
                                                                    EXHIBIT 14.1

                               CENTRUE FINANCIAL

                                 CODE OF ETHICS

Board Approved January 2007


Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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The Code of Ethics which follows has been adopted by the Board of Directors of
Centrue Financial Corporation and its subsidiary, Centrue Bank, (collectively
referred to as "Centrue Financial Corporation"). The Code is intended to provide
guidance to the directors, officers and employees concerning their personal and
professional ethics. It is not intended to be all inclusive nor is it intended
to limit personal activities.

The policy statements which follow concern adherence to applicable laws and
regulations and proper individual behavior when faced with situations in which
our personal interests conflict or appear to conflict with the interests of
other parties involved with Centrue Financial Corporation. Among the standards
to be observed are the following:

     1.  We will conduct our personal and business dealings in accord with the
         letter, spirit and intent of relevant laws and regulations.

     2.  We will act toward others in a manner in which we desire them to act
         toward us. We will not engage in any illegal, dishonest, or unethical
         conduct. We will follow the highest ethical standards.

     3.  We will accept individual responsibility for our actions without
         seeking refuge or anonymity behind Centrue Financial Corporation's
         reputation or that of any smaller group acting on Centrue Financial
         Corporation's behalf.

     4.  We believe in providing fair and efficient service to our customers.

     5.  We will treat our fellow employees like customers, giving them the same
         exceptional service that our outside customers receive.

     6.  We will be completely candid with our fellow employees in all business
         matters so that decisions will be reasonable and based upon all
         relevant facts.

The Code should be read and an attempt be made to understand not only the letter
but the intent of the code. When faced with a confusing situation, guidance may
be sought from your immediate supervisor or a member of the Human Resource

                                                   President & CEO
                                            Centrue Financial Corporation

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Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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Policy                                                               Page Number
- ------                                                               -----------

CE.000    Responsibilities of Employees......................................4
CE.000    General Philosophy.................................................5
CE.001    Bank Bribery Act...................................................7
CE.010    Compliance Certification...........................................8
CE.020    Confidential Information ..........................................9
CE.030    Conflicts of Interest .............................................10
CE.040    Directors' Code of Ethics .........................................13
CE.050    Dishonesty ........................................................14
CE.060    Gifts, Fees, Legacies and Investments..............................15
CE 065    Purchasing.........................................................17
CE.070    Outside Employment & Business Interests ...........................19
CE.080    Political Activity.................................................20
CE.090    Recordkeeping .....................................................21
CE.100    Soft Dollar Arrangement ...........................................22
CE.110    Undue Influence....................................................23
CE.120    Insider Trading....................................................24
CE.130    Extension of Credit ...............................................25
CE.140    Fair Dealing ......................................................26
CE.150    Protection and Proper Use of Company Property......................27
CE.160    Compliance With Laws, Rules and Regulation.........................28
CE.170    Reporting of Illegal or Unethical Behavior ........................30
CE.180    Administration and Waiver of Code of Ethics........................31
CE.190    Misleading Financial Information ..................................33
CE.200    Special Rules That Apply to Investment Officers ...................34
CE.210    Senior Financial Officers' Code of Ethics..........................35

Code of Ethics Employee Acknowledgement Form
Investment Officer Code of Conduct Statement

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Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.000
                                Subject       Responsibilities of Employees
                                Effective     January 30, 2007

                         RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYEES

As an employee, you have a number of responsibilities with regard to Centrue
Financial Corporation's Code of Ethics. These responsibilities include the

     1.  You should learn and understand the various laws that are applicable to
         you in performing your duties on behalf of Centrue Financial
         Corporation. You should comply with those laws. If you have doubt about
         what the law requires, you should ask your supervisor for an

     2.  As a community bank that provides exceptional customer service, we will
         treat all customers and suppliers in an honest and fair manner.
         Customer satisfaction is a priority.

     3.  Directors/officers/employees are prohibited from exercising undue
         influence over subordinates in situations that would not be in the best
         interest of Centrue Financial Corporation. Any such situation should be
         reported to the Chief Executive Officer. If you become aware of a
         situation where you believe that the CEO is exercising undue influence,
         you should report your finding to the Chairman of the Board or the
         Chairman of the Audit Committee.

     4.  Avoid situations where personal interests are, or appear to be, in
         conflict with that of Centrue Financial Corporation.

     5.  Safeguard and properly use Centrue Financial Corporation's proprietary
         information, assets and resources, as well as the proprietary
         information, financial information, assets and resources of customers.

     6.  Maintain confidentiality of nonpublic information and do not act on
         such information for personal gain. Acting on such information is not
         only a violation of this code, but would also be a violation of law.

     7.  Exercise good judgment in making legal political contributions or in
         using political influence in your personal political activities.

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Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.000
                                Subject       General Philosophy
                                Effective     March 31, 2003
                                Revised       January 30, 2007

                                GENERAL PHILOSOPY

Centrue Financial Corporation strictly forbids any employee, officer, director,
agent, or attorney of this Company to solicit for themselves or a third party
anything of value from anyone in return for any business, service, or
confidential information of the Company. Similarly, it is forbidden for a person
associated with the Company to accept anything of value from anyone in
connection with the business of the Company, either before or after a
transaction is discussed or consummated. Furthermore, if any individual is
offered something of value from a customer beyond what is expressly authorized
in this policy statement, that individual must disclose the facts of the offer
to the Human Resource Department immediately.

Title 18 U.S. Code, Section 215, makes it a criminal offense for any Centrue
Financial Corporation employee to corruptly:

         o        Solicit for himself or herself or for a third party anything
                  of value from anyone in return for any business, service or
                  confidential information of Centrue Financial Corporation; or
         o        Accept anything of value (other than normal authorized
                  compensation) from anyone in connection with the business of
                  Centrue Financial Corporation, either before or after a
                  transaction is discussed or consummated.

