Exhibit 5



                           DONINI, INC.
                           a New Jersey corporation, duly incorporated and
                           validly existing according to law, having a
                           registered office at 4555 des Grandes Prairies Blvd.,
                           Suite 30, in the City of St. Leonard, Province of
                           Quebec, H1R 1A5, herein duly represented by Mr. Peter
                           Deros, its representative, duly authorized for these
                           purposes as he so declares,

                           hereinafter referred to as "DONINI"


                           LARS MULLER,
                           Businessman, residing and domiciled at Earls Neuk,
                           Chapel Green, Elie, Levan, Fife, KY9-1AD, Scotland

                           hereinafter referred to as "LARS"

WHEREAS DONINI has acquired all of the issued and outstanding shares of Pizza
Donini Inc., a Canadian corporation and is in the process of becoming listed on
the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board or Nasdaq for the purpose of selling its
stock over the counter;

WHEREAS LARS has provided certain strategic, market-positioning and consulting
services to DONINI, its subsidiaries and affiliates since April 2001;

WHEREAS, upon the date on which the shares of DONINI begin trading on the
Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board or Nasdaq (the "effective date"), LARS wishes to
continue to provide certain strategic, market-positioning and other related
consulting services to DONINI, its subsidiaries and affiliates;

WHEREAS in addition to the consulting services outlined herein, LARS shall act
as agent to DONINI and shall provide certain marketing and sales services to
DONINI, its subsidiaries and affiliates;

WHEREAS DONINI wishes to engage the services of LARS as of the effective date,
under the terms and conditions provided herein.

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1.       The preamble shall form an integral part of this Agreement.

2.       Save and except as otherwise stipulated herein, DONINI shall engage the
         services of LARS on a non-exclusive basis for a period of three (3)
         years commencing on the effective date and terminating thirty-six (36)
         months thereafter.

3.       LARS shall provide to DONINI such services as may be necessary for the
         arrangement of short and long-term funding from private and
         institutional investors, shall assist DONINI in the location and
         funding of potential mergers and acquisitions, shall provide to DONINI
         such consulting services as required in respect of the corporate
         structure of DONINI, strategic and market-positioning issues,
         identification and negotiation of strategic alliances useful and
         beneficial to DONINI and such other services as DONINI shall require
         within the scope of the duties outlined herein. Where LARS fails or
         omits to provide satisfactory consulting and advisory services pursuant
         to the terms hereof at any time, DONINI shall be entitled to reasonably
         amend the present Agreement.

4.       LARS shall also act as agent exclusively for DONINI and shall provide
         to DONINI, its affiliates and subsidiaries such marketing and sales
         services as DONINI shall require in order to establish and expand the
         market presence of "Pizza Donini" products and services within the
         territory consisting of the State of Massachusetts and Rhode Island
         (herein referred to as the "Territory"), to the best of his abilities.
         In addition to the Territory indicated hereinabove, LARS shall have a
         right of first refusal to expand the Territory into the states of
         Vermont and New Hampshire, or either of them, for the purposes stated
         in this Agreement, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a written
         notice from DONINI that it has received an acceptable offer, interest
         or other commitment from a third party for the states or state so
         stipulated and upon such terms and conditions of such third party
         offer, interest or commitment. In the event that LARS wishes to
         exercise his right hereunder, he must so advise DONINI in writing prior
         to the expiration of the delay provided herein and must consent; in
         writing, to fulfil all of the terms and conditions of the third party
         offer, interest or commitment.

5.       LARS shall receive, over the term of this agreement, and in lieu of
         remuneration for all services rendered herein, the following shares in
         the capital stock of DONINI:

         a)       on or before August 30th, 2001, THIRTY SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE
                  HUNDRED (37,500) shares of common stock of DONINI, as fully
                  paid and non-assessable.

