Exhibit 10.11

                          STANDARD CONNECTION AGREEMENT
                          Standard Terms of Connection

A. The electricity you receive from your electricity supplier will be delivered
using the distribution network run by your local network operator. To receive a
supply of electricity you require both: . a connection agreement with your local
network operator to maintain the connection of your premises to the network; and
 . a supply contract with your electricity supplier.

B.Your electricity supplier has been appointed as the agent of your local
network operator to obtain a connection agreement with you on these standard
terms. When you enter into your electricity supply contract, you are also
entering into this connection agreement with your local network operator.

1.Interpretation: In this agreement the terms "we", "our" and "local network
operator" mean, for each connection to a network through which you are supplied
under your electricity supply contract, the public electricity supplier which
owns or operates that network.

2.Existing Terms:Any existing terms applying to your connection to our network
(except for our tariff terms or another standard connection agreement) will
apply instead of this agreement to the extent that they are inconsistent with
this agreement.

3.Duration of this connection agreement:This agreement takes effect from the
time that your electricity supply contract takes effect and will continue (even
if your electricity supply contract ends) until it ends under Clause 11 below.

4.Connection to our network: Your premises will remain connected to our network
in accordance with the provisions of the Electricity Act 1989, any other legal
requirements that apply from time to time, and the terms of this agreement.

5.Network constraints: Our obligations under this agreement are subject to the
maximum capacity and any other design features of your connection. In accordance
with existing legal rules, you must contact us in advance if you propose to make
any significant change to your connection, electric lines or electrical
equipment, install or operate generating equipment or do anything else that
could effect our network or require alterations to your connection.

6.Delivery of electricity: We do not guarantee that we will deliver electricity
through our network at all times or that electricity delivered through our
network will be free of brief variations in voltage or frequency.

7.Cutting off your supply: We may cut off your supply of electricity to your
connection where we are entitled to do so under general law. We may also cut off
your supply of electricity where we are required to do so under your electricity
supply contract or the electricity industry arrangements under which we operate.

8.If something goes wrong: If we fail to comply with any terms of this
agreement, or are negligent, you may be entitled under the general law to
recover compensation from us for any loss you have suffered. However, we will
not be required to compensate you for loss caused by anything beyond our
reasonable control, or for any indirect, consequential, economic or financial
loss (including loss of revenue, profit or opportunity, wasted expenses or loss
of contract or goodwill), other than where you are entitled to recover
compensation for such loss under the general law in relation to death or
personal injury.

9.Business customers:If the electricity supplied to your premises is used wholly
or mainly for business purposes, each of us will be liable to the other in
accordance with the limitations in Clause 8 and up to a maximum of
(pound)100,000 per calendar year.

10.Changing this connection agreement: The terms of this connection agreement
will be changed automatically to incorporate any changes which are approved by
the Director General of Electricity Supply. Any change which is approved will be
announced in at least three national daily newspapers and will take effect from
the date stated in those announcements.

Either of us may ask the other to accept a change to any part of this agreement
at any time if either believes the change is needed because of the nature of
your connection or because this agreement is no longer appropriate. (It is
unlikely that we will propose any changes unless your connection is at high
voltage, you have generating equipment or there are other special features.) If
a change is proposed under this clause, and cannot be agreed between us within
28 days, either of us may ask the Director General of Electricity Supply to
decide whether or not the change should be made.

11.Ending this  connection  agreement:This agreement will end in relation to a
connection  when one of the  following  occurs:  . you begin to take  your
electricity  supply through that  connection from us on our tariff terms: .
you permanently stop having electricity  delivered through that connection.
 . you no longer  either own or occupy the premises at which the connection
is situated;  or . any circumstances  arise which legally entitle us to cut
off your electricity  supplyto that connection and we write to you advising
you that this agreement is ended.

The ending of this agreement will not effect any rights, remedies or obligations
which may have come into being under this agreement and Clauses 8 and 9 will
continue to apply to those rights, remedies and obligations.

12.Transferring this connection agreement: You are not entitled to transfer this
   agreement to another person without our consent.

13.Providing information:You must provide us with any information we request in
relation to the nature, or use by you, of electrical equipment on your premises.
We will only ask for information that we need in relation to this agreement or
the Distribution Code that applies under our Public Electricity Supply Licence.