Exhibit 2.1 Mirador Corporate Documents ================================================================================ SECRETARY OF STATE [GRAPHIC OMITTED] THE GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF NEVADA [GRAPHIC OMITTED] STATE OF NEVADA CERTIFICATE OF EXISTENCE WITH STATUS IN GOOD STANDING I, DEAN HELLER, the duly elected and qualified Nevada Secretary of State, do hereby certify that I am, by the laws of said State, the custodian of the records relating to filings by corporations, limited-liability companies, limited partnerships, limited-liability partnerships and business trusts pursuant to Title 7 of the Nevada Revised Statutes which are either presently in a status of good standing or were in good standing for a time period subsequent of 1976 and am the proper officer to execute this certificate. I further certify that the records of the Nevada Secretary of State, at the date of this certificate, evidence, MIRADOR DIVERSIFIED SERVICES, INC., as a corporation duly organized under the laws of Nevada and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nevada since February 27, 1997, and is in good standing in this state. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of State, at my office, in Carson City, Nevada, on November 29, 1999. /s/ DEAN HELLER ----------------------- Dean Heller Secretary of State By /s/ ----------------------- Certification Clerk [GRAPHIC OMITTED] THE GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF NEVADA [GRAPHIC OMITTED] ================================================================================ ================================================================================ SECRETARY OF STATE [GRAPHIC OMITTED] THE GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF NEVADA [GRAPHIC OMITTED] STATE OF NEVADA CERTIFICATE OF EXISTENCE WITH STATUS IN GOOD STANDING I, DEAN HELLER, the duly elected and qualified Nevada Secretary of State, do hereby certify that I am, by the laws of said State, the custodian of the records relating to filings by corporations, limited-liability companies, limited partnerships, limited-liability partnerships and business trusts pursuant to Title 7 of the Nevada Revised Statutes which are either presently in a status of good standing or were in good standing for a time period subsequent of 1976 and am the proper officer to execute this certificate. I further certify that the records of the Nevada Secretary of State, at the date of this certificate, evidence, TCT FINANCIAL GROUP B, INC., as a corporation duly organized under the laws of Nevada and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nevada since June 11, 1999, and is in good standing in this state. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of State, at my office, in Carson City, Nevada, on November 29, 1999. /s/ DEAN HELLER --------------------------------- Secretary of State By /s/ --------------------------------- Certification Clerk [GRAPHIC OMITTED] THE GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF NEVADA [GRAPHIC OMITTED] ================================================================================ STATE OF NEVADA Secretary of State I hereby certify that this is a true and complete copy of this document as filed in this office. MAR 1 '00 /s/ DEAN HELLER ---------------------- DEAN HELLER Secretary of State By /s/ ---------------------- Mirador Diversified Services, Inc. Prelim 1999 Performa Balance Sheet As of December 31, 1999 December 31, 1999 ----------------- ASSETS Current Assets Other Current Assets Current Assets 14,143,247 ------------ Total Other Current Assets 14,143,247 ------------ Total Current Assets 14,143,247 Fixed Assets Fixed Assets 658,054 ------------ Total Fixed Assets 658,054 Other Assets Other Assets 105,626 ------------ Total Other Assets 105,626 ------------ TOTAL ASSETS 14,906,927 ============ LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Current Liabilities 9,949,577 ------------ Total Other Current Liabilities 9,949,577 ------------ Total Current Liabilities 9,949,577 Long Term Liabilities Long Term Liabilities 41,407 ------------ Total Long Term Liabilities 41,407 ------------ Total Liabilities 9,990,984 Equity Opening Balance Equity 1,649,576 Net Income 3,266,367 ------------ Total Equity 4,915,943 ------------ TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 14,906,927 ============ Mirador Diversified Services, Inc. Prelim Proforma Profit and Loss January through December 1999 Ordinary Income Expenses Income Gross 1999 Income ACM Total Income 422,446 Allstate Total Income 1,150,748 AMM Total Income Aaction Total Income 369,503 AMM Total Income-Other 626,307 ---------- Total AMM Total Income 955,810 MAM Annualized Income 643,062 MLA