Employees, officers and directors are prohibited from:

         o        Personally benefiting from opportunities that are discovered
                  through the use of Centrue Financial Corporation property,
                  contacts, information or position.
         o        Accepting employment or engaging in a business (including
                  consulting or similar arrangements) that may conflict with the
                  performance of your duties or Centrue Financial Corporation's
         o        Soliciting, demanding, accepting or agreeing to accept
                  anything of value from any person in conjunction with the
                  performance of your employment or duties at Centrue Financial
         o        Acting on behalf of Centrue Financial Corporation in any
                  transaction in which you or your immediate family has a
                  significant direct or indirect financial interest.

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Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.000
                                Subject       General Philosophy
                                Page          2

There are certain situations in which you may accept a personal benefit from
someone with whom you transact business such as:

         o        Accepting a gift in recognition of a commonly recognized event
                  or occasion (such as a promotion, new job, wedding, retirement
                  or holiday). An award in recognition of service and
                  accomplishment may also be accepted without violating these
                  guidelines so long as the gift does not exceed $100 from any
                  one individual in any calendar year.
         o        Accepting something of value if the benefit is available to
                  the general public under the same conditions on which it is
                  available to you.
         o        Accepting meals, refreshments, travel arrangements and
                  accommodations and entertainment of reasonable value in the
                  course of a meeting or other occasion to conduct business.
         o        Foster business relations if the expense would be reimbursed
                  by Centrue Financial Corporation as a business expense if the
                  other party did not pay for it.

This Code of Ethics:

         o        Requires the highest standards for honest and ethical conduct,
                  including proper and ethical procedures for dealing with
                  actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and
                  professional relationships.
         o        Requires full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable
                  disclosure in the periodic reports required to be filed by
                  Centrue Financial Corporation with governmental and regulatory
         o        Requires compliance with applicable laws, rules and
         o        Addresses potential or apparent conflicts of interest and
                  provides guidance for employees, officers and directors to
                  communicate those conflicts to Centrue Financial Corporation.
         o        Addresses misuse or misapplication of Centrue Financial
                  Corporation property and corporate opportunities.
         o        Requires the highest level of confidentiality and fair dealing
                  within and outside the Centrue Financial Corporation
         o        Requires reporting of any illegal behavior.

If anything prescribed herein will cause you difficulty, you should discuss the
problem with the Human Resource Department. Until a written waiver has been
granted by the Human Resource Department, we expect each of our directors,
officers, and employees to comply with this statement of Company policy.

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Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.001
                                Subject       Bank Bribery Act
                                Effective     January 20, 1997
                                Revised       March 31, 2003

                                BANK BRIBERY ACT

The Bank Bribery Act provides in part that:

1.       Whoever corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any
         person, with intent to influence or reward an officer, director,
         employee, agent or attorney of a financial institution in connection
         with any business or transaction of such institution; or

2.       An officer, director, employee, agent or attorney of a financial
         institution, corruptly solicits or demands for the benefit of any
         person, or corruptly accepts or agrees to accept anything of value from
         any person, intending to be influenced or rewarded in connection with
         any business or transaction of such institution shall be guilty of an

Whoever commits the violation will be fined not more than the greater of
$1,000,000 or three times the value of the item received, offered, etc. and/or
imprisoned for not more than 30 years. If the value of the item received,
offered, etc. does not exceed $100, the fine will be not more than $1,000 and/or
imprisonment for not more than 1 year.

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Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.010
                                Subject       Compliance Certification
                                Effective     January 20, 1997
                                Revised       January 30, 2007

                            COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION

Centrue Financial Corporation asks that all directors and employees annually
sign a certificate attesting to compliance with this policy statement. The blank
form used for this purpose appears on the last page of this Code of Ethics.

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Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.020
                                Subject       Confidential Information
                                Effective     January 20, 1997
                                Revised       January 30, 2007

                            CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

In the course of performing normal duties, Centrue Financial Corporation
employees acquire confidential (including but not limited to information about
customer finances, the business strategies and/or plans of the company or other
data acquired through affiliation with the organization) information considered
to be extremely sensitive. This information shall not be revealed to
unauthorized persons nor shall customers' finances be discussed with others
within the organization unless their duties require the information. Information
about customers can be released only when authorized by the customer or
subpoenaed by a court, the IRS or appropriate authorities. The information
released must be accurate and within the confines of the release-authorizing

Centrue Financial Corporation recognizes the importance and duty to protect the
confidential and private nature of customers' financial and personal
information. However, when customers use the Bank as a credit reference, they
are giving the Bank the authority to release credit information. Banks also
share credit information with each other. This sharing is done only to:

     1.  Support credit decisions; and

     2.  Give assurances that source confidentiality will be protected and that
         the information is accurate and not misleading.

The inherent conflict between the customer's right to confidence and privacy and
the need for creditors to share credit experience should be recognized. This
conflict cannot be entirely resolved, but its consequences can be mitigated by
exercising extreme care when exchanging credit information.

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Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.030
                                Subject       Conflicts of Interest
                                Effective     January 20, 1997
                                Revised       January 30, 2007

                             CONFLICTS OF INTEREST

Confidential information about Centrue Financial Corporation's customers that
reflects favorably or adversely on the investment value of any business
enterprise is "insider" information. It should not be used for personal
investment advantage or provided to others for their investment advantage. A
Centrue Financial Corporation employee should not represent Centrue Financial
Corporation in any transaction where he or she has a material connection or a
financial interest. Examples of material connections would include relatives or
personal friends - whether the transaction involves them as individuals or as
principals in a firm doing business with Centrue. An example of a financial
interest would be an employee's involvement as a proprietor, partner or joint
venturer in a firm doing business with Centrue Financial Corporation.

Centrue Financial Corporation employees should avoid taking part in transactions
involving any of the above circumstances. By "transactions" it means not only
making loans, but also approval of overdrafts, accepting checks on uncollected
funds, waiving of NSF fees, overdraft or late charges, and waiving the
requirement for financial statements or collateral documents. When there is a
potential conflict of interest, the transaction should be referred to someone of
equal or higher authority.

