Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   Form 10-QSB

                   QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 OR 15(d)
                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                     FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1998


State:  New Jersey                                 Identification No. 22-1543137
File No.   0-2364

Address:  25 Eastmans Road, P.O. Box 465,
Parsippany, New Jersey 07054-0465

Telephone: 973-386-9696

"Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days."

                                                   YES [X] NO [  ]

Shares Outstanding:

MARCH 31, 1998                 1,644,301
MARCH 31, 1997                 1,636,585



                           BOONTON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION

                                    BALANCE SHEET

                      Assets                March 31, 1998        September 30, 1997
                      ------                --------------        ------------------
Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                $    72,798             $   121,620
    Trade receivables                            911,521               1,051,887
    Inventories                                1,320,898               1,306,115
    Deferred tax benefits                         81,058                  81,058
    Other current assets                         327,274                 333,325
                                             -----------             -----------

Total current assets                           2,713,549               2,894,005
                                             -----------             -----------

Plant and equipment-net                          494,328                 534,023
                                             -----------             -----------
Other assets:
    Deferred tax benefit                         988,651                 988,651
    Security deposits                             70,066                  71,169
                                             -----------             -----------

Total other assets                             1,058,717               1,059,820
                                             -----------             -----------

Total assets                                 $ 4,266,594             $ 4,487,848
                                             ===========             ===========

Current liabilities:
    Note payable                             $    65,572             $    63,379
    Related party loans                           43,530                  93,530
    Accounts payable - trade                     678,994                 800,931
    Other current liabilities                    271,839                 284,528
    Unsecured claims payable (Chapter 11
      settlement) current                        153,372                  48,491
                                             -----------             -----------

Total current liabilities                      1,213,307               1,290,859
Note payable - noncurrent                        341,973                 375,351
Related party loans - noncurrent                 218,970                 218,970
Unsecured claims payable (Chapter 11
    settlement) - noncurrent                          --                 153,372
                                             -----------             -----------
Total liabilities                              1,774,250               2,038,552
                                             -----------             -----------
 Commitments and contingencies

Stockholders' equity:
    Common stock                                 164,430                 163,659
    Capital in excess of par                   4,637,866               4,613,637
    Deficit                                   (2,309,952)             (2,328,000)
                                             -----------             -----------

Total stockholders' equity                     2,492,344               2,449,296
                                             -----------             -----------

Total liabilities and stockholders' equity   $ 4,266,594             $ 4,487,848
                                             ===========             ===========

The accompanying footnotes are an integral part of these statements.



                             STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS

                                           For the Six Months Ended
                                   March 31, 1998             March 31, 1997
                                   --------------             --------------

Net sales                            $ 3,219,404                $ 3,604,722
Cost of goods sold                     1,652,203                  1,992,112
                                     -----------                -----------
Gross profit                           1,567,201                  1,612,610
                                     -----------                -----------

Operating expenses:
  Commissions                            334,419                    380,211
  Research and development               493,722                    361,947
  Other operating expenses               698,264                    775,628
                                     -----------                -----------
Total operating expenses               1,526,405                  1,517,786
                                     -----------                -----------

Income from operations                    40,796                     94,824
                                     -----------                -----------

Interest expense                          26,561                     19,646
Other expense/(income)                    (3,813)                    18,597
                                     -----------                -----------
Total other expenses                      22,748                     38,243
                                     -----------                -----------

Income before provision for
  income taxes                            18,048                     56,581
Provision for income taxes                    --                         --
                                     -----------                -----------

Net income                                18,048                     56,581
Stockholders' equity - beginning       2,449,296                  2,217,952
Common stock sold                         25,000                    200,000
                                     -----------                -----------

Stockholders' equity  - ending       $ 2,492,344                $ 2,474,533
                                     ===========                ===========
Weighted average number of shares
   outstanding                         1,644,301                  1,606,255
                                     ===========                ===========

Earnings per share:                  $      0.01                $      0.04
                                     ===========                ===========

The accompanying footnotes are an integral part of these statements.



