Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

[X]      Filed by Registrant

[ ]      Filed by a Party other than the Registrant

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]      Preliminary Proxy Statement

[X]      Definitive Proxy Statement

[ ]      Definitive Additional Materials

[ ]      Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-11(c) or ss.240.14a-12

                               STEVEN MADDEN, LTD.


Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]     No fee required.

[ ]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

1)      Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
2)      Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
3)      Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:(1) 
4)       Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
(1)     Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how
        it was determined.

        [ ]       Check  box if any part of the fee is  offset  as  provided  by
                  Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which
                  the offsetting fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous
                  filing  by  registration  statement  number,  or the  Form  or
                  Schedule and date of its filing.

                  1)  Amount Previously Paid:
                  2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
                  3)  Filing Party:
                  4)  Date Filed:

                               STEVEN MADDEN, LTD.
                              52-16 BARNETT AVENUE
                           LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11104
                           TO BE HELD ON MAY 22, 1998


         NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  (the
"Annual  Meeting")  of  Steven  Madden,   Ltd.,  a  New  York  corporation  (the
"Company"),  will be held on May 22, 1998, at the Marriott  Eastside  located at
525  Lexington  Avenue,  New  York,  New York at 10:00  a.m.,  local  time,  and
thereafter  as it may from time to time be  adjourned,  for the purposes  stated

         1.       To elect seven (7) directors to the Board of the Company for a
                  one (1) year term;

         2.       To consider  and vote upon a proposal to approve the  adoption
                  of the Company's 1998 Stock Plan;

         3.       To consider  and vote upon a proposal to change the  Company's
                  state of incorporation from New York to Delaware by means of a
                  merger of the Company  with and into a  wholly-owned  Delaware
                  subsidiary (the "Reincorporation");

         4.       To ratify the appointment of Richard A. Eisner & Company,  LLP
                  as  independent  auditors of the Company for fiscal year 1998;

         5.       To transact  such other  business as may properly  come before
                  the Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

         All  Stockholders  are cordially  invited to attend the Annual Meeting.
Only those Stockholders of record at the close of business on April 10, 1998 are
entitled  to notice of and to vote at the Annual  Meeting  and any  adjournments
thereof. A complete list of stockholders  entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting
will be available at the Meeting.

                             BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

April 22, 1998               Steven Madden, President, Chairman of the Board and
                             Chief Executive Officer


                               STEVEN MADDEN, LTD.
                              52-16 BARNETT AVENUE
                           LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11104

                                 PROXY STATEMENT


         This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation
of  proxies  by the  Board of  Directors  of  Steven  Madden,  Ltd.,  a New York
corporation  (the  "Company"),  for use at the annual  meeting of the  Company's
Stockholders  to be held  at the  Marriott  Eastside  located  at 525  Lexington
Avenue,  New York, New York at 10:00 a.m.,  local time, and at any  adjournments
thereof (the "Annual Meeting").

         The Annual  Meeting has been called to consider  and take action on the
following proposals:  (i) to elect seven (7) directors to the Board of Directors
of the  Company  for a one (1) year  term,  (ii) to  consider  and  vote  upon a
proposal to approve  the  adoption of the  Company's  1998 Stock Plan,  (iii) to
consider and vote upon a proposal to change the Company's state of incorporation
from New York to Delaware  by means of a merger of the  Company  with and into a
wholly-owned  Delaware  subsidiary (the  "Reincorporation'),  (iv) to ratify the
appointment of Richard A. Eisner & Company,  LLP as independent  auditors of the
Company for fiscal year 1998,  and (v) to  transact  such other  business as may
properly come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournments  thereof.  The Board
of Directors  knows of no other matters to be presented for action at the Annual
Meeting.  However, if any other matters properly come before the Annual Meeting,
the persons named in the proxy will vote on such other matters  and/or for other
nominees  in  accordance  with  their best  judgement.  The  Company's  Board of
Directors  recommends  that  the  Stockholders  vote  in  favor  of  each of the
proposals. Only holders of record of common stock, $.0001 par value (the "Common
Stock"),  of the Company at the close of business on April 10, 1998 (the "Record
Date") will be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.

         The  principal  executive  offices of the  Company are located at 52-16
Barnett  Avenue,  Long Island City, NY 11104 and its  telephone  number is (718)
446-1800. The approximate date on which this Proxy Statement, the proxy card and
other  accompanying  materials are first being sent or given to  Stockholders is
April 22, 1998.  The Company's  Annual Report for the fiscal year ended December
31, 1997, including audited financial statements, are being sent to Stockholders
together with this Proxy Statement and are incorporated herein by reference.


         As of the Record  Date,  there  were  outstanding  8,654,773  shares of
Common  Stock held by  approximately  91 holders of record and 2,710  beneficial
owners.  Only  holders  of  shares of Common  Stock on the  Record  Date will be
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting. The holders of Common Stock are entitled
to one vote on all  matters  presented  at the  meeting  for each  share held of
record. The presence in person or by proxy of holders of record of a majority of
the shares  outstanding  and  entitled  to vote as of the  Record  Date shall be
required for a quorum to transact  business at the Annual  Meeting.  If a quorum
should not be present,  the Annual  Meeting may be  adjourned  until a quorum is
obtained.  The  nominees to be  selected as a Director  named in Proposal 1 must
receive a  plurality  of the  eligible  votes  cast at the Annual  Meeting  with
respect to such  Proposal.  The approval of the adoption of the  Company's  1998
Stock Plan described in Proposal 2 must be approved by the  affirmative  vote of
the  holders  of a  majority  of the  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock.  The
approval of the  Reincorporation set forth in Proposal 3 must be

approved by the  affirmative  vote of the holders of at least  two-thirds of the
outstanding  shares of Common Stock.  The  ratification  of the  appointment  of
Richard A.  Eisner & Company,  LLP as  independent  auditors  of the Company for
fiscal year 1998  described  in  Proposal 4 must be approved by the  affirmative
vote of the majority of shares  present at the  meeting,  in person or by proxy.
Abstentions and broker  non-votes will have no effect with respect to Proposal 1
and Proposal 4, and will have the effect of a "no" vote with respect to Proposal
matters to be considered at the Annual Meeting  requires the affirmative vote of
a majority of the eligible votes cast at the Annual Meeting on such matters.

         The expense of  preparing,  printing and mailing this Proxy  Statement,
exhibits  and the  proxies  solicited  hereby will be borne by the  Company.  In
addition to the use of the mails,  proxies  may be  solicited  by  officers  and
directors and regular employees of the Company, without additional remuneration,
by personal  interviews,  telephone,  telegraph or facsimile  transmission.  The
Company will also request brokerage firms, nominees,  custodians and fiduciaries
to forward proxy  materials to the beneficial  owners of shares of capital stock
held of record and will provide  reimbursements  for the cost of forwarding  the
material in accordance with customary charges.

         Proxies given by  Stockholders  of record for use at the Annual Meeting
may be revoked at any time prior to the  exercise  of the powers  conferred.  In
addition to revocation  in any other manner  permitted by law,  Stockholders  of
record giving a proxy may revoke the proxy by an instrument in writing, executed
by the Stockholder or his attorney  authorized in writing or, if the Stockholder
is a corporation,  under its corporate  seal, by an officer or attorney  thereof
duly  authorized,  and  deposited  either at the corporate  headquarters  of the
Company at any time up to and  including the last business day preceding the day
of the Annual Meeting,  or any adjournment  thereof, at which the proxy is to be
used,  or with the  chairman  of such  Annual  Meeting  on the day of the Annual
Meeting or  adjournment  thereof,  and upon either of such deposits the proxy is


         None of the matters to be acted on at the Annual  Meeting  give rise to
any statutory  right of a Stockholder  to dissent and obtain the appraisal of or
payment for such Stockholder's shares.


                                  PROPOSAL ONE


         Under  the  By-Laws  of the  Company  (the  "By-Laws"),  the  Board  of
Directors  of the Company is required to be  comprised of a minimum of three (3)
directors, subject to which limitation the number of directors may be fixed from
time to  time by  action  of the  stockholders  or of the  directors,  with  all
directors  elected  by the  stockholders  each year at the  annual  stockholders
meeting.  The Company's  board  presently  consists of seven (7) directors whose
terms expire at the Annual Meeting.  Officers are elected  annually by and serve
at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

         The Board has nominated  seven (7) candidates to serve as directors all
of whom are currently  directors.  The names and  biographical  summaries of the
seven (7) persons who have been nominated by the Board of Directors to stand for
election at the Annual  Meeting have been provided  below for your  information.
The Board of Directors  has proposed that these persons be elected at the Annual
Meeting to serve until the next annual meeting of stockholders. The Proxies will
be voted for the election of the seven (7) nominees listed below as directors of
the Company  unless  otherwise  specified  on the form  provided.  The vote of a
majority of the capital stock,  present and  constituting a quorum at the Annual
Meeting,  will be necessary to elect the  directors  listed  below.  If, for any
reasons,  any of the nominees shall be unable or unwilling to serve, the Proxies
will be voted for a substitute  nominee who will be  designated  by the Board of
Directors at the Annual Meeting. Stockholders may abstain from voting by marking
the  appropriate  boxes on the  enclosed  Proxy.  Abstentions  shall be  counted
separately and shall be used for purposes of calculating quorum.


         STEVEN MADDEN has been since the Company's  inception,  the Chairman of
the Board,  Chief  Executive  Officer and President.  In 1980, Mr. Madden joined
L.J. Simone, a domestic footwear manufacturer,  as an Account Executive. At that
time, L.J.  Simone had annual sales of  approximately  $800,000.  Mr. Madden was
promoted  to  Sales  Manager  and  Director  of  Product   Development  and  was
instrumental  in the  company's  growth to $28  million in annual  sales.  After
leaving  L.J.  Simone in 1988,  Mr.  Madden  joined  M.C.M.  Footwear,  where he
commenced  the design,  development  and  marketing  of the  "Souliers"  line of
footwear for women. In 1990, Mr. Madden founded the Company.

         RHONDA J. BROWN has been the Chief  Operating  Officer  of the  Company
since July 1996 and a Director of the Company  since  November  1996.  From July
1988 to July  1992,  Ms.  Brown  served as  Senior  Vice-President  and  General
Merchandise Manager to Lord & Taylor, a division of the May Company. From August
1992 to December 1994, Ms. Brown served as Merchandise President of Macy's East,
a division of R.H.  Macy & Co.,  Inc.  Prior to joining the  Company,  Ms. Brown
served as President and Chief Executive  Officer of Icing, Inc. from May 1995 to
December  1995. Ms. Brown  attended the American  University,  receiving a BS in
Marketing and Public Communications in 1976.

         ARVIND DHARIA has been the Chief Financial Officer of the Company since
October 1992 and a Director since December 1993. From December 1988 to September
1992, Mr. Dharia was Assistant Controller of Millennium III Real Estate Corp.


         JOHN BASILE has been the Director of  Operations  of the Company  since
June 1994 and a Director of the Company since  November  1996.  Mr. Basile was a
Sales  Manager  at Bellini  Imports  from 1980 to 1990.  From 1990 to 1994,  Mr.
Basile was Executive Vice President of Cougar U.S.A.  responsible for the United
States Division of Susan Shoes of Canada.

         JOHN L. MADDEN has been a Director of the Company  since the  Company's
inception.  From  February  1990 to April 1992,  Mr.  Madden  served as a Branch
Office Manager for Biltmore  Securities Corp. From April 1992 until August 1993,
Mr.  Madden  was  associated  with GKN  Securities,  Inc.  as a  Senior  Account
Executive.  From  August  1993 to April 1994,  Mr.  Madden  returned to Biltmore
Securities as a Managing Director and registered sales representative.  From May
1994 to May 1996 Mr.  Madden  served as Vice  President of  Investments  for GKN
Securities,  Inc. From May 1996 through December 1996, Mr. Madden was associated
with Kenny  Securities,  Inc. As of January 1997, Mr. Madden has been associated
with Merit  Capital,  Corp.  Mr.  Madden is the  brother of Steven  Madden,  the
Company's Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and President.

         PETER MIGLIORINI has been a Director of the Company since October 1996.
From 1987 to 1994, Mr. Migliorini served as Director of Operations for Mackroyce
Group. Mr. Migliorini has previously  served in a number of capacities,  ranging
from  Assistant  Buyer to Chief  Planner/Coordinator  for several shoe companies
including  Meldisco Shoes,  Perry Shoes, and Fasco Shoes.  From 1994 to present,
Mr. Migliorini has served as Sales Manager for Greschlers,  Inc., a major supply
company located in Brooklyn, New York.

         LES WAGNER has been a Director of the Company since  October 1996.  Mr.
Wagner has served in a number of other  capacities for Baker/Leeds Shoe Store, a
Division  of Edison  Brothers  Stores,  Inc.  from 1963 to 1993 which  included,
President, Gussini Discount Shoe Division from 1987 to 1988; Vice President Real
Estate  Northeast Area from 1988 to 1989; and General  Merchandise  Manager from
1989 to  1993.  From  1993 to  1996,  Mr.  Wagner  served  as the  President  of
Baker/Leeds.  Mr. Wagner attended  Harvard  University,  completing the Advanced
Management  Program (AMP 100). Mr. Wagner performs  consulting  services for the
Company from time to time.

         Steven  Madden  and  John L.  Madden  are  brothers.  Except  for  such
relationship,  there are no family  relationships  among any of the directors or
executive officers of the Company.



         The Board of Directors  met four (4) times during the fiscal year ended
December 31, 1997. No incumbent  Director  attended  fewer than 75% of the total
number of Board of  Directors  meetings.  The Board of  Directors  has  standing
Audit, Real Estate and Compensation Committees.

         The Audit  Committee  of the Board of  Directors  consists of directors
John L. Madden, Les Wagner, and Peter Migliorini, none of whom is an employee of
the Company.  This Committee is primarily responsible for reviewing the services
performed  by the  Company's  independent  auditors,  evaluating  the  Company's


policies and its system of internal controls,  and reviewing significant finance

         The  Compensation  Committee  of the  Board of  Directors  consists  of
directors Steven Madden,  John L. Madden and Peter Migliorini.  The Compensation
Committee is primarily  responsible  for  reviewing  compensation  to be paid to
officers of the Company, and for administering the Company's compensation plans.

         The Real  Estate  Committee  of the  Board  of  Directors  consists  of
directors  Steven  Madden,  Rhonda  Brown  and Les  Wagner.  This  Committee  is
primarily  responsible for overseeing real estate  transactions for the Company.
In light of the  Company's  aggressive  retail store  expansion  plan,  the Real
Estate  Committee was formed to consider  proposed real estate  transactions for


         Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  requires  the
Company's  directors and executive  officers,  and persons who own more than ten
percent (10%) of a registered class of the Company's equity securities,  to file
with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") initial reports of ownership
and reports of changes in ownership of common stock and other equity  securities
of the Company.  Officers,  directors and greater than ten percent  stockholders
are required by SEC regulation to furnish the Company with copies of all Section
16(a) forms they file.

         To the Company's knowledge, based solely on its review of the copies of
such reports  furnished to the Company  during the year ended December 31, 1997,
all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to its officers,  directors and
greater than ten percent beneficial owners were satisfied.



         Certain information  concerning the Directors and Executive Officers of
the Company is set forth below:

NAME                               AGE            POSITION(S) WITH THE COMPANY
- ----                               ---            ----------------------------
Steven Madden                      40             Chairman of the Board,
                                                  Chief Executive Officer, and President
Rhonda Brown                       42             Chief Operating Officer and Director
Arvind Dharia                      48             Chief Financial Officer, Secretary and Director
John Basile                        46             Executive Vice President and Director
Gerald Mongeluzo                   57             President of Adesso-Madden, Inc.
John L. Madden                     51             Director
Peter Migliorini                   49             Director
Les Wagner                         57             Director

See  "Biographical  Summaries  of  Nominees  for the  Board  of  Directors"  for
biographical  summaries  of Ms. R. Brown and Messrs.  S. Madden,  A. Dharia,  J.
Basile, J. Madden, P. Migliorini and L. Wagner.

         GERALD MONGELUZO,  has been President of Adesso-Madden,  Inc., a wholly
owned  subsidiary of the Company,  since September 1995. Mr.  Mongeluzo  founded
Prima  Shoes,  Inc.,  a buying  agent of  private  label  shoes,  and  served as
President from 1984 to 1987. From 1987-1991,  Mr. Mongeluzo was the President of
the Prima  Barbaro  Division  of Cells  Enterprise,  Inc.  Prior to joining  the
Company,  Mr.  Mongeluzo was the founder and President of Adesso Shoes,  Inc., a
buying agent of private label shoes.

         All directors hold office until the next annual meeting of stockholders
and the election and  qualification  of their  successors.  Officers are elected
annually  by  the  Board  of  Directors  and,  subject  to  existing  employment
agreements, serve at the discretion of the Board.

         Directors receive options to purchase 20,000 shares of Common Stock per
year as  compensation  for their  services.  Commencing  with  fiscal year 1998,
directors who are also officers of the Company will not receive any compensation
for serving on the Board of  Directors.  All  directors  are  reimbursed  by the
Company for any expenses incurred in attending directors' meetings.