It is impossible to list every situation where such conflict could occur, but
the following guidelines may help you determine whether or not your actions are
a conflict of interest violation. These represent some of the kinds of business
dealings where conflicts of interest could occur:

     1.  The confidential nature of account relationships has been breached.

     2.  Fiduciary responsibilities are handled in a less than prudent manner;
         business is done with Centrue Financial Corporation on the basis of
         friendship, family ties, the giving and receiving of gifts or vendor
         sponsored incentive contests, or to curry favor with some special
         interest group.

     3.  Centrue Financial Corporation's name is used to enhance opportunities
         for others in their political, investment or retail purchasing

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Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.030
                                Subject       Conflicts of Interest
                                Page          2

For example, when Centrue Financial Corporation employees are asked to be
directors of outside corporations, the relationship generally involves the use
of Centrue Financial Corporation's name, which can create the impression of an
endorsement of financial responsibility and business practices. Since such
duties also involve time, it is Centrue Financial Corporation's policy for
officers and employees ordinarily not to serve in such capacities with
for-profit corporations; and, when compelling business or personal reasons are
present, such service may be authorized on a case-by-case basis but only with
approval of the Chief Executive Officer. Special consideration is usually made
for boards of small family corporations and cooperative and condominium
apartments where no public aspects are involved.

The following policies with respect to these relationships which should be kept
in mind:

     1.  It should be understood that an officer or employee will withdraw from
         the directorship at such time as the Board feels it to be appropriate.

     2.  The amount of time devoted to the activity shall not interfere with
         normal duties.

     3.  The officer or employee involved will abstain from approving Centrue
         Financial Corporation extensions of credit to the organization.

     4.  Because of the conflict of interest, inside information, and possible
         trading problems, it is not appropriate for investment and fiduciary
         unit personnel and committee members to serve as directors of publicly
         owned companies. Any exception to this policy must receive the approval
         of the Board.

The policy described above is applicable to service with for-profit corporations
and is to be contrasted with service with not-for-profit civic, charitable or
religious organizations. Service with the latter organizations generally does
not carry the same risks of implied endorsement by Centrue Financial Corporation
and can provide valuable opportunities for employees, officers and our
communities. Service with these organizations can also assist the Bank in
maintaining familiarity with the credit and other financial needs of residents
of our communities. Centrue Financial Corporation therefore strongly encourages
involvement by its employees, officers and directors in not-for-profit civic,
charitable, and community groups.

All officers must refrain from participating in the approval of an extension of
credit (or any modification of credit terms) to a business of which they are an
officer, owner or director.

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Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.030
                                Subject       Conflicts of Interest
                                Page          3

When a Centrue Financial Corporation officer or other employee, as a director or
officer of another corporation, is granted any signing authority over any of the
other corporation's accounts with Centrue Financial Corporation, approval of the
Chief Executive Officer must be obtained before exercising the signing
authority. In this regard, the best practice is for the Centrue Financial
Corporation employee to decline the opportunity to have signing authority over
any Centrue Financial Corporation account which the corporation maintains.

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Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.040
                                Subject       Directors' Code of Ethics
                                Effective     January 20, 1997
                                Revised       January 30, 2007

                           DIRECTORS' CODE OF ETHICS

The directors of Centrue Financial Corporation and its subsidiary, Centrue Bank,
were elected to serve the needs of the stockholders, the communities and the
employees - not to serve the financial needs of directors. Legal, regulatory and
ethical considerations make it mandatory that directors avoid most of the
conflicts of interest situations outlined in CC.030 for employees. In addition,
directors must:

1.       Conflicts of Interest. Disclose to the Chairman of the Board of Centrue
         Financial Corporation any actual or potential conflicts of interest as
         soon as the situation arises. (This includes disclosure of any material
         interest in the business of a borrower, an applicant or other customer.
         It also includes any gift or monetary offers made for the purpose of
         influencing a Centrue Financial Corporation decision.) Directors are
         specifically required to divulge all conflict of interest situations to
         the Chairman and to thereafter abstain from voting (or influencing
         other votes) regarding the conflict. In addition, directors are not to
         use pressure or undue influence when discussing pending Company
         business with officers. Specifically, using undue influence on behalf
         of family, business associates, or close friends is prohibited.

2.       Arm's Length Transaction. Use only arm's length transaction when
         buying, selling or leasing assets or services to Centrue Financial
         Corporation. (It is Centrue Financial Corporation 's policy to contract
         for assets and services using only arm's length transactions that are
         in the best interest of Centrue Financial Corporation. Directors are
         asked to honor this policy and to refrain from asking for special
         consideration as Centrue Financial Corporation contracts for assets or

3.       Independence. Centrue Financial Corporation and its subsidiary's boards
         of directors consist of inside directors (directors who are also
         officers) and outside directors (directors who are not officers). Some
         of our directors have close associations with owners of large blocks of
         Company stock and others have no such association. Regardless of
         whether a director is an inside director or an outside director, and
         regardless of whether a director is associated with blocks of ownership
         stock or not, once elected to serve on the board of directors each
         director has a duty of independence. This means that each director,
         regardless of affiliations, has a legal and ethical duty of speaking,
         acting, and voting in accordance with the dictates of his or her
         conscience. Not only is this an ethical duty, it is a regulatory
         requirement, it is the conduct expected of each director, and it is the
         conduct that is in the best interests of the Company and its

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Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.050
                                Subject       Dishonesty
                                Effective     January 20, 1997
                                Revised       January 30, 2007


Because trust is the cornerstone of Centrue Financial Corporation's relationship
with its customers, employees must refrain from conduct which might give even
the slightest appearance of dishonesty. Therefore, Centrue Financial Corporation
employees should not among others:

1.       Transfer amounts to or from their personal accounts from or to
         customers' accounts;

2.       Sign customers' names to customer withdrawal slips, documents, drafts,
         checks or money orders;

3.       Be an attorney in fact (Power of Attorney) for a customer who is not a
         close relative;

Any theft or embezzlement of Centrue Financial Corporation customer funds or
falsification of records by any employee will subject the employee to
disciplinary action including termination of employment. Any employee who has
knowledge of any such theft, embezzlement or falsification and fails to report
such information to their immediate supervisor or senior management will be
subject to disciplinary action including termination of employment.

