MONICA Y. KIM (SBN 180139)
1801 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1120
Los Angeles, California 90067
Telephone:  (310) 229-1234
Facsimile:  (310) 229-1244

Attorneys for Chapter 11 Debtors
and Plan Proponents

                         UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT

                         CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA

                          SAN FERNANDO VALLEY DIVISION

In re                                    )  CASE NO.SV 03-15880-GM

THE WALKING COMPANY,                    a)  Jointly Administered With Case
California corporation,                  )  No. SV 03-15932-GM
ALAN'S SHOES, INC., an Arizona           )  Chapter 11
                                         )  DEBTORS' SECOND AMENDED PLAN
                                            OF REORGANIZATION

 _   Affects The Walking Company Only     Plan Confirmation Hearing:

 _   Affects Alan's Shoes, Inc. Only      Date:          March 1, 2004
                                          Time:          9:00 a.m.
 X_  Affects Both Debtors                 Place:         Courtroom "303"
                                                         21041 Burbank Blvd.
                                                         Woodland Hills, CA

- ----------------------------------------)

                                 I. INTRODUCTION

         The Walking Company ("TWC"), a California  corporation,  and Alan's
  Shoes, Inc. ("Alan's"),  an Arizona corporation (Alan's," and, with TWC, the
  "Debtors") are the Debtors in pending  Chapter 11 bankruptcy  cases.
  On July 14, 2003, TWC commenced its bankruptcy case by filing a Voluntary
  Petition under Chapter 11 of the United States  Bankruptcy  Code, 11 U.S.C.
  101 et seq. (the  "Bankruptcy Code").  On July 15, 2003,  Alan's  commenced
  its bankruptcy  case by filing a Voluntary  Petition  under Chapter 11 of the
Bankruptcy Code.  Alan's is a wholly-owned subsidiary of TWC.
         The  Debtors'  Chapter 11  bankruptcy  cases are  pending  before the
United  States  Bankruptcy  Court,  Central  District of California,
San Fernando  Valley  Division  (the  "Bankruptcy  Court").  This  document
is the Second  Amended Plan of  Reorganization ("Plan") that is being proposed
by the Debtors.
         The Disclosure Statement  ("Disclosure  Statement")  describing this
Plan was approved by the Bankruptcy Court at a hearing on December 18,  2003.
All terms which are not  otherwise  defined in this Plan shall have the same
meaning as such terms are provided in the Disclosure Statement.
         Chapter 11 allows the Debtors,  and, under some circumstances,
creditors and other parties in interest,  to propose a plan of reorganization.
This Plan is a plan of  reorganization  which has been proposed by the Debtors.
The effective  date of this Plan (the "Effective  Date") will be the first
business day following the date of entry of the Bankruptcy Court order
confirming this Plan (the "Plan Confirmation Order").

                                II. PLAN SUMMARY

         The following is a summary  description  of the  modifications  to
the First  Amended Plan of  Reorganization  (the  "Original Plan") which are
contained in this Plan. For a more detailed  description of this Plan and the
modifications to the Original Plan, you should read this Plan in its entirety.
All terms which are not defined  herein shall have the meanings  assigned to
those terms in the Original Plan and the Disclosure Statement.
         1.       On the Effective Date, TWC Acquisition Corp. (the
"Reorganized Debtor"), a subsidiary Delaware corporation formed by
Big Dogs Holdings,  Inc. ("BDH"),  will acquire all of the assets of the
Debtors  (excluding the Lease Sale Proceeds,  the Class Action Recovery Funds,
the Class Action Suit, and the $610,000 SCI Stock Proceeds) free and clear of
all rights,  claims, liens,  encumbrances and interests of the Debtors,  their
bankruptcy estates,  all creditors and interest holders,  except as otherwise
provided for in this Plan. The common stock of the  Reorganized  Debtor will
be owned 90% by BDH and 10% by the Junior Secured  Creditors.  The 10% stock of
the  Reorganized  Debtor which will be owned by the Junior  Secured  Creditors
shall be referred to as the "Junior  Secured  Creditors Stock".  The Junior
Secured  Creditors  Stock shall be issued to the Junior Secured  Creditors on
a pro rata basis based on the allowed amount of their respective secured claims
against the Debtors.
         2.       On the Effective Date, BDH will contribute $8.95 million (the
"New Money  Contribution")  to the Reorganized  Debtor. $6.45 million of the
New Money  Contribution  will be in the form of equity and $2.5 million of the
New Money  Contribution  will be in the form of  subordinated  debt which will
bear  interest at the rate of ten percent  (10%) per annum,  with all principal
and interest subordinated  to all debts of the  Reorganized  Debtor  except to
the extent  otherwise  agreed  upon in writing by the  affected  debt holders.
The amount of the New Money  Contribution  to be funded on the  Effective  Date
will be reduced by all sums that BDH advances to the Debtors prior to the
Effective  Date for or on account of rent and other  occupancy  costs owed
by the Debtors for the month of February, 2004.
         3.       BDH has requested Wells to provide the Reorganized  Debtor
with  post-confirmation  financing.  If Wells agrees to do so upon  terms
which  are  mutually  acceptable  to Wells  and to the  Reorganized  Debtor,
Wells  will be the  Reorganized  Debtor's post-confirmation  lender.  If Wells
does not agree to do so upon terms which are mutually  acceptable to Wells and
to the  Reorganized Debtor, the Reorganized Debtor will obtain a replacement
lender and Wells will be paid in cash in full on the Effective Date.
         4.       On the Effective Date, the Reorganized  Debtor will pay
$1,265,000 of the New Money Contribution (the "Junior Secured Creditors New
Money  Contribution")  to all of the Junior Secured  Creditors  (which is an
increase of $465,000 over the $800,000 which was set forth in the  Original
Plan) on a pro rata basis based upon the allowed  amount of their  respective
allowed  secured  claims remaining  after  distribution  of the SCI Stock
Proceeds.  The  balance of the allowed  secured  claims  owing to the Junior
Secured Creditors will be satisfied  with  promissory  notes issued by the
Reorganized  Debtor to each of the Junior Secured  Creditors in the form
attached  as Exhibit  "10" to this Plan on a pro rata basis  based upon the
amount of their  respective  allowed  secured  claims against the Debtors
(all such  promissory  notes shall  collectively  be  referred  to as the
"Junior  Secured  Creditors  Promissory Notes").  The aggregate  principal
amount of the Junior Secured  Creditors  Promissory  Notes will be  $3,279,000.
The Junior Secured Creditors  Promissory  Notes will bear interest at the rate
of 7% per annum.  The Junior Secured  Creditors  Promissory Notes will have
the following additional  features:  (i) interest will paid on the Junior
Secured Creditors Promissory Notes on a quarterly basis, (ii)the Junior
Secured  Creditors  Promissory  Notes will have a term of six years and
prepayments  may be made without any penalty,  and (iii) the following
mandatory  principal payments will be made:  $550,000 at the end of each of
years 2, 3, 4 and 5, and the remaining principal  balance of $1,079,000  and
any unpaid  interest will be due and payable at the end of the six-year  term.
The Junior Secured Creditors Promissory  Notes will be secured by a lien (the
"Junior Secured  Creditors Lien") against  substantially  all assets of the
Reorganized  Debtor (excluding real property leases).  The obligations to and
the lien securing the Junior Secured Creditor  Promissory Notes will at all
times be junior and  subordinate to the  obligations to and lien of Wells (if
Wells provides the  Reorganized  Debtor with  post-confirmation  financing) or
any other current replacement or future senior lender on terms acceptable to
Wells or such other replacement lender, but will not be junior to any other
         5.       On the  Effective  Date,  the  Reorganized  Debtor will pay
$435,000 of the New Money  Contribution  (the  "Unsecured Creditors New Money
Contribution")  into the  Professional  Fee Account for the benefit of
professionals  to the extent their allowed fees and  expenses  exceed
$600,000 and the balance for all holders of class 20 allowed  claims (which is
an increase by $35,000 from the $400,000  which was set forth in the  Original
Plan).  In the event that the allowed  professional  fees and  expenses  beyond
any pre-petition  retainers paid and the $750,000 paid out of the  Professional
Fee Account as described in more detail in Section IV(B)(1)of the Disclosure
Statement exceed $600,000 (excluding any fees and expenses owing to FocalPoint),
such allowed professional fees and expenses  will be paid first from this
$435,000,  and the  remainder of this $435,000 will be paid pro-rata to all
holders of class 20 allowed  claims.  Additionally,  the  Reorganized  Debtor
will issue two unsecured  promissory  notes for the benefit of all holders of
class 20 allowed  claims.  The first such  promissory  note (the "First
Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory  Note") will have a principal
amount of  $700,000,  will  accrue  interest  at the rate of 7% per  annum,
and will have a term of five  years.  The First  Unsecured Creditors
Promissory  Note will  have the  following  additional  features:  (i)
interest  will be paid on a  quarterly  basis,  (ii) prepayments may be made
without penalty,  and (iii) the following  mandatory  principal  payments will
be made:  $100,000 at the end of both years 2 and 3 and $150,000 at the end of
year 4, and the remaining  principal  balance of $350,000 and any unpaid
interest will be due and payable at the end of the five-year term. The second
such promissory note (the "Second  Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory Note")
will have a  principal  amount of  $21,000,  will bear  interest at the rate of
7% per annum,  and will have the  following  additional features:  (i) interest
will paid on the Second Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory Note on a quarterly
basis,  (ii) the Second Unsecured Creditors  Promissory  Note will have a term
of six years  and  prepayments  may be made  without  any  penalty,  and
(iii) the  entire principal  balance of $21,000 and any unpaid  interest  will
be due and payable at the end of the six-year  term.  All payments made on
account of the First Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory Note and the Second
Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory Note will be distributed by the  Reorganized
Debtor to all holders of class 20 allowed  claims on a pro-rata  basis.  The
obligations of the  Reorganized  Debtor under the First Unsecured  Creditors
Promissory Note and the Second  Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory Note will at
all times be junior and  subordinate to the obligations to and lien of Wells
(if Wells provides the Reorganized  Debtor with  post-confirmation  financing)
or any other current replacement or future senior lender and the obligations
to and lien of the Junior Secured Creditors.
         6.       On the Effective Date, the Reorganized  Debtor will pay
$600,000 of the New Money  Contribution into the Professional Fee Account
maintained  by LNBRB to be used to pay the allowed professional fees and
expenses  beyond those which have already been paid out of the  Professional
Fee Account and  exclusive  of any  allowed  fees and  expenses owing to
FocalPoint  as ordered by the Bankruptcy  Court.  On the later of the Effective
Date and the date such claims are allowed by the Bankruptcy  Court,  the
Reorganized Debtor will also pay any allowed fees and  expenses  owing to
FocalPoint,  all allowed  amounts  needed to cure any  delinquencies  in
connection with the assumption and assignment of any unexpired  leases or
executory  contracts,  and any allowed expense  reimbursement of up to
$60,000 to Jim Argyropoulos to reimburse him for his actual  out-of-pocket
expenses  incurred in connection with the Original Plan as provided by
the Bankruptcy Court.
         7.       The balance of the New Money  Contribution  remaining after
the Effective Date cash payments which are required to be paid under this Plan
will be  deposited  into the  Reorganized  Debtor's  bank account and will
constitute  the  Reorganized  Debtor's initial working capital.
         8.       On or before June 30, 2004,  each of the Junior Secured
Creditors shall have a one time right to (i) exchange all or a portion of the
then unpaid principal  balance of their Junior Secured  Creditors  Promissory
Note for BDH common stock at an exchange price of $4.35 per  share,  and/or
(ii) put up to 50% of the then  outstanding  principal  balance  of the Junior
Secured  Creditors Promissory Note to BDH for cash equal to 80% of that portion
of the principal balance of the Junior Secured  Creditors  Promissory Note
which is to be put to BDH.
         9.       On or before June 30, 2004, the unsecured creditors acting
through the  Post-Confirmation  Committee shall have a one time right to (i)
exchange all or any portion of the then unpaid  principal  balance of the First
Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory Note for BDH common stock at an exchange price
of $4.35 per share,  and/or (ii) put up to 100% of the then outstanding
principal balance of the First  Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory  Note to the
Reorganized  Debtor  for cash equal to 80% of that  portion of the  principal
balance of the First Unsecured Creditors Promissory Note which is to be put to
the Reorganized Debtor.
         10. On or before June 30, 2004,  the unsecured  creditors  acting
through the  Post-Confirmation  Committee  shall have a one time right to (i)
exchange all or a portion of then unpaid  principal  balance of the Second
Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory Note for BDH common stock at an exchange price
of $4.35 per share,  and/or (ii) put up to 100% of the then outstanding
principal balance of the Second  Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory  Note to BDH
for cash  equal to 80% of that  portion  of the  principal  balance of the
Second Unsecured Creditors Promissory Note which has been put to BDH.
         11.      On or before June 30, 2004, the then holders of Junior
Secured  Creditors Stock (based upon their individual pro rata share) shall
each have a one time right to (i) exchange all such Junior  Secured  Creditors
Stock for BDH common stock at an exchange price of $4.35 per share using the
agreed upon value of $645,000 for all of the Junior Secured  Creditors Stock,
or (ii) put all such Junior  Secured  Creditors  Stock to the  Reorganized
Debtor for cash using the agreed  upon value of  $645,000  for all of the
Junior Secured Creditors Stock.
         12.      In  addition  to the  foregoing,  the  Debtors'  estate (or
successor  thereto)  shall  retain free and clear of any interests of BDH or
the  Reorganized  Debtor (i) all proceeds  received by the Debtors from the
sale of the Debtors'  leases which have already closed or close by the time of
confirmation  of this Plan  (collectively,  the "Lease Sale  Proceeds"),  and
(ii) the right to pursue and retain any funds (the "Class Action Recovery
Funds")  recovered or to be recovered from Callahan,  McCune & Willis or others
in  connection  with the class action suit (the "Class Action  Suit") that was
previously  filed against the Debtors and for which the Debtors made partial
settlement  payments  prior to the Debtors'  bankruptcy  filings.  The
Reorganized  Debtor will retain all other causes of action,  including all
avoidance causes of action (other than the Class Action Suit), and the
Reorganized  Debtor agrees that it will not pursue any such avoidance causes
of action.
         13. In connection  with the rights granted to holders of the Junior
Secured  Creditors  Promissory  Notes,  the Junior Secured Creditors Stock, the
First Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory Note and the Second Unsecured  Creditors
Promissory Note to exchange their respective  claims or interests for common
stock of BDH, BDH will obtain on or before the Effective  Date a reasoned legal
opinion that such  exchange  rights  and the BDH  common  stock  issuable
pursuant  thereto  may be  offered  and  sold to such  creditors  without
registration  under the Securities Act of 1933 and such stock may be offered
and sold by such creditors without  registration under the Securities  Act of
1933,  assuming that none of such  creditors is an  "underwriter"  as defined
in Section  1145(b) of the  Bankruptcy Code.
         14.      In complete  settlement,  satisfaction and resolution of any
and all claims or causes of action  regarding  insiders, subordination  of
claims,  recharacterization  of debt, or otherwise  arising  between the
Creditors  Committee and the Junior  Secured Creditors,  the Creditors
Committee and the Junior Secured  Creditors have agreed to allocate the
additional  consideration  realized over the original stalking horse bid
contained in the Original Plan as follows:  seven percent (7%) to the general
unsecured  creditors and  ninety-three  percent (93%) to the Junior Secured
Creditors. This allocation is binding upon all classes of creditors under this
Plan and such allocation has already been taken into account with respect to
the various treatment of creditors as described above.


A.       What Creditors and Interest Holders Will Receive Under this Plan

         As required by the Bankruptcy Code, this Plan classifies  claims and
interests in various classes  according to their right to
priority.  This Plan states  whether each class of claims or  interests is
impaired or  unimpaired.  This Plan  provides the  treatment each class will

B.       Unclassified Claims

         Certain types of claims are not placed into voting classes;  instead
they are unclassified.  They are not considered  impaired and they do not vote
on this Plan because they are  automatically  entitled to specific  treatment
provided for them in the Bankruptcy Code.  As such, the Debtors have not
placed the following claims in a class.

1.       Administrative Expenses

                  Administrative  expenses are claims for costs or expenses of
administering  the Debtors'  Chapter 11 cases which are allowed  under
Bankruptcy  Code  Section  507(a)(1).  The  Bankruptcy  Code  requires  that
all  administrative  claims be paid on the Effective Date unless a particular
claimant agrees to a different treatment.
         In accordance with the  debtor-in-possession  financing which was
approved by the Bankruptcy  Court, the Debtors made a weekly deposit into a
professional  fee account (the  "Professional  Fee  Account").  The
Professional  Fee Account was maintained by LNBRB. Pursuant to an order of the
Bankruptcy  Court,  the funds in the Professional Fee Account were disbursed by
LNBRB monthly to all of the professionals  employed in these  cases
(excluding  FocalPoint  and the  Debtors'  accountant)  on a pro rata  basis.
Pursuant to the debtor-in-possession  financing which was approved by the
Bankruptcy  Court, a total of $750,000 was funded into the  Professional  Fee
Account and disbursed to the professionals.
         LNBRB made the first monthly  disbursement  on or about
September 30, 2003, at which time LNBRB disbursed a total of $350,000
out of the Professional Fee Account for fees and expenses incurred through
August 31, 2003 as follows:
         1.       LNBRB - $182,637.02
         2.       Renaissance Partners, L.C. - $13,129.18
         3.       Deloitte & Touche, LLP - $32,092.47
         4.       Kronish Lieb Weiner & Hellman LLP - $81,979.10
         5.       Klee, Tuchin, Bogdanoff & Stern LLP - $40,162.23
         The foregoing five  professionals  had requested  payment of a total
of  $420,867.94  for fees and expenses  incurred  through August 31, 2003
(after taking into account a 20% holdback for fees).
         LNBRB made the second  monthly  disbursement on or about October 31,
2003, at which time LNBRB  disbursed a total of $150,000 out of the
Professional Fee Account for fees and expenses incurred through September
30, 2003 as follows:
         1.       LNBRB - $81,688.56
         2.       Renaissance Partners, L.C. - $4,064.91
         3.       Deloitte & Touche, LLP - $9,578.62
         4.       Kronish Lieb Weiner & Hellman LLP - $37,622.78
         5.       Klee, Tuchin, Bogdanoff & Stern LLP - $17,045.13
         The foregoing five  professionals  had requested  payment of a total
of  $217,435.14  for fees and expenses  incurred  through
September 30, 2003 (after taking into account a 20% holdback for fees).
         LNBRB made the third monthly  disbursement  on or about  November 30,
2003, at which time LNBRB  disbursed a total of $125,000 out of the Professional
Fee Account for fees and expenses incurred through October 31, 2003 as follows:
         1.       LNBRB - $77,321.74
         2.       Renaissance Partners, L.C. - $6,834.12
         3.       Deloitte & Touche, LLP - $8,343.12
         4.       Kronish Lieb Weiner & Hellman LLP - $23,474.43
         5.       Klee, Tuchin, Bogdanoff & Stern LLP - $9,026.59
         The foregoing five  professionals  had requested  payment of a total
of  $213,672.44  for fees and expenses  incurred  through
October 31, 2003 (after taking into account a 20% holdback for fees).
         LNBRB made the fourth monthly  disbursement  on or about December 30,
2003, at which time LNBRB  disbursed a total of $125,000 out of the
Professional Fee Account for fees and expenses incurred through November 30,
2003 as follows:
         1.       LNBRB - $90,558.11
         2.       Renaissance Partners, L.C. - $0
         3.       Deloitte & Touche, LLP - $14,697.99
         4.       Kronish Lieb Weiner & Hellman LLP - $14,809.47
         5.       Klee, Tuchin, Bogdanoff & Stern LLP - $4,934.43
         The five  professionals  employed in these cases requested  payment of
a total of $136,672.88  for fees and expenses incurred through November 30,
2003 (after taking into account a 20% holdback for fees).
         The following chart lists all of the Debtors' projected outstanding
and unpaid SS 507(a)(1)  administrative  claims and their treatment  under this
Plan.  All of the figures set forth in the  following  chart  represent the
Debtors'  estimate of the  additional fees and expenses which will be owed by
the Reorganized Debtor to such professionals after taking into account
pre-petition  retainers paid and the $750,000 which has been disbursed to such
professionals from the Professional Fee Account.

