TO THE
                          CCC INFORMATION SERVICES INC.

The  CCC  Information  Services Inc. 401(k) Retirement Savings & Investment Plan
(the  "Plan")  is hereby amended, effective as of the dates set forth herein, in
the  following  respects:

1.     Section  2.6  of  the  Plan  is  amended,  effective  January 1, 2002, by
restating  subsection  (a)  to  read  as  follows:

     "(a)  all  Before-Tax  Contributions,  Employer Matching Contributions, and
     Profit  Sharing  Contributions  allocated  to the Accounts of a Participant
     under  this  Plan;"

2.     Section 2.12 of the Plan is amended, effective January 1, 2002, by adding
the  following  paragraph  at  the  end  thereof:

     "Effective  January  1,  2002, to the extent applicable and for purposes of
     the  definition of Considered Compensation under this Section 2.12, amounts
     under  Code  Section 125 include any amounts not available to a Participant
     in  cash in lieu of group health coverage because the Participant is unable
     to  certify  that  he  or  she has other health coverage. An amount will be
     treated  as  an amount under Code Section 125 only if the Employer does not
     request  or  collect  information  regarding the Participant's other health
     coverage  as  part  of  the  enrollment  process  for  the  health  plan."

3.     Section  2.25  of  the  Plan  is  amended,  effective January 1, 1997, by
inserting  the  following phrase immediately after the term "means" in the first
sentence  therein:

     ",  effective  January  1,  1997,"

4.     Section  2.27  of  the  Plan  is  amended,  effective January 1, 1997, by
deleting  subsection  (c)  in  its entirety and replacing it with the following:

     "(c) effective January 1, 1997, such services have been performed under the
     primary  direction  or  control  of  the  Employer  or  an  Affiliate."

5.     Effective January 1, 2002, Article II of the Plan is amended by inserting
a  new  Section  2.36A  therein  to  read  as  follows:

     "2.36A.  "PROFIT  SHARING CONTRIBUTION" means the contribution described in
     Section  4.8  of  the  Plan."

6.     Section 2.38 of the Plan is amended, effective January 1, 2002, by adding
the  following  paragraph  to  the  end  thereof:

     "Effective  January  1,  2002, the Plan will accept a direct rollover of an
     eligible  rollover distribution from (i) a qualified plan described in Code
     Section  401(a)  or  403(a),  excluding  after-tax  contributions;  (ii) an
     annuity  contract  described  in  Code  Section 403(b), excluding after-tax
     employee  contributions;  and  (iii)  an  eligible  plan under Code Section
     457(b) that is maintained by a state, a political subdivision of a state or
     any  agency  or  instrumentality  of  a state or political subdivision of a
     state. The Plan will also accept a Participant rollover contribution of the
     portion  of a distribution from an individual retirement account or annuity
     described  in  Code Sections 408(a) or 408(b) that is eligible to be rolled
     over  and  would  otherwise  be  includible  in  gross  income."

7.     Section  3.1  of  the  Plan  is  amended  in  the  following  respects:

     (a) effective January 1, 2001, by adding the following paragraph (d) at the
     end  thereof:

          "(d)  Notwithstanding  any  provision  in  this  Section  3.1  to  the
          contrary,  Eligible  Employees  shall  be eligible to receive Employer
          Matching  Contributions  on the Entry Date following the completion of
          six  consecutive months of service beginning on the date on which such
          Eligible  Employee  commences  employment  with  the  Employer."

     (b) effective January 1, 2002, by adding the following paragraph (e) at the
     end  thereof:

          "(e)  Effective January 1, 2002, all Participants in the Plan shall be
          eligible  to  receive  a  Profit  Sharing  Contribution,  if  any,  in
          accordance  with  Section  4.8,  provided  that  such  Participant  is
          employed  with  the  Employer  on  the  last  day  of  the Plan Year."

