Big Dog Holdings, Inc. - $3,000,000 Revolving Note - March 1, 2004
                            REVOLVING PROMISSORY NOTE
                            VARIABLE RATE OF INTEREST

$3,000,000.00                                            March 1, 2004

FOR VALUE  RECEIVED,  the  undersigned  unconditionally  promises  to pay on
March 1, 2006,  to the order of ISRAEL DISCOUNT  BANK OF NEW YORK
(hereinafter  the "Bank"),  at the Bank's  office at 9401 Wilshire  Blvd.,
Suite 600, Beverly  Hills,  California  90212,  or at any other place
designated in writing by the  undersigned  hereof,  the principal  amount of
Three Million  Dollar and No Cents  (US$3,000,000.00)  or, so much thereof as
is advanced (the "Advances")  and remains  outstanding  hereunder on the date
due,  together with interest  thereon at the times and rates  specified
herein.  All advances and payments made in connection with this Note may
be recorded from time to time by the Bank on the reverse side hereof,  on an
attachment  hereto or in its general  business  records.  Each such record of
any advance  hereunder  shall be  presumptive  evidence that the advance was
made by the Bank to the undersigned.

The  principal  sum of each advance made  hereunder,  as the case may be,
shall bear  interest  from the date made until paid in full,  at a
fluctuating  rate per annum  equal to One ( 1.00 %) percent  above the Prime
Rate of the Bank and which  shall  change when and as the Prime Rate  changes,
calculated  on the basis of a 360-day  year and actual number of days elapsed
(but in no event in excess of the maximum rate permitted by applicable  law).
"Prime Rate" shall mean the rate which the Bank  announces  from time to time
as its prime  lending  rate,  in effect from time to time.  The Prime Rate is
a reference  rate and does not  necessarily  represent  the lowest,  the best
or a favored rate  actually  charged to any customer.  Any change in such rate
of interest  shall be effective as of the opening of business on the date the
change in the prime loan rate of the Bank occurs,  without  prior notice to the
undersigned.  Such interest is to be payable  monthly  commencing  April 1,
2004, and continuing on the same day of each month until maturity date.

The Prime  Rate of the Bank in effect on the date of this Note is four  percent
(4.00%)  per annum.  All  payments hereunder shall be made in lawful money of
the United States and in immediately  available  funds. Any extension of
time for the payment of the interest or principal of this Note  resulting from
the due date falling on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday shall be included
in the computation of interest.

Interest from and after maturity (whether as originally  stated or by
acceleration)  shall be at the rate per annum equal to 5% above the rate
charged  hereunder  on the date of such  maturity  or renewal or demand or
if such rate shall not be lawful with respect to the  undersigned,  at the
highest lawful rate then in effect.  Any interest not paid when due hereunder
shall be added to the  principal  amount of this Note and shall bear interest
from its due date at the applicable interest rate specified herein.

The undersigned  shall give the Bank telephonic or fax notice of each requested
Advance to be made under this Note by at least one o'clock p.m.,  Pacific
Standard  Time, on the date of borrowing,  to be followed by prompt written
confirmation  thereof  delivered to the Bank,  which notice shall  specify the
date of borrowing  and the principal amount  thereof.  The Bank shall be
entitled to rely upon any such  telephonic  notice and the  undersigned
hereby agrees to indemnify the Bank against any claims, liabilities, losses
and expenses ensuing from such reliance.

This note  evidences  a  revolving  line of credit.  Subject to the terms and
conditions  hereof and the terms and conditions  set forth in the Bank's
letter dated  February 23, 2004, to the  undersigned  (as  attached),  and any
agreement in writing between the Bank and the undersigned,  the undersigned may
borrow,  repay in whole or in part, and reborrow on a revolving basis, up to
the maximum amount of this Note.

If any amount  payable on this Note shall not be paid when due,  THEN this Note
and the  principal  of and  accrued interest on each Advance  evidenced hereby
shall,  unless the Bank shall otherwise elect,  become forthwith due and
payable  in full,  without  protest,  presentment,  notice  or  demand,  all of
which are  expressly  waived by the undersigned.

The undersigned  and its  subsidiaries,  represent and warrant that: (1) Event
of Default (as hereinafter  defined) has  occurred  and no event has  occurred
which,  with the  giving  of notice or the lapse of time or both,  would
constitute  an Event of Default;  (2) the  undersigned  shall not use any part
of the  proceeds of any Advance made hereunder  to purchase or carry any margin
stock  within the meaning of  Regulation U of the Board of Governors of the
Federal  Reserve  System or to extend  credit to others for the purpose of
purchasing  or carrying  any margin stock; and (3) on the occasion of each
Advance  hereunder all  representations  and warranties  contained herein or
otherwise  made in writing in connection  herewith  shall be true and correct
and with the same force and effect as though  such  representations  and
warranties  had been  made on and as of the  date of the  making  of each
such Advance.

Upon the occurrence of any of the following  specified events of default
(each an "Event of Default"):  (l) default by the undersigned in making any
payment of principal,  interest,  or any other amount payable under this Note
when due; or (2) default by the  undersigned and any of its  subsidiaries,
in the due payment of any  indebtedness  for borrowed  money or in the
observance  or  performance  of any covenant or condition  contained in any
agreement or instrument  evidencing,  securing, or relating to any such
indebtedness,  and continuance of any such default for a period  sufficient to
cause or permit the  acceleration of the maturity  thereof;  or (3) default in
the observance or performance of any other  agreement of the  undersigned set
forth herein and continuance of any such default for thirty (30) days after
notice  thereof to the  undersigned;  or (4) any  representation  or  warranty
made by the undersigned herein or in any certificate  furnished by the
undersigned  pursuant to the provisions  hereof,  proves untrue in any material
respect;  (5) the undersigned or any of its subsidiaries  becomes insolvent or
bankrupt,  is generally  not paying its debts as they become  due, or makes an
assignment  for the  benefit of  creditors,  or a trustee or receiver is
appointed for the  undersigned or for the greater part of the properties of the
undersigned with the consent of the  undersigned,  or if  appointed  without
the consent of the  undersigned,  such  Trustee or Receiver  is not  discharged
within  thirty  (30) days,  or  bankruptcy,  reorganization,  liquidation  or
similar proceedings  are instituted by or against the  undersigned  under the
laws of any  jurisdiction,  and if instituted against the  undersigned  are
consented to by it or remain  undismissed  for thirty (30) days, or a writ or
warrant of attachment  or similar  process shall be issued  against a
substantial  part of the property of the  undersigned and shall not be released
or bonded  within thirty (30) days after levy;  then, in any such event,
and at any time thereafter,  if any Event of Default shall then be  continuing,
the principal and the accrued  interest in respect of each Advance under this
Note shall become,  immediately due and payable without presentment,
demand, protest or other notice of any kind, all of which are expressly
waived by the undersigned.

The Bank may assign,  transfer  and/or  deliver to any  transferee  this Note.
No delay on the part of the Bank in exercising  any power or right  hereunder
shall  operate  as a waiver  thereof;  nor shall any  single or  partial
exercise of any power or right hereunder  preclude other or further  exercise
thereof or the exercise of any other power or right. The rights,  remedies,
and benefits herein expressly specified are cumulative and not exclusive of
any rights,  remedies or  benefits  which the Bank may  otherwise  have.
The  undersigned  hereby  waives  demand, presentment,  notice of dishonor and
protest of all instruments  included in or evidencing the Note and any and all
other notices and demands whatsoever, whether or not relating to any such


No  provision  hereof  shall be modified or limited  except by a written
instrument  signed by the Bank  expressly referring hereto and to the provision
so modified or limited.  The undersigned,  if more than one, shall be jointly
and severally liable hereunder and all provisions  hereof regarding the Note
of the undersigned  shall apply to any Note of any or all of them.  This Note
and the  provisions  hereof  are to be binding  upon the  heirs,  executors,
administrators,  assigns or successors of the undersigned;  they shall continue
in force and effect notwithstanding any change in any partnership party hereto,
whether such change occurs through death, retirement or otherwise.

The  undersigned  hereby  consents to the in personam  jurisdiction  of any
state or federal  court  sitting in the County of Los Angeles,  State of
California,  in connection with any claim arising with respect to this Note or
any of the  liabilities.  In the event any such action is commenced  in any
such court,  service of process may be made on the undersigned by mailing a
copy thereof to it at the address then reflected in the Bank's  records.
This Note and the provisions hereof are to be construed according to and
governed by the laws of the State of California.

                                            BIG DOG HOLDINGS, INC.,
                                            a Delaware Corporation ("Borrower")


DUE: March 1, 2006

Accepted by:

