EXHIBIT 99.2 Chartered Public Accountants Gruber Steuerberatungs GmbH Interim financial statement as of 06/30/2016 Ulisse GmbH Salurner Strasse 12, 6020 Innsbruck TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Review contract and performance of the engagement 3 2. Reviewer's Reoprt 3 2. Balance sheet as of 06/30/2016 compared to previous year 12/31/2015 6 3. Profit & Loss statement 06/01/2016 compared to previous reporting period 06/01/2015 7 4. Cash flow statement 12 5. Evidence account in accordance with Article 4 (12) of EStG [Income Tax Act] 13 6. Asset analysis 14 To the Members of Management of Ulisse GmbH, Luca Pasquini Salurner StraBe 12, Innsbruck We have completed the audit of the financial statements as of 31.12.2015 of Ulisse GmbH, Innsbruck, (referred to as "the Company") and provide the results of our audit in the following report: 1. Review contract and performance of the engagement By management resolution of Ulisse GmbH, Innsbruck, we were elected as reviewer for the voluntary review of fiscal year 2016. The Company, represented by the management board, concluded an review contract with us to review the financial statements as of 30.06.2016, including the accounting system pursuant to Sections 269 et seqq. UGB. The Company is a small corporation pursuant to Section 221 UGB. The review is a voluntary review. We performed the review, with interruptions in August 2016 mainly at the our office in Innsbruck. The review was substantially completed at the date of this report. Our review is based on the review contract concluded with the Company. The "General Conditions of Contract issued by the Austrian Chamber of Public Accountants and Tax Advisors" (refer to Appendix VII) form an integral part of the review contract. These conditions of contract do not only apply to the Company and the reviewer, but also to third parties. Section 275 UGB applies with regard to our responsibility and liability as reviewers towards the Company and towards third parties. 1.1. Information provided The Company's legal representatives provided all evidence and explanations requested by us. We obtained a representation letter signed by the legal representatives which we included in our working papers. 2. Reviewer's Report Report on the unaudited Financial Statements We have reviewed the accompanying financial statements of Ulisse GmbH, Innsbruck, for the period from 1.1.2016 to 30.06.2016. These financial statements comprise the unaudited statement of financial position as of 30.06.2016, the unaudited income statement for the period 01.01.2016 to 30.06.2016, the unaudited Cash-Flow Statement for the period from 1.1.2016 to 30.06.2016, the unaudited Changes in Equity for the period from 1.1.2016 to 30.06.2016 and the unaudited Analysis of Changes in Fixed Assets for the period from 1.1.2016 to 30.06.2016. 3 Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements The Company's management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Austrian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (UGB) and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Reviewers' Responsibility Our responsibility and liability as reviewer is guided by the General Conditions of Contract issued by the Austrian Chamber of Public Accountants and Tax Advisors towards the Company and towards third parties. We conducted our review in accordance expert opinion KFS/PG11 "Fachgutachten des Fachsenats fUr Unternehmensrecht und Revision des Instituts fUr Betriebswirtschaft, Steuerrecht und Organisation der Kammer der Wirtschaftstreuhander Grundsatze fUr die prUferische Durchsicht von AbschlUssen". A review of interim financial information consists principally of applying analytical procedures and making inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters. It is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with the international standards on auditing (ISA), the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial statement taken as a whole. Accordingly, we don't express such an opinion. Based on our reviews, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be mad to the financial statements referred to above for them to be in