8.     Section  3.2  of  the  Plan  is  amended,  effective  January 1, 2002, by
deleting  the last sentence in its entirety and replacing it with the following:

          "Subject  to  such  rules  as shall be prescribed by the Committee, an
          Eligible  Employee who has met the eligibility requirements of Section
          3.1(b)  or  (c)  shall become a Participant as of the first Entry Date
          after  his  or  her  completion  of  an election to participate in the

9.     Section  4.1  of  the  Plan  is  amended,  effective  January 1, 2002, by
restating  the  first  and  second  sentences  therein  to  read  as  follows:

          "Subject  to  the  right  reserved  to the Employer to alter, amend or
          discontinue  this Plan and the Trust, the Employer shall contribute to
          the  Trust  Fund,  for  each Plan Year, an amount equal to the sum of:

               (a)  the  Before-Tax  Contributions;

               (b)  the  Employer  Matching  Contributions;  and

               (c)  the  Profit  Sharing  Contributions.

          Notwithstanding  the  foregoing, the total Employer contributions made
          under  Sections  4.1(b)  and (c) for any taxable year shall not exceed
          the  amount  deductible  for that year under Code Section 404(a)(3)(A)
          and shall not exceed the total amount allowable as Annual Additions to
          Participants'  Accounts  for  the  Plan Year in which the taxable year

10.     Section  4.3  of  the  Plan  is  amended,  effective January 1, 2002, by
deleting  the  first sentence in subsection (a) in its entirety and replacing it
with  the  following:

          "In no event shall a Participant's Before-Tax Contributions during any
          calendar  year  exceed the dollar limitation set forth in Code Section
          402(g)  in  effect  at the beginning of such calendar year (which, for
          2002, shall be $11,000), as adjusted by the Secretary of the Treasury,
          except  to  the  extent  permitted  under Section 4.7 and Code Section

11.     Article  IV of the Plan is amended, effective January 1, 2002, by adding
the  following  new  Section  4.8  at  the  end  thereof:

          "4.8.  PROFIT SHARING CONTRIBUTIONS. For any Plan Year beginning on or
          after  January  1,  2002,  the  Employer  may  contribute, in its sole
          discretion  and  on  a  non-discriminatory  basis,  a  Profit  Sharing
          Contribution  on  behalf  of each Participant who is employed with the
          Employer  on  the  last  day  of  the  Plan  Year. Such Profit Sharing
          Contribution,  if  any,  shall be allocated in an equal amount to each
          Participant's  Profit  Sharing  Account in the form of a lump sum cash
          payment;  provided, however, that any such amount shall be immediately
          invested  in shares of CCC Information Services Group Inc. stock ("CCC
          Stock")  in  accordance  with  Section  6.2(g)."

12.     Section  6.1  of  the  Plan  is  amended,  effective January 1, 2002, by
deleting  the  first sentence in subsection (a) in its entirety and replacing it
with  the  following:

          "For  each  Participant,  there shall be maintained, as appropriate, a
          separate  Before-Tax Account, Matching Account (which shall be divided
          into  a  Pre-1999  Matching  Subaccount  and   a   Post-1998  Matching
          Subaccount),  a  Profit  Sharing  Account,  and  a  Rollover Account."

13.     Section  6.2  of  the Plan is amended, effective January 1, 2002, in the
following  respects:

          (a)  by  deleting  the  first  sentence  of  subsection  (b)(i) in its
          entirety  and  replacing  it  with  the  following:

          "One  Fund  shall be the CCC Stock Fund, through which the Participant
          may  invest  in CCC Stock; provided, however, that any such investment
          in CCC Stock shall be limited, for the applicable Plan Year, to 25% of
          the sum of (A) the Before-Tax Contributions that are made on behalf of
          the  Participant for that Plan Year and (B) any amounts transferred to
          the  CCC  Stock  Fund  from  another  Fund  during  that  Plan  Year."

