Exhibit 99.1

                               FIRSTBANK NW CORP.

                          Annual Stockholders' Meeting

                               July 21, 2004

                                                          FirstBank Northwest
                                                        currently has 20 branch
                                                        locations in Washington,
                                                            Oregon and Idaho



                                  TOTAL ASSET

M            $700------------------------------------------------------$700----

i            $600---------------------------------------------------------------

l            $500---------------------------------------------------------------

l            $400---------------------------------------------------------------
i                                              $308
o                                  $281
n            $200---------------------------------------------------------------

s            $100---------------------------------------------------------------

             $  0---------------------------------------------------------------

                     FY 2000     FY 2001     FY 2002     FY 2003     FY 2004
                                   Fiscal Year End is March 31


                                  LOAN GROWTH

                    5 Year Compounded Net Loan Growth 19.8%
            (4 Year Compounded Loan Growth Before Acquisition 8.1%)

M            $500--------------------------------------------------------------
i            $400---------------------------------------------------------------

l            $300---------------------------------------------------------------
l                                              $238
i            $200---------------------------------------------------------------
o            $100---------------------------------------------------------------

n            $  0---------------------------------------------------------------

s                    FY 2000     FY 2001     FY 2002     FY 2003     FY 2004
                                   Fiscal Year End is March 31



    FY 2000 (3/31/00)                                     FY 2004 (3/31/04)
$187.7 Million Total Loans                            $496.3 Million Total Loans

   [PIE CHART OMITTED]                                   [PIE CHART OMITTED]

Residential       Construction       Agricultural       Commercial      Consumer


                             NEW LOAN ORIGINATIONS

                               [GRAPAHIC OMITTED]

Residential       Construction       Agricultural       Commercial      Consumer

        Anticipate growth in commercial loan originations from Boise LPO
        Anticipate growth in residential RE term loan originations from
                                Boise & Spokane


                                 DEPOSIT GROWTH

                         5 Year Compounded Growth 27.6%
              (4 Year Compounded Growth Before Acquisition 10.2%)

M            $500--------------------------------------------------------------
i            $400---------------------------------------------------------------

l            $300---------------------------------------------------------------
i            $200---------------------------------------------------------------
o                                  $158
n            $100---------------------------------------------------------------

s            $  0---------------------------------------------------------------

                     FY 2000     FY 2001     FY 2002     FY 2003     FY 2004
                                   Fiscal Year End is March 31


                            DEPOSIT DIVERSIFICATION

                     Majority of Funding from Core Deposits

      FY 2004 (3/31/04)                                  FY 2000 (3/31/00)
$491.0 Million Total Deposits                      $144.9 Million Total Deposits

     [PIE CHART OMITTED]                                [PIE CHART OMITTED]

             Certificates of Deposit              Core Deposits


                                  TOTAL FUNDING

                   Interest Rate Risk 3/31/04, Asset Sensitive
                  Well Balanced: 100 down = -1.59% NII - 1 YR
                                 200 up = 1.57% NII - 1 YR
             Cost of Funds Managed within Policy Limits using Branch
                       Deposits, FHLB, and Brokered Funds

                               [PIE CHART OMITTED]

Branch Deposits                       FHLB                          Brokered CDs


                              NET INTEREST MARGIN

                         Maintained Net Interest Margin


                      4.16%                               4.16%


                     FY 2000     FY 2001     FY 2002     FY 2003     FY 2004
                                   Fiscal Year End is March 31


                               NET INCOME GROWTH

                         5 Year Compounded Growth 20.6%
                    Franchise Investment Impacts Net Income
               (4 Year Compounded Growth Before Acquisition 12.9%)

M         $5--------------------------------------------------------------------
i         $4--------------------------------------------------------------------

l         $3--------------------------------------------------------------------
l                                            $2.376
i                                $1.882
o         $1--------------------------------------------------------------------

n         $0--------------------------------------------------------------------

s                    FY 2000     FY 2001     FY 2002     FY 2003     FY 2004
                                   Fiscal Year End is March 31


                               EARNINGS PER SHARE

                                  FULLY DILUTED
                           5 Year EPS Growth of 15.2%
                 Driven by Net Income Growth/Share Repurchases


                     FY 2000     FY 2001     FY 2002     FY 2003     FY 2004
                                   Fiscal Year End is March 31

                               -[]- EPS            -[]- Dividend


                               STOCK PERFORMANCE

Average   $35-------------------------------------------------------------------
Share     $30-------------------------------------------------------------------
Price                                                                $28.61

                     FY 2000     FY 2001     FY 2002     FY 2003     FY 2004
                                   Fiscal Year End is March 31


                                   BOOK VALUE
                            Per Share of Common Stock



                     FY 2000     FY 2001     FY 2002     FY 2003     FY 2004
                                   Fiscal Year End is March 31