         There are no family  relationships  among any of such  persons,  except
that  Steven  Madden,  the  Company's  founder,  Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer and President,  and John L. Madden, a director of the Company,
are brothers.




The  following  table sets forth for each of the last three  fiscal  years ended
December 31, 1997, December 31, 1996 and December 31, 1995 the remuneration paid
by the  Company to its Chief  Executive  Officer  and the four other most highly
compensated executive officers.

                                            SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            ANNUAL COMPENSATION         COMPENSATION AWARDS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NAME AND                   FISCAL                         OTHER ANNUAL      RESTRICTED               ALL OTHER
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steven Madden, President   1997     $232,692     $473,496                                 540,000     $243,395(1)
and Chief Executive        1996     $207,692     $436,458                                  20,000     $146,785(1)
Officer                    1995     $182,692     $423,341                               1,000,000

Rhonda Brown, Chief        1997     $208,342     $ 57,500                                 176,000
Operating Officer          1996     $ 96,153     $   0.00                                  60,000
                           1995        *****        *****

Arvind Dharia,             1997     $117,000     $   0.00                                  40,000     $ 86,968(2)
Chief Financial Officer    1996     $165,886     $   0.00                                  20,000     $ 48,886(2)
                           1995     $130,000     $   0.00                                  20,000

John Basile                1997     $250,000     $ 81,303                                  40,000
Director of Operations     1996     $173,786     $178,000                                 100,000
                           1995     $135,000     $226,094                                 100,000

Gerald Mongeluzo           1997     $215,615     $ 29,336                                  22,500
President, Adesso-         1996     $208,000     $   0.00                                  30,000
Madden, Inc.               1995        *****        *****

- --------------------------

(1)  Life insurance premium paid on behalf of Mr. Madden.
(2)  Life insurance premium paid on behalf of Mr. Dharia.


         The  following  table sets forth  certain  information  with respect to
options  granted  during the last fiscal year to the Company's  Chief  Executive
Officer and the other executive officers named in the above Summary Compensation

                                          OPTION/SAR GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

                            Number of Securities         
                                 Underlying                Percent of Total          Exercise or 
                                Options/SARS            Options/SARS Granted to       Base Price 
   Name                          Granted(#)            Employees in Fiscal Year        ($/Sh)        Expiration Date
   ----                          ----------            ------------------------        ------        ---------------
   Steven Madden                  500,000                       [43.4%]                 3.31             7/3/2007
                                   20,000                        [1.7%]                 5.50            7/15/2000
                                   20,000                        [1.7%]                 6.00             1/2/2000

   Rhonda Brown                    90,000                        [7.8%]                 5.50            7/15/2007
                                   66,000                        [5.7%]                 5.50            7/15/2001
                                   20,000                        [1.7%]                 6.00             1/2/2000

   Arvind Dharia                   20,000                        [1.7%]                 5.50            7/15/2007
                                   20,000                        [1.7%]                 6.00             1/2/2000

   John Basile                     20,000                        [1.7%]                 5.50            7/15/2007
                                   20,000                        [1.7%]                 6.00             1/2/2000

   Gerald Mongeluzo                22,500                        [2.0%]                 5.50            7/15/2007


         The  following  table sets forth  certain  information  with respect to
options  exercised  during the last fiscal year by the Company's Chief Executive
Officer and the executive officers named in the Summary  Compensation Table, and
with respect to unexercised  options held by such persons at the end of the last
fiscal year:



                            Shares                            Number of Securities          Value of Unexercised in the
                         Acquired on  Value Realized         Underlying Unexercised            Money Options/SARs at
           Name          Exercise (#)       $               Options/SARS at FY-End (#)            FY-End ($) (1)
           ----          ------------    -------            ---------------------------     ---------------------------
                                                            Exercisable   Unexercisable     Exercisable   Unexercisable
                                                            -----------   -------------     -----------   -------------
       Steven Madden        300,000      525,000              520,000        540,000         4,290,000      4,455,000

       Rhonda Brown           ----         ----                22,000        154,000           181,000      1,270,500

       Arvind Dharia         25,000      137,500               35,000         40,000           288,750        330,000

       John Basile            ----         ----               200,000         40,000         1,650,000        330,000

       Gerald Mongeluzo       ----         ----                30,000         22,500           247,500        185,625

         (1)   Based upon a closing bid price on April 3, 1998 of $8.25 per share as reported by The Nasdaq Stock Market.



         As of January 16, 1998, the Board of Directors of the Company,  adopted
the 1998 Stock Plan (hereinafter called the "1998 Plan"), subject to approval of
the Company's  stockholders.  The purpose of the 1998 Plan is to provide a means
whereby directors and selected employees,  officers,  agents,  consultants,  and
independent  contractors of the Company,  may be granted incentive stock options
and/or  nonqualified  stock options to purchase shares of common stock, in order
to attract  and  retain the  services  or advice of such  directors,  employees,
officers,  agents,  consultants,  and  independent  contractors  and to  provide
additional  incentive for such persons to exert maximum  efforts for the success
of the Company by encouraging  stock ownership in the Company.  The 1998 Plan is
expected to provide  even  greater  flexibility  to the  Company's  compensation
methods, after giving due consideration to competitive conditions and the impact
of federal tax laws. See Proposal number 2 - Adoption of the 1998 Stock Plan.


         In March 1995, the Company issued options to purchase  1,000,000 shares
of its Common Stock to a company wholly owned by the Company's President,  Chief
Executive Officer and a stockholder.  The options were subsequently  transferred
to the  President.  The options  which are fully  exercisable,  have an exercise
price of $1.75 and an exercise  period of 10 years.  Unearned  compensation  was
recorded in the amount of $575,000,  which represents the difference between the
exercise  price and the fair  value of the  stock on the date of grant,  and was
classified as a component of stockholders' equity. The unearned compensation was
being  amortized over four years,  however,  there was no net charge to earnings
since the amount which would otherwise be recorded as  compensation  reduced the
President's  bonus. If such bonus was not sufficient to offset the  amortization
in any of the four years,  the  President  was required to pay to the Company an
amount equal to the shortage.  The unamortized portion was charged to operations
in the  current  year in  connection  with the  President's  amended  employment


         In July  1997,  the  Company  entered  into a ten (10) year  Employment
Agreement with Steven Madden,  the Company's  founder,  Chief Executive Officer,
President and Chairman. The Company agreed to pay Mr. Madden an annual salary of
$275,000  for the two year period  commencing  January,  1998,  $300,000 for the
third year and an  incremental  increase of ten percent (10%) per annum for each
year  thereafter.  The  agreement  provided  for  payment of a signing  bonus of
$200,000, and annual non-accountable  expense allowance of $50,000 and use of an
automobile  having a retail selling price of no more than $50,000.  In addition,
in the event of Mr.  Madden's  total  disability  or his death,  the  Company is
obligated  to pay to Mr.  Madden's  estate  an amount  equal to the  appropriate
salary for the twelve (12) month period  immediately  subsequent  to the date of
total disability or his death. In the event Mr. Madden's employment agreement is
terminated  for  any  reason  other  than  "for  cause"  or due  to  his  "total
disability",  the  Company is  obligated  to pay Mr.  Madden the  balance of his
salary,  fifty percent (50%) upon  termination  and the remaining  fifty percent
(50%) in annual  installments


over the life of the agreement.  Further,  in the event of a "change of control"
of the company, Mr. Madden is entitled to terminate the Employment Agreement and
to receive the balance of his salary upon termination and an amount equal to his
bonus (if any) for the preceding calendar year multiplied by the remaining years
left under his Employment Agreement.  Mr. Madden's Employment Agreement contains
other customary provisions.

         In July 1996,  the  Company  entered  into a three (3) year  Employment
Agreement  with  Rhonda  Brown  pursuant  to which Ms.  Brown  will serve as the
Company's Chief Operating Officer. The Company agreed to pay Ms. Brown an annual
salary of $200,000  plus a cash bonus based upon the Company's  earnings  before
the payment of interest and taxes  ("EBIT").  The  agreement  provided  that Ms.
Brown received  options to purchase 66,000 shares of the Company's  Common Stock
at an exercise  price equal to the  closing  bid price of the  Company's  Common
Stock on June 28, 1996, as quoted on The Nasdaq Stock Market. During the term of
the Agreement,  Ms. Brown shall be entitled to receive a cash performance  bonus
based upon the Company's consolidated earnings before the payment of interest or
taxes or deduction  for  depreciation  ("EBIT-D")  as reflected on the Company's
quarterly  reports on Form 10-QSB.  By August 31, 1997, 1998 and 1999, Ms. Brown
will be  entitled  to receive a Cash  Bonus  equal to four  percent  (4%) of the
amount by which the aggregate  EBIT-D for the four (4) calendar  quarters ending
on the most recent June 30th exceed  EBIT-D for the four (4)  calendar  quarters
ending on the  preceding  June 30th.  The  agreement  also provides that on each
August 30th during the term of the  Agreement,  Ms. Brown is entitled to receive
options  (the  "Option  Bonus") to  purchase a number of shares of Common  Stock
equal to the dollar amount of the Cash Bonus. The options  comprising the Option
Bonus are  exercisable at a price equal to the average  closing bid price of the
Company's  shares of Common  Stock for the five  trading  days  ending on August
29th. The agreement  further provides that if at any time during the term of the
agreement,  the Company's  EBIT-D  aggregated over four (4)  consecutive  fiscal
quarter equals or exceeds $20,000,000, Ms. Brown shall be entitled to receive an
additional  bonus equal to two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000).  Ms. Brown's
Employment Agreement contains other customary provisions.

         In January 1998,  the Company  entered into a four (4) year  Employment
Agreement,  subject to automatic  extension for one (1) year unless either party
terminates  the  agreement  with  ninety (90) days'  prior  notice,  with Arvind
Dharia, pursuant to which Mr. Dharia will serve as the Company's Chief Financial
Officer.  The  Company  agreed to pay Mr.  Dharia an annual  salary of  $140,000
subject to annual  incremental  increases of ten percent (10%) commencing on the
third anniversary of the Employment  Agreement.  The agreement provides that Mr.
Dharia receive an option to purchase 25,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock
on June 30 of each year  during the term of the  agreement.  The  options are to
vest quarterly over a period of one (1) year and are  exercisable at an exercise
price equal to the closing bid price of the Company's Common Stock on June 30 of
each year, as quoted on The Nasdaq Stock Market.  If the Company does not extend
the term of Mr. Dharia's Employment  Agreement (other than "for cause" or "total
disability"),  Mr.  Dharia  shall  receive  severance  pay equal to three months
salary on the  expiration  of the  agreement.  In addition,  in the event of Mr.


Dharia's total disability or death the Company is obligated to pay Mr. Dharia or
his estate an amount equal to the  appropriate  salary for the twelve (12) month
period  immediately  subsequent to the date of his total disability or death. In
the event Mr. Dharia's  employment  agreement is terminated for any reason other
than "for cause" or due to his "total  disability",  the Company is obligated to
pay Mr.  Dharia the balance of his salary and  benefits,  fifty percent (50%) on
January 1 after the date of  termination  and the remaining  fifty percent (50%)
one year after.  Further,  in the event of a "change in control" of the Company,
Mr. Dharia is entitled to terminate the Employment  Agreement and to receive the
balance of his salary upon termination and an amount equal to his bonus (if any)
for the preceding calendar year multiplied by the remaining years left under his
Employment  Agreement  plus $200,000 as severance pay. Mr.  Dharia's  Employment
Agreement contains other customer provisions.

         As of  January  1998,  the  Company  entered  into  a  three  (3)  year
Employment Agreement with John Basile pursuant to which Mr. Basile will serve as
the Company's  Executive  Vice  President-Product  Development  and Design.  The
Company  agreed to pay Mr.  Basile an annual  salary of  $275,000  subject to an
annual increase of $25,000 on each anniversary of the Employment Agreement.  The
agreement  provides that Mr. Basile receive an option to purchase  50,000 shares
of the  Company's  Common  Stock  on the  date of  execution  of the  Employment
Agreement at an exercise  price of $7.50 per share.  In addition,  the agreement
provides that Mr. Basile  receive on the date on which the Company's  1998 Stock
Plan is approved by  stockholders  (and subject to such approval being received)
(a) an option to purchase  200,000  shares of the  Company's  Common Stock which
options shall vest immediately and are exercisable at an exercise price of $7.50
per share,  and (b) an option to purchase 100,000 shares of the Company's Common
Stock which  options  shall vest on December 31, 1999 and are  exercisable  at a
price equal to the average  closing bid price of he  Company's  Common Stock for
the five (5) trading  days ending two (2) trading days prior to the date of such
stockholder  approval.  The agreement  provides for Mr. Basile to receive a lump
sum payment of $250,000  in the event that the  stockholders  do not approve the
Company's  1998 Stock Plan.  During the term of the  Employment  Agreement,  Mr.
Basile shall be entitled to receive a cash performance bonus based on the annual
earnings of the Company's  wholesale  division (for the sale of Steve  Madden(R)
and David  Aaron(R)  footwear  brands)  before the payment of interest and taxes
("Wholesale  EBIT").  By March 30, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001, Mr. Basile will be
entitled to receive a cash bonus equal to four percent  (4%) of  Wholesale  EBIT
for the fiscal year ending on the December 31 preceding such date, calculated in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.  The agreement further
provides  that  if the  Company  records  Wholesale  EBIT  of not  less  than an
aggregate of $10,000,000  during any four (4) consecutive fiscal quarters during
the term of the Employment Agreement, Mr. Basile shall be entitled to receive an
additional  cash bonus of $100,000 and an option to purchase  100,000  shares of
the  Company's   Common  Stock   (subject  to  the  approval  of  the  Company's
stockholders)  which options shall vest over a period of five (5) years from the
date of grant and are  exercisable  at a price equal to the average  closing bid
price of the  Company's  shares of Common  Stock for the five (5)  trading  days
ending  two (2)  trading  days prior to the date of  issuance.  In the event Mr.
Basile's  Employment  Agreement  is  terminated  for any reason  other than "for
cause" or due to his "total  disability",  the Company is  obligated  to pay Mr.


salary through the date of termination and severance  compensation  equal to the
salary  due to Mr.  Basile  for the  remainder  of the  term  of his  Employment
Agreement (as if it had not been terminated) together with all options due to be
granted to him under the Employment Agreement. Mr. Basile's Employment Agreement
contains other customary provisions.



         The following  table sets forth  information as of the Record Date with
respect to the beneficial  ownership of the outstanding  shares of the Company's
Common  Stock by (i) each person known by the Company to  beneficially  own five
percent or more of the  outstanding  shares;  (ii) the  Company's  officers  and
directors;  and (iii) the Company's  officers and directors as a group. A person
is deemed to be a beneficial  owner of any  securities  of which that person has
the  right  to  acquire  beneficial   ownership  within  sixty  (60)  days.  See
"Compensation of Directors and Executive Officers."

                                        Amount and
                                        Nature of          Percentage
         Name and Address               Beneficial         (%) of
         Of Beneficial Owner(1)         Ownership(2)       Class(2)
         ---------------------          ------------       --------
         Steven Madden(3)               1,704,816(4)       18.6%
         BOCAP Corp.(5)                 1,704,816(6)       18.6%
         John Madden(7)                       ---          ---
         Arvind Dharia(8)                  35,000(9)        *
         John Basile(10)                 450,000(11)        4.9%
         Leslie Wagner(12)                    ---          ---
         Rhonda Brown(13)                 22,000(14)        *
         Gerald Mongeluzo(15)             30,000(16)        *
         Peter Migliorini(17)                 ---          ---
         EGS Partners, LLC               567,800(18)        6.6%
         Bev Partners, L.P.              567,800(18)        6.6%
         Jonas Partners, L.P.            567,800(18)        6.6%
         Robert F. Greenbaum
           and Frances S. Greenbaum      747,550(19)        8.6%
         Directors and Officers
           as a Group (8 persons)         2,241,816        23.1%

- -----------------
         *        indicates beneficial ownership of less than 1%.

(1)      Unless otherwise indicated, the address of each beneficial owner is c/o
         Steven Madden,  Ltd., 52-16 Barnett Avenue,  Long Island City, New York

(2)      Beneficial ownership as reported in the table above has been determined
         in accordance  with Item 403 of Regulation S-B of the Securities Act of
         1933 and Rule 13(d)-3 of the Securities Exchange Act.

(3)      Mr. Madden is the Chairman of the Board,  Chief  Executive  Officer and
         President of the Company.

(4)      Includes  (i)  1,184,816  shares  of  Common  Stock  held by  BOCAP,  a
         corporation  owned by Mr.  Madden,  (ii) 500,000 shares of Common Stock
         issuable  upon the  exercise  of an  option  held by Mr.  Madden  at an
         exercise  price of $1.75 per share,  and (iii) 20,000  shares of Common
         Stock  issuable upon the exercise of


         an  option  granted  to Mr.  Madden at an  exercise  price of $5.50 per
         share. See "Executive Compensation-Employment Agreements."

(5)      BOCAP Corp. is a company wholly-owned by Steven Madden, the Chairman of
         the Board, Chief Executive Officer and President of the Company.