(b)     by  adding  the  following  paragraph  to  the  end of subsection (b)(i)

          "Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  no Participant shall hold more than
          25%  of his or her Account balance in CCC Stock at any time during any
          Plan  Year,  unless the amount in excess of 25% is attributable to (A)
          an  allocation  of  Employer  Matching Contributions or Profit Sharing
          Contributions  prior  to  the time at which such amount is transferred
          from  the initial investment in the CCC Stock Fund to another Fund, or
          (B)  a  change  in  the  value of the CCC Stock Fund that results from
          market  fluctuations."

(c)     by  adding  the  following  new  subsection  (g)  to  the  end  thereof:

          "Any   Profit   Sharing   Contributions   that   are  allocated  to  a
          Participant's  Profit Sharing Account shall be immediately invested in
          the  CCC  Stock  Fund  on the date on which such allocations are made,
          irrespective of whether the limitations set forth in Section 6.2(b)(i)
          have been exceeded with respect to that Participant for the applicable
          Plan Year. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Participant may transfer
          such amounts out of the CCC Stock Fund and to another Fund at any time
          and without restriction by giving notice thereof to the Trustee in the
          time  and  in  the  manner  specified  by  the  Trustee."

14.     Section  6.3  of  the Plan is amended, effective January 1, 2002, in the
following  respects:

          (a)  by  deleting paragraph (iv) of subsection (a) in its entirety and
          replacing  it  with  the  following:

               "(iv)  fourth,  allocate Profit Sharing Contributions pursuant to
               Section  4.8;  and

               (v)  fifth,  allocate  Rollover Contributions pursuant to Section

          (b)  by  adding  the  following  parenthetical at the end of the first
          sentence  of  subsection

          (b)  therein:

               "(except  with  respect  to  Profit  Sharing Contributions, which
               shall be allocated to the Participant's Profit Sharing Account as
               soon as feasible after such contributions are paid to the Trustee
               in  accordance  with  Section  4.8.)"

15.     Section  7.1  of  the  Plan  is  amended,  effective January 1, 2002, by
deleting  paragraph  (i) of subsection (a) in its entirety and replacing it with
the  following:

               "(i)  the value of the Participant's Before-Tax Account, Pre-1999
               Matching  Subaccount,  Profit  Sharing  Account,  and  Rollover
               Account;  and"

16.     Section  7.5  of  the  Plan  is  amended,  effective January 1, 2002, by
deleting  the  first  sentence therein in its entirety and replacing it with the

          "A   Participant's   interest   in  his  or  her  Before-Tax  Account,
          Pre-1999-Matching  Subaccount,  Profit  Sharing  Account, and Rollover
          Account  shall  be  nonforfeitable  at  all  times."

17.     Section  8.1  of  the Plan is amended, effective January 1, 2001, in the
following  respects:

          (a)  by  deleting  paragraph (i) of subsection (c) in its entirety and
          replacing  it  with  the  following:

               "(i)  by  one  lump  sum  payment  in  cash;  or"

          (b)  by  deleting the second to last sentence of subsection (c) in its
          entirety  and  replacing  it  with  the  following:

               "If  no  election  as  to  the form of distribution is made, such
               distribution  shall  be  made  in  a  lump  sum payment in cash."

          (c)  by  inserting  the  phrase "in cash" immediately after the phrase
          "lump  sum  payment"  in the first sentence of subsection (e) therein.

18.     Section  8.2  of  the Plan is amended, effective January 1, 2001, in the
following  respects:

          (a)  by  inserting  the  phrase "in cash" immediately after the phrase
          "lump sum amount" in subsections (a)(i) and (a)(ii) in each place that
          such  phrase  appears  therein.

          (b)  by  inserting  the phrase "payment in cash" immediately after the
          phrase  "lump  sum"  in  subsection  (c)  therein.

19.     Section  8.10  of  the  Plan  is  amended, effective January 1, 2002, by
restating  that  Section  to  read  as  follows:

          "8.10.  CLAIMS  PROCEDURE.

          A  Participant or Beneficiary (a "Claimant") may present a claim for a
          Plan  benefit  to  the  Committee,  including  one  greater  than that
          initially  determined by the Committee. The claim for benefits must be
          in  writing  and  addressed  to  the  Committee  or  its  designee.

