shall contain the following information, as applicable:

          (1)  Contract line item number (CLIN)
          (2)  Subline item number (SLIN)
          (3)  Accounting Classification Reference Number (ACRN)
          (4)  Payment terms
          (5)  Procuring activity

     CONTRACT NUMBER: N00014-96-C-0279
                                                                          Page 3

          (6)  Date supplies provided or services performed
          (7)  Costs incurred and allowable under the contract
          (8)  Vessel (e.g., ship, submarine or other craft) or system for 
               which supply/service is provided.

     (e)  A DD Form 250, "Material Inspection and Receiving Report"
is required only with the final invoice.

     (f)  A Certificate of Performance shall be provided with each invoice 

     (g)  The Contractor's final invoice shall be identified as such, and shall 
list all other invoices (if any) previously tendered under this contract.

     (h)  Costs of performance shall be segregated, accumulated and invoiced to
the appropriate ACRN categories to the extent possible. When such segregation of
costs by ACRN is not possible for invoices submitted with CLINS/SLINS with more
than one ACRN, an allocation ratio shall be established in the same ratio as the
obligations cited in the accounting data so that costs are allocated on a
proportional basis.

2.   Method of Payment
As consideration for the proper performance of the work and services required 
under this contract, the Contractor shall be paid as follows:

          a.  Costs, as provided for under the contract clause entitled 
"Allowable Cost and Payment," not to exceed the amount set forth as "Estimated 
Cost" in Section B, subject to the contract clause entitled "Limitation of Cost"
or "Limitation of Funds" whichever is applicable.

          b.  A fixed fee in the amount set forth as "Fixed Fee" in Section B, 
in accordance with the contract clause entitled "Fixed Fee", which shall be paid
upon completion of the work and services required under this contract and upon 
final acceptance by the Contracting Officer, however, the Contractor may bill on
each voucher the amount of the fee bearing the same percentage to the total 
fixed fee as the amount of cost billed bears to the total estimated cost.

3.   Procuring Office Representatives
    a.    In order to expedite administration of this contract, the 
Administrative Contracting Officer should direct inquiries to the appropriate 
office listed below. Please do not direct routine inquiries to the person listed
in Item 20A on Standard Form 26.

     Contract Negotiator - Wade Wargo, ONR 251, (703)696-2574, Autovon 426-2574

     Inspection and Acceptance - Elizabeth Wald, ONR 311, (703)696-0157, Autovon

     Security Matters - ONR 93, (703)696-4618, Autovon 426-4618

     Patent Matters - Mr. William McCarthy, ONR 00CC, (703)696-4003, Autovon    

     b.   The Administrative Contracting Officer will forward invention 
disclosures and reports directly to Patent Counsel (ONR 00CC), Office of Naval 
Research, Department of the Navy, Arlington, Virginia 22217-5660. The Patent 
Counsel will return the reports along with a recommendation to the

     CONTRACT NUMBER: N00014-96-C-0279                                   Page 4

Administrative Contracting Officer. The Patent Counsel will represent the 
Contracting Officer with regard to invention reporting matters arising under 
this contract.

4.   Type of Contract

This is a cost-plus-fixed-fee completion contract.


1.   ONR 5252.235-9714 REPORT PREPARATION (DEC 1988)

Scientific or technical reports prepared by the Contractor and deliverable under
the terms of this contract will be prepared in accordance with format 
requirements contained in ANSI Z39.18, Scientific and Technical Reports: 
Organization, Preparation and Production.

2.   ONR 5252.210-9708 METRICATION REQUIREMENTS (DEC 1988)

     (a)  All scientific and technical reports reports delivered pursuant to the
terms of this contract shall identify units of measurement in accordance with 
the International System of Units (SI) commonly referred to as the "Metric 
System". Conversion to U.S. customary units may also be given where additional 
clarity is deemed necessary. Guidance for application of the metric system is 
contained in the American Society of Testing Materials document entitled 
"Standard Practice for Use of the International System of Units (The Modernized 
Metric System)" (ASTM Designation E 380-89A)

     (b)  This provision also applies to journal article preprints, reprints, 
commercially published books or chapters of books, theses or dissertations 
submitted in lieu of a scientific and/or technical report.

3.   Invention Disclosures and Reports

The Contractor shall submit all invention disclosures and reports required by 
the Patent Rights clause of this contract to the Administrative Contracting 

4.   ONR 5252.242-9718 TECHNICAL DIRECTION (DEC 1988)

     (a)  Performance of the work hereunder is subject to the technical 
direction of the Program Officer/COTR designated in this contract, or duly 
authorized representative. For the purposes of this clause, technical direction 
includes the following:

          (1)  Direction to the Contractor which shifts work emphasis between 
work areas or tasks, requires pursuit of certain lines of inquiry, fills in 
details or otherwise serves to accomplish the objectives described in the  
statement of work;
          (2)  Guidelines to the Contractor which assist in the interpretation
of drawings, specifications or technical portions of work description.

     (b)  Technical direction must be within the general scope of work stated 
in the contract.  Technical direction may not be used to:

          (1)  Assign additional work under the contract;  


     CONTRACT NUMBER: N00014-96-C-0279                                    Page 5

          (2)  Direct a change as defined in the contract clause entitled 

          (3)  Increase or decrease the estimated contract cost, the fixed fee, 
or the time required for contract performance; or

          (4)  Change any of the terms, conditions or specifications of the 

     (c)  The only individual authorized to in any way amend or modify any of 
the terms of this contract shall be the Contracting Officer. When, in the 
opinion of the Contractor, any technical direction calls for effort outside the 
scope of the contract or inconsistent with this special provision, the
Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing within ten working
days after its receipt. The Contractor shall not proceed with the work affected
by the technical direction until the Contractor is notified by the Contracting
Officer that the technical direction is within the scope of the contract.

     (d)  Nothing in the foregoing paragraphs may be construed to excuse the 
Contractor from performing that portion of the work statement which is not 
affected by the disputed technical direction.


Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee - Research and Development (JUN 1996) (1)

           * Applies when contract action exceeds $10,000.
          ** Applies when contract action exceeds $50,000.
         *** Applies when contract action exceeds $100,000.
           + Applies when contract action exceeds $500,000.
          ++ Applies when contract action exceeds $500,000
             and subcontracting possibilities exist.
           O Small Business Exempt
           x (DD 250).