                             STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS

                                                  For the Three Months Ended
                                           March 31, 1998        March 31, 1997
                                           --------------        --------------

Net sales                                    $ 1,562,204           $ 1,793,647
Cost of goods sold                               794,628             1,004,817
                                             -----------           -----------
Gross profit                                     767,576               788,830
                                             -----------           -----------

Operating expenses:
  Commissions                                    140,024               178,207
  Research and development                       258,346               171,886
  Other operating expenses                       346,626               385,804
                                             -----------           -----------
Total operating expenses                         744,996               735,897
                                             -----------           -----------

Income from operations                            22,580                52,933
                                             -----------           -----------

Interest expense                                  13,027                10,279
Other expense/(income)                             9,714                11,450
                                             -----------           -----------
Total other expenses                              22,741                21,729
                                             -----------           -----------

Income/(loss)  before provision for income
  taxes                                             (161)               31,204
Provision for income taxes                            --                    --
                                             -----------           -----------

Net income/(loss)                                   (161)               31,204
Stockholders' equity - beginning               2,492,505             2,443,329
                                             -----------           -----------

Stockholders' equity  - ending               $ 2,492,344           $ 2,474,533
                                             ===========           ===========
Weighted average number of shares
   outstanding                                 1,644,301             1,636,585
                                             ===========           ===========

Earnings per share:                          $      0.00           $      0.02
                                             ===========           ===========

The accompanying footnotes are an integral part of these statements.



                             STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS

                                                     For the Six Months Ended
                                                  March 31, 1998   March 31, 1997
                                                  --------------   --------------
Cash provided/(used) by operations:
Net income                                         $  18,048         $  56,581
Adjustments to reconcile net income:
    Depreciation & amortization                       40,260            23,055
Decrease/(increase) in current assets:
    Accounts receivable                              140,366           (61,433)
    Inventories                                      (14,783)          (68,749)
    Other current assets                               6,051           (64,534)
Increase/(decrease) in current liabilities:
    Accounts payable                                (121,937)          118,614
    Chapter 11 settlement - current                  (48,491)          (48,491)
    Accrued liabilities                              (12,689)          (50,038)
                                                   ---------         ---------

Net cash provided/(used) by operations                 6,825           (94,995)
                                                   ---------         ---------

Cash flows from investing activities:
    Purchase of equipment                               (565)         (323,544)
    Other                                              1,103            (4,368)
                                                   ---------         ---------

Net cash (used) by investing activities                  538          (327,912)
                                                   ---------         ---------

Cash flows from financing activities:
    Increase notes payable                                --           317,038
    Payments on loans                                (81,185)          (16,723)
    Proceeds from sale of stock                       25,000           200,000
                                                   ---------         ---------

Net cash provided/(used) by financing activities     (56,185)          500,315
                                                   ---------         ---------

Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents     (48,822)           77,408

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period     121,620           113,041
                                                   ---------         ---------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period         $  72,798         $ 190,449
                                                   =========         =========

The accompanying footnotes are an integral part of these statements.

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1998


        A. The Company is a New Jersey corporation organized in 1947. The
           Company designs and produces electronic testing and measuring
           instruments including power meters, voltmeters and modulation meters.
           Recent models are microprocessor controlled and are often used in
           computerized automatic testing systems. The Company's equipment is
           marketed throughout the world to commercial and government customers
           in the electronics industry.

           The Company markets and distributes its products throughout the
           United States and abroad through some 15 domestic sales
           representatives and 24 foreign distributors. Representatives sell on
           a commission basis, while distributors buy products for resale at
           discounted ex-factory prices. Its representatives and distributors
           also handle the products of other manufacturers, although these are
           not generally competitive with the Company's products except that
           some items handled by foreign distributors may be somewhat

       B.  Use of estimates - The preparation of financial statements in
           conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires
           management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported
           amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets
           and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the
           reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting
           period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

        C. The company accounts for uncollectible accounts under the direct
           write-off method whereas generally accepted accounting principals
           require provision for such expenses under the allowance method. The
           effect of using this method approximates the allowance method as all
           amounts are deemed to be fully collectible.

        D. Inventories - stated at the lower of cost or market determined by the
           first-in, first-out (FIFO) method.

        E. Plant and equipment - Depreciation and amortization are calculated by
           the straight-line method for financial reporting purposes at rates
           based on the following estimated useful lives:

                      Building and improvement                                39
                      Machinery and equipment                               5-10
                      Office furniture and fixtures                         5-10
                      Transportation equipment                                 3



                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1998

           The accelerated  cost recovery system and modified  accelerated  cost
           recovery  system  is used  for  income  tax  purposes.  Cost of major
           renewals  and  betterments  that extend the life of the  property and
           equipment are  capitalized.  Expenditures for maintenance and repairs
           are charged to expenses as incurred.