                             RESERVES FOR LOAN LOSS

                   3/31/00      3/31/01     3/31/02      3/31/03      3/31/04
                   -------      -------     -------      -------      -------
% to Net Loans         .45%         .70%       1.08%        1.33%        1.36%
% to NPA            194.7%       108.7%      228.4%       188.3%       172.7
NPA Balance        $  0.8M      $  1.5M     $  1.1M      $  1.8M      $  3.7M

M         $7--------------------------------------------------------------------
i         $6--------------------------------------------------------------------

l         $5--------------------------------------------------------------------

l         $4--------------------------------------------------------------------
i         $3--------------------------------------------------------------------
o         $2--------------------------------------------------------------------
n                      $1.6

                     FY 2000     FY 2001     FY 2002     FY 2003     FY 2004
                                   Fiscal Year End is March 31


                               SHAREHOLDER VALUE

o    Balance Sheet Growth Rate of 23.1%

o    Earnings Per Share Growth Rate of 15.2%

o    Cash Dividend Payouts Target of 30.0%; Dividend Yield of 2.3%

o    Franchise Growth into Coeur d'Alene/Hayden and Boise, ID and Spokane, WA

o    Acquisition of Pioneer Bank in Eastern Oregon

o    Credit Quality and Reserve Allocations

o    Interest Rate Risk Balance


                     FISCAL YEAR 2005 SHORT-TERM STRATEGIES

1.   Meet growth of objectives:

     -    Meet income growth and EPS objectives

     -    Maximize loan portfolio growth from production in Boise and Coeur
          d'Alene, ID and Spokane, WA. Focused return on those investments.

     -    Deposit growth objectives throughout franchise with specific emphasis
          on core deposits and business banking. Focused return on investments
          in new Hayden and Boise branches.

     -    Extend additional investment further out on time horizon. Managed
          approach to investment drag on current income.

     -    Maximize efficiencies of size and scale through integration of Pioneer

2.   Complete the successful integration of Pioneer Bank into FirstBank and
     complete the conversion of the core processing system.

     -    Seek to minimize the impact to customer

     -    Technology strategies to accommodate growth;' scaleable to $1 billion
          or larger

     -    To be completed during Fiscal Year 2005

3.   Develop and implement Information Technology Strategic Plan

     -    Scaleable to $1 billion or larger institution

     -    Compatible with Strategic Business Plan

     -    Attain maximum efficiency

     -    Compliant with security policies and procedures, disaster recovery

4.   Compliance Initiatives

     -    Sarbanes-Oxley

     -    FDICIA


                                Price and Volume

                               [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

                                             Reported Vol. = 11,257,626
- -- Stock Price   [ ] Volume              Est. # of Shrs. Traded = 5,628,813
                                    Shares Traded / Shares Outstanding = 196.54%

Source: FactSet


                         Comparative Price Appreciation

                               [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

- -- FBNW    -- S&P 500    -- NASDAQ Bank Index   -- Composite   -- S&P Bank Index


Source: FactSet


Selected Northwestern Thrifts
Data as of or for the Period Ending March 31, 2004
Pricing Data as of July 16, 2004
Dollar Values in Millions

                                                                  Total     Tangible        LTM       LTM
Name                               City                St.   Assets ($)   Assets (%)   ROAA (%)   ROAE (%)
- --------------------------------   ----------          ---   ----------   ----------   --------   --------

Sterling Financial Corp.           Spokane             WA      6,095.2         4.72       0.86      13.58
First Mutual Bancshares Inc.       Bellevue            WA        909.3         5.94       1.03      17.44
Horizon Financial Corp.            Bellingham          WA        858.9        12.67       1.55      11.93
Rainier Pacific Finl Group Inc.    Fife                WA        729.6        15.83      -0.37      -3.28
Heritage Financial Corp.           Olympia             WA        650.6         8.18       1.48      13.75
Riverview Bancorp Inc.             Vancouver           WA        520.5        10.81       1.35      10.60
Timberland Bancorp Inc.            Hoquiam             WA        446.3        16.02       1.29       7.50
Eagle Bancorp (MHC)                Helena              MT        206.6        12.17       0.89       7.58

                                   HIGH                        6,095.2        16.02       1.55      17.44
                                   LOW                           206.6         4.72      -0.37      -3.28
                                   MEAN                        1,302.1        10.79       1.01       9.89
                                   MEDIAN                        690.1        11.49       1.16      11.27

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FirstBank NW Corp.                 Clarkston           WA        700.2         7.11       0.90       9.26%
                                   Ranking out of 9:               5           7          6          8
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     Price/    Price/     Price/
                                   Tangible       LTM   Est. EPS      Market
Name                                 BV (%)   EPS (x)   2004 (x)    Cap. ($)
- --------------------------------   --------   -------   --------    --------

