BENEFIT - You may, without providing evidence of insurability, increase the face
amount of this policy on each option date shown in the Policy Specification
pages. To do this, you must make a written request on a form we provide:

 . While this rider is in effect:
 . During the Insured's lifetime: and
 . Within 31 days of the option date.

ADVANCE OF OPTION DATES - You may advance the next available option date to any
date you state following the insured's marriage or the birth of any child of the
Insured.  Birth includes legal adoption.  The date you state will be an option
date and will replace and cancel the option date so advanced.

AMOUNT OF INCREASE - The increase in face amount may not exceed the maximum
shown in the Policy Specifications pages.  The increase will be effective on
the option date if the Insured is then living.  If we are waiving insurance and
administrative charges for this policy on any option date, we will automatically
effect any increase options available to you and will waive any increases in
charges, which result from this during continued total disability.

INSURANCE CHARGES - Insurance Charges for this rider are shown in the Policy
Specifications pages.

EFFECTIVE DATE - This rider is effective on the policy date unless otherwise
stated hereon.  This rider will terminate:

 . On your Written Request: or
 . On lapse or termination of this policy: or
 . 31 days after the last option date.

GENERAL CONDITIONS - This rider is part of the policy to which it is attached.
As applied to this rider, the periods stated in the policy's Incontestability
and Suicide provisions will start with this rider's effective date.  All terms
of the policy, which do not conflict with this rider's terms apply to this

Signed for Pacific Life & Annuity Company,

/s/  WILLIAM FERRIS                        /s/  AUDREY L. MILFS
President and Chief Executive Officer      Secretary

R84-GI                                                                       NY