WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K


                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                     FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2001

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                         Commission file number 0-11616

             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

           California                                            95-3733534
           ----------                                            ----------
(State or other jurisdiction of                               (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                              Identification No.)

             733 Lakefield Road, Westlake Village, California 91361
               (Address of Principal Executive Offices) (Zip Code)
       Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code: (805) 373-8688

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

        Title of each class                         Name of each exchange
        -------------------                         ---------------------
         Common stock,                              American Stock Exchange
         without par value

        Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports) and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes[ ] No [X]

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. [X]

The aggregate market value of the voting stock held by non-affiliates of the
registrant at DECEMBER 31, 2001 was $1,940,461 based on the closing sale price
of $.05, on November 14, 2001, the most recent trading date.

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's class of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date:

- -----------------------------------             --------------------------------
Common Stock, no par value                                43,809,231


Franklin Telecommunications Corp.

Item 1.   Business
Item 2.   Properties
Item 3.   Legal Proceedings
Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

Item 5.   Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related Stockholder Matters
Item 6.   Selected Consolidated Financial Data
Item 7.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
            Condition and Results of Operations
Item 7A.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk
Item 8.   Financial Statements and Supplementary Data
Item 9.   Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting
                and Financial Disclosure

Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant
Item 11.  Executive Compensation
Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management
Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on Form 8-K


Part I.
- -------
Item 1.    Business

Certain statements constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of
Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown
risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results,
performance, or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any
future results, performance or achievements, expressed or implied by such
forward-looking statements.


Franklin has substantially reduced operations due to a lack of cash, and is
functioning with minimal staff while it seeks acquisition opportunities or
financing that would allow it to resume normal operations. The following
discussion describes the state of the industry in general, and Franklin's
business and products. It should be read in light of Franklin's current

Today's telecommunications company can trace both the challenges it faces and
the potential for growth it holds to the deregulation of the industry in 1996.
One of the most visible results of this deregulation was the emergence of
Competitive Local-Exchange Carriers (CLECs). Almost immediately, CLECs became
the darlings of Wall Street, winning record amounts of financing to build out
facility based networks. This expansion, while a competitive necessity, was not
without danger. For all too many of these CLECs, the powerful upward spike in
value was matched by an equally dramatic downward plunge, as the realities of
establishing a sustainable business while paying off venture capital debt became

The's followed an almost identical profile--rapid expansion followed
closely by collapse and confusion. One example of cause and effect in this
debacle was the complete misreading of what to expect from fiber optics:
fortunes were made and lost on the myth of an imminent shortage of bandwidth to
support growing IP demands. The reality proved to be bandwidth to spare.

After the tumultuous year in 2001 for telecommunications companies, should we
despair for the industry? No! Telecommunications has taken a beating, and
Franklin has suffered with the rest of the sector. Franklin's problems were
further exacerbated by a shortage of working capital suffered before its product
line was adequately established in the marketplace. This inevitably resulted in
inadequate sales.

But after acknowledging the challenges, it is fair to examine the very real
potential that still permeates the telecommunications industry . . . including
Franklin . We are looking for a solid, continuous pattern of growth over several
years, once we have obtained sufficient financing. The consensus is that most
small businesses and enterprises alike will move toward a converged data/voice
network, but they will take a phased approach. Most organizations will deploy a
solution over a several years. This is what we hope to see--and where we believe
Franklin Telecom can find a niche.

Opportunity involves risk. In a year that has seen several of our larger
competitors quit business, Franklin survives, but barely. It has only been
through massive cuts in personnel and overhead that Franklin has been able to
escape bankruptcy, and Franklin continues to operate at a loss. We are committed
to focusing resources on finding a market for our line of VoIP products. For
example, we believe that our SoftSwitch 2000 still offers a competitive edge
over hardware solutions that lack this product's unique ability to authenticate,
route and bill for VoIP calls.

Franklin needs to rebuild its sales and marketing capabilities. We also continue
to seek alliances, partnerships and mergers with other businesses that could
bolster development of additional products and services. All of this involves
enormous risk, especially considering current economic circumstances that make
working capital hard to find, and we may be unable to attract other businesses
for such alliances or relationships.


Still, unlike many of our competitors, Franklin has been in business for more
than twenty years. The Company has a history of well-designed, dependable
products and services. We expect Franklin to find its place in a stable,
long-term growth cycle within the telecommunications industry.

However, to date we have been unable to develop significant relationships with
these companies, and we may never be able to establish any such relationships.

Our business has been the design, manufacture and sale of Internet Telephony
equipment, also called "Voice Over Internet Protocol" (VoIP) equipment and other
high speed communications products and subsystems. Our products have been
marketed through Original Equipment Manufacturers ("OEMs") and distributors, as
well as directly to end users. In addition, through our majority-owned
subsidiary, FNet Corp. ("FNet"), we continue to provide traditional switched
network and Internet Protocol telephony services, and Internet access to
businesses and individuals. Our customers are located throughout the world in a
wide range of industries including financial services, government, telephone
services and manufacturing.

We offer a suite of Internet Telephony solutions that enable business
communications (voice) over data networks. From the small office home office
(SOHO) to the branch office and headquarters operations of medium to large scale
corporations, we offer a cost-effective call handling solution. From the
enterprise to the carrier market, we offer converged network solutions; managing
the connectivity and integration of voice, data, fax and video. Where ever
possible, the Company offers a turnkey solution that can be "owned" by its
customers. Our products and services are designed to enable connectivity and

The Company is both an equipment supplier and a service provider, offering
turn-key business communications solutions to both the carrier and enterprise
segments of the Internet Telephony market. The Company has produced gateways,
gatekeepers and edge servers that provide advanced packet switching solutions
that significantly reduce the infrastructure costs associated with
communications networks. We have designed, developed and manufactured our own

In addition to manufactured solutions, the Company maintains a Network
Operations Center that provides both "on -net" and "off-net" connectivity for
the Company's equipment customers. The Network Operations Center interconnects
the Company's customers on a global basis. The Network Operations Center
includes Internet access facilities and a Class 4 circuit switch.

The Company is also able to provide additional assistance to its customers by
offering design, installation and network management services. The Company
believes that this strategy of combining network operations and equipment design
is a significant product differentiation strategy, uniquely positioning the
Company. Many of the Company's customers have elected to interconnect with the
Network Operations center.

The Company's FNet division, through a joint venture, has provided a combination
of satellite solutions to enable telephone communications for NATO forces
throughout the Bosnia and Kosovo region. As of May 2001 the Company modified the
agreement with its joint venture partner, MegaBurst, located in Washington D.C.,
to provide that Megaburst will assume responsibility for the project. Some 21
earth station transponders are connected to "telephone calling booths" linked
via satellite to the U.S., where they are interconnected to the Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN). NATO soldiers, using FNet calling cards, are able to
make calls throughout the world through FNet facilities. FNet was incurring a
net loss on operations of this service and hence has curtailed all costs
connected with this operation. The contract change consisted of MegaBurst taking
over all costs of providing the service and FNet transfering the fixed assets,
consisting principally of the ground stations, to MegaBurst. The Company will
receive a 50% share of any joint venture profit.



The telecommunications industry has historically followed a path of development
based on the belief that voice and data require separate technologies and
network resources. Traditional telephone systems were, and are still, built
around an architecture that requires a dedicated connection, or circuit, in
order for a voice call to be completed. This technology requires the circuit to
remain dedicated between calling parties for the entire duration of a call.

