Rochester, Pennsylvania   15074

                                                                March 21, 1997

                                 APRIL 28, 1997


Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of Century
Financial Corporation will be held at the Beaver Valley Country Club,
Patterson Heights, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, on Monday, April 28, 1997, at
11:00 A.M., for the purpose of considering and voting upon the following:

    1.    ELECTION OF DIRECTORS.  Election of four persons to serve as
          directors for a term expiring at the annual meeting of shareholders
          in 2000.

          appointment of independent public accountants to audit the financial
          statements of the Corporation and its subsidiary for the 1997 fiscal

    3.    OTHER BUSINESS.  Whatever other business may be brought before the
          meeting or any adjournment thereof.

Only those shareholders of record at the close of business on March 7, 1997
will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting.

There are enclosed herewith a Proxy Statement and form of Proxy.  We urge you
to sign and return the Proxy as promptly as possible whether or not you plan
to attend the meeting in person.  If you do attend the meeting, you may then
withdraw your Proxy.  In any event, you may revoke your Proxy prior to its

                         By Order of the Board of Directors

                         /s/ Joseph N. Tosh II
                         Joseph N. Tosh II          
                         President and Chief Executive Officer

                                PROXY STATEMENT
                         Annual Meeting of Shareholders

                         CENTURY FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                               One Century Place
                        Rochester, Pennsylvania   15074

                              GENERAL INFORMATION

     The enclosed Proxy is being solicited by the Board of Directors of
Century Financial Corporation (the "Corporation") for use at the Annual
Meeting of Shareholders of the Corporation to be held Monday, April 28, 1997
at 11:00 A.M. at the Beaver Valley Country Club, Patterson Heights, Beaver
Falls, Pennsylvania and for use at any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

     The Proxy may be revoked at any time prior to its exercise by written
notice of revocation sent to the Secretary of the Corporation at the above
address, or by a duly-executed Proxy bearing a later date, provided such
notice or later Proxy is received prior to the meeting.  Shareholders who
attend the meeting may withdraw their Proxy and vote in person.

     The costs of solicitation of Proxies will be borne by the Corporation. 
In addition to the use of the mails, directors and officers may solicit
Proxies, without additional compensation, by telephone, telegraph or personal
interview.  Arrangements may be made by the Corporation with banks, brokerage
houses and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries to forward solicitation
material to beneficial owners held by them of record, and the Corporation may
reimburse them for reasonable expenses they incur in so doing.

     The close of business on March 7, 1997 has been fixed as the record date
for the determination of Shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the
Annual Meeting.  As of that date the Corporation had outstanding 3,364,015
shares of Century Financial Corporation Common Stock.  Holders of Common Stock
are entitled to one vote for each share of Common Stock held.  Under the
Company's Articles, the Shareholders do not have cumulative voting rights in
the election of directors.

     The Corporation is a Pennsylvania business corporation and is registered
with the Federal Reserve Board as a bank holding company.  Its wholly-owned
subsidiary is Century National Bank and Trust Company.

     The Annual Report to Shareholders for the fiscal year ended December 31,
1996, is enclosed with this Proxy Statement.  It should not be regarded as
Proxy solicitation material.

                                    Page 1


     As of February 14, 1997, there were no shareholders of the Corporation of
record or known by the Board of Directors to be the beneficial owner of more
than 5% of the Corporation's Common Stock.

     As of February 14, 1997, the Trust Department of the Bank held, in
various fiduciary capacities, 101,772 shares of the Corporation's Common
Stock.  Management does not exercise voting power over these shares.

     Under the proxy rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"),
a person who directly or indirectly has or shares voting power and/or
investment power with respect to a security is considered as a beneficial
owner of the security.  Investment power includes the power to dispose of or
to direct the disposition of shares.  Shares as to which voting power and/or
investment power may be acquired within 60 days are also considered as
beneficially owned under these proxy rules.

     The following table sets forth information with respect to the beneficial
ownership of shares of the Corporation's Common Stock as of the close of
business on February 14, 1997 by (i) the directors of the Corporation, (ii)
the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, the "Named Officers,"
and (iii) all directors and principal officers of the Corporation as a group. 
Unless otherwise indicated in the footnotes to the table, each person named
and all directors and principal officers as a group have sole voting power and
sole investment power with respect to the shares.  All persons named in the
table are directors of the Company except for Donald A. Benziger who is Senior
Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary.

