Exhibit 7



         Body politic duly constituted according to Law, having its Head Office
         and principal place of business at 9520 L'Acadie Boulevard, Suite 221,
         Montreal, Quebec, herein duly represented by Mr. Peter Deros, its
         representative, duly authorized for these purposes,

         (hereinafter referred to as "DONINI.COM")


         residing and domiciled at 561 Carleton, Chomedey, Laval, Quebec, H7W

         (hereinafter referred to as "SARKIS")

WHEREAS SARKIS has been an employee of either DONINI.COM or its sole
shareholder, Pizza Donini Inc., since 1992 and is currently the President and
Chief Operating Officer of DONINI.COM;

WHEREAS Pizza Donini Inc. is currently a wholly owned subsidiary of Donini,
Inc., a New Jersey corporation;

WHEREAS, the parties wish to set forth certain conditions of employment in
addition to those currently agreed upon between the parties, the whole as
provided more fully herein;

The parties hereby agree as follows:

1.       That the preamble to the present Agreement shall form an integral part
         hereof as if it were recited at length herein for all legal purposes.


2.       SARKIS shall continue to provide such management and administrative
         services to DONINI.COM and to such other related and affiliated
         companies as the Chief Executive Officer of Donini, Inc. shall direct
         from time to time, including but not limited to Donini, Inc. and Pizza
         Donini Inc.

3.       For services rendered in the past and as an inducement for the
         continued employment and efforts of SARKIS to DONINI.COM and/or to any
         of its subsidiaries, affiliates, parent corporation or related
         companies, DONINI.COM shall cause Donini, Inc., the parent corporation
         of Pizza Donini Inc., to issue to SARKIS on or before August 30th, 2001
         thirty-five thousand (35,000) shares of its common stock, as fully paid
         and non-assessable.

4.       In addition to the stock of Donini, Inc., as stipulated above, and to
         any remuneration currently received or to be received in the future,
         SARKIS shall be entitled to receive, the following options to purchase
         shares of Donini, Inc., the parent corporation of Pizza Donini Inc.:

         a)       Ninety-one (91) days following the commencement of trading
                  (the "effective date") of the stock of Donini, Inc. on the
                  Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board or Nasdaq, SARKIS shall
                  receive an option to purchase a maximum of thirty-five
                  thousand (35,000) shares of common stock of Donini, Inc., at
                  an exercise price equal to 110% of the five (5) day average
                  trading price immediately following the first ninety (90) days
                  of trading of the common stock of Donini, Inc. on the
                  Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board or Nasdaq, provided however
                  that the exercise price of the stock is not less than fifty
                  percent (50%) of the average of the five (5) highest closing
                  prices during the ninety (90) day period immediately following
                  commencement of trading. The option granted may be exercised
                  at any time between the ninety-sixth (96th) day following the
                  effective date and twenty-four (24) months following the
                  granting of the option;

         b)       Twelve (12) months following the granting of the option
                  described in sub-paragraph 4a) hereof, an option to purchase
                  fifty thousand (50,000) shares of common stock of Donini, Inc.
                  at an exercise price equal to 110% of the five (5) day average
                  trading price immediately following the granting of the option
                  described in this sub-paragraph, provided however that the
                  exercise price of the stock is not less than fifty percent
                  (50%) of the average of the five (5) highest closing prices
                  during the ninety (90) day period immediately following
                  commencement of trading, which option may be exercised at any
                  time within twenty-four (24) months following the granting of
                  the said option;


         c)       Twenty-four (24) months following the granting of the option
                  described in sub-paragraph 4a) hereof, an option to purchase
                  seventy-five thousand (75,000) shares of common stock of
                  Donini, Inc. at an exercise price equal to 110% of the five
                  (5) day average trading price immediately following the
                  granting of the option described in this sub-paragraph,
                  provided however that the exercise price of the stock is not
                  less than fifty percent (50%) of the average of the five (5)
                  highest closing prices during the ninety (90) day period
                  immediately following commencement of trading, which option
                  may be exercised within twenty-four (24) months following the
                  granting of the said option;