        ==================================== ================================= =================================
        Name                                 Amount Owed                       Treatment
        ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
        ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
        Clerk's Office Fees                  $0                                Paid in full on the Effective
                                                                               Date by the Reorganized Debtor
        ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
        Office of the U.S. Trustee           $0                                Paid in full on the Effective
        Fees                                                                   Date by the Reorganized Debtor
        ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
        Kronish Lieb Weiner & Hellman LLP,   $250,000 (est.) in excess of      Paid in full out of the
        general counsel to the Committee     fees and expenses paid during     Professional Fee Account on the
                                             the Chapter 11 cases out of the   later of the Effective Date and
                                             Professional Fee Account          the date the Bankruptcy Court
                                                                               enters an order allowing such
                                                                               fees and expenses
        ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
        Klee,  Tuchin,  Bogdanoff  &  Stern  $108,000 (est.) in excess of      Paid in full out of the
        LLP,    local    counsel   to   the  fees and expenses paid during     Professional Fee Account on the
        Committee                            the Chapter 11 cases out of the   later of the Effective Date and
                                             Professional Fee Account          the date the Bankruptcy Court
                                                                               enters an order allowing such
                                                                               fees and expenses
        ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
        Deloitte & Touche,  LLP,  financial  $85,000 (est.) in excess of       Paid in full out of the
        advisor to the Committee             fees and expenses paid during     Professional Fee Account on the
                                             the Chapter 11 cases out of the   later of the Effective Date and
                                             Professional Fee Account          the date the Bankruptcy Court
                                                                               enters an order allowing such
                                                                               fees and expenses
        ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
        ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
        Levene,  Neale,  Bender,  Rankin  &  $400,000 (est.) in excess of      Paid in full out of the
        Brill  L.L.P.,  bankruptcy  counsel  LNBRB's pre-petition retainer     Professional Fee Account on the
        to the Debtors                       balance existing at the time of   later of the Effective Date and
                                             the Debtors' bankruptcy filings   the date the Bankruptcy Court
                                             and the fees and expenses paid    enters an order allowing such
                                             during the Chapter 11 cases out   fees and expenses
                                             of the Professional Fee
        ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
        ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
        Renaissance   Partners,     L.C.,    $80,000 (est.) in excess of       Paid in full out of the
        financial advisors to the Debtor     Renpar's pre-petition retainer    Professional Fee Account on the
                                             balance existing at the time of   later of the Effective Date and
                                             the Debtors' bankruptcy filings   the date the Bankruptcy Court
                                             and the fees and expenses paid    enters an order allowing such
                                             during the Chapter 11 cases out   fees and expenses
                                             of the Professional Fee  Account
        ==================================== ================================= =================================
        ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
        David  A.  Stevens,  accountant  to  $3,000 as the Debtors  intend to  Paid in full out of the
        the Debtors                          pay such  fees and  expenses  as  Professional Fee Account on the
                                             they   are   incurred   in   the  later of the Effective Date and
                                             ordinary  course of the Debtors'  the date the Bankruptcy Court
                                             business                          enters an order allowing such
                                                                               fees and expenses

        ==================================== ================================= =================================
        ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
        FocalPoint    Partners,    LLC    -  Unknown   because  it  is  based  Paid in full by the Reorganized
        investment banker to the Debtors.    upon the  outcome  of the  final  Debtor on the later of the
                                             transaction which consummates.    Effective Date and the date the
                                                                               Bankruptcy Court enters an
                                                                               order allowing such fees and

        ==================================== ================================= =================================
        ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
        Post-Petition Non-Professional Fee   Accounts   payable   and   other  Assumed and paid in full by the
        Administrative Claims                accrued  expenses   incurred  in  Reorganized Debtor in the
                                             the   ordinary   course  of  the  ordinary course of the
                                             Debtors' business.                Reorganized Debtor's business
                                                                               or following order of the
                                                                               Bankruptcy Court if a dispute
                                                                               exists between the Reorganized
                                                                               Debtor and the administrative
                                                                               claim holder
        ==================================== ================================= =================================
        ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
        TOTAL                                $926,000 est.  excluding any fee  Paid in full in the manner
                                             owing   to   FocalPoint   or  to  described above
                                             accounts  payable assumed by the
                                             Reorganized Debtor
        ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------

         Bankruptcy Court Approval of Fees Required:
         The Bankruptcy  Court must approve all  professional  fees and
expenses listed in this chart before they may be paid. For all professional
fees and  expenses  except  fees  owing to the Clerk of the  Bankruptcy  Court
and fees owing to the Office of the United States Trustee,  the  professional
in question must file and serve a properly  noticed fee  application and the
Bankruptcy  Court must rule on the  application.  Only the amount of fees and
expenses  allowed by the Bankruptcy Court will be required to be paid under this
Plan.  The  administrative  claim amounts set forth above simply  represent the
Debtors' best estimate as to what the amount of allowed administrative  claims
will be in these  cases.  The actual  administrative  claims may be higher or
lower.  By voting to accept  this Plan,  creditors  are not  acknowledging  the
validity of, or  consenting  to the amount of, any of these  administrative
claims,  and creditors are not waiving any of their rights to object to the
allowance of any of these  administrative  claims.  As described  above,
the  Reorganized  Debtor  will not be  required  to pay more  than  $600,000
on  account  of the  allowed  fees  and  expenses  of the professionals  which
have been  employed in these  cases,  exclusive  of any fees and  expenses
which the  Bankruptcy  Court awards to FocalPoint.  To the extent the allowed
fees and expenses of the  professionals  which have been  employed in these
cases  exclusive of FocalPoint  exceed  $600,000 (after taking into account
pre-petition  retainers paid and the $750,000 which has been disbursed to such
professionals from the Professional Fee Account),  the difference will be paid
out of the Unsecured  Creditors New Money  Contribution. LNBRB will cause all
allowed  professional  fees and expenses to be paid out of the  $1,035,000  to
be paid into the  Professional  Fee Account by the  Reorganized  Debtor on the
Effective  Date  (comprised of the $600,000  designated  for allowed
professional  fees and expenses  plus the $435,000  Unsecured  Creditors New
Money  Contribution).  After LNBRB has caused all allowed  professional  fees
and expenses to be paid out of the  $1,035,000  to be paid into the
Professional  Fee Account by the  Reorganized  Debtor on the Effective
Date, LNBRB will turn over the remaining  balance to the Reorganized
Debtor who will hold such funds in a segregated  interest bearing
account for the benefit of class 20 claim holders.
         All administrative  claims (i.e.,  post-bankruptcy  claims including
outstanding  professional fees and expenses and any fees and expenses owing to
the Bankruptcy  Court and the Office of the United States  Trustee) which are
either  consented to by the Debtors or  allowed by  Bankruptcy  Court  order
will  either be assumed  by the  Reorganized  Debtor and paid in the ordinary
course of the Reorganized  Debtor's  business or paid by the  Reorganized
Debtor when allowed by  Bankruptcy  Court order,  except  allowed fees and
expenses  of  professionals  which  have been  employed  in the  Debtors'
Chapter  11 cases,  exclusive  of any fees and  expenses  of FocalPoint,  which
the Reorganized  Debtor will pay in the amount allowed by the Bankruptcy Court
with the Reorganized Debtor reserving all of its rights to object to any fees
and expenses requested by FocalPoint and to object to any other  administrative
claim asserted against the Debtors.

        2.       Priority Tax Claims

         Priority tax claims  include  certain  unsecured  income,  employment
and other taxes  described by Section  507(a)(8) of the Bankruptcy  Code.  The
Bankruptcy  Code requires that each holder of such a Section  507(a)(8)
priority tax claim receive the present value of such claim in deferred  cash
payments,  over a period not  exceeding  six years from the date of the
assessment of such tax. The Debtors  estimate that there are a total of
approximately  $571,973.16 of  pre-petition  sales taxes which the Debtors
believe are entitled to priority  under  Section 507 of the  Bankruptcy  Code.
The  Debtors are not aware of any other  priority  tax claims.  All allowed
Section  507(a)(8)  priority  tax claims will be paid in full with  interest
at the rate of six (6) percent (6%) per annum (or such other rate of interest
as determined by the  Bankruptcy  Court) over a period of six years from the
date of assessment of such tax claims, with such payments to be made on an
annual basis.
        C.       Classified Claims and Interests

                1.       Classes of Secured Claims
                  Secured  claims are claims  secured by liens on property of
the estate.  Wells is not impaired under this Plan and is therefore  deemed to
have voted to accept  this Plan.  Junior  Secured  Creditors  (Classes 2
through 18,  inclusive)  had the right to accept the treatment  offered them
under the Original Plan or to elect  cramdown  treatment if they timely voted
to reject the Original Plan. The Original Plan provided  that Junior  Secured
Creditors who did not timely vote on the Original Plan would be deemed to have
voted to accept the Original  Plan.  All of the Junior  Secured  Creditors
either voted to accept the Original  Plan or did not timely vote on the
Original  Plan and  therefore  are deemed to have voted to accept the Original
Plan.  The  following  charts set forth the description and treatment of each
of the Debtors' known secured claims.

        =============== ============================= ================== =======================================
        CLASS #         DESCRIPTION                   IMPAIRED                  TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
              1         The allowed secured claim     NotImpaired;              Pursuant to the Bankruptcy Court
                        of Wells                      allowed claim             order approving the post-petition
                                                      in                        financing provided to the Debtors by
                        Because the Debtors pay all   this                      Wells, the Debtors are required to
                        of their sales proceeds to    class                     pay Wells in cash in full on the
                        Wells and borrow money from   is not  entitled to       Effective Date unless Wells agrees to
                        Wells on a daily basis, the   vote                      the contrary.  As described above,
                        Debtors' outstanding          on                        BDH has requested Wells to provide
                        indebtedness owing to Wells   this Plan.                the Reorganized Debtor with
                        changes on a daily basis.                               post-confirmation financing.  If
                        On October 31, 2003, the                                Wells is unwilling to provide the
                        outstanding indebtedness                               Reorganized Debtor with
                        owing to Wells was                                      post-confirmation financing, the
                        $9,363,883.60.  As set                                  Reorganized Debtor will obtain an
                        forth in Exhibit "F" to the                             alternative lender to provide the
                        Disclosure Statement, the                               Reorganized Debtor with
                        Debtors estimate that the                               post-confirmation financing, and the
                        outstanding indebtedness                                Reorganized Debtor will pay the
                        owing to Wells on January                               outstanding indebtedness owing to
                        31, 2004 will be                                        Wells on the Effective Date in cash
                        approximately $5,598,685                                in full out of the refinancing
                        (which is a substantially                               proceeds.
                        reduced sum from the
                        average loan balance during
                        the year resulting from
                        payment of the Debtors'
                        holiday sales proceeds to
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

        =============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #      DESCRIPTION                        IMPAIRED             TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
              2         The allowed secured claim     Impaired;allowed   On the Effective Date, RR Growth will
                        of RR Growth                  claim              receive its pro rata share of the
                                                      in                 Junior Secured Creditors New Money
                        The total secured claim of    this               Contribution (the "RR Growth Cash
                        RR Growth is approximately    class              Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        $3,192,551, including         was entitled       will be computed by dividing the
                        accrued interest up until     to vote            total secured claim of RR Growth by
                        the date of the Debtors'      on                 the total amount of secured claims
                        bankruptcy filings.           this Plan.         held by all of the Junior Secured
                        However, under Section                           Creditors after subtracting the
                        506(c) of the Bankruptcy                         payment of the SCI Stock Proceeds
                        Code, the claim of RR                            from the amount of secured claims
                        Growth is treated as                             held by the $2.5 Million Junior
                        secured only up to the                           Secured Creditors (the "RR Growth
                        value of the collateral                          Percentage") and multiplying the RR
                        which secures that claim                         Growth Percentage by $1,265,000.  The
                        and is treated as a general                      Debtors estimate that the RR Growth
                        unsecured claim (i.e.,                           Cash Distribution will be in the
                        class 20) for the balance.                       amount of $470,780.

                        All of the Junior Secured                        In addition to the RR Growth Cash
                        Creditors are on a pari                          Distribution, RR Growth will receive
                        passu basis with respect to                      (i) a promissory note from the
                        the collateral which                             Reorganized Debtor (the "RR Growth
                        secures their claims (the                        Promissory Note") with a principal
                        "Junior Secured Creditors                        amount equal to the figure obtained
                        Collateral"), except with                        by multiplying the RR Growth Share
                        respect to the SCI Stock                         Percentage by $3,279,000, which
                        Proceeds as described                            amount is estimated to be $1,220,358
                        above, and subject to the                        and (ii) a pro-rata number of shares
                        senior lien of Wells.                            of the Junior Secured Creditors Stock
                                                                         determined by multiplying the RR
                                                                         Growth Percentage by the total number
                                                                         of all shares of Junior Secured
                                                                         Creditors Stock to be issued to all
                                                                         Junior Secured Creditors.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

                                                                         The RR Growth Promissory Note will
                                                                         have the following additional
                                                                         features: (i) the RR Growth
                                                                         Promissory Note will bear interest at
                                                                         the rate of 7% per annum, (ii)
                                                                         interest will be paid on the RR
                                                                         Growth Promissory Note on a quarterly
                                                                         basis, (iii) the RR Growth Promissory
                                                                         Note will have a term of six years,
                                                                         (iv) prepayments may be made without
                                                                         any penalty, and (v) RR Growth would
                                                                         receive its pro rata share of the
                                                                         following mandatory principal
                                                                         payments which will be made in the
                                                                         aggregate to all Junior Secured
                                                                         Creditors: $550,000 at the end of
                                                                         each of years 2, 3, 4 and 5 and the
                                                                         remaining principal balance of
                                                                         $1,079,000 and any unpaid interest
                                                                         will be due and payable at the end of
                                                                         the six-year term.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         The Reorganized Debtor's obligations
                                                                         to RR Growth under the RR Growth
                                                                         Promissory Note will be secured by
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Lien.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, the RR
                                                                         Growth shall have a one time right to
                                                                         (i) exchange all or a portion of the
                                                                         then unpaid principal balance of the
                                                                         RR Growth Promissory Note for BDH
                                                                         common stock at an exchange price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share, and/or (ii) put up
                                                                         to 50% of the then outstanding
                                                                         principal balance of the RR Growth
                                                                         Promissory Note to BDH for cash equal
                                                                         to 80% of that portion of the
                                                                         principal balance of the RR Growth
                                                                         Promissory Note which has been put to

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, RR Growth
                                                                         shall have the right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock into BDH
                                                                         common stock at a conversion price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share using a valuation of
                                                                         $645,000 for all of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock, or (ii) put
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor for cash in the
                                                                         aggregate amount of $645,000 for all
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors Stock.

                                                                         The foregoing treatment of RR
                                                                         Growth's class 2 claim shall be in
                                                                         full settlement and satisfaction of
                                                                         such class 2 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

        =============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #      DESCRIPTION                   IMPAIRED                   TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
              3         The allowed secured claim     Impaired; allowed  On the Effective Date, Stratford will
                        of Stratford                  claim              receive its pro rata share of the
                                                      in                 Junior Secured Creditors New Money
                        The total secured claim of    this               Contribution (the "Stratford Cash
                        Stratford is approximately    class              Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        $3,192,551, including         was  entitled      will be computed by dividing the
                        accrued interest up until     to vote            total secured claim of Stratford by
                        the date of the Debtors'      on                 the total amount of secured claims
                        bankruptcy filings.           this Plan.         held by all of the Junior Secured
                        However, under Section                           Creditors after subtracting the
                        506(c) of the Bankruptcy                         payment of the SCI Stock Proceeds
                        Code, the claim of                               from the amount of secured claims
                        Stratford is treated as                          held by the $2.5 Million Junior
                        secured only up to the                           Secured Creditors (the "Stratford
                        value of the collateral                          Percentage") and multiplying the
                        which secures that claim                         Stratford Percentage by $1,265,000.
                        and is treated as a general                      The Debtors estimate that the
                        unsecured claim (i.e.,                           Stratford Cash Distribution will be
                        class 20) for the balance.                       in the amount of $470,780.

                        All of the Junior Secured                        In addition to the Stratford Cash
                        Creditors are on a pari                          Distribution, Stratford will receive
                        passu basis with respect to                      (i) a promissory note from the
                        the Junior Secured                               Reorganized Debtor (the "Stratford
                        Creditors Collateral,                            Promissory Note") with a principal
                        except with respect to the                       amount equal to the figure obtained
                        SCI Stock Proceeds as                            by multiplying the Stratford
                        described above, and                             Percentage by $3,279,000, which
                        subject to the senior lien                       amount is estimated to be $1,220,358
                        of Wells.                                        and (ii) a pro-rata number of shares
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors Stock
                                                                         determined by multiplying
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         the Stratford Percentage by the total
                                                                         number of all shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock to be issued
                                                                         to all Junior Secured Creditors.

                                                                         The Stratford Promissory Note will
                                                                         have the following additional
                                                                         features: (i) the Stratford
                                                                         Promissory Note will bear interest at
                                                                         the rate of 7% per annum, (ii)
                                                                         interest will be paid on the
                                                                         Stratford Promissory Note on a
                                                                         quarterly basis, (iii) the Stratford
                                                                         Promissory Note will have a term of
                                                                         six years, (iv) prepayments may be
                                                                         made without any penalty, and (v)
                                                                         Stratford would receive its pro rata
                                                                         share of the following mandatory
                                                                         principal payments which would be
                                                                         made in the aggregate to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors: $550,000 at the
                                                                         end of each of years 2, 3, 4 and 5
                                                                         and the remaining principal balance
                                                                         of $1,079,000 and any unpaid interest
                                                                         will be due and payable at the end of
                                                                         the six-year term.

                                                                         The Reorganized Debtor's obligations
                                                                         to Stratford under the Stratford
                                                                         Promissory Note will be secured by
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Lien.