Written notification of any defalcations will be reported to the appropriate
regulators and law enforcement agencies as prescribed by Federal and State

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Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.060
                                Subject       Gifts, Fees, Legacies and
                                Effective     January 20, 1997
                                Revised       January 30, 2007


1.       Employees should not accept a loan from a customer or supplier. This
         prohibition does not apply to loans from banks or other financial
         institutions on customary terms to finance proper credit needs. Upon
         request, key employees may be asked to report all their borrowings from
         other financial institutions to their respective Board of Directors.

2.       Employees should not accept a fee for performing any act that Centrue
         Financial Corporation could have performed.

3.       It is improper for employees to accept a gift from a customer or from
         any other person seeking a relationship with Centrue Financial
         Corporation. This rule does not apply to (a) food, refreshments or
         entertainment at luncheon or business meetings, (b) advertising or
         promotional material of nominal value, (c) awards from charitable
         organizations, or (d) gifts of nominal value given on special occasions
         such as Christmas. (Nominal value is a value that would be within the
         employee's ability to reciprocate on a personal basis or with a
         legitimate claim for reimbursement under similar circumstances.)

4.       Officers and employees, in their personal capacities, may give gifts at
         their expense to whomever they choose. However, all personnel are
         expected to consider the appearance of such action if the recipient is
         a customer, supplier, or government official, in addition to being a
         personal friend or acquaintance. The context of such action is
         important, and if the officer or employee believes his personal gift
         might be interpreted as consideration for an official or business
         favor, then something should be done to rebut this presumption and
         reinforce the personal nature of the gift.

5.       Each director, officer and employee of Centrue Financial Corporation
         and any of its affiliates, must report any stock owned in another
         financial institution that operates in the same market area (as later
         defined) as Centrue Financial Corporation and any of its affiliates.
         The ownership of stock in another financial institution is not
         prohibited unless the Board of Directors determines that the
         individual's ownership of the stock conflicts with the individual's
         performance of service to Centrue Financial Corporation.

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Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.060
                                Subject       Gifts, Fees, Legacies and
                                Page          2

Centrue Financial Corporation's market area is considered to be northwest
Illinois, central Illinois, southern Illinois, metropolitan Chicago, western
Indiana and metropolitan St. Louis, Missouri.

Ownership of stock in publicly traded banks, bank holding companies or financial
institutions is expressly permitted unless the individual owns more than ten
percent of the stock or has influence over the management of the company.

Exceptions to this policy include stock acquired through inheritance, or gift.
In addition, if an individual owns stock in a bank or bank holding company that
has a branch in a county in which Centrue Financial Corporation or any of its
affiliates opens a branch subsequent to the stock purchase, the individual would
not be required to dispose of the subject stock. Bank or bank holding company
stock owned or acquired in any of these ways would require disclosure to the

6.       Employees should not sell or lease anything to a customer at a value in
         excess of its market value nor should he or she purchase or lease
         anything from a customer at a price below its market value. (Acceptance
         of discounts or rebates on merchandise is permitted if they are also
         available to other routine customers of the firm.)

7.       An employee should refuse any legacy or bequest from a customer. He or
         she should also refuse to serve personally as executor, trustee, or
         guardian of a customer's estate or trust unless the customer is a close
         relative (i.e., a parent/guardian, child, spouse, sibling, aunt, uncle,
         in-law or cousin).

8.       Employees should not indirectly perform any act that these rules
         prohibit directly. For example, it is just as wrong to arrange for a
         member of the family to receive a gift as it is for the employee to
         accept the gift directly.

9.       Speculative investing such as playing the commodities market, margin
         buying, short accounts, puts, calls, or combinations are not prudent
         for employees.

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Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.065
                                Subject       Purchasing
                                Effective     January 30, 2007_______________
                                Revised       __________________


The overall guideline for personnel engaged in purchasing equipment, supplies
and services is that all employees will remove themselves from situations which
may or appear to influence unduly their relationships with vendors in a position
to transact business with any of our companies or other employees. The
disclosure procedures described below are designed for personnel employed in the
purchasing department, as well as other personnel making purchases, and
personnel in Centrue Financial Corporation engaged in hiring employees.

All individuals performing purchasing and human resources duties may be required
(as a condition of employment, and from time to time) to sign a memorandum
affirming their knowledge of and intention to adhere to these policies and
procedures. Persons found in violation of these policies and procedures will be
subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

Any special situations in which preferential treatment is extended to an officer
or employee by a vendor in a non-Centrue Financial Corporation related
transaction because of that vendor's association or dealings with Centrue
Financial Corporation, must be brought to the attention of and approved by the
Chief Executive Officer. An individual's purchase of goods for personal use from
a vendor at a price lower than that offered to the general public will not be
approved. Under no circumstances should a Centrue Financial Corporation employee
actively seek or accept a discount from a Centrue Financial Corporation supplier
or bidder on an item for his personal use. If Centrue Financial Corporation has
arranged in writing for discounts to be offered to other employees, then
personnel involved in purchasing may obtain these benefits without prior

It is Centrue Financial Corporation's policy that all items purchased, and
specifically items from or arranged by any other Centrue Financial Corporation
employee or director, or their related interests, must be purchased though the
Head of Operations of Centrue Financial Corporation. Any deviations from this
policy are to be reported to the Board.