Much data today is transmitted over Internet Protocol-based networks (IP). These
networks are more efficient because they do not require a dedicated circuit for
the entire path of the call. In a network using Internet Protocol, the voice,
fax, video or data is compressed and divided into packets that are
simultaneously sent to a final destination where they are reassembled back to
their original form. In this type of network, multiple types of information
including voice, fax and different forms of data can travel through the network
at the same time. The improvements in the technologies used in data networks
have led to an increase in use of this type of network to transmit both voice
and data. The IP telephony market emerged from these technological advances.
Recent developments in IP telephony technology have significantly bridged the
voice quality gap between the traditional telephone system, commonly referred to
as a circuit-switched system, and IP based systems. Consequently, the
circuit-switched system now finds itself in direct competition with IP telephony

A telephone call transmits signals that direct a series of switches to
open a dedicated path (circuit) to a second telephone. The dedicated circuit
carries the electronic signals through the line. The phones convert the signals
back into speech. Unlike the traditional circuit switched phone call, which
travels on a dedicated circuit, the electronic signals go to a data voice
gateway, which converts them into small packets of compressed digital
information. The packets may take different routes to their destination. After
traveling through the IP network, the packets are converted back into electronic
signals by another data voice gateway and put back on the phone network.

Today a voice call placed over an IP telephony network can sound virtually
indistinguishable from the same call made over the traditional telephone system.
What distinguishes IP telephony technology, however, is that it allows service
providers to simultaneously send voice, fax and data transmissions over their
networks and enables them to quickly add and use additional features and
services without the need for costly network upgrades. In contrast, changes to
the traditional telephone system are costly and difficult. For example, based on
estimates from the International Engineering Consortium, the recent integration
of such basic services as caller ID and call return services into the
traditional telephone system took over a decade and hundreds of millions of
dollars to implement in the United States alone.

The added flexibility and cost-effectiveness of IP telephony networks are
particularly important in an increasingly deregulated and competitive market
environment. Deregulation acts as a catalyst for the rapid deployment of these
services by allowing new service providers to quickly enter formerly regulated
markets and by forcing existing service providers to rapidly respond to the
challenge of competition.

We believe a significant market opportunity still exists for the makers of IP
telephony systems. Very few of our competitors have developed a comprehensive
solution that incorporates the functionality that service providers require to
provide end-to-end service. Some vendors have developed products that embed the
instructions on where to route the IP telephony call in the same equipment that
provides the IP telephony technology. This approach limits service providers'
flexibility to make modifications to their networks, because any modification
must be made at several different points throughout the network.

In December 2001, Manoj Menon, Director of the Technology Practice group at
Frost & Sullivan, stated that the market is undergoing a strategic inflection
point. "We will soon witness the emergence of total solutions providers and the
rise of new companies which could overtake the giants in the field." He was
referring to the evolution of IBM from a PC company to that of becoming a system
integrator, and the genesis of Dell and HP into the computing markets in the
early 1980s as a historical example for a potential telecom shakeout.

Many vendors only provide limited billing and network management data. This data
is gathered and formatted in a simplistic fashion, limiting the ability of
service providers to manage sophisticated networks or to bill using any pricing
structure they desire. Also, these simplistic billing systems make it difficult
to connect service providers' networks to the networks of other service


Some router, switch and IP telephony companies have formed partnerships with
billing and network management technology providers in order to provide even the
most basic operational support solution to service providers. A router is a
device that routes packets over the Internet or other Internet Protocol
networks. A switch is a device that takes multiple incoming calls and places
these calls onto fewer lines. This partnering necessitates integration, which
can be technologically difficult, time consuming and expensive.

Many IP telephony vendors require dedicated ports for voice, fax or data. A
port is the connection between the traditional telephone system and the IP
telephony system. Each port handles a single call. Systems that use dedicated
ports are inefficient and more costly because more ports are needed to handle
the different types of transmissions anticipated. In addition, many vendors do
not have the technical capability to integrate these ports with the traditional
telephone system so that the ports can correctly interpret busy signals, dial
tones and disconnects. This means that service providers cannot accurately bill
for the call. Furthermore, the inability to integrate well with the traditional
telephone system makes it more difficult for end-users to gain the benefits of
this technology because they have to dial separate phone numbers or use
multi-step dialing processes.

Industry Background--Telephone Services

The international long distance industry segment of the global
telecommunications market (consisting of the transmission of voice and data
between countries) is undergoing a period of fundamental change that has
resulted, and is expected to continue to result, in significant growth in usage
of international telecommunications services. The dynamics of present day life
have caused individuals to seek more sophisticated communications solutions,
driving service providers to bundle applications to capitalize on the wide range
of consumer needs.

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan (December 7, 2001) U.S. Market for Enhanced
IP-Based Voice Services, reveals that this industry generated revenues of $520
million in 2001 and is projected to reach $31.8 billion by 2007.

Furthermore, a separate analysis from Frost & Sullivan (November 28, 2001)
reveals that WORLD VOIP EQUIPMENT MARKETS generated more than $1 billion in
revenues in 2000 and will exceed $14 billion by 2006.

By the end of 2004, 4% of American phone company revenues ($3 billion) will
shift to IP telephony -- $1 billion going to consumers in cost savings, and $2
billion going to the IP telephony industry (Forrester Research, Mar. 2000).

Franklin believes that informed studies and research like those cited here
confirm expectations for a positive market for VoIP Equipment sales and the
expansion of VoIP services, both of which this Company can supply.

The Company believes that growth in international long distance services is
being driven by a number of factors including:

o        the globalization of the world's economies and the worldwide trend
         toward deregulation of the telecommunications sector;

o        declining prices arising from increased competition generated by
         privatization and deregulation;

o        increased worldwide telephone density (tele-density) and accessibility
         arising from technological advances and greater investment in
         telecommunications infrastructure, including the deployment of wireless

o        a wider selection of products and services; and

o        the growth in the transmission of data traffic via internal company
         networks and the Internet.

The Company believes that growth of traffic originated in markets outside the
U.S. will be higher than growth in traffic originated within the U.S. due to
recent deregulation in many foreign markets, relative economic growth rates and
increasing access to telecommunications facilities in emerging markets.



Consumer demand and competitive initiatives have acted as catalysts for
government deregulation, especially in developed countries. Deregulation
accelerated in the U.S. in 1984 with the divestiture by AT&T of the Regional
Bell Operating Companies ("RBOCs"). Today, there are more than 500 U.S. long
distance companies, most of which are small or medium-sized companies. In order
to be successful, these small and medium-sized companies typically offer their
customers a full range of services, including international long distance.
However, most of these carriers do not have the critical mass of customers to
receive volume discounts on international traffic from larger facilities-based
carriers such as AT&T and MCI WorldCom. In addition, these companies have only a
limited ability to invest in international facilities. Emerging multinational
carriers have capitalized on this demand for less expensive international
transmission facilities. These alternative international carriers are able to
take advantage of larger traffic volumes in order to obtain volume discounts on
international routes (resale traffic) and/or invest in facilities when the
volume of particular routes justifies such investments. As these emerging
international carriers have become established, they have also begun to carry
overflow traffic from the larger long distance providers that own overseas
transmission facilities.