(6)      Includes (i) 500,000  shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise
         of an  option  held by Mr.  Madden  at an  exercise  price of $1.75 per
         share,  and (ii)  20,000  shares  of  Common  Stock  issuable  upon the
         exercise of an option  granted to Mr.  Madden,  at an exercise price of
         $5.50 per share.

(7)      John  Madden,  a  director  of the  Company,  is the  brother of Steven

(8)      Mr.  Dharia  is a  Director  and the  Chief  Financial  Officer  of the

(9)      Includes (i) 15,000  shares of Common Stock  issuable upon the exercise
         of an option at an exercise  price of $5.50 per share,  and (ii) 20,000
         shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the exercise of an option at an
         exercise price of $6.00 per share.

(10)     Mr. Basile is a director and Executive Vice President of the Company.

(11)     Includes (i) 100,000  shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise
         of options at an exercise price of $5.50, (ii) 100,000 shares of Common
         Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise of options at an exercise  price of
         $7.97,  (iii) 50,000 shares of Common Stock  issuable upon the exercise
         of options at an exercise  price of $7.50,  and (iv) 200,000  shares of
         Common Stock  issuable upon the exercise of options  (which are subject
         to the approval of the Company's  stockholders) at an exercise price of
         $7.50 per share.

(12)     Mr. Wagner is a director of the Company.

(13)     Ms. Brown is a Director and the Chief Operating Officer of the Company.

(14)     Includes  22,000  shares of Common Stock  issuable upon the exercise of
         options, at an exercise price of $5.50 per share.

(15)     Mr. Mongeluzo is the President of Adesso-Madden,  Inc., a subsidiary of
         the Company.

(16)     Includes  30,000  shares of Common Stock  issuable upon the exercise of
         options, at an exercise price of $5.50 per share.

(17)     Mr. Migliorini is a director of the Company.

(18)     Includes shares of Common Stock  beneficially owned by members of group
         (as defined in Section 13(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) as
         follows:  (i) EGS Partners,  LLC, 321,500,  (ii) EGS Associates,  L.P.,
         103,500, (iii) Bev Partners,  L.P., 64,500, (iv) Jonas Partners,  L.P.,
         52,500 and (v) 25,800  shares owned by Mr.  Jonas  Gerstle (a member of
         EGS Partners and a general partner of EGS Associates,  Bev Partners and
         Jonas Partners) and certain member of his family.

(19)     Includes  85,340  shares of Common Stock  issuable upon the exercise of
         85,340 of the  Company's  Class B  Company's  Redeemable  Common  Stock
         Purchase Warrants.


                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

         The  Company  has been  advised  by BOCAP,  Inc.  ("BOCAP"),  a company
wholly-owned  by Steven  Madden,  the  Company's  Chairman  of the Board,  Chief
Executive  Officer and  President,  that a lawsuit  brought by Jordan Belfort in
June 1997 in his capacity as a holder of a promissory  note (the "Note")  issued
by BOCAP in December 1993 in connection  with the purchase by BOCAP of shares of
the Company's  Common Stock has been settled  amicably.  In connection  with the
settlement with Mr.  Belfort,  BOCAP borrowed $2.9 million (the "Loan") from the
Company's  factor and pledged 899,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock owned
by BOCAP as collateral  for the repayment  therefor (the "Pledged  Shares").  In
addition,  the Company guaranteed  BOCAP's  obligations under the Loan until the
Pledged  Shares were  registered for sale to the public or the Loan is repaid in
full,  whichever  occurred first. A registration  statement covering the sale of
the Pledged Shares was declared effective on March 5, 1998.

                                  PROPOSAL TWO

                         ADOPTION OF THE 1998 STOCK PLAN

         As of January 16, 1998 the Board of Directors  of the Company,  subject
to  approval  of  the  Company's  stockholders,  adopted  the  1998  Stock  Plan
(hereinafter called the "1998 Plan"). The purpose of the 1998 Plan is to provide
a means whereby directors and selected employees, officers, agents, consultants,
and  independent  contractors  of the  Company,  or of any parent or  subsidiary
thereof,  may be granted  incentive  stock  options  and/or  nonqualified  stock
options to purchase shares of common stock, $.0001 par value ("Common Stock") in
order to attract and retain the services or advice of such directors, employees,
officers,  agents,  consultants,  and  independent  contractors  and to  provide
additional  incentive for such persons to exert maximum  efforts for the success
of the Company and its affiliates by encouraging stock ownership in the Company.
A copy of the 1998 Plan is attached as Annex A to this Proxy  Statement  and the
description  of the 1998 Plan set forth below is  qualified  in its  entirety by
reference to the full text of the 1998 Plan.


         The  maximum  number of shares of Common  Stock  with  respect to which
awards may be granted pursuant to the 1998 Plan is initially  1,000,000  shares.
Shares  issuable under the 1998 Plan may be either treasury shares or authorized
but unissued shares. The number of shares available for issuance will be subject
to adjustment to prevent dilution in the event of stock splits,  stock dividends
or other changes in the capitalization of the Company.

         Subject to compliance with Rule 16b-3 of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934,  the Plan shall be  administered  by the Board of Directors of the Company
(the  "Board")  or, in the event the 


Board shall  appoint  and/or  authorize a  committee,  such as the  Compensation
Committee,  of two or more members of the Board to administer  the Plan, by such
committee. The administrator of the Plan shall hereinafter be referred to as the
"Plan  Administrator".  Except for the terms and conditions explicitly set forth
herein, the Plan Administrator shall have the authority,  in its discretion,  to
determine  all matters  relating  to the  options to be granted  under the Plan,
including,  without  limitation,  selection  of  whether  an  option  will be an
incentive  stock  option  or a  nonqualified  stock  option,  selection  of  the
individuals  to be granted  options,  the number of shares to be subject to each
option,  the exercise price per share,  the timing of grants and all other terms
and conditions of the options.

          Options  granted under the 1998 Plan may be "incentive  stock options"
("Incentive  Options")  within the  meaning of Section  422 of the Code or stock
options which are not  incentive  stock  options  ("Non-Incentive  Options" and,
collectively with Incentive Options, hereinafter referred to as "Options"). Each
option may be  exercised in whole or in part;  provided,  that only whole shares
may be issued pursuant to the exercise of any option. Subject to any other terms
and conditions herein, the Plan Administrator may provide that an option may not
be exercised  in whole or in part for a stated  period or periods of time during
which such option is  outstanding;  provided,  that the Plan  Administrator  may
rescind,  modify, or waive any such limitation (including by the acceleration of
the vesting  schedule  upon a change in control of the  Company) at any time and
from time to time after the grant date thereof.  During an Optionee's  lifetime,
any incentive stock options granted under the Plan are personal to such Optionee
and are exercisable solely by such Optionee.

         The Plan  Administrator can determine at the time the option is granted
in the case of incentive  stock options,  or at any time before  exercise in the
case of nonqualified  stock options,  that  additional  forms of payment will be
permitted. To the extent permitted by the Plan Administrator and applicable laws
and regulations (including,  without limitation, federal tax and securities laws
and regulations and state corporate law), an option may be exercised by:

                  (a)  delivery of shares of Common Stock of the Company held by
                  an Optionee  having a fair market  value equal to the exercise
                  price,  such fair market value to be  determined in good faith
                  by the Plan Administrator;

                  (b)  delivery  of a  properly  executed  Notice  of  Exercise,
                  together with  irrevocable  instructions  to a broker,  all in
                  accordance  with the regulations of the Federal Reserve Board,
                  to promptly  deliver to the Company the amount of sale or loan
                  proceeds to pay the exercise price and any federal,  state, or
                  local withholding tax obligations that may arise in connection
                  with the exercise; or

                  (c)  delivery  of a  properly  executed  Notice  of  Exercise,
                  together with instructions to the Company to withhold from the
                  shares of Common  Stock that would  otherwise  be issued  upon
                  exercise  that number of shares of Common  Stock having a fair
                  market value equal to the option exercise price.


         Upon a Change in Control of the Company,  any award carrying a right to
exercise that was not previously exercisable shall become fully exercisable, the
restrictions,  deferral limitations and forfeiture  conditions applicable to any
other award  granted  shall lapse and any  performance  conditions  imposed with
respect to awards shall be deemed to be fully achieved.

         Awards under the 1998 Plan may not be transferred,  pledged, mortgaged,
hypothecated  or  otherwise  encumbered  other than by will or under the laws of
descent and  distribution,  except that the  Committee  may permit  transfers of
awards for estate planning purposes if, and to the extent, such transfers do not
cause a  participant  who is then  subject to Section 16 of the  Exchange Act to
lose the benefit of the exemption under Rule 16b-3 for such transactions.

         The Board may amend, alter, suspend,  discontinue or terminate the 1998
Plan at any time,  except that any such action  shall be subject to  stockholder
approval  at the  annual  meeting  next  following  such  Board  action  if such
stockholder  approval is required by federal or state law or  regulation  or the
rules of any  exchange or automated  quotation  system on which the Common Stock
may then be listed or quoted, or if the Board of Directors otherwise  determines
to submit such action for  stockholder  approval.  In  addition,  no  amendment,
alteration,  suspension,  discontinuation  or  termination  to the 1998 Plan may
materially  impair  the  rights of any  participant  with  respect  to any award
without such participant's  consent.  Unless terminated earlier by action of the
Board of Directors,  the 1998 Plan shall terminate ten (10) years after adoption
by the shareholders.


         The  closing  bid and ask  prices  of the  Common  Stock on the  Nasdaq
National Market on April 3, 1998 were $8.25 and $8.375, respectively. No options
or other awards will be effective  under the 1998 Plan unless and until the 1998
Plan is approved by Stockholders at the Annual Meeting.




                                 PROPOSAL THREE



         For the reasons set forth below,  the Board of Directors  believes that
the best  interests  of the  Company  and its  shareholders  will be  served  by
changing  the state of  incorporation  of the Company  from New York to Delaware
(the "Reincorporation").  Shareholders are urged to read carefully the following
sections of this Proxy Statement,  including the related exhibits, before voting
on the  Reincorporation.  Throughout  this Proxy  Statement,  the term "Company"
refers to the existing New York  corporation and the term "SML Delaware"  refers
to the new Delaware corporation,  a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, that
was formed by the  Company in  preparation  for the  Reincorporation  and is the
proposed successor to the Company.

         The  Reincorporation  will be effected by merging the Company  into SML
Delaware (the "Merger"), which is to be effected in accordance with the terms of
an Agreement and Plan of Merger,  a form of which is attached  hereto as Annex B
(the "Merger  Agreement").  Upon completion of the Merger,  (i) the Company will
cease to exist,  (ii) SML Delaware  will continue to operate the business of the
Company  under the name "Steven  Madden,  Ltd.," (iii) the  shareholders  of the
Company's  Common  Stock  automatically  will  become  the  stockholders  of SML
Delaware,  (iv) the  shareholders  will  have  rights,  as  stockholders  of SML
Delaware  and no longer as  shareholders  of the Company and will be governed by
Delaware law, SML  Delaware's  Certificate of  Incorporation  and By-laws rather
than by New York law, the existing  Certificate of Incorporation  and By-laws of
the Company, (v) warrants and options to purchase shares of the Company's Common
Stock  automatically  will be converted  into  warrants or options to acquire an
equal number of equivalent  shares of SML Delaware's  Common Stock,  and (vi) no
change will occur in the name, physical location, business,  management, assets,
liabilities or net worth of the Company.

         The shareholders' approval of the Reincorporation will constitute their
approval of all of the provisions of SML Delaware's Certificate of Incorporation
and  SML  Delaware's  By-laws,   including  those  provisions  relating  to  the
limitation  of director  liability  and  expanded  scope of  indemnification  of
directors,  officers and key employees  under Delaware law, and including  those
provisions having "anti-takeover" implications,  which may be significant to the
Company and its  shareholders  in the future.  The governance of SML Delaware by
Delaware law, SML  Delaware's  Certificate of  Incorporation  and SML Delaware's
By-laws will or may in the future alter certain rights of the shareholders.

         Pursuant to the Merger  Agreement,  each  outstanding  share of Company
Common Stock,  $.0001 par value,  automatically  will be converted pro-rata into
one share of SML Delaware  Common  Stock,  $.0001 par value,  upon the Effective
Date  (as  defined  below).  Each  stock  certificate  representing  issued  and
outstanding  shares of Company  Common Stock will continue to represent the same
proportionate  number  of shares of  Common  Stock of SML  Delaware.  IT WILL BE



         Under New York law,  the  affirmative  vote of the  holders of at least
two-thirds of the outstanding  shares of Common Stock of the Company is required
for  approval  of the Merger  and the other  terms of the  Reincorporation.  The
Reincorporation  has  been  approved  unanimously  by  the  Company's  Board  of
Directors. If approved by the shareholders,  and if certain other conditions set
forth in the Merger  Agreement are satisfied,  the  Reincorporation  will become
effective upon the filing of the Merger Agreement and related documentation with
both  Delaware's and New York's  respective  Secretary of State (the  "Effective
Date") The Board of Directors intends that the Reincorporation be consummated as
soon as practicable  following the Annual Meeting of Shareholders.  Nonetheless,
the Merger  Agreement  allows for the Board of  Directors to abandon or postpone
the  Reincorporation or to amend the Merger Agreement (except that the principal
terms may not be amended without  shareholder  approval)  either before or after
the  shareholders'  approval has been obtained and before the Effective Date, if
circumstances  arise  causing the Board of  Directors to deem either such action

         The  discussion  set  forth  below  is  qualified  in its  entirety  by
reference to the Merger  Agreement,  the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of SML
Delaware (the  "Certificate of  Incorporation")  and the By-laws of SML Delaware
("By-Laws"),  a copy of each of which is  attached  hereto  as Annex B, C and D,


         Approval of the Reincorporation, which also will constitute approval of
the Merger  Agreement,  the Certificate of Incorporation  and the By-laws of SML
Delaware,  will  require  the  affirmative  vote  of  the  holders  of at  least
two-thirds of the outstanding  shares of the Company's  Common Stock entitled to



         For  many  years,   Delaware  has  followed  a  policy  of  encouraging
incorporation  under its jurisdiction.  In furtherance of that policy,  Delaware
has long  been  the  leading  state in  adopting,  construing  and  implementing
comprehensive  and flexible  corporate laws responsive to the legal and business
needs of  corporations.  As a result,  Delaware's  General  Corporation  Law has
become widely regarded as the most extensive and well-defined  body of corporate
law in the United  States.  Because  of  Delaware's  prominence  as the state of
incorporation  for many major  corporations,  both the legislature and courts in
Delaware  have  demonstrated  an ability  and a  willingness  to act quickly and
effectively to meet changing business needs.  Moreover, the Delaware courts have
rendered a substantial number of decisions  interpreting and explaining Delaware
law. The  Reincorporation  accordingly will be beneficial to the Company in that
it will give the Company (i) a greater  degree of  predictability  and certainty
regarding how the Company's  affairs should be conducted in order to comply with
applicable laws (such


predictability  and  certainty  resulting  from a large body of case law decided
under those laws) and (ii) the comfort and security resulting from the Company's
awareness of the  responsiveness  of  Delaware's  legislature  and courts to the
needs  of  corporations  organized  under  Delaware's  jurisdiction.  For  these
reasons,  many American corporations that have initially chosen their home state
for their state of  incorporation  have  subsequently  changed  their  corporate
domicile to Delaware in a manner similar to the Reincorporation.


         Delaware,  like many other  states,  permits a  corporation  to adopt a
number of measures  (through  amendment  of the  corporate  charter or bylaws or
otherwise)  designed  to reduce a  corporation's  vulnerability  to  unsolicited
takeover attempts.  The Reincorporation  proposal is not being proposed in order
to  prevent  any  known  attempt  to  acquire  control  of the  Company,  obtain
representation  on the  Board  of  Directors  or  take  any  significant  action
affecting the Company. Such anti-takeover  measures would enhance the ability of
the  Board of  Directors  to  negotiate  with an  unsolicited  bidder.  Although
"anti-takeover"  measures  may be  implemented  under New York law,  substantial
judicial  precedent  exists in the  Delaware  courts as to the legal  principles
applicable  to such  defensive  measures  and as to the  conduct of the Board of
Directors under the business judgment rule with respect to unsolicited  takeover
attempts,  and,  in the context of a future  unsolicited  takeover  event,  such
precedent will give the Board of Directors greater assurance and confidence that
the  defensive  strategies  and  conduct of the Board of  Directors  are in full
compliance with applicable laws and will be effective under the circumstances.

         The Board of Directors believes that unsolicited  takeover attempts may
be unfair or disadvantageous to the Company and its shareholders  because: (a) a
non-negotiated  takeover  bid may be  timed  to take  advantage  of  temporarily
depressed  stock prices;  (b) a  non-negotiated  takeover bid may be designed to
foreclose or minimize the possibility of more favorable  competing bids; and (c)
a non-negotiated  takeover bid may involve the acquisition of only a controlling
interest  in  the  Company's  stock,  without  affording  all  shareholders  the
opportunity to receive the same economic benefits.

         By contrast,  in a transaction in which an acquirer must negotiate with
an independent  board of directors,  such board of directors can and should take
account of the  underlying  and long-term  values of the Company's  assets,  the
possibilities for alternative transactions on more favorable terms, the possible
advantages of a tax-free reorganization,  the anticipated favorable developments
in the Company's  business not yet reflected in the stock price and the equality
of treatment of all the Company's shareholders.