         d)       For the purposes of the shares of common stock to be issued
                  pursuant to paragraph 4 hereof and for the purposes of the
                  options granted pursuant to sub-paragraphs a), b) and c)
                  hereof, Donini, Inc. hereby intervenes into the present
                  Agreement and undertakes to issue and grant to SARKIS the
                  common stock and options to acquire shares of its common
                  stock. All shares issued pursuant to the terms hereof and to
                  the options granted herein shall be subject to all applicable
                  federal and state securities legislation, regulations and
                  policies, including all rules regarding the disposition of
                  shares by insiders.

         e)       In the event that SARKIS shall cease to provide any services
                  to any of DONINI.COM, its subsidiaries, affiliates, related
                  companies or parent corporations prior to the granting of any
                  of the options described in this paragraph 3 then SARKIS shall
                  forfeit the right to receive any option hereunder that has yet
                  to be granted by Donini, Inc..

5.       During the term of SARKIS' employment with DONINI.COM or any of its
         subsidiaries, affiliates, parent corporation or related companies and
         for a period of three (3) years thereafter, SARKIS shall not, directly
         or indirectly, alone, in concert or partnership with others, through a
         prete-nom or company either as an employee, director, shareholder,
         lender, principal, officer, investor, associate or consultant, compete
         with the business of DONINI.COM, its subsidiaries, affiliates, parent
         corporation or related companies, nor shall he offer assistance or
         advice to any competing business or businesses. SARKIS hereby
         acknowledges and agrees that any breach of the obligations enumerated
         herein shall cause irreparable prejudice to DONINI.COM, its
         subsidiaries, affiliates, parent corporation, related companies and the
         stockholders of the parent corporation.

6.       SARKIS acknowledges that during his employment with DONINI.COM, its
         subsidiaries, affiliates, parent corporation and related companies, he
         has been and shall continue to be privy to confidential information and
         trade secrets belonging to DONINI.COM, its subsidiaries, affiliates,
         parent corporation and related companies as it relates to the products,


         designs, business plans, contracts, proposals, business opportunities,
         finances, research, development, know-how, personnel, or third-party
         confidential information of DONINI.COM, its subsidiaries, affiliates,
         parent corporation and related companies to which SARKIS may have
         access and the terms and conditions of this Agreement. For and in
         consideration of the entering into of this Agreement and in
         consideration of the options granted herein, SARKIS undertakes not to
         divulge any of the aforementioned information to any person, entity,
         corporation or authority, nor to use such information for his benefit
         or the benefit of anyone other than DONINI.COM, its subsidiaries,
         affiliates, its parent corporation and related companies at any time
         during his employment or thereafter. SARKIS hereby acknowledges and
         agrees that any breach of the obligations enumerated herein shall cause
         irreparable prejudice to DONINI.COM, its subsidiaries, affiliates,
         parent corporation and the stockholders of the parent corporation.

7.       Upon the termination of this Agreement, SARKIS shall return to
         DONINI.COM all books, records, material, customer and supplier lists,
         confidential information, franchisee lists and documents and all other
         material, whether written, electronic or other, in respect of
         DONINI.COM's operations and those of subsidiaries, affiliates, parent
         corporation, related companies, shareholders, franchisees, lenders,
         suppliers, customers and other business contacts of any nature
         whatsoever and shall not retain any copies, records or other similar

8.       This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the Laws of
         Quebec and any and all disputes shall be submitted to the appropriate
         court for the District of Montreal.

9.       This Agreement was drafted in English at the request of the parties
         hereto. La presente Convention a ete redigee en anglais a la demande
         des parties aux presentes.



     Peter Deros
     Duly authorized for these purposes




     Peter Deros,
     Duly authorized for the purposes
     stated herein