Deregulation in the U.K. began in 1981 when Mercury, a subsidiary of Cable
&Wireless plc, was granted a license to operate a facilities-based network and
compete with British Telecommunications plc. In 1990, deregulation spread to
other European countries with the adoption of the "Directive on Competition in
the Markets for Telecommunication Services." A series of subsequent European
Union ("EU") directives, reports and actions are expected to result in
substantial deregulation of the telecommunications industries in most EU member
states by the end of the decade. Further deregulation of the EU
telecommunications market will occur in 2000 upon the implementation of the EU's
Amending Directive to the Interconnection Directive, which mandates the
introduction of equal access and carrier pre-selection by 2000. A similar
movement toward deregulation has already taken place in Australia and New
Zealand, and is also taking place in Japan, Mexico, Hong Kong and other markets.
Other governments have begun to allow competition for value-added and other
selected telecommunications services and features, including data and facsimile
services and certain restricted voice services.

On February 15, 1997, the United States and 67 other countries signed the WTO
Agreement and agreed to open their telecommunications markets to competition and
foreign ownership starting in February 1998.

These 68 countries represent approximately 95% of worldwide telecommunications
traffic. The Company believes that the WTO Agreement will provide the Company
with significant opportunities to compete in international markets and provide
end-to-end facilities-based services to and from these countries. The FCC
recently released an order that significantly changes U.S. regulation of
international services in order to implement the U.S. open market commitments
under the WTO Agreement. This order is expected to increase opportunities for
foreign carriers to compete in the U.S. communications market, while increasing
opportunities for U.S. carriers to enter foreign markets and to develop
alternative termination arrangements with non-dominant carriers in other


As a result of deregulation and other competitive pressures in the global
telecommunications industry, prices for telecommunications services generally
have fallen, releasing pent-up consumer demand and creating the impetus for
improved quality of service. New technologies, including fiber optic cable and
improvements in digital compression, have played an important role in this
process by, among other things, improving the quality and speed of transmission
capacity while lowering costs. The growth of the Internet as a communications
medium, as well as advances in packet switching technology and Internet
telephony, are expected to have an increasing impact on the international
telecommunications market.

Advances in technology have created a variety of ways for telecommunications
carriers to provide customer access to their networks and services. These
include customer-paid local access, international and domestic toll-free access,
direct digital access through a dedicated line, equal access through automated
routing from the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), call re-origination
and Internet telephony. The type of access offered depends on the proximity of
switching facilities to the customer, the needs of the customer and the
regulatory environment in which the carrier competes. Overall, these changes
have resulted in a trend towards bypassing traditional international long
distance operating agreements as companies seek to operate more efficiently.


As countries deregulate, the demand for alternative access methods typically
decreases because carriers are permitted to offer a wider range of
facilities-based services on a transparent basis. In a deregulated country such
as the United States, carriers can establish switching facilities, own or lease
fiber optic cable, enter into operating agreements with foreign carriers and,
accordingly, provide direct access service. In countries where deregulation has
commenced, but is not yet complete, carriers are permitted to offer
facilities-based data and facsimile services, as well as limited voice services,
although for the most part they are not yet permitted to offer full voice
telephony. In less developed markets, international long distance carriers have
used advances in technology to develop innovative alternative access methods,
such as call re-origination.


The rate at which Internet-related companies are shutting down or declaring
bankruptcy is slowing, and the worst is over, according to Tim Miller, founder
of During 2001, he found, 537 Internet companies collapsed, more
than twice the number that met that fate in 2000. "Shutdowns followed on the
heels of the stock-market downturn as venture investors, watching their exit
opportunities dissolve, abruptly shut their doors on cash-hungry startups,"
Miller wrote. He said that the slowdown is not due to the fact there are so few
dot-coms left. estimates between 7,000 and 10,000 Internet
companies received some sort of funding. "At most, then, 10 percent have shut
down," he said. "It may be safer to say that the Darwinian process has left many
fewer weak Internet companies."

Reliance on the Internet for the transmission of data, applications and
electronic commerce is growing among organizations and corporations. As the
volume of information available on organizations' computer systems has
increased, and the use of data communications has grown as a preferred means of
day-to-day communications, these organizations are increasingly seeking a number
of geographically dispersed access points to their own networks and to the
networks of other organizations. The number of interconnections that businesses
desire to establish with networks, customers, suppliers and affiliates generally
has made the development of proprietary access systems on a case-by-case basis
costly and time consuming.


The Internet telephony industry began in 1995, when experienced Internet users
began to transfer voice messages from one PC to another. In 1995, VocalTec
Communications, Ltd. ("VocalTec") introduced software that allowed PC users to
place international calls via the Internet to other PC users for the price of a
local call. In its early months, the growth of Internet telephony was
constrained due to the poor sound quality of the calls and because calls were
mainly limited to those placed from one PC to another (known as PC to PC VoIP)
The poor sound quality of Internet telephony was due to the fact that the
Internet was not created to provide for simultaneous voice traffic. Unlike
conventional voice communication circuits, in which the entire circuit is
reserved for a call, Internet telephony uses packet switching technology in
which voice data is divided into discrete packets that are transmitted over the
Internet. These packets must travel through several routers in order to reach
their destination, which may cause misrouting, and delays in transmission and
reception. The limited capacity of the Internet also restrained the growth rate
of Internet telephony. There is also PC to Phone and Phone to Phone. IDC
pioneered the PC (or Net to Phone) and the Company was the first to introduce
Phone to Phone in October 1997 and later added full Billing function.

New software algorithms have substantially reduced delays and the use of private
networks or intranets to transmit calls as an alternative to the public Internet
has alleviated capacity problems. The introduction of gateway servers connecting
packet-switched data networks such as the Internet to circuit-switched public
telephone networks has also improved overall transmission quality.

A significant attribute of Internet telephony is the ability to reduce overall
transmission costs versus traditional circuit switched networks. Packet switched
networks are substantially less expensive to operate than circuit-switched
networks because carriers can compress voice traffic and place more calls on a
single line. In addition, packet switching avoids international settlement rates
which only apply to interconnection between circuit switched networks. The total
cost of an Internet telephone call, for example, is based on the local calls to
and from the gateways of the respective ISPs, thereby bypassing the
international settlement process. IDC estimates that by the year 2002, IP
telephony could account for 11% of U.S. and international long distance voice
traffic alone. According to Probe Research, the market for IP telephony is
expected to grow from an estimated $309 million in 1998 to approximately $4.4
billion in 2002, a 93.8% compound annual growth rate. Probe Research also
estimates that the volume of voice and fax traffic over IP networks will
increase from 31 million minutes in 1997 to approximately 55.2 million minutes
of use in 2002, for a compounded annual growth rate of 346.8%. The growth in IP
services far outpaces growth expected in the circuit switched market, currently
estimated to be growing at a compounded annual growth rate of 8.3%.



The Internet is a collection of computer networks linking millions of public and
private computers around the world. Historically, the Internet was used by
government agencies and academic institutions to exchange information, publish
research and transfer e-mail. A number of factors, including the proliferation
of communication-enabled personal computers, the availability of intuitive
graphical user interface software and the wide accessibility of an increasingly
robust network infrastructure, have combined to allow users to easily access the
Internet and, in turn, have produced rapid growth in the number of Internet

The emergence of the World Wide Web, the graphical, multimedia environment of
the Internet, has resulted in the development of the Internet as a new mass
communications medium. The ease and speed of publishing, distributing and
communicating text, graphics, audio and video over the Internet has led to a
proliferation of Internet-based services, including chat, online magazines, news
feeds, interactive games and a wealth of educational and entertainment
information, as well as to the development of online communities. In addition,
the reduced cost of executing transactions over the Internet provides
individuals and organizations with a new means to conduct business.