         Despite  the  unanimous  belief  of the  Board  of  Directors  that the
Reincorporation is in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders, it
should be noted that Delaware law has been  criticized by some  commentators  on
the grounds that it does not afford minority  shareholders  the same substantive
rights and  protections  as are  available  in a number of other  states.  For a
comparison of  shareholders'  right and the powers of management  under Delaware
and New York


law see  "Significant  Differences  Between the Corporation Laws of New York and

         Despite  the  unanimous  belief  of the  Board of  Directors  as to the
benefits to  shareholders of the  Reincorporation,  the  Reincorporation  may be
disadvantageous  to the extent that it has the effect of  discouraging  a future
takeover  attempt  that is not  approved  by the Board of  Directors  but may be
deemed by a majority of the shareholders to be in their best interests (because,
for  example,  the  possible  takeover  could  cause  shareholders  to receive a
substantial  premium for their  shares over their then  current  market value or
over the shareholders'  cost basis in such shares).  As a result of such effects
of the  Reincorporation,  shareholders who might wish to participate in a tender
offer may not have an opportunity to do so. In addition,  to the extent that the
Reincorporation  will  enable the Board of  Directors  to resist a takeover or a
change  in  control  of the  Company,  the  Reincorporation  could  make it more
difficult to change the existing Board of Directors and management.


         The Reincorporation  will effect only a change in the legal domicile of
the Company and other changes of a legal nature,  certain of which are described
in this Proxy Statement.  The  Reincorporation  will NOT result in any change in
the name,  business,  management,  fiscal  year,  or location  of the  principal
facilities of the Company.


         The  provisions of the SML Delaware  Certificate of  Incorporation  and
By-laws are similar to those of the  Company's  Articles  of  Incorporation  and
By-laws.  The Reincorporation  includes the implementation of certain provisions
in the SML  Delaware  Certificate  of  Incorporation  and  By-laws  that are not
included in the Company's  Certificate of  Incorporation  or By-laws,  but whose
effect will be to keep  essentially  intact the rights of  shareholders  as they
currently exist under the Company's  Certificate of  Incorporation  and By-laws.
The material differences between the Company's  Certificate of Incorporation and
By-laws  and  SML  Delaware's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  and  By-laws  are
described  below.  Certain changes altering the rights of shareholders and power
of management could be implemented in the future by amendment to the Certificate
of Incorporation  following  shareholder  approval,  and certain of such changes
could be  implemented  by  amendment  of the  By-laws  of SML  Delaware  without
shareholder  approval.  For a  discussion  of  such  changes,  see  "Significant
Differences  Between the Corporation Laws of New York and Delaware." Approval by
the  shareholders  of the  Reincorporation  will  constitute  an approval of the
inclusion in the SML Delaware  Certificate of Incorporation  and By-laws of each
of the  provisions  described  below.  This  discussion  of the  Certificate  of
Incorporation  and By-laws of SML  Delaware is qualified by reference to Annex C
and D hereto, respectively.

         NUMBER  OF  DIRECTORS,   See  "Significant   Differences   Between  the
Corporation Laws of New York and Delaware Number of Directors".

         AUTHORIZED  STOCK.  The  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the Company
authorizes  60,000,000  shares of capital  stock,  which  consist of  60,000,000
shares of Common  Stock  $.0001 


par value per share. Each share of Common Stock will be converted into one share
of SML Delaware Common Stock.  The Certificate of  Incorporation of SML Delaware
will provide for 60,000,000  shares of Common Stock, with a $.0001 par value per
share and 5,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock, $.0001 per share.


         NEW  YORK.  Following  the  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders,  if  the
Reincorporation is approved, the Company will submit the Merger Agreement to the
office of the New York Secretary of State for filing.

         DELAWARE.  Following  the  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders,   if  the
Reincorporation is approved, the Company will submit the Merger Agreement to the
office of the Delaware Secretary of State for filing.


         The  Business  Corporation  Law of New York  ("New  York  Law") and the
General Corporation Law of Delaware ("Delaware Law") differ in many respects. It
is not practical to summarize all of such  differences in this Proxy  Statement,
but some of the principal differences that could materially affect the rights of
shareholders are discussed below.


         New York Law permits a  classified  board with as many as four  classes
but forbids fewer than three directors in any class.

         Delaware  Law permits but does not require the adoption of a classified
board of directors  pursuant to which the  directors can be divided into as many
as three  classes,  with  staggered  terms of office  and with only one class of
directors coming up for election each year.  Unless otherwise  provided for in a
certificate of incorporation,  Delaware Law provides that directors who serve on
a  classified  board can only be removed  with  cause.  The new  Certificate  of
Incorporation  does  not  provide  for  such a  classified  board  and  does not
contradict the statute with regard to removal.


         Delaware  Law relating to mergers and other  corporate  reorganizations
differs from New York Law in a number of respects.

         New York Law requires  that a plan of merger or  disposition  of all or
substantially  all  assets  not in the usual or regular  course of  business  be
approved by the holders of  two-thirds  of all  outstanding  shares  entitled to

         Under  Delaware  Law,  holders  of  only  a  majority  (as  opposed  to
two-thirds  under New York Law) of all outstanding  shares entitled to vote must
approve  a  merger  or  dispositions  of  all


or  substantially  all  assets.  Furthermore,  Delaware  Law does not  require a
shareholder  vote of the  surviving  corporation  in a merger if (a) the  merger
agreement  does not amend the existing  certificate of  incorporation,  (b) each
outstanding share of the surviving corporation before the merger is unchanged or
becomes a treasury  share of the  surviving  corporation,  and (c) the number of
additional  shares to be issued by the surviving  corporation in the merger does
not exceed 20% of the shares outstanding immediately prior to such issuance.

         New York Law contains  certain  anti-takeover  provisions that prohibit
any "business  combination" between a "domestic  corporation" and an "interested
shareholder"  for five  years  after  the date that the  interested  shareholder
became  an  interested  shareholder  unless  prior  to that  date  the  board of
directors of the domestic  corporation  approved the business combination or the
transaction that resulted in the interested  shareholder  becoming an interested
shareholder.  After five years, such a business combination is permitted only if
(i) it is approved by a majority of the shares not owned by, or by an  affiliate
of, the interested shareholder or (ii) certain statutory fair price requirements
are met. New York Law defines "domestic corporation" as any corporation that (x)
is incorporated in New York,  and, (y) has its principal  executive  offices and
significant  business  operations  in New York or has at least 250 or 25% of its
employees in New York (including  employees of its 80% subsidiaries) and (z) has
a least 10% of its stock beneficially  owned by New York residents.  The Company
is  currently  a New York  "domestic  corporation"  under  this  definition.  An
"interested  shareholder"  is any  person who  beneficially  owns,  directly  or
indirectly 20% or more of the outstanding voting stock of the corporation.

         Delaware Law contains  certain  anti-takeover  provisions that prohibit
any  business  combination  between a Delaware  corporation  and an  "interested
shareholder" for three years following the date that the interested  shareholder
became  an  interested  shareholder  unless  (i)  prior to that  date the  board
approved  the  business  combination  or the  transaction  that  resulted in the
interested   shareholder   becoming  an   interested   shareholder,   (ii)  upon
consummation  of the  transaction  that resulted in the  interested  shareholder
becoming an interested shareholder, the interested shareholder held at least 85%
of the outstanding voting stock of the corporation (not counting shares owned by
officers and  directors),  or (iii) on or  subsequent  to such date the business
combination is approved by the board and at least  two-thirds of the outstanding
shares of voting  stock not owned by the  interested  shareholder.  The Delaware
statute defines  "interested  shareholder" as any person who beneficially  owns,
directly  or  indirectly,  15%  or  more  of  outstanding  voting  stock  of the
corporation.  Unlike New York,  Delaware does not require that the corporation's
principal executive offices or significant operations or employees be located in
Delaware in order to enjoy the protection of the law.


         Under  Delaware  Law,  a  board  of  directors  may fix or  change  the
authorized number of directors pursuant to a provision of the by-laws. The power
to do so is specifically recognized in the New York By-Laws. Under New York Law,
provided that the number of directors be not less than three,  any higher number
may be fixed by the  by-laws  or by action of the  shareholders  or of the board
under specific provisions of the by-laws adopted by the shareholders.



         New York Law permits  shareholder  action in lieu of a meeting  only if
all the shareholders who would have been entitled to vote upon a given action if
a meeting were held on such action  consent in writing to such action.  Delaware
Law permits  shareholder action in lieu of a meeting upon the consent of holders
of the minimum number of votes that would be necessary to take an action, unless
otherwise prohibited by the certificate of incorporation. The new Certificate of
Incorporation does not prohibit such shareholder action by written consent.


         New York Law with  respect to the  inspection  of  shareholder's  lists
provides a right of  inspection  to any person who shall have been a shareholder
for at least 6 months  immediately  proceeding  his or her demand for any person
holding at least 5% of a class of outstanding shares on at least 5 days' written
demand.  The corporation has certain rights calculated to assure itself that the
demand for  inspection  is not for a purpose or interest  other than that of the
corporation.  Delaware Law permits any shareholder to inspect the  shareholder's
list for a purpose reasonably related to such person's interest as a shareholder
and,  during the 10 days preceding the  shareholder's  meeting,  for any purpose
germane to that meeting.


         Delaware  Law permits the  payment of  dividends  out of surplus or, if
there is no surplus,  out of net profits  for the current and  preceding  fiscal
years  (provided that the amount of capital of the  corporation is not less than
the aggregate  amount of the capital  represented by the issued and  outstanding
stock of all classes  having a preference  upon a  distribution  of assets).  In
addition,  Delaware Law  generally  provides  that a  corporation  may redeem or
repurchase its shares only if such redemption or repurchase would not impair the
capital  of the  corporation.  The  ability  of a  Delaware  corporation  to pay
dividends on, or to make  repurchases or redemptions of, its shares is dependent
upon  the  financial  status  of the  corporation  standing  alone  and not on a
consolidated  basis.  In  determining  the  amount  of  surplus  of  a  Delaware
corporation,  the assets of the  corporation,  including  stock of  subsidiaries
owned  by the  corporation,  must be  valued  at  their  fair  market  value  as
determined  by the board of  directors,  without  regard to their  historic book

         Under New York Law dividends may be declared and  distributions  may be
made out of surplus  only, so that the net assets of the  corporation  remaining
after such declaration,  payment or distribution shall at least equal the amount
of its stated  capital.  When any dividend is paid or any other  distribution is
made, in whole or in part, from sources other than earned  surplus,  it shall be
accompanied  by a written  notice  (1)  disclosing  the  amounts  by which  such
dividend or  distribution  affects stated  capital,  capital  surplus and earned
surplus, or (2) is such amounts are not determinable at the time of such notice,
disclosing the approximate  effect of such dividend or distribution  upon stated
capital,  capital  surplus and earned  surplus and stating that such amounts are
not yet determinable.


         New York Law  provides  that if the  Delaware  company  conducts  local
business in New York,  then the Delaware  company must apply for authority to do
business in New York and will


become subject to certain  provisions of New York Law regardless of its state of
incorporation  and can sue and be sued  in the New  York  courts.  The  Delaware
company would continue to be subject to such  provisions  until its authority to
do business is surrendered, suspended or annulled.

         If the Delaware company were to become subject to the provisions of New
York Law referred to above, and such provisions were enforced by New York courts
in a  particular  case,  many of the  Delaware  laws  described  in  this  Proxy
Statement would not apply to the Delaware company. Instead, the Delaware company
could be governed by certain New York laws.


         The   following  is  a  discussion  of  certain   federal   income  tax
consequences  to holders of Company Common Stock who receive SML Delaware Common
Stock  in  exchange  for  their  Company   Common  Stock  as  a  result  of  the
Reincorporation. The discussion does not address all the tax consequences of the
Reincorporation that may be relevant to particular Company shareholders, such as
dealers in securities.

         In  view  of  the  varying  nature  of  such  tax  consequences,   each
shareholder  is urged to consult his or her own tax  advisor as to the  specific
tax  consequences  of the  Reincorporation  with  respect  to such  shareholder,
including the applicability of federal, state, local or foreign tax laws.

         The Reincorporation will constitute a tax-free reorganization under the
Internal  Revenue Code. No gain or loss will be recognized by holders of Company
Common  Stock  upon  receipt of Common  Stock of SML  Delaware  pursuant  to the
Reincorporation.  The tax basis of the Common Stock of SML Delaware  received by
each  shareholder  will be the same as the  aggregate tax basis of the Company's
Common  Stock  of SML  Delaware  held by  such  shareholder  at the  time of the
Reincorporation. The holding period of the Common Stock of SML Delaware received
by each  shareholder  of SML  Delaware  will  include  the period for which such
shareholder  held  the  Common  Stock of the  Company  surrendered  in  exchange
therefore,  provided  that  such  SML  Delaware  Common  Stock  was held by such
shareholder as a capital asset at the time of the Reincorporation.

         State,  local or foreign income tax  consequences to  shareholders  may
vary from the federal tax consequences described above.

         The Company  should not recognize gain or loss for federal tax purposes
as a result of the  Reincorporation,  and SML Delaware should  succeed,  without
adjustment, to the federal income tax attributes of the Company.


         In connection with the Reincorporation, the Company will be required to
comply with certain state securities and corporate laws and  regulations.  It is
anticipated that the Company will comply with such requirements either before or
immediately following approval of the Reincorporation by the shareholders.


         If the Merger is consummated,  the Company will file its Certificate of
Merger with the


Secretary of State of the State of Delaware  promptly after the Annual  Meeting.
The  Company's  transfer  agent will act as its  exchange  agent (the  "Exchange
Agent") to act for holders of Common Stock in implementing the exchange of their

         As soon as practicable  after the Effective Date,  stockholders will be
notified and requested to surrender their  certificates  representing  shares of
Company  Common  Stock  to the  Exchange  Agent  in  exchange  for  certificates
representing  SML Delaware Common Stock.  One share of SML Delaware Common Stock
will be issued in exchange for each one presently  issued and outstanding  share
of Common Stock.  Beginning the Effective  Date, each  certificate  representing
shares of the Company's  Common Stock will be deemed for all corporate  purposes
to evidence ownership of shares of SML Delaware Common Stock.


         Under New York Law, dissenting  shareholders of the Company will not be
entitled to appraisal rights if the proposed Merger is consummated.

FAVOR OF THE proposal.

                                  PROPOSAL FOUR


         The Board of Directors upon  recommendation of the members of the Audit
Committee,  concluded  that the  continued  engagement  of Richard  A.  Eisner &
Company, LLP as the Company's independent public accountants for the 1998 fiscal
year was in the best interests of the Company. The Board of Directors recommends
that Stockholders ratify its choice of Richard A. Eisner & Company, LLP.




If any  Stockholder  wishes to present a  proposal  for  inclusion  in the proxy
materials to be


solicited by the  Company's  Board of Directors  with respect to the 1998 Annual
Meeting of  Stockholders,  that  proposal  must be  presented  to the  Company's
secretary prior to December 1, 1998.


                                       STEVEN MADDEN, LTD.

April 22, 1998                    By:  /s/ STEVEN MADDEN
                                           Steven Madden, Chairman of the Board,
                                           President and Chief Executive Officer


                                     ANNEX A

                               THE 1998 STOCK PLAN


         SECTION 1. PURPOSE.  The purpose of the Steven Madden,  Ltd. 1998 Stock
Plan  (the  "Plan")  is to  provide  a  means  whereby  directors  and  selected
employees,  officers, agents, consultants, and independent contractors of Steven
Madden,  Ltd.,  a New York  corporation  (the  "Company"),  or of any  parent or
subsidiary  (as defined in subsection  5.7 hereof and referred to hereinafter as
"Affiliates")   thereof,   may  be  granted   incentive   stock  options  and/or
nonqualified stock options to purchase shares of common stock,  $.0001 par value
("Common  Stock") in order to attract and retain the  services or advice of such
directors, employees, officers, agents, consultants, and independent contractors
and to provide  additional  incentive for such persons to exert maximum  efforts
for the success of the Company and its Affiliates by encouraging stock ownership
in the Company.

         SECTION 2.  ADMINISTRATION.  Subject to Section  2.3  hereof,  the Plan
shall be administered by the Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board") or,
in the event the Board shall appoint and/or authorize a committee of two or more
members  of  the  Board  to  administer  the  Plan,  by  such   committee.   The
administrator  of the  Plan  shall  hereinafter  be  referred  to as  the  "Plan

         The  foregoing  notwithstanding,  with  respect to grants to be made to
directors:  (a) the Plan  Administrator  shall be  constituted so as to meet the
requirements  of Section  16(b) of the Exchange  Act and Rule 16b-3  thereunder,
each as amended from time to time, or (b) if the Plan Administrator cannot be so
constituted, no options shall be granted under the Plan to any directors.

                  2.1  PROCEDURES.  The Board shall designate one of the members
of the Plan Administrator as chairman.  The Plan Administrator may hold meetings
at such times and places as it shall  determine.  The acts of a majority  of the
members of the Plan Administrator  present at meetings at which a quorum exists,
or acts approved in writing by all Plan  Administrator  members,  shall be valid
acts of the Plan Administrator.

