Wednesday November 14, 6:03 am Eastern Time

                                  Press Release

SOURCE: NuWay Energy Inc.

               NuWay Energy To Acquire 60,000 Acres in Raton Basin

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 14, 2001--NuWay Energy Inc. (Nasdaq:NWAY -
news) is pleased to announce that it has signed a Letter of Intent to acquire
leases and options on approximately 60,000 acres of Coal Bed Methane prospects
in the Raton Basin, Las Animas County, Colorado and Colfax County, New Mexico.


The Raton Basin is an onshore depositional and structural basin that is
approximately 80 miles long and 50 miles wide, located in southern Colorado and
northern New Mexico. The Raton Basin contains two coal bearing formations, the
Vermejo formation coals located at depths of between 450 and 3,500 feet and the
shallower Raton formation coals, located at depths from the surface to
approximately 2,000 feet.


Coal bed methane reserves are considerably different from normal oil and gas
reserves. The gas is trapped in the coal itself. Each cubic foot of coal has a
certain amount of gas trapped within it. Coal bed methane can be located with
almost 100% accuracy. The operators working these coal bed methane plays are
commonly achieving 98% or greater drilling success rates. The resources are
available from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), state agencies and
data obtained from other successful operators. The fact that the coal beds in
these leases lye between 700 and 1,800 feet means that it can be core drilled to
determine how deep the coal is, how thick it is, and an indication of how much
gas is present. The risk of dry holes in normal oil and gas development projects
does not exist in coal bed methane.

Coal bed methane wells do not decline as their life extends. The coal bed
methane that is being produced actually increases as the years go by. Four of
five years into their production life the wells will be producing more than they
were to start with.

A number of large energy companies are currently developing coal bed methane
prospects in the Raton Basin, and other basins around the Rocky Mountains. They
have met with great success. The largest is Evergreen Resources (NYSE:EVG -
news) who have drilled over 500 wells near the area where these leases are.


This leasehold has been evaluated and shows recoverable gas in place of
approximately 400 billion cubic feet of gas. At a price of $2.00 per mcf that
would be a gross value of $800 million dollars.

There are three gas pipelines in the general area of these leases and more lines
are in the development stage. Currently there is a market for all the gas that
can be produced in this area.

Todd Sanders, CEO, "This is a monumental event for NuWay Energy. With the
success that we have already had with our properties in Canada and to now enter
the Raton Basin, one of the most successful natural gas areas in the world, we
have a major project that will be the core in building a very successful oil and
gas company. I couldn't be any happier with the progress that we have made in
such a short period of time."

The company anticipates a complete closing with shareholder approval to take
place in the next 60 days. Statements regarding anticipated oil and gas
production and other oil and gas operation activities, including the costs and
timing of those activities, are "forward-looking statements."  These statements
involve risks that could significantly impact NuWay Energy. These risks include,
but are not limited to, adverse general economic conditions, operating hazards,
drilling risks, inherent uncertainties in interpreting engineering and geologic
data, competition, reduced availability of drilling and other well services,
fluctuations in oil and gas prices and prices for drilling and other well
services and government regulation and foreign political risks, as well as other
risks commonly associated with the exploration and development of oil and gas


     NuWay Energy Inc., Irvine
     Todd Sanders, 949/553-8002


     Investor Relations:
     Brian Quinn, 866/774-6468