Unlike many of its competitors, the Company produces its own hardware solutions.
Designed from the motherboard up, including DSP technology, voice compressors
(called VOCODERS), telephone line interfaces and system software, all Company
products are the result of internal engineering. Although the products represent
the Company's proprietary engineering, the Company plans to comply wth industry
standards, such as SIP, to assure interoperability and connectivity with
products manufactured by other vendors.

The Company has produced a family of Internet Telephony solutions that range
from small 2 port solutions to meet the access requirements of branch office and
geographically distributed work groups; to Carrier type solutions with thousands
of ports of voice, fax, data and video connectivity. The Company also produces
"back office" software solutions that facilitate the integration,
interoperability and management of VOIP networks. These software solutions
include the Company's Gatekeeper; an Authentication Mapping and Billing Server
(Softswitch 2000) and "Click to Speak" a push to talk solution to voice enable a
website or e-mail. The Company's philosophy is to use the robust, real time,
fault tolerant operating system Linux for mission critical hardware operations
and Microsoft NT for back office applications.

The Company's data voice "gateway" products are named for tropical storms: the
Tempest(R), the Typhoon(TM)and the Breeze(TM):

The Breeze(TM) is a branch office access solution that enables two telephone
devices such as phones or fax machines to be interconnected to the Internet or a
managed private data network. It provides full T.38 relay fax and a wide range
of voice compression options. It contains a Wide Area Network interface with
internal router and is the most cost effective VOIP solution in the market.

The Tempest(R) has been the Company's primary data voice gateway since its
introduction in 1997. The Tempest is a PC based platform that supports 24 analog
ports per node or from 1-4 digital spans (T1/E1) per node. Using T1 Primary Rate
ISDN lines, for example, the Tempest is able to support 96 ports. The product
integrates with the Company's billing and Gatekeeper products. It is also used
to support the CTS products and is often selected as an enterprise solution by
medium to large-scale vendors.

The Typhoon(TM) will be the Company's Carrier Class product line and it
represents our next generation of VOIP solutions. It features 24 analog ports or
96 digital ports in a 2U high (3.5"), rack mounted configuration that is less
than half the size and power consumption of the Tempest product line. The
Typhoon will support true SS7 carrier class connectivity and will enable over
1300 ports per POP co-location rack. Typhoon interconnects with the Softswitch
2000 gatekeeper and the Franklin family of SNMP software. The Company plans to
release the Typhoon in late 2000.

Softswitch 2000 (AMAS) - is an "Authentication Mapping and Billing Server" and
is the core of the Company's "back office" telephone company solutions. It is
designed to manage the best route (i.e. least cost route) through a network,
determine who is authorized to use the network, and bill customers, either by
invoice or debit card. When a customer puts the Tempest/Typhoon together with a
Softswitch 2000, it gets a "phone company in a box" solution that enables next
generation telephone companies a turn-key solution for VOIP global networking.


GateKeeper - The Gatekeeper plays the role of enabling data voice gateways of
different manufacturers to "talk to each other", or "interoperate", enabling
computer to phone, website to phone and computer to computer communications.
There are several contending standards for interoperability in the market. They
are called H.323; MGCP and SIP. The Company plans to support all three
protocols, enabling us to reach the widest cross section of interoperability
options in the market.

The Company also provides a variety of Internet sevices through its subsidiary
FNet, including dial up, ADSL, ISDN, frame relay, Web page hosting and various
other Internet related services. This segment of the business has played a minor
role in the Company's revenue and is not expected to contribute a significant
amount to future growth.


The Company intends to rebuild a direct sales force for the marketing of its
VOIP and data communications products, once it is able to secure adequate
financing or business partners. It maintains a home page on the World Wide Web
and a headquarters-based sales and service office. It also markets its products
through Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), and distributors.

The growth of the Internet has spawned new industries consisting of the building
of infrastructure for next generation telephone companies that utilize VOIP and
Internet Service Providers, both offering connections to corporate America as
well as private individuals. The Company designs and manufactures products which
are basic to the operation of both Next Geneation Telephone Companies and
Internet Service Providers. In addition, these same products are required in the
expansion of corporate based private Intranets. Sales to large corporate
clients, next generation telephone companies and Internet Service Providers are
handled through telemarketing with in person follow-up sales calls.


The Company maintains a Network Operations Center that provides "off-net"
connectivity for the Company's equipment customers. The Network Operations
Center interconnects the Company's customers on a global basis. Telephone off
net delivery is offered to all customers that would like to connect their
networks to FNet, so that calls can be completed anywhere in the world. This
allows a customer to become a world wide telephone company, even though their
own network only directly covers a certain regional area. The Network operations
center includes Internet access facilities and a Class 4 circuit switch. The
center interconnects with three International Record Carriers and is capable of
completing a voice call to any phone in the world. The Company's equipment
customer is offered the opportunity to access the circuit switched facilities
and to interconnect with each other, using the Company to enable "settlement"
between the networks.


The market for Internet products and services is varied, including both hardware
and software products and related services. Most companies in the industry
provide either hardware, software or services. FNet offers both hardware and
software specifically designed to provide enhanced Internet accessibility and

Internet users generally fall into one of two specific market segments, the
individual user and the business user. Management of the Company believes that
the individual user segment will continue to show rapid growth, with the
principal uses being information services, on-line shopping and personal
communications. The advent and increasing popularity of home shopping via
television programming may also extend to the Internet. The Internet can provide
consumers with vastly wider choices from a much greater base of vendors. Many
catalogue and mail order companies now utilize electronic catalogues accessible
through the Internet.

The other significant market is the business user. At present, electronic mail
Is the most common application, utilizing computer-based LAN or WAN
communication. The trend for companies with multiple, remote site locations is
to link existing WANs utilizing the Internet, in order to minimize direct
telephone company charges; this market segment is usually referred to as the
Intranet. Internet access provides a fast, inexpensive method of achieving this
connectivity. Although currently available technology provides some limited
ability for voice communication over the Internet, the quality is poor and


communication is generally possible only if users at both ends have PCs with
modems and identical software. It is possible that Intranet applications could
eventually eliminate the need for resident operating software and massive
on-site storage facilities for many businesses. Under this scenario, a PC with
resident software will no longer be necessary, with access to any desired
program available through an inexpensive workstation connected to the Internet.
Also, data storage could be centralized in a secure database accessible through
the Internet.

The Company currently markets its Internet services through press releases,
direct mail and its home page on the World Wide Web, and other targeted
marketing strategies.


We compete in a new, rapidly evolving and highly competitive and fragmented
market. We expect competition to intensify in the future. We believe that the
main competitive factors in our market are product quality, features, cost and
customer relationships. We believe a critical component to success in this
market is the ability to establish and maintain strong customer relationships
with a wide variety of international service providers and to facilitate
relationships between those service providers to increase the geographic
coverage of their services.