Annualized Income 7,596,213 MRA Total Income 555,489 UM Total Income 1,044,183 UMI Total Income UMI Banker Gain 1,640,975 UMI Total Income-Other 1,027,682 ---------- Total UMI Income 2,668,657 ---------- Total Gross 1999 Income 15,076,608 ---------- Total Income 15,076,608 ---------- Expense 1999 Operating Expenses ACM Total Expenses ACM Payroll Adjustment -75,000 ACM Total Expenses-Other 429,028 ---------- Total ACM Total Expense 354,028 Allstate Total Operating Expense 1,172,507 AMM Total Operating Expense Aaction Total Expense 354,801 AMM Total Operating Expense-Other 671,505 ---------- Total AMM Operating Expense 1,026,306 MAM Annualized Expense MAM Payroll Adjustment -75,000 MAM Annualized Expense-Other 611,926 ---------- Total MAM Annualized Expense 536,926 MLA Annualized Operating Expense 6,571,204 MRA Total Operating Expense MRA Payroll Adjustment -150,000 MRA Total Operating Expense-Other 524,022 ---------- Total MRA Operating Expense 374,022 UM Total Operating Expense 911,067 UMI Total Operating Expense UMI Colorado Efficiencies -135,000 UMI Payroll Adjustment -250,000 UMI Total Operating Expense-Other 1,248,181 ---------- Total UMI Operating Expense 863,181 ---------- Total 1999 Operating Expense 11,810,240 ---------- Total Expense 11,810,240 ---------- Net Ordinary Income 3,266,367 ---------- Net Income 3,266,367 ---------- MIRADOR DIVERSIFIED SERVICES, INC. 1999 PRELIMINARY PROFORMA PROFIT AND LOSS BALANCE SHEET AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1999 NOTES: 1. All Balance Sheet and Income & Expense information is based on PRELIMINARY information provided by the individual companies. This information is compiled for management use only, and does not contain adjustments that would normally be included in any presentation to readers not part of the respective management groups. Adjustments for accruals, non-cash items, asset and/or liability allocations, etc. are rarely included in this form of management presentation, and the use of this information by non-management is highly cautioned. 2. The source for the information presented is as follows: ACM=American Capital Mortgage: full year Income/Expense Statement ending 12/31/99. Balance Sheet as of 12/31/99 Allstate=Allstate Mortgage: full year Income/Expense Statement ending 12/31/99. Balance Sheet as of 12/31/99 AMM=American Mortgage Mart: full year Income/Expesne Statement ending 12/31/99, including revenue from Aaction Mortgage which was acquired December 1999. Balance Sheet as of 12/31/99 MAM=Mid-America Mortgage: ANNUALIZED 12 month statement Balance Sheet and Income/Expense based on 10 month statement from February 1 to November 30, 1999. MLA=Mortgage Lending of America: ANNUALIZED 12 month statement Balance Sheet and Income/Expense based on 9 months statement from January 1 to September 30, 1999. MRA=Mortgage Resource Associates: full year Income/Expense Statement ending 12/31/99. Balance Sheet as of 12/31/99 NATCAP-NATCAP Mortgage: Balance Sheet as of 10/31/98 Income/Expense NOT included since only the assets of this operation are being acquired. UM=University Mortgage: full year Income/Expense Statement ending 12/31/99. Balance Sheet NOT included since the assets of this operation are not being acquired. UMI=United Mortgage: Balance Sheet ending December 31, 1999 Income/Expense Statement for June 1 to December 31, 1999 ANNUALIZED Note: Income/Expense Statement contains extraordinary expenses related to the prior management and subsequent write-off of non-performing income and non-continuing expense items. Payroll expense has been adjusted downwards by $250,000 but other items also require adjustment and as such the actual accounting basis considerably exaggerates the expenses while minimizing the income. 3. Expenses have been reduced for anticipated savings within the Colorado operations, which we estimate rent to be reduced by $60,000 annually and Administrative efficiencies to produce another $75,000 in expense reductions. 4. Payroll at American Capital Mortgage, Mid America Mortgage, and Mortgage Resource Associates can be reduced by $75,000, $75,000, and $150,000, respectively, to reflect conversion to prior management salaries to new salary structure. 5. Income includes estimated net gain to UMI as a Mortgage Banker, to include gains from Service Release and Yield Spread Premiums, and additional fees charged to customer at closing which can be retained by UMI. We calculate this revenue gain to be $1,640,975 to which we have added the $125,000 in saving outlined in #3 and the $300,000 savings in #4. Note that Banker gain is based on combined net revenues for all companies EXCEPT Mortgage Lending of America, since they currently operate as a Mortgage Banker. Printed April 7, 2000