
This is an agreement made on the 29th day of July in the year 1993 between 
Microelectronic Packaging Inc. (herein referred to as MPI) with its corporate 
office at 11065 Roselle Street, San Diego, California 92121 and PT Iron Hill
Micro Electronic Packaging Co. Ltd. (herein referred to as PT Iron Hill) with
its corporate office at Komplek Kebon Jerluk Baru, Blok A No. 13-14 Jakarta 

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WHEREAS it is the intention of MPI to sub-contract its pressed ceramic 
production including all cerdips to PT Iron Hill in order to reduce
manufacturing costs verses current Singapore prevailing rates, and to make
available existing MPI Singapore facilities and infrastructure for new products
on a timely basis.

WHEREAS it is the intention of PT Iron Hill to set up a factory in Jakarta 
Indonesia, to manufacture pressed ceramic production including all cerdips on 
behalf of mPI for sales exclusively by MPI.

WHEREAS further, MPI and PT Iron Hill have agreed to enter into certain mutual
commitments and to requlate these rights in accordance with such agreements in 
he manner appearing below.


1.1) This is a partnership program between MPI and PT Iron Hill to make the
     subcontract manufacturing operation of PT Iron Hill at Jakarta successful
     for both companies, and treat each as if they were partners in a single 
     cooperative venture.

1.2) MPI has technical know how and committed volume requirements for pressed
     ceramic production including cerdips which MPI desires to transfer to
     PT Iron Hill's sub-contract facility in Jakarta.

1.3) PT Iron Hill will set up a factory with appropriate facilities selective
     start up equipment, provide labor, and management to produce required MPI
     pressed ceramic products including cerdips to meet MPI's quality and
     quantity requirements.

1.4) MPI will insure that all of its current pressed ceramic production 
     equipment and cerdip equipment will be made available to PT Iron Hill's 
     sub-contract facility, contingent upon availability of funds to finance the
     one third of net book value required by the DBS Bank for release of such
     equipment from Singapore to Innoventure's Jakarta facility.

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     However, PT Iron Hill is responsible for capital and any additional 
equipment including replacement beyond what MPI now requires for the current 
level of business.

1.5) MPI will support PT Iron Hill in the start up of the sub-contract
     operations in Jakarta with machinery and equipment, technology, engineering
     support, and a fully paid up license to manufacture pressed ceramic
     products and cerdips using MPI's technology currently available as well as
     those developed fro such manufacturing in the future.

1.6) MPI will provide PT Iron Hill with raw materials and other consumables as 
     required for the start up of production and until a smooth transfer of
     direct purchasing from approved MPI suppliers can be taken over by
     PT Iron Hill. MPI will assure that PT Iron Hill receives all the negotiated
     volume pricing and trade terms from all its suppliers.

1.7) MPI will buy back all of the output scheduled from the sub=contract
     manufacturing agreement and PT Iron Hill agrees to sell to MPI all of the
     output manufactured by PT Iron Hill unless otherwise agreed to in writing
     by MPI.

1.8) Both parties agree to work together to expedite the start up and saving 
     benefits of this sub-contract manufacturing agreement/


2.1) PT Iron Hill will provide the necessary financing to establish and operate
     the sub-contract manufacturing facility in Jakarta for producing MPI's
     pressed ceramic and cerdip products which is estimated to require
     approximately US $3.5M in equity and another US $3.5M in working capital.

2.2) PT Iron Hill will provide MPI the following payments for technology/license
     fees and prepayment for equipment lease costs:

          a)  US $100,000 by August 31, 1993 to MPI/USA
          b)  US $400,000 by October 31, 1993 to MPI/USA
          c)  US $500,000 by December 31, 1993 to MPI/Singapore

2.3) MPI agrees to have PT Iron Hill obtain full payback of its equity
     investment in this subcontract manufacturing project within five years of
     project start up. The initial technology/license fee and prepayment for
     equipment lease totaling US $1,000,000 will be included as equity
     investment for purposes of payback.

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2.4) During the first five years of this agreement and/or until the equity
     investment by PT Iron Hill is fully repaid by MPI, PT Iron Hill and MPI
     will mutually agree upon a repayment schedule that will assist both
     companies to achieve their financial objectives.  After repayment of
     equity investment, PT Iron Hill and MPI will share 50/50 on all savings
     derived on manufacturing cost transfer from Singapore to Indonesia.

2.5) While it is MPI's responsibility to provide production equipment for the
     transfer of sub-contract manufacturing from Singapore to Indonesia,
     PT Iron Hill will help MPI in satisfying DBS Bank requirements to secure
     the release of equipment necessary to meet planned production build up
     at Jakarta.

2.6) MPI will pay for the products from PT Iron Hill by letter of credit or
     alternatively by telegraphic transfer on a net ten days basis.

2.7) Both parties agree to provide each other financial information on an open
     book basis to insure fair and equitable performance on he financial 
     agreements, herein agreed to between PT Iron Hill and MPI.

2.8) MPI agrees to provide PT Iron Hill collateral in MPI shares and/or other 
     agreed upon legal instruments to provide PT Iron Hill security for the
     initial payments of section 2.2.


3.1) Upon approval of this agreement by the Board of Directors of MPI and the
     Board of Directors of PT Iron Hill it shall become binding on both parties.

3.2) Signing of this agreement by representatives of each party listed below
     indicates that they have received all required approvals to execute this
     agreement for their respective companies.

3.3) This overall agreement as written will be the basis for

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     all other necessary legal documents required to fully transact
     details of this subcontract manufacturing agreement.

3.4) This agreement shall be governed by the laws of Singapore.

Sign on behalf of MPI                             Sign on behalf of PT IRON HILL
                                                  MICRO ELECTRONIC CO LTD

/s/ TIMOTHY DA SILVA                              /s/ HADI WIDJAJA SIDHARTA
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Timothy da Silva                                  Hadi Widjaja Sidharta
  President and CEO                                 President 
July 29, 1993                                     July 29, 1993
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Date                                              Date