Our current principal competitors include large networking equipment
manufacturers, such as 3Com Corporation and Cisco Systems, Inc., large
telecommunications equipment manufacturers, such as Lucent Technologies Inc. and
Nortel Networks Corporation, and IP telephony technology companies, such as
VocalTec Communications, Ltd. and Clarent Corporation. We also expected new
competitors to emerge, although there has been very little movement in new
companies entering this field in 2001. Many of our competitors are substantially
larger than we are and have significantly greater financial, sales and
marketing, technical, manufacturing and other resources and more established
distribution channels and stronger relationships with service providers. These
competitors may be able to respond more rapidly to new or emerging technologies
and changes in customer requirements or devote greater resources to the
development, promotion and sale of their products than we can. These competitors
may enter our existing or future markets with solutions that may be less
expensive, provide higher performance or additional features or be introduced
earlier than our solutions. Given the market opportunity, we also expect that
other companies may enter our market with better products and technologies. If
any technology that is competing with ours is more reliable, faster, less
expensive or has other advantages over our technology, then the demand for our
products and services could decrease.

We expect our competitors to continue to improve the performance of their
current products and introduce new products or new technologies. Successful new
product introductions or enhancements by our competitors could reduce the sales
or market acceptance of our products and services, perpetuate intense price
competition or make our products obsolete. To be competitive, we must continue
to invest significant resources in research and development, sales and marketing
and customer support. We cannot be sure that we will have sufficient resources
to make these investments or that we will be able to make the technological
advances necessary to be competitive.

Increased competition is likely to result in price reductions, reduced gross
margins and loss of market share. Our failure to compete successfully against
current or future competitors could seriously harm our business, financial
condition and results of operations.


The Internet services market in which FNet operates is extremely competitive,
and the Company expects competition in this market to intensify in the future.
The Company's current and prospective competitors include many large companies
that have substantially greater market presence and financial, technical,
marketing and other resources than the Company. The Company competes (or in the
future is expected to compete) directly or indirectly with the following
categories of companies: (i) national and regional Internet Service Providers,
such as Earthlink, IDT, MindSpring, and UUNET; (ii) established online services
such as America Online, CompuServe, Prodigy and the Microsoft Network; (iii)
computer software and technology companies such as Microsoft; (iv) national
telecommunications companies, such as AT&T, MCI and Sprint; (v) the Regional
Bell Operating Companies ("RBOCs"); (vi) cable operators, such as Comcast, TCI
and Time Warner; and (vii) nonprofit or educational ISPs.


The entry of new participants from these categories and the potential entry of
competitors from other categories (such as computer hardware manufacturers)
would result in substantially greater competition for the Company. The ability
of these competitors or others to bundle services and products with Internet
connectivity services could place the Company at a significant competitive
disadvantage. In addition, competitors in the telecommunications industry may be
able to provide customers with reduced communications costs in connection with
their Internet access services, reducing the overall cost of Internet access and
significantly increasing pricing pressures on the Company. Moreover, certain of
the Company's online competitors, including America Online, the Microsoft
Network and Prodigy, offer unlimited access to the Internet and their
proprietary content at flat rates that are generally equivalent to the Company's
flat rate, and do not require a set-up fee. Certain of the RBOCs have also
introduced competitive flat-rate pricing for unlimited access (without a set-up
fee) for at least some period of time. As a result, competition for active users
of Internet services has intensified. There can be no assurance that the Company
will be able to offset the adverse effect on revenues of any necessary price
reductions resulting from competitive pricing pressures by increasing the number
of its customers, by generating higher revenue from enhanced services, by
reducing costs or otherwise.

The Company believes that its ability to compete successfully in the Internet
services market depends on a number of factors, including market presence; the
adequacy of the Company's customer and technical support services; the capacity,
reliability and security of its network infrastructure; the ease of access to
and navigation of the Internet provided by the Company's services; the pricing
policies of the Company, its competitors and its suppliers; the timing of
introductions of new services by the Company and its competitors; the Company's
ability to support existing and emerging industry standards; and industry and
general economic trends. There can be no assurance that the Company will have
the financial resources, technical expertise or marketing and support
capabilities to compete successfully. Also, the Company believes that it has a
competitive advantage over most Internet Service Providers because it
manufactures much of the equipment necessary to operate an Internet Service
Provider, and is able to react quickly to technological changes in the industry.


The Company's facilities are located in Westlake Village, California. Assembly
of the Company's products has ordinarily been contracted out to local circuit
board assembly contractors, with final systems tests completed at the Company's
facility. At the time the Company was involved in significant manufacturing
operations, these operations consisted primarily of procurement, inspection and
testing of components, final assembly of subsystems, and extensive testing of
finished products. The Company procured substantially all of its parts from
outside suppliers.


As of December 15, 2001, The Company had 6 full time and 2 part time employees.
The Company's employees are not represented by any collective bargaining
organization and the Company has never experienced a work stoppage. The Company
believes that its relations with its employees are good.

Item 2.   Properties

The Company has reduced the total rented facilities from three leased
facilities, two in Westlake Village, California, and one in Scottsdale, Arizona,
to one in Westlake Village. The Company now occupies a leased facility in
Westlake Village, California. The Westlake Village facility houses sales,
software engineering, administrative, telephone and Internet services. The
facility is 4,900 square feet, with a lease rate of $4,981 per month, on a month
to month bassis. The total result of these moves has been a reduction in rent
from about $20,000 per month to $4,900 per month.

Item 3.   Legal Proceedings

During June 2000, two shareholders who acquired their shares in a private
placement in March 2000 filed a lawsuit against Franklin and officers and
directors Frank W. Peters and Thomas L. Russell. The lawsuit sought to postpone
the June 28, 2000 annual stockholders meeting, based upon alleged deficiencies
in the proxy materials pertaining to the meeting. At a hearing held on June 28,
2000, the Court declined to enjoin the meeting as requested by plaintiffs, and
the meeting went forward. Thereafter, the plaintiffs amended the lawsuit several
times and ultimately added new claims pertaining to the private placement and
alleging securities law violations. The Company settled the action without any
admission of liability.


In August 2001, Nexbell filed a lawsuit against FNet alleging breach of a
carrier contract for circuits. This dispute has been settled for $25,000 paid at
the rate of $1,048 per month plus 240,000 shares of the Company's common stock.

In September 2001, a former employee filed an action against the Company for
wrongful termination. The dispute was settled for $12,500.

In November 2001, NEC filed a lawsuit against the Company alleging breach of
contract for $40,000 still due on a lease for a PBX. This action is still

In November 2001, two former employees filed a claim with the California labor
board, claiming certain vacation and overtime was not paid to them. In January
2002, the labor board issued a judgment in the amount of $79,115.. The Company
has appealed the ruling and intends to contest it vigorously.

Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

Not applicable .

- --------
Item 5.   Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related Stockholder Matters

The Company's Common Stock is listed on the American Stock Exchange ("AMEX")
under the symbol FCM. The following table sets forth the range of high and low
bid quotation per share for the Common Stock as reported by AMEX for the
calendar years of 2001 and 2000, and the OTC Bulletin Board during the third and
fourth calendar quarters of 1999. The bid price reflects inter-dealer prices and
does not include retail mark-up, markdown, or commission..

                          CALENDAR                      HIGH    LOW
                          --------                      ----    ---
             Third Quarter..........................    3.69   1.38
             Fourth Quarter.........................    4.00   1.94

             First Quarter..........................    2.94   1.87
             Second Quarter.........................    2.00    .69
             Third Quarter..........................    1.69    .69
             Fourth Quarter.........................     .81    .31
             First Quarter..........................     .62    .09
             Second Quarter.........................     .12    .07
             Third Quarter..........................     .06    .04
             Fourth Quarter.........................     .05    .04

The Company has never declared or paid a cash dividend on its Common Stock and
does not expect to pay any cash dividends in the foreseeable future. On November
14, 2001 AMEX halted trading due to a delay in filing the Form 10K.