This contract incorporates the following clauses by reference, with the same 
force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the 
Contracting Officer will make their full text available.


    **   FAR 52.202-01      Definitions (OCT 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         FAR 52.203-03      Gratuities (APR 1984)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         FAR 52.203-05      Covenant Against Contingent Fees (APR 1984)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         FAR 52.203-07      Anti-Kickback Procedures (JUL 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    **   FAR 52.203-10      Price or Fee Adjustment for Illegal or Improper
                            Activity (SEP 1990)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ***   FAR 52.203-12      Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal
                            Transactions (JAN 1990)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    CONTRACT NUMBER N00014-96-C-0279                                      Page 6


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.204-5      Women-Owned Business (OCT 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.211-15     Defense Priority and Allocation Requirements (SEP
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.215-02     Audit and Records - Negotiation (OCT 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     +     FAR 52.215-22     Price Reduction for Defective Cost or Pricing Data
                             (OCT 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     +     FAR 52.215-24     Subcontractor Cost or Pricing Data (OCT 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.215-26     Integrity of Unit Prices (OCT 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.215-26     Alternate I (APR 1991) (Applicable if action
                             contracted under Other Than Full and Open
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.215-27     Termination of Defined Benefit Pension Plans (MAR
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.215-33     Order of Precedence (JAN 1986)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.215-39     Reversion or Adjustment of Plans for Postretirement
                             Benefits Other than Pensions (PRB) (MAR 1996)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.215-43     Audit -- Commercial Items (OCT 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.216-07     Allowable Cost and Payment (JUL 1991) (As modified
                             by DoD Class Deviation 95-00003 dated 13 July
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.216-08     Fixed Fee (APR 1984) (As modified by DoD Class
                             Deviation 95-00003 dated 13 July 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    **     FAR 52.219-08     Utilization of Small, Small Disadvantaged, and
                             Women-Owned Small Business Concerns (OCT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ++O     FAR 52-219-09     Small, Small Disadvantaged, and Women-Owned
                             Small Business Subcontracting Plan (OCT 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ++O     FAR 52.219-16     Liquidated Damages -- Subcontracting Plan (OCT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.222-01     Notice to the Government of Labor Disputes (APR
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ***     FAR 52.222-02     Payment for Overtime Premiums (JUL 1990) (Note:
                             The word "zero" is inserted in the blank space
                             indicated by an asterisk)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.222-03     Convict Labor (APR 1984) (Reserved when FAR
                             52.222-20 Walsh Healy Public Contracts Act is
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    CONTRACT NUMBER N00014-96-C-0279                                      Page 7

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.222-04     Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act-
                             Overtime Compensation (JUL 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.222-26     Equal Opportunity (APR 1984)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      *    FAR 52.222-35     Affirmative Action for Special Disabled and Vietnam
                             Era Veterans (APR 1984)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.222-36     Affirmative Action for Handicapped Workers (APR 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      *    FAR 52.222-37     Employment Reports on Special Disabled Veterans
                             and Veterans of the Vietnam Era (JAN 1988)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ***    FAR 52.223-02     Clean Air and Water (APR 1984)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     **    FAR 52.223-06     Drug-Free Workplace (JUL 1990) (Applies when
                             contract action equals or exceeds $25,000 or when
                             any modification increases the total contract value
                             to $25,000 or more)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.225.11     Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases (MAY 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.227-01     Authorization and Consent (JUL 1995) and Alternate 
                             1 (APR 1984)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     **    FAR 52.227-02     Notice and Assistance Regarding Patent and 
                             Copyright Infringement (APR 1984)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.228-07     Insurance Liability to Third Persons (MAR 1996)
                             (Further to paragraph (a)(3), unless otherwise
                             stated in this contract, type and limits of
                             insurance required are as stated in FAR 28.307-2)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.232-09     Limitation on Withholding of Payments (APR 1984)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.232-17     Interest (JAN 1991)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.232-23     Assignment of Claims (JAN 1986)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.232-25     Prompt Payment (MAR 1994)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.232-28     Electronics Funds Transfer Payment Methods (APR 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.233-01     Disputes (OCT 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.233-03     Protest After Award (OCT 1995) and Alternate I 
                             (JUN 1985)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.242-01     Notice of Intent to Disallow Costs (APR 1984)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      +    FAR 52.242-03     Penalties for Unallowable Costs (OCT 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           FAR 52.242-04     Certification of Indirect Costs (OCT 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     CONTRACT NUMBER N00014-96-C-0279                                     Page 8


      **       FAR 52.242-13           Bankruptcy (JUL 1995)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               FAR 52.242.15           Stop Work Order (AUG 1989) and Alternate I (APR
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               FAR 52.243-02           Changes Cost-Reimbursement (AUG 1987) and
                                       Alternate V (APR 1984)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               FAR 52.244-02           Subcontracts (Cost Reimbursement and Letter
                                       Contracts (MAR 1996) and Alternate 1 (JUL 1995)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      **       FAR 52.244-05           Competition in Subcontracting (JAN 1996)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               FAR 52.245-05           Government Property (Cost Reimbursement, Time
                                       and Material or Labor-Hour Contracts) (JAN 1986)
                                       (As modified by DoD Class Deviation 95-00001
                                       dated 14 July 1995)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               FAR 52.246-09           Inspection of Research and Development (Short
                                       Form) (APR 1984)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               FAR 52.247-63           Preference for U.S. Flag Air Carriers (APR 1984)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               FAR 52.249-06           Termination (Cost-Reimbursement) (MAY 1986)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               FAR 52.249-14           Excusable delays (APR 1984)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               FAR 52.251-01           Government Supply Sources (APR 1984)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               FAR 52.253-01           Computer Generated Forms (JAN 1991)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     


               DFARS 252.203-7001        Special Prohibition on Employment (NOV 1995)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               DFARS 252.204-7003        Control of Government Personnel Work
                                         Product (APR 1992)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      **       DFARS 252.209-7000        Acquisition from Subcontractors subject to On-
                                         Site Inspection under the Intermediate Range
                                         Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty (NOV 1995)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       +       DFARS 252.215-7000        Pricing Adjustments (DEC 1991)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     ++0       DFARS 252.219-7003        Small, Small Disadvantaged and Women-
                                         owned Small Business Subcontracting Plan
                                         (DoD Contracts) (APR 1996)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               DFARS 252.227-7013        Rights in Technical Data -- Noncommercial
                                         Items (NOV 1995)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       CONTRACT NUMBER N00014-96-C-0279                                  Page 9

         DFARS 252.227-7014   Rights in Noncommercial Computer Software
                              and Noncommercial Computer Software
                              Documentation (JUN 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         DFARS 252.227-7018   Rights in Noncommercial Technical Data and
                              Computer Software -- Small Business
                              Innovation Research (SBIR) Program (NOV
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         DFARS 252.227-7019   Validation of Asserted Restrictions --
                              Computer Software (JUN 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         DFARS 252.227-7030   Technical Data - Withholding of Payment
                              (OCT 1988)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         DFARS 252.227-7036   Certification of Technical Data Conformity
                              (MAY 1987)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         DFARS 252.227-7037   Validation of Restrictive Markings on
                              Technical Data (NOV 1995)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         DFARS 252.231-7000   Supplemental Cost Principles (DEC 1991)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         DFARS 252.232-7006   Reduction or Suspension of Contract Payments
                              upon Finding of Fraud (AUG 1992)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ***   DFARS 252.233-7000   Certification of Claims and Requests for
                              Adjustment or Relief (MAY 1994)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         DFARS 252.235-7002   Animal Welfare (DEC 1991)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         DFARS 252.242-7000   Post-Award Conference (DEC 1991)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         DFARS 252.245-7001   Reports of Government Property (MAY 1994)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     x   DFARS 252.246-7000   Material Inspection and Receiving Report
                              (DEC 1991)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         DFARS 252.251-7000   Ordering from Government Supply Sources
                              (MAY 1995)

(b)  The following clause applies to contracts exceeding $100,000, and 
modifications for new work exceeding $100,000 to contracts which do not already 
contain the clause:

                MODIFICATION (SEP 1995)

     (a)  Definitions. The definitions set forth in FAR 3.104-4 are hereby 
incorporated in this clause.

    CONTRACT NUMBER N00014-96-C-0279                                     Page 10

     (b)   The Contractor agrees that it will execute the certification set 
forth in paragraph (c) of this clause when requested by the Contracting Officer 
in connection with the execution of any modification of this contract.

     (c)   Certification. As required in paragraph (b) of this clause, the 
officer or employee responsible for the modification proposal shall execute the 
following certification. The certification in paragraph (c)(2) of this clause is
not required for a modification which procures commercial items.

              (SEP 1995)

              (1)  I,        (Name of certifier) am the officer or employee
                   responsible for the preparation of this modification proposal
                   and hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and
                   belief, with the exception of any information described in
                   this certification, I have no information concerning a
                   violation or possible violation of subsection 27(a), (b),
                   (d), or (f) of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act,
                   as amended* (41 U.S.C. 423), (hereinafter referred to as "the
                   Act"), as implemented in the FAR, occurring during the
                   conduct of this procurement (contract and modification

              (2)  As required by subsection 27(e)(1)(B) of the Act, I further
                   certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, each
                   officer, employee, agent, representative, and consultant of
                   ---------------- (Name of Offeror) who has participated 
                   personally and substantially in the preparation or submission
                   of this proposal has certified that he or she is familiar
                   with, and will comply with, the requirements of subsection
                   27(a) of the Act, as implemented in the FAR, and will report
                   immediately to me any information concerning a violation or
                   possible violation of subsections 27(a), (b), (d) or (f) of
                   the Act, as implemented in the FAR, pertaining to this

              (3)  Violations or possible violations: (Continue on plain bond
                   paper if necessary and label Certificate of Procurement
                   Integrity - Modification (Continuation Sheet). (ENTER "NONE"
                   IF NONE EXISTS)




                   (Signature of the officer or employee responsible for the 
                   modification proposal and date)


CONTRACT NUMBER N00014-96-C-0279                                         Page 11


          (Typed name of the officer or employee responsible for the
          modification proposal)


          *Subsections 27(a),(b) and (d) are effective on December 1, 1990.
          Subsection 27(f) is effective on June 1, 1991.


                            (End of certification)

     (d)  In making the certification in paragraph (2) of the certificate, the 
officer or employee of the competing Contractor responsible for the offer or 
bid, may rely upon a one-time certification from each individual required to 
submit a certification to the competing Contractor, supplemented by periodic 
training. These certifications shall be obtained at the earliest possible date 
after an individual required to certify begins employment or association with 
the contractor. If a Contractor decides to rely on a certification executed 
prior to the suspension of section 27 (i.e., prior to December 1, 1989) the 
Contractor shall ensure that an individual who has so certified is notified that
section 27 has been reinstated. These certifications shall be maintained by the 
Contractor for a period of 6 years from the date a certifying employee's 
employment with the company ends or, for an agency, representative, or 
consultant, 6 years from the date such individual ceases to act on behalf of the

     (e)  The certification required by paragraph (c) of this clause is a 
material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed in executing 
this modification.

(c)  This clause applies to all contracts exceeding $500,000.

                    GOVERNMENT OF A TERRORIST COUNTRY (SEP 1994)

     (A)  Definitions.
     As used in this clause--

          (1)  "Government of a terrorist country" includes the state and the 
government of a terrorist country, as well as any political subdivision, agency,
or instrumentality thereof.

          (2)  "Terrorist country" means a country determined by the Secretary 
of State, under section 6(j)(1)(A) of the Export Administration Act of 1979 (50 
U.S.C. App. 2405(j)(1)(A)), as of 60 days before the contract award date, to be 
a country the government of which has 

CONTRACT NUMBER N00014-96-C-0279                                         Page 12

repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism. As of the date 
of this provision, terrorist countries include: Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North 
Korea, Sudan, and Syria.

     (b)  Reporting.

          (1)  In accordance with Section 843 of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994 (Public Law 103-160), if this contract 
exceeds $5,000,000, the Contractor shall report each commercial transaction that
it conducts with the government of a terrorist country during the period of 
performance of this contract (but not beyond September 30, 1996).

          (2)  This reporting requirement does not apply to -- 
               (i)  Transactions conducted by affiliates or subsidiaries of the
Contractor; or

               (ii) Payment or receipt of payment of a judgement or award 
ordered by a court or arbitral tribunal of competent jurisdiction.