conformity with Austrian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (UGB). Innsbruck, on 11th August 2016 Stauder Schuchter Kempf WirtschaftsprUfungs - und Steuerberatungs GmbH /s/ Mag. Wilfried Stauder Mag. Wilfried Stauder Austrian Certified Public Accountant 4 Compilation report To the Board of Directors of Ulisse GmbH, 6020 Innsbruck, Salurner Strasse 12. Report on the compilation of interim financial statement of Ulisse GmbH as of 06/30/2016: As commissioned we have prepared the following interim financial statement of Ulisse GmbH as of 06/30/2016 - comprising of balance sheet, profit & loss statement as well as appendix - based on the accounts and inventory as well as information on balance sheet and accounting methods to be used. This financial statement was compiled based on the activities (accounting) carries out by us and documents, books and inventory evidence submitted to us, which we did not audit - as commissioned - for correctness or plausibility, and the audit also used the information provided to us. You are directly responsible for the accounting methods as well as inventory management and annual financial statements in accordance with the accounting rules of the company (UGB) and the supplementary provisions of the articles of association. You also responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the documents and information provided to us, even for users of the annual financial statement prepared by us. In this context, we would like to refer to the letter of representation that you have signed at our request. The information was provided by the board of directors. You made the decisions about the voting rights and other discretionary decisions. We have prepared this report in accordance with the expert opinion KFS/RL 26 "Principles for the preparation of annual financial statements". The enclosed General Terms & Conditions (AAB) for audit professionals of the Chamber of Chartered Accountants (KWT) in the currently valid version shall be applicable for the preparation of this report. This statement can be sent to Third Parties only by enclosing our audit report. If the annual financial statement prepared by us is disclosed to any Third Parties, the statements on liability against Third Parties mentioned in Point 8 of AAB for audit professionals of KWT shall be applicable. Wirtschaftstreuhander Gruber Steuerberatungs GmbH Hauptstrasse 14a 6401 Inzing Inzing, 08/05/2016 Ulisse GmbH 6020 Innsbruck, Salurner Strasse 12 5 Balance sheet as of June 30, 2016 06/30/2016 12/31/2015 A FIXED ASSETS 1 TANGIBLE ASSETS 1 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 660 Operating and office equipment 2,621.17 2,384.34 2,621.17 2,384.34 --------- --------- TOTAL TANGIBLE ASSETS 2,621.17 2,384.34 B CURRENT ASSETS 1 RECEIVABLES AND OTHER ASSETS 1 TRADE RECEIVABLES 2196 Services not yet invoiced 214,000.00 135,000.00 --------- --------- 214,000.00 135,000.00 2 OTHER RECEIVABLES AND ASSETS 2300 Other short-term receivables 0.00 95.10 3510 VAT 2,103.04 5,069.23 3550 Tax office 2,384.70 0.00 4,487.74 140,164.33 --------- --------- TOTAL RECEIVABLES 218,487.74 140,164.33 ll CASH BALANCE, CHECKS, DEPOSITS WITH CREDIT INSTITUTIONS 1 DEPOSITS WITH CREDIT INSTITUTIONS 2801 Hypo AT785700030053405310 666,349.40 101,816.70 --------- --------- 666,349.40 101,816.70 TOTAL CASH 666,349.40 101,816.70 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 884,837.14 241,981.03 --------- --------- TOTAL ASSETS 887,458.31 244.365.37 A SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 1 SHARE CAPITAL 1 SHARE CAPITAL 9010 Share capital (35,000.00) (35,000.00) (35,000.00) (35,000.00) --------- --------- TOTAL SHARE CAPITAL (35,000.00) (35,000.00) 6 ll NET PROFIT 9390 Profit & Loss (151,240.92) 0.00 9399 Annual profit (473,257.01) (151,240.92) TOTAL NET PROFIT /(LOSS) (642,497.93) (151,240.92) --------- --------- TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY (659,497.93) (186,240.92) B PROVISIONS 1 TAX PROVISIONS 3020 Corporate tax (206,288.00) (49,163.00) --------- --------- (206,288.00) (49,163.00) 2 OTHER PROVISIONS 3044 Unutilized vacation entitlements (3,006.74) (2,004.49) 3060 Consultancy and financial statement cost (5,250.00) (2,500.00) 3090 Other provisions (4,500.00) 0.00) (12,756.74) (4,504.49) --------- --------- TOTAL PROVISIONS (219,044.74) (53,667.49) C LIABILITIES 1 TRADE LIABILITIES 3300 Trade liabilities domestic (5,496.49) 1,196.41 3710 Other short-term liabilities (2,669.15) (2,521.07) --------- --------- (8,165.64) (1,324.66) 2 OTHER LIABILITIES OTHER LIABILITIES 3700 Payroll account 0.00 (400.00) 3810 Payroll account Luca Pasquini 0.00 (1,982.30) 3811 Payroll account Gilda De Carolis (150.00) (150.00) 3812 Payroll account Fabo Guccini (150.00) (150.00) 3813 Payroll account Francesca Galeazzi (150.00) (150.00) 3814 Payroll account Manuela Malvisi (150.00) (150.00) 3815 Payroll account Franco Salvagni (150.00) (150.00) --------- --------- (750.00) (3,132.30) TOTAL OTHER LIABILITIES (750.00) (3,132.30) TOTAL LIABILITIES (8,915.64) (4,456.96) --------- --------- TOTAL LIABILITIES (887,458.31) (244,365.37) 7 PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT AS OF June 30, 2016 06/01/2016 06/01/2015 1 REVENUES a) Service revenue 4240 Service revenue EU 743,000.00 36,000.00 743,000.00 36,000.00 --------- --------- TOTAL REVENUES 743,000.00 36,000.00 2 COST OF MATERIALS AND OTHER MANUFACTURING COSTS a) Cost for services 5700 Sub-contract services (23,600.00) (10,000.00) 5740 Expenses for services consumed (5,380.00) 0.00 (28,980.00) (10,000.00) --------- --------- TOTAL MATERIALS COSTS (28,980.00) (10,000.00) 3 PERSONNEL COSTS a) Salaries 6200 Salaries (35,818.96) (13,431.77) 6300 Other payments (8,566.98) (2,818.27) 6470 Provision for unutilized vacation entitlements (1.002.25) 0.00 --------- --------- (45,388.19) (16,250.04) b) EXPENSES FOR SEVERANCE PAYMENTS 6401 BMVG [Works Constitution Act] contributions (687.10) (171.77) --------- --------- (687.10) (171.77) c) Expenses for legally prescribed social contributions as well as salary-dependent expenses and mandatory contributions 6500 Legal social contributions (9,253.83) (3,248.30) 6600 Employer contributions (1,817.84) 0.00 6601 Surcharge for employer contribution (173.70) 0.00 6630 Community tax (1,331.58) (487.49) (12,576.95) (3,735.79) --------- --------- TOTAL PERSONNEL EXPENSES (58.652.24) (20,157.60) 4 WRITE-OFFS a) Depreciation on intangible assets and activated expenses for business expansion 7010 Depreciation on fixed assets (713.17) 0.00 7070 Low-value assets 0.00 (372.50) --------- --------- (713.17) (372.50) 8 5 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES a) Taxes and charges if they are not dependent on income or revenues 7171 Contributions for chambers and professional associations (225.18) 0.00 7172 Mandatory contribution to state government (38.00) 0.00 7180 Other taxes and charges (92.00) (442.80) --------- --------- (355.18) (442.80) b) Office expenses 7400 Rent (7,460.78) (4,100.00) 7430 Heating costs (145.00) (133.32) --------- --------- (7,605.78) (4,233.32) c) Energy expenses 7651 Electricity 336.59 (189.99) --------- --------- 336.59 (189.99) d) Advertising and similar expenses 7651 Advertisements (54.00) 0.00 --------- --------- (54.00) 0.00 e) Travel expenses 7340 Travel expenses (2,206.23) (3,581.42) 7341 Travel expenses - managing director (423.80) (1,249.21) --------- --------- (2,630.03) (4,830.63) f) Communication expenses 7380 Telephone (384.00) (416.08) --------- --------- (384.00) (416.08) g) Office expenses 7600 Office material (174.00) 0.00 --------- --------- (174.00) 0.00 h) Other operating expenses 7755 Legal consultancy expenses (2,009.98) (2,370.72) 7759 Other consultancy (5,425.33) (873.45) 7760 Accounting and EDP costs (5,231.00) (107.70) 7790 Costs of monetary transactions (124.83) (60.59) 7802 Cent correction (0.06) 0.00 (12,791.20) (3,412.46) --------- --------- TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES (23,658.00) (13,525.28) 6 OPERATING PROFIT 630,996.59 (8,055.38) 7 OTHER INTERESTS AND SIMILAR INCOME 8100 Interest from bank deposits 12.56 0.51 --------- --------- 12.56 0.51 9 8 TOTAL OTHER INCOME 12.56 0.51 9 INCOME/(LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES 631,009.15 (8,054.84) 10 INCOME TAXES 8500 Corporate tax (157,749.00) (624.00) 8510 Capital gains tax (3.14) (0.13) --------- --------- (157.752.14) (642.13) 11 NET INCOME /(LOSS) 473,257.01 (8,679.00) 12 INCOME /(LOSS) FOR THE YEAR 473,257.01 (8,679.00) 13 RETAINED EARNINGS /(DEFICIT), BEGINNING 9390 Profit & Loss carried forward 151,240.92 0.00 14 RETAINED EARNINGS /(DEFICIT), ENDING 624,497.93 -8,679.00 Notes on interim financial statement as of 06/30/2016 EUR 3510 VAT U 06/2016 1,603.04 U2016 500.00 2,103.04 3550 Tax office Balance tax office account 06/30/2016 2,387.70 3020 Provision for corporate tax Corporate tax 2015 49,163.00 Corporate tax 06/01/2016 157,125.00 206.288.00 3044 Provision for unutilized vacation entitlements Unutilized vacation entitlements as of 06/30/2016 3,006.74 3060 Consultancy and financial statement costs Financial statement 2015 2,500.00 Financial statement 2016 (50%) 1,250.00 Interim financial statement as of 06/30/2016 1,500.00 5,250.00 3090 Other provisions Audit by auditor as of 06/30/2016 4,500.00 10 3710 Various liabilities Stefano Volo 06/2016 2,000.00 IKB Telekom 06/2016 64.00 Tigas 06/2016 25.83 KU 04/06/2016 14.82 WT Gruber BJ + LV 04/06/2016 564.50 2,669.15 11 Cash flow statement as of 06/30/2016 EUR Liquid funds 06/30/2016 01/01/2016 2801 2801Hypo AT785700030053405310 666,349 101,817 Liquid funds total 666,349 101,817 ------------------------ Changes to liquid funds: 564,533 Profit acc. to P&L 473,257 plus: Expenses not related to cash: Write-offs Write-offs on financial assets 713 - 713 minus: Income not related to cash:: - Changes to net current assets Changes to stock - Changes to services not yet invoiced 79,000 Changes to customer payments - Changes to receivables from subsidiaries - Changes to other receivables 677 Changes to ARAP - Changes to trade payables 6,693 Changes to provisions 165,377 Changes to other liabilities, cleaning accounts 2,234 91,513 1. Net cash flow from ongoing business activities 565,483 Investments - 950 Book value fixed assets - - 2. Net cash flow from investment activities 950 Payment of share capital - Loan: - Change (load repayment) - Change current account (liabilities) - Dividends - 3. Net cash flow from financing activities - Cash Flow (= changes liquid funds = total from 1.-3.) 564,533 12 Evidence account in accordance with Article 4 (12) of EStG Accounts acc. to financial statement 01/10/2016 Inflow Outflow Rebooking 06/06/2016 <c> <c> <c> <c> <c> <c> External financing: Nominal capital 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 Capital reserves Retained earnings Net profit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 Internal financing: Net profit 624,.497.93 151,240.92 473,257.01 624,497.93 Total 624,.497.93 151,240.92 473,257.01 624,497.93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total share capital 624,.497.93 151,240.92 473,257.01 624,497.93 Asset analysis as of 06/30/2016 Account: 660 Operating and business equipment Inv- Asset description Procurement Inflow Outflow Rebooking Procurement No. value value Cum. 01/01/2016 (AW) (AW) (AW) 06/30/2016 Depreciation <c> <c> <c> <c> <c> <c> <c> 1-0 Notebook TECRA Z40-A-11W C15-4300U 1,064.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,064.00 532.00 2-0 Notebook TECRA Z40-A-11V C15-4300U 1,275.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,275.00 637.50 3-0 Notebook Tecra Z50-A-15P 990.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 990.00 330.00 4-0 Notebook Tecra A50 0.00 950.00 0.00 0.00 950.00 158.33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account total: 3,329.00 950.00 0.00 0.00 4,279.00 1,657.83 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total: 3,329.00 950.00 0.00 0.00 4,279.00 1,657.83 13 Inv- Asset description Book value Book value Appreciation Depreciation No. 06/30/2016 01/01/2016 <c> <c> <c> <c> <c> 1-0 Notebook TECRA Z40-A-11W C15-4300U 532.00 709.34 0.00 177.34 2-0 Notebook TECRA Z40-A-11V C15-4300U 637.50 850.00 0.00 212.50 3-0 Notebook Tecra Z50-A-15P 330.00 825.00 0.00 165.00 4-0 Notebook Tecra A50 791.67 0.00 0.00 158.33 ------------------------------------------------------- Account total: 2,621.17 2,384.34 0.00 713.71 ------------------------------------------------------- Total: 2,621.17 2,384.34 0.00 713.71