As of June 30, 2001, the Company had approximately 900 shareholders of record.

         Recent sales of unregistered securities
         During the year ended June 30, 2001, the Company completed the
         following common stock transactions of previously unissued common

         o        Issued 10,000 shares in connection with the exercise of stock
                  options for cash of $4,000.

         o        In connection with a private placement in August 2000, the
                  Company issued 4,994,600 shares of common stock and 5,105,711
                  warrants for gross proceeds of $2,497,000, less fees and
                  commissions of $13,000. The warrants had an exercise price of
                  $3, vested immediately, and expire three years from the date
                  of issuance. The Company allocates the proceeds received from
                  debt, convertible debt, convertible preferred stock, or common


                  stock with detachable warrants using the relative fair value
                  of the individual elements at the time of issuance. The amount
                  allocated to the warrants of $478,000 was calculated using the
                  Black-Scholes option pricing model. As of June 30, 2001, no
                  warrants had been exercised.

         o        Issued 295,858 shares of common stock to its chief financial
                  officer in connection with a cashless exercise of options that
                  were processed by the Company. No expense was recorded in
                  connection with the transaction because the chief financial
                  officer had owned the shares that were used to pay for the
                  cashless exercise for more than six months prior to the

         o        Issued 477,324 shares of common stock for services valued at

         o        In connection with a private placement in March 2000, the
                  Company issued warrants to the investors that were designed to
                  protect the investors against short-term declines in the value
                  of the Company's common stock during the period between the
                  date of the issuance of the shares and the effective date of a
                  Registration Statement covering the shares issued. The
                  warrants vest if the market price of the Company's common
                  stock is below $1.50 on the effective date. The registration
                  statement for the shares became effective in November 2000, at
                  which time the market price of the Company's common stock was
                  below $1.50. As a result, warrants for 2,011,329 shares became
                  exercisable at an exercise price of $0.01 per share. During
                  the year ended June 30, 2001, the Company issued 1,927,797 net
                  shares of common stock in connection with a cashless exercise
                  of said warrants, and 50,000 shares of common stock were
                  issued for cash of $500.

         o        In connection with a private placement in March 2000, the
                  Company was obligated to effect the registration of the shares
                  sold within a specified time period, with penalties due to the
                  investors if the deadline was not met. As the deadline was not
                  met, the Company became obligated to pay the penalties in
                  either cash or shares of common stock. The Company opted to
                  pay the penalties in shares of common stock and issued 503,538
                  shares to these investors in November 2000 and recognized an
                  expense of $430,000 in the consolidated statement of
                  operations for the year ended June 30, 2001.

         o        Issued 111,111 shares of the Company's common stock for 6,667
                  shares of FNet common stock in a stock-for-stock transaction.
                  The shares of FNet's common stock had been issued during the
                  year ended June 30, 1999.

Item 6.   Selected Consolidated Financial Data

The selected financial data set forth below for the fiscal years ended June 30,
1999, 2000 and 2001 have been derived from the Company's consolidated financial
statements, audited by Singer Lewak Greenbaum & Goldstein LLP and should be read
in conjunction with those consolidated financial statements (including the notes
thereto). The selected financial data set forth below for the fiscal years ended
June 30, 1997 and 1998 have been derived from the Company's audited financial
statements not included in this Form 10-K.



                                                                    YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,
                                             1997            1998            1999          2000           2001
                                         -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
SALES                                    $      1,735   $      1,377   $     10,631   $      3,207   $      1,245
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
COST OF SALES                                     990            834          5,641          4,775          5,431
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
GROSS PROFIT (LOSS)                               745            543          4,990         (1,568)        (4,186)
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------

- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES                 480          1,612          1,870          1,834          1,152
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------

SELLING, GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE             1,766          3,304          5,602          7,518          4,351
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
IMPAIRMENT OF LONG-LIVED ASSETS                 1,584            591            --            224          1,209
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES                        3,830          5,507          7,472          9,576          6,712
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
LOSS FROM OPERATIONS                           (3,085)        (4,964)        (2,482)       (11,144)       (10,898)
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
     INTEREST INCOME                               --            250            148             68             27
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
     INTEREST EXPENSE                             (41)           (43)           (27)          (109)          (303)
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
      AND EQUIPMENT                              --             --             --           (367)             --
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
     OTHER                                         (6)            26            (43)           (56)           (30)
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE)                      (47)           233             78           (464)          (306)
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------

EXTRAORDINARY ITMES                            (3,132)        (4,731)        (2,404)       (11,608)       (11,204)
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------

MINORITY INTEREST IN LOSS OF SUBSIDIARY            --             --             --             --              0
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
EXTRAORDINARY ITEM                             (3,132)        (4,731)        (2,404)       (11,608)       (11,204)
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES                          2              3              7              3              3
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
LOSS BEFORE EXTRAORDINARY ITEM                 (3,134)        (4,734)        (2,411)       (11,611)       (11,207)
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
EXTINGUISHMENT OF DEBT, NET                       310            227             (2)            60            387
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
NET LOSS                                       (2,824)        (4,507)        (2,413)       (11,551)       (10,820)
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
LOSS BEFORE EXTRAORDINARY GAIN                  (0.26)         (0.30)         (0.11)         (0.39)         (0.28)
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
EXTRAORDINARY GAIN                               0.03           0.01             --             --           0.01
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
NET LOSS PER COMMON SHARE                        (.23)          (.29)         (0.11)         (0.39)         (0.27)
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------

WEIGHTED AVERAGE NUMBER OF SHARES          12,267,991     15,524,556     22,596,694     29,797,493     40,113,816
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------

                                                                    YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,
                                             1997            1998            1999          2000           2001
                                         -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------

CASH                                     $      1,464   $      5,750   $      1,637   $      1,275   $         49
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
WORKING CAPITAL (DEFICIT)                         809          5,963          3,355          2,792         (2,672)
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
TOTAL ASSETS                                    3,514          8,892          9,435          7,157          1,435
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------

LONG-TERM DEBT                                    360            404            762            782            686
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
OTHER LIABILITIES                                 183             --             --             --             --
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY (DEFICIT)                  1,575          7,036          5,739          4,906         (2,334)
- --------------------------------------   -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------


Item 7.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
          Results of Operations



NET SALES. Net sales decreased by $1,962,000 or 61%, from $3,207,000 in the year
ended June 30, 2000 to $1,245,000 in the year ended June 30, 2001. The overall
decrease is attributable to a continued reduction in sales of the main product
line for the year ended June 30, 2001. The revenue mix for the year ended June
30, 2001 consisted of 34% DVG and other hardware and software products, and 66%
Telephone and Internet services.

During the fiscal year, potential enterprise customers that the Company had
pursued held back on major commitments. A commonly cited reason for a delay in
purchasing VoIP hardware was concern for the immediate stability of the
marketplace. However, a survey released in August 2001 of IT professionals from
132 small to medium organizations and 136 enterprise operations indicates that
thus far, 13% of small businesses and 19% of enterprise operations have deployed
some form of VoIP, and that 49% of small businesses and 55% or enterprises
intend to implement VoIP within the year. The general consensus within the
industry is that most small businesses and enterprises alike will move toward a
converged data/voice network, but they will take a phased approach. Most
organizations will deploy a solution over several years. We see this as
promising for long term sales and deployment of our hardware and software

Franklin Telecom survived a very challenging time, both as a company and as part
of the telecommunications industry. The Company plans to return to a growth mode
in the near future, although this is subject to a number of unknown factors and
contingencies. As a small company, Franklin believes itself to enjoy an
advantage over some of the giants among its competitors who have experienced
comparable difficulties over the last two years in that it usually requires less
time and fewer resources to turn around a smaller, less cumbersome operation.