          The  Committee  shall render a decision on the claim within 90 days of
          the  Committee's receipt of the Claimant's written claim for benefits.
          If  special  circumstances prevent a claim from being processed within
          90  days,  the  Committee  shall  notify  the  Claimant,  prior to the
          termination of the initial 90-day period, of the special circumstances
          requiring  an  extension  of  time  and  that  the time for making the
          decision  will  require  up to an additional 90 days. If notice of the
          adverse  benefit  determination  is  not  furnished  within the 90-day
          period (or 180 days, if an extension is necessary), the claim shall be
          deemed  denied.

          The   Committee   shall   provide   adequate  notice,  in  writing  or
          electronically,  to  the Claimant of an adverse benefit determination.
          The  Committee's  notice  to  the Claimant shall be stated in a manner
          that  is  calculated  to  be  understood by the Claimant and shall set

               (a)  The  specific  reason for the adverse benefit determination;

               (b) Specific references to the pertinent Plan provisions on which
               the  Committee  based  its  adverse  benefit  determination;

               (c)  A  description  of  any  additional material and information
               needed  for  the Claimant to perfect the claim and an explanation
               of  why  the  material  or  information  is  needed;  and

               (d)  An  explanation  that any appeal that the Claimant wishes to
               make  must  be  submitted in writing, to the Committee, within 60
               days  after  the receipt of the Committee's notice of the adverse
               benefit  determination.  The  Committee's  notice  shall  further
               advise  the Claimant that the failure to appeal the action to the
               Committee  in  writing  within the 60-day period shall render the
               Committee's  determination  final,  binding,  and conclusive. The
               notice  shall also include a statement of the Claimant's right to
               bring  a  civil action under Section 502(a) of ERISA following an
               adverse  benefit  determination.

          A  Claimant  who wishes to use the Plan's claim appeal procedure must,
          within  60  days  of  receiving  the  Committee's notice of an adverse
          benefit determination or within 60 days of the date on which the claim
          is  deemed denied, or such later time as shall be deemed reasonable in
          the  sole  discretion  of  the Committee after taking into account the
          nature  of  the  benefit  subject  to  the  claim  and other attendant
          circumstances, notify the Committee that a full and fair review of the
          adverse benefit determination is requested, including the holding of a
          hearing,  if  deemed  necessary by the Committee. Claimants shall have
          the  opportunity  to  submit written comments, documents, records, and
          other information relating to the claim for benefits. In addition, the
          Claimant  shall  be  provided,  upon  request  and  free  of  charge,
          reasonable access to, and copies of, all documents, records, and other
          information relevant to the claim for benefits. In connection with the
          Claimant's  appeal of the adverse benefit determination, the Committee
          shall  review  all  relevant  documents relating to the claim, without
          regard  to whether such information was submitted or considered in the
          initial  benefit  determination, and may submit issues and comments in

          The Committee shall reexamine all facts related to the appeal and make
          a  final determination as to whether the adverse benefit determination
          is  justified  under the circumstances. The Committee shall advise the
          Claimant  of  its  decision  within  60 days of the Claimant's written
          request  for  review, unless special circumstances (such as a hearing)
          would  make  the  rendering  of  a  decision  within  the 60-day limit
          infeasible,  in  which  case  written notice of the extension shall be
          furnished  to  the  Claimant  prior  to the termination of the initial
          60-day  period.  The  extension  notice  shall  indicate  the  special
          circumstances requiring an extension of time and the date by which the
          Committee  expects  to render the determination on review. However, in
          no  event  shall  the  Committee render a decision later than 120 days
          after  its  receipt  of  a  request  for  review.

          The  Claimant shall be notified of the Committee's decision in writing
          or  electronically.  In  the case of an adverse benefit determination,
          such  notice  shall  be  written  in a manner that is calculated to be
          understood  by the Claimant and shall include the specific reasons for
          the adverse benefit determination and specific references to any facts
          or  any  provisions   of  the  Plan  on   which  the  adverse  benefit
          determination  on  appeal  is  based.  In  addition, such notice shall
          contain  a  statement  that  the Claimant is entitled to receive, upon
          request  and  free of charge, reasonable access to, and copies of, all
          documents,  records,  and other information relevant to the Claimant's
          claim for benefits, and contain a statement of the Claimant's right to
          bring  an  action  under  Section  502(a)  of  ERISA."