                                      Shares of
Name of Individual               Corporation Common             Percent
or Identity of Group                 Stock Owned                Of Class
- - --------------------             ------------------             --------

Elvin W. Batchelor(3)(9)               38,602                     1.10%
Robert F. Garvin, Jr.(2)(9)            10,257                      .29%
Del E. Goedeker (8)(9)                 40,515                     1.15%
A. Dean Heasley(1)(2)(9)               44,162                     1.26%
Charles I. Homan (9)                  3,091.5                      .09%
Harry J. Johnston(1)(2)(3)(9)         144,163                     4.10%
Z. John Kruzic (9)                     24,563                      .70%
Wayne S. Luce(2)(9)                    76,269                     2.09%
Sister Mary Thaddeus                    1,897                      .05%
         Markelewicz (6)(9)    
Gino E. Martinetti(4)(9)                9,861                      .28%
Thomas K. Reed(1)(2)(3)(5)(9)        37,377.8                     1.06%
Harold V. Shank, Jr.(1)(9)           11,862.5                      .34%
Joseph N. Tosh II(2)(3)(9)            160,512                     4.56%
Donald A. Benziger (2)(7)(9)         23,361.5                      .66%
All Nominees, Directors and           709,367                     20.2%
Principal Officers (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)
of the Corporation and the (6)(7)(8)(9)
Bank as a Group (22 persons)

(1) In the case of A. Dean Heasley, Harry J. Johnston, Thomas K. Reed, Harold
    V. Shank, Jr., and all directors and principal officers as a group,
    including such persons, includes 33,063, 107,025, 13,833, 4,819.1 and
    161,306.5 shares, respectively, held jointly with their wives, as to which
    voting power and investment power are shared.

(2) Includes shares held of record in the names of their spouse: Robert F.
    Garvin, Jr., 100 shares; A. Dean Heasley, 4,322 shares; Harry J. Johnston,
    4,838 shares; Wayne S. Luce, 28,800 shares; Thomas K. Reed, 2,016 shares;
    Joseph N. Tosh II, 45,953 shares; Donald A. Benziger, 1,154.9 shares; and
    all nominees, directors and principal officers as a group, 88,260.6
                                    Page 2

(3) Includes 25 shares held by Harry Johnston as Trustee for his nephew;
    16,200 shares held by Thomas K. Reed as Trustee for his mother; 34,045
    shares held by Joseph Tosh II as Trustee of his sister's trust; and all
    nominees, directors and principal officers as a group, including such
    persons, 50,270 shares.

(4) In the case of Gino Martinetti, includes 3,600 shares held jointly with
    his children as to which voting power and investment power are shared, and
    all nominees, directors and principal officers as a group, including Mr.
    Martinetti, 3,782.9 shares.

(5) In the case of Thomas K. Reed, includes 1,152 and 1,182.8 shares held
    respectively by his son and daughter who continue to reside with Mr. Reed;
    and all nominees, directors and principal officers as a group, including
    Mr. Reed, 2,334.8 shares.

(6) In the case of Sister Mary Thaddeus Markelewicz, includes 1,500 shares
    held in the name of The Felician Sisters of Pennsylvania.

(7) In the case of Donald A. Benziger, includes 480.5 shares held by his
    spouse as custodian of their two children.

(8) In the case of Del E. Goedeker, includes 13,080 shares held in the
    Goedeker Foundation for which he has voting power.

(9) In the case of Elvin Batchelor, Robert F. Garvin, Jr., Del Goedeker, A.
    Dean Heasley, Charles I. Homan, Harry Johnston, John Kruzic, Wayne Luce,
    Sister Mary Thaddeus Markelewicz, Gino Martinetti, Thomas Reed, Harold
    Shank, Joseph Tosh II, Donald A. Benziger and all nominees, directors and
    principal officers as a group, including such persons, includes 1022,157,
    3075, 1437, 1177, 1751, 2201, 3313, 397, 1285, 2994, 541, 37190, 21726,
    and 149,822 shares, respectively, covered by stock options granted and
    exercisable under the Corporation's stock option plan.  In computing the
    percentage of ownership for each nominee, director and principal officer
    and the group, the shares covered by the exercisable stock options held by
    such nominee, director, principal officer or the group, are deemed
    outstanding.  In calculating the percentage of class owned, the total
    number of shares issued and outstanding have been increased to reflect the
    number of shares that would be outstanding if these options were

                           ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

    Four Directors will be elected at the Annual Meeting to serve until the
Annual Meeting of Shareholders in 2000.  The Board of Directors recommends a
vote FOR the election of the four nominees named in the table below, each of
whom has consented to be named as a nominee and to serve if elected.  Unless
authority to so vote is withheld, it is intended that Proxies solicited by the
Board will be voted for the election of the four nominees named.  The four
persons receiving the highest number of votes will be elected.