          (3)  The Contractor shall submit reports in the following format:

               Title of Report: Report of Commercial Transactions with the 
               Government of a Terrorist Country

               Date of Report:

               Contract Number:

               Contractor's Name and Address:

               Name and Telephone Number of Individual Submitting Report:

               Commercial Transactions with the Government of a Terrorist 

          -------             --------------------------------

- ------------------------   ----------------------------------------

- ------------------------   ----------------------------------------

          (4)  The Contractor shall submit reports annually by September 30, but
not beyond September 30, 1996. Each report shall include transactions conducted 
during the preceding one-year period of contract performance.

          (5)  The Contractor shall submit reports to:

               Deputy Director of Defense Procurement (Foreign Contracting)
               Washington, DC 20301-3060

CONTRACT NUMBER N00014-96-C-0279                                         Page 13

(d)  The following clause applies to contract actions exceeding $500,000, when 
subcontracting possibilities exist. The clause is small business exempt.

                      (NOV 1995)

    (a)   If the Contractor exceeds the small disadvantaged business, 
historically black college and university, minority institution goal of its 
subcontracting plan, at completion of contract performance, the Contractor will
receive ___ percent of the excess.

    (b)   The Contractor will not receive this incentive if the Contracting 
Officer determines that exceeding the goal was not due to the Contractor's 
efforts (e.g., a subcontractor cost overrun or award of subcontracts planned but
not disclosed in the subcontracting plan). Determinations made under this 
paragraph are not subject to the Disputes clause.

    (c)   If this is a cost contract, the limitations in FAR Subpart 15.9 may 
not be exceeded.

    (d)   This clause does not apply if the subcontracting plan is a plant, 
division, or company-wide commercial items plan.


      This contract incorporates the following checked clauses by reference, 
with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request,
the Contracting Officer will make their full text available.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       FAR 52.204-02        Security Requirements (APR 1984) (As modified by
                            DoD Class Deviation 95-00004 dated 12 May
                            1995) (Applicable if contract will generate or
                            require access to classified information and DD
                            Form 254, Contract Security Classification
                            Specification, is issued to the contractor)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  X    FAR 52.209-06        Protecting the Government's Interest when
                            Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred,
                            Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment (JUL 1995)
                            (Applicable to contracts exceeding $25,000 in
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       FAR 52.215-31        Waiver of Facilities Capital Cost of Money (SEP
                            1987) (Applicable if the Contractor did not propose
                            facilities capital cost of money in the offer)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       FAR 52.217-09        Option to Extend the Term of the Contract (MAR 1989)
                            (In paragraph (a), insert " ", and in paragraph (c),
                            insert " "). (Applicable if contract contains line
                            item(s) for option(s)). (Compete the spaces in
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CONTRACT NUMBER N00014-96-C-O279                                         Page 14

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   X     FAR 52.219-06        Notice of Total Small Business Set-Aside (APR
                              1984), and Alternate I (OCT 1995) (Applicable to
                              total small business set-asides, including SBIR)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         FAR 52.222-20        Walsh Healy Public Contracts Act (APR 1984) (As
                              modified by DoD Class Deviation 95-00009 dated
                              15 Dec 1995) (Applicable if the contract includes
                              deliverable materials, supplies, articles or
                              equipment in an amount that exceeds or may
                              exceed $10,000)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         FAR 52.222-28        Equal Opportunity Preaward Clearance of
                              Subcontracts (APR 1984) (Applicable only when
                              contract action exceeds $1,000,000 or when any
                              modification increases contract amount to more
                              than $1,000,000)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         FAR 52.226-01        Utilization of Indian Organizations and Indian-
                              Owned Economic Enterprises (AUG 1991)
                              (Applicable when FAR 52.219-09 Small Business
                              and Small Disadvantaged Business Subcontracting
                              Plan, applies)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         FAR 52.227-10        Filing of Patent Applications - Classified Subject
                              Matter (APR 1984) (Applicable if contract is
                              subject to FAR clauses 52.204-02 and either FAR
                              52.227-11 or FAR 52.227-12)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   X     FAR 52.227-11        Patent Rights - Retention by the Contractor (Short
                              Form) (JUN 1989) (Applicable if contractor is a
                              small business or nonprofit organization)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         FAR 52.227-12        Patent Rights - Retention by the Contractor (Long
                              Form) (JUN 1989) (Applicable if contractor is a
                              large business)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   X     OFAR 52.230-02       Cost Accounting Standards (AUG 1992) Applicable
                              when contract amount is over $500,000, if
                              Contractor is subject to full CAS coverage, as set
                              forth in 48 CFR Chapter 99, Subpart 9903.201-2(a),
                              i.e., when the contractor receives a single 
                              CAS-covered contract award of $10 million or
                              more; received $10 million or more in CAS-covered
                              contract awards during its preceding cost
                              accounting period; or received less than $10 
                              million in CAS-covered contract awards during its
                              preceding cost accounting period, but such awards
                              were 10% or more of total sales.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    CONTRACT NUMBER N00014-96-C-0279                                     Page 15

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      OFAR 52.230-03         Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting
                             Practices (NOV 1993) Applicable when contract
                             amount is over $500,000 but less than $10 million,
                             and the offeror certifies it is eligible for and
                             elects to use modified CAS coverage as set forth in
                             48 CFR Chapter 99, Subpart 9903.201-2(b).
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  X   OFAR 52.230-05         Administration of Cost Accounting Standards (FEB
                             1995) (Applicable if contract is subject to either
                             clause at FAR 52.230-02 or the clause at FAR 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  X   FAR 52.232-20          Limitation of Cost (APR 1984) (Applicable only when
                             contract action is fully funded)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      FAR 52.232-22          Limitation of Funds (APR 1984) (Applicable only
                             when contract action is incrementally funded)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      FAR 52.245-5           Government Property (Cost-Reimbursement, Time-and-
                             Material, or Labor-Hour Contracts) ALT I (JUL 1985)
                             (Applicable if contractor is a nonprofit
                             organization whose primary purpose is the conduct
                             of scientific research)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  X   DFARS 252.203-7000     Statutory Prohibition on Compensation to Former
                             Department of Defense Employees (NOV 1995)
                             (Applicable when contract action exceeds $100,000
                             or when any modification increases contract amount
                             to more than $100,000)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      DFARS 252.203-7002     Display of DoD Hotline Poster (DEC 1991)
                             (Applicable only when contract action exceeds $5
                             million or when any modification increases contract
                             amount to more than $5 million)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      DFARS 252.204-7000     Disclosures of Information (DEC 1991) (Applies when
                             Contractor will have access to or generate
                             unclassified information that may be sensitive and
                             inappropriate for release to the public)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  X   DFARS 252.205-7000     Provision of Information to Cooperative Agreement
                             Holders (DEC 1991) (Applicable only when contract
                             action exceeds $500,000 or when any modification
                             increases total contract amount to more than
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  X   DFARS 252.215-7002     Cost Estimating System Requirements (DEC 1991)
                             (Applicable only to contract actions awarded on the
                             basis of certified cost or pricing data)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CONTRACT NUMBER N00014-96-C-0279                                         Page 16