        F. Financial risk - The Company regularly maintains bank account
           balances in excess of FDIC insurable limit.

        G. Income Taxes - The Company adopted the provisions of Statement of
           Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes"
           which requires a company to recognize deferred tax liabilities and
           assets for the expected future tax consequences of events that have
           been recognized in a Company's financial statements or tax returns.
           Under this method, deferred tax liabilities and assets are determined
           based on the differences between the financial statement carrying
           amounts and tax basis of assets and liabilities using expected tax
           rates in effect in the years in which the differences are expected to
           reverse. The Company recognized the benefit of net operating loss
           carryforwards applying the valuation allowance, which requires that
           the tax benefit be limited, based on the weight of available evidence
           and the probability that some portion of the deferred tax asset will
           not be realized.

        H. Financial Instruments - The Company's financial instruments include
           cash, cash equivalents, trade receivables and payables, long-term
           debt and loans from related parties for which carrying amounts
           approximate fair value. It is not practicable to estimate the fair
           value of related party loans and long-term debt.

        I. Stock-Based Compensation - The Company has elected to follow Account
           Principles Board Opinion No. 25, Accounting for Stock Issued to
           Employees (APB25) and related interpretations in accounting for its
           employee stock options. Under APB25, because the exercise price of
           employee stock options equals the market price of the underlying
           stock on the date of grant, no compensation expense is recorded.
           Effective October 1, 1997, the Company has adopted the disclosure
           only provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.
           123, Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation (Statement 123).



                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1998


       The Company operated under Chapter 11 proceedings for the period
September 7, 1993 through November 15, 1994 when, on the later date, the order
confirming the Plan of Reorganization was entered by the United States
Bankruptcy Court, District of New Jersey subject to the court closing the case
180 days after said entry (Local Rule 25(a)) cause for extension of time in
closing case (Local Rule 25(b)) and filing of application for allowance of fees
and allowance within 90 days after entry of final order confirming plan (Local
Rule 25(c)).

       In accordance with S.A.S. Sections 560.03, the Company has adjusted
downward all liability accounts that were affected by the confirmed Plan of
Reorganization entered on November 15, 1994. Therefore, the financial statements
reflect the maximum liabilities to creditors under the Chapter 11 proceedings
and the Plan of Reorganization. The settlement of unsecured claims under the
confirmed Plan of Reorganization totaling 35% of allowed claims for accounts
payable and accrued expenses provided for the following payments to be made
subsequent to November 15, 1994:

     10   From after tax proceeds from termination of the company's pension plan
      5   One year after initial payout
      5   Two years after initial payout
     15   Three years after initial payout

       Pre-petition liabilities in accordance with the November 15, 1994
confirmed plan of reorganization were compromised of the following:

Accounts payable                                                   $    702,233
Accrued expenses:
     Commissions payable                                                126,370
     Vacation pay                                                        96,250
     Severance pay                                                       25,108
     Other                                                               78,282

          Total September 30, 1994                                    1,028,243

Court authorized payments/adjustments                                   (75,073)
Balance subject to settlement                                           953,170
Amount discharged and/or paid to date                                  (799,798)
           Chapter 11 settlement total March 31, 1998              $    153,372



                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1998


                                                              MARCH 31,                SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                              ---------                -------------
                                                                1998                        1997
                                                                ----                        ----

Raw material                                                 $  830,608                  $  639,045
Work in process                                                 412,022                     577,337
Finished Goods                                                   78,268                      89,733
                                                             ----------                  ----------
Total inventories                                            $1,320,898                  $1,306,115
                                                             ==========                  ==========


                                                              MARCH 31,                SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                              ---------                -------------
                                                                1998                        1997
                                                                ----                        ----
Building and improvements                                    $   62,329                  $   62,329
Machinery and equipment                                       1,657,819                   1,657,819
Office furniture and fixtures                                   583,083                     582,518
Transportation equipment                                         13,188                      13,188
                                                             ----------                  ----------
      Total                                                   2,316,419                   2,315,854
Less Accumulated depreciation                                 1,822,091                   1,781,831
                                                             ----------                  ----------
      Net depreciated cost                                   $  494,328                  $  534,023
                                                             ==========                  ==========


                                                              MARCH 31,                SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                              ---------                -------------
                                                                1998                        1997
                                                                ----                        ----
A. Board of Directors:
      Notes, subordinated to NJEDA
      loan, dated February 6, 1995,
      payable in monthly installments of
      $5,449 including interest at 9% per
      annum through September 30, 2001:                      $  262,500                  $  262,500
     Less current portion                                        43,530                      43,530
                                                             ----------                  ----------
   Noncurrent portion                                        $  218,970                  $  218,970
                                                             ==========                  ==========

Interest expense for the fiscal years ended September 30, 1997 and 1996 amounted
to $24,757 and $24,019, respectively. No principal payments were made due to
these notes being subordinated to the NJEDA loan.



                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1998

                                                                  MARCH 31,         SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                                  ---------         -------------
                                                                    1998                1997
                                                                    ----                ----
B.    New Jersey Economic Development
      Notes, dated July 31, 1996, payable in
      monthly installments of $7,620 
      including interest at 6.75% per
      annum through June 30, 2003:                               $   407,545         $   438,730
      Less current portion                                            65,572              63,379
                                                                 -----------         -----------
      Noncurrent portion                                         $   341,973         $   375,351
                                                                 ===========         ===========

Interest expense for the fiscal years ended September 30, 1997 and 1996 amounted
to $23,066 and $1,042, respectively. Future principal payments under the terms
of the agreement are as follows:
                       FISCAL YEAR                                      AMOUNT
                       -----------                                     --------
                           1998                                        $ 63,379
                           1999                                          67,855
                           2000                                          72,647
                           2001                                          77,778
                           2002                                          83,271
                           2003                                          73,800
                                             TOTAL:                    $438,730


         The Company  maintains  cash and cash  equivalents  at three  financial
institutions  that are  insured by the  Federal  Deposit  Insurance  Corporation
(FDIC) and/or Securities Investor Protection  Corporation (SIPC). The Company at
times during the year had amounts in these  institutions that exceeded insurable
limits of $100,000 FDIC and $500,000  SIPC. In the normal course of business the
Company extends unsecured credit to customers in the United States and Asia.



                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1998


         A.  Retirement Plans:
             Effective July 1, 1989, the Company adopted a defined contribution
             plan for all eligible employees. In accordance with Internal
             Revenue Code Section 401(k), the plan provides for elective
             deferral of up to 15% of total compensation. The plan further
             provided for a Company matching contribution of 25% of the elective
             deferral amount of each participant that did not exceed 6% of total
             compensation. Effective January 1, 1994, the matching Company
             contribution was suspended due to the company's financial condition
             and pending reorganization. Effective October 1, 1995, the Company
             reinstated a matching contribution at 50% of the elective deferral
             amount for each participant that does not exceed 6% of total
             compensation. The amounts charged to operations were $37,581 and
             $46,151 for the years ended September 30, 1997 and 1996,

         B.  Employee Stock Options Plans:
             On February 26, 1987, the Stockholders approved the 1987 Incentive
             Stock Option Plan, the 1987 Employee Stock Purchase Plan and the
             1987 Stock Option Program for Non-Employee Directors. Subject to
             the provisions of these plans, an aggregate of 150,000 shares of
             the Company's stock was made available for option purchases;
             namely, 75,000 shares, 37, 500 shares and 37,500 shares,
             respectively. The plans ended effective December 1996 and no
             further grants may be made for options.



                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1998

                                        PRICE PER SHARE      NUMBER OF SHARES
                                        ---------------      ----------------
Shares under option at
 September 30, 1994                             3.00              50,000
   Granted                                   $1.0625             130,000
   Exercised                                 $1.0625             (30,000)
   Expired                                   $1.0625             (18,750)
   Expired/surrender                         $  3.00             (50,000)
Shares under option at
 September 30, 1995                          $1.0625              81,250
   Exercised                                 $1.0625             (34,500)
   Expired                                   $1.0625                (250)
Shares under option at
 September 30, 1996                          $1.0625              46,500
   Expired                                   $1.0625             (20,000)
Shares under option at
 September 30, 1997                          $1.0625              26,500

Lease Commitments:

                  Subsequent to the sale of the Company's facility in Randolph,
                  New Jersey on September 28, 1994, the company entered into a
                  seven-year lease for its present office and manufacturing
                  facility in Hanover Township, New Jersey with a five-year
                  renewal option. Rent charged to operations for the fiscal year
                  ended September 30, 1997 was $227,400. Annual rent for the
                  initial seven-year term is $227,400 for the first four years
                  and $300,000 for years five through seven. Future minimum
                  lease payments required under the operating lease are as

                                    FISCAL YEAR                        AMOUNT
                                    -----------                        ------
                                    1998                              $227,400
                                    1999                               300,000
                                    2000                               300,000
                                    2001                               300,000

                  The Company leases office equipment under a five-year
                  operating lease with an option to upgrade after three years
                  that it intends to exercise. The annual lease payment for the
                  term of the lease is $17,617. Future lease payments required
                  under the operating lease are as follows:



                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1998

                                    FISCAL YEAR                    AMOUNT
                                    -----------                    ------
                                    1998                         $  17,617
                                    1999                            17,617
                                    2000                            17,617
                                    2001                             1,468

               A. Environmental Contingencies:
                  Following an investigation by the New Jersey Department of
                  Environmental Protection (NJDEP) of the Company's waste
                  disposal practices at a certain site that it formerly leased,
                  the Company put a ground water management plan into effect as
                  approved by the Department. Costs associated with this site
                  are charged directly to income as incurred. The owner of this
                  site has notified the Company that if the NJDEP investigation
                  proves to have interfered with a sale of the property, the
                  owner may seek to hold the Company liable for any loss it
                  suffers as a result. However, corporate counsel has informed
                  management that, in their opinion, the lessor would not
                  prevail in any lawsuit filed due to the imposition by law of
                  the statute of limitations. Costs charged to operations in
                  connection with the water management plan amounted to $43,173
                  and $51,879 for the years ended September 30, 1997 and 1996,
                  respectively. The Company estimates the expenditures in this
                  regard for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1998 will
                  amount to approximately $52,000. The Company will continue to
                  be liable under the plan in all future years until such time
                  as the NJDEP releases it from all obligations applicable

              B.  Contingent Subscription and Option Agreement:
                  On June 30, 1997, the Board of Directors of Boonton
                  Electronics Corporation (BEC) agreed to enter into a
                  Subscription and Option Agreement with G.E.M. USA, Inc. (GEM),
                  a wholly-owned subsidiary of General Electronique Mesure,
                  S.A., whereby GEM shall have the option to buy 435,984 shares
                  of the common stock of BEC at an option price of $3.24 per
                  share. The term of the option agreement shall be for a period
                  of two years. On October 1, 1997, GEM paid BEC $25,000 for
                  this option and simultaneously purchased 7,716 shares of BEC's
                  common stock from the corporation for $25,000.



                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1998

                  Also on October 1, 1997, BEC entered into a Shared Facilities
                  Agreement with B&K Precision, Inc. (B&K), a wholly owned
                  subsidiary of GEM, as additional consideration for the above
                  noted option. B&K shall pay BEC a monthly management fee of
                  $15,000 and shall also pay rent at the same price per square
                  foot as BEC for the area sublet to B&K.

              C.  Income Tax Contingencies:
                  The Company's income tax returns for the fiscal years ended
                  September 30, 1995, 1996 and 1997 are subject to review.


                                                                   MARCH 31,         SEPTEMBER 30
                                                                     1998                1996
                                                                     ----                ----
              Common Stock:
                  $.10 par value, authorized 5,000,000
                  shares, issued and outstanding 1,644,301
                  shares and 1,636,585 shares, respectively.       $164,430            $163,659
                                                                   ========            ========

         The components of the deferred tax asset are:
                                          MARCH 31,                SEPTEMBER 30,
                                          ---------                -------------
                                            1998                        1997
                                            ----                        ----
Deferred tax asset                       $2,867,591                  $2,867,591
 Less: Valuation allowance               (1,797,882)                 (1,797,882)
                                         ----------                  ----------

     Net deferred tax asset              $1,069,709                  $1,069,709
                                         ==========                  ==========

         Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 109, "Accounting for
Income Taxes", requires that the Company record a valuation allowance when it is
"more likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will
not be realized". It further states that "forming a conclusion that a valuation
allowance is not needed is difficult when there is negative evidence such as
cumulative losses in recent years".

         The ultimate realization of this deferred income tax asset depends on
the ability to generate sufficient taxable income in the future. The Company is
undergoing substantial restructuring changes and has made strategic realignments
of its operations in association with its Plan or Reorganization that management
believes will result in future profitability.



                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1998

While it is management's belief that these measures will allow the total
deferred income tax asset to be realized by future operating results, the losses
in recent years and a desire to be conservative make it appropriate to record a
valuation allowance.