    The table sets forth certain information about the nominees, each of whom
is presently a member of the Board, and about the other directors whose terms
of office will continue after the Annual Meeting, all of whom were elected by
the Shareholders.

    In the event that at the date of the Annual Meeting any of the nominees
should for any reason not be available for election, the Proxies received will
be voted for the election of the other nominees and such substitute nominees
as shall be designated by the Board.  There are no family relationships among
the persons listed below or with any principal officers.
                                    Page 3

                                 Principal Occupation                    Director     in Other Reporting
Name, Age                        For Past Five Years(1)                  Since(2)         Companies
- - ---------                        ----------------------                  --------     ------------------


Robert F. Garvin, Jr., 57        President, Bob Garvin                     1995            None
                                 Agency; Regional Manager,
                                 Prudential Preferred Realty

Charles I. Homan, 53             President & CEO                           1994            Michael Baker
                                 Michael Baker Corp.                                       Corporation

Wayne S. Luce, 83                President of Reed, Luce,                  1952            None
                                 Tosh, Wolford & Douglas, Inc. 
                                 (law firm)

Sister Mary Thaddeus             Executive Director,                       1995            None
        Markelewicz, 51          McGuire Memorial Home


Elvin W. Batchelor, 88           President of Batchelor                    1966            None
                                 Brothers, Inc. (funeral home)

A. Dean Heasley, 76              Retired since 1987;                       1958            None
                                 formerly President & CEO
                                 of Century National Bank
                                 & Trust Company

Z. John Kruzic, 68               Retired since 1987;                       1982            None
                                 formerly General Manager
                                 of D & CBU Components Division,
                                 Westinghouse Electric Corp.

Harold V. Shank, Jr., 64         President of Shank Bus                    1977            None
                                 Company, Inc.


Del E. Goedeker, 56              Vice President - Corporate                1982            None
                                 Development, Tuscarora, Inc.

Harry J. Johnston, 64            Retired since 1985; formerly President    1966            None
                                 of National Bank of Beaver County

Thomas K. Reed, 59               President of Baumgard &                   1970            None
                                 Reed, Inc. (insurance broker)

Joseph N. Tosh II, 55            President & Chief Executive               1986            None
                                 Officer of the Holding Company, and the Bank 

(1)    All of the Directors and nominees have held the positions indicated or
       another senior executive position with the same entity or one of its
       affiliates or predecessors for the past five years with the exception
       of Del E. Goedeker who retired in 1996 from the position of President &
       Treasurer, Vesuvius/McDanel and CFO/VP-The Americas Vesuvius Companies

(2)    Reflects the earlier of the first year as a Director of the Corporation
       or of Century National Bank & Trust Company, a subsidiary of the
       Corporation, or one of its affiliates or predecessors.

    The Board of Directors of the Corporation met six times during 1996,
including four times for the purpose of declaring dividends.

    During 1996 the Board of Directors of the Bank met thirteen times.  All
Directors attended 75% or more of the aggregate number of meetings of the
Board of Directors and of the various committees on which he or she serves.
                                    Page 4


    The Board of Directors of Century Financial Corporation has no designated
separate committees.  The following are committees of the Board of Directors
of the subsidiary, Century National Bank and Trust Company.

