CONSULTING AGREEMENT


                           DONINI, INC.
                           a New Jersey corporation, duly incorporated and
                           validly existing according to law, having a
                           registered office at 4555 des Grandes Prairies Blvd.,
                           Suite 30, in the City of St. Leonard, Province of
                           Quebec, H1R 1A5, herein duly represented by Mr. Peter
                           Deros, its President, duly authorized for these
                           purposes as he so declares,

                           hereinafter referred to as the "COMPANY"


                           Goar Palyan of Van Nuys, CA
                           8107 Allot Street West, Van Nuys, CA 91042

                           hereinafter referred to as the "CONSULTANT"

         WHEREAS the Company seeks to hire Consultant and Consultant wishes to
consult with the Company, it is hereby agreed:

         1.       CONSULTANT: The Company hires Consultant as an independent
business advisor and Consultant hereby accepts consulting with the Company upon
the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.

         2.       TERM OF CONSULTING AGREEMENT: INITIAL TERM: The term of this
Consulting Agreement shall commence on July 15, 2004 and shall terminate on July
15, 2005, unless otherwise extended or terminated as provided for under this

         3.       CONSULTANT DUTIES:

                  A.  SCOPE: In that capacity, Consultant shall provide
                      introductions to franchise contacts, including Attorneys,
                      Accountants and other professionals; franchise brokerage
                      firms in the U.S.A. and shall also provide such additional
                      services, and advice to the President and CEO of the
                      Company, on all matters relating to the construction
                      projects of the Company.

                  B.  LOYAL AND CONSCIENTIOUS PERFORMANCE: Consultant agrees
                      that to the best of his ability and experience he will at
                      all times loyally and conscientiously perform all of the
                      obligations required of him either expressly or implicitly
                      by the terms of this Agreement.

                  C.  COMPETITIVE ACTIVITIES: During the term of this agreement
                      Consultant shall not, directly or indirectly participate
                      in any business that is in competition in any manner
                      whatsoever with the business of the Company.

                  D.  TRADE SECRETS: (i) The parties acknowledge and agree that
                      during the term of this Agreement and in the course of the
                      discharge of this consulting hereunder, Consultant shall
                      have access to and become acquainted with information
                      concerning the operation of the Company, including without
                      limitation, customers, financial statements and data,
                      personnel, sales, planning, marketing and other
                      information that is owned by the Company and regularly
                      used in the operation of the Company's business and that
                      this information constitutes the Company's trade secrets.
                      (ii) Consultant agrees that he shall not disclose any such
                      trade secrets, directly or indirectly, to any other person
                      or use them in any way, either during the term of this
                      agreement or at any time thereafter, except as is required
                      in the course of his consulting with the Company. The
                      unauthorized use or disclosure of any of the Company's
                      trade secrets obtained by Consultant during his consulting
                      with the Company shall constitute unfair competition.
                      (iii) Consultant further agrees that all files, records,
                      documents, equipment and similar items relating to
                      Company's business, whether prepared by Consultant or
                      others, are and shall remain exclusively the property of
                      the Company.

                  E.  PERIODIC REPORTS: Consultant shall provide periodic
                      reports to the Company as to his performance of projects
                      assigned to him, at least on a quarterly basis. Failure to
                      provide reports shall constitute a breach of this

         4.       COMPENSATION:

                  A.  STOCK AND OPTIONS: As compensation for the services
                      provided and to be provided pursuant to the terms hereof,
                      the Company shall issue to the Consultant an option to
                      purchase an aggregate of seven hundred and fifty thousand
                      (750,000) shares of common stock of the Company, par value
                      (.001 per share), the "optioned shares" on the following

                      All options are exercisable commencing July 15, 2004 and
                      expire one (1) year thereafter or July 15, 2005
                      (hereinafter referred to as the "Expiration Date") and may
                      be exercised at a price of $.001 per share.

                  B.  COMPLIANCE WITH SECURITIES LAWS: The issuance by the
                      Company and the resale by the Consultant shall be subject
                      to compliance with all applicable U.S. federal and state
                      securities laws, regulations and policies, and may only be
                      issued by the Company or resold by the Consultant pursuant
                      to a valid registration statement or applicable exemption.
                      Consultant confirms and acknowledges that in the event the
                      shares of common stock issued to him are registered with
                      the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to
                      Form S-8 no shares will be sold without a proper
                      reoffering memorandum and no proceeds from the resale of
                      said shares will be used as a capital investment in the
                      Company, nor shall it be used to promote the market value
                      of the Company's outstanding common stock, nor shall
                      proceeds be used for any other purpose contrary to law. A
                      violation of this provision shall constitute a breach of
                      this Agreement by the Consultant, and shall result in the
                      forfeiture of all remaining shares owned by the
                      Consultant, as well as other applicable remedies under the


                      Consultant hereby acknowledges and warrants that neither
                      he nor any of his employees or agents, will be treated as
                      an employee of the Company with respect to any services
                      rendered to the Company for any purpose whatsoever, nor
                      shall the Company be required to pay any U.S. or Canadian
                      Social Security, Federal or State or Provincial
                      Unemployment taxes or income tax withholding at any source
                      for Consultant or his employees, Consultant being solely
                      responsible for all such taxes, if any.

         5.       EXPENSE ALLOWANCE: Consultant shall be solely responsible for
all business related expenses incurred by Consultant on behalf of the Company
during the term of this Agreement.

         6.       TERMINATION:

                  A.  TERMINATION FOR CAUSE: The Company reserves the right to
                      terminate this Agreement if Consultant willfully breaches
                      or habitually neglects his consulting duties which he is
                      asked to perform under the terms of this Agreement
                      including but not limited to failure to provide reports as
                      required hereunder, or by the President of the Company, or
                      commits such acts of dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation
                      or other acts of moral turpitude as would prevent the
                      effective performance of his consulting. Consultant agrees
                      that he will not engage in any act which would constitute
                      a violation on any state or federal securities laws of the
                      U.S. or Canadian federal or Provincial securities laws or
                      regulations. In the event of any termination for cause,
                      all outstanding unexercised stock options shall be deemed
                      void as of the date of termination, and no sales be made
                      of the optioned shares except upon prior notice and
                      approval by the Company and its securities council.

                  B.  TERMINATION WITHOUT CAUSE: Notwithstanding any provision
                      of this Agreement, if, during the initial term of this
                      Agreement or any extension thereof, the Company terminates
                      this Agreement without cause or materially breaches this
                      Agreement, the Company shall deliver to the Consultant,
                      without setoff, all options granted to him under this
                      agreement, which shall be deemed immediately vested with
                      the Consultant.

                  C.  TERMINATION BY CONSULTANT: Consultant may terminate his
                      obligations under this Agreement by giving the Company at
                      least 30 days notice in advance in which event all options
                      previously vested, but unexercised shall remain valid,
                      however Consultant shall not be entitled to any unvested
                      options. If control in the Company should in any way
                      change from the current President & CEO (Peter Deros),
                      Consultant may terminate this agreement immediately at his
                      option, and all options granted to him pursuant to the
                      terms hereof shall be deemed immediately vested.

CUSTOMERS: Consultant agrees that for a period of one year (1) immediately
following the termination of his consulting agreement with the Company,
Consultant shall not directly or indirectly make known to any person, firm, or
corporation the names or addresses of any of the customers of the Company or any
other information pertaining to them, or call on, solicit, take away, or attempt
to call on, solicit, or take away any of the acquaintances during his term of
consulting with the Company, either for himself or for any other person, firm,
or corporation.

         8.       MEDIATION: Any controversy between the parties involving the
construction or application of any terms, provisions, or conditions of this
agreement, shall on the written request of either party served on the other, be
submitted to mediation before a neutral third party of the American Arbitration
Association (AAA). The parties shall share the cost of mediation jointly.


         9.       ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This agreement supersedes any and all other
agreements, either written or oral, between the parties hereto with respect to
the consulting of the Consultant to the Company and contains all of the
covenants and agreements between the parties with respect to such consulting for
the Company in any manner whatsoever. Both parties must sign any modification to
this agreement. The parties shall execute such further documents, agreements and
instruments as may be necessary in order to give full force and effect to the
foregoing and shall obtain such authorizations, approvals, permits and consents
as may be required by law or otherwise, including any approvals of the Board of
Directors of any corporate entities.

         10.      PARTIAL INVALIDITY: If any part of this agreement shall be
determined by a court or mediator to be invalid, the remainder hereof shall be
construed as if the invalid portion has been omitted.

         11.      WAIVER: No waiver of any of the provisions of this agreement
shall be deemed or shall constitute a waiver of any other provision, whether or
not similar, nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing waiver. No waiver
shall be binding unless executed in writing by the party making the waiver.

         12.      U.S. DOLLARS: Unless otherwise provided herein, all monetary
amounts herein are in currency of the United States of America.

         13.      LAW GOVERNING AGREEMENT: This agreement shall be governed by
and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be
executed this 8th day of July, 2004.


Per: /s/ PETER DEROS                           /s/ GOAR PALYAN
     ----------------------------------        ---------------------------------
     Peter Deros, President                    Goar Palyan