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Stratford
                                                                         shall have a one time right to (i)
                                                                         exchange all or a portion of the then
                                                                         unpaid principal balance of the
                                                                         Stratford Promissory Note for BDH
                                                                         common stock at an exchange price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share, and/or (ii) put up
                                                                         to 50% of the then outstanding
                                                                         principal balance of the Stratford
                                                                         Promissory Note to BDH for cash equal
                                                                         to 80% of that portion of the
                                                                         principal balance of the Stratford
                                                                         Promissory Note which has been put to

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Stratford
                                                                         shall have the right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock into BDH
                                                                         common stock at a conversion price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share using a valuation of
                                                                         $645,000 for all of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock, or (ii) put
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor for cash in the
                                                                         aggregate amount of $645,000 for all
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors Stock.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         The foregoing treatment of
                                                                         Stratford's class 3 claim shall be in
                                                                         full settlement and satisfaction of
                                                                         such class 3 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

        =============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #      DESCRIPTION                        IMPAIRED      TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
              4         The allowed secured claim     Impaired;allowed   On the Effective Date, Cornerstone
                        of Cornerstone                claim              will receive its pro rata share of
                                                      in                 the $610,000 SCI Stock Proceeds (the
                        The total secured claim of    this               "Cornerstone SCI Stock Proceeds
                        Cornerstone is                class              Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        approximately $827,580,       was  entitled      will be computed by dividing the
                        including accrued interest    to vote            total secured claim of Cornerstone by
                        up until the date of the      on                 the total amount of the secured
                        Debtors' bankruptcy           this Plan.         claims held by the $2.5 Million
                        filings.  However, under                         Junior Secured Creditors  (the
                        Section 506(c) of the                            "Cornerstone Percentage") and
                        Bankruptcy Code, the claim                       multiplying the Cornerstone
                        of Cornerstone is treated                        Percentage by $610,000.  The Debtors
                        as secured only up to the                        estimate that the Cornerstone SCI
                        value of the collateral                          Stock Proceeds Distribution will be
                        which secures that claim                         in the amount of $180,100.
                        and is treated as a general
                        unsecured claim (i.e.,                           On the Effective Date, Cornerstone
                        class 20) for the balance.                       will also receive its pro rata share
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors New
                        All of the Junior Secured                        Money Contribution (the "Cornerstone
                        Creditors are on a pari                          Cash Distribution").  This pro rata
                        passu basis with respect to                      share would be computed by
                        the Junior Secured                               multiplying the Cornerstone
                        Creditors Collateral,                            Percentage by $1,265,000.  The
                        except with respect to the                       Debtors estimate that the Cornerstone
                        SCI Stock Proceeds as                            Cash Distribution will be in the
                        described above, and                             amount of $95,482.
                        subject to the senior lien
                        of Wells.                                        In addition to the Cornerstone SCI
                                                                         Stock Proceeds Distribution and the
                                                                         Cornerstone Cash
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         Distribution, Cornerstone will
                                                                         receive (i) a promissory note from
                                                                         the Reorganized Debtor (the
                                                                         "Cornerstone Promissory Note") with a
                                                                         principal amount equal to the figure
                                                                         obtained by multiplying the
                                                                         Cornerstone Percentage by $3,279,000,
                                                                         which amount is estimated to be
                                                                         $247,500 and (ii) a pro-rata number
                                                                         of shares of the Junior Secured
                                                                         Creditors Stock determined by
                                                                         multiplying the Cornerstone Share
                                                                         Percentage by the total number of all
                                                                         shares of Junior Secured Creditors
                                                                         Stock to be issued to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors.

                                                                         The Cornerstone Promissory Note will
                                                                         have the following additional
                                                                         features: (i) the Cornerstone
                                                                         Promissory Note will bear interest at
                                                                         the rate of 7% per annum, (ii)
                                                                         interest will be paid on the
                                                                         Cornerstone Promissory Note on a
                                                                         quarterly basis, (iii) the
                                                                         Cornerstone Promissory Note will have
                                                                         a term of six years, (iv) prepayments
                                                                         may be made without any penalty, and
                                                                         (v) Cornerstone would receive its pro
                                                                         rata share of the following mandatory
                                                                         principal payments which would be
                                                                         made in the aggregate to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors: $550,000 at the
                                                                         end of each of years 2, 3, 4 and 5
                                                                         and the remaining principal balance
                                                                         of $1,079,000 and any unpaid interest
                                                                         will be due and payable at the end of
                                                                         the six-year term.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         The Reorganized Debtor's obligations
                                                                         to Cornerstone under the Cornerstone
                                                                         Promissory Note will be secured by
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Lien.

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004,
                                                                         Cornerstone shall have a one time
                                                                         right to (i) exchange all or a
                                                                         portion of the then unpaid principal
                                                                         balance of the Cornerstone Promissory
                                                                         Note for BDH common stock at an
                                                                         exchange price of $4.35 per share,
                                                                         and/or (ii) put up to 50% of the then
                                                                         outstanding principal balance of the
                                                                         Cornerstone Promissory Note to BDH
                                                                         for cash equal to 80% of that portion
                                                                         of the principal balance of the
                                                                         Cornerstone Promissory Note which has
                                                                         been put to BDH.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004,
                                                                         Cornerstone shall have the right to
                                                                         (i) exchange all then owned shares of
                                                                         Junior Secured Creditors Stock into
                                                                         BDH common stock at a conversion
                                                                         price of $4.35 per share using a
                                                                         valuation of $645,000 for all of the
                                                                         Junior Secured Creditors Stock, or
                                                                         (ii) put all then owned shares of
                                                                         Junior Secured Creditors Stock to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor for cash in the
                                                                         aggregate amount of $645,000 for all
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors Stock.

                                                                         The foregoing treatment of
                                                                         Cornerstone's class 4 claim shall be
                                                                         in full settlement and satisfaction
                                                                        of such class 4 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

    =============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #      DESCRIPTION                        IMPAIRED      TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
              5         The allowed secured claim     Impaired;allowed   On the Effective Date, Provender will
                        of Provender                  claim              receive its pro rata share of the
                                                      in                 $610,000 SCI Stock Proceeds (the
                        The total secured claim of    this               "Provender SCI Stock Proceeds
                        Provender is approximately    class              Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        $241,825, including accrued   is  entitled       will be computed by dividing the
                        interest up until the date    to vote            total secured claim of Provender by
                        of the Debtors' bankruptcy    on                 the total amount of the secured
                        filings.  However, under      this Plan.         claims held by the $2.5 Million
                        Section 506(c) of the                            Junior Secured Creditors  (the
                        Bankruptcy Code, the claim                       "Provender Percentage") and
                        of Provender is treated as                       multiplying the Provender Percentage
                        secured only up to the                           by $610,000.  The Debtors estimate
                        value of the collateral                          that the Provender SCI Stock Proceeds
                        which secures that claim                         Distribution will be in the amount of
                        and is treated as a general                      $52,627.
                        unsecured claim (i.e.,
                        class 20) for the balance.                       On the Effective Date, Provender will
                                                                         also receive its pro rata share of
                        All of the Junior Secured                        the Junior Secured Creditors New
                        Creditors are on a pari                          Money Contribution (the "Provender
                        passu basis with respect to                      Cash Distribution").  This pro rata
                        the Junior Secured                               share would be computed by
                        Creditors Collateral,                            multiplying the Provender Percentage
                        except with respect to the                       by $1,265,000.  The Debtors estimate
                        SCI Stock Proceeds as                            that the Provender Cash Distribution
                        described above, and                             will be in the amount of $27,901.
                        subject to the senior lien
                        of Wells.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         In addition to the Provender SCI
                                                                         Stock Proceeds Distribution and the
                                                                         Provender Cash Distribution,
                                                                         Provender will receive (i) a
                                                                         promissory note from the Reorganized
                                                                         Debtor (the "Provender Promissory
                                                                         Note") with a principal amount equal
                                                                         to the figure obtained by multiplying
                                                                         the Provender Percentage by
                                                                         $3,279,000, which amount is estimated
                                                                         to be $72,322 and (ii) a pro-rata
                                                                         number of shares of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock determined by
                                                                         multiplying the Provender Percentage
                                                                         by the total number of all shares of
                                                                         Junior Secured Creditors Stock to be
                                                                         issued to all Junior Secured

                                                                         The Provender Promissory Note will
                                                                         have the following additional
                                                                         features: (i) the Provender
                                                                         Promissory Note will bear interest at
                                                                         the rate of 7% per annum, (ii)
                                                                         interest will be paid on the
                                                                         Provender Promissory Note on a
                                                                         quarterly basis, (iii) the Provender
                                                                         Promissory Note will have a term of
                                                                         six years, (iv) prepayments may be
                                                                         made without any penalty, and (v)
                                                                         Provender would receive its pro rata
                                                                         share of the following mandatory
                                                                         principal payments which would be
                                                                         made in the aggregate to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors: $550,000 at the
                                                                         end of each of years 2, 3, 4 and 5
                                                                         and the remaining principal balance
                                                                         of $1,079,000 and any unpaid interest
                                                                         will be due and payable at the end of
                                                                         the six-year term.

                                                                         The Reorganized Debtor's obligations
                                                                         to Provender under the Provender
                                                                         Promissory Note will be secured by
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Lien.

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Provender
                                                                         shall have a one time right to (i)
                                                                         exchange all or a portion of the then
                                                                         unpaid principal balance of the
                                                                         Provender Promissory Note for BDH
                                                                         common stock at an exchange price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share, and/or (ii) put up
                                                                         to 50% of the then outstanding
                                                                         principal balance of the Provender
                                                                         Promissory Note to BDH for cash equal
                                                                         to 80% of that portion of the
                                                                         principal balance of the Provender
                                                                         Promissory Note which has been put to

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Provender
                                                                         shall have the right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock into BDH
                                                                         common stock at a conversion price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share using a valuation of
                                                                         $645,000 for all of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock, or (ii) put
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor for cash in the
                                                                         aggregate amount of $645,000 for all
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors Stock.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         The foregoing treatment of
                                                                         Provender's class 5 claim shall be in
                                                                         full settlement and satisfaction of
                                                                         such class 5 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

        =============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #      DESCRIPTION                     IMPAIRED               TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
           6            The allowed secured claim     Impaired;allowed   On the Effective Date, Jim will
                        of Jim                        claim              receive his pro rata share of the
                                                      in                 $610,000 SCI Stock Proceeds (the "Jim
                        The total secured claim of    this               SCI Stock Proceeds Distribution").
                        Jim is approximately          class              This pro rata share will be computed
                        $765,251, including accrued   was entitled       by dividing Jim's total secured claim
                        interest up until the date    to vote            by the total amount of the secured
                        of the Debtors' bankruptcy    on                 claims held by the $2.5 Million
                        filings.  However, under      this Plan.         Junior Secured Creditors  (the "Jim
                        Section 506(c) of the                            Percentage") and multiplying the Jim
                        Bankruptcy Code, the claim                       Percentage by $610,000.  The Debtors
                        of Jim is treated as                             estimate that the Jim SCI Stock
                        secured only up to the                           Proceeds Distribution will be in the
                        value of the collateral                          amount of $166,536.
                        which secures that claim
                        and is treated as a general                      On the Effective Date, Jim will also
                        unsecured claim (i.e.,                           receive his pro rata share of the
                        class 20) for the balance.                       Junior Secured Creditors New Money
                                                                         Contribution (the "Jim Cash
                        All of the Junior Secured                        Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        Creditors are on a pari                          would be computed by multiplying the
                        passu basis with respect to                      Jim Percentage by $1,265,000.  The
                        the Junior Secured                               Debtors estimate that the Jim Cash
                        Creditors Collateral,                            Distribution will be in the amount of
                        except with respect to the                       $88,290.
                        SCI Stock Proceeds as
                        described above, and
                        subject to the senior lien
                        of Wells.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         In addition to the Jim SCI Stock
                                                                         Proceeds Distribution and the Jim
                                                                         Cash Distribution, Jim will receive
                                                                         (i) a promissory note from the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor (the "Jim
                                                                         Promissory Note") with a principal
                                                                         amount equal to the figure obtained
                                                                         by multiplying the Jim Percentage by
                                                                         $3,279,000, which amount is estimated
                                                                         to be $228,860 and (ii) a pro-rata
                                                                         number of shares of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock determined by
                                                                         multiplying the Jim Percentage by the
                                                                         total number of all shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock to be issued
                                                                         to all Junior Secured Creditors.

                                                                         The Jim Promissory Note will have the
                                                                         following additional features: (i)
                                                                         the Jim Promissory Note will bear
                                                                         interest at the rate of 7% per annum,
                                                                         (ii) interest will be paid on the Jim
                                                                         Promissory Note on a quarterly basis,
                                                                         (iii) the Jim Promissory Note will
                                                                         have a term of six years, (iv)
                                                                         prepayments may be made without any
                                                                         penalty, and (v) Jim would receive
                                                                         his pro rata share of the following
                                                                         mandatory early principal payments
                                                                         which would be made in the aggregate
                                                                         to all Junior Secured Creditors if
                                                                         they all voted to accept this Plan:
                                                                         $550,000 at the end of each of years
                                                                         2, 3, 4 and 5 and the remaining
                                                                         principal balance of $1,079,000 and
                                                                         any unpaid interest will be due and
                                                                         payable at the end of the six-year

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         The Reorganized Debtor's obligations
                                                                         to Jim under the Jim Promissory Note
                                                                         will be secured by the Junior Secured
                                                                         Creditors Lien.

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Jim shall
                                                                         have a one time right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all or a portion of the then unpaid
                                                                         principal balance of the Jim
                                                                         Promissory Note for BDH common stock
                                                                         at an exchange price of $4.35 per
                                                                         share, and/or (ii) put up to 50% of
                                                                         the then outstanding principal
                                                                         balance of the Jim Promissory Note to
                                                                         BDH for cash equal to 80% of that
                                                                         portion of the principal balance of
                                                                         the Jim Promissory Note which has
                                                                         been put to BDH.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Jim shall
                                                                         have the right to (i) exchange all
                                                                         then owned shares of Junior Secured
                                                                         Creditors Stock into BDH common stock
                                                                         at a conversion price of $4.35 per
                                                                         share using a valuation of $645,000
                                                                         for all of the Junior Secured
                                                                         Creditors Stock, or (ii) put all then
                                                                         owned shares of Junior Secured
                                                                         Creditors Stock to the Reorganized
                                                                         Debtor for cash in the aggregate
                                                                         amount of $645,000 for all of the
                                                                         Junior Secured Creditors Stock.

                                                                         The foregoing treatment of Jim's
                                                                         class 6 claim shall be in full
                                                                         settlement and satisfaction of such
                                                                         class 6 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

      =============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #      DESCRIPTION                        IMPAIRED      TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
           7            The allowed secured claim     Impaired;allowed   On the Effective Date, Harry will
                        of Harry Adler ("Harry")      claim              receive his pro rata share of the
                                                      in                 $610,000 SCI Stock Proceeds (the
                        The total secured claim of    this               "Harry SCI Stock Proceeds
                        Harry is approximately        class              Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        $111,138, including accrued   wasentitled        will be computed by dividing Harry's
                        interest up until the date    to vote            total secured claim by the total
                        of the Debtors' bankruptcy    on                 amount of the secured claims held by
                        filings.  However, under      this Plan.         the $2.5 Million Junior Secured
                        Section 506(c) of the                            Creditors  (the "Harry Percentage")
                        Bankruptcy Code, the claim                       and multiplying the Harry Percentage
                        of Harry is treated as                           by $610,000.  The Debtors estimate
                        secured only up to the                           that the Harry SCI Stock Proceeds
                        value of the collateral                          Distribution will be in the amount of
                        which secures that claim                         $24,186.
                        and is treated as a general
                        unsecured claim (i.e.,                           On the Effective Date, Harry will
                        class 20) for the balance.                       also receive his pro rata share of
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors New
                        All of the Junior Secured                        Money Contribution (the "Harry Cash
                        Creditors are on a pari                          Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        passu basis with respect to                      would be computed by multiplying the
                        the Junior Secured                               Harry Percentage by $1,265,000.  The
                        Creditors Collateral,                            Debtors estimate that the Harry Cash
                        except with respect to the                       Distribution will be in the amount of
                        SCI Stock Proceeds as                            $12,822.
                        described above, and
                        subject to the senior lien                       In addition to the Harry SCI Stock
                        of Wells.                                        Proceeds Distribution and the Harry
                                                                         Cash Distribution, Harry will receive
                                                                         (i) a promissory

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         note from the Reorganized Debtor (the
                                                                         "Harry Promissory Note") with a
                                                                         principal amount equal to the figure
                                                                         obtained by multiplying the Harry
                                                                         Percentage by $3,279,000, which
                                                                         amount is estimated to be $33,237 and
                                                                         (ii) a pro-rata number of shares of
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Stock
                                                                         determined by multiplying the Harry
                                                                         Percentage by the total number of all
                                                                         shares of Junior Secured Creditors
                                                                         Stock to be issued to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors.

                                                                         The Harry Promissory Note will have
                                                                         the following additional features:
                                                                         (i) the Harry Promissory Note will
                                                                         bear interest at the rate of 7% per
                                                                         annum, (ii) interest will be paid on
                                                                         the Harry Promissory Note on a
                                                                         quarterly basis, (iii) the Harry
                                                                         Promissory Note will have a term of
                                                                         six years, (iv) prepayments may be
                                                                         made without any penalty, and (v)
                                                                         Harry would receive his pro rata
                                                                         share of the following mandatory
                                                                         principal payments which would be
                                                                         made in the aggregate to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors: $550,000 at the
                                                                         end of each of years 2, 3, 4 and 5
                                                                         and the remaining principal balance
                                                                         of $1,079,000 and any unpaid interest
                                                                         will be due and payable at the end of
                                                                         the six-year term.

                                                                         The Reorganized Debtor's obligations
                                                                         to Harry under the Harry Promissory
                                                                         Note will be secured by the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Lien.

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Harry
                                                                         shall have a one time right to (i)
                                                                         exchange all or a portion of the then
                                                                         unpaid principal balance of the Harry
                                                                         Promissory Note for BDH common stock
                                                                         at an exchange price of $4.35 per
                                                                         share, and/or (ii) put up to 50% of
                                                                         the then outstanding principal
                                                                         balance of the Harry Promissory Note
                                                                         to BDH for cash equal to 80% of that
                                                                         portion of the principal balance of
                                                                         the Harry Promissory Note which has
                                                                         been put to BDH.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Harry
                                                                         shall have the right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock into BDH
                                                                         common stock at a conversion price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share using a valuation of
                                                                         $645,000 for all of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock, or (ii) put
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor for cash in the
                                                                         aggregate amount of $645,000 for all
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors Stock.

                                                                         The foregoing treatment of Harry's
                                                                         class 7 claim shall be in full
                                                                         settlement and satisfaction of such
                                                                         class 7 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

  =============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #      DESCRIPTION                        IMPAIRED      TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
           8            The allowed secured claim     Impaired;allowed   On the Effective Date, Milne will
                        of Greg Milne ("Milne")       claim              receive his pro rata share of the
                                                      in                 $610,000 SCI Stock Proceeds (the
                        The total secured claim of    this               "Milne SCI Stock Proceeds
                        Milne is approximately        class              Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        $11,114, including accrued    was  entitled      will be computed by dividing Milne's
                        interest up until the date    to vote            total secured claim by the total
                        of the Debtors' bankruptcy    on                 amount of the secured claims held by
                        filings.  However, under      this Plan.         the $2.5 Million Junior Secured
                        Section 506(c) of the                            Creditors  (the "Milne Percentage")
                        Bankruptcy Code, Milne's                         and multiplying the Milne Percentage
                        claim is treated as secured                      by $610,000.  The Debtors estimate
                        only up to the value of the                      that the Milne SCI Stock Proceeds
                        collateral which secures                         Distribution will be in the amount of
                        that claim and is treated                        $2,419.
                        as a general unsecured
                        claim (i.e., class 20) for                       On the Effective Date, Milne will
                        the balance.                                     also receive his pro rata share of
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors New
                        All of the Junior Secured                        Money Contribution (the "Milne Cash
                        Creditors are on a pari                          Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        passu basis with respect to                      would be computed by multiplying the
                        the Junior Secured                               Milne Percentage by $1,265,000.  The
                        Creditors Collateral,                            Debtors estimate that the Milne Cash
                        except with respect to the                       Distribution will be in the amount of
                        SCI Stock Proceeds as                            $1,282.
                        described above, and
                        subject to the senior lien                       In addition to the Milne SCI Stock
                        of Wells.                                        Proceeds Distribution and the Milne
                                                                         Cash Distribution,
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         Milne will receive (i) a promissory
                                                                         note from the Reorganized Debtor (the
                                                                         "Milne Promissory Note") with a
                                                                         principal amount equal to the figure
                                                                         obtained by multiplying the Milne
                                                                         Percentage by $3,279,000, which
                                                                         amount is estimated to be $3,324 and
                                                                         (ii) a pro-rata number of shares of
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Stock
                                                                         determined by multiplying the Milne
                                                                         Percentage by the total number of all
                                                                         shares of Junior Secured Creditors
                                                                         Stock to be issued to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors.

                                                                         The Milne Promissory Note will have
                                                                         the following additional features:
                                                                         (i) the Milne Promissory Note will
                                                                         bear interest at the rate of 7% per
                                                                         annum, (ii) interest will be paid on
                                                                         the Milne Promissory Note on a
                                                                         quarterly basis, (iii) the Milne
                                                                         Promissory Note will have a term of
                                                                         six years, (iv) prepayments may be
                                                                         made without any penalty, and (v)
                                                                         Milne would receive its pro rata
                                                                         share of the following mandatory
                                                                         principal payments which would be
                                                                         made in the aggregate to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors: $550,000 at the
                                                                         end of each of years 2, 3, 4 and 5
                                                                         and the remaining principal balance
                                                                         of $1,079,000 and any unpaid interest
                                                                         will be due and payable at the end of
                                                                         the six-year term.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         The Reorganized Debtor's obligations
                                                                         to Milne under the Milne Promissory
                                                                         Note will be secured by the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Lien.

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Milne
                                                                         shall have a one time right to (i)
                                                                         exchange all or a portion of the then
                                                                         unpaid principal balance of the Milne
                                                                         Promissory Note for BDH common stock
                                                                         at an exchange price of $4.35 per
                                                                         share, and/or (ii) put up to 50% of
                                                                         the then outstanding principal
                                                                         balance of the Milne Promissory Note
                                                                         to BDH for cash equal to 80% of that
                                                                         portion of the principal balance of
                                                                         the Milne Promissory Note which has
                                                                        been put to BDH.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Milne
                                                                         shall have the right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock into BDH
                                                                         common stock at a conversion price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share using a valuation of
                                                                         $645,000 for all of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock, or (ii) put
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor for cash in the
                                                                         aggregate amount of $645,000 for all
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors Stock.

                                                                         The foregoing treatment of Milne's
                                                                         class 8 claim shall be in full
                                                                         settlement and satisfaction of such
                                                                         class 8 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

        =============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #      DESCRIPTION                        IMPAIRED      TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
           9            The allowed secured claim     Impaired;allowed   On the Effective Date, Zuckerman will
                        of Dan Zuckerman              claim              receive his pro rata share of the
                        ("Zuckerman")                 in                 $610,000 SCI Stock Proceeds (the
                                                      this               "Zuckerman SCI Stock Proceeds
                        The total secured claim of    class              Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        Zuckerman is approximately    was  entitled      will be computed by dividing
                        $11,114, including accrued    to vote            Zuckerman's total secured claim by
                        interest up until the date    on                 the total amount of the secured
                        of the Debtors' bankruptcy    this Plan.         claims held by the $2.5 Million
                        filings.  However, under                         Junior Secured Creditors  (the
                        Section 506(c) of the                            "Zuckerman Percentage") and
                        Bankruptcy Code,                                 multiplying the Zuckerman Percentage
                        Zuckerman's claim is                             by $610,000.  The Debtors estimate
                        treated as secured only up                       that the Zuckerman SCI Stock Proceeds
                        to the value of the                              Distribution will be in the amount of
                        collateral which secures                         $2,419.
                        that claim and is treated
                        as a general unsecured                           On the Effective Date, Zuckerman will
                        claim (i.e., class 20) for                       also receive his pro rata share of
                        the balance.                                     the Junior Secured Creditors New
                                                                         Money Contribution (the "Zuckerman
                        All of the Junior Secured                        Cash Distribution").  This pro rata
                        Creditors are on a pari                          share would be computed by
                        passu basis with respect to                      multiplying the Zuckerman Percentage
                        the Junior Secured                               by $1,265,000.  The Debtors estimate
                        Creditors Collateral,                            that the Zuckerman Cash Distribution
                        except with respect to the                       will be in the amount of $1,282.
                        SCI Stock Proceeds as
                        described above, and
                        subject to the senior lien
                        of Wells.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         In addition to the Zuckerman SCI
                                                                         Stock Proceeds Distribution and the
                                                                         Zuckerman Cash Distribution Zuckerman
                                                                         will receive (i) a promissory note
                                                                         from the Reorganized Debtor (the
                                                                         "Zuckerman Promissory Note") with a
                                                                         principal amount equal to the figure
                                                                         obtained by multiplying the Zuckerman
                                                                         Percentage by $3,279,000, which
                                                                         amount is estimated to be $3,324 and
                                                                         (ii) a pro-rata number of shares of
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Stock
                                                                         determined by multiplying the
                                                                         Zuckerman by the total number of all
                                                                         shares of Junior Secured Creditors
                                                                         Stock to be issued to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors.

                                                                         The Zuckerman Promissory Note will
                                                                         have the following additional
                                                                         features: (i) the Zuckerman
                                                                         Promissory Note will bear interest at
                                                                         the rate of 7% per annum, (ii)
                                                                         interest will be paid on the
                                                                         Zuckerman Promissory Note on a
                                                                         quarterly basis, (iii) the Zuckerman
                                                                         Promissory Note will have a term of
                                                                         six years, (iv) prepayments may be
                                                                         made without any penalty, and (v)
                                                                         Zuckerman would receive his pro rata
                                                                         share of the following mandatory
                                                                         principal payments which would be
                                                                         made in the aggregate to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors: $550,000 at the
                                                                         end of each of years 2, 3, 4 and 5
                                                                         and the remaining principal balance
                                                                         of $1,079,000 and any unpaid interest
                                                                         will be due and payable at the end of
                                                                         the six-year term.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         The Reorganized Debtor's obligations
                                                                         to Zuckerman under the Zuckerman
                                                                         Promissory Note will be secured by
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Lien.

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Zuckerman
                                                                         shall have a one time right to (i)
                                                                         exchange all or a portion of the then
                                                                         unpaid principal balance of the
                                                                         Zuckerman Promissory Note for BDH
                                                                         common stock at an exchange price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share, and/or (ii) put up
                                                                         to 50% of the then outstanding
                                                                         principal balance of the Zuckerman
                                                                         Promissory Note to BDH for cash equal
                                                                         to 80% of that portion of the
                                                                         principal balance of the Zuckerman
                                                                         Promissory Note which has been put to

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Zuckerman
                                                                         shall have the right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock into BDH
                                                                         common stock at a conversion price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share using a valuation of
                                                                         $645,000 for all of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock, or (ii) put
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor for cash in the
                                                                         aggregate amount of $645,000 for all
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors Stock.

                                                                         The foregoing treatment of
                                                                         Zuckerman's class 9 claim shall be in
                                                                         full settlement and satisfaction of
                                                                         such class 9 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

     =============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #      DESCRIPTION                     IMPAIRED         TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
              10        The allowed secured claim     Impaired;allowed   On the Effective Date, Nessim will
                        of Steve Nessim ("Nessim")    claim              receive his pro rata share of the
                                                      in                 $610,000 SCI Stock Proceeds (the
                        The total secured claim of    this               "Nessim SCI Stock Proceeds
                        Nessim is approximately       class              Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        $11,133, including accrued    was  entitled      will be computed by dividing Nessim's
                        interest up until the date    to vote            total secured claim by the total
                        of the Debtors' bankruptcy    on                 amount of the secured claims held by
                        filings.  However, under      this Plan.         the $2.5 Million Junior Secured
                        Section 506(c) of the                            Creditors  (the "Nessim Percentage")
                        Bankruptcy Code, Nessim's                        and multiplying the Nessim Percentage
                        claim is treated as secured                      by $610,000.  The Debtors estimate
                        only up to the value of the                      that the Nessim SCI Stock Proceeds
                        collateral which secures                         Distribution will be in the amount of
                        that claim and is treated                        $2,423.
                        as a general unsecured
                        claim (i.e., class 20) for                       On the Effective Date, Nessim will
                        the balance.                                     also receive his pro rata share of
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors New
                        All of the Junior Secured                        Money Contribution (the "Nessim Cash
                        Creditors are on a pari                          Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        passu basis with respect to                      would be computed by multiplying the
                        the Junior Secured                               Nessim Percentage by $1,265,000.  The
                        Creditors Collateral,                            Debtors estimate that the Nessim Cash
                        except with respect to the                       Distribution will be in the amount of
                        SCI Stock Proceeds as                            $1,284.
                        described above, and
                        subject to the senior lien                       In addition to the Nessim SCI Stock
                        of Wells.                                        Proceeds Distribution and the Nessim
                                                                         Cash Distribution, Nessim will
                                                                         receive (i) a promissory note from
                                                                         the Reorganized Debtor (the "Nessim
                                                                         Promissory Note") with a
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         principal amount equal to the figure
                                                                         obtained by multiplying the Nessim
                                                                         Percentage by $3,279,000, which
                                                                         amount is estimated to be $3,329 and
                                                                         (ii) a pro-rata number of shares of
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Stock
                                                                         determined by multiplying the Nessim
                                                                         Percentage by the total number of all
                                                                         shares of Junior Secured Creditors
                                                                         Stock to be issued to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors.

                                                                         The Nessim Promissory Note will have
                                                                         the following additional features:
                                                                         (i) the Nessim Promissory Note will
                                                                         bear interest at the rate of 7% per
                                                                         annum, (ii) interest will be paid on
                                                                         the Nessim Promissory Note on a
                                                                         quarterly basis, (iii) the Nessim
                                                                         Promissory Note will have a term of
                                                                         six years, (iv) prepayments may be
                                                                         made without any penalty, and (v)
                                                                         Nessim would receive its pro rata
                                                                         share of the following mandatory
                                                                         principal payments which would be
                                                                         made in the aggregate to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors: $550,000 at the
                                                                         end of each of years 2, 3, 4 and 5
                                                                         and the remaining principal balance
                                                                         of $1,079,000 and any unpaid interest
                                                                         will be due and payable at the end of
                                                                         the six-year term.

                                                                         The Reorganized Debtor's obligations
                                                                         to Nessim under the Nessim Promissory
                                                                         Note will be secured by the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Lien.

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Nessim
                                                                         shall have a one time right to (i)
                                                                         exchange all or a portion of the then
                                                                         unpaid principal balance of the
                                                                         Nessim Promissory Note for BDH common
                                                                         stock at an exchange price of $4.35
                                                                         per share, and/or (ii) put up to 50%
                                                                         of the then outstanding principal
                                                                         balance of the Nessim Promissory Note
                                                                         to BDH for cash equal to 80% of that
                                                                         portion of the principal balance of
                                                                         the Nessim Promissory Note which has
                                                                         been put to BDH.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Nessim
                                                                         shall have the right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock into BDH
                                                                         common stock at a conversion price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share using a valuation of
                                                                         $645,000 for all of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock, or (ii) put
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor for cash in the
                                                                         aggregate amount of $645,000 for all
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors Stock.

                                                                         The foregoing treatment of Nessim's
                                                                         class 10 claim shall be in full
                                                                         settlement and satisfaction of such
                                                                         class 10 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

=============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #      DESCRIPTION                   IMPAIRED           TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
              11        The allowed secured claim     Impaired; allowed  On the Effective Date, Pinney will
                        of Pinney Family 1999 Trust   claim in this      receive its pro rata share of the
                        UAD 5/29/99 ("Pinney")        class was entitled $610,000 SCI Stock Proceeds (the
                                                      to vote on this    "Pinney SCI Stock Proceeds
                        The total secured claim of    Plan.              Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        Pinney is approximately                          will be computed by dividing Pinney's
                        $22,694, including accrued                       total secured claim by the total
                        interest up until the date                       amount of the secured claims held by
                        of the Debtors' bankruptcy                       the $2.5 Million Junior Secured
                        filings.  However, under                         Creditors  (the "Pinney Percentage")
                        Section 506(c) of the                            and multiplying the Pinney Percentage
                        Bankruptcy Code, Pinney's                        by $610,000.  The Debtors estimate
                        claim is treated as secured                      that the Pinney SCI Stock Proceeds
                        only up to the value of the                      Distribution will be in the amount of
                        collateral which secures                         $4,939.
                        that claim and is treated
                        as a general unsecured                           On the Effective Date, Pinney will
                        claim (i.e., class 20) for                       also receive its pro rata share of
                        the balance.                                     the Junior Secured Creditors New
                                                                         Money Contribution (the "Pinney Cash
                        All of the Junior Secured                        Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        Creditors are on a pari                          would be computed by multiplying the
                        passu basis with respect to                      Pinney Percentage by $1,265,000.  The
                        the Junior Secured                               Debtors estimate that the Pinney Cash
                        Creditors Collateral,                            Distribution will be in the amount of
                        except with respect to the                       $2,618.
                        SCI Stock Proceeds as
                        described above, and                             In addition to the Pinney SCI Stock
                        subject to the senior lien                       Proceeds Distribution and the Pinney
                        of Wells.                                        Cash Distribution, Pinney will
                                                                         receive (i) a promissory note from
                                                                         the Reorganized

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         Debtor (the "Pinney Promissory Note")
                                                                         with a principal amount equal to the
                                                                         figure obtained by multiplying the
                                                                         Pinney Percentage by $3,279,000,
                                                                         which amount is estimated to be
                                                                         $6,786 and (ii) a pro-rata number of
                                                                         shares of the Junior Secured
                                                                         Creditors Stock determined by
                                                                         multiplying the Pinney Percentage by
                                                                         the total number of all shares of
                                                                         Junior Secured Creditors Stock to be
                                                                         issued to all Junior Secured

                                                                         The Pinney Promissory Note will have
                                                                         the following additional features:
                                                                         (i) the Pinney Promissory Note will
                                                                         bear interest at the rate of 7% per
                                                                         annum, (ii) interest will be paid on
                                                                         the Pinney Promissory Note on a
                                                                         quarterly basis, (iii) the Pinney
                                                                         Promissory Note will have a term of
                                                                         six years, (iv) prepayments may be
                                                                         made without any penalty, and (v)
                                                                         Pinney would receive its pro rata
                                                                         share of the following mandatory
                                                                         principal payments which would be
                                                                         made in the aggregate to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors: $550,000 at the
                                                                         end of each of years 2, 3, 4 and 5
                                                                         and the remaining principal balance
                                                                         of $1,079,000 and any unpaid interest
                                                                         will be due and payable at the end of
                                                                         the six-year term.

                                                                         The Reorganized Debtor's obligations
                                                                         to Pinney under the Pinney Promissory
                                                                         Note will be secured by the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Lien.

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Pinney
                                                                         shall have a one time right to (i)
                                                                         exchange all or a portion of the then
                                                                         unpaid principal balance of the
                                                                         Pinney Promissory Note for BDH common
                                                                         stock at an exchange price of $4.35
                                                                         per share, and/or (ii) put up to 50%
                                                                         of the then outstanding principal
                                                                         balance of the Pinney Promissory Note
                                                                         to BDH for cash equal to 80% of that
                                                                         portion of the principal balance of
                                                                         the Pinney Promissory Note which has
                                                                         been put to BDH.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Pinney
                                                                         shall have the right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock into BDH
                                                                         common stock at a conversion price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share using a valuation of
                                                                         $645,000 for all of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock, or (ii) put
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor for cash in the
                                                                         aggregate amount of $645,000 for all
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors

                                                                         The foregoing treatment of Pinney's
                                                                         class 11 claim shall be in full
                                                                         settlement and satisfaction of such
                                                                         class 11 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

        =============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #      DESCRIPTION                   IMPAIRED                         TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
              12        The allowed secured claim     Impaired; allowed  On the Effective  Date,  Appleton will
                        of Candice E. Appleton        claim in this      receive  its  pro  rata  share  of the
                        Family Trust dated October    class was entitled $610,000  SCI  Stock   Proceeds   (the
                        15, 2002 ("Appleton")         to vote on this    "Appleton    SCI    Stock     Proceeds
                                                      Plan.              Distribution").  This pro  rata  share
                        The total secured claim of                       will   be    computed    by   dividing
                        Appleton is approximately                        Appleton's  total secured claim by the
                        $18,648, including accrued                       total  amount  of the  secured  claims
                        interest up until the date                       held  by  the  $2.5   Million   Junior
                        of the Debtors' bankruptcy                       Secured   Creditors   (the   "Appleton
                        filings.  However, under                         Percentage")   and   multiplying   the
                        Section 506(c) of the                            Appleton  Percentage by $610,000.  The
                        Bankruptcy Code, Appleton's                      Debtors  estimate  that  the  Appleton
                        claim is treated as secured                      SCI Stock Proceeds  Distribution  will
                        only up to the value of the                      be in the amount of $4,058.
                        collateral which secures
                        that claim and is treated                        On the Effective  Date,  Appleton will
                        as a general unsecured                           also  receive  its pro  rata  share of
                        claim (i.e., class 20) for                       the  Junior   Secured   Creditors  New
                        the balance.                                     Money   Contribution   (the  "Appleton
                                                                         Cash  Distribution").  This  pro  rata
                        All of the Junior Secured                        share    would    be    computed    by
                        Creditors are on a pari                          multiplying  the  Appleton  Percentage
                        passu basis with respect to                      by  $1,265,000.  The Debtors  estimate
                        the Junior Secured                               that the  Appleton  Cash  Distribution
                        Creditors Collateral,                            will be in the amount of $2,152.
                        except with respect to the
                        SCI Stock Proceeds as                            In addition to the  Appleton SCI Stock
                        described above, and                             Proceeds    Distribution    and    the
                        subject to the senior lien                       Appleton Cash  Distribution,  Appleton
                        of Wells.                                        will  receive  (i) a  promissory  note
                                                                         from  the   Reorganized   Debtor  (the
                                                                         "Appleton  Promissory  Note")  with  a
                                                                         principal  amount  equal to the figure
                                                                         obtained by  multiplying  the Appleton
                                                                         Percentage by $3,279,000,
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         which amount is estimated to be
                                                                         $5,576 and (ii) a pro-rata number of
                                                                         shares of the Junior Secured
                                                                         Creditors Stock determined by
                                                                         multiplying the Appleton Percentage
                                                                         by the total number of all shares of
                                                                         Junior Secured Creditors Stock to be
                                                                         issued to all Junior Secured

                                                                         The  Appleton   Promissory  Note  will
                                                                         have    the    following    additional
                                                                         features:  (i) the Appleton Promissory
                                                                         Note  will bear  interest  at the rate
                                                                         of 7% per annum,  (ii)  interest  will
                                                                         be  paid  on the  Appleton  Promissory
                                                                         Note on a quarterly  basis,  (iii) the
                                                                         Appleton  Promissory  Note will have a
                                                                         term of six  years,  (iv)  prepayments
                                                                         may be made without any  penalty,  and
                                                                         (v)  Appleton  would  receive  its pro
                                                                         rata share of the following  mandatory
                                                                         principal   payments  which  would  be
                                                                         made in the  aggregate  to all  Junior
                                                                         Secured  Creditors:  $550,000  at  the
                                                                         end of  each  of  years  2, 3, 4 and 5
                                                                         and the  remaining  principal  balance
                                                                         of $1,079,000 and any unpaid  interest
                                                                         will be due and  payable at the end of
                                                                         the six-year term.

                                                                         The Reorganized  Debtor's  obligations
                                                                         to   Appleton   under   the   Appleton
                                                                         Promissory  Note  will be  secured  by
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Lien.

                                                                         On or before June 30,  2004,  Appleton
                                                                         shall  have a one  time  right  to (i)
                                                                         exchange  all or a portion of the then
                                                                         unpaid   principal   balance   of  the
                                                                         Appleton   Promissory   Note  for  BDH
                                                                         common  stock at an exchange  price of
                                                                         $4.35 per  share,  and/or  (ii) put up
                                                                         to  50%  of   the   then   outstanding
                                                                         principal   balance  of  the  Appleton
                                                                         Promissory  Note to BDH for cash equal
                                                                         to  80%  of   that   portion   of  the
                                                                         principal   balance  of  the  Appleton
                                                                         Promissory  Note which has been put to

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         On or before June 30,  2004,  Appleton
                                                                         shall  have the right to (i)  exchange
                                                                         all  then   owned   shares  of  Junior
                                                                         Secured   Creditors   Stock  into  BDH
                                                                         common stock at a conversion  price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share using a  valuation  of
                                                                         $645,000   for   all  of  the   Junior
                                                                         Secured  Creditors  Stock, or (ii) put
                                                                         all  then   owned   shares  of  Junior
                                                                         Secured   Creditors   Stock   to   the
                                                                         Reorganized  Debtor  for  cash  in the
                                                                         aggregate  amount of $645,000  for all
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors Stock.

                                                                         The foregoing treatment of Appleton's
                                                                         class 12 claim shall be in full
                                                                         settlement and satisfaction of such
                                                                         class 12 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

 =============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #      DESCRIPTION                   IMPAIRED           TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
              13        The allowed secured claim     Impaired; allowed  On the Effective Date, Taicher will
                        of Robert Taicher             claim in this      receive his pro rata share of the
                        ("Taicher")                   class was entitled $610,000 SCI Stock Proceeds (the
                                                      to vote on this    "Taicher SCI Stock Proceeds
                        The total secured claim of    Plan.              Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        Taicher is approximately                         will be computed by dividing
                        $50,100, including accrued                       Taicher's total secured claim by the
                        interest up until the date                       total amount of the secured claims
                        of the Debtors' bankruptcy                       held by the $2.5 Million Junior
                        filings.  However, under                         Secured Creditors  (the "Taicher
                        Section 506(c) of the                            Percentage") and multiplying the
                        Bankruptcy Code, Taicher's                       Taicher Percentage by $610,000. The
                        claim is treated as secured                      Debtors estimate that the Taicher SCI
                        only up to the value of the                      Stock Proceeds Distribution will be
                        collateral which secures                         in the amount of $10,903.
                        that claim and is treated
                        as a general unsecured                           On the Effective Date, Taicher will
                        claim (i.e., class 20) for                       also receive his pro rata share of
                        the balance.                                     the Junior Secured Creditors New
                                                                         Money Contribution (the "Taicher Cash
                        All of the Junior Secured                        Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        Creditors are on a pari                          would be computed by multiplying the
                        passu basis with respect to                      Taicher Percentage by $1,265,000.
                        the Junior Secured                               The Debtors estimate that the Taicher
                        Creditors Collateral,                            Cash Distribution will be in the
                        except with respect to the                       amount of $5,781.
                        SCI Stock Proceeds as
                        described above, and                             In addition to the Taicher SCI Stock
                        subject to the senior lien                       Proceeds Distribution and the Taicher
                        of Wells.                                        Cash Distribution,

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         Taicher will receive (i) a promissory
                                                                         note from the Reorganized Debtor (the
                                                                         "Taicher Promissory Note") with a
                                                                         principal amount equal to the figure
                                                                         obtained by multiplying the Taicher
                                                                         Percentage by $3,279,000, which
                                                                         amount is estimated to be $14,983 and
                                                                         (ii) a pro-rata number of shares of
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Stock
                                                                         determined by multiplying the Taicher
                                                                         Percentage by the total number of all
                                                                         shares of Junior Secured Creditors
                                                                         Stock to be issued to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors.

                                                                         The Taicher Promissory Note will have
                                                                         the following additional features:
                                                                         (i) the Taicher Promissory Note will
                                                                         bear interest at the rate of 7% per
                                                                         annum, (ii) interest will be paid on
                                                                         the Taicher Promissory Note on a
                                                                         quarterly basis, (iii) the Taicher
                                                                         Promissory Note will have a term of
                                                                         six years, (iv) prepayments may be
                                                                         made without any penalty, and (v)
                                                                         Taicher would receive his pro rata
                                                                         share of the following mandatory
                                                                         principal payments which would be
                                                                         made in the aggregate to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors: $550,000 at the
                                                                         end of each of years 2, 3, 4 and 5
                                                                         and the remaining principal balance
                                                                         of $1,079,000 and any unpaid interest
                                                                         will be due and payable at the end of
                                                                         the six-year term.

                                                                         The Reorganized Debtor's obligations
                                                                         to Taicher under the Taicher
                                                                         Promissory Note will be secured by
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Lien.

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Taicher
                                                                         shall have a one time right to (i)
                                                                         exchange all or a portion of the then
                                                                         unpaid principal balance of the
                                                                         Taicher Promissory Note for BDH
                                                                         common stock at an exchange price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share, and/or (ii) put up
                                                                         to 50% of the then outstanding
                                                                         principal balance of the Taicher
                                                                         Promissory Note to BDH for cash equal
                                                                         to 80% of that portion of the
                                                                         principal balance of the Taicher
                                                                         Promissory Note which has been put to

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Taicher
                                                                         shall have the right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock into BDH
                                                                         common stock at a conversion price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share using a valuation of
                                                                         $645,000 for all of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock, or (ii) put
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor for cash in the
                                                                         aggregate amount of $645,000 for all
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors Stock.

                                                                         The foregoing treatment of Taicher's
                                                                         class 13 claim shall be in full
                                                                         settlement and satisfaction of such
                                                                         class 13 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

=============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #      DESCRIPTION                   IMPAIRED           TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
              14        The allowed secured claim     Impaired; allowed  On the Effective Date, Bateman will
                        of Giles Bateman ("Bateman")  claim in this      receive his pro rata share of the
                                                      class was entitled $610,000 SCI Stock Proceeds (the
                        The total secured claim of    to vote on this    "Bateman SCI Stock Proceeds
                        Bateman is approximately      Plan.              Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        $9,113, including accrued                        will be computed by dividing
                        interest up until the date                       Bateman's total secured claim by the
                        of the Debtors' bankruptcy                       total amount of the secured claims
                        filings.  However, under                         held by the $2.5 Million Junior
                        Section 506(c) of the                            Secured Creditors  (the "Bateman
                        Bankruptcy Code, Bateman's                       Percentage") and multiplying the
                        claim is treated as secured                      Bateman Percentage by $610,000.  The
                        only up to the value of the                      Debtors estimate that the Bateman SCI
                        collateral which secures                         Stock Proceeds Distribution will be
                        that claim and is treated                        in the amount of $1,983.
                        as a general unsecured
                        claim (i.e., class 20) for                       On the Effective Date, Bateman will
                        the balance.                                     also receive his pro rata share of
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors New
                        All of the Junior Secured                        Money Contribution (the "Bateman Cash
                        Creditors are on a pari                          Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        passu basis with respect to                      would be computed by multiplying the
                        the Junior Secured                               Bateman Percentage by $1,265,000.
                        Creditors Collateral,                            The Debtors estimate that the Bateman
                        except with respect to the                       Cash Distribution will be in the
                        SCI Stock Proceeds as                            amount of $1,051.
                        described above, and
                        subject to the senior lien
                        of Wells.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         In addition to the Bateman SCI Stock
                                                                         Proceeds Distribution and the Bateman
                                                                         Cash Distribution, Bateman will
                                                                         receive (i) a promissory note from
                                                                         the Reorganized Debtor (the "Bateman
                                                                         Promissory Note") with a principal
                                                                         amount equal to the figure obtained
                                                                         by multiplying the Bateman Percentage
                                                                         by $3,279,000, which amount is
                                                                         estimated to be $2,725 and (ii) a
                                                                         pro-rata of shares of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock determined by
                                                                         multiplying the Bateman Percentage by
                                                                         the total number of all shares of
                                                                         Junior Secured Creditors Stock to be
                                                                         issued to all Junior Secured

                                                                         The Bateman Promissory Note will have
                                                                         the following additional features:
                                                                         (i) the Bateman Promissory Note will
                                                                         bear interest at the rate of 7% per
                                                                         annum, (ii) interest will be paid on
                                                                         the Bateman Promissory Note on a
                                                                         quarterly basis, (iii) the Bateman
                                                                         Promissory Note will have a term of
                                                                         six years, (iv) prepayments may be
                                                                         made without any penalty, and (v)
                                                                         Bateman would receive its pro rata
                                                                         share of the following mandatory
                                                                         principal payments which would be
                                                                         made in the aggregate to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors: $550,000 at the
                                                                         end of each of years 2, 3, 4 and 5
                                                                         and the remaining principal balance
                                                                         of $1,079,000 and any unpaid interest
                                                                         will be due and payable at the end of
                                                                         the six-year term.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         The Reorganized Debtor's obligations
                                                                         to Bateman under the Bateman
                                                                         Promissory Note will be secured by
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Lien.

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Bateman
                                                                         shall have a one time right to (i)
                                                                         exchange all or a portion of the then
                                                                         unpaid principal balance of the
                                                                         Bateman Promissory Note for BDH
                                                                         common stock at an exchange price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share, and/or (ii) put up
                                                                         to 50% of the then outstanding
                                                                         principal balance of the Bateman
                                                                         Promissory Note to BDH for cash equal
                                                                         to 80% of that portion of the
                                                                         principal balance of the Bateman
                                                                         Promissory Note which has been put to

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Bateman
                                                                         shall have the right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock into BDH
                                                                         common stock at a conversion price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share using a valuation of
                                                                         $645,000 for all of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock, or (ii) put
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor for cash in the
                                                                         aggregate amount of $645,000 for all
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors Stock.

                                                                         The foregoing treatment of Bateman's
                                                                         class 14 claim shall be in full
                                                                         settlement and satisfaction of such
                                                                         class 14 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

   =============== ============================= ==================      =======================================
           CLASS #              DESCRIPTION                IMPAIRED                    TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
              15        The allowed secured claim     Impaired; allowed  On the Effective Date, Simon will
                        of Herbert Simon ("Simon")    claim in this      receive his pro rata share of the
                                                      class was entitled $610,000 SCI Stock Proceeds (the
                        The total secured claim of    to vote on this    "Simon SCI Stock Proceeds
                        Simon is approximately        Plan.              Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        $289,324, including accrued                      will be computed by dividing Simon's
                        interest up until the date                       total secured claim by the total
                        of the Debtors' bankruptcy                       amount of the secured claims held by
                        filings.  However, under                         the $2.5 Million Junior Secured
                        Section 506(c) of the                            Creditors  (the "Simon Percentage")
                        Bankruptcy Code, Simon's                         and multiplying the Simon Percentage
                        claim is treated as secured                      by $610,000.  The Debtors estimate
                        only up to the value of the                      that the Simon SCI Stock Proceeds
                        collateral which secures                         Distribution will be in the amount of
                        that claim and is treated                        $62,963.
                        as a general unsecured
                        claim (i.e., class 20) for                       On the Effective Date, Simon will
                        the balance.                                     also receive his pro rata share of
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors New
                        All of the Junior Secured                        Money Contribution (the "Simon Cash
                        Creditors are on a pari                          Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        passu basis with respect to                      would be computed by multiplying the
                        the Junior Secured                               Simon Percentage by $1,265,000.  The
                        Creditors Collateral,                            Debtors estimate that the Simon Cash
                        except with respect to the                       Distribution will be in the amount of
                        SCI Stock Proceeds as                            $33,382.
                        described above, and
                        subject to the senior lien                       In addition to the Simon SCI Stock
                        of Wells.                                        Proceeds Distribution and the Simon
                                                                         Cash Distribution,
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         Simon will receive (i) a promissory
                                                                         note from the Reorganized Debtor (the
                                                                         "Simon Promissory Note") with a
                                                                         principal amount equal to the figure
                                                                         obtained by multiplying the Simon
                                                                         Percentage by $3,279,000, which
                                                                         amount is estimated to be $86,526 and
                                                                         (ii) a pro-rata number of shares of
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Stock
                                                                         determined by multiplying the Simon
                                                                         Percentage by the total number of all
                                                                         shares of Junior Secured Creditors
                                                                         Stock to be issued to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors.

                                                                         The Simon Promissory Note will have
                                                                         the following additional features:
                                                                         (i) the Simon Promissory Note will
                                                                         bear interest at the rate of 7% per
                                                                         annum, (ii) interest will be paid on
                                                                         the Simon Promissory Note on a
                                                                         quarterly basis, (iii) the Simon
                                                                         Promissory Note will have a term of
                                                                         six years, (iv) prepayments may be
                                                                         made without any penalty, and (v)
                                                                         Simon would receive its pro rata
                                                                         share of the following mandatory
                                                                         principal payments which would be
                                                                         made in the aggregate to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors: $550,000 at the
                                                                         end of each of years 2, 3, 4 and 5
                                                                         and the remaining principal balance
                                                                         of $1,079,000 and any unpaid interest
                                                                         will be due and payable at the end of
                                                                         the six-year term.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         The Reorganized Debtor's obligations
                                                                         to Simon under the Simon Promissory
                                                                         Note will be secured by the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Lien.

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Simon
                                                                         shall have a one time right to (i)
                                                                         exchange all or a portion of the then
                                                                         unpaid principal balance of the Simon
                                                                         Promissory Note for BDH common stock
                                                                         at an exchange price of $4.35 per
                                                                         share, and/or (ii) put up to 50% of
                                                                         the then outstanding principal
                                                                         balance of the Simon Promissory Note
                                                                         to BDH for cash equal to 80% of that
                                                                         portion of the principal balance of
                                                                         the Simon Promissory Note which has
                                                                         been put to BDH.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Simon
                                                                         shall have the right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock into BDH
                                                                         common stock at a conversion price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share using a valuation of
                                                                         $645,000 for all of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock, or (ii) put
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor for cash in the
                                                                         aggregate amount of $645,000 for all
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors

                                                                         The foregoing treatment of Simon's
                                                                         class 15 claim shall be in full
                                                                         settlement and satisfaction of such
                                                                         class 15 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------



        =============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #              DESCRIPTION                IMPAIRED                    TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
              16        The allowed secured claim     Impaired; allowed  On the Effective Date, Montesano will
                        of Montesano Family Trust     claim in this      receive its pro rata share of the
                        Dated March 17, 1998          class was entitled $610,000 SCI Stock Proceeds (the
                        ("Montesano")                 to vote on this    "Montesano SCI Stock Proceeds
                                                      Plan.              Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        The total secured claim of                       will be computed by dividing
                        Montesano is approximately                       Montesano's total secured claim by
                        $289,324, including accrued                      the total amount of the secured
                        interest up until the date                       claims held by the $2.5 Million
                        of the Debtors' bankruptcy                       Junior Secured Creditors  (the
                        filings.  However, under                         "Montesano Percentage") and
                        Section 506(c) of the                            multiplying the Montesano Percentage
                        Bankruptcy Code,                                 by $610,000.  The Debtors estimate
                        Montesano's claim is                             that the Montesano SCI Stock Proceeds
                        treated as secured only up                       Distribution will be in the amount of
                        to the value of the                              $62,963.
                        collateral which secures
                        that claim and is treated                        On the Effective Date, Montesano will
                        as a general unsecured                           also receive its pro rata share of
                        claim (i.e., class 20) for                       the Junior Secured Creditors New
                        the balance.                                     Money Contribution (the "Montesano
                                                                         Cash Distribution").  This pro rata
                        All of the Junior Secured                        share would be computed by
                        Creditors are on a pari                          multiplying the Montesano Percentage
                        passu basis with respect to                      by $1,265,000.  The Debtors estimate
                        the Junior Secured                               that the Jim Cash Distribution will
                        Creditors Collateral,                            be in the amount of $33,382.
                        except with respect to the
                        SCI Stock Proceeds as                            In addition to the Montesano SCI
                        described above, and                             Stock Proceeds Distribution and the
                        subject to the senior lien                       Montesano Cash Distribution,
                        of Wells.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         Montesano will receive (i) a
                                                                         promissory note from the Reorganized
                                                                         Debtor (the "Montesano Promissory
                                                                         Note") with a principal amount equal
                                                                         to the figure obtained by multiplying
                                                                         the Montesano Percentage by
                                                                         $3,279,000, which amount is estimated
                                                                         to be $86,526 and (ii) a pro-rata
                                                                         number of shares of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock determined by
                                                                         multiplying the Montesano Percentage
                                                                         by the total number of all shares of
                                                                         Junior Secured Creditors Stock to be
                                                                         issued to all Junior Secured

                                                                         The Montesano Promissory Note will
                                                                         have the following additional
                                                                         features: (i) the Montesano
                                                                         Promissory Note will bear interest at
                                                                         the rate of 7% per annum, (ii)
                                                                         interest will be paid on the
                                                                         Montesano Promissory Note on a
                                                                         quarterly basis, (iii) the Montesano
                                                                         Promissory Note will have a term of
                                                                         six years, (iv) prepayments may be
                                                                         made without any penalty, and (v)
                                                                         Montesano would receive its pro rata
                                                                         share of the following mandatory
                                                                         principal payments which would be
                                                                         made in the aggregate to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors: $550,000 at the
                                                                         end of each of years 2, 3, 4 and 5
                                                                         and the remaining principal balance
                                                                         of $1,079,000 and any unpaid interest
                                                                         will be due and payable at the end of
                                                                         the six-year term.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         The Reorganized Debtor's obligation's
                                                                         to Montesano under the Montesano
                                                                         Promissory Note will be secured by
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Lien.
                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Montesano
                                                                         shall have a one time right to (i)
                                                                         exchange all or a portion of the then
                                                                         unpaid principal balance of the
                                                                         Montesano Promissory Note for BDH
                                                                         common stock at an exchange price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share, and/or (ii) put up
                                                                         to 50% of the then outstanding
                                                                         principal balance of the Montesano
                                                                         Promissory Note to BDH for cash equal
                                                                         to 80% of that portion of the
                                                                         principal balance of the Montesano
                                                                         Promissory Note which has been put to

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Montesano
                                                                         shall have the right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock into BDH
                                                                         common stock at a conversion price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share using a valuation of
                                                                         $645,000 for all of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock, or (ii) put
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor for cash in the
                                                                         aggregate amount of $645,000 for all
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors Stock.

                                                                         The foregoing treatment of
                                                                         Montesano's class 16 claim shall be
                                                                         in full settlement and satisfaction
                                                                         of such class 16 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

        =============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #              DESCRIPTION                IMPAIRED                    TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
           17           The allowed secured claim     Impaired; allowed  On the Effective Date, Perlman will
                        of The Perlman Family Trust   claim in this      receive its pro rata share of the
                        Dated 2/17/95 ("Perlman")     class was entitled $610,000 SCI Stock Proceeds (the
                                                      to vote on         "Perlman SCI Stock Proceeds
                        The total secured claim of    this Plan.         Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        Perlman is approximately                         will be computed by dividing
                        $96,441, including accrued                       Perlman's total secured claim by the
                        interest up until the date                       total amount of the secured claims
                        of the Debtors' bankruptcy                       held by the $2.5 Million Junior
                        filings.  However, under                         Secured Creditors  (the "Perlman
                        Section 506(c) of the                            Percentage") and multiplying the
                        Bankruptcy Code, Perlman's                       Perlman Percentage by $610,000.  The
                        claim is treated as secured                      Debtors estimate that the Perlman SCI
                        only up to the value of the                      Stock Proceeds Distribution will be
                        collateral which secures                         in the amount of $20,988.
                        that claim and is treated
                        as a general unsecured                           On the Effective Date, Perlman will
                        claim (i.e., class 20) for                       also receive its pro rata share of
                        the balance.                                     the Junior Secured Creditors New
                                                                         Money Contribution (the "Perlman Cash
                        All of the Junior Secured                        Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        Creditors are on a pari                          would be computed by multiplying the
                        passu basis with respect to                      Perlman Percentage by $1,265,000.
                        the Junior Secured                               The Debtors estimate that the Jim
                        Creditors Collateral,                            Cash Distribution will be in the
                        except with respect to the                       amount of $11,127.
                        SCI Stock Proceeds as
                        described above, and                             In addition to the Perlman SCI Stock
                        subject to the senior lien                       Proceeds Distribution and the Perlman
                        of Wells.                                        Cash Distribution, Perlman will
                                                                         receive (i)

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         a promissory note from the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor (the "Perlman
                                                                         Promissory Note") with a principal
                                                                         amount equal to the figure obtained
                                                                         by multiplying the Perlman Percentage
                                                                         by $3,279,000, which amount is
                                                                         estimated to be $28,842 and (ii) a
                                                                         pro-rata number of shares of the
                                                                         Junior Secured Creditors Stock
                                                                         determined by multiplying the Perlman
                                                                         Percentage by the total number of all
                                                                         shares of Junior Secured Creditors
                                                                         Stock to be issued to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors.

                                                                         The Perlman Promissory Note will have
                                                                         the following additional features:
                                                                         (i) the Perlman Promissory Note will
                                                                         bear interest at the rate of 7% per
                                                                         annum, (ii) interest will be paid on
                                                                         the Perlman Promissory Note on a
                                                                         quarterly basis, (iii) the Perlman
                                                                         Promissory Note will have a term of
                                                                         six years, (iv) prepayments may be
                                                                         made without any penalty, and (v)
                                                                         Perlman would receive its pro rata
                                                                         share of the following mandatory
                                                                         principal payments which would be
                                                                         made in the aggregate to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors: $550,000 at the
                                                                         end of each of years 2, 3, 4 and 5
                                                                         and the remaining principal balance
                                                                         of $1,079,000 and any unpaid interest
                                                                         will be due and payable at the end of
                                                                         the six-year term.

                                                                         The Reorganized Debtor's obligations
                                                                         to Perlman under the Perlman
                                                                         Promissory Note will be secured by
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Lien.

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Perlman
                                                                         shall have a one time right to (i)
                                                                         exchange all or a portion of the then
                                                                         unpaid principal balance of the
                                                                         Perlman Promissory Note for BDH
                                                                         common stock at an exchange price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share, and/or (ii) put up
                                                                         to 50% of the then outstanding
                                                                         principal balance of the Perlman
                                                                         Promissory Note to BDH for cash equal
                                                                         to 80% of that portion of the
                                                                         principal balance of the Perlman
                                                                         Promissory Note which has been put to
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Perlman
                                                                         shall have the right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock into BDH
                                                                         common stock at a conversion price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share using a valuation of
                                                                         $645,000 for all of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock, or (ii) put
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor for cash in the
                                                                         aggregate amount of $645,000 for all
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors

                                                                         The foregoing treatment of Perlman's
                                                                         class 17 claim shall be in full
                                                                         settlement and satisfaction of such
                                                                         class 17 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

        =============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #      DESCRIPTION                        IMPAIRED                    TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
           18           The allowed secured claim     Impaired; allowed  On the Effective Date, Merrill will
                        of Trent and Marilyn          claim in this      receive its pro rata share of the
                        Merrill Trust dated 1/29/90   class was entitled $610,000 SCI Stock Proceeds (the
                        ("Merrill")                   to vote on         "Merrill SCI Stock Proceeds
                                                      this Plan.         Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        The total secured claim of                       will be computed by dividing
                        Merrill is approximately                         Merrill's total secured claim by the
                        $48,222, including accrued                       total amount of the secured claims
                        interest up until the date                       held by the $2.5 Million Junior
                        of the Debtors' bankruptcy                       Secured Creditors  (the "Merrill
                        filings.  However, under                         Percentage") and multiplying the
                        Section 506(c) of the                            Merrill Percentage by $610,000.  The
                        Bankruptcy Code, Merrill's                       Debtors estimate that the Merrill SCI
                        claim is treated as secured                      Stock Proceeds Distribution will be
                        only up to the value of the                      in the amount of $10,494.
                        collateral which secures
                        that claim and is treated                        On the Effective Date, Merrill will
                        as a general unsecured                           also receive its pro rata share of
                        claim (i.e., class 20) for                       the Junior Secured Creditors New
                        the balance.                                     Money Contribution (the "Merrill Cash
                                                                         Distribution").  This pro rata share
                        All of the Junior Secured                        would be computed by multiplying the
                        Creditors are on a pari                          Merrill Percentage by $1,265,000.
                        passu basis with respect to                      The Debtors estimate that the Merrill
                        the Junior Secured                               Cash Distribution will be in the
                        Creditors Collateral,                            amount of $5,564.
                        except with respect to the
                        SCI Stock Proceeds as                            In addition to the Merrill SCI Stock
                        described above, and                             Proceeds Distribution and the Merrill
                        subject to the senior lien                       Cash Distribution, Merrill will
                        of Wells.                                        receive (i)

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         a promissory note from the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor (the "Merrill
                                                                         Promissory Note") with a principal
                                                                         amount equal to the figure obtained
                                                                         by multiplying the Merrill Percentage
                                                                         by $3,279,000, which amount is
                                                                         estimated to be $14,421 and (ii) a
                                                                         pro-rata number of shares of the
                                                                         Junior Secured Creditors Stock
                                                                         determined by multiplying the Merrill
                                                                         Percentage by the total number of all
                                                                         shares of Junior Secured Creditors
                                                                         Stock to be issued to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors.

                                                                         The Merrill Promissory Note will have
                                                                         the following additional features:
                                                                         (i) the Merrill Promissory Note will
                                                                         bear interest at the rate of 7% per
                                                                         annum, (ii) interest will be paid on
                                                                         the Merrill Promissory Note on a
                                                                         quarterly basis, (iii) the Merrill
                                                                         Promissory Note will have a term of
                                                                         six years, (iv) prepayments may be
                                                                         made without any penalty, and (v)
                                                                         Merrill would receive its pro rata
                                                                         share of the following mandatory
                                                                         principal payments which would be
                                                                         made in the aggregate to all Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors: $550,000 at the
                                                                         end of each of years 2, 3, 4 and 5
                                                                         and the remaining principal balance
                                                                         of $1,079,000 and any unpaid interest
                                                                         will be due and payable at the end of
                                                                         the six-year term.

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         The Reorganized Debtor's obligations
                                                                         to Merrill under the Merrill
                                                                         Promissory Note will be secured by
                                                                         the Junior Secured Creditors Lien.

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Merrill
                                                                         shall have a one time right to (i)
                                                                         exchange all or a portion of the then
                                                                         unpaid principal balance of the
                                                                         Merrill Promissory Note for BDH
                                                                         common stock at an exchange price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share, and/or (ii) put up
                                                                         to 50% of the then outstanding
                                                                         principal balance of the Merrill
                                                                         Promissory Note to BDH for cash equal
                                                                         to 80% of that portion of the
                                                                         principal balance of the Merrill
                                                                         Promissory Note which has been put to

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, Merrill
                                                                         shall have the right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock into BDH
                                                                         common stock at a conversion price of
                                                                         $4.35 per share using a valuation of
                                                                         $645,000 for all of the Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock, or (ii) put
                                                                         all then owned shares of Junior
                                                                         Secured Creditors Stock to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor for cash in the
                                                                         aggregate amount of $645,000 for all
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors

                                                                         The foregoing treatment of Merrill's
                                                                         class 17 claim shall be in full
                                                                         settlement and satisfaction of such
                                                                         class 17 claim.
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------

         Attached to this Plan as Exhibit "1" is a schedule  setting forth (i)
the  computation  of the amount of the secured claims of all of the Junior
Secured Creditors  (including  interest accrued up until the date of the
Debtors' bankruptcy  filings),  (ii) the pro rated  distribution of the
$610,000 of SCI Stock Proceeds,  (iii) the pro rated  distribution of the
Junior Secured Creditors New Money Contribution,  (iv) the pro rated
distribution of the Junior Secured  Creditors  Promissory  Notes to be provided
to all of the Junior Secured Creditors, and (v) the pro rated distribution of
the shares of the Junior Secured Creditors Stock.

        2.       Classes of Priority Unsecured Claims

         Certain  priority  claims that are referred to in Bankruptcy Code
Sections  507(a)(3),  (4), (5), (6), and (7) are required to be placed in
classes.  These types of claims are entitled to priority  treatment as follows:
the  Bankruptcy  Code  requires that each holder of such a claim  receive
cash on the Effective  Date equal to the allowed  amount of such claim.
However,  a class of unsecured priority claim holders may vote to accept
deferred cash payments of a value,  as of the Effective Date,  equal to the
allowed amount of such claim. The Debtors believe that there are no Section
507(a)(3),  (4), (5), (6), or (7) priority  unsecured  claims. To the extent
the Debtors do have any such allowed  priority  unsecured  claims,  such claims
will be considered  class 19 allowed claims and will be paid in full by the
Reorganized  Debtor on the later of the Effective Date and the date the
Bankruptcy Court enters an order allowing such priority claims.

        3.       Class of General Unsecured Claims

         General  unsecured claims are unsecured  claims not entitled to
priority under  Bankruptcy Code Section 507(a).  The following chart
identifies this Plan's treatment of the class containing all of the Debtors'
non-priority  general unsecured claims (see Exhibit
"I" to the Disclosure Statement for detailed information about each general
unsecured claim):

=============== ============================= ================== =======================================
           CLASS #              DESCRIPTION                IMPAIRED                    TREATMENT
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
              20        All general unsecured         Impaired; allowed  On the Effective Date, the
                        claims                        claims in this     Reorganized Debtor will pay into the
                                                      class were         Professional Fee Account the $435,000
                        Excluding any deficiency      entitled to vote   Unsecured Creditors New Money
                        claim of the Junior Secured   on this Plan.      Contribution, which cash will be used
                        Creditors, the Debtors                           first to pay any outstanding allowed
                        estimate that there are                          fees and expenses of the
                        approximately $17,291,000                        professionals employed in these cases
                        of unsecured claims                              (other than FocalPoint) if such fees
                        consisting of (i)                                and expenses exceed the $600,000 that
                        $1,500,000 which was lent                        will be paid by the Reorganized
                        to the Debtors on December                       Debtor (after taking into account
                        20, 2001 by Provender,                           pre-petition retainers paid and the
                        Cornerstone, Jim and NH                          $750,000 which have been disbursed to
                        Walking, Ltd., (ii)                              such professionals from the
                        $700,000 of unsecured debt                       Professional Fee Account), and second
                        which was provided to                            to be distributed to holders of class
                        Provender, Cornerston and                        20 allowed claims on a pro rata
                        Jim in connection with a                         basis.  After the Bankruptcy Court
                        secured loan that they                           enters orders allowing the fees and
                        extended to the Debtors on                       expenses of the professionals
                        September 18, 2002, (iii)                        employed in these cases (other than
                        $300,000 of unsecured debt                       FocalPoint), LNBRB will pay any such
                        which was provided to a                          allowed fees and expenses in excess
                        number of people/entities                        of $600,000 out of the $435,000
                        in connection with a                             Unsecured Creditors New Money
                        secured loan that they                           Contribution which will be in the
                        extended to                                      Professional Fee Account, and LNBRB
                                                                         will turn over the remaining balance
                                                                         of such $435,000 Unsecured Creditors
                                                                         New Money Contribution to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor who will hold such
                                                                         funds in a segregated account for the
                                                                         benefit of holders of class 20
                                                                         allowed claims.

                                                                         In addition, on the Effective Date,
                                                                         the Reorganized Debtor will execute
                                                                         and deliver to the Post-Confirmation
                                                                         Committee for the benefit of class 20
                                                                         claim holders a promissory note with
                                                                         a principal amount of $700,000 (the
                                                                         "First Unsecured Creditors Promissory
                                                                         Note").  The First Unsecured
                                                                         Creditors Promissory Note will bear
                                                                         interest at the rate of 7% per annum
                                                                         and have a term of five years.  The
                                                                         First Unsecured Creditors
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                        the Debtors on October 15,                       Promissory Note will have the
                        2002, and (iv) an estimated                      following additional features: (i)
                        $14,791,000 of general                           interest will be paid on a quarterly
                        unsecured debt, inclusive                        basis, (ii) prepayments may be made
                        of an estimated $5,027,000                       without penalty, and (iii) the
                        of lease rejection claims                        following mandatory principal
                        held by the landlords of                         payments will be made: $100,000 at
                        the 29 stores at which the                       the end of both years 2 and 3 and
                        Debtors are conducting or                        $150,000 at the end of year 4, and
                        have conducted store                             the remaining principal balance of
                        closing sales and                                $350,000 and any unpaid interest will
                        approximately $400,000                           be due and payable at the end of the
                        owing on account of a prior                      five-year term.  All payments made on
                        class action damage claim.                       account of the First Unsecured
                                                                         Creditors Promissory Note will be
                        RR Growth and Stratford                          distributed to all holders of class
                        contend that Provender,                          20 allowed claims on a pro rata basis.
                        Cornerstone, Jim and NH
                        Walking, Ltd. assigned                           In addition, on the Effective Date,
                        their claims relating to                         the Reorganized Debtor will execute
                        the  $1,500,000 which they                       and deliver to the Post-Confirmation
                        lent to the Debtors on                           Committee for the benefit of class 20
                        December 20, 2001 to RR                          claim holders a second promissory
                        Growth and Stratford as                          note with a principal amount of
                        security and that any                            $21,000 (the "Second Unsecured
                        payment to be made to                            Creditors Promissory Note").
                        Provender, Cornerstone, Jim                      The Second Unsecured Creditors
                        and NH Walking, Ltd. on                          Promissory Note will bear interest at
                        account of such class 20                         the rate of 7% per annum, and will
                        allowed claims must instead                      have the following additional
                        be made to RR Growth and                         features: (i) interest will paid on
                        Stratford (on a 50%/50%                          the Second Unsecured Creditors
                        basis).                                          Promissory Note on a quarterly basis,
                                                                         (ii) the Second Unsecured Creditors
                                                                         Promissory Note will have a term of
                                                                         six years and prepayments may be made
                                                                         without any penalty, and (iii) the
                                                                         remaining principal balance of
                                                                         $21,000 and any unpaid interest will
                                                                         be due and payable at the end of the
                                                                         six-year term.

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, the class
                                                                         20 claim holders acting through the
                                                                         Post-Confirmation Committee shall
                                                                         have a one time right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all or any portion of the then unpaid
                                                                         principal balance of the First
                                                                         Unsecured Creditors Promissory Note
                                                                         for BDH common stock at an exchange
                                                                         price of $4.35 per share, and/or (ii)
                                                                         put up to 100% of the then
                                                                         outstanding principal balance of the
                                                                         First Unsecured Creditors Promissory
                                                                         Note to the Reorganized Debtor for
                                                                         cash equal to 80% of that portion of
                                                                         the principal balance of the First
                                                                         Unsecured Creditors Promissory Note
                                                                         which is to be put to the Reorganized

                                                                         On or before June 30, 2004, the class
                                                                         20 claim holders acting through the
                                                                         Post-Confirmation Committee shall
                                                                         have a one time right to (i) exchange
                                                                         all or a portion of then unpaid
                                                                         principal balance of the Second
                                                                         Unsecured Creditors Promissory Note
                                                                         for BDH common stock at an exchange
                                                                         price of $4.35 per share, and/or (ii)
                                                                         put up to 100% of the then
                                                                         outstanding principal balance of the
                                                                         Second Unsecured Creditors Promissory
                                                                         Note to BDH for cash equal to 80% of
                                                                         that portion of the principal balance
                                                                         of the Second Unsecured Creditors
                                                                         Promissory Note which has been put to

                                                                         In addition to the foregoing, on the
                                                                         Effective Date all of the Lease Sale
                                                                         Proceeds (currently at $41,985 and
                                                                         expected to remain at this amount)
                                                                         and all Class Action Recovery Funds,
                                                                         if any, will be turned over to the
                                                                         Reorganized Debtor who will hold such
                                                                         funds in a segregated account for the
                                                                         benefit of holders of class 20
                                                                         allowed claims and all rights and
                                                                         title to the Class Action Suit, to
                                                                         the extent it remains unresolved on
                                                                         the Effective Date, shall be deemed
                                                                         transferred to the Post-Confirmation
                                                                         Committee who shall have the right to
                                                                         continue pursuit of the Class Action
                                                                         Suit for the benefit of class 20
                                                                         claim holders.