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       DFARS 252.223-7004       Drug-Free Work force (SEP 1988) (Applicable (a) if
                                contract involves access to classified information;
                                or (b) when the Contracting Officer determines that
                                the clause is necessary for reasons of national
                                security or for the purpose of protecting the health
                                or safety of those using or affected by the product
                                of, or performance of the contract.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      DFARS 252.223-7006        Prohibition on Storage and Disposal of Toxic and
                                Hazardous Materials (APR 1993) (Applicable if
                                work requires, may require, or permits contractor
                                performance on a DoD installation)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      DFARS 252.225-7001        Buy American Act and Balance of Payments
                                Program (JAN 1994) (Applicable to actions over
                                $25,000 if the contract includes deliverable
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      DFARS 252.225-7002        Qualifying Country Sources as Subcontractors
                                (DEC 1991) (Applicable when clause at DFARS
                                252.225-7001 applies)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      DFARS 252.225-7008        Supplies to be Accorded Duty-Free Entry (DEC
                                1991) (Applicable when clause at DFARS
                                252.225-7009 applies)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      DFARS 252.225-7009        Duty Free Entry - Qualifying Country End Products
                                and Supplies (DEC 1991) (Applicable if contract
                                includes deliverable supplies)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      DFARS 252.225-7010        Duty Free Entry - Additional Provisions (DEC 1991)
                                (Applicable when clause at DFARS 252.225-7009
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  X   DFARS 252.225-7026        Reporting of Contract Performance Outside the
                                United States (NOV 1995) (Applicable only when
                                contract value exceeds $500,000 or when any
                                modification increases contract value to more than
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  X   DFARS 252.227-7034        Patents - Subcontracts (APR 1984) (Applicable
                                when clause at FAR 52.227-11 applies)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  X   DFARS 252.227-7039        Patents - Reporting of Subject Inventions (APR
                                1990) (Applies when clause at FAR 52.227-11
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      DFARS 252.242-7004        Material Management and Accounting System
                                (DEC 1991) (Applicable to contract actions
                                exceeding $25,000) (Not applicable to contracts
                                set aside for exclusive participation by small
                                business and small disadvantaged business
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CONTRACT NUMBER N00014-96-C-0279                                       PAGE 17

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     DFARS 252.249-7001     Notification of Substantial Impact on Employment
                            (DEC 1991) (Applies to all prime contracts valued
                            at $5 million or more, and to all contracts with
                            subcontracts of $500,000 or more)

(f)  The following clause is applicable to contract actions exceeding $25,000:


     (a)  As used in this clause:

          (1)  "Components" means articles, materials, and supplies incorporated
directly into end products at any level of manufacture, fabrication or assembly 
by the Contractor or any subcontractor.

          (2)  "Department of Defense" (DoD) means the Army, Navy, Air Force, 
Marine Corps, and Defense agencies.
          (3)  "Foreign flag vessel" means any vessel that is not a U.S.-flag 

          (4)  "Ocean transportation" means any transportation aboard a ship, 
vessel, boat, barge, or ferry through international waters.

          (5)  "Subcontractor" means a supplier, materialman, distributor or 
vendor at any level below the prime contractor whose contractual obligation to 
perform results from, or is conditioned upon, award of the prime contract and 
who is performing any part of the work or other requirement of the prime 
contract. However, effective May 1, 1996, the term does not include a supplier, 
materialman, distributor or vendor of commercial items or commercial components.

          (6)  "Supplies" means all property, except land and interests in land,
that is clearly identifiable for eventual use by or owned by the DoD at the time
of transportation by sea.

               (i)   An item is clearly identifiable for eventual use by the DoD
                     if, for example, the contract documentation contains a
                     reference to a DoD contract number or a military
               (ii)  "Supplies" includes (but is not limited to) public works,
                     buildings and facilities; ships; floating equipment and
                     vessels of every character, type and description, with
                     parts, subassemblies, accessories and equipment; machine
                     tools; material; equipment; stores of all kinds; end items;
                     construction materials; and components of the foregoing.

          (7)  "U.S.-flag vessel" means a vessel of the United States or 
belonging to the United States, including any vessel registered or having
national status under the laws of the United States.

     (b)  The Contractor shall employ United States-flag vessels in the 
transportation by sea of any supplies to be furnished in the performance of this
contract. The Contractor and its subcontractors may request that the Contracting
Officer authorize shipment in foreign-flag vessels, or designate U.S.-flag 
vessels, if the Contractor or a subcontractor believes that --

          (1)  U.S.-flag vessels are not available for timely shipment;
          (2)  The freight charges are inordinately excessive or unreasonable;

    CONTRACT NUMBER N00014-96-C-0279                                     Page 18

           (3)   Freight charges are higher than charges to private persons for 
transportation of like goods.

     (c)   The Contractor must submit any request for use of other than 
U.S.-flag vessels in writing to the Contracting Officer at least 45 days prior 
to the sailing date necessary to meet its delivery schedules. The Contracting 
Officer will process requests submitted after such date(s) as expeditiously as 
possible, but the Contracting Officer's failure to grant approvals to meet the 
shipper's sailing date will not of itself constitute a compensable delay under 
this or any other clause of this contract. Requests shall contain at a 
minimum --

                 (1)   Type, weight, and cube of cargo.
                 (2)   Required shipping date.
                 (3)   Special handling and discharge requirements.
                 (4)   Loading and discharge points.
                 (5)   Name of shipper and consignee.
                 (6)   Prime contract number; and
                 (7)   A documented description of efforts made to secure 
U.S.-flag vessels, including points of contact (with names and telephone 
numbers) of at least two (2) U.S.-flag carriers contacted. Copies of telephone 
notes, telegraphic and facsimile messages or letters will be sufficient for this

     (d)   The Contractor shall, within thirty (30) days after each shipment 
covered by this clause, provide the Contracting Officer and the Division of 
National Cargo, Office of Market Development, Maritime Administration, U.S. 
Department of Transportation, Washington, DC 20590, one copy of the rated on 
board vessel operating carrier's ocean-bill-of-lading, which shall contain the 
following information:

                 (1)   Prime contract number;
                 (2)   Name of vessel;
                 (3)   Vessel flag of registry;
                 (4)   Date of loading;
                 (5)   Port of loading;
                 (6)   Port of final discharge;
                 (7)   Description of commodity;
                 (8)   Gross weight in pounds and cubic feet if available;
                 (9)   Total ocean freight in U.S. dollars; and
                 (10)  Name of the steamship company.