    Audit and Compliance Committee: The Audit and Compliance Committee
consists of five directors, including the President who is an ex-officio
member, appointed annually by the Chairman of the Board.  Members of the
Committee are:

    A. Dean Heasley (Chairman)             Gino E. Martinetti
    Elvin W. Batchelor                     Joseph N. Tosh II
    Harry J. Johnston 

    The Audit and Compliance Committee met four times during 1996. The
function of the Audit and Compliance Committee is to supervise the internal
audit activities of the Bank and to supervise and to direct the Bank's
auditors.  The Committee ensures that the Bank's activities are being
conducted in accordance with law and the banking rules and regulations
established by the Comptroller of the Currency, other regulatory and
supervisory authorities, and in conformance with established policy.  In
addition, the Audit and Compliance Committee recommends to the Board of
Directors the services of a reputable certified public accounting firm; and
the Board of Directors then approves the certified public accounting firm,
which action is ratified at the Annual Shareholders Meeting.  The Committee
receives and reviews the reports of the certified public accounting firm and
presents them to the Board of Directors with comments and recommendations.

     Executive Committee:  The Executive Committee consists of six directors
appointed annually by the Chairman of the Board.  Members of the committee

    Del E. Goedeker (Chairman)             Wayne S. Luce
    Charles I. Homan                       Thomas K. Reed
    Z. John Kruzic                         Joseph N. Tosh II

    The Executive Committee met twenty-nine times during 1996.  The function
of the Executive Committee is to formulate recommendations regarding policies
and procedures to the Board of Directors.  The Executive Committee possesses
and may exercise all the executive and supervisory powers of the entire Board
of Directors in the interim between meetings of the Board of Directors, but
subject to such restrictions and instructions as may from time to time be made
and given to the Executive Committee by the Board of Directors and except as
the Bylaws otherwise provide.

    Problem Loan Committee:  The Problem Loan Committee consists of four
directors appointed annually by the Chairman of the Board.  Members of the
Committee are:

    Harold V. Shank, Jr.                   Robert F. Garvin, Jr. (Chairman)
    Joseph N. Tosh II                      Wayne S. Luce

    The Problem Loan Committee met twelve times during 1996. The function of
the Problem Loan Committee is to review the status of all delinquent loans, as
well as loans on the Bank's "watch" list.

    Trust Investment Committee:  The Trust Investment Committee consists of
five directors appointed annually by the Chairman of the Board.  Members of
the committee are:

    A. Dean Heasley                        Sister Mary Thaddeus Markelewicz
    Thomas K. Reed (Chairman)              Joseph N. Tosh II 
    Harold V. Shank, Jr.

    The Trust Investment Committee met twelve times during 1996.  The function
of the Trust Investment Committee is to review each trust account on an annual
basis and to review and approve the Trust Department's investment
                                    Page 5

    Strategic Planning Committee:  The Strategic Planning Committee was
established in 1996 and consists of five directors and six officers of the
Bank who will be appointed annually by the Chairman of the Board.  Members of
the committee are:

    Robert F. Garvin, Jr.                  C. David Becker
    Del E. Goedeker                        Donald A. Benziger
    Charles I. Homan (Chairman)            Charles D. Price, Jr.
    Sr. Mary Thaddeus Markelewicz          E.C. Schaffnit
    Joseph N. Tosh II                      Allen R. Spring
                                           Mary E. Welch

     The Strategic Planning Committee met eight times during 1996.  The
function of the Strategic Planning Committee is managing the long-range
planning process, setting goals/objectives, and monitoring results.

    Property Committee: The Property Committee consists of four directors
appointed annually by the Chairman of the Board.  Members of the committee

    Z. John Kruzic (Chairman)              Harold V. Shank, Jr.
    Thomas K. Reed                         Joseph N. Tosh II

    The Property Committee meets on an as-needed basis with reference to new
banking facilities.  During 1996, the committee was active in the planning of
the future site of the new Cranberry Branch, including purchase of the land,
choosing an architect and general contractor, etc.  It will remain active on
this project through its completion.
                                    Page 6

                          EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION


    There was no compensation paid by the Holding Company to any Director or
Executive Officer during 1996; remuneration was paid to Directors by the
Corporation's subsidiary, Century National Bank and Trust Company.