         Accordingly, the Company has provided a valuation allowance (based on
estimated future taxable income) for the portion of the total deferred income
tax asset that will not be realized as related to the operating loss

         Income tax laws allow for the utilization of loss carryforwards over
periods not to exceed 15 and 7 years for Federal and State purposes,
respectively. If the Company is not able to generate sufficient taxable income
in the future through operating results, increases in the valuation allowance
will be required through a charge to expense (reducing stockholder's equity). In
the event the Company reports sufficient profitability to use all of the
deferred income tax assets, the valuation allowance will be eliminated through a
credit to expense (increasing stockholder's equity).

         The following is a reconciliation of income taxes at the federal
statutory rate.

                                                MARCH 31,          MARCH 31,
                                                ---------          ---------
                                                   1998               1997
                                                   ----               ----
Computed income taxes at statutory rate         $  6,136           $  19,238
Recognition of net operating loss                 (6,136)            (19,238)
                                                --------           --------- 
Expense/(benefit)                               $     --           $      --
                                                ========           =========

         The Company has net operating loss carry forwards for federal and state
purposes approximating $6,266,666 and $8,188,055 that will not begin to expire
until the year 2011 and 2003 respectively. These loss carryforwards can be
utilized to reduce future taxable income dollar for dollar.

         In May 1997, the Company dissolved Boonton International Sales
Corporation (BIS) (former wholly-owned subsidiary) and received a Certificate of
Dissolution from the state of New Jersey. BIS, as an Interest Charge Domestic
International Sales Corporation (IC-DISC), had $1,456,000 of deferred income.
The deferred income became taxable to the Company upon the dissolution of BIS
and therefore reduced the deferred tax asset and related valuation allowance



                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1998


         The Company is engaged in the manufacture and sale of electronic test
and measurement equipment and management considers its business as a single
segment for reporting purposes.
 A. The Company's export sales were as follows:

              SIX MONTHS ENDED                                   % OF
              MARCH 31,                  AMOUNT               TOTAL SALES
              ---------                  ------               -----------

              1998                    $  1,513,156                47%
              1997                    $  1,220,232                34%

 B. Customers sales to domestic government agencies were as follows:

              SIX MONTHS ENDED                                   % OF
              MARCH 31,                  AMOUNT               TOTAL SALES
              ---------                  ------               -----------

              1998                    $     69,137                 2%
              1997                    $    748,230                21%


         Earnings per share have been computed by dividing net earnings by the
weighted average number of common shares outstanding of 1,644,301 for 1998 and
1,606,255 for 1997. Options to purchase a total of 428,268 shares of common
stock at $3.24 per share were not included because the exercise price exceeded
the average market price, which would result in antidilution. Incentive stock
options to purchase 26,500 shares in 1998 and 26,500 shares in 1997 were not
included because they were insignificant.



                         SIX MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1998

         Sales for the six months ended March 31, 1998 were $385,318 below the
prior year. The decrease in sales was primarily due to a decrease in military
contract sales of $679,093 coupled with an offsetting increase in export
revenues of $292,924. Gross profit decreased by $45,409 below the prior year but
increased as a percentage of sales to 48.7% from 44.7%. The increase in gross
margin was primarily due to the decrease in military contract sales that carry a
lower margin. Commission expense decreased by $45,792 due to the decrease in
sales volume. Research and development expense increased by $131,775 above the
prior year as the company continues to concentrate on developing new products.
Other operating expenses decreased by $77,364 below the prior year. Net income
was $18,048 versus a prior year's $56,581 and earnings per share were $0.01
versus $0.04.

         The March 31, 1998 inventory balance was $71,371 below the December 31,
1997 balance and was $14,783 above the September 30, 1997 balance. Trade
receivables decreased by $140,366 due primarily to the decreased sales volume.
The current ratio of 2.24 at March 31, 1998 was the same as it was at September
30, 1997.



         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                   BOONTON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION

                                   By: /s/ YVES GUYOMAR
                                           Yves Guyomar, President and Chief
                                           Executive Officer
                                           Date: May 14, 1998

                                   By: /s/ JOHN E. TITTERTON
                                           John E. Titterton, Vice President
                                           Finance, Secretary/Treasurer
                                           Date: May 14, 1998

May 14, 1998



                             INDEX TO EXHIBIT FILED
                     IN THE QUARTERLY REPORT ON FORM 10-QSB
                     FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1998

EXHIBIT NO.                                                                 PAGE
- -----------                                                                 ----
    27        Financial Data Sheet                                           20