     (e)   The Contractor agrees to provide with its final invoice under this 
contract a representation that to the best of its knowledge and belief:

                 (1)   No ocean transportation was used in the performance of
this contract;
                 (2)   Ocean transportation was used and only United States-flag
vessels were used for all ocean shipments under the contract.
                 (3)  Ocean transportation was used, and the Contractor had the 
written consent of the Contracting Officer for all non-U.S.-flag ocean 
transportation; or
                 (4)   Ocean transportation was used and some or all of the 
shipments were made on non-U.S.-flag vessels without the written consent of the 
Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall describe these shipments in the 
following format:

     CONTRACT NUMBER N00014-96-C-0279                                   Page 19


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       ITEM               CONTRACT
                    DESCRIPTION          LINE ITEMS            QUANTITY
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     (f)   If the final invoices does not include the required representation, 
the Government will reject it and return it to the Contractor as an improper 
invoice for the purposes of Prompt Payment clause of this contract. In the event
there has been unauthorized use of non-U.S.-flag vessels in the performance of 
this contract, the Contracting Officer is entitled to equitably adjust the 
contract, based on the unauthorized use.

     (g)   The Contractor shall include this clause, including this paragraph 
(g), in all subcontracts under this contract, which exceed the simplified 
acquisition threshold in Part 13 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations.

(g)  --The following clause is applicable when the Contractor has made a 
negative response to the inquiry in the representation at DFARS 252.247-7022.

     (a)   The Contractor has indicated by the response to the solicitation 
provision, Representation of Extent of Transportation by Sea, that it did not 
anticipate transporting by sea any supplies. If, however, after the award of 
this contract, the Contractor learns that supplies, as defined in the 
Transportation of Supplies by Sea clause of this contract, will be transported 
by sea, the Contractor --
            (1)   Shall notify the Contracting Officer of that fact; and
            (2)   Hereby agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions of 
the Transportation of Supplies by Sea clause of this contract.

     (b)   The Contractor shall include this clause, including this paragraph 
(b), revised as necessary to reflect the relationship of the contracting 
parties, in all subcontracts hereunder, except (effective May 1, 1996) 
subcontracts for the acquisition of commercial items or components.

(h)    The following clause applies to competitive contracts exceeding $100,000 
(including all options) and competitive 8(a) contracts.


     (a)   Unless otherwise exempt, the Contractor owned or operated facilities 
used in the performance of this contract shall file by July 1 for the prior 
calendar year an annual Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Form (Form R) as 
described in sections 313 (a) and (g) of the Emergency Planning and Community 
Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA) (42 U.S.C. 11023 (a) and (g)), and section 
6607 of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 (PPA) (42 U.S.C. 13106). Such 
Contractor facilities shall file the annual Form R throughout the life of the 
     (b)   A Contractor is exempt from the requirement to file an annual Form R 
if none of the Contractor owned or operated facilities used in the performance 
of this contract--

CONTRACT NUMBER N00014-96-C-0279                                         Page 20

     (1)  Manufacture, process or otherwise use any toxic chemicals listed under
section 313(c) of EPCRA, 42 U.S.C. 11023(c);
     (2)  Have 10 or more full-time employees as specified in section 
313(b)(1)(A) of EPCRA, 42 U.S.C. 11023(b)(1)(A);
     (3)  Meet the reporting thresholds of toxic chemicals established under
section (313)(f) of EPCRA, 42 U.S.C. 11023(f) (including the alternate
thresholds at 40 CFR 372.27, provided an appropriate certification form has been
filed with EPA); or
     (4)  Fall within Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC) designations
20 through 39 as set forth in FAR 19.102.
     (c)  If the contractor has certified to be exempt in accordance with one or
more of the criteria in paragraph (b) of this clause, and after award of the
contract circumstances change so that any one of its owned or operated 
facilities used in the performance of this contract is no longer exempt--
     (1)  The Contractor shall notify the Contracting officer; and
     (2)  The Contractor owned and operated facilities used in the performance
of this contract, unless otherwise exempt, shall (1) submit a Toxic Chemical
Release Inventory Form (Form R) on or before July 1 for the prior calendar year
during which the Contractor becomes eligible; and (ii) continue to file the
annual Form R for the life of the contract. 
     (d)  The Contracting Officer may terminate this contract or take other 
action as appropriate, if the Contractor fails to comply accurately and fully 
with the EPCRA and PPA toxic chemical release filing and reporting requirements.
     (e)  Except for acquisitions of commercial items, as defined in FAR Part 
12, the Contractor shall--
     (1)  For competitive subcontracts expected to exceed $100,000 (including 
all options), include a solicitation provision substantially the same as the 
provision at FAR 52.223-13, Certification of Toxic Chemical Release Reporting; 
     (2)  Include in any resultant subcontract exceeding $100,000 (including all
options), with subcontractors having SIC designations of major groups 20 through
39 as set forth in FAR 19.102, the substance of this clause, except this 
paragraph (e).


1.   EXHIBIT A, entitled "Contract Data Requirements list" (DD Form 1423) - 1 
page with Enclosure Number 1, entitled "Contract Data Requirements List - 
Instructions for Distribution."

2.   Exhibit B, entitled, "Financial Accounting Data Sheet (Navy/non-Navy DoD 


1.   The Contractor's Representations and Certifications, dated 28 MAY 96, are 
hereby incorporated into this contract by reference.