- -----------
It is the policy of Centrue Financial Corporation to purchase all equipment,
supplies and services needed by it on the basis of quality, utility and the
price offered by the vendor. Only in circumstances where customers demonstrate
the best quality, utility and price, will customers of Centrue Financial
Corporation be given orders involving Centrue Financial Corporation purchases.
In this connection, information concerning products or services supplied by us
to any customer should not be made available to or obtained

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Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.065
                                Subject       Purchasing
                                Page          2

by personnel concerned with purchasing. Similarly, information as to vendor
relationships should not be furnished to lending personnel in Centrue Financial
Corporation. It must be kept in mind that not only will customers of Centrue
Financial Corporation not be given preferential treatment on purchases, but care
must also be taken to ensure that no vendors are left with the impression,
however erroneous, that it is necessary for him/her or helpful, to purchase
products or services which are offered by Centrue Financial Corporation.

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Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.070
                                Subject       Outside Employment & Business
                                Effective     January 20, 1997
                                Revised       January 30, 2007


Outside employment and business interests of Centrue Financial Corporation
employees must be carefully monitored to avoid even the appearance of
impropriety. For that reason, outside employment and business interests must be
reported to the Human Resource Department immediately. For purposes of this
policy, outside employment means any employment (even if no compensation or
remuneration of any sort is received) of a Centrue Financial Corporation
employee other than by the corporation. Outside business interest shall be
construed as broadly as possible to include, but not be limited to, any
ownership or other financial interest in, or management, direction or control
of, any business other than Centrue Financial Corporation. Any potential
conflict of interest identified by the Human Resource Department regarding
outside employment and/or business interests will be reported to the Board of

The following are examples of the types of outside employment and business
interests, which may create potential conflicts of interest and therefore be

     o   Securities/commodities brokerage

     o   Insurance

     o   Practice of law

     o   Accounting/bookkeeping

     o   Financial, estate, or business planning

     o   Investment or debt counseling

     o   Any employment or activity in which confidential information is
         received or a fiduciary relationship is otherwise created

     o   Any entity which provides goods or services to Centrue Financial

     o   Any entity which provides the same or similar services or products as
         those provided by Centrue Financial Corporation

     o   Any other financial institution

This list is not meant to be exhaustive, and other types of outside employment
and business interests may be deemed inappropriate.

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Centrue Financial Corporation
Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.080
                                Subject       Political Activity
                                Effective     January 20, 1997
                                Revised       January 30, 2007

                               POLITICAL ACTIVITY

Centrue Financial Corporation supports the democratic political system as a
critical part of its environment. However, written approval must be obtained
from the Human Resource Department before accepting nomination or appointment to
public office. Additionally, all employees shall annually report all public
offices held.

Centrue Financial Corporation prohibits the following activities:

1.       Any contribution or expenditure of its funds either directly or
         indirectly to or for the benefit of, use of, in support or in
         opposition to any political party, candidate, political committee.

2.       The use of its premises, equipment or supplies by any political party

3.       The "loaning", temporary assigning or otherwise making available of any
         of its employees to, or for the use of, any political party, candidate
         or political committee.

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Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.090
                                Subject       Recordkeeping
                                Effective     January 20, 1997
                                Revised       January 30, 2007


Attempted bribes will be reported immediately to Centrue Financial Corporation's
Chief Executive Officer who will inform the holding company Board of Directors.
The Chief Executive Officer will then take appropriate action and will keep
contemporaneous written records of each case.

Written records will also be kept in the Chief Executive Officer's office of all
waivers granted to any portion of this Code of Ethics. The Human Resource
Department will keep all compliance certificates on file for a period not less
than three years.

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Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.100
                                Subject       "Soft Dollar" Arrangement
                                Effective     January 20, 1997
                                Revised       January 30, 2007

                           "SOFT DOLLAR" ARRANGEMENT

It is the policy of Centrue Financial Corporation to discourage all forms of
"soft dollar" remuneration. Centrue Financial Corporation officers and employees
are to avoid the acceptance of "soft dollar" remuneration wherever possible and
shall not under any circumstances accept any form of "soft dollar" remuneration
having a fair cash value of greater than $100.

For purposes of this policy, "soft dollar" remuneration includes, but is not
limited to, gifts of property, meals, trips, entertainment and other non-cash
compensation received by a Centrue Financial Corporation officer or employee,
directly or indirectly, from a securities firm or broker, vendor or other
person, firm or entity with whom Centrue Financial Corporation contracts for
goods or services.

- ----------

1.       Quarterly Report. All Centrue Financial Corporation officers and
         employees shall, within ten (10) days after the end of each calendar
         quarter, report any "soft dollar" remuneration received by them during
         the preceding quarter. Such report shall identify the party providing
         the "soft dollar" remuneration, a description thereof, the date
         provided and its value.

2.       Review by Board of Directors. Such report shall be submitted to and
         reviewed by the respective Board of Directors.

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                                Policy No.    CE.110
                                Subject       Undue Influence
                                Effective     January 20, 1997
                                Revised       January 30, 2007

                                 UNDUE INFLUENCE

Generally speaking, "undue influence" is any conduct by a person which,
considering all of the relevant facts and circumstances, influences, dominates
or controls the will of another person (the transferor) and causes him or her to
make a disposition of his or her property which he or she otherwise would not
have made. Undue influence may take many forms. Most undue influence cases will
involve transferors who are elderly or infirm or who have limited mental
capabilities. In many cases, the transferee or donee (often a family member or
close friend) will be a person who stands in a confidential or fiduciary
relationship to the transferor. In such cases, a presumption of undue influence

It is the policy of Centrue Financial Corporation that all of its officers and
employees shall be especially watchful for situations and transactions in which
undue influence may be present.

- ----------

1.       Where Undue Influence Is Suspected. In situations where undue influence
         is suspected, the officer or employee handling the transaction should
         (a) attempt to independently ascertain whether the transferor
         understands the nature of the transaction and its consequences; (b)
         before executing or completing the transaction, consult with his or her
         immediate supervisor; and (c) consult with legal counsel.

2.       Report. In all cases in which undue influence is suspected, the officer
         or employee involved shall promptly prepare a report detailing the
         relevant facts and circumstances and the action taken. This report
         shall be transmitted to the security officer.