                  2.2  RESPONSIBILITIES.  Except  for the terms  and  conditions
explicitly set forth herein, the Plan Administrator shall have the authority, in
its discretion,  to determine all matters  relating to the options to be granted
under the Plan,  including,  without limitation,  selection of whether an option
will be an incentive stock option or a nonqualified  stock option,  selection of
the  individuals  to be granted  options,  the number of shares to be subject to
each option,  the exercise  price per share,  the timing of grants and all other
terms and conditions of the options. Grants under the Plan need not be identical
in any respect,  even when made simultaneously.  The Plan Administrator may also
establish, amend, and revoke rules and regulations for the administration of the
Plan. The interpretation and construction by the Plan Administrator of any terms
or  provisions  of the Plan or any option  issued  hereunder,  or of any rule or
regulation  promulgated in connection herewith,  shall be conclusive and binding
on all


interested parties, so long as such interpretation and construction with respect
to incentive stock options  corresponds to the  requirements of Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").  Section 422, the regulations thereunder,
and any  amendments  thereto.  The Plan  Administrator  shall not be  personally
liable for any action made in good faith with  respect to the Plan or any option
granted thereunder.

                  2.3 RULE 16B-3 AND SECTION 16(B)  COMPLIANCE;  BIFURCATION  OF
PLAN.  It is the  intention  of the Company that the Plan comply in all respects
with Rule 16b-3 under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange  Act")
to the extent applicable, and in all events the Plan shall be construed in favor
of its meeting the  requirements  of Rule 16b-3.  If any Plan provision is later
found not to be in compliance  with such Rule,  such  provision  shall be deemed
null and void. The Board of Directors may act under the Plan only if all members
thereof  are  "disinterested  persons"  as  defined  in Rule  16b-3 and  further
described  in Section 4 hereof;  and no  director  or  officer or other  Company
"insider"  subject to Section 16 of the  Exchange  Act may sell shares  received
upon the exercise of an option during the six month period immediately following
the grant of the option  without  complying  with the terms of Section 16 of the
Exchange Act.

         Notwithstanding anything in the Plan to the contrary, the Board, in its
absolute  discretion,  may  bifurcate  the  Plan so as to  restrict,  limit,  or
condition the use of any provision of the Plan to participants  who are officers
and  directors  or other  persons  subject to Section  16(b) of the Exchange Act
without so restricting, limiting, or conditioning the Plan with respect to other

         SECTION 3. STOCK  SUBJECT TO THE PLAN.  The stock  subject to this Plan
shall be the Common Stock,  presently  authorized  but unissued or  subsequently
acquired by the Company.  Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 7 hereof,
the  aggregate  amount of Common Stock to be delivered  upon the exercise of all
options  granted  under the Plan  shall not  exceed in the  aggregate  1,000,000
shares as such Common Stock was  constituted  on the effective date of the Plan.
If any option granted under the Plan shall expire, be surrendered, exchanged for
another  option,  canceled,  or terminated  for any reason  without  having been
exercised in full, the unpurchased  shares subject thereto shall thereupon again
be available for purposes of the Plan,  including for replacement  options which
may be  granted  in  exchange  for such  surrendered,  canceled,  or  terminated

         SECTION 4.  ELIGIBILITY.  An incentive stock option may be granted only
to any  individual  who,  at the time the  option  is  granted,  is a  director,
employee,  officer, agent, consultant,  or independent contractor of the Company
or any  Affiliate  thereof.  A  nonqualified  stock option may be granted to any
director, employee, officer, agent, consultant, or independent contractor of the
Company or any Affiliate thereof,  whether an individual or an entity. Any party
to whom an option is granted under the Plan shall be referred to  hereinafter as
an "Optionee".

         A director  shall in no event be eligible  for the benefits of the Plan
unless at the time  discretion  is exercised in the selection of a director as a
person to whom options may be granted,  or in the determination of the number of
shares  which may be  covered  by  options  granted  to the  director,  the Plan
complies with the requirements of Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act.


         SECTION 5. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF OPTIONS.  Options  granted under the
Plan shall be evidenced by written  agreements  which shall  contain such terms,
conditions,  limitations,  and restrictions as the Plan Administrator shall deem
advisable and which are not inconsistent with the Plan.

                  5.2 TERM AND MATURITY.  Subject to the restrictions  contained
in Section 6 hereof with respect to granting  stock  options to greater than ten
percent  stockholders,  the term of each stock option shall be as established by
the Plan Administrator  and, if not so established,  shall be ten years from the
date of its grant,  but in no event shall the term of any incentive stock option
exceed a ten year period.

                  5.3  EXERCISE.  Each  option may be  exercised  in whole or in
part; provided, that only whole shares may be issued pursuant to the exercise of
any  option.  Subject  to any  other  terms  and  conditions  herein,  the  Plan
Administrator  may provide  that an option may not be  exercised  in whole or in
part for a stated  period  or  periods  of time  during  which  such  option  is
outstanding; provided, that the Plan Administrator may rescind, modify, or waive
any such limitation  (including by the acceleration of the vesting schedule upon
a change in control of the  Company) at any time and from time to time after the
grant date thereof.  During an Optionee's lifetime,  any incentive stock options
granted under the Plan are personal to such Optionee and are exercisable  solely
by such  Optionee.  Options  shall be  exercised  by  delivery to the Company of
notice of the number of shares  with  respect to which the option is  exercised,
together  with  payment of the  exercise  price in  accordance  with Section 5.4

                  5.4  PAYMENT OF  EXERCISE  PRICE.  Except as set forth  below,
payment  of the  option  exercise  price  shall  be made in full at the time the
notice of  exercise  of the option is  delivered  to the Company and shall be in
cash,  bank certified or cashier's  check, or personal check (unless at the time
of exercise the Plan Administrator in a particular case determines not to accept
a personal check) for shares of Common Stock being purchased.

         The Plan  Administrator can determine at the time the option is granted
in the case of incentive  stock options,  or at any time before  exercise in the
case of nonqualified  stock options,  that  additional  forms of payment will be
permitted. To the extent permitted by the Plan Administrator and applicable laws
and regulations (including,  without limitation, federal tax and securities laws
and regulations and state corporate law), an option may be exercised by:

                  (a)  delivery of shares of Common Stock of the Company held by
                  an Optionee  having a fair market  value equal to the exercise
                  price,  such fair market value to be  determined in good faith
                  by the Plan Administrator;

                  (b)  delivery  of a  properly  executed  Notice  of  Exercise,
                  together with  irrevocable  instructions  to a broker,  all in
                  accordance  with the regulations of the Federal Reserve Board,
                  to promptly  deliver to the Company the amount of sale or loan
                  proceeds to pay the exercise price and any federal,  state, or
                  local withholding tax obligations that may arise in connection
                  with the exercise; or

                  (c)  delivery  of a  properly  executed  Notice  of  Exercise,
                  together with instructions to the Company to withhold from the
                  shares of Common  Stock that would


                  otherwise  be issued  upon  exercise  that number of shares of
                  Common  Stock  having a fair market  value equal to the option
                  exercise price.

                  5.5 WITHHOLDING TAX REQUIREMENT.  The Company or any Affiliate
thereof  shall have the right to retain and withhold from any payment of cash or
Common Stock under the Plan the amount of taxes required by any government to be
withheld or otherwise deducted and paid with respect to such payment.  No option
may be exercised unless and until arrangements  satisfactory to the Company,  in
its sole discretion,  to pay such withholding taxes are made. At its discretion,
the Company may require an Optionee to reimburse  the Company for any such taxes
required to be withheld by the Company and withhold any distribution in whole or
in part until the Company is so reimbursed.  In lieu thereof,  the Company shall
have the right to withhold from any other cash amounts due or to become due from
the Company to the Optionee an amount equal to such taxes or retain and withhold
a number of shares  having a market value not less than the amount of such taxes
required to be withheld  by the  Company to  reimburse  the Company for any such
taxes  and  cancel  (in whole or in part)  any such  shares  of Common  Stock so
withheld.  If required by Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act, the election to pay
withholding  taxes by delivery of shares of Common  Stock held by any person who
at the time of exercise is subject to Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act shall be
made either six months prior to the date the option exercise  becomes taxable or
at such other times as the Company may  determine  as  necessary  to comply with
Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act.  Although the Company may, in its discretion,
accept Common Stock as payment of  withholding  taxes,  the Company shall not be
obligated to do so.

                  5.6      NONTRANSFERABILITY.

                           5.6.1 OPTION.  Options granted under the Plan and the
rights  and  privileges  conferred  hereby  may  not be  transferred,  assigned,
pledged,  or  hypothecated  in  any  manner  (whether  by  operation  of  law or
otherwise)  other  than  by  will  or by the  applicable  laws  of  descent  and
distribution or pursuant to a qualified  domestic  relations order as defined in
Section  414(p)  of the  Code,  or  Title I of the  Employee  Retirement  Income
Security  Act of 1974,  as amended,  or the rules  thereunder,  and shall not be
subject to execution,  attachment,  or similar process. Any attempt to transfer,
assign, pledge,  hypothecate,  or otherwise dispose of any option under the Plan
or of any right or privilege  conferred  hereby,  contrary to the Code or to the
provisions of the Plan, or the sale or levy or any attachment or similar process
upon  the  rights  and  privileges  conferred  hereby  shall be null and void ab
initio.  The  designation  by an Optionee of a  beneficiary  does not, in and of
itself, constitute an impermissible transfer under this subsection 5.6.1.

                           5.6.2    STOCK.  The Plan Administrator  may provide 
in the  agreement  granting the option that (a) the Optionee may not transfer or
otherwise  dispose of shares  acquired upon exercise of an option  without first
offering  such  shares  to the  Company  for  purchase  on the  same  terms  and
conditions as those offered to the proposed  transferee or (b) upon  termination
of  employment  of an  Optionee,  the  Company  shall have a six month  right of
repurchase as to the shares  acquired upon  exercise,  which right of repurchase
shall allow for a maximum  purchase  price equal to the fair market value of the
shares on the  termination  date.  The foregoing  rights of the Company shall be
assignable by the Company upon  reasonable  written notice to the Optionee.


                  5.7   TERMINATION   OF   RELATIONSHIP.   If   the   Optionee's
relationship  with the Company or any  Affiliate  thereof  ceases for any reason
other than termination for cause, death, or total disability,  and unless by its
terms the option sooner  terminates or expires,  then the Optionee may exercise,
for a three  month  period,  that  portion  of the  Optionee's  option  which is
exercisable  at the time of such  cessation,  but the  Optionee's  option  shall
terminate at the end of the three month period  following  such  cessation as to
all shares for which it has not theretofore been exercised,  unless, in the case
of a  nonqualified  stock  option,  such  provision  is waived in the  agreement
evidencing the option or by resolution adopted by the Plan Administrator  within
90 days of such  cessation.  If, in the case of an incentive  stock  option,  an
Optionee's  relationship  with the Company or  Affiliate  thereof  changes  from
employee  to  nonemployee   (i.e.,  from  employee  to  a  position  such  as  a
consultant),  such  change  shall  constitute  a  termination  of an  Optionee's
employment  with the Company or Affiliate  and the  Optionee's  incentive  stock
option shall terminate in accordance with this subsection 5.7.

         If an Optionee is terminated for cause,  any option  granted  hereunder
shall  automatically  terminate as of the first  discovery by the Company of any
reason for  termination  for cause,  and such Optionee  shall  thereupon have no
right to purchase any shares  pursuant to such option.  "Termination  for cause"
shall  mean  dismissal  for  dishonesty,  conviction  or  confession  of a crime
punishable by law (except minor violations), fraud, misconduct, or disclosure of
confidential information.  If an Optionee's relationship with the Company or any
Affiliate  thereof is suspended  pending an  investigation of whether or not the
Optionee shall be terminated for cause,  all Optionee's  rights under any option
granted   hereunder   likewise   shall  be   suspended   during  the  period  of

         If an Optionee's relationship with the Company or any Affiliate thereof
ceases because of a total disability,  the Optionee's option shall not terminate
or,  in the  case of an  incentive  stock  option,  cease  to be  treated  as an
incentive  stock  option  until the end of the 12 month  period  following  such
cessation (unless by its terms it sooner terminates and expires). As used in the
Plan, the term "total disability"  refers to a mental or physical  impairment of
the Optionee  which is expected to result in death or which has lasted or is, in
the opinion of the Company and two independent physicians,  expected to last for
a  continuous  period  of 12  months  or more and  which  causes  or is, in such
opinion,  expected  to cause the  Optionee  to be unable to  perform  his or her
duties for the Company and to be engaged in any  substantial  gainful  activity.
Total  disability  shall be deemed to have  occurred  on the first day after the
Company and the two independent physicians have furnished their opinion of total
disability to the Plan Administrator.

         For purposes of this subsection 5.7, a transfer of relationship between
or among  the  Company  and/or  any  Affiliate  thereof  shall  not be deemed to
constitute  a  cessation  of  relationship  with  the  Company  or  any  of  its
Affiliates. For purposes of this subsection 5.7, with respect to incentive stock
options,  employment  shall be  deemed to  continue  while  the  Optionee  is on
military  leave,  sick leave, or other bona fide leave of absence (as determined
by the Plan Administrator). The foregoing notwithstanding,  employment shall not
be  deemed  to  continue  beyond  the first 90 days of such  leave,  unless  the
Optionee's reemployment rights are guaranteed by statute or by contract.

         As used herein,  the term "Affiliate" shall be defined as follows:  (a)
when  referring  to  a  subsidiary  corporation,   "Affiliate"  shall  mean  any
corporation (other than the Company) in an


unbroken  chain of  corporations  ending with the Company if, at the time of the
granting of the option,  the stock  possessing 50% or more of the total combined
voting power of all classes of stock of each of the corporations  other than the
Company is owned by one of the other  corporations  in such chain;  and (b) when
referring to a parent corporation,  "Affiliate" shall mean any corporation in an
unbroken  chain of  corporations  ending with the Company if, at the time of the
granting of the option,  each of the  corporations  other than the Company  owns
stock  possessing 50% or more of the total combined  voting power of all classes
of stock in one of the other corporations in such chain.

                  5.8 DEATH OF OPTIONEE. If an Optionee dies while he or she has
a  relationship  with the Company or any  Affiliate  thereof or within the three
month  period  (or 12 month  period in the case of totally  disabled  Optionees)
following cessation of such relationship,  any option held by such Optionee,  to
the extent that the Optionee  would have been  entitled to exercise such option,
may be  exercised  within  one  year  after  his or her  death  by the  personal
representative  of his or her  estate or by the  person or  persons  to whom the
Optionee's  rights under the option shall pass by will or by the applicable laws
of descent and distribution.

                  5.9 STATUS OF STOCKHOLDER.  Neither the Optionee nor any party
to which the Optionee's  rights and  privileges  under the option may pass shall
be, or have any of the rights or  privileges  of, a  stockholder  of the Company
with  respect  to any of the shares  issuable  upon the  exercise  of any option
granted under the Plan unless and until such option has been exercised.

                  5.10 CONTINUATION OF EMPLOYMENT. Nothing in the Plan or in any
option granted  pursuant to the Plan shall confer upon any Optionee any right to
continue  in the  employ  of  the  Company  or of an  Affiliate  thereof,  or to
interfere  in any way with the right of the Company or of any such  Affiliate to
terminate his or her  employment or other  relationship  with the Company at any

                  5.11     MODIFICATION AND AMENDMENT OF OPTION.  Subject to the
requirements  of Section 422 of the Code with respect to incentive stock options
and to the  terms  and  conditions  and  within  the  limitations  of the  Plan,
including,  without  limitation,  Section 9.1 hereof, the Plan Administrator may
modify or amend outstanding  options granted under the Plan. The modification or
amendment  of an  outstanding  option  shall  not,  without  the  consent of the
Optionee,  impair or diminish any of his or her rights or any of the obligations
of the Company  under such  option.  Except as  otherwise  provided  herein,  no
outstanding  option  shall be  terminated  without the consent of the  Optionee.
Unless  the  Optionee  agrees  otherwise,  any  changes or  adjustments  made to
outstanding incentive stock options granted under the Plan shall be made in such
a manner so as not to constitute a  "modification"  as defined in Section 424(h)
of the Code and so as not to cause any incentive  stock option issued  hereunder
to fail to  continue  to  qualify  as an  incentive  stock  option as defined in
Section 422(b) of the Code.

all incentive  stock options  granted under the terms of the Plan, to the extent
that the aggregate fair market value (determined at the time of the grant of the
incentive  stock  option)  of the shares of Common  Stock with  respect to which
incentive  stock  options  are  exercisable  for the first time by the  Optionee
during any calendar  year (under the Plan and all other  incentive  stock


option plans of the Company, an Affiliate thereof or a predecessor  corporation)
exceeds $100,000,  such options shall be treated as nonqualified  stock options.
The  foregoing  sentence  shall  not  apply,  and the  limitation  shall be that
provided by the Code or the  Internal  Revenue  Service,  as the case may be, if
such annual limit is changed or  eliminated  by (a) amendment of the Code or (b)
issuance by the Internal Revenue Service of (i) a Revenue ruling, (ii) a Private
Letter  ruling to any of the Company,  any  Optionee,  or any legatee,  personal
representative, or distributee of any Optionee, or (iii) regulations.