                                                                         If the allowed professional fees and
                                                                         expenses (excluding FocalPoint) do
                                                                         not exceed $600,000 (after taking
                                                                         into account pre-petition retainers
                                                                         paid and the $750,000 which has been
                                                                         disbursed to such professionals from
                                                                         the Professional Fee Account), which
                                                                         would mean that the entire $435,000
                                                                         Unsecured Creditors New Money

        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
        --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
                                                                         would be paid to class 20 claim
                                                                         holders, and no money is recovered
                                                                         from the Class Action Suit, the
                                                                         Debtors estimate that a total of
                                                                         $1,197,985 (comprised of $435,000
                                                                         from the Unsecured Creditors New
                                                                         Money Contribution + $700,000 from
                                                                         the First Unsecured Creditors
                                                                         Promissory Note + $21,000 from the
                                                                         Second Unsecured Creditors Promissory
                                                                         Note + $41,985 of Lease Sale
                                                                         Proceeds) would be available to be
                                                                         distributed to class 20 claim

                                                                         If a total of $1,197,985 is
                                                                         distributed to class 20 claim holders
                                                                         and the total class 20 allowed claims
                                                                         of the Junior Secured Creditors is
                                                                         $3,434,123 (which is the estimated
                                                                         total), the Debtors estimate that
                                                                         each holder of a class 20 allowed
                                                                         claim would receive a distribution
                                                                         equal to approximately 5.78% of the
                                                                         amount of their class 20 allowed
                                                                         claim because a total of $1,197,985
                                                                         would be distributed to a total of
                                                                         $20,725,123 of class 20 allowed

                                                                         If the allowed professional fees and
                                                                         expenses (excluding FocalPoint) do
                                                                         exceed $600,000 (after taking into
                                                                         account pre-petition retainers paid
                                                                         and the $750,000 which has been
                                                                         disbursed to such professionals from
                                                                         the Professional Fee Account), the
                                                                         estimated recovery to holders of
                                                                         class 20 allowed claims would be
                                                                         reduced accordingly.

                                                                         The foregoing treatment shall be in
                                                                         full settlement and satisfaction of
                                                                         all class 20 claims.

        4.       Class of Interest Holders

         Interest  holders are the parties who hold an  ownership  interest
        (i.e.,  equity  interest)  in the  Debtors,  whether  such
        ownership  interest  consists of common stock,  preferred  stock,
        options,  warrants or any other stock vehicle.  The following  chart
        identifies this Plan's treatment of the class of interest holders:

        =============== ============================== ======================= ====================================
           CLASS #               DESCRIPTION             IMPAIRED                     TREATMENT
        --------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------- ------------------------------------
              21        All stock holders, including   Impaired; holders of    On the Effective Date, all class
                        holders of common stock,       class 21 interests      21 interests will be deemed
                        preferred stock, stock         are not entitled to     cancelled, terminated, rejected
                        options, warrants, etc.        vote on this Plan       and of no further force and
                                                       because they are        effect and will no longer
                                                       deemed to have          constitute an equity interest in
                                                       rejected this Plan      the Debtors or the Reorganized
                                                       pursuant to Section     Debtor without the need for
                                                       1126(g) of the          either the Debtors or the class
                                                       Bankruptcy Code.        21 interest holders to take any
                                                                               further action.  Interest holders
                                                                               will not receive any distribution
                                                                               or retain any property under this
                                                                               Plan on account of their equity
                                                                               interests in the Debtors.
        =============== ============================== ======================= ====================================

        D.       Means of Effectuating this Plan and Implementation of this Plan

        1.        The Reorganized Debtor.
         On or  immediately  before the Effective  Date, TWC  Acquisition  Corp.
("Reorganized  Debtor")  shall be  incorporated  as a Delaware  corporation.
On or  immediately  after the  Effective  Date,  the  Reorganized  Debtor will
change its name to "The  Walking Company" (or any other name selected by the
Reorganized  Debtor).  On the Effective Date title to all assets,  properties
and business operations of the Debtors,  including,  without limitation,
all cash on hand,  deposits,  accounts  receivable,  inventory,  fixtures,
furnishings  and equipment (but excluding the Lease Sale Proceeds,  the
Class Action  Recovery Funds and the Class Action Suit),  shall vest in the
Reorganized  Debtor,  and thereafter the Reorganized  Debtor shall own and
retain such assets free and clear of all rights,claims,  liens,  encumbrances,
and  interests,  except as expressly  provided in this Plan.  From and after
the  Effective  Date,  the Reorganized  Debtor shall own and operate such
assets without  further  supervision by or jurisdiction  of the Bankruptcy
Court. From and after the Effective Date, the Reorganized  Debtor will satisfy
the obligations  owing to the holders of allowed claims in Classes 2 through 20
under this Plan, and will perform all  obligations  under  executory  contracts
and unexpired  leases assumed by the Debtors and assigned to the Reorganized
Debtor in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Plan.

        2.       Plan Funding
         On the Effective Date, BDH will contribute the New Money  Contribution
to the  Reorganized  Debtor.  $6.45 million of the New Money  Contribution
will be in the form of equity and $2.5 million of the New Money  Contribution
will be in the form of subordinated debt which will bear interest at the rate
of ten percent (10%) per annum,  with all  principal and interest  subordinated
to all debts of the  Reorganized  Debtor except to the extent  otherwise
agreed upon in writing by the affected  debt  holders.  BDH will receive a
promissory  note  payable by the  Reorganized  Debtor to BDH in the amount of
the  subordinated  debt (the  "Intercompany  Note").  The Intercompany Note
shall be payable to BDH only if and to the extent the Reorganized  Debtor
accumulates  stockholders  equity after the Effective  Date in an  amount
equal to the  amount  to be paid on the  Intercompany  Note.  The form of the
BDH  Intercompany  Note is attached  hereto as Exhibit "2". The amount of the
New Money  Contribution  to be funded on the  Effective  Date will be reduced
by all sums that BDH  advanced to the Debtors  prior to the  Effective  Date
for or on account of rent and other  occupancy  costs owed by the Debtors for
the month of February, 2004.
         The $610,000 of SCI Stock Proceeds will be  distributed  to the
$2.5 Million  Junior Secured  Creditors on a pro rata basis on the Effective
Date unless the  Bankruptcy  Court  orders to the  contrary.  The $41,985 of
Lease Sale  Proceeds  and all Class Action Recovery Funds will be distributed
on a pro rata basis to the holders of class 20 allowed  claims.  All other
payments  required to be made on the Effective Date will be paid out of the
New Money Contribution,  including the $600,000 for payment of allowed
professional fees and expenses  (exclusive of any fees or expenses of
FocalPoint),  any fees and expenses of FocalPoint as allowed by the Bankruptcy
Court,  all other  allowed  administrative  claims,  the  $1,265,000  Junior
Secured  Creditors New Money  Contribution,  the $435,000 Unsecured  Creditors
New Money  Contribution,  and all cure amounts owing with respect to all
unexpired leases and executory  contracts assumed by the Debtors and assigned
to the Reorganized  Debtor.  All other payments  required to be made under this
Plan (other than as set forth above with respect to exchange  rights
granted to the holders of the Junior  Secured  Creditors  Stock,  the Junior
Secured Creditors  Promissory Notes, the First Unsecured Creditors Promissory
Note, and the Second Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory Note) will be funded
through the business operations and working capital of the Reorganized Debtor.
         BDH has requested  Wells to provide the Reorganized  Debtor with
post-confirmation  financing.  If Wells and BDH have reached an agreement on
mutually  acceptable  terms for the  post-confirmation  financing of the
Reorganized  Debtor,  the  obligation  of the Reorganized  Debtor to make any
payments to the Junior Secured  Creditors and unsecured  creditors  would be
expressly  subordinated in right of payment  to the prior  payment in full of
all  obligations  of the  Reorganized  Debtor to Wells  under the
post-confirmation financing agreement (the "Wells  Post-Confirmation
Financing"),  any refinancings  thereof and any obligations to any other
current or future senior lender on the terms acceptable to Wells or such other
replacement  lender  (recognizing  that absent an event of default existing
under such financing  agreements  which prohibits the Reorganized  Debtor
from making its required Plan payments to the Junior Secured  Creditors and
the unsecured  creditors,  the Reorganized  Debtor shall continue to be
obligated to make all such Plan payments to the Junior  Secured  Creditors
and the  unsecured  creditors). The  security  interest  of the Junior
Secured  Creditors  and the unsecured  creditors in the Reorganized  Debtor's
assets and in any proceeds thereof shall be junior and subordinate in all
respects to the security interests in the assets and in any proceeds thereof
granted to Wells.
         If an event of default should occur with respect to the Wells
Post-Confirmation  Financing, or with respect to any instrument in connection
with the Wells  Post-Confirmation  Financing  under which payment is
outstanding,  or if any payment of amounts to or for the benefit of the Junior
Secured  Creditors or the unsecured  creditors  would cause an event of default
to occur  thereunder,  then, unless and until such event of default has been
cured or waived,  no payment shall be made to or for the benefit of the Junior
Secured Creditors or the unsecured creditors on account of any right to
payment arising under this Plan.
         If an event of default should occur with respect to the Wells
Post-Confirmation  Financing, or with respect to any instrument in connection
with the Wells  Post-Confirmation  Financing  under which payment is
outstanding,  or if any payment of amounts to or for the benefit of the Junior
Secured  Creditors or the unsecured  creditors  pursuant to or on account of a
right to payment arising under this Plan would cause an event of default to
occur  thereunder,  then,  BDH may delay such  payment  until such event of
default  shall have been cured or waived,  or the payment of such amounts due
to or for the benefit of the Junior  Secured  Creditors or the unsecured
creditors  would no longer cause such an event of default or the Wells
Post-Confirmation  Financing  indebtedness is paid in full. BDH will  provide
written  notice to the  applicable  Junior  Secured  Creditors or the
Post-Confirmation  Committee of any such delay in payment.  BDH will further
provide written notice to the applicable  Junior Secured Creditors or the
Post-Confirmation  Committee that the event of default has been cured or waived
or shall have  ceased to exist and will  thereafter  pay the  applicable
Junior  Secured Creditors or the unsecured creditors as soon as practicable
both to bring them current and on a go forward basis.
         Furthermore,  if there  shall  occur any  receivership,  insolvency,
assignment  for the  benefit of  creditors,  bankruptcy, reorganization  or
arrangements  with  creditors  (whether or not pursuant to bankruptcy  or other
insolvency  laws),  sale of all or substantially  all of the assets,
dissolution,  liquidation  or any other  marshaling  of assets and  liabilities
of the  Reorganized Debtor,  (i) no amount shall be paid by the  Reorganized
Debtor to the Junior  Secured  Creditors and unsecured  creditors  unless and
until the principal of, interest on and all other amounts due with respect to
the Wells  Post-Confirmation  Financing then  outstanding is paid in full, and
(ii) no claim or proof of claim shall be filed with the  Reorganized  Debtor
by or on behalf of the Junior Secured Creditors or the  unsecured  creditors
which shall assert any right to receive any payments  except  subject to the
payment in full of the principal of, interest on and all other amounts due with
respect to the Wells Post-Confirmation Financing then outstanding.
         On or as soon as practicable  after the Effective Date, the
Reorganized  Debtor will issue the Junior Secured  Creditors Stock to the
Junior  Secured  Creditors on a pro-rata  basis as set forth in Exhibit "1" to
this Plan.  In  conjunction  with the issuance of the Junior Secured
Creditors Stock,  the Reorganized  Debtor will issue to each of the Junior
Secured Creditors (i) a Warrant in the form of Exhibit "3" to this Plan to
exchange all of such Junior Secured  Creditor's  shares of stock in the
Reorganized Debtor for BDH common  shares at an  exchange  price of $4.35 per
share using a valuation  of  $645,000  for all of the shares of the Junior
Secured Creditors  Stock,  and (ii) a Put Option in the form of Exhibit "4" to
this Plan to  exchange  all of such  Junior  Secured  Creditor's shares of stock
in the Reorganized  Debtor for a cash payment from the Reorganized  Debtor
using a valuation of $645,000 for all shares of the Junior Secured  Creditors
tock.  The Warrants and Put Options issued in conjunction  with the Junior
Secured  Creditors  Stock must be exercised, if at all, on or before June 30,
         On or as soon as  practicable  after the  Effective  Date,  the
Reorganized  Debtor will issue the Junior  Secured  Creditors Promissory  Notes
to the Junior Secured  Creditors on a pro-rata  basis as set forth in Exhibit
"1" to this Plan. In  conjunction  with the  issuance of the Junior  Secured
Creditors  Promissory  Notes,  the  Reorganized  Debtor will issue to each of
the Junior  Secured Creditors  (i) a Warrant  in the form of  Exhibit  "3" to
this Plan to  exchange  all or a portion of such  Junior  Secured  Creditor"s
Promissory  Note for BDH common  shares at an  exchange  price of $4.35 per
share,  and (ii) a Put Option in the form of Exhibit "5" to this  Plan to
exchange  up to fifty  percent  (50%) of the then  outstanding  principal
balance  of such  Junior  Secured  Creditor's Promissory  Note for a cash
payment  from BDH equal to eighty  percent  (80%) of the  principal  balance
of the such  Junior  Secured Creditor's  Promissory  Note being put to BDH.
The Warrants and Put Options  issued in conjunction  with the Junior
Secured  Creditors Promissory Notes must be exercised, if at all, on or
before June 30, 2004.
         On or as soon as  practicable  after the Effective  Date,  the
Reorganized  Debtor will issue the First  Unsecured  Creditors Promissory  Note
in the  form of  Exhibit  "6" to this  Plan to the  Post-Confirmation
Committee  for the  benefit  of  class 20 claim holders.  In conjunction with
the issuance of the First Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory Note, the
Reorganized Debtor will issue to the Post-Confirmation  Committee  for the
benefit  of class 20 claim  holders  (i) a Warrant  in the form of  Exhibit
"3" to this Plan to exchange all or a portion of the unpaid  principal
balance of the First Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory Note for BDH common
shares at an  exchange  price of $4.35 per share,  and (ii) a Put Option in the
form of Exhibit  "7" to this Plan to  exchange  up to One Hundred percent
(100%) of the then outstanding  principal balance of the First Unsecured
Creditors  Promissory Note for a cash payment from the Reorganized  Debtor
equal to eighty percent (80%) of the principal balance of the First Unsecured
Creditors  Promissory Note being put to the Reorganized  Debtor.  The Warrant
and Put Option issued in conjunction with the First Unsecured  Creditors
Promissory Note must be exercised, if at all, on or before June 30, 2004.
         On or as soon as  practicable  after the Effective  Date, the
Reorganized  Debtor will issue the Second  Unsecured  Creditors Promissory
Note in the  form of  Exhibit  "8" to this  Plan to the Post-Confirmation
Committee  for the  benefit  of  class 20 claim holders.  In conjunction with
the issuance of the Second  Unsecured Creditors  Promissory  Note, the
Reorganized  Debtor will issue to the Post-Confirmation  Committee  for the
benefit of class 20 claim  holders (i) a Warrant in the form of Exhibit "3" to
this Plan to exchange all or a portion of the unpaid  principal  balance of
Second Unsecured Creditors  Promissory Note for BDH common shares at an
exchange price of $4.35 per share,  and (b) a Put Option in the form of Exhibit
"9" to this Plan to exchange up to one hundred  percent (100%) of the then
outstanding  principal balance of the Second Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory
Note for a cash payment from BDH equal to eighty percent (80%) of the principal
balance of the Second Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory Note being put to BDH.
The Warrant and Put Option issued in conjunction with the Second Unsecured
Creditors  Promissory Note must be exercised,  if at all, on or before June
30, 2004.
         In connection with the rights granted to holders of the Junior
Secured Creditors Stock,  Junior Secured  Creditors  Promissory Note, the First
Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory Note and the Second Unsecured  Creditors
Promissory Note to exchange their respective claims or  interests  for common
stock of BDH,  BDH will obtain on or before the  Effective  Date a reasoned
legal  opinion that such exchange  rights and the BDH common stock  issuable
pursuant  thereto may be offered and sold to such creditors  without
registration under the  Securities Act of 1933 and such stock may be offered
and sold by such creditors  without  registration  under the Securities
Act of 1933, assuming that none of such creditors is an "underwriter" as
defined in Section 1145(b) of the Bankruptcy Code.
         Each  instrument  which  constitutes  or may  constitute  a security
issued to the Junior  Secured  Creditors  and  unsecured creditors under this
Plan shall be issued with a legend in substantially  the following form unless,
as soon as practicable  after the Effective  Date,  the  recipient of such
instrument  represents  to the issuer that it is not an  "underwriter"  as
defined by Section 1145(b) of the Bankruptcy Code and indemnifies such issuer
for any breach of such representation:
         If a party  entitled  to  receive  securities  to be issued  under
this Plan has any  questions  regarding  its  status as an "underwriter"  under
Section 1145(b) of Bankruptcy Code, it should consult with its counsel prior to
making this  representation to the issuer.

        3.       Substantive Consolidation
         On the  Effective  Date,  TWC and  Alan's  will be  substantively
consolidated.  There  will be no  distinction  between  the treatment of TWC's
creditors and Alan's  creditors  under this Plan.  From and after the Effective
Date, TWC and Alan's will cease to exist as a separate legal entities.

        4.       Post-Confirmation Management and Board of Directors
         The management of the  Reorganized  Debtor and the members of the
Reorganized  Debtor's Board of Directors will be determined by BDH, as the owner
of 90% of the  Reorganized  Debtor.  Prior to the Plan  confirmation  hearing,
BDH will file a pleading  with the Bankruptcy  Court  identifying  the  makeup
of the  initial  management  of the  Reorganized  Debtor  and the  initial
members  of the Reorganized Debtor's Board of Directors.

        5.       Purchase and Waiver of Avoidance Causes of Action.
         Other than the Class Action Suit, the  Reorganized  Debtor will be
        acquiring all causes of action of these estates,  including avoidance
        causes of action, and the Reorganized Debtor has agreed not to pursue
        any such causes of action.

        6.       Objections to Claims
         The  Post-Confirmation  Committee shall file and prosecute or continue
        with the prosecution of objections to claims which were commenced by
        the Debtors prior to the Effective  Date. The Bankruptcy  Court shall
        retain  jurisdiction  to consider and adjudicate all such  objections
        to claims,  regardless  of whether the  objections  to claims were
        filed prior to or after the  Effective  Date.  Any objection to any
        claim must be filed within one hundred twenty (120) days following the
        Effective Date.

        7.       Disbursing Agent
         The Reorganized  Debtor shall serve as the disbursing agent for the
        purpose of making all  distributions to the class 20 claim holders.
        LNBRB shall cause all allowed fees and expenses of the  professionals
        employed in these cases  (excluding  FocalPoint) to be paid out of the
        Professional Fee Account.

        8.       Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases
         On the Effective  Date, all of the Debtors'  executory  contracts and
        unexpired  leases  attached as Exhibit "11" to this Plan (the "Assumed
        Contracts and Leases") shall be deemed assumed by the Reorganized
        Debtor  effective as of the Effective Date. BDH shall have the right to
        amend the list of the Assumed  Contracts  and Leases up until the
        business  day prior to the hearing on  confirmation of this Plan.
        With  respect to all of the  Assumed  Contracts  and  Leases,  the
        Reorganized  Debtor  will be required to (a) cure or provide adequate
        assurance that the Reorganized  Debtor will promptly cure any default
        existing under all such Assumed  Contracts and Leases,  (b) compensate
        or provide  adequate  assurance that the  Reorganized  Debtor will
        promptly  compensate any other party to such Assumed  Contracts and
        Leases for any actual pecuniary loss to such parties  resulting from
        any default existing under any such Assumed Contracts  and Leases,
        and (c) provide  adequate  assurance of future  performance  under such
        Assumed  Contracts  and Leases.  If the Reorganized  Debtor elects not
        to take an assignment of one or more of the Debtors'  existing  retail
        store leases and those  landlords obtain  allowed  unsecured  claims
        against the  Debtors as a result of the  rejection,  the  principal
        amount of the First  Unsecured Creditors'  Promissory Note will be
        increased so as not to dilute the  distribution  that class 20 claim
        holders would have received if not for such rejection.
                All of the Debtors'  remaining  executory  contracts  and
unexpired  leases which are not included  among the list of Assumed Contracts
and Leases  attached as Exhibit "11" to this Plan shall be deemed  rejected
effective as of 11:59 PST on the Effective Date. THE BAR DATE FOR FILING A
BE THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE  EFFECTIVE  DATE.  Any claim based on the
rejection of an unexpired  lease or executory  contract will be barred if the
proof of claim is not timely filed,  unless the  Bankruptcy  Court orders
         With respect to any real  property  leases of the Debtors that the
Reorganized  Debtor elects not to take an assignment of (a "Rejected Property"),
the Reorganized Debtor shall be entitled to continue in possession of the
subject property and operate therefrom for up to 30 days  after the  Effective
Date (the  "Exit  Period")  in order to close and exit the  Rejected  Property
in an  orderly fashion, to give advance notice to the store employees,  and to
remove store inventory,  equipment and trade fixtures.  The Reorganized
Debtor shall have the right to remove all  inventory,  equipment  and trade
fixtures from a Rejected  Property  during the Exit Period free of any claim or
lien of the  landlord or other  party.  During the Exit
Period,  the  Reorganized  Debtor  shall  comply with all
provisions of the applicable  lease,  including,  without  limitation,  the
payment of rent and expenses,  the maintenance of insurance
coverage, and provisions regarding use. At the end of such  occupancy  the
Reorganized  Debtor  shall  turn over  possession  of the  Rejected  Property
to the  landlord  in broom-clean  condition and repair any damage caused by the
removal of equipment and trade fixtures all in accordance  with the terms of
the respective lease.  The Bankruptcy Court shall retain jurisdiction to order
the return of possession at the end of the Exit Period.
         With respect to any executory  contract or unexpired  capital lease of
the Debtors that the  Reorganized  Debtor elects not to take an  assignment  of
(a "Rejected  Contract"),  the  Reorganized  Debtor  shall have the same 30-day
Exit Period to  redeliver  such equipment to the lessor,  and during such Exit
Period,  the Reorganized Debtor shall pay all of the contractual rent due the
respective lessor under the Rejected  Contract  until the  redelivery of such
equipment to the lessor,  all in  accordance  with the terms of the
respective Rejected Contract.
        9.       Changes in Rates Subject to Regulatory Commission Approval
         The Debtors are not subject to governmental regulatory commission
        approval of their rates.

        10.      Name Change, Termination of Qualifications and Dissolution
                of Debtors.
         On the Effective  Date, the  Debtors shall deliver to the Reorganized
        Debtor (a) an executed  Certificate of Amendment to its Articles of
        Incorporation  changing its name to "Shoes  Liquidation Co." in a form
        acceptable to the California  Secretary of State and (b) an executed
        Certificate of Withdrawal from the State of Delaware  surrendering its
        authority to transact business in Delaware in a form acceptable to the
        Delaware  Secretary of State.  Each of such documents shall be prepared
        by BDH, at BDH's expense,  and delivered to the Debtors for signature
        at least one business day prior to the Effective Date. As soon as
        practicable  after the Effective Date,  each of the Debtors shall
        deliver to the  Reorganized  Debtor the documents necessary to surrender
        its  authority to transact  business in each state in which it is
        currently  qualified to do business.  Each of such documents shall be
        prepared by BDH, at BDH's expenses, and delivered to the Debtors for
        signature prior to the Effective Date.
               Pursuant to this Plan, the Plan Confirmation Order, and Section
        1400 of the California  Corporations Code, as applicable,  the Debtors
        shall cease to exist as corporate  entities and shall be deemed,  as a
        matter of law,  dissolved,  as of the entry of the Final Decree.
        Notwithstanding  the  dissolution of the Debtors and consistent  with
        Section 2010 of the  California  Corporations  Code, the Debtors  shall
        continue  to exist for the  purpose of winding  up their  affairs,  and
        the  officers  of the  Debtors in office on the Effective Date shall
        execute and deliver to the Reorganized  Debtor such reasonable
        instruments and other documents which are prepared by BDH, at BDH's
        expense,  and delivered to the Debtors prior to the Effective  Date
        for the purpose of carrying out or evidencing any of the transactions
        contemplated by this Plan.

        11.      Tax-Free Reorganization
         Confirmation of this Plan shall effect a tax-free reorganization under
        Internal Revenue Code SS 368(a)(1)(G).

        12.      Exemption From Certain Transfer Taxes
         Pursuant to section 1146(c) of the Bankruptcy  Code, the transfer of
        property shall not be subject to any stamp tax,  transfer tax or
        similar tax.

        13.      Present Certificated Securities and Promissory Notes Deemed
                Null and Void
         The various promissory notes, stock certificates,  and other documents
        to be provided to holders of allowed claims under this Plan shall be in
        the place and stead of any  certificated  security or promissory  note
        presently held by such creditors as evidence of such allowed claims and
        all such documents presently held by such creditors shall be deemed null
        and void as of the Effective Date.

        14.      Retention of Jurisdiction
         After  confirmation  of this Plan and occurrence of the Effective Date,
        in addition to any  jurisdiction  which is provided to the Bankruptcy
        Court by the Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy Court will retain such
        jurisdiction as is legally permissible including for the following
                        i.       to resolve any and all disputes  regarding
        the operation  and  interpretation  of this Plan and the
        Plan Confirmation Order;
                        ii.      to resolve any and all disputes  regarding any
        exhibits to this Plan and any other  documents  that the Reorganized
        Debtor issues under this Plan or requests the Debtors to execute to
        effectuate the terms of this Plan;
                        iii.      to determine the allowability,
        classification, or priority of claims and interests, regardless of
        whether such objection is filed before or after the Effective Date;
                        iv.      to  determine  the extent,  validity  and
        priority of any lien  asserted  against  property of the Debtors or
        their estates;
                        v.       to construe and take any action to enforce
        this Plan, the Plan  Confirmation  Order,  and any other order of the
        Bankruptcy Court, issue such orders as may be necessary for the
        implementation,  execution,  performance, and consummation of this Plan,
        the Plan Confirmation  Order, and all matters referred to in this Plan
        and the Plan Confirmation  Order, and to determine all matters that
        may be pending before the  Bankruptcy  Court in these cases on or
        before the Effective Date with respect to any person or entity related
                        vi.      to determine (to the extent  necessary) any
        and all  applications for allowance of compensation and reimbursement
        of expenses of professionals for the period on or before the Effective
                        vii.     to determine any request for payment of
        administrative expenses;
                        viii. to determine motions for the rejection,
        assumption, or assignment of executory contracts or unexpired leases
        filed before the Effective Date and the allowance of any claims
        resulting therefrom;
                        ix.      to determine all applications,  motions,
        adversary  proceedings,  contested matters, and any other litigated
        matters  instituted during the pendency of these cases whether before,
        on, or after the Effective Date including  avoidance causes of action;
                        x.       to  determine  such  other  matters  and for
        such other  purposes  as may be  provided  in the Plan Confirmation
                       xi.      to modify  this Plan under  Section  1127 of
        the  Bankruptcy  Code in order to remedy any  apparent defect or
        omission in this Plan or to reconcile any inconsistency in this Plan
        so as to carry out its intent and purpose;
                        xii. except as otherwise  provided in this Plan and
        the Plan Confirmation  Order, to issue  injunctions,  to take such
        other actions or make such other orders as may be necessary or
        appropriate  to restrain  interference  with this Plan or the Plan
        Confirmation Order, or the execution or implementation by any person or
        entity of this Plan or the Plan Confirmation Order;
                        xiii.  to  issue  such  orders  in aid of  consummation
        of this  Plan  and  the  Plan  Confirmation  Order, notwithstanding any
        otherwise  applicable  nonbankruptcy law, with respect to any person or
        entity, to the fullest extent authorized by the Bankruptcy Code or
        Bankruptcy Rules; and
                        xiv. to enter a final decree closing these Chapter 11

        15.      Post-Confirmation Committee
                The  Post-Confirmation  Committee  shall be comprised of those
        members of the  Creditors  Committee  who wish to serve on the
        Post-Confirmation  Committee.  The  Post-Confirmation  Committee
        shall  have the right to  retain  such  professionals  that they deem
        necessary to effectuate  the foregoing and to pay the fees and expenses
        of such professionals  out of the funds  designated to be paid
        to the class 20 claim holders without any further order of the
        Bankruptcy Court.
                The  Post-Confirmation  Committee  shall remain in existence
        until such time as the final  distribution is made to holders of class
        20  allowed  claims.  The  Post-Confirmation  Committee  shall  have
        the  powers  and  responsibilities,  and the  duties  of the
        Post-Confirmation Committee shall be restricted to the matters,
        described immediately below.
                1.       The Post-Confirmation  Committee shall monitor th
        performance of the Reorganized Debtor regarding its obligations to make
        all of the payments required to be made to class 20 allowed claims.
                2.       The Post-Confirmation Committee shall monitor the
        performance of the Reorganized Debtor.
                3.       The Post-Confirmation Committee shall have the
        authority to agree on behalf of all class 20 claim holders to:
                        i.       proposals made by the Reorganized Debtor to
                        modify this Plan;
                        ii.      elect to exchange all or a portion of the
                        then unpaid  principal  balance of the First
                        Unsecured  Creditors Promissory  Note for BDH common
                        stock at an exchange price of $4.35 per share and/or
                        put up to 100% of the then  outstanding  principal
                        balance of the First  Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory
                        Note to the  Reorganized  Debtor  for cash equal to 80%
                        of that  portion of the principal balance of the First
                        Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory Note which is to be put
                        to the  Reorganized  Debtor,  as provided for herein;
                        iii.     elect to exchange all or a portion of the then
                        unpaid principal  balance of the Second  Unsecured
                        Creditors Promissory  Note for BDH common stock at an
                        exchange price of $4.35 per share and/or put up to 100%
                        of the then  outstanding  principal balance of the
                        Second  Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory  Note to the
                        Reorganized  Debtor for cash equal to 80% of that
                        portion of the principal balance of the Second
                        Unsecured  Creditors  Promissory Note which is to be
                        put to the Reorganized  Debtor,  as provided for
                        herein; and
                        iv.      proposals made by the  Reorganized  Debtor to
                        postpone the scheduled  date of a  distribution  to
                        holders of class 20 allowed claims.
                4.       The  Post-Confirmation  Committee may initiate and
        prosecute  objections  to claims,  including  objections to claims
        which were filed prior to the Effective Date.
                5.       The  Post-Confirmation  Committee  shall have
        authority to agree on behalf of class 20 claim holders to proposals by
        the Reorganized Debtor with respect to disposition and settlement of
        any class 20 claim.
                6.       The  Post-Confirmation  Committee  shall have such
        other powers and  responsibilities  as expressly set forth in this
                7.       The members of the Post-Confirmation  Committee shall
        serve without compensation for their performance of services as members
        of the  Post-Confirmation  Committee,  except  that they shall be
        entitled  to  reimbursement  of  reasonable  expenses by the
        Reorganized Debtor.
                8.       The Post-Confirmation  Committee shall take such
        steps as are necessary to obtain the entry of a final decree closing
        the Debtors' Chapter 11 cases
                9.       The  Post-Confirmation  Committee  shall have the
        right to retain the services of  attorneys,  accountants  and other
        agents which, in the discretion of the  Post-Confirmation  Committee,
        are necessary to assist the  Post-Confirmation  Committee in the
        performance of its duties,  including any  professional  which were
        employed in the Debtors' Chapter 11 cases whether by the Debtors or
        the  Creditors  Committee.  The fees and  expenses  of such
        professionals shall be paid by the  Reorganized  Debtor  upon the
        monthly submission  of bills to the  Reorganized  Debtor and the
        Post-Confirmation  Committee.  The  payment of the fees and  expenses
        of the Post-Confirmation  Committee's retained  professionals shall be
        made in the ordinary course of business and shall not be subject to the
        approval of the Bankruptcy Court.
                10.      Neither the Post-Confirmation Committee, nor any of
        its members, designees or professionals,  nor any duly designated
        agent or representative of the Post-Confirmation  Committee, or their
        respective employees,  shall be liable for the act or omission of
        any other member,  designee,  agent or representative of the
        Post-Confirmation  Committee.  Nor shall any member be liable for any
        act or omission taken or omitted to be taken in its capacity as a
        member of the Post-Confirmation  Committee,  other than acts or
        omissions resulting from such member's  willful  misconduct or gross
        negligence.  The  Post-Confirmation  Committee may, in connection
        with the performance of its functions,  and in its sole and absolute
        discretion,  consult with its counsel,  accountants and agents,  and
        shall not be liable for any act taken,  omitted to be taken,  or
        suffered to be done in accordance  with advice or opinions  rendered by
        such professionals.  Notwithstanding  such  authority,  the
        Post-Confirmation  Committee  shall be under no  obligation to consult
        with its counsel,  accountants  or  agents,  and its  determination
        not to do so  shall  not  result  in the  imposition  of  liability
        on the Post-Confirmation  Committee,  or its members  and/or  designees,
        unless such  determination  is based on willful  negligence or gross
                11.      The Post-Confirmation  Committee will terminate upon
        the  Reorganized  Debtor's  satisfying in full all  obligations
        owing by the  Reorganized  Debtor  under  both the  First  Unsecured
        Creditors  Promissory  Note and the  Second  Unsecured  Creditors
        Promissory Note.


        A.       Discharge.
         The Debtors will not receive a discharge  under this Plan  pursuant
        to and in accordance  with the  provisions of Section 1141 of the
        Bankruptcy  Code because there has been a liquidation of all or
        substantially  all of the property of the Debtors'  estates and
        because the Debtors will not engage in business after the consummation
        of this Plan.

        B.       Modification of this Plan.
         The  Debtors  may  modify  this  Plan at any time  before
        confirmation.  However,  the  Bankruptcy  Court  may  require a new
        disclosure  statement and/or re-voting on this Plan if the Debtors
        modify this Plan before  confirmation.  The Debtors may also seek to
        modify this Plan at any time after  confirmation of this Plan so long
        as (1) this Plan has not been  substantially  consummated and (2)
        the Bankruptcy Court authorizes the proposed modifications after notice
        and a hearing.

        C.       Post-Confirmation Status Reports.
         Until a final  decree  closing  the  Debtors'  Chapter  11 cases is
        entered,  the  Post-Confirmation  Committee  shall file a quarterly
        status report with the Bankruptcy  Court  explaining  what progress
        has been made toward  consummation of the confirmed Plan and shall
        serve such status reports upon the Office of the United States Trustee,
        the  Post-Confirmation  Committee,  and those parties who have
        requested special notice.

        D.       Post-Confirmation Conversion/Dismissal.
         A creditor or any other party in interest may bring a motion to convert
        r dismiss  these cases under  Section  1112(b) of the Bankruptcy  Code
        after this Plan is confirmed  if there is a default in  performing
        this Plan.  If the  Bankruptcy  Court orders these cases  converted to
        Chapter 7 after this Plan is confirmed,  then all property  that had
        been  property of the Chapter 11 estates,  and that has not been
        disbursed  pursuant to this Plan,  will revest in the Chapter 7 estates,
        and the  automatic  stay will be reimposed upon the revested property,
        but only to the extent that relief from stay was not previously
        authorized by the Bankruptcy Court during these cases.  The Plan
        Confirmation  Order may also be revoked under very limited
        circumstances.  The Bankruptcy Court may revoke the Plan Confirmation
        Order if it was procured by fraud and if a party in interest brings an
        adversary  proceeding to revoke  confirmation within 180 days after the
        entry of the Plan Confirmation Order.

        E.       Final Decree.
         Once these  estates have been fully  administered  as referred to in
        Bankruptcy  Rule 3022,  the  Post-Confirmation  Committee shall file a
        motion  with the  Bankruptcy  Court to obtain a final decree to close
        these  cases.  The  Reorganized  Debtor  shall be responsible for the
        timely payment of all fees incurred  pursuant to 28 U.S.C.  Section
        1930(a)(6)  until the entry of a final decree closing these cases.

        Presented By:

By:      /s/ Monica Kim
         RON BENDER
         MONICA Y. KIM
         Attorneys for Chapter 11
         Debtors and Plan Proponents

        Approved By:

By:      /s/ Simon Aron
         SIMON ARON
         Attorneys for Big Dog Holdings, Inc.

                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


I.       INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................2

II.      PLAN SUMMARY.............................................................................................3

III.     CLASSIFICATION AND TREATMENT OF CLAIMS AND INTERESTS....................................................12

         A.       What Creditors and Interest Holders Will Receive Under this Plan...............................12
         B.       Unclassified Claims............................................................................12
                  1.       Administrative Expenses...............................................................13
                  2.       Priority Tax Claims...................................................................20
         C.       Classified Claims and Interests................................................................21
                  1.       Classes of Secured Claims.............................................................21
                  2.       Classes of Priority Unsecured Claims..................................................77
                  3.       Class of General Unsecured Claims.....................................................78
                  4.       Class of Interest Holders.............................................................85
         D.       Means of Effectuating this Plan and Implementation of this Plan................................86
                  1.       The Reorganized Debtor................................................................86
                  2.       Plan Funding..........................................................................87
                  3.       Substantive Consolidation.............................................................96
                  4.       Post-Confirmation Management and Board of Directors...................................96
                  5.       Purchase and Waiver of Avoidance Causes of Action.....................................96
                  6.       Objections to Claims..................................................................96
                  7.       Disbursing Agent......................................................................97
                  8.       Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases..............................................97
                  9.       Changes in Rates Subject to Regulatory Commission Approval...........................100
                  10.      Name Change, Termination of Qualifications and Dissolution of Debtors................100
                  11.      Tax-Free Reorganization..............................................................101
                  12.      Exemption From Certain Transfer Taxes................................................101
                  13.      Present Certificated Securities and Promissory Notes Deemed Null and Void............102
                  14.      Retention of Jurisdiction............................................................102
                  15.      Post-Confirmation Committee..........................................................105

IV.      EFFECT OF CONFIRMATION OF THIS PLAN....................................................................109

         A.       Discharge.....................................................................................109
         B.       Modification of this Plan.....................................................................109
         C.       Post-Confirmation Status Reports..............................................................110
         D.       Post-Confirmation Conversion/Dismissal........................................................110
         E.       Final Decree..................................................................................111