CONTRACT NUMBER N00014-96-C-0279                                        Page 21


                        CONTRACT DATA REQUIREMENTS LIST                                                Form Approval
                                                                                                     OMB No. 0704-0188
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 440 hours per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection or information,
including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services Directorate for information Operations and
Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget Paperwork
Reduction Project (0704-0188), Washington, DC 20503.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A. CONTRACT LINE ITEM NO.                               B. EXHIBIT                      C. CATEGORY
0002                                                    A                                 TOP  X        TM              OTHER
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
D. SYSTEM/ITEM                                                          E. CONTRACT/PR NO.           F. CONTRACTOR
                                                                        N00014-96-C-0279             IRVINE SENSORS INC
1. DATA ITEM NO.    2. TITLE OF DATA ITEM                                                      3. SUBTITLE
A001                PROGRESS REPORTS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. AUTHORITY (Data Acquisition Document No.)            5. CONTRACT REFERENCE                  6. REQUIRING OFFICE
                                                        SECTION H.1 OF SCHEDULE                SEE SECTION F
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. DD 250 REQ       9. DIST STATEMENT   10. FREQUENCY   12. DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION      14.             DISTRIBUTION              
LT*                 REQUIRED            AS REQUIRED                                       ------------------------------------------
- -------------------                    ---------------------------------------------------                        b. COPIES         
8. APP CODE                             11. AS OF DATE  13. DATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION                         ------------------
                                        *                                                       ADDRESSEE                 Final     
                                                                                                                  Draft ------------
                                                                                                                         REQ  REPRO
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16. REMARKS                                                                                 See Enclosure Number 1
* As required by the Program Officer, these reports, submitted periodically for the 
purpose of reporting progress, may be in the form of a letter report, or a technical      ------------------------------------------
                                                                                            15. TOTAL
1. DATA ITEM NO.    2. TITLE OF DATA ITEM                                                      3. SUBTITLE
A002                FINAL REPORT
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. AUTHORITY (Data Acquisition Document No.)            5. CONTRACT REFERENCE                  6. REQUIRING OFFICE
                                                        SECTION H.1 OF THE SCHEDULE            SEE SECTION F.2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. DD 250 REQ       9. DIST STATEMENT   10. FREQUENCY   12. DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION      14.             DISTRIBUTION              
DD*                 REQUIRED            ONR/R           SEE SECTION F.1                   ------------------------------------------
- -------------------                    ---------------------------------------------------                        b. COPIES         
8. APP CODE                             11. AS OF DATE  13. DATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION                         ------------------
                                        SEE SECTION F                                           ADDRESSEE                 Final     
                                                                                                                  Draft ------------
                                                                                                                         REQ  REPRO
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16. REMARKS                                                                                 See Enclosure Number 1
* DD250 required only for acceptance by the Program Officer designated in Section F. 
Information copies of this report shall be distributed in accordance with Enclosure       ------------------------------------------
Number 1.
                                                                                            15. TOTAL
1. DATA ITEM NO.    2. TITLE OF DATA ITEM                                                      3. SUBTITLE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. AUTHORITY (Data Acquisition Document No.)            5. CONTRACT REFERENCE                  6. REQUIRING OFFICE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. DD 250 REQ       9. DIST STATEMENT   10. FREQUENCY   12. DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION      14.             DISTRIBUTION              
                    REQUIRED                                                              ------------------------------------------
- -------------------                    ---------------------------------------------------                        b. COPIES         
8. APP CODE                             11. AS OF DATE  13. DATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION                         ------------------
                                                                                                ADDRESSEE                 Final     
                                                                                                                  Draft ------------
                                                                                                                         REQ  REPRO
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16. REMARKS                                                                                 
                                                                                            15. TOTAL
1. DATA ITEM NO.    2. TITLE OF DATA ITEM                                                      3. SUBTITLE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. AUTHORITY (Data Acquisition Document No.)            5. CONTRACT REFERENCE                  6. REQUIRING OFFICE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. DD 250 REQ       9. DIST STATEMENT   10. FREQUENCY   12. DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION      14.             DISTRIBUTION              
                    REQUIRED                                                              ------------------------------------------
- -------------------                    ---------------------------------------------------                        b. COPIES         
8. APP CODE                             11. AS OF DATE  13. DATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION                         ------------------
                                                                                                ADDRESSEE                 Final     
                                                                                                                  Draft ------------
                                                                                                                         REQ  REPRO
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16. REMARKS                                                                                 
                                                                                            15. TOTAL
G. PREPARED BY                                          H. DATE                 L. APPROVED BY                    J. DATE
Wade Wargo                                              24 JUN 96               Genesta Belton                    24 JUN 96

DD Form 1423-2, JUN 90                                        Previous editions are obsolete                       Page _ of _ Pages
                                                                                                            NAVOCNR OVERPRINT (1-91)

                CONTRACT NUMBER: N00014-96-C-0279

                              ENCLOSURE NUMBER 1 

- --------------------------------------------------

The minimum distribution of technical reports and the final report submitted in 
connection with this contract is as follows:

                                                                   NUMBER OF COPIES
                                        DODAAD     UNCLASSIFIED/   UNCLASSIFIED/LIMITED AND
     ADDRESSEE                           CODE        UNLIMITED            CLASSIFIED
Program Officer                        N000149           1                    1
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Administrative Contracting Officer*     S0513A           1                    1
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Director, Naval Research Laboratory     N00173           1                    1
ATTN: Code 2627
Washington, D.C. 20375
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Defense Technical Information Center    S47031           2                    2
8725 John J. Kingman Road
STE 0944
Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-6218

If the Program Officer directs, the Contractor shall make additional 
distribution of technical reports in accordance with a supplemental distribution
list provided by the Program Officer.

Distribution of Reports which are NOT Technical Reports

The minimum distribution for reports which are not technical reports is as 

                                                                   NUMBER OF COPIES
                                        DODAAD     UNCLASSIFIED/     UNCLASSIFIED/LIMITED 
     ADDRESSEE                           CODE        UNLIMITED          AND CLASSIFIED
Program Officer                        N00014            1                    1
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Administrative Contracting Officer*    S0513A            1                    1

*Send only a copy of the transmittal letter to the Administrative Contracting 
Officer; do not send actual reports to the Administrative Contracting Officer.

