January 10, 1997

Mr. Winfried Rohloff
Sr.Vice President
Worlwide Sales, Marketing and Services


Dear Winfried:

CalComp Technology, Inc. ("CalComp") is a publicly held corporation.  Lockheed
Martin Corporation ("Lockheed Martin") currently owns more than 50% of the
voting securities of CalComp.  If at any future time Lockheed Martin, one or
more subsidiaries of Lockheed Martin, or a combination thereof ceases to own or
control (directly or indirectly) more than 50% of the voting securities of
CalComp, then, for the purposes of this letter a, "change of control" of CalComp
shall be deemed to have occurred.  The term "voting securities" shall mean
securities able to vote for directors or securities convertible into or
exchangeable or exercisable for securities able to vote for directors.

We understand that the prospect of a change of control may trouble you, but as a
key and valued employee we want you to remain with the Company to help keep the
Company running properly.  That is why we are offering you the benefits
described in this agreement.

If a change of control occurs and if within 18 months from the date of the
change of control (1) you are involuntarily terminated by the Company or any
successor owner (except for terminations for cause) or; (2) you are removed from
the position held immediately prior to the change and the effect is a material
reduction of status, responsibilities or duties and you then terminate your
employment within 60 days after having your status reduced or; (3) your base
salary in effect at the time of the change of control is reduced, and you then
terminate your employment within 60 days after having your status reduced, then
you will be eligible to receive the benefits described below.  No other
severance or similar benefits will be paid to you.


You will be eligible for a lump-sum severance payment determined under the
following formula: an amount equal to one and a half (1  1/2) years' annual base
salary immediately prior to the change of control plus an amount equal to one
year's Management Incentive Compensation Plan Award at your target level, all
less statutory deductions but excluding voluntary deductions, such as for
savings plans.  (Example: If your salary is $100,000 and your target is 20%, you
will receive $150,000 + $20,000 for a total of $170,000, less withholdings).


Your will be eligible for a lump-sum cash payment, if applicable, for any
vacation earned but not taken through the Effective Date of termination.


You also will receive outplacement assistance from a firm selected by the
Company.  This assistance will include: (1) group job search and training by a
professional outplacement firm; and (2) resume preparation and secretarial
assistance.  Cost not to exceed $20,000.00.


You will be eligible for up to 18 months continuation of your current
medical/social and pension coverage in accordance with CalComp GmbH procedures.


The Company has the right to modify any of the terms set forth in this letter to
clarify unclear provisions or remedy omissions, but it will not make any change
that it determines would materially reduce the value of the benefits offered to
you under this letter.


The rights and benefits provided under this Termination Benefit Agreement shall
apply only in the event of involuntary termination of your employment within 18
months of a change in control (defined herein).  The rights and benefits
provided hereunder are in lieu of any corresponding rights and benefits
available under German law.  You may elect either the rights and benefits
available hereunder, or the rights available under German labor laws, but may
not elect both sets of rights and benefits.

Thank you in advance for your continued service.

Very truly yours,

Gary R. Long