    During the year 1996, members of the Board of Directors of Century
National Bank & Trust Company, excluding Joseph N. Tosh II as an officer of
the Bank, were compensated at the rate of $625 per month with the Chairman
receiving $937.50 per month.  Members of the Executive Committee and Problem
Loan Committee, excluding Joseph N. Tosh II as an officer of the Bank,
received $150 per meeting attended, with the Chairman receiving $225 per
meeting attended; members of the Audit & Compliance Committee, Trust
Investment Committee, Strategic Planning Committee and Building Committee,
excluding Joseph N. Tosh II, C. David Becker, Donald A. Benziger, Charles D.
Price, Jr., E.C. Schaffnit, Allen R. Spring and Mary E. Welch as officers of
the Bank, received $90 per meeting attended, with the Chairman receiving $135
per meeting attended.  Total directors' fees during 1996 amounted to


    The following persons are considered to be principal officers by virtue of
their position with the Corporation or the Bank:

Name and                                        Business
Position                            Age       Experience (1)
- - --------                            ---       --------------
Joseph N. Tosh II                    55
 President and
 Chief Executive Officer
 of the Corporation and
 the Bank

Donald A. Benziger                   43
 Sr. Vice President, Chief 
 Financial Officer and Corporate
 Secretary of the Corporation and
 the Bank

Edwin C. Schaffnit                   47
 Sr. Vice President of
 the Bank

C. David Becker                      38
 Vice President of
 the Bank

Colleen O. Butterfield               45
 Vice President of
 the Bank

Wayne A. Grinnik                     46
 Vice President of
 the Bank

Charles D. Price, Jr.                57
 Vice President of 
 the Bank

James L. Sisley                      53
 Vice President of
 the Bank

Allen R. Spring                      58
 Vice President of
 the Bank

Mary E. Welch                        60
 Vice President of
 the Bank

(1) Each of the above persons has held a principal position with the
    Corporation or the Bank for the past five years except Mr. Sisley who was
    a Vice President of First Western Bancorp until March 9, 1993.
                                    Page 7

    The following table sets forth the cash compensation paid or to be paid
for services rendered to the Named Officers:

                                         SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                           Compensation Awards
                                                             Other Annual    --------------       All Other
Name & Principal              Fiscal    Salary      Bonus    Compensation       Granted         Compensation
Position                       Year       $           $          $(4)           Shares(5)            $9
- - ------------------            -------  --------   ---------   ----------     --------------      ----------

Joseph N. Tosh II              1996    $135,426   $47,000(1)     ---             8,976(6)          $15,696
President & CEO                1995    $130,217   $43,000(2)     ---             9,147(7)          $13,359
                               1994    $125,209   $31,050(3)     ---             7,347(8)          $ 8,709

Donald A. Benziger             1996    $ 88,760   $30,000(1)     ---             5,842(6)          $10,287
SVP, Chief Financial Officer   1995    $ 85,346   $26,000(2)     ---             5,685(7)          $ 8,756
Corporate Secretary            1994    $ 80,515   $19,800(3)     ---             4,664(8)          $ 5,600

(1) 1996 bonus accrued in 1996, but paid in 1997
(2) 1995 bonus accrued in 1995, but paid in 1996
(3) 1994 bonus accrued in 1994, but paid in 1995
(4) The dollar value of perquisites and other personal benefits is required to
    be disclosed under this column if the amount for any executive officer
    equals or exceeds the lessor of $50,000 or 10% of the compensation
    reported for the executive officer in the Cash Compensation Table.
(5) Represents the number of shares of the Corporation's Common Stock for
    which stock options were granted under the Corporation's Stock Option
(6) Stock options granted 1/1/96 with 33% exercisable effective 1/1/96, 33%
    effective 1/1/97 and 33% effective 1/1/98
(7) Stock options granted 1/1/95 with 33% exercisable effective 1/1/95, 33%
    effective 1/1/96 and 33% effective 1/1/97
(8) Stock options granted 1/1/94 with 33% exercisable effective 1/1/94, 33%
    effective 1/1/95, and 33% effective 1/1/96
(9) This column represents employer contributions for the accounts of the
    Named Officers under the Corporation's Profit Sharing Plan.

STOCK OPTIONS.  The present Stock Option Plan was ratified by the Shareholders
in April, 1993 and permits the grant of Options of 268,964 shares of Common
Stock to principal officers and 67,241 shares of Common Stock to directors,
adjusted for a 20% Stock Dividend paid January 31, 1995. 
    For any fiscal year in which the Corporation achieves its goal of budgeted
earnings (in dollars), the number of shares of Stock to which each option
pertains is as follows: (a) for each executive officer and each director, the
number of shares will equal 75% of total cash compensation for the given
fiscal year divided by the purchase price of the shares; (b) for each Vice
President, the number of shares will equal 50% of total cash compensation for
the given fiscal year divided by the purchase price of the shares.  If the
number of shares determined under this formula is not a whole number, the
number of shares will be rounded up to the next whole number.  The purchase
price for Stock under each option shall be the closing price on the Nasdaq
market on the December 31st preceding the date that an Option is granted.