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         b)       on or before August 30th, 2001, an additional THIRTY SEVEN
                  THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (37,500) shares of common stock of
                  DONINI, as fully paid and non-assessable.

         c)       on or before August 30th, 2001, TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND (25,000)
                  shares of common stock of DONINI to be issued to LARS as fully
                  paid and non-assessable in connection with future consulting
                  and/or other services to be provided by LARS together with a
                  third party, Manuel Hatziioannou, in respect of the expansion
                  of the Donini concept in Peabody, Massachusetts to Donini,
                  Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.

         d)       In the event that LARS shall cease to provide any of the
                  services outlined hereunder after the commencement date but
                  prior to the issuance of the shares provided in subparagraphs
                  b) and c) above, LARS shall forfeit the right to receive the
                  shares outlined in sub-paragraphs b) and c) above.

         e)       All shares so issued shall be subject to all applicable
                  federal and state securities legislation, regulation and
                  policy, including all rules regarding the disposition of
                  shares by insiders.

6.       In addition to the above, DONINI shall reimburse or ensure that LARS be
         reimbursed for any out of pocket expenses incurred by him, provided
         that prior to incurring such expenses, DONINI shall have approved same.
         LARS must submit, together with his claim for reimbursement, such
         invoices, vouchers, cash register slips or other items as DONINI, its
         affiliates or subsidiaries shall reasonably require.

7.       LARS agrees that to the best of his ability and experience he will at
         all times loyally and conscientiously perform all of the obligations
         required of him either expressly or implicitly by the terms of this

8.       During the term of this agreement LARS shall not, directly or
         indirectly participate in any business that is in direct competition in
         any manner whatsoever with the business of DONINI.

9.       The parties acknowledge and agree that during the term of this
         Agreement and in the course of the discharge of his duties hereunder,
         LARS shall have access to and become acquainted with information
         concerning the operation of DONINI, including without limitation,
         customers, financial, personnel, sales, planning, marketing and other
         information that is owned by DONINI and regularly used in the operation
         of the DONINI's business and that this information constitutes DONINI's
         trade secrets. LARS agrees that he shall not disclose any such trade
         secrets, directly or indirectly, to any other person or use them in any
         way, either during the term of this agreement or at any time

                                                                     Page 3 of 9

         thereafter, except as is required in the course of his consulting with
         DONINI. The unauthorized use or disclosure of any of DONINI's trade
         secrets obtained by LARS during his consulting with DONINI shall
         constitute unfair competition. LARS further agrees that all files,
         records, documents, equipment and similar items relating to DONINI's
         business, whether prepared by LARS or others, are and shall remain
         exclusively the property of DONINI.

10.      In recognition of services rendered and provided that LARS is
         continuing to act for DONINI as provided herein, LARS shall also
         receive from DONINI certain stock options, the whole as detailed more
         fully hereinbelow, which options and the shares that may be issued
         pursuant thereto shall be subject to all applicable securities laws,
         regulations and policies, including all rules regarding the disposition
         of shares by insiders:

         a)       ninety-one (91) days following the effective date, LARS shall
                  receive an option to purchase FIFTY THOUSAND (50,000) shares
                  of the common stock of DONINI at a price equal to one hundred
                  and ten percent (110%) of the five (5) day average trading
                  price immediately following the first ninety (90) days of
                  trading of the common stock of DONINI on the Over-the-Counter
                  Bulletin Board or Nasdaq (the "exercise price"), provided
                  however that the exercise price of the stock is not less than
                  fifty percent (50%) of the average of the five (5) highest
                  closing prices during the ninety (90) day period immediately
                  following commencement of trading. The option so granted may
                  be exercised at any time between the 96th day following the
                  effective date and twenty-four months following the granting
                  of the option;

         b)       Twelve (12) months following the granting of the option
                  described in subparagraph 10a) hereof, LARS shall receive an
                  option to purchase ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND (100,000) shares of
                  the common stock of DONINI at a price equal to one hundred and
                  ten percent (110%) of the five (5) day average trading price
                  immediately following the granting of the said option (the
                  "exercise price"), provided however that the exercise price of
                  the stock is not less than fifty percent (50%) of the average
                  of the five (5) highest closing prices during the ninety (90)
                  day period immediately following commencement of trading. The
                  option so granted may be exercised at any time within
                  twenty-four (24) months following the granting of the said

         c)       Twenty-four (24) months following the granting of the option
                  described in subparagraph 10a) hereof, LARS shall receive an
                  option to purchase ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND (150,000) shares
                  of the common stock of DONINI at a price equal to one hundred
                  and ten percent (110%) of the five (5) day average trading
                  price immediately following the granting of the said option
                  (the "exercise price"), provided however that the exercise
                  price of the stock is not less than fifty percent (50%) of the