                           5.13.1  EXERCISE OF OPTIONS UNDER SECTIONS 5.4(A) AND
(C). The value of Common Stock  received by the Optionee from an exercise  under
Sections  5.4(a) and 5.4(c)  hereof shall be the fair market value as determined
by the Plan  Administrator,  provided,  that if the Common  Stock is traded in a
public market,  such valuation  shall be the average of the high and low trading
prices or bid and asked prices, as applicable,  of the Common Stock for the date
of receipt by the Company of the  Optionee's  delivery of shares  under  Section
5.4(a) hereof or delivery of the Notice of Exercise under Section 5.4(c) hereof,
determined as of the trading day immediately preceding such date (or, if no sale
of shares is reported for such trading day, on the next  preceding  day on which
any sale shall have been reported).

                           5.13.2  EXERCISE OF OPTION UNDER SECTION 5.4(B).  The
value of Common Stock  received by the Optionee  from an exercise  under Section
5.4(b) hereof shall equal the sales price received for such shares.


incentive stock options are granted under the Plan to employees who, at the time
of such grant,  own greater than ten percent of the total combined  voting power
of all classes of stock of the  Company or any  Affiliate  thereof,  the term of
such incentive  stock options shall not exceed five years and the exercise price
shall be not less than 110% of the fair market  value of the Common Stock at the
time of grant of the  incentive  stock  option.  This  provision  shall  control
notwithstanding any contrary terms contained in an option agreement or any other
document.  The term and exercise price  limitations  of this provision  shall be
amended to conform to any change  required  by a change in the Code or by ruling
or pronouncement of the Internal Revenue Service.

                  6.2  ATTRIBUTION  RULE.  For  purposes of  subsection  6.1, in
determining stock ownership, an employee shall be deemed to own the stock owned,
directly  or  indirectly,  by or  for  his  or her  brothers,  sisters,  spouse,
ancestors,  and lineal descendants.  Stock owned, directly or indirectly,  by or
for a  corporation,  partnership  estate,  or trust  shall be deemed to be owned
proportionately by or for its stockholders,  partners,  or beneficiaries.  If an
employee  or a person  related to the  employee  owns an  unexercised  option or
warrant to purchase  stock of the Company,  the stock subject to that portion of
the option or warrant which is  unexercised  shall not be counted in determining
stock  ownership.  For  purposes  of this  Section 6, stock owned by an


employee  shall  include all stock owned by him or her which is actually  issued
and  outstanding  immediately  before the grant of the incentive stock option to
the employee.

number and class of shares for which options may be granted under the Plan,  the
number and class of shares covered by each outstanding  option, and the exercise
price per share thereof (but not the total price),  and each such option,  shall
all be  proportionately  adjusted  for any increase or decrease in the number of
issued  shares  of  Common  Stock  of the  Company  resulting  from a  split  or
consolidation  of shares or any like capital  adjustment,  or the payment of any
stock dividend.


                           7.1.1    CASH, STOCK, OR OTHER  PROPERTY FOR  STOCK. 
Except as provided  in  subsection  7.1.2  hereof,  upon a merger  (other than a
merger of the Company in which the holders of Common Stock  immediately prior to
the  merger  have  the  same  proportionate  ownership  of  common  stock in the
surviving corporation immediately after the merger), consolidation,  acquisition
of   property   or   stock,   separation,   reorganization   (other   than  mere
reincorporation or creation of a holding company), or liquidation of the Company
(each, an "event"), as a result of which the stockholders of the Company receive
cash,  stock,  or other property in exchange for, or in connection  with,  their
shares of Common Stock, any option granted  hereunder shall  terminate,  but the
time during which such options may be exercised shall be accelerated as follows:
the  Optionee  shall  have the  right  immediately  prior  to any such  event to
exercise such  Optionee's  option in whole or in part whether or not the vesting
requirements set forth in the option agreement have been satisfied.

                           7.1.2  CONVERSION OF OPTIONS ON STOCK FOR  EXCHANGE  
STOCK.  If the  stockholders  of the Company  receive  capital  stock of another
corporation  ("Exchange  Stock") in exchange for their shares of Common Stock in
any transaction  involving a merger (other than a merger of the Company in which
the  holders  of Common  Stock  immediately  prior to the  merger  have the same
proportionate ownership of common stock in the surviving corporation immediately
after the merger), consolidation,  acquisition of property or stock, separation,
or  reorganization  (other  than mere  reincorporation  or creation of a holding
company),  all options  granted  hereunder  shall be  converted  into options to
purchase shares of Exchange Stock unless the Company and corporation issuing the
Exchange Stock, in their sole discretion, determine that any or all such options
granted  hereunder  shall not be converted  into  options to purchase  shares of
Exchange Stock but instead shall  terminate in accordance with the provisions of
subsection  7.1.1  hereof.  The amount and price of converted  options  shall be
determined by adjusting the amount and price of the options granted hereunder in
the same  proportion  as used for  determining  the number of shares of Exchange
Stock the holders of the Common  Stock  receive in such  merger,  consolidation,
acquisition,   separation,  or  reorganization.   Unless  the  Board  determines
otherwise,  the  converted  options  shall be fully  vested  whether  or not the
vesting requirements set forth in the option agreement have been satisfied.


                  7.2 FRACTIONAL  SHARES.  In the event of any adjustment in the
number of shares covered by an option, any fractional shares resulting from such
adjustment shall be disregarded and each such option shall cover only the number
of full shares resulting from such adjustment.

                  7.3  DETERMINATION  OF BOARD TO BE FINAL.  Except as otherwise
required for the Plan to qualify for the exemption  afforded by Rule 16b-3 under
the  Exchange  Act,  all  adjustments  under this Section 7 shall be made by the
Board,  and its  determination  as to what  adjustments  shall be made,  and the
extent thereof,  shall be final,  binding,  and  conclusive.  Unless an Optionee
agrees otherwise, any change or adjustment to an incentive stock option shall be
made in such a manner so as not to  constitute  a  "modification"  as defined in
Section  424(h) of the Code and so as not to cause the  incentive  stock  option
issued  hereunder to fail to continue to qualify as an incentive stock option as
defined in Section 422(b) of the Code.

         SECTION 8. SECURITIES LAW  COMPLIANCE.  Shares shall not be issued with
respect to an option  granted  under the Plan unless the exercise of such option
and the issuance and delivery of such shares pursuant  thereto shall comply with
all relevant  provisions of law, including,  without limitation,  any applicable
state securities  laws, the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act"),  the
Exchange  Act,  the  rules  and  regulations  promulgated  thereunder,  and  the
requirements of any stock exchange upon which the shares may then be listed, and
shall be further subject to the approval of counsel for the Company with respect
to such  compliance,  including,  without  limitation,  the  availability  of an
exemption from  registration for the issuance and sale of any shares  hereunder.
Inability of the Company to obtain from any regulatory body having jurisdiction,
the  authority  deemed by the  Company's  counsel to be necessary for the lawful
issuance and sale of any shares hereunder or the  unavailability of an exemption
from  registration  for the  issuance  and sale of any  shares  hereunder  shall
relieve the Company of any  liability in respect of the  nonissuance  or sale of
such shares as to which such requisite authority shall not have been obtained.

         As a  condition  to the  exercise  of an option,  if, in the opinion of
counsel for the Company,  assurances  are required by any relevant  provision of
the  aforementioned  laws,  the Company may require the Optionee to give written
assurances  satisfactory  to the Company at the time of any such exercise (a) as
to the  Optionee's  knowledge and  experience in financial and business  matters
(and/or to employ a  purchaser  representative  reasonably  satisfactory  to the
Company who is knowledgeable  and experienced in financial and business matters)
and that such  Optionee  is  capable  of  evaluating,  either  alone or with the
purchaser  representative,  the merits and risks of exercising the option or (b)
that the shares are being  purchased only for investment and without any present
intention to sell or distribute such shares. The foregoing requirements shall be
inoperative  if the  issuance of the shares upon the  exercise of the option has
been registered under a then currently  effective  registration  statement under
the Act.

         At the option of the Company, a stop-transfer  order against any shares
may be placed on the  official  stock  books and records of the  Company,  and a
legend  indicating  that  the  stock  may not be  pledged,  sold,  or  otherwise
transferred  unless an opinion of counsel is provided  (concurred  in by counsel
for  the  Company)  stating  that  such  transfer  is  not in  violation  of any
applicable law


or regulation, may be stamped on stock certificates in order to assure exemption
from registration.  The Plan Administrator may also require such other action or
agreement by the  Optionees as may from time to time be necessary to comply with
the federal and state  securities  laws. NONE OF THE ABOVE SHALL BE CONSTRUED TO

         Should  any of the  Company's  capital  stock of the same  class as the
stock subject to options  granted  hereunder be listed on a national  securities
exchange or on the Nasdaq  National  Market,  all stock issued  hereunder if not
previously  listed on such exchange or market shall, if required by the rules of
such  exchange or market,  be  authorized by that exchange or market for listing
thereon prior to the issuance thereof.

         SECTION 9. USE OF PROCEEDS.  The proceeds  received by the Company from
the sale of shares pursuant to the exercise of options  granted  hereunder shall
constitute general funds of the Company.


                  10.1 BOARD ACTION.  The Board may at any time suspend,  amend,
or  terminate  the  Plan,  provided,  that no  amendment  shall be made  without
stockholder  approval  within 12 months before or after  adoption of the Plan if
such  approval is  necessary  to comply with any  applicable  tax or  regulatory
requirement,  including  any such  approval as may be  necessary  to satisfy the
requirements  for  exemptive  relief under Rule 16b-3 of the Exchange Act or any
successor  provision.  Rights and  obligations  under any option  granted before
amendment  of the Plan shall not be altered or impaired by any  amendment of the
Plan  unless the Company  requests  the consent of the person to whom the option
was granted and such person consents in writing thereto.

                  10.2 AUTOMATIC  TERMINATION.  Unless sooner  terminated by the
Board,  the Plan shall  terminate  ten years from the earlier of (a) the date on
which  the Plan is  adopted  by the  Board or (b) the date on which  the Plan is
approved by the stockholders of the Company. No option may be granted after such
termination  or during any  suspension of the Plan. The amendment or termination
of the Plan shall not, without the consent of the option holder, alter or impair
any rights or obligations under any option theretofore granted under the Plan.

         SECTION 11.  EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PLAN. The Plan shall become effective
upon  adoption  by the  Board  so long as it is  approved  by the  holders  of a
majority of the Company's outstanding shares of voting capital stock at any time
within 12 months before or after the adoption of the Plan by the Board.


                                     ANNEX B

                          PLAN AND AGREEMENT OF MERGER

         AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER approved on ____________,  1998, by Steven
Madden,  Ltd., a business  corporation  organized under the laws of the State of
New  York,  and by its Board of  Directors  on said date  ("Madden  N.Y."),  and
approved on  __________,  1998 by Steven  Madden,  Ltd., a business  corporation
organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, and by its Board of Directors
on said date ("Madden Del.").

         1.             Madden  N.Y.  and Madden  Del.  shall  pursuant  to the
                    provisions of the New York Business  Corporation Law and the
                    provisions of the laws of the  jurisdiction  of organization
                    of  Madden   Del.,   be  merged   with  and  into  a  single
                    corporation,  to  wit,  Madden  Del.,  which  shall  be  the
                    surviving  corporation upon the effective date of the merger
                    and  which  is  sometimes  hereinafter  referred  to as  the
                    "surviving  corporation",  and which shall continue to exist
                    as  said  surviving   corporation  under  its  present  name
                    pursuant to the  provisions of the laws of the  jurisdiction
                    of its organization.  The separate existence of Madden N.Y.,
                    which  is   sometimes   hereinafter   referred   to  as  the
                    "terminating  corporation",  shall cease upon the  effective
                    date of the merger in accordance  with the provisions of the
                    New York Business Corporation Law.

         2.              The  certificate  of  incorporation  of  the  surviving
                    corporation  upon the  effective  date of the  merger in the
                    jurisdiction of its organization shall be the certificate of
                    incorporation  of  said  surviving  corporation;   and  said
                    certificate  of  incorporation  shall continue in full force
                    and  effect   until   amended  and  changed  in  the  manner
                    prescribed by the provisions of the laws of the jurisdiction
                    of organization of the surviving corporation.

         3.              The  by-laws  of the  surviving  corporation  upon  the
                    effective  date of the  merger  in the  jurisdiction  of its
                    organization   will  be  the   by-laws  of  said   surviving
                    corporation and will continue in full force and effect until
                    changed,  altered, or amended as therein provided and in the
                    manner  prescribed  by the  provisions  of the  laws  of the
                    jurisdiction of its organization.

         4.              The  directors  and officers in office of the surviving
                    corporation  upon the  effective  date of the  merger in the
                    jurisdiction of its organization shall be the members of the
                    first  Board of  Directors  and the  first  officers  of the
                    surviving   corporation,   all  of  whom  shall  hold  their
                    directorships   and   offices   until   the   election   and
                    qualification of their respective  successors or until their
                    tenure  is  otherwise  terminated  in  accordance  with  the
                    by-laws of the surviving corporation.

         5.              The  number of  outstanding  shares of the  terminating
                    corporation is ______________shares, all of which are of one
                    class and are common shares and all of which are entitled to

                  Each issued share of the terminating  corporation  shall, upon
the  effective  date


of the merger, be converted into one (1) share of the surviving corporation. The
issued shares of the surviving corporation shall not be converted in any manner,
but each said share which is issued as of the effective date of the merger shall
continue to represent one issued share of the surviving corporation.

         6.              The  Agreement  and  Plan of  Merger  herein  made  and
                    approved  shall  be  submitted  to the  shareholders  of the
                    terminating  corporation  for their approval or rejection in
                    the  manner  prescribed  by the  provisions  of the New York
                    Business  Corporation Law, and the merger of the terminating
                    corporation with and into the surviving corporation shall be
                    authorized  in the  manner  prescribed  by the  laws  of the
                    jurisdiction of organization of the surviving corporation.

         7.              In the  event  that the  Agreement  and Plan of  Merger
                    shall have been  approved  by the  shareholders  entitled to
                    vote of the terminating corporation in the manner prescribed
                    by the provisions of the New York Business  Corporation Law,
                    and  in  the  event  that  the  merger  of  the  terminating
                    corporation  with and into the surviving  corporation  shall
                    have been duly authorized in compliance with the laws of the
                    jurisdiction of  organization of the surviving  corporation,
                    the terminating  corporation  and the surviving  corporation
                    hereby  stipulate  that they will cause to be  executed  and
                    filed and/or  recorded any document or documents  prescribed
                    by the laws of the  State  of New  York and of the  State of
                    Delaware,  and that  they  will  cause to be  performed  all
                    necessary  acts  therein and  elsewhere  to  effectuate  the

         8.              The Board of Directors  and the proper  officers of the
                    terminating  corporation  and of the surviving  corporation,
                    respectively, are hereby authorized,  empowered and directed
                    to do any and all  things,  and to make,  execute,  deliver,
                    file,  and/or record any and all  instruments,  papers,  and
                    documents  which shall be or become  necessary,  proper,  or
                    convenient  to  carry  out or  put  into  effect  any of the
                    provisions  of this  Agreement  and Plan of Merger or of the
                    merger herein provided for.

         9.              The  effective  date in the  State  of New  York of the
                    merger  herein  provided  for shall be the date of filing of
                    the Certificate of Merger.

                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  each of the constituent  corporations are
executing this Agreement and Plan of Merger as of the ___ day of ________, 1998.

                                    STEVEN MADDEN, LTD. (a New York Corporation)

                                    By: ________________________________________

                                    STEVEN MADDEN, LTD. (a Delaware Corporation)

                                    By: ________________________________________


                                 Title: ANNEX C


         The  undersigned,  a natural  person,  for the purpose of  organizing a
corporation  for conducting the business and promoting the purposes  hereinafter
stated,  under the provisions and subject to the requirements of the laws of the
State of Delaware  (particularly Chapter 1, Title 8 of the Delaware Code and the
acts amendatory thereof and supplemental  thereto,  and known,  identified,  and
referred to as the "General  Corporation Law of the State of Delaware"),  hereby
certifies that:

         FIRST:   The  name  of  the   corporation   (hereinafter   called   the
"corporation") is Steven Madden, Ltd.

         SECOND: The address, including street, number, city, and county, of the
registered  office of the  corporation  in the State of  Delaware is 1013 Centre
Road, Wilmington,  Delaware 19805-1297;  and the name of the registered agent of
the  corporation  in the State of  Delaware  at such  address  is CSC The United
States Corporation Company.

         THIRD: The purpose of the corporation is to engage in any lawful act or
activity for which  corporations may be organized under the General  Corporation
Law of the State of Delaware.

         FOURTH:  The total  number of shares of all  classes of stock which the
corporation  shall  have  authority  to issue is sixty five  million,  which are
divided into five million shares of Preferred  Stock of a par value of one tenth
of a mill ($.0001) each and sixty million  shares of Common Stock of a par value
of one tenth of a mill ($.0001) each.