    After Shareholder ratification, Stock Options were awarded retroactive to
January 1, 1993.  Options have been awarded each year since, exercisable at
33% during the grant year, and 33% over each of the following two years. 
Unexercised Options have an expiration date ten years from the date the
options were awarded.
                                    Page 8

    The following tables set forth information with respect to options granted
to and exercised by Named Officers in 1996:

                                  OPTION GRANTS TO EXECUTIVE OFFICERS IN 1996 FISCAL YEAR 

                                                                                  Potential Realizable     Potential Realizable
                                                                                   Value at Assumed 5%     Value at Assumed 10%
                                  % of Total Options    Exercise                  Annual Rate of Stock     Annual Rate of Stock
                       Options        Granted to       Price Per   Expiration    Price Appreciation for   Price Appreciation for
     Name             Granted (1)  Employees in 1995     Share        Date            Option Term               Option Term
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Joseph N. Tosh II      8,976            21.09%           $13.50     12/31/05            $66,807                   $164,550
Donald A. Benziger     5,842            13.72%           $13.50     12/31/05            $43,481                   $107,097
(1)  The number of options listed represent those awarded 1/1/96.  As of 1/1/97,
     2/3 of above-granted options were exercisable at the option of the holder.

                            AND FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES 

                                                                                 Value of Unexercised
                         Shares                   Number of Unexercised          In-the-Money Options
                        Acquired        Value      Options at Year-End               at Year-End
Name                   On Exercise    Realized   Exercisable/Unexercisable    Exercisable/Unexercisable (1)
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Joseph N. Tosh II         -0-         $   -0-         28,525/9,033                 $149,391/$34,359
Donald A. Benziger        -0-         $   -0-         16,196/5,789                 $82,600/$21,967
(1) The value of unexercised in-the-money options is calculated by determining
    the difference between the fair market value of the securities underlying
    the options at year-end and the exercise price of the options.


    Century National Bank and Trust Company does not have a Compensation
Committee as such.  During 1996 the Executive Committee, comprised of  Del E.
Goedeker, Charles I. Homan, Wayne S. Luce, Z. John Kruzic, Thomas K. Reed, and
Joseph N. Tosh II, acting in the capacity of a Compensation Committee,
approved raises and officer bonuses for recommendation to the full Board of
Directors.  At the beginning of December of each year, the Committee meets to
review financial data, including projected year-end earnings.  As a result of
findings at their meeting in December, 1996, the Committee set aside a pool of
funds for salary increases.  Increases granted Mr. Tosh II and Mr. Benziger
are determined by the Executive Committee and ratified by the Board of
Directors.  Management of the Bank determines the percentage of raises for all
other employees based upon individual performance and contribution.  

    The bonus pool was set by formula as a percentage of after-tax earnings,
with bonuses being paid to each officer based upon their individual
performance and contribution.  Officer bonuses were not paid until the
Corporation's statements were certified by its outside accounting firm, S. R.
Snodgrass, A.C.; that is to say, bonuses earned during 1996 were paid during
the first quarter of 1997.

                                    Page 9


    Set forth below is a line graph comparing the yearly percentage change in
the cumulative total shareholder return on the Corporation's common stock
against the cumulative total return of the S&P Composite-500 Stock Index and
the S&P Regional Bank Index for the period of five fiscal years commencing
December 31, 1991 and ending December 31, 1996.

                    Comp. Of 5-Yr. Cumulative Total Return

                   (Performance Graph belongs in this area)

Company/Index  12/31/91   12/31/92   12/31/93   12/31/94   12/31/95   12/31/96
- - -------------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
Corporation      100.0      105.6      126.1      133.1      148.2      192.6
S&P 500          100.0      104.5      111.8      110.1      147.7      177.6
S&P Regional
  Bank Index     100.0      123.5      126.9      115.7      175.5      232.4

    Assumes $100 invested on December 31, 1991 in Century stock, S&P 500
and S&P Regional Banks Index. 
    Total return assumes reinvestment of dividends.

                                    Page 10

                             BENEFIT PROGRAMS


    The Corporation maintains a noncontributory retirement plan covering all
eligible employees of its subsidiary, Century National Bank & Trust Company. 
An employee becomes fully vested in the plan after five years of service. 
Normal retirement is at sixty-five (65) years of age.  The plan is a defined
benefit plan whereby, upon retirement, an employee receives one percent of the
first $500 of average compensation plus 1.5 percent of average compensation in
excess of $500 for each year of service up to a maximum compensation of

    The following table sets forth the estimated annual benefits payable on
retirement at age 65 by a participating employee, assuming final average
earnings as shown.  

     Average Annual           Annual Benefits upon Retirement
       Earnings               with Years of Service Indicated  
                 5        10       15       20        25       30      35
                 -        --       --       --        --       --      --  
     $10,000  $  600   $ 1,200  $ 1,800  $ 2,400  $ 3,000  $ 3,600  $ 4,200
      20,000   1,350     2,700    4,050    5,400    6,750    8,100    9,450
      30,000   2,100     4,200    6,300    8,400   10,500   12,600   14,700
      40,000   2,850     5,700    8,550   11,400   14,250   17,100   19,950
      50,000   3,600     7,200   10,800   14,400   18,000   21,600   25,200
      60,000   4,350     8,700   13,050   17,400   21,750   26,100   30,450
      70,000   5,100    10,200   15,300   20,400   25,500   30,600   35,700
      80,000   5,850    11,700   17,550   23,400   29,250   35,100   40,950
      90,000   6,600    13,200   19,800   26,400   33,000   39,600   46,200
     100,000   7,350    14,700   22,050   29,400   36,750   44,100   51,450
     110,000   8,100    16,200   24,300   32,400   40,500   48,600   56,700
     120,000   8,850    17,700   26,550   35,400   44,250   53,100   61,950
     130,000   9,600    19,200   28,800   38,400   48,000   57,600   67,000
     140,000  10,350    20,700   31,050   41,400   51,750   62,100   72,450
     150,000  11,100    22,200   33,300   44,400   55,500   66,600   77,700

     Current remuneration covered by the Plan for 1996 contributions for the
Named Officers was:  Joseph N. Tosh II, $150,000, and Donald A. Benziger,
$114,760.  As of December 31, 1996 Mr. Tosh II was credited with 30 years of 
service and Mr. Benziger, 6 years.


    The Corporation makes discretionary payments to a trusteed,
noncontributory profit sharing plan covering substantially all full-time
employees and officers of Century National Bank & Trust Company. 
Contributions under the plan are determined annually by the Board of Directors
based upon the earnings of the Corporation.  Contributions for the years 1996
and 1995 amounted to $482,000 and $386,000 respectively.  The plan provides
for eligibility status as of the January 1 following the date of employment.
Participants share in the allocation of employer contributions provided they
work 1,000 hours during the plan year and are employed on the last day of the
plan year.  The plan includes a nonmatching 401K feature, and each full-time
employee is a participant for purposes of making before-tax savings. New
employees become participants for purposes of making before-tax savings as of
the January 1 or July 1 following their date of employment.  

    Profit Sharing contributions for the accounts of the named officers are
listed in the Summary Compensation Table under "All Other Compensation."
                                    Page 11


    Century National Bank and Trust Company, a subsidiary of the Corporation,
has had transactions in the ordinary course of business, including borrowings,
with certain directors and executive officers of the Corporation and the Bank
during 1996. All loans, collateral and interest requirements included, were
made on the same terms as those prevailing at the time for comparable
transactions with other persons and did not involve more than normal risk of
collectibility or present other unfavorable features.

    Wayne S. Luce is President of Reed, Luce, Tosh, Wolford & Douglas, Inc.
which performed legal services for the Bank during 1996 and will provide such
services during 1997.

    Thomas K. Reed is President of Baumgard & Reed, which has written fidelity
bonds and property, casualty, and workman's compensation insurance coverage
for Century National Bank & Trust Company as well as the Holding Company
during 1996 and will provide such services during 1997. 
                       COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 16(a) OF
                     THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

    Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires the Corporation's officers,
directors and persons owning more than 10% of the Corporation's Common Stock
to file reports of ownership and changes in ownership with the SEC.  Officers,
directors and such shareholders are required by regulation to furnish the
Corporation with copies of Section 16(a) forms they file.  The Corporation
knows of no person who owned 10% or more of its Common Stock.

    Based upon review of copies of the forms furnished to the Corporation, the 
Corporation believes that during 1996 all Section 16(a) filing requirements
were complied with in a timely manner.


    The Board of Directors has appointed S. R. Snodgrass, A.C. as independent
public accountants to audit the financial statements of the Company and its
subsidiary for the 1997 fiscal year.  S. R. Snodgrass, A.C. has audited the
financial statements of the Company and/or its subsidiary(ies) since 1973. 
Although the appointment of independent public accountants is not required to
be submitted to a vote of the shareholders, the Board believes the
shareholders should participate in the selection of the independent public
accountants through the ratification process.  The Board recommends a vote For
the ratification of the appointment of S. R. Snodgrass, A.C. and unless
otherwise directed therein, the proxies solicited by the Board will be voted
for the ratification of the appointment of S. R. Snodgrass, A.C.  In the event
the shareholders fail to ratify the appointment, the Board will consider such
vote as a direction to appoint other independent public accountants for the
1997 fiscal year.

    Representatives of S. R. Snodgrass, A.C. will be present at the Annual
Meeting.  The representatives will have the opportunity to make a statement if
they choose to do so and will be available to respond to appropriate

                                    Page 12

                             FINANCIAL INFORMATION

A copy of the Corporation's Annual Report to Shareholders for the year ended
December 31, 1996 accompanies this Proxy Statement.  Such Annual Report is not
a part of the proxy solicitation materials.

FINANCIAL CORPORATION (CYFN) ON LINE AT http://www.centbank.com.

                           SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

    Any shareholder desiring to present a proposal to be considered at the
1998 Annual Meeting of Shareholders should submit the proposal in writing to
Joseph N. Tosh II, President and Chief Executive Officer, Century Financial
Corporation, One Century Place, Rochester, Pennsylvania 15074 no later than
November 26, 1997.

                               OTHER MATTERS

    Management knows of no business other than that set forth above which will
be brought before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.  Should other
business properly come before the Meeting or any adjournment thereof, the
Proxy holders will vote upon the same according to their discretion and best

                                       BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                       /s/ Donald A. Benziger
                                       Donald A. Benziger  
                                       Senior Vice President, Chief Financial 
                                       Officer and Corporate Secretary

March 21, 1997

                                    Page 13


    James C. Tosh and John M. Finley, each with power of substitution and
with all the powers and discretion the undersigned would have if personally
present, are hereby appointed the Proxy Agents to represent the undersigned at
the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Century Financial Corporation to be held
on April 28, 1997 (including any adjournments or postponements thereof) and to
vote all shares of common stock of Century Financial Corporation which the
undersigned is entitled to vote on all matters that properly come before the
Meeting, subject to any directions indicated in the boxes below.

The Proxy Agents are directed to vote on the following issues:

1.  The Election of Directors

    Nominees for a term expiring in 2000 are Robert F. Garvin, Jr.,
    Charles I. Homan, Wayne S. Luce, and Sr. Mary Thaddeus Markelewicz 

           [ ]                              [ ]
         FOR all                    WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
     Nominees Listed                    to vote for
                                   all nominees listed

SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee,
draw a line through such nominee's name.

2.  Ratification of appointment of S. R. Snodgrass, A.C., Public Accountants
    audit the financial statements of the Corporation and its subsidiary for
    1997 fiscal year.

         [ ]                     [ ]                      [ ]
         FOR                   AGAINST                  ABSTAIN

3.  In their discretion, on such other business that may be brought before the
    meeting or any adjournment thereof.


The Proxy Agents present and acting at the Meeting in person or by their
substitutes (or if only one is present and acting, then that one) may exercise
all the powers conferred hereby.
Receipt of the Notice of the Annual Meeting of Shareholders and the
Corporation's Proxy Statement dated March 21, 1997 is hereby acknowledged.

Dated __________________    When signing as attorney, executor, administrator,
                            trustee, or 
                            guardian, please give full title.
____________________(L.S.)  If more than one trustee, all should sign.  

                            PROMPTLY IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE. 

March 21, 1997