                                                                     Page 4 of 9

                  average of the five (5) highest closing prices during the
                  ninety (90) day period immediately following commencement of
                  trading. The option so granted may be exercised at any time
                  within twenty-four (24) months following the granting of the
                  said option;

         e)       In the event that LARS shall cease to provide any of the
                  services outlined herein prior to the granting of any of the
                  options described in this paragraph 10 then LARS shall forfeit
                  the right to receive any option hereunder that has yet to be
                  granted by DONINI. In addition, where LARS has ceased to
                  provide any of the services outlined herein within six (6)
                  months of the granting of any option hereunder, LARS shall
                  remit to DONINI for cancellation any option or portion
                  thereof, prorated to the amount of service provided by LARS in
                  that year;

11.      LARS undertakes to devote such time and effort as is mutually agreed in
         order to diligently provide the services specified herein as DONINI may
         require within the scope of his duties during the term hereof.

12.      DONINI and LARS shall enter into a brokerage agreement, the terms of
         which shall be mutually acceptable to the parties, wherein LARS shall
         act, on an exclusive basis, as the agent for DONINI, in respect of the
         sale of the products listed in Schedule "A" annexed hereto (the
         "Products") within the State of Massachusetts and Rhode Island (the
         "Territory") within the context of sales on a business to business
         level, pursuant to which LARS shall receive a commission equal to
         between one percent (1%) and three percent (3%) of any sums received by
         DONINI, its affiliates or subsidiaries, in respect of sales of the
         Products introduced or sold directly through LARS's efforts. The total
         commission payable to LARS in each instance shall be determined by
         DONINI on a case-by-case basis and, in any event, the total commission
         payable by DONINI, its subsidiaries and affiliates shall not exceed
         five percent (5%) of the amounts received by DONINI, its affiliates or
         subsidiaries in respect of the sales of the Products. In addition to
         the Territory indicated hereinabove, LARS shall have a right of first
         refusal to expand the Territory into the states of Vermont and New
         Hampshire, or either of them, for the purposes stated in this
         paragraph, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a written notice from
         DONINI that it has received an acceptable offer, interest or other
         commitment from a third party for the states or state so stipulated and
         upon such terms and conditions of such third party offer, interest or
         commitment. In the event that LARS wishes to exercise his right
         hereunder, he must so advise DONINI in writing prior to the expiration
         of the delay provided herein and must consent; in writing, to fulfil
         all of the terms and conditions of the third party offer, interest or
         commitment. Where LARS fails or omits to secure such satisfactory
         business-to-business agreements or contracts pursuant to the terms
         hereof within five (5) months following the effective date, DONINI
         shall be entitled to reasonably amend the present Agreement.

                                                                     Page 5 of 9

13.      LARS shall be granted a master franchise agreement for the State of
         Massachusetts and Rhode Island (the "Territory"), and shall have the
         right to sub-franchise to qualified persons or entities the right and
         license to operate "Pizza Donini" restaurants under such terms and
         conditions as are stipulated by DONINI, its affiliates and
         subsidiaries. In respect of the master franchise rights granted in this
         paragraph 13, LARS shall act exclusively for DONINI. LARS shall receive
         ten percent (10%) of the amount of any initial franchise fee received
         by DONINI, its affiliates or subsidiaries in respect of such
         sub-franchises as commission for the sale of the said franchises and
         ten percent (10%) of any royalties received in respect of such
         franchises, less any and all amounts payable to any third parties as
         provided herein. In addition to the Territory, DONINI shall grant to
         LARS, during the term of the agreement, a right of first refusal to
         expand the master franchise rights into the States of Vermont and New
         Hampshire, or either of them, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a
         written notice from DONINI that it has received an acceptable offer,
         interest or other commitment from a third party for the states or state
         so stipulated and upon such terms and conditions of such third party
         offer, interest or commitment. In the event that LARS wishes to
         exercise his right hereunder, he must so advise DONINI in writing prior
         to the expiration of the delay provided herein and must consent; in
         writing, to fulfil all of the terms and conditions of the third party
         offer, interest or commitment. LARS hereby acknowledges that ten
         percent (10%) of all commissions and amounts payable to him hereunder
         shall be remitted to ZSQUARED, LLC. LARS shall, on a timely basis,
         advise DONINI, ZSQUARED, LLC, Chet Zalesky and Dennis Zweig of all
         information regarding franchisees and potential franchisees within the
         Territory and of any change in such franchisees and potential
         franchisees. The parties shall enter into such master franchise
         agreement(s) as shall be required, which agreement(s) shall contain
         such terms and conditions as are usually contained in similar
         agreements, including provisions for the payment of master franchise
         fees, royalties and other fees to DONINI. Where LARS fails or omits to
         secure a satisfactory master franchise or sub-franchise agreement
         pursuant to the terms hereof within ten (10) months following the
         effective date, DONINI shall be entitled to reasonably amend the
         present Agreement.