         The shares of Preferred Stock may be issued from time to time in one or
more series,  in any manner permitted by law, as determined from time to time by
the Board of Directors,  and stated in the resolution or  resolutions  providing
for the issuance of such shares  adopted by the Board of  Directors  pursuant to
authority hereby vested in it. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
shares in such series  shall have such  voting  powers,  full or limited,  or no
voting  powers,  and shall have such  designations,  preferences  and  relative,
participating,   optional,   or  other  special  rights,   and   qualifications,
limitations,  or restrictions  thereof,  permitted by law, as shall be stated in
the resolution or resolutions  providing for the issuance of such shares adopted
by the Board of Directors  pursuant to authority hereby vested in it. The number
of shares of any such series so set forth in such  resolution or resolutions may
be increased  (but not above the total number of authorized  shares of Preferred
Stock)  or  decreased   (but  not  below  the  number  of  shares  thereof  then
outstanding)  by  further  resolution  or  resolutions  adopted  by the Board of
Directors pursuant to authority hereby vested in it.


         No holder of any of the shares of the stock of the corporation, whether
now or  hereafter  authorized  and  issued,  shall  be  entitled  as of right to
purchase or subscribe  for any unissued  stock of any class,  or any  additional
shares of any class to be issued  by reason of any  increase  of the  authorized
capital  stock of any  class  of the  corporation,  or  bonds,  certificates  of
indebtedness,  debentures,  or other  securities  convertible  into stock of any
class of the  corporation,  or carrying any right to purchase stock of any class
of  the  corporation,  but  any  such  unissued  stock  or any  such  additional
authorized issue of any stock or of other securities  convertible into stock, or
carrying any right to purchase stock,  may be issued and disposed of pursuant to
resolution of the Board of Directors to such persons,  firms,  corporations,  or
associations,  and upon such terms,  as may be deemed  advisable by the Board of
Directors in the exercise of its discretion.

         FIFTH: The name and mailing address of the incorporator are as follows:

         NAME              MAILING ADDRESS

         SIXTH:   The corporation is to have perpetual existence.

         SEVENTH:  Whenever a compromise or arrangement is proposed between this
corporation  and  its  creditors  or any  class  of  them  and/or  between  this
corporation  and its  stockholders  or any class of them, any court of equitable
jurisdiction  within the State of Delaware may, on the  application in a summary
way of this  corporation  or of any  creditor or  stockholder  thereof or on the
application of any receiver or receivers  appointed for this  corporation  under
ss. 291 of Title 8 of the  Delaware  Code or on the  application  of trustees in
dissolution or of any receiver or receivers appointed for this corporation under
ss. 279 of Title 8 of the  Delaware  Code order a meeting  of the  creditors  or
class of creditors,  and/or of the stockholders or class of stockholders of this
corporation, as the case may be, to be summoned in such manner as the said court
directs.  If a majority  in number  representing  three  fourths in value of the
creditors  or  class  of  creditors,  and/or  of the  stockholders  or  class of
stockholders of this corporation, as the case may be, agree to any compromise or
arrangement and to any reorganization of this corporation as consequence of such
compromise  or  arrangement,  the said  compromise or  arrangement  and the said
reorganization  shall, if sanctioned by the court to which the said  application
has been made, be binding on all the creditors or class of creditors,  and/or on
all the stockholders or class of stockholders,  of this corporation, as the case
may be, and also on this corporation.

         EIGHTH:  For the  management of the business and for the conduct of the
affairs  of  the  corporation,  and  in  further  definition,   limitation,  and
regulation  of the powers of the  corporation  and of its  directors  and of its
stockholders or any class thereof, as the case may be, it is further provided:

         1. The management of the business and the conduct of the affairs of the


shall be vested in its Board of Directors.  The number of directors  which shall
constitute  the whole  Board of  Directors  shall be fixed by, or in the  manner
provided in, the Bylaws.  The phrase  "whole Board" and the phrase "total number
of directors" shall be deemed to have the same meaning, to wit, the total number
of directors  which the  corporation  would have if there were no vacancies.  No
election of directors need be by written ballot.

         2. After the  original  or other  Bylaws of the  corporation  have been
adopted,  amended,  or  repealed,  as the case may be,  in  accordance  with the
provisions of ss. 109 of the General  Corporation  Law of the State of Delaware,
and, after the  corporation  has received any payment for any of its stock,  the
power to adopt,  amend, or repeal the Bylaws of the corporation may be exercised
by the  Board of  Directors  of the  corporation;  provided,  however,  that any
provision for the  classification  of directors of the corporation for staggered
terms  pursuant to the  provisions of  subsection  (d) of ss. 141 of the General
Corporation  Law of the State of Delaware shall be set forth in an initial Bylaw
or in a Bylaw adopted by the  stockholders  entitled to vote of the  corporation
unless provisions for such classification shall be set forth in this certificate
of incorporation.

         3. Whenever the corporation shall be authorized to issue only one class
of stock,  each outstanding share shall entitle the holder thereof to notice of,
and the right to vote at, any meeting of stockholders.  Whenever the corporation
shall be authorized to issue more than one class of stock, no outstanding  share
of any class of stock which is denied  voting power under the  provisions of the
certificate  of  incorporation  shall entitle the holder thereof to the right to
vote at any meeting of stockholders except as the provisions of paragraph (2) of
subsection  (b)  of ss.  242 of the  General  Corporation  Law of the  State  of
Delaware  shall  otherwise  require;  provided,  that no share of any such class
which is otherwise  denied voting power shall entitle the holder thereof to vote
upon the increase or decrease in the number of authorized shares of said class.

         NINTH:  The personal  liability of the directors of the  corporation is
hereby eliminated to the fullest extent permitted by the provisions of paragraph
(7) of subsection (b) of ss. 102 of the General  Corporation Law of the State of
Delaware, as the same may be amended and supplemented.

         TENTH:  The corporation  shall, to the fullest extent  permitted by the
provisions of SS 145 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, as
the same may be amended and supplemented,  indemnify any and all persons whom it
shall have power to indemnify under said section from and against any and all of
the expenses,  liabilities,  or other matters  referred to in or covered by said
section,  and the  indemnification  provided  for  herein  shall  not be  deemed
exclusive of any other rights to which those  indemnified  may be entitled under
any  Bylaw,  agreement,  vote of  stockholders  or  disinterested  directors  or
otherwise,  both as to  action  in his  official  capacity  and as to  action in
another  capacity  while holding such office,  and shall continue as to a person
who has ceased to be a director,  officer, employee, or agent and shall inure to
the benefit of the heirs, executors, and administrators of such a person.


         ELEVENTH:  From time to time any of the provisions of this  certificate
of  incorporation  may be amended,  altered,  or repealed,  and other provisions
authorized  by the laws of the  State of  Delaware  at the time in force  may be
added or inserted in the manner and at the time prescribed by said laws, and all
rights at any time conferred upon the  stockholders  of the  corporation by this
certificate  of  incorporation  are granted  subject to the  provisions  of this

Signed on _______________, 1998.



                                     ANNEX D

                             BY-LAWS OF SML DELAWARE

                                    ARTICLE I


         1. CERTIFICATES  REPRESENTING STOCK. Certificates representing stock in
the  corporation  shall be signed by, or in the name of, the  corporation by the
Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, if any, or by the President
or a  Vice-President  and by the  Treasurer  or an  Assistant  Treasurer  or the
Secretary  or an  Assistant  Secretary  of  the  corporation.  Any  or  all  the
signatures  on any such  certificate  may be a  facsimile.  In case any officer,
transfer  agent,  or registrar who has signed or whose  facsimile  signature has
been placed upon a certificate  shall have ceased to be such  officer,  transfer
agent, or registrar before such  certificate is issued,  it may be issued by the
corporation with the same effect as if he were such officer,  transfer agent, or
registrar at the date of issue.

         Whenever the  corporation  shall be  authorized  to issue more than one
class of stock or more than one series of any class of stock,  and  whenever the
corporation  shall  issue any  shares of its stock as  partly  paid  stock,  the
certificates  representing  shares  of any such  class or  series or of any such
partly  paid stock  shall set forth  thereon the  statements  prescribed  by the
General  Corporation  Law. Any  restrictions  on the transfer or registration of
transfer  of any  shares  of  stock  of any  class  or  series  shall  be  noted
conspicuously on the certificate representing such shares.

         The corporation may issue a new certificate of stock or  uncertificated
shares in place of any  certificate  theretofore  issued by it,  alleged to have
been lost,  stolen,  or  destroyed,  and the Board of Directors  may require the
owner  of  the  lost,   stolen,   or   destroyed   certificate,   or  his  legal
representative,  to give the  corporation  a bond  sufficient  to indemnify  the
corporation  against  any claim  that may be made  against  it on account of the
alleged loss,  theft, or destruction of any such  certificate or the issuance of
any such new certificate or uncertificated shares.

         2.  UNCERTIFICATED  SHARES.  Subject to any  conditions  imposed by the
General  Corporation  Law, the Board of Directors of the corporation may provide
by resolution or resolutions that some or all of any or all classes or series of
the stock of the corporation shall be uncertificated shares. Within a reasonable
time  after  the  issuance  or  transfer  of  any  uncertificated   shares,  the
corporation  shall send to the  registered  owner  thereof  any  written  notice
prescribed by the General Corporation Law.

         3. FRACTIONAL  SHARE  INTERESTS.  The corporation may, but shall not be
required  to,  issue  fractions of a share.  If the  corporation  does not issue
fractions of a share,  it shall (1) arrange for the  disposition  of  fractional
interests by those entitled thereto, (2) pay in cash the fair value of fractions
of a share as of the time when those  entitled  to receive  such  fractions


are  determined,  or (3) issue  scrip or  warrants in  registered  form  (either
represented by a certificate or uncertificated) or bearer form (represented by a
certificate)  which  shall  entitle  the holder to receive a full share upon the
surrender of such scrip or warrants  aggregating a full share. A certificate for
a fractional  share or an  uncertificated  fractional  share shall, but scrip or
warrants  shall not unless  otherwise  provided  therein,  entitle the holder to
exercise voting rights, to receive dividends thereon,  and to participate in any
of the  assets  of the  corporation  in the event of  liquidation.  The Board of
Directors  may cause scrip or warrants  to be issued  subject to the  conditions
that they shall become void if not exchanged for  certificates  representing the
full shares or uncertificated full shares before a specified date, or subject to
the conditions that the shares for which scrip or warrants are  exchangeable may
be sold by the corporation and the proceeds  thereof  distributed to the holders
of scrip or  warrants,  or  subject to any other  conditions  which the Board of
Directors may impose.

         4. STOCK  TRANSFERS.  Upon compliance  with provisions  restricting the
transfer or registration  of transfer of shares of stock,  if any,  transfers or
registration  of transfers of shares of stock of the  corporation  shall be made
only on the stock ledger of the corporation by the registered holder thereof, or
by his attorney  thereunto  authorized  by power of attorney  duly  executed and
filed  with the  Secretary  of the  corporation  or with a  transfer  agent or a
registrar,  if any, and, in the case of shares  represented by certificates,  on
surrender of the certificate or  certificates  for such shares of stock properly
endorsed and the payment of all taxes due thereon.

         5.  RECORD DATE FOR  STOCKHOLDERS.  In order that the  corporation  may
determine  the  stockholders  entitled to notice of or to vote at any meeting of
stockholders or any adjournment thereof, the Board of Directors may fix a record
date,  which  record date shall not  precede the date upon which the  resolution
fixing the record date is adopted by the Board of  Directors,  and which  record
date shall not be more than sixty nor less than ten days before the date of such
meeting.  If no record date is fixed by the Board of Directors,  the record date
for  determining  stockholders  entitled to notice of or to vote at a meeting of
stockholders shall be at the close of business on the day next preceding the day
on which notice is given,  or, if notice is waived,  at the close of business on
the day next preceding the day on which the meeting is held. A determination  of
stockholders  of  record  entitled  to  notice  of or to  vote at a  meeting  of
stockholders shall apply to any adjournment of the meeting;  provided,  however,
that the Board of Directors may fix a new record date for the adjourned meeting.
In order that the corporation may determine the stockholders entitled to consent
to corporate action in writing without a meeting, the Board of Directors may fix
a record  date,  which  record  date shall not  precede  the date upon which the
resolution  fixing the record  date is  adopted by the Board of  Directors,  and
which  date  shall  not be more  than ten days  after  the date  upon  which the
resolution  fixing the record date is adopted by the Board of  Directors.  If no
record  date has been  fixed by the  Board of  Directors,  the  record  date for
determining the stockholders  entitled to consent to corporate action in writing
without a meeting, when no prior action by the Board of Directors is required by
the General  Corporation  Law, shall be the first date on which a signed written
consent  setting  forth the action taken or proposed to be taken is delivered to
the  corporation by delivery to its registered  office in the State of Delaware,
its  principal  place of  business,  or an officer  or agent of the  corporation
having custody of the book in which proceedings of meetings of stockholders


are recorded.  Delivery made to the corporation's  registered office shall be by
hand or by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested.  If no record
date has been fixed by the Board of  Directors  and prior action by the Board of
Directors  is  required  by the  General  Corporation  Law,  the record date for
determining  stockholders  entitled  to consent to  corporate  action in writing
without a  meeting  shall be at the  close of  business  on the day on which the
Board of Directors adopts the resolution taking such prior action. In order that
the  corporation may determine the  stockholders  entitled to receive payment of
any  dividend  or  other   distribution  or  allotment  of  any  rights  or  the
stockholders  entitled  to  exercise  any  rights  in  respect  of  any  change,
conversion, or exchange of stock, or for the purpose of any other lawful action,
the Board of  Directors  may fix a record  date,  which  record  date  shall not
precede  the date upon which the  resolution  fixing the record date is adopted,
and which record date shall be not more than sixty days prior to such action. If
no record date is fixed,  the record date for determining  stockholders  for any
such purpose  shall be at the close of business on the day on which the Board of
Directors adopts the resolution relating thereto.

         6. MEANING OF CERTAIN TERMS.  As used herein in respect of the right to
notice of a meeting of  stockholders  or a waiver  thereof or to  participate or
vote  thereat or to  consent or dissent in writing in lieu of a meeting,  as the
case may be,  the term  "share"  or  "shares"  or "share of stock" or "shares of
stock" or  "stockholder"  or  "stockholders"  refers to an outstanding  share or
shares of stock and to a holder or  holders of record of  outstanding  shares of
stock when the  corporation  is  authorized to issue only one class of shares of
stock,  and said reference is also intended to include any outstanding  share or
shares of stock and any  holder or holders  of record of  outstanding  shares of
stock of any class  upon  which or upon whom the  certificate  of  incorporation
confers  such rights  where there are two or more classes or series of shares of
stock or upon which or upon whom the General Corporation Law confers such rights
notwithstanding  that the certificate of incorporation may provide for more than
one class or series of  shares  of stock,  one or more of which are  limited  or
denied such rights thereunder;  provided, however, that no such right shall vest
in the event of an increase or a decrease in the authorized  number of shares of
stock of any class or series which is otherwise  denied  voting rights under the
provisions of the certificate of  incorporation,  except as any provision of law
may otherwise require.


         - TIME.  The annual  meeting  shall be held on the date and at the time
fixed,  from time to time,  by the  directors,  provided,  that the first annual
meeting shall be held on a date within thirteen months after the organization of
the  corporation,  and each  successive  annual  meeting shall be held on a date
within thirteen months after the date of the preceding annual meeting. A special
meeting shall be held on the date and at the time fixed by the directors.

         - PLACE.  Annual  meetings and special  meetings  shall be held at such
place, within or without the State of Delaware,  as the directors may, from time
to time, fix.  Whenever the directors shall fail to fix such place,  the meeting
shall  be held at the  registered  office  of the


corporation in the State of Delaware.

         - CALL.  Annual  meetings  and  special  meetings  may be called by the
directors or by any officer instructed by the directors to call the meeting.

         - NOTICE OR WAIVER OF NOTICE.  Written  notice of all meetings shall be
given,  stating the place,  date,  and hour of the meeting and stating the place
within  the  city or  other  municipality  or  community  at  which  the list of
stockholders of the corporation may be examined. The notice of an annual meeting
shall state that the meeting is called for the election of directors and for the
transaction of other  business  which may properly come before the meeting,  and
shall (if any other  action  which could be taken at a special  meeting is to be
taken at such annual  meeting)  state the purpose or  purposes.  The notice of a
special  meeting shall in all instances  state the purpose or purposes for which
the  meeting is called.  The notice of any  meeting  shall also  include,  or be
accompanied by, any additional statements,  information, or documents prescribed
by the General  Corporation  Law.  Except as  otherwise  provided by the General
Corporation Law, a copy of the notice of any meeting shall be given,  personally
or by mail,  not less than ten days nor more than sixty days  before the date of
the meeting,  unless the lapse of the prescribed  period of time shall have been
waived,  and directed to each stockholder at his record address or at such other
address  which he may have  furnished by request in writing to the  Secretary of
the corporation. Notice by mail shall be deemed to be given when deposited, with
postage thereon prepaid, in the United States Mail. If a meeting is adjourned to
another time, not more than thirty days hence,  and/or to another place,  and if
an  announcement  of the adjourned time and/or place is made at the meeting,  it
shall not be  necessary  to give  notice of the  adjourned  meeting  unless  the
directors,  after adjournment,  fix a new record date for the adjourned meeting.
Notice  need not be given to any  stockholder  who  submits a written  waiver of
notice  signed by him before or after the time stated  therein.  Attendance of a
stockholder at a meeting of stockholders  shall constitute a waiver of notice of
such meeting,  except when the  stockholder  attends the meeting for the express
purpose of objecting, at the beginning of the meeting, to the transaction of any
business  because the meeting is not lawfully  called or  convened.  Neither the
business to be transacted at, nor the purpose of, any regular or special meeting
of the stockholders need be specified in any written waiver of notice.