     CONTRACT NUMBER:N00014-96-C-0279

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  1. CONTRACT NUMBER (CRITICAL)       2. SPIIN (CRITICAL      3. MOD      4. PR NUMBER                             PAGE 1 OF 1
       N0001496C0279                                                          96PR06041-00
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             6. LINE OF ACCOUNTING                                                                 7.            NAVY INTERNAL
           --------------------------------------------------------------------------                  AMOUNT        USE ONLY
             A.        B.           C.        D.   E.   F.  G. H.        I.   J.  K.                  (CRITICAL)  REF DOC/ACRN   
             (CRITICAL) (CRITICAL)  (CRITICAL) CLA             (CRITICAL)            -----------------
                                                                                     PROJ        PDLI
                                                                                     UNIT   MCC  & SUF
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             AA         9760400     1304      000  RA   013  0 068342   2D    000000 R6S10  000  B558   749,671.00  PR#96PR06041-00

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                                                                                   PAGE TOTAL        $749,671.00

                                                                                   GRAND TOTAL       $749,671.00
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                                                             CONTRACT REVIEWED FOR FISCAL DATA AND SIGNATURE
                                                             BY _________________________________ for COMPTROLLER, ONR
DATE:                                                  DATE:
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3.1  Overview

     It is an essential prerequisite of any project intending to use stacks of 
VASP-256 chips that these stacks be available as proven, characterized and 
documented systems components. There must also exist the infrastructure for the 
production of these devices, including screening tests (for both stack 
manufacture and post-packaging stages) and cost data, based on expected 
production yields. Only then do MCM and systems designers have the data and 
confidence needed to integrate these devices into their modules or systems. This
data would also provide the stepping-stone to the realization of more complex or
larger chip stacks. It is also necessary to prove the effectiveness of 
fault-tolerance as applied to VASP chip stacks by demonstrating this in 

     In order to provide a rapid route to the exploitation of VASP chip stacks 
in existing system products, we plan to pioneer the use of these components 
using the existing ASPEX testbed (i.e., ASTRA; ASP Systems Testbed for Research 
and Applications). Such operation of prototype VASP chip stacks in a testbed 
system would prove the ability of these components to run ASP software, and 
would enable them to be extensively evaluated (e.g., using application benchmark
code). In addition, systems design experience with VASP stacks would be valuable
in the design of these components into future ASP systems products (e.g., 
Modular-MPC systems).

     It is proposed, in the second phase of this project, to make these steps 
and to put into place VASP chip stacks as a fully engineered, available 
technology, and to define routes for its application and exploitation in both 
the near and medium term. A fundamental building-block, a prototype 5-VASP chip 
fault-tolerant stack will be developed and evaluated, for potential exploitation
in existing system products, and as the basic building-block of future, more 
aggressive and long-term architectural and packaging developments. Once proven, 
these stacks would be integrated into a Multi-Chip Module.

     Initially, an MCM to hold four such VASP chip would be developed. Once 
proven, four of these populated substrates would be assembled on a carrier (Low 
Density Interconnect) substrate, to form the full MCM structure. Once packaged, 
these MCMs would subsequently be interfaced to an existing ASPEX testbed system 
for exhaustive applications analysis and demonstration. Such MCMs could then be 
immediately exploited in Modular-MPC products. This phase is take place over an 
18 month project duration.

     It is proposed to divide Phase II of the project between Irvine Sensors 
Corporation and ASPEX Microsystems Ltd. as follows:

Irvine Sensors Corporation

     Prototype VASP chip stack production, including the following

 .    Procure wafers of VASP-256 chips

 .    Procure suitable (PGA) packages for assembled stacks

Use or disclosure of the proposal data is subject to the restriction on the 
cover page of this proposal.

9513II                              Page 13                      ARPA TRP 93-006

 .  Perform stack interconnect design

 .  Develop new high density I/O for 3D Silicon manufacturing

 .  Fabricate and package a minimum of 8 prototype VASP 5-chip stacks. A small
   number of stack samples to deliberately include a faulty VASP chip, for
   the purposes of demonstrating stack fault-tolerance.

 .  Perform initial screening tests on packaged prototypes

 .  Ship protypes to ASPEX Microsystems Ltd. for detailed evaluation.

 .  Design (supported by ASPEX Microsystems) the MCM structure. Procure MCM-D
   substrates (manufactured by nCHIP) to carry four, 5-chip VASP stacks and
   identify suitable packages. Ship packaged samples to ASPEX Microsystems Ltd.
   for evaluation. Procure Low Density Interconnect substrates to carry four of
   these MCM-D substrates and form the MCM structure. Arrange manufacture and
   shipment of the modules in suitable packaged form to ASPEX Microsystems Ltd.
   for evaluation.

ASPEX Microsystems Ltd.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NOTE: No research or development activity will be performed at ASPEX outside of
      the United States. UK activities will be limited to integration and test
      of Phase II hardware in existing commercial test beds and associated
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Stack design support and evaluation, stack based architecture and 
applications analysis, as detailed below

 .  Analysis of medium to long term Modular-MPC systems options, based on VASP
   chip stack technology. Carry out feasibility studies and conceptual designs,
   evaluate cost-performance and identify suitable enabling (i.e., packaging)

 .  Support the Irvine Sensors VASP chip stack design effort (e.g., schematics, 
   design reviews)

 .  Develop full characterization and production screening test sets for 5-VASP 
   chip stacks

 .  Develop ASIC tester fixturing hardware for 5-VASP chip stacks (for an 
   IMS XL-60 tester)

 .  Exhaustively test and fully characterize prototype chip stacks

 .  Produce full 5-VASP chip stack technical documentation and datasheet

 .  Support the design and procurement, by Irvine Sensors Corporation, of 5-VASP
   chip stack based Multi-Chip Modules. Provide schematics and specifications,
   design support and reviews.

 Use or disclosure of the proposal data is subject to the restriction on the 
                         cover page of this proposal.
951311                             Page 14                      ARPA  TRP 93-006

 .  Develop test cards for the integration of the 5-VASP chip stack based Multi-
   Chip Modules into an existing ASPEX testbed. Establish roadmap for the
   exploitation of 5-VASP chip stacks and MCMs in existing systems products.

 .  Develop applications demonstrations, and show MCMs based on 5-VASP chip
   stacks running user code in system, including the use of on-line 
   fault-tolerance to configure faulty stacks/modules.

3.2 Phase II Schedule

                           [LINE GRAPH APPEARS HERE]

  Figure 3-1 Phase II Program will Develop and Integrate VASP Stacks into an 
                          Existing ASPEX MPC Test Bed

 Use or disclosure of the proposal data is subject to the restriction on the 
                         cover page of this proposal.
951311                            Page 15                    ARPA   TRP 93-006