Sterling Financial Corp.            258.34     14.94      13.00       724.6
First Mutual Bancshares Inc.        251.03     16.26      14.86       135.7
Horizon Financial Corp.             187.99     16.38      16.11       204.5
Rainier Pacific Finl Group Inc.     119.70        --      36.38       138.2
Heritage Financial Corp.            215.54     13.59      13.39       113.5
Riverview Bancorp Inc.              188.24     15.03      14.82       103.9
Timberland Bancorp Inc.             121.67     15.37      14.86        87.0
Eagle Bancorp (MHC)                 154.57     20.92         --        38.9

                       HIGH         258.34     20.92      36.38       724.6
                       LOW          119.70     13.59      13.00        38.9
                       MEAN         187.14     16.07      17.63       193.3
                       MEDIAN       188.12     15.37      14.86       124.6

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FirstBank NW Corp.                  164.41     12.74      11.07        79.4
                                      6         8          8            8
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Source: SNL Financial


Selected Northwestern Thrifts
Data as of or for the Period Ending March 31, 2004
Pricing Data as of July 16, 2004
Dollar Values in  Millions

                                                                   Total   Efficiency     Interest        LTM        LTM
Name                               City                 St.   Assets ($)    Ratio (%)   Margin (%)   ROAA (%)   ROAE (%)
- --------------------------------   ----------           ---   ----------    ---------   ----------   --------   --------

Sterling Financial Corp.           Spokane              WA      6,095           59.7         3.34       0.86      13.58
First Mutual Bancshares Inc.       Bellevue             WA        909           60.4         3.99       1.03      17.44
Horizon Financial Corp.            Bellingham           WA        859           49.8         4.36       1.55      11.93
Rainier Pacific Finl Group Inc.    Fife                 WA        730           99.8         4.38      -0.37      -3.28
Heritage Financial Corp.           Olympia              WA        651           60.8         5.35       1.48      13.75
Riverview Bancorp Inc.             Vancouver            WA        520           62.0         4.76       1.35      10.60
Timberland Bancorp Inc.            Hoquiam              WA        446           61.5         4.57       1.29       7.50
Eagle Bancorp (MHC)                Helena               MT        207           69.3         3.17       0.89       7.58

                                   HIGH                         6,095.2         99.8         5.35       1.55      17.44
                                   LOW                            206.6         49.8         3.17      -0.37      -3.28
                                   MEAN                         1,302.1         65.4         4.24       1.01       9.89
                                   MEDIAN                         690.1         61.1         4.37       1.16      11.27

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FirstBank NW Corp.                 Clarkston            WA        700.2         71.6         3.93       0.90       9.26
                                   Ranking out of 9:                5            2           7          6          6
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                               Noninterest   Noninterest
                                                                   Income/      Expense/
                                       Loans/         Loans/       Average       Average
Name                               Assets (%)   Deposits (%)    Assets (%)    Assets (%)
- --------------------------------   ----------   ------------    ----------    ----------

Sterling Financial Corp.               59.95         104.64          0.77          2.35
First Mutual Bancshares Inc.           84.47         127.09          0.38          2.55
Horizon Financial Corp.                77.97          99.91          0.87          2.44
Rainier Pacific Finl Group Inc.        61.88         133.68          0.96          5.02
Heritage Financial Corp.               82.98          96.86          1.14          3.69
Riverview Bancorp Inc.                 74.16          94.35          1.34          3.60
Timberland Bancorp Inc.                75.84         106.77          1.08          3.29
Eagle Bancorp (MHC)                    43.84          53.19          0.93          2.68

                       HIGH            84.47         133.68          1.34          5.0
                       LOW             43.84          53.19          0.38          2.3
                       MEAN            70.14         102.06          0.93          3.2
                       MEDIAN          75.00         102.28          0.94          3.0

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FirstBank NW Corp.                     67.22          95.86          1.14          3.5
                                        6              7             3             4
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Source: SNL Financial


                              SAFE HARBOR STATEMENT

This presentation contains forward-looking statements with respect to the
financial condition, results of operations and business of FirstBank NW Corp.
Various factors could cause actual results to differ materially from estimates.
Such factors include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) integration of
systems, policies and procedures related to the acquisition of Oregon Trail may
take longer to accomplish than expected; (2) expected cost savings or accretions
to earnings related to integration may not be fully realizable or realized
within the expected timeframes; (3) impact to operating costs, customer
retention, business disruption, and employee relationships due to integration
may be more or less than anticipated within this presentation; (4) adverse
governmental or regulatory actions including policies may be enacted; (5) the
interest rate environment may further compress margins and adversely affect net
income; (6) the risks associated with continued diversification of assets and
adverse changes to credit quality; (7) competitive pressures from other
financial services companies in FirstBank's markets may increase significantly;
and (8) the risk of an economic slowdown, either nationally or in the markets
that FirstBank does business would adversely affect credit quality and new loan
or deposit originations.

Other factors that may cause actual results to differ from forward-looking
statements are described in FirstBank's filings with the Securities and Exchange



                                 We are FirstBank
                                 We are JustRight!