20.     Section  8.11  of  the  Plan  is  amended  in  the  following  respects:

          (a)  effective  January  1,  1999,  by  inserting the following phrase
          immediately  after  the  phrase  "any  401(k)  hardship withdrawal" in
          subsection  (b)  therein:

               ",  effective  January  1,  1999"

          (b) effective January 1, 2002, by inserting the following paragraph at
          the  end  of  subsection  (b)  therein:

               "Effective  January  1,  2002,  any amount that is distributed on
               account   of   hardship   shall   not  be  an  eligible  rollover
               distribution,  and  the  distributee  may  not  elect to have any
               portion  of  such  a  distribution  paid  directly to an eligible
               retirement  plan."

21.     Section  9.1  of  the  Plan  is  amended  in  the  following  respects:

          (a)  effective  January  1, 2002, by deleting the last sentence in the
          second  paragraph  of  subsection (a) in its entirety and replacing it
          with  the  following:

          "For   purposes   of   this   paragraph,   annual  compensation  means
          compensation  within  the meaning of Code Section 415(c)(3). Effective
          for  Plan  Years  beginning after December 31, 2001, the Determination
          Period  is  the  Plan  Year  that contains the Top-Heavy Determination

          (b)  effective   January  1,  2002,   by   inserting   the   following
          parenthetical  immediately  after  the phrase "5-year period ending on
          the  Top-Heavy  Determination  Date(s)"  and the phrase "5-year period
          ending  on the Top-Heavy Determination Date" in each place that either
          of  such  phrases  appear in subsections (c)(i), (c)(ii), and (c)(iii)

          "(or,  effective  January  1,  2002,  the  1-year period ending on the
          Top-Heavy  Determination  Date(s))"

          (c)  effective  January  1,  2001,  by  deleting subsection (f) in its
          entirety  and  replacing  it  with  the  following:

          "(f)  "Top-Heavy   Determination   Date"  means,  for  any  Plan  Year
          subsequent  to the first Plan Year, the last day of the preceding Plan
          Year  or,  for  the  first Plan Year of the Plan, the last day of that

22.     Section  9.2  of  the Plan is amended, effective January 1, 2001, in the
following  respects:

          (a)  by  deleting the phrase "Except as otherwise provided in (ii) and
          (iii)  below"  in  the  first  sentence  of subsection (a) therein and
          replacing  it  with  the  following:

               "Except  as  otherwise  provided  in  (i)  and  (ii)  below"

          (b) by deleting the term "(iii)" and replacing it with the term "(ii)"
          in  the  last  full  paragraph  of  subsection  (a)  therein.

23.     Section  12.3  of  the  Plan  is  amended, effective January 1, 2002, by
deleting  that  Section  in  its  entirety  and replacing it with the following:

          TERMINATION.  Any  amendment, discontinuance of Employer contributions
          or  termination  shall  be  made  only  by  resolution of the Board of
          Directors  of  the  Company or by any person so duly authorized by the
          Board  of  Directors; provided, however, that approval of the Board of
          Directors  shall  not  be required to incorporate any changes that, in
          the  opinion  of  the  Committee  or  the  Company,  are  required  by
          applicable  law  or  do  not  materially  increase  the  costs  of
          administering  or  funding  the  Plan."

24.     Section  13.3  of  the  Plan  is  amended, effective January 1, 2001, by
inserting  the  following  phrase  immediately  after the term "lump sum" in the
second  sentence  therein:

          "payment  (in  cash)"

          IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  CCC  Information  Services Inc. has caused this
          First  Amendment  to  the  Plan  to be executed by its duly authorized

                                                   CCC INFORMATION SERVICES INC.