14.      In the event that DONINI shall authorize any other sales agent for the
         purpose of selling "Pizza Donini" franchises in the U.S. outside the
         Territory (the "Outside Agent"), LARS shall be entitled to receive a
         maximum of ten percent (10%) of the commission on any master franchise
         fee and of the commission on any initial franchise fee received by the
         Outside Agent on the sale of franchises by the Outside Agent and on the
         commissions on royalties generated by the Outside Agent where LARS is
         instrumental in assisting or advising DONINI and the Outside Agent. The
         amount to be received by LARS shall be determined between the parties
         on a case-by-case basis. LARS hereby acknowledge that he shall not be
         entitled to any fees or commissions in respect of the rights granted by

                                                                     Page 6 of 9

         DONINI to ZSQUARED, LLC, Chet Zalesky and Dennis Zweig (for the area
         consisting of Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, North
         Carolina and Florida), to JT Tucker, Inc. (for the area consisting of
         California, Arizona and Nevada), to Scott Parliament (for the area
         consisting of Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois), and to Doug Furth (
         for the area consisting of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana) unless LARS,
         DONINI and the above-named Outside Agents (or such other Outside Agents
         as shall be appointed by DONINI, its subsidiaries and affiliates from
         time to time) have entered into and executed a mutually acceptable
         agreement. DONINI shall advise LARS from time to time of the
         appointment of any new Outside Agents and the territories attributed to
         them as well as of such changes as may be appropriate.

15.      LARS shall have the option to open one (1) "Pizza Donini" retail store
         within the Territory subject to the prior approval of DONINI or its
         nominee under the current franchise and related agreements, save and
         except that LARS shall not be liable for the payment of any initial
         franchise fees in respect of such location. In respect of the rights
         granted in this paragraph, LARS shall act exclusively for DONINI. LARS
         shall however be liable for the payment of such royalties and other
         fees normally payable by Pizza Donini franchisees. LARS shall execute
         the "Pizza Donini" standard form Franchise Agreement and ancillary
         documents for the United States.

16.      The parties shall execute such further documents, agreements and
         instruments as may be necessary in order to give full force and effect
         to the foregoing and shall obtain such authorizations, approvals,
         permits and consents as may be required by law or otherwise, including
         any approvals of the Board of Directors of any corporate entities.

17.      This Agreement is personal to LARS and may not be sold, transferred,
         assigned or otherwise conveyed without the prior written consent of
         DONINI, which consent may be subject to additional terms,
         representations, warranties and conditions.

18.      The present agreement supersedes and replaces all previous agreements,
         understandings, instruments and contracts that may exist between the
         parties, whether verbal or written.

19.      This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the
         state of New Jersey, U.S.A. and any and all disputes shall be submitted
         to the Superior Court for the state of New Jersey.

20.      This Agreement was drafted in English at the request of the parties
         hereto. La presente convention a ete redigee en anglais a la demande
         des parties aux presentes.

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     duly authorized for these purposes



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                                  SCHEDULE "A"

                               PRODUCTS TO BE SOLD


     1.   Frozen Pizza Shells - Regular and Self-Rising;

     2.   Refrigerated and/or Frozen Raw Dressed Self-Rising Pizza (single or

     3.   Refrigerated, Par-baked Crust, Deli-Counter Dressed Pizza (single or

     4.   Frozen, Par-Baked Dressed Pizza (single or multi-serve);

     5.   Frozen Pizza Pockets (regular or microwave oven);

     6.   Microwaveable Frozen Dressed Pizza (single or multi serve);

     7.   Pizza and Pasta Sauce.

     8.   Raw Dough Balls

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