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                                Policy No.    CE.120
                                Subject       Insider Trading
                                Effective     March 31, 2003
                                Revised       January 30, 2007

                                 INSIDER TRADING

It is both unethical and illegal to buy, sell, trade or otherwise participate in
transactions involving Centrue Financial Corporation common stock or other
security while in possession of material information concerning Centrue
Financial Corporation that has not been released to the general public, but
which when released may have an impact on the market price of the Centrue
Financial Corporation common stock or other equity security. It is also
unethical and illegal to buy, sell, trade or otherwise participate in
transactions involving the common stock or other security of any other company
while in possession of similar non-public material information concerning such
company. Any questions concerning the propriety of participating in a Centrue
Financial Corporation or other company stock or other security transaction
should be directed to the Centrue Financial Corporation Chief Executive Officer
or Chief Financial Officer.

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                                Policy No.    CE.130
                                Subject       Extension of Credit
                                Effective     March 31, 2003
                                Revised       January 30, 2007

                              EXTENSIONS OF CREDIT

Centrue Financial Corporation's affiliate bank, Centrue Financial Corporation,
may extend credit to any executive officer, director, or principal shareholder
of Centrue Financial Corporation only on substantially the same terms as those
prevailing for comparable transactions with other persons or that may be
available to employees generally as permitted by and in accordance with
Regulation O of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

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                                Policy No.    CE.140
                                Subject       Fair Dealing
                                Effective     March 31, 2003
                                Revised       January 30, 2007

                                  FAIR DEALING

Each employee, officer and director should undertake to deal fairly with Centrue
Financial Corporation's customers, suppliers, competitors and employees.
Additionally, no one should take advantage of another through manipulation,
concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material
facts, or any other unfair-dealing practices.

Employees must disclose prior to or at their time of hire the existence of any
employment agreement, non-compete or non-solicitation agreement, confidentiality
agreement or similar agreement with a former employer that in any way restricts
or prohibits the performance of any duties or responsibilities of their
positions with Centrue Financial Corporation. Copies of such agreements should
be provided to the Human Resource Department to permit evaluation of the
agreement in light of the employee's position. In no event shall an employee use
any trade secrets, proprietary information or other similar property, acquired
in the course of his or her employment with another employer, in the performance
of his or her duties for or on behalf of Centrue Financial Corporation.

Centrue Financial Corporation's affiliates are engaged in the business of
serving as executor, trustee and guardian of estates of individuals. Employees
are encouraged to recommend these services to qualified individuals. Employees
may serve as fiduciaries for members of their own families (i.e., a
parent/guardian, child, spouse, sibling, aunt, uncle, in-law or cousin). With
respect to any other person, employees should not seek nor accept appointment to
any fiduciary or co-fiduciary position without the written approval of the
officer in charge of the member trust organization assigned to their geographic
areas. Due to the danger of customer misunderstandings, potential liability to
Centrue Financial Corporation, or its employees, and inherent conflicts of
interest, such approval will not normally be given. Employees should not
directly or indirectly accept bequests under a will or trust if such bequests
have been made to them because of their employment with Centrue Financial

Employees are sometimes asked to advise customers with respect to services and
goods other than services and goods available from Centrue Financial Corporation
as to attorneys, accountants, insurance brokers or real estate agents with whom
they might do business. This type of advice must be avoided.

Centrue Financial Corporation and its employees do not render advice other than
with respect to goods and services that can be made through or relate to those
that can be made through Centrue Financial Corporation.

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                                Policy No.    CE.150
                                Subject       Protection and Proper Use of
                                              Centrue Financial Corporation
                                Effective     March 31, 2003
                                Revised       January 30, 2007

                          PROTECTION AND PROPER USE OF

All employees, officers and directors should protect Centrue Financial
Corporation's property and assets and ensure their efficient and proper use.
Theft, carelessness and waste can directly impact Centrue Financial
Corporation's profitability, reputation and success. Permitting Centrue
Financial Corporation property (including data transmitted or stored
electronically and computer resources) to be damaged, lost, or used in an
unauthorized manner is strictly prohibited. Employees, officers and directors
may not use corporate, bank or other official stationery for personal purposes.

The proper handling of business expenses incurred while away from the office is
imperative if Centrue Financial Corporation officers and employees are to avoid
the appearance of a conflict of interest or a reputation for self-enrichment at
the expense of Centrue Financial Corporation, its stockholders and their fellow
employees. The tax rules on deductibility offer sound guidelines which must be
followed for internal reporting purposes, and therefore must also be adhered to
in the course of external contacts. The U.S. Internal Revenue service standards
are applied by Centrue Financial Corporation for the purpose of determining the
appropriateness of a business expense. Any submitted expenses not complying with
IRS requirements and Centrue Financial Corporation policy will not be
reimbursed. The reimbursed travel expenses (if any) of a spouse, or other
individual, accompanying a Centrue Financial Corporation representative on a
business trip will be taxable to the employee unless it can be demonstrated to
Centrue Financial Corporation's satisfaction that their presence served a bona
fide business purpose.

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Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.160
                                Subject       Compliance With Laws, Rules and
                                Effective     March 31, 2003
                                Revised       January 30, 2007


This Code of Ethics is based on Centrue Financial Corporation's policy that all
employees, officers and directors comply with the law. While the law prescribes
a minimum standard of conduct, this Code of Ethics requires conduct that often
exceeds the legal standard.

Centrue Financial Corporation specifically forbids the following conduct:

     1.  Theft, fraud, embezzlement, misappropriation, or any form of wrongful
         conversion of property belonging to Centrue Financial Corporation, an
         employee, or any Centrue Financial Corporation customer or client. This
         applies whether or not the conduct is a criminal act subject to

     2.  Any act of fraud or deception involving Centrue Financial Corporation,
         a customer, a supplier, a government official or any other party.

     3.  Any act of bribery, including a promise, offer, or gift of money or
         anything of value made or offered to a government official or someone
         acting for the government or a person employed by, or acting on behalf
         of, a customer, supplier or other organization with which Centrue
         Financial Corporation does business or has prospective business.

