THIS Services Agreement ("Agreement") is made this 8th day of July 1999, by
and between Pacific Life & Annuity Co. ("PLA"), an Arizona corporation, and
Pacific Life Insurance Company (PLIC), a California corporation.

     WHEREAS, PLA desires to contract with PLIC to provide certain services for
certain individual life, individual annuity, and institutional product
contracts; and

     WHEREAS, PLIC desires to provide such administrative services for PLA on
the following terms and conditions;

     NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements
contained herein, the parties do mutually agree as follows:

1.  Services. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement,
    PLIC agrees with respect to certain PLA contracts, specifically, any and
    all individual life, individual annuity, and institutional product contracts
    (collectively "the Contracts"), to provide the administrative services
    described in Schedule A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, together
    with such other services that PLA may reasonably request (collectively "the
    Services") with respect to the Contracts.

2.  Charges for Services. As consideration for the Services provided by PLIC
    pursuant to this Agreement, PLA agrees to pay PLIC a fee based on actual
    costs, determined in a fair and reasonable manner, which costs will not
    include a profit factor and which will be allocated equitably in accordance
    with customary insurance accounting practices, where applicable,
    consistently applied. For purposes of this Agreement, the parties agree that
    at no time will charges for Services exceed the amounts reflected in the
    Contract Specifications provided by PLA from time to time to PLIC.

3.  Subcontractors. PLIC may subcontract with any subsidiary or affiliate of
    PLIC to provide Services; provided that subcontracting shall not result in
    an increase in the amount charged for such Services or a decrease in the
    quality of such Services provided.

4.  Indemnification. PLA agrees to defend, indemnify and hold PLIC harmless
    from and against all costs, reasonable expenses, losses, damages, attorneys'
    fees, claims, obligations and liabilities imposed upon, incurred or asserted
    against PLIC which arise out of or in any manner are connected with
    Contracts administered by PLIC under this Agreement, except if the conduct
    of PLIC constitutes an intentional tort, reckless conduct, gross negligence
    or bad faith, or if PLIC issues a Contract which is inconsistent with the
    approved policy specifications.

5.  Underwriting and Claims Services. All underwriting and claims services
    provided to PLA under this Agreement are to be based upon the written
    criteria, standard and guidelines of PLA. PLA shall have the ultimate and
    final authority over decisions


    and policies relating to the Contracts; to include but not be limited to the
    acceptance, rejection or canceling of risks relating to or with respect to
    such Contracts.

6.  Supervision by the Company. PLIC acknowledges that (a) the Board of
    Directors and officers of PLA are vested with the power, authority, and
    responsibility for managing the business and affairs of PLA, and (b) any
    and all actions taken or advice or services provided pursuant to this
    Agreement by PLIC are subject to the continuous supervision and approval of
    the Board of Directors and the officers of PLA.

7.  Billing. All charges made pursuant to this Agreement shall be
    billed by PLIC monthly, if feasible, but in no event less frequently than
    quarterly. Payment is due as soon as practicable, but in no event later than
    60 days after presentation of the billing. Interest may be assessed by PLIC
    61 days after presentment of the billing, at a 3-month LIBOR rate. Billings
    shall be accompanied by sufficient documentation to support the charges and
    to meet all state insurance regulatory requirements. Statements are subject
    to final adjustment only if mutually agreed upon by both parties.

8.  Accounting Records and Documents.

(a) The books, accounts, and records of each party to all transactions shall be
    maintained so as to clearly and accurately disclose the precise nature and
    details of the transactions, including accounting information that is
    necessary to support the reasonableness of the charges or fees to the
    parties. PLIC shall keep such account and records insofar as they pertain to
    the computation of charges hereunder available at its principal offices for
    audit, inspection, and copying, during reasonable business hours, by PLA
    and persons authorized by it and any governmental agency having jurisdiction
    over PLA.
(b) All books, records and files established and maintained by PLIC by reason of
    its performance under this Agreement which, absent this Agreement, would
    have been held by PLA, shall be deemed the property of PLA, and shall be
    subject to audit, inspection, and copying, during reasonable business hours,
    by PLA and persons authorized by it and any governmental agency having
    jurisdiction over PLA. All such books, records and files shall be promptly
    transferred to PLA by PLIC upon termination of this Agreement, at PLA's

9.   Notices. All written notices, requests, and other communications hereunder
     shall be delivered to the addresses set forth on the signature page of this
     Agreement, or any address hereinafter agreed upon by the parties.

