September 25, 2001

From:    Dr. Hal Campbell, President
         Campbell and Associates

To:      Mr. Jeff Muller, CEO
         Save the World Air, Inc.

Subject: Letter of Agreement

1.       This letter of agreement is written to specify and confirm the terms
         and conditions of the consulting agreement between Campbell and
         Associates (Consultant) and Save the World Air Incorporated (Company),
         which is entered into on this date for a period of two years from the
         date of this agreement. It is acknowledged and agreed that no other
         conditions apply to this agreement and it is further acknowledged and
         agreed that remuneration for said services is irrevocable, however, if
         this Agreement is terminated prior to the expiration of the two year
         term by the Consultant, then the Consultant shall return to the Company
         the pro-rata amount of shares or options for the period during which
         the Consultant did not render any services. Should the Company elect to
         cancel or terminate this Agreement for any reason, it is understood and
         agreed that the Consultant shall retain ownership of the total amount
         of shares or options issued under this agreement and that the Company
         shall make no effort to revoke said shares or options.

2.       Pursuant to this agreement, it is acknowledged and agreed by the
         Company that consultant carries no professional licenses, and is not
         agreeing to act as a market maker or render legal advice or perform
         accounting services, nor act as an investment advisor or broker-dealer
         within the meaning of applicable state and federal securities laws. It
         is further acknowledged and agreed by the Company that the services to
         be provided to the Company are not considered to be rendered in
         connection with the offer and sale of Securities in a capital raising
         transaction. Consultant shall provide services to Company as an
         independent management consultant and subsequently shall make itself
         available to consult with the board of directors, employees and
         representatives and agents of the Company at reasonable times,
         concerning matters pertaining to the overall business operations of the
         Company, as well as the organizations of the administrative staff of
         the Company, the fiscal policy of the Company, and in general,
         concerning any problem of importance concerning the business affairs of
         the Company. Consultant will also assist in the coordination of
         activities and assist in the development and management of the
         Company's, worldwide web based systems. Under the terms of this section
         of the agreement, the Company will be granted ownership of all software
         and related intellectual assets developed by the Consultant in support
         of the web based systems for the Company.

3.       Consultant does not undertake as part of this Agreement to provide
         loans, investments or financing for the Company. Consultant will not
         perform any activities that could subject Consultant or Company to
         violations of Federal or applicable state securities law. Consultant is
         not engaged to act as agent, broker, underwriter, or market maker for
         the securities of the Company. Consultant further represents and
         warrants to the Company that neither Dr. Campbell nor Campbell and
         Associates are affiliates or employees of any underwriter, market
         maker, or broker.

4.       It is agreed that in remuneration for these services, Campbell and
         Associates will receive four hundred thousand shares of options for
         Save the World Air, Inc. (Symbol: ZERO), issued in the name of Harold
         G. Campbell (SSN# ###-##-####). These options are to be issued at an
         exercise price of .001 cents per share (the bid price per share as of
         April 19, 2001).

/s/ Dr. Harold G. Campbell                        /s/ Mr. Jeff Muller
------------------------------                    ------------------------------
Dr. Harold G. Campbell                            Mr. Jeff Muller, Chairman
Campbell and Associates                           Save the World Air, Inc