         - STOCKHOLDER  LIST.  The officer who has charge of the stock ledger of
the  corporation  shall prepare and make, at least ten days before every meeting
of stockholders,  a complete list of the stockholders,  arranged in alphabetical
order,  and  showing the  address of each  stockholder  and the number of shares
registered  in the  name of each  stockholder.  Such  list  shall be open to the
examination of any stockholder,  for any purpose germane to the meeting,  during
ordinary business hours, for a period of at least ten days prior to the meeting,
either at a place within the city or other  municipality  or community where the
meeting  is to be held,  which  place  shall be  specified  in the notice of the
meeting,  or if not so specified,  at the place where the meeting is to be held.
The list shall also be  produced  and kept at the time and place of the  meeting
during the whole time thereof,  and may be inspected by any  stockholder  who is
present.  The  stock  ledger  shall  be the  only  evidence  as to who  are  the
stockholders  entitled to examine the


stock ledger, the list required by this section or the books of the corporation,
or to vote at any meeting of stockholders.

         - CONDUCT OF MEETING.  Meetings of the  stockholders  shall be presided
over by one of the  following  officers in the order of seniority and if present
and acting - the Chairman of the Board, if any, the  Vice-Chairman of the Board,
if any, the  President,  a  Vice-President,  or, if none of the  foregoing is in
office and present and acting,  by a chairman to be chosen by the  stockholders.
The Secretary of the  corporation,  or in his absence,  an Assistant  Secretary,
shall act as secretary of every  meeting,  but if neither the  Secretary  nor an
Assistant  Secretary  is present the  Chairman of the  meeting  shall  appoint a
secretary of the meeting.

         - PROXY REPRESENTATION.  Every stockholder may authorize another person
or persons  to act for him by proxy in all  matters  in which a  stockholder  is
entitled to  participate,  whether by waiving  notice of any meeting,  voting or
participating at a meeting,  or expressing consent or dissent without a meeting.
Every proxy must be signed by the  stockholder  or by his  attorney-in-fact.  No
proxy  shall be voted or acted upon after  three years from its date unless such
proxy provides for a longer  period.  A duly executed proxy shall be irrevocable
if it states that it is irrevocable  and, if, and only as long as, it is coupled
with an interest  sufficient in law to support an irrevocable power. A proxy may
be made irrevocable  regardless of whether the interest with which it is coupled
is an interest in the stock itself or an interest in the corporation generally.

         - INSPECTORS.  The directors,  in advance of any meeting, may, but need
not,  appoint  one or more  inspectors  of election to act at the meeting or any
adjournment thereof. If an inspector or inspectors are not appointed, the person
presiding at the meeting may, but need not, appoint one or more  inspectors.  In
case any person who may be appointed as an inspector fails to appear or act, the
vacancy may be filled by  appointment  made by the  directors  in advance of the
meeting or at the meeting by the person presiding  thereat.  Each inspector,  if
any,  before  entering upon the discharge of his duties,  shall take and sign an
oath  faithfully to execute the duties of inspectors at such meeting with strict
impartiality and according to the best of his ability.  The inspectors,  if any,
shall  determine the number of shares of stock  outstanding and the voting power
of each,  the shares of stock  represented  at the meeting,  the  existence of a
quorum, the validity and effect of proxies, and shall receive votes, ballots, or
consents,  hear and determine all challenges and questions arising in connection
with the right to vote,  count and  tabulate  all votes,  ballots,  or consents,
determine the result,  and do such acts as are proper to conduct the election or
vote with fairness to all  stockholders.  On request of the person  presiding at
the meeting, the inspector or inspectors, if any, shall make a report in writing
of any challenge,  question,  or matter  determined by him or them and execute a
certificate  of any fact found by him or them.  Except as otherwise  required by
subsection (e) of Section 231 of the General  Corporation Law, the provisions of
that Section shall not apply to the corporation.

         - QUORUM.  The holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of stock
shall  constitute a quorum at a meeting of  stockholders  for the transaction of
any  business.  The  stockholders


present may adjourn the meeting despite the absence of a quorum.

         - VOTING.  Each share of stock shall entitle the holder  thereof to one
vote.  Directors  shall be  elected  by a  plurality  of the votes of the shares
present in person or represented by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote on
the election of directors. Any other action shall be authorized by a majority of
the votes cast except where the General  Corporation  Law prescribes a different
percentage of votes and/or a different  exercise of voting power,  and except as
may  be  otherwise   prescribed  by  the   provisions  of  the   certificate  of
incorporation and these Bylaws. In the election of directors,  and for any other
action, voting need not be by ballot.

         8.  STOCKHOLDER  ACTION WITHOUT  MEETINGS.  Any action  required by the
General  Corporation  Law to be  taken  at any  annual  or  special  meeting  of
stockholders,  or any action which may be taken at any annual or special meeting
of  stockholders,  may be taken  without a  meeting,  without  prior  notice and
without a vote,  if a consent  in  writing,  setting  forth the action so taken,
shall be signed by the  holders of  outstanding  stock  having not less than the
minimum number of votes that would be necessary to authorize or take such action
at a meeting at which all shares  entitled  to vote  thereon  were  present  and
voted.  Prompt notice of the taking of the corporate action without a meeting by
less than unanimous  written  consent shall be given to those  stockholders  who
have not consented in writing.  Action taken pursuant to this paragraph shall be
subject to the provisions of Section 228 of the General Corporation Law.

                                   ARTICLE II


         1.  FUNCTIONS  AND   DEFINITION.   The  business  and  affairs  of  the
corporation shall be managed by or under the direction of the Board of Directors
of the  corporation.  The Board of Directors shall have the authority to fix the
compensation of the members thereof.  The use of the phrase "whole board" herein
refers to the total  number of  directors  which the  corporation  would have if
there were no vacancies.

         2.  QUALIFICATIONS AND NUMBER. A director need not be a stockholder,  a
citizen  of the  United  States,  or a resident  of the State of  Delaware.  The
initial Board of Directors  shall consist of two persons.  Thereafter the number
of directors  constituting the whole board shall be at least one. Subject to the
foregoing  limitation  and except for the first Board of Directors,  such number
may be  fixed  from  time  to  time  by  action  of the  stockholders  or of the
directors,  or, if the number is not fixed,  the number shall be two. The number
of directors may be increased or decreased by action of the  stockholders  or of
the directors.

         3. ELECTION AND TERM. The first Board of Directors,  unless the members
thereof  shall have been named in the  certificate  of  incorporation,  shall be
elected by the  incorporator  or  incorporators  and shall hold office until the
first annual meeting of stockholders  and until their successors are elected and
qualified or until their earlier resignation or removal.


Any  director  may resign at any time upon  written  notice to the  corporation.
Thereafter,  directors who are elected at an annual meeting of stockholders, and
directors  who are elected in the interim to fill  vacancies  and newly  created
directorships,  shall hold office until the next annual meeting of  stockholders
and until their  successors  are elected and  qualified  or until their  earlier
resignation  or removal.  Except as the General  Corporation  Law may  otherwise
require,  in the interim  between annual  meetings of stockholders or of special
meetings of  stockholders  called for the election of  directors  and/or for the
removal of one or more  directors  and for the  filling  of any  vacancy in that
connection,  newly  created  directorships  and any  vacancies  in the  Board of
Directors,  including unfilled vacancies resulting from the removal of directors
for cause or  without  cause,  may be filled  by the vote of a  majority  of the
remaining directors then in office,  although less than a quorum, or by the sole
remaining director.

         4. MEETINGS.

         - TIME.  Meetings  shall be held at such time as the Board  shall  fix,
except  that the first  meeting of a newly  elected  Board shall be held as soon
after its election as the directors may conveniently assemble.

         - PLACE.  Meetings  shall be held at such place  within or without  the
State of Delaware as shall be fixed by the Board.

         - CALL.  No call shall be required  for regular  meetings for which the
time and place  have been  fixed.  Special  meetings  may be called by or at the
direction of the Chairman of the Board, if any, the  Vice-Chairman of the Board,
if any, of the President, or of a majority of the directors in office.

         - NOTICE OR ACTUAL OR CONSTRUCTIVE  WAIVER. No notice shall be required
for  regular  meetings  for which the time and place have been  fixed.  Written,
oral,  or any other  mode of  notice  of the time and  place  shall be given for
special meetings in sufficient time for the convenient assembly of the directors
thereat.  Notice  need  not be  given  to any  director  or to any  member  of a
committee  of  directors  who submits a written  waiver of notice  signed by him
before or after the time  stated  therein.  Attendance  of any such  person at a
meeting  shall  constitute  a waiver of notice of such  meeting,  except when he
attends a meeting for the express purpose of objecting,  at the beginning of the
meeting,  to the transaction of any business because the meeting is not lawfully
called or convened.  Neither the business to be  transacted  at, nor the purpose
of, any regular or special  meeting of the  directors  need be  specified in any
written waiver of notice.

         - QUORUM AND ACTION.  A majority of the whole Board shall  constitute a
quorum except when a vacancy or vacancies  prevents such  majority,  whereupon a
majority of the directors in office shall  constitute a quorum,  provided,  that
such majority shall constitute at least one-third of the whole Board. A majority
of the  directors  present,  whether or not a quorum is  present,  may adjourn a
meeting to another  time and place.  Except as herein  otherwise  provided,  and


as otherwise  provided by the General  Corporation Law, the vote of the majority
of the directors  present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the
act of the Board.  The quorum and voting  provisions  herein stated shall not be
construed as conflicting with any provisions of the General  Corporation Law and
these  Bylaws which govern a meeting of  directors  held to fill  vacancies  and
newly created directorships in the Board or action of disinterested directors.

         Any  member or members of the Board of  Directors  or of any  committee
designated by the Board,  may participate in a meeting of the Board, or any such
committee,  as the case may be,  by means of  conference  telephone  or  similar
communications  equipment  by means of which all  persons  participating  in the
meeting can hear each other.

         - CHAIRMAN OF THE  MEETING.  The  Chairman of the Board,  if any and if
present and acting, shall preside at all meetings.  Otherwise, the Vice-Chairman
of the Board, if any and if present and acting, or the President, if present and
acting, or any other director chosen by the Board, shall preside.

         5.  REMOVAL OF  DIRECTORS.  Except as may  otherwise be provided by the
General  Corporation  Law, any director or the entire Board of Directors  may be
removed,  with or without cause, by the holders of a majority of the shares then
entitled to vote at an election of directors.

         6.  COMMITTEES.  The Board of Directors may, by resolution  passed by a
majority of the whole Board, designate one or more committees, each committee to
consist  of one or more of the  directors  of the  corporation.  The  Board  may
designate one or more directors as alternate  members of any committee,  who may
replace any absent or  disqualified  member at any meeting of the committee.  In
the  absence  or  disqualification  of any  member  of  any  such  committee  or
committees,  the  member or  members  thereof  present  at any  meeting  and not
disqualified  from voting,  whether or not he or they  constitute a quorum,  may
unanimously  appoint  another  member  of the Board of  Directors  to act at the
meeting  in the  place of any  such  absent  or  disqualified  member.  Any such
committee, to the extent provided in the resolution of the Board, shall have and
may  exercise  the  powers  and  authority  of the  Board  of  Directors  in the
management of the business and affairs of the corporation  with the exception of
any  authority  the  delegation  of which is  prohibited  by Section  141 of the
General  Corporation  Law, and may authorize the seal of the  corporation  to be
affixed to all papers which may require it.

         7. WRITTEN ACTION.  Any action required or permitted to be taken at any
meeting of the Board of Directors or any committee  thereof may be taken without
a meeting if all members of the Board or committee,  as the case may be, consent
thereto in writing,  and the  writing or writings  are filed with the minutes of
proceedings of the Board or committee.


                                   ARTICLE III


         The  officers  of the  corporation  shall  consist  of a  President,  a
Secretary, a Treasurer, and, if deemed necessary, expedient, or desirable by the
Board of Directors,  a Chairman of the Board, a  Vice-Chairman  of the Board, an
Executive  Vice-President,  one or  more  other  Vice-Presidents,  one  or  more
Assistant Secretaries, one or more Assistant Treasurers, and such other officers
with such titles as the resolution of the Board of Directors choosing them shall
designate. Except as may otherwise be provided in the resolution of the Board of
Directors  choosing him, no officer other than the Chairman or  Vice-Chairman of
the Board, if any, need be a director.  Any number of offices may be held by the
same person, as the directors may determine.

         Unless otherwise provided in the resolution  choosing him, each officer
shall be chosen for a term which shall  continue  until the meeting of the Board
of Directors  following the next annual  meeting of  stockholders  and until his
successor shall have been chosen and qualified.

         All officers of the  corporation  shall have such authority and perform
such duties in the  management  and  operation  of the  corporation  as shall be
prescribed in the resolutions of the Board of Directors designating and choosing
such officers and prescribing  their  authority and duties,  and shall have such
additional  authority  and duties as are incident to their office  except to the
extent that such resolutions may be inconsistent therewith.  The Secretary or an
Assistant  Secretary of the  corporation  shall record all of the proceedings of
all meetings and actions in writing of stockholders,  directors,  and committees
of  directors,  and shall  exercise such  additional  authority and perform such
additional  duties as the Board shall assign to him. Any officer may be removed,
with or without cause, by the Board of Directors.  Any vacancy in any office may
be filled by the Board of Directors.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                                 CORPORATE SEAL

         The  corporate  seal  shall be in such form as the  Board of  Directors
shall prescribe.

                                    ARTICLE V

                                   FISCAL YEAR

         The fiscal year of the corporation shall be fixed, and shall be subject
to change, by the Board of Directors.


                                   ARTICLE VI

                               CONTROL OVER BYLAWS

         Subject to the provisions of the certificate of  incorporation  and the
provisions of the General  Corporation Law, the power to amend, alter, or repeal
these  Bylaws and to adopt new Bylaws may be exercised by the Board of Directors
or by the stockholders.

         I HEREBY  CERTIFY that the foregoing is a full,  true, and correct copy
of the Bylaws of Steven Madden,  Ltd., a Delaware  corporation,  as in effect on
the date hereof.


                                               Arvind Dharia, Secretary



STEVEN MADDEN, LTD.                                                        PROXY
                               STEVEN MADDEN, LTD.



         The undersigned  hereby  appoint(s) Mr. Steven Madden with the power of
substitution and  resubstitution  to vote any and all shares of capital stock of
Steven Madden,  Ltd. (the "Company") which the undersigned  would be entitled to
vote as fully as the  undersigned  could do if personally  present at the Annual
Meeting of the Company,  to be held on May 22, 1998,  at 10:00 A.M.  local time,
and at any adjournments thereof,  hereby revoking any prior proxies to vote said
stock,  upon the following items more fully described in the notice of any proxy
statement for the Annual Meeting (receipt of which is hereby acknowledged):



[ ]               FOR ALL nominees list below EXCEPT as marked to the
                  contrary below

[ ]               WITHHOLD  AUTHORITY  to vote  for ALL  nominees  listed  below
                  (INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual
                  nominee strike a line through the nominee's name below.)

[ ]               ABSTAIN

Steven Madden,  Rhonda J. Brown, Arvind Dharia, John L. Madden, John Basile, Les
Wagner, and Peter Migliorini.


[ ]               FOR the adoption of the 1998 Stock Plan

[ ]               WITHHOLD AUTHORITY

[ ]               ABSTAIN



[ ]               FOR the reincorporation in the State of Delaware

[ ]               WITHHOLD AUTHORITY

[ ]               ABSTAIN


[ ]               FOR the ratification of the appointment of Richard A. Eisner &
                  Company, LLP.

[ ]               WITHHOLD AUTHORITY

[ ]               ABSTAIN

YEAR 1998 IN ITEM 4.

         In his  discretion,  the Proxy is  authorized  to vote upon such  other
business as may properly come before the meeting.

         Please  mark,  sign  date and  return  this  Proxy  promptly  using the
accompanying postage pre-paid envelope. THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED ON BEHALF OF THE



                                   Signature if jointly owned:


                                   Print name:

                                   Please  sign  exactly as the name  appears on
                                   your  stock   certificate.   When  shares  of
                                   capital stock are held by joint tenants, both
                                   should   sign.   When  signing  as  attorney,
                                   executor,  administrator,  trustee, guardian,
                                   or  corporate  officer,  please  include full
                                   title as such. If the shares of capital stock
                                   are owned by a corporation,  sign in the full
                                   corporate name by an authorized  officer.  If
                                   the  shares of  capital  stock are owned by a
                                   partnership,   sign   in  the   name  of  the
                                   partnership by an authorized officer.

                     IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE
