EXHIBIT 2.3

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Present:          Asdak Inc by its Director Alice Roberts
                  Clovis Grant as Secretary

Alice Roberts called the meeting to order. Alice Roberts acted as Chairman of
the meeting and Clovis Grant acted as Secretary thereof. The persons present
declared their waiver of notice of the time and place of the meeting. The
Chairman stated that a quorum was reached since the sole initial director was

- - -------

The Secretary presented to the meeting the Certificate of Incorporation and Good
Standing and a print of the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws of the Company
as registered with the Executive Director, International Financial Sector
Authority on the 5th August 1999. By motion duly made, seconded and carried it
was resolved that the By-Laws be approved and adopted in the form presented.

- - --------

By motion duly made, seconded and carried it was resolved that the following
persons be appointed officers of the company -

                       Terry Bowering                     - President
                       Douglas Bolen                      - Secretary

- - ------

By motion duly made, seconded and carried it was resolved that the Board of
Directors be authorized to issue the following shares in the company in the
format attached:

     Net Force Systems Inc, St John's, Antigua              100 shares

Banking Arrangements
- - --------------------

By motion duly made, seconded and carried it was resolved that

(1) the Company be authorized to open an account or accounts with Swiss American
Bank Ltd, St. John's, Antigua.

(2) the usual banking resolutions required by the Company's bankers for the
operation of accounts by the Company be deemed resolutions duly passed by this

(3) all cheques, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments shall be
signed on behalf of the Company by either Terry Bowering or Douglas Bolen.

     There being no further business the meeting ended at 11:45 a.m.

     /s/ "Alice Roberts"                            /s/ "Clovis Grant"
     .......................                        ..........................
     Alice Roberts                                  Clovis Grant
     Chairman of Meeting                            Secretary of Meeting

                               ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
              The International Business Corporations Act, Cap 222
                           A Company Limited By Shares

                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                          NET FORCE ENTERTAINMENT INC.

                                    ARTICLE I


The name of the Company is NET FORCE ENTERTAINMENT INC.

                                   ARTICLE II

                           REGISTERED OFFICE AND AGENT

The registered agent of the Company shall be Caribbean Management & Trust
Company Limited situate at 60 Nevis Street in the city of Saint John, Antigua,
which office shall also Be the registered office of the Company.

                                   ARTICLE III


The authorized capital of the Company is US$ 100,000.00 divided into 100,000,000
common Shares of US$0.01 each. The Company shall have the power to increase or
reduce said Capital, and to issue any part of it's capital, original on
increased, with or without any Preference, priority, or special privilege, or
subject to any postponement of rights, or to any Conditions or restrictions; and
so that, unless the conditions of issue shall otherwise Expressly declare, every
issue of shares, whether declared to be preference or otherwise, Shall be
subject to the power herein contained.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS

The Powers of the Company shall be exercised by the Board of Directors of the
Company. The company shall have a minimum of one and a maximum of four


                                    ARTICLE V
                                CORPORATE PURPOSE

The object for which the Company is established are:-

(a)      To engage only in any International betting, gaming, sportsbetting and
         bookmaking Permitted by the laws of Antigua and Barbuda and to accept
         wagers on sporting Events taking place in the Caricom region from
         residents of countries outside the Caricom region.

(b)      To acquire and with any property, real or personal, to erect any
         buildings, and do All acts and things, which in the opinion of the
         Company or the directors, may be Conveniently or profitably, or
         usefully, acquired and dealt with, carried on, erected Or done by the
         Company in connection with the property.

(c)      To generally have and exercise all powers, rights and privileges
         necessary and incident to carry out properly the objects herein

(d)      With the exception of betting, gaming, sportsbetting, and bookmaking,
         the company Shall not engage in International Banking, Trust, or
         Insurance or any activity Which requires a Licence under the
         International Business Corporations Act

                                   ARTICLE VI

     The Company shall have perpetual existence unless sooner dissolved in
     accordance with the Laws of Antigua and Barbuda. The date on which
     corporate existence shall begin in the date On which these Articles of
     Incorporation are filed with the Director of International Business
     Corporations of Antigua and Barbuda.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                            LIBIALITY OF SHAREHOLDERS

     The liability of a shareholder is limited to the amount, if any unpaid on
     the shares held or subscribed to by such shareholder.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


     The Company shall indemnify any and all of its Directors, Officers,
     employees or agents or Former Directors, officers, employees or agents or
     any person or persons who may have Served at its request as a Director,
     officer, employee or agent of another corporation,


     partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise in which it owns
     capital stock or of which it is a creditor, to the full extent permitted by
     law; and such indemnity shall include, but not be limited to, the expense,
     including the cost of any judgements, fines, settlements and counsel's
     fees, actually and necessarily paid or incurred in connection with any
     action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or
     investigative, and any appeals thereof, to which any such person or his
     legal representative may be made a party or may be threatened to be made a
     party by reason of his being or having been a Director, officer, employee
     or agent as herein provided. The foregoing right of indemnity shall not be
     exclusive of any other rights to which any Directors, officer, employee or
     agent may be entitled as a matter of law or which may be lawfully granted.

                                   ARTICLE IX

                              CHARTER CONTINUATION

     The Company is authorized to transfer its charter to any jurisdiction which
     permits Continuation of a foreign corporation.

                                    ARTICLE X


     No securities of the Company will be distributed to the public in Antigua
     and Barbuda.

                                   ARTICLE XI


     The name and address of the Company's incorporators are;-

     CLARE K. ROBERTS, Attorney-at-law, 60 Nevis Street, St.John's, Anitgua

     CLOVIS GRANT, Attorney's Clerk, 60 Nevis Street, St. John's Antigua.

     Dated this "5th" day of "August", 1999 at St. John's Antigua.

     /s/ "Clare K. Roberts"                        /s/ "Clovis Grant"
   ...............................              ...............................
     Clare K. Roberts                               Clovis Grant
     Attorney-at-Law                                Attorney's Clerk