     4.  Any dishonest or unethical act against Centrue Financial Corporation or
         any regulatory official.

     5.  Political contributions of money, services, or other property of
         Centrue Financial Corporation that are in violation of applicable law.

     6.  Any act of discrimination based on a person's race, color, gender,
         creed, sexual orientation, marital status, age, religion, national
         origin, ancestry, place of birth, disability, veteran status or any
         other category protected by law.

     7.  Any act of harassment, which includes but is not limited to, slurs,
         jokes and other verbal, graphic, or physical conduct that relates to an
         individual's race, color, gender, creed, sexual orientation, marital
         status, age, religion, national origin, ancestry, place of birth,
         disability, veteran status or any other category protected by law.

Certain other statutory and regulatory provisions are applicable to officers,
directors and employees of banks and bank holding companies. The following list
is not exhaustive, but highlights a number of areas Centrue deems particularly

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Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.160
                                Subject       Compliance with Laws, Rules and
                                Page          2

     1.  Interlocks between management officials (officers, directors,
         employees) of nonaffiliated financial institutions and holding
         companies of financial institutions are generally prohibited.

     2.  Bank employees' receipt of compensation for acting as a co-fiduciary
         (co-trustee) with Centrue Financial Corporation is restricted.

     3.  Receipt of commission or gift for procuring a loan from Centrue
         Financial Corporation, or extension, renewal or substitution of
         security, etc., is prohibited.

     4.  Offer of a loan or gratuity to a bank examiner is prohibited.

     5.  Certification of checks without adequate customer funds on deposit is

     6.  Lending and borrowing of trust funds is restricted and in some case

     7.  Embezzlement, theft and misapplication of funds are illegal.

     8.  Unauthorized issuance of Centrue Financial Corporation obligations and
         intentional false entries are prohibited.

     9.  Relationships with dealers in securities by Centrue Financial
         Corporation employees and directors are restricted.

     10. Stock-secured loans to purchase or carry margin stocks are regulated
         and impose scrutiny responsibilities on Centrue Financial Corporation
         lending officers.

     11. Convictions of criminal offenses preclude serving as an officer,
         director or employee.

     12. Requiring a borrower to purchase or obtain other Centrue Financial
         Corporation products other than certain direct deposit account
         relationships is prohibited. Certain

Centrue Financial Corporation business units have policies and procedures
governing topics covered by this Code of Ethics. These policies and procedures
reflect the special requirements of these business units.

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Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.170
                                Subject       Reporting of Illegal or Unethical
                                Effective     March 31, 2003
                                Revised       January 30, 2007


All employees, officers and directors are expected to demonstrate the ability to
properly manage their personal finances, particularly the prudent use of credit.
Centrue Financial Corporation recognizes that its customers must have faith and
confidence in the honesty and character of its employees, officers and
directors. In addition to the importance of maintaining customer confidence,
there are specific laws that outline the actions Centrue Financial Corporation
must take regarding any known, or suspected, crime involving the affairs of
Centrue Financial Corporation. With regard to financial affairs, the Company
must make a criminal referral in the case of any known, or suspected, theft,
embezzlement, check/debit card kiting, misapplication or other defalcation
involving company funds or personnel in any amount.

Fraud is an element of business that can significantly affect the reputation and
success of Centrue Financial Corporation. Centrue Financial Corporation requires
its employees, officers and directors to talk to supervisors, managers or other
appropriate personnel to report and discuss any known or suspected criminal
activity involving Centrue Financial Corporation or its employees. If, during
the course of employment, you become aware of any suspicious activity or
behavior including concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing
matters, you must report violations of laws, rules, regulations or this Code of
Ethics to the Human Resource Department or through the Company's anonymous

Centrue Financial Corporation has contracted with an outside vendor to receive
the Company's Sarbanes-Oxley related complaints. This vendor may also receive
the Company's Human Resources related complaints. Listed below are the
procedures for this process:

     1.  An employee can initiate an anonymous complaint via e-mail or by phone
         to the vendor. The vendor will track and retain all complaints.

     2.  The vendor then contacts the designated Centrue Financial Corporation
         recipients via e- mail; the Risk Management Officer and Chairman of the
         Audit Committee for Sarbanes- Oxley related issues and the Risk
         Management Officer and the Director of Human Resources for Human
         Resource-related issues.

     3.  The designated recipients will take the appropriate action necessary to
         handle the complaint. This may include contacting legal counsel.

     4.  Follow-up will be conducted by the designated recipients on the
         complaints received.

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                                Policy No.    CE.170
                                Subject       Reporting of Illegal or Unethical
                                Page          2

No retaliation will be allowed to occur against an employee who reports
potential fraud or a complaint in good faith.

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                                Policy No.    CE.180
                                Subject       Administration and Waiver of Code
                                              of Ethics
                                Effective     March 31, 2003
                                Revised       January 30, 2007


This Code of Ethics shall be administered and monitored by the Centrue Financial
Corporation Human Resource Department. Any questions and further information on
this Code of Ethics should be directed to this department.

All managers and direct supervisors are responsible for reviewing this Code of
Ethics with their subordinates each time a new edition of the Code of Ethics is

It is also the responsibility of the Human Resource Department to reaffirm
compliance with this Code of Ethics by all employees and officers, and to obtain
a signed certificate that each employee and officer has read and understands the
guidelines and will comply with them. The provisions of the Code of Ethics
Policy will be included in the Centrue Financial Corporation Human Resource
Policies. The Human Resource Policies will be issued to all new employees and
officers at the time of employment and reissued to existing employees and
officers from time to time. Employees will be required to sign a receipt form
for the Employee Handbook indicating they have read this Code of Ethics and
comply with its provisions.

Employees, officers and directors of Centrue Financial Corporation are expected
to follow this Code of Ethics at all times. Generally, there should be no
waivers to this Code of Ethics, however, in rare circumstances conflicts may
arise that necessitate waivers. Waivers will be determined on a case-by-case
basis by the Centrue Financial Corporation Human Resource Department with the
advice of legal counsel.

However, waivers for directors and executive officers must be determined by the
board of directors. For members of the board of directors and executive
officers, the board of directors shall have the sole and absolute discretionary
authority to approve any deviation or waiver from this Code of Ethics. Any
waiver and the grounds for such waiver by directors or executive officers may
need to be disclosed to stockholders in the Centrue Financial Corporation
Corporation Annual Proxy Statement.

Known or suspected violations of this Code of Ethics will be investigated and
may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination of

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Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.190
                                Subject       Misleading Financial Information
                                Effective     March 31, 2003
                                Revised       January 30, 2007


Centrue Financial Corporation will be honest and forthright in all of its
financial reporting. We will use generally accepted accounting procedures (GAAP)
to account for all transactions. We will then use the resulting accounting data
to prepare financial reports that are as accurate as we can make them. No one
associated with this company is authorized to slant this financial data in ways
that might mislead a third party into believing the Company's financial
situation is better than it actually is.

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Code of Ethics
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                                Policy No.    CE.200
                                Subject       Special Rules That Apply to
                                              Investment Officers
                                Effective     March 31, 2003


Anyone making investments on behalf of the Company is prohibited from taking
advantage of the special circumstances associated with this duty. Specifically,
an investment officer is prohibited from buying securities for his or her own
account through dealers from which he or she buys securities for the Company's
account. The investment officer is also prohibited from accepting gifts,
entertainment, free travel, and so forth from a securities dealer or from
employees who work for a securities firm. If the investment officer is ever
approached with a deal that would benefit him or her personally, he or she must
immediately report the circumstances to the president and the chairperson of the
board and stop placing investment orders through that firm. (Exhibit 2A.2
following this policy contains a statement that the Company requires its
investment officers to sign.)

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                                Policy No.    CE.210
                                Subject       Senior Financial Officers Code of
                                Effective     March 31, 2003
                                Revised       January 30, 2007

                            SENIOR FINANCIAL OFFICERS
                                 CODE OF ETHICS

The honesty, integrity and sound judgment of senior financial officers is
fundamental to the reputation and success of Centrue Financial Corporation.
While all employees, officers, and directors are required to adhere to the
Centrue Financial Corporation Code of Ethics, the professional and ethical
conduct of senior financial officers (Chief Financial Officer, Controller and
Chief Investment Officer) is essential to the proper function and success of
Centrue Financial Corporation as a leading financial services provider.

To the best of their knowledge and ability, senior financial officers of Centrue
Financial Corporation performing accounting, auditing, financial management or
similar functions must:

o    Act with honesty and integrity; avoid actual or apparent conflicts of
     interest in personal and professional relationships.
o    Provide colleagues with information that is accurate, complete, objective,
     relevant, timely and understandable.
o    Comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations of federal, state, and
     local governments (both United States and foreign) and other appropriate
     private and public regulatory agencies.
o    Act in good faith, with due care, competence and diligence, without
     misrepresenting material facts or allowing independent judgment to be
o    Respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of
o    Share knowledge and maintain skills necessary and relevant to Centrue
     Financial Corporation's needs.
o    Proactively promote ethical and honest behavior within the Centrue
     Financial Corporation environment.
o    Assure responsible use of and control of all assets, resources and
     information of Centrue Financial Corporation.

All senior financial officers are expected to adhere to both the Centrue
Financial Corporation Code of Ethics and the Code of Ethics for Senior Financial
Officers at all times. The board of directors shall have the sole and absolute
discretionary authority to approve any deviation or waiver from the Code of
Ethics for Senior Financial Officers. Any waiver and the grounds for such waiver
for a senior financial officer shall be promptly disclosed through a filing with
the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 8-K. Additionally, any change of
this Code of Ethics for senior financial officers shall be promptly disclosed to

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Code of Ethics
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                         Employee Acknowledgement Form

I have received a copy of the Centrue Financial Corporation Code of Ethics.
After having read the Code, I certify that:

1.       I have not directly, or indirectly through my family (a) made any
         personal investment based on insider information, (b) otherwise acted
         on insider information contrary to the Centrue Financial Corporation
         policy statement, (c) accepted any gifts or entertainment, or (d)
         accepted any fees or other remuneration, (e) borrowed from a Centrue
         Financial Corporation customer or supplies, (f) sold or leased assets
         to or purchased or leased assets from a customer other than an arm's
         length transaction, or (g) accepted any bequest, legacy, or fiduciary
         appointment except as follows:

2.       I do not hold a position as director, officer, partner or any other
         official position in any business or professional enterprise except as

3.       I am not engaged in any outside employment except as follows:

4.       Neither I, nor any member of my immediate family, is engaged in any
         activity, which may reasonably be deemed in conflict with this Code of
         Ethics except as follows:

- -----------------------------------------------   ------------------------------
Employee Signature                                Date

- -----------------------------------------------
Employee Name (Typed or Printed)

This form must be signed and returned to the Human Resource Department.

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Code of Ethics
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Conflicts of Interest:
Investment Officer Code of Conduct Statement

Based on instructions I have received from the board of directors, I understand
that I am prohibited from buying securities for my own account using dealers
through which I buy securities for the company's account.

I also understand that I may not accept gifts, entertainment, free travel, etc.,
from a securities dealer or employees of a securities firm, directly or
indirectly. If I am ever offered a bribe or approached with a deal that would
benefit me personally, I will immediately report the circumstances of the offer
to the president and the chairperson of the board, and I will immediately stop
placing investment orders through that firm.

A signed copy of this statement will be forwarded to each of the securities
firms with which the Company deals so that the salespeople of the firm will be
explicitly on notice that I am not to be approached with gifts, gratuities, or
unethical deals.

- -----------------------------------------------   ------------------------------
Investment Officer Signature                      Date

- -----------------------------------------------
Investment Officer Name (Typed or Printed)

This form must be signed and returned to the Human Resource Department.

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