10.  Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed and governed in accordance
     with the laws of the State of Arizona.


11.  Entire Agreement; Amendment. This Agreement shall constitute the entire
     agreement among the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and
     understandings, whether written or verbal, to the extent such agreements
     pertain to the rights and responsibilities set forth herein.
     Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement does not supersede either of
     the Pacific Life Insurance Company Administrative Services Agreement with
     Pacific Life Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates dated
     September 1, 1997 and the Investment Management Agreement dated January 1,
     1990. This Agreement may be amended only in a writing executed by all

12.  Arbitration. In the event any dispute arises between the parties related in
     any way to this Agreement on which agreement between the parties cannot be
     reached, the dispute shall be decided by arbitration in accordance with
     procedures agreed upon by the parties after such dispute arises.

13.  Termination. This Agreement may be terminated upon 60 days written notice
     by written agreement of either party hereto. PLA may terminate the contract
     in the event PLIC fails to perform its responsibilities hereunder in a
     satisfactory manner.

14.  Assignment. Except as set forth in Section 3 hereof, PLIC cannot assign its
     duties or obligation, in whole or in part, under this Agreement to any
     other firm, organization or individuals without the express written consent
     of PL&A, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

15.  Severability. To the extent this Agreement may be in conflict with any
     applicable law or regulation, this Agreement shall be construed in a manner
     consistent with such law or regulation. The invalidity or illegality of any
     provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed to affect the validity or
     legality of any other provision of this Agreement.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement as of the
     date first above written.

     17360 Brookhurst                       700 Newport Center Drive
     Fountain Valley, CA 92708              Newport Beach, CA 92660

     By: /s/ WILLIAM L. FERRIS              By: /s/ THOMAS C. SUTTON
         --------------------------             -------------------------
         William L. Ferris                      Thomas C. Sutton
         President & Chief Executive            Chairman & Chief Executive
         Officer                                Officer

     By: /s/ AUDREY L. MILFS                By: /s/ AUDREY L. MILFS
         --------------------------             -------------------------
         Audrey L. Milfs                        Audrey L. Milfs
         Vice President & Secretary             Vice President & Secretary


                                  SCHEDULE A

                           SERVICES PROVIDED BY PLIC

1.  Marketing

    Supervision, recruiting and product training. Preparation and distribution
    of illustrations and marketing materials. Communications with the field.
    Contest qualification and production credit tracking.

2.  Compliance

    Provide contracts and policies in compliance with applicable state and
    federal laws.
    File PLA contracts and policies with insurance departments and other
    regulatory agencies.

3.  Policy Administration

    Prepare, in accordance with Section 5, and deliver and maintain contracts
    and policies.
    Obtain clients' acceptance of contracts and policies.
    Maintain originals of all contracts and policies.
    Provide customer service in relation to all contracts and policies.
    Prepare and issue reports required by state and federal law.

4.  Accounting and Financial Reporting

    Prepare billings and collect premiums and other fees in relation to
    contracts and policies.
    Provide accounting for contracts and policies.
    Provide financial reporting results for inclusion in PLA financial
    Provide valuation and compliance with valuation and actuarial requirements
    for business subject to this Agreement.
    Provide support for PLA examinations and audits.

5.  Claims Processing

    In accordance with Section 5, process all claims arising under policies and
    Maintain claim documents, files and related information.
    Maintain and update beneficiary designations and life assignments.
    Control and maintain all draft and check stock, claim forms and other forms
    and documents incidental to claims processing.
    Maintain claims procedural manuals and other instructions.
    Monitor claims for possible fraud.


Page 2
Schedule A

6.   Licensing and Commission Payment

     Process and issue licenses and commission agreements, and pay applicable
     Calculate and pay commissions.
     Maintain commission payment information, and report such information as
     required by applicable laws.

7.   Separate Accounts

     Provide services necessary for the maintenance of separate accounts,
     including but not limited to state and federal regulations as applicable.