GROSS PROFIT (LOSS). Gross profit decreased as a percentage of net sales to a
loss of (336)% for the year ended June 30, 2001, from a gross loss of (49)% of
net sales for the corresponding period of 2000. The gross profit percentage
decrease can be attributed to a combination of carrier termination costs
exceeding revenues for telephone services and fixed manufacturing overhead costs
assigned to a hardware sales base which contracted. A large portion of the gross
loss is based on unresolved disputes with common carriers regarding invoicing
for cancelled circuits. A favorable resolution could substantially improve the
percentage of loss reported herein.

FNet is involved in a dispute with several telephone and satellite common
carriers. One of these is PanAmSat, which was contracted to carry telephone
traffic from our Bosnia NATO project. FNet claims that the service was a failure
and was canceled after two months. PanAmSat claims that FNet owes it
approximately $1 million for the remaining unpaid balance of the contract . FNet
is vigorously contesting the claim.

Most of the current loss occurred in the first half of the fiscal year. Franklin
has cut personnel and operations cost from $500,000 per month in February to an
estimated $40,000 per month currently, thereby realizing a monthly savings of
$460,000. In addition, from January 2001 forward, the Company's two top
executives have drawn no cash salary. The difficulty in this extreme reduction
in space and work force is maintaining the functionality of the Company.
Remaining personnel have had to execute three job functions and cross train in

OPERATING EXPENSES. Operating expenses decreased by $2,864,000 or 30%, from
$9,576,000 in the year ended June 30, 2000 to $6,712,000 in the year ended June
30, 2001. The decrease is attributable to decreased sales and marketing efforts,
accounting charges and costs in cutting back the general and administrative
infrastructure. This also includes a $1.2M inpairment of long lived fixed
assets. The Company has also completed a consolidation of its physical plant, by
closing the Arizona office and contracting the Westlake Village office thereby
substantially reducing overhead.

OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE). Interest income decreased by $49,000 or 72% in the year
ended June 30, 2001 to $27,000 from $68,000 in the year ended June 30, 2001, due
to the reduction in cash and cash equivalents available for interest bearing
investments. Interest expense increased by $194,000 or 178% in the year ended
June 30, 2001 to $303,000 from $109,000 in the year ended June 30, 2000, due
primarily to the recording of imputed interest on a prior period note from the
Company's chairman. This is an non cash calculation required by Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles. Other expense decreased from $56,000 in the year
ended June 30, 2000 to $30,000 year ended June 30, 2001 due to various non
operating items.



NET SALES. Net sales decreased by $7,424,000, or 70%, from $10,631,000 in the
year ended June 30, 1999 to $3,207,000 in the year ended June 30, 2000. The
overall decrease is attributable to the loss of a single customer that
constituted 76% of total sales for the year ended June 30, 1999. The revenue mix
for the year ended June 30, 2000 consisted of 35% DVG and other hardware and
software products, and 65% Telephone and Internet services.

GROSS PROFIT (LOSS). Gross profit decreased as a percentage of net sales to a
loss of (49)% for the year ended June 30, 2000, from a gross profit of 47% of
net sales for the corresponding period of 1999. The gross profit percentage
decrease can be attributed to a combination of carrier termination costs
exceeding flat rate revenues for telephone services and fixed manufacturing
overhead costs exceeding the margins produced by a smaller hardware sales base.

OPERATING EXPENSES. Operating expenses increased by $2,104,000, or 28%, from
$7,472,000 in the year ended June 30, 1999 to $9,576,000 in the year ended June
30, 2000. The increase is attributable to increased sales and marketing efforts,
accounting charges associated with cashless exercise of employee stock options,
and costs in enhancing the general and administrative infrastructure.

OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE). Interest income decreased by $80,000, or 54%, from
$148,000 in the year ended June 30, 1999 to $68,000 in the year ended June 30,
2000, due to a reduction in the availability of equity funds for investment in
interest bearing accounts. Interest expense increased by $82,000, or 304% from
$27,000 in the year ended June 30, 1999 to $109,000 in the year ended June 30,
2000, due to the $2,500,000 in convertible notes issued by the Company during
the year ended June 30, 2000. The convertible notes, including accrued interest,
were subsequently repaid in May, 2000. Other expense increased from $43,000 in
the year ended June 30, 1999 to $56,000 in the year ended June 30, 2000, due to
various non-operating items. During the year ended June 30, 2000, the Company
took a charge of $367,000 for equipment located at previous joint venture
partner locations, which was deemed to be not recoverable.

- -------------------------------

Cash and cash equivalents and net working capital deficit totaled $49,000 and
$(2,672,000), respectively, as of June 30, 2001. The sources of cash were
provided primarily by issuance of equity securities, and to a lesser extent,
collections of sales revenues. The Company has relied on sales of new shares and
the exercise of warrants and options to supplement the funding of operations for
an extended period of time. The Company received $1,011,000, $10,589,000 and
$2,485,000 in equity financing, for the years ended June 30, 1999, 2000, and
2001, respectively. Its subsidiary, FNet, received $110,000, $53,000 and $-0- in
equity financing for the years ended June 30, 1999, 2000 and 2001, respectively.

Both Franklin Telecom and FNet have continued to experience losses. The Company
has not currently been able to raise sufficient capital from sales of additional
shares. Audit opinions on the Company's financial statements for the past two
fiscal years have advised that the Company may not be able to continue as a
going concern.

The Company is currently in a survival mode. As of December 31, 2001 it held
$33,500 of cash or cash equivalents. Current monthly cash consumption is
approximately $25,000. Sales from FTC and the FNet division are approximately
$30,000 per month. Management is currently deferring salary or taking options in
lieu of salary. Recent non-operating cash funding has been contributed by the
Company's chairman in the form of convertible debt.

The Company believes that existing cash and cash equivalents and cash flow from
operations will not be sufficient to meet the Company's presently anticipated
working capital needs during the next twelve months and the foreseeable future.
Although the Company continues the effort to raise cash through sales of
existing inventory and anticipates future private placements of its securities,
there is no assurance that this effort will be successful.

Item 7A.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

Market risk generally represents the risk that losses may occur in the values of
financial instruments as a result of movements in interest rates, foreign
currency exchange rates and commodity prices. The Company is exposed to changes
in financial market conditions in the normal course of its business due to its
use of certain financial instruments as well as transacting in various foreign


INTEREST RATE RISK. At June 30, 2001 and 2000, the Company's cash equivalents
and short-term investments totalled approximately $49,000 and $1,275,000,
respectively. Since the Company typically does not purchase fixed-income
securities, its cash and cash equivalents are not subject to significant
interest rate risk. The Company places substantially all of its interest bearing
investments with major financial institutions and by policy limits the amount of
credit exposure to any one financial institution. Additionally, the Company does
not hold or issue financial instruments for trading, profit or speculative

EQUITY PRICE RISK The Company does not invest in available-for-sale equity
securities, and is not subject to significant equity price risk.

FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATE RISK The Company operates internationally and sometimes
receives payments in local currencies. This can expose the Company to market
risk from changes in foreign exchange rates to the extent that transactions are
not denominated in the U.S. dollar. As a result the Company faces the risk that
the foreign currencies may decline in value as compared to the U.S. dollar,
resulting in a foreign currency translation loss.

Item 8.   Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

See Part IV, Item 14

Item 9.   Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and
          Financial Disclosure None

Part III.
- ---------
Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

The directors and executive officers of the Company are as follows:

           NAME               AGE             POSITION
           ----               ---             --------
      Frank W. Peters         63    Chairman of the Board of Directors
      Martin S. Albert        70    Acting Chief Executive Officer & Director
      Gary S. Rogers          46    Director

Mr. Peters has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors since its
organization in 1981 and served as its Chief Executive Officer until September
2000. Between 1975 and 1984 he was also President of Franklin Data Systems and
Franklin Systems Corporation, predecessors to the Company. From 1973 to 1975, he
was Vice President of Jacquard Systems Corporation, a computer hardware and word
processing software development marketer. Between 1965 and 1973 he held various
marketing and sales positions with IBM. He holds an BA degree in Physics from
the State University of California at Los Angeles.

Mr. Albert has been a director since March 2001 and has been Acting Chief
Executive Officer of the Company since December 1, 2001. Before joining Franklin
Telecom, Mr. Albert was co-founder and Managing Partner of the AmerScan Group.
He has held executive marketing and general management positions at CBS,
Raytheon, Photo Circuits, Kollmorgen Corp., and Infotech before embarking on an
entrepreneurial career in 1970. He has worked in the venture capital industry
for nearly 15 years. Mr. Albert has also been a guest speaker at many
universities and conferences including UCLA and the MIT Venture Forums and has
been adjunct professor in entrepreneurship at California State University at
Northridge and California Lutheran University. He holds an BA degree in Physics
from the City College of New York.

Mr. Rogers has been a director since April 2001. He is currently serving as V.P.
Operations for AML Communications, a manufacturer of Broadband RF/microwave for
a high-speed digital world. His current responsibilities are Manufacturing,
Planning and Purchasing for the wireless and custom products divisions. His
previous assignment was as VP Operations at Neopoint Inc. a startup designer and
manufacturer of Smart phones based on CDMA technology in San Diego. He had
responsibility for establishing and maintaining, Planning and Procurement,
Logistics, Customer Service, Facilitates, IS, and Product Test departments. From
1996 to 1998 Gary served as the V.P. Operations for Tandon Associates, a leading


international manufacturer of components for hard disk drives. He was
responsible for the factory completion and ramp up to volume production in the
Far East manufacturing operations. Prior to this assignment (1993 to 1995) he
was Director of Quality for Reveal Computer Products, a manufacturer/distributor
of computer peripherals targeting mass merchandisers and OEM's. From 1990 to
1993 he was Director of Worldwide Quality Tandon Computer Corporation. Mr.
Rogers has a BS degree in Business Administration, operations management from
California State University Northridge.

Item 11.  Executive Compensation

The following table sets forth certain compensation paid or accrued by the
Company during the years ended June 30, 1999, 2000 and 2001 to its Chief
Executive Officer, President and Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial
Officer, Vice President of Marketing, Engineering and Chief Operating Officer of
FNet. (the "Named Executive Officers").

                                                                                                        NUMBER OF
                                                             ANNUAL COMPENSATION                       UNDERLYING
                                                      ------------------------------     ALL OTHER       OPTIONS
           ---------------------------                ----       ------        -----    ------------     -------
Frank W. Peters, Chairman & CEO, FTC & FNet  (3)      1999    $ 350,000         -0-           -0-           -0-
   (January 1980 to Present)                          2000    $ 371,000 (1)     -0-           -0-           -0-
                                                      2001    $ 150,000 (2)     -0-           -0-           -0-

Philip Ericson, President and COO, FTC                1999       -0-            -0-           -0-           -0-
   (January to September 2000)                        2000    $ 100,962         -0-           -0-         400,000
                                                      2001    $ 150,000         -0-           -0-           -0-

Thomas Russell, Chief Financial Officer, FTC & FNet   1999    $ 137,016         -0-           -0-         600,000
  (January 1996 to May 2001)                          2000    $ 154,327         -0-           -0-           -0-
                                                      2001    $  60,000         -0-           -0-           -0-

Stephen Lee, Vice President Marketing, FTC            1999        --            --            --            --
    (January to September 2000)                       2000    $ 150,000         -0-           -0-           -0-
                                                      2001    $  75,000         -0-           -0-           -0-

Sean Quine, Vice President Engineering, FTC           1999    $ 140,000         -0-           -0-           -0-
   (October 1997 to February 2001)                    2000    $ 180,000         -0-           -0-           -0-
                                                      2001       22,000         -0-           -0-           -0-

John Saltwick, Vise President Engineering, FTC        1999    $ 110,000         -0-           -0-           -0-
     (April 1998 to May 2001)                         2000    $ 121,000         -0-           -0-           -0-
                                                      2001    $  15,000         -0-           -0-           -0-

Michael C. Peters, COO,  FNet                         1999    $ 127,000         -0-           -0-           -0-
     (January 1, 1994 to Present)                     2000    $ 148,432 (4)     -0-           -0-           -0-
     (COO of FNet Corp. efective May 2000)            2001    $ 189,000 (2)     -0-           -0-           -0-

- ---------------------
(1)      $96,667 of these amounts were deferred.
(2)      All of this was deferred.
(3)      Frank Peters was succeeded by Mr. Robert Stewart as CEO on September
         15, 2000. Then in January 2001, Mr. Stewart resigned and Mr. Frank
         Peters stepped in as acting CEO.
(4)      Of these amounts, $22,432 was deferred.


Except as disclosed above, no compensation characterized as long-term
compensation, including or long-term incentive plan payouts, were paid by the
Company during the years ended June 30, 1999, 2000 and 2001 to any of the Named
Executive Officers.

Employment Arrangements. The Company's Chairman is employed pursuant to a six
year Employment Agreement, effective January 1, 1998. The Employment Agreement
provides for compensation at the rate of $27,000 per month, with annual
increases of 6%. Beginning in June 2000, the Company's Chairman temporarily
reduced his salary to $12,500 per month until certain goals are achieved by the
Company. As of January 1, 2001 the Chairman ceased drawing any cash salary and
has deferred his new salary of $150,000 per year without interest.


The following table sets forth certain information as of June 30, 2001 with
respect to options held by the Named Executive Officers. The Company has no
outstanding stock appreciation rights, either freestanding or in tandem with

                           SHARES                       NUMBER OF UNEXERCISED         VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                         ACQUIRED ON       VALUE              OPTIONS AT            IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS AT
                          EXERCISE       REALIZED           JUNE 30, 2001               JUNE 30, 2001(1)
                          --------       --------           --------------              ----------------
    NAME                     (#)            ($)       EXERCISABLE/UNEXERCISABLE    EXERCISABLE/UNEXERCISABLE
                             ---            ---       --------------------------   -------------------------
Frank W. Peters.......       N/A            -0-              1,550,000/ 0                   -0- / -0-
Philip Ericson........       N/A            -0-                -0- /-0-                     -0- / -0-
Thomas Russell........     295,858       $369,823               -0-/-0-                     -0- / -0-

- -----------------
(1)      Assumes that a share of Common Stock was valued at $0.10 per share on
         June 30, 2001. Amounts reflected are based on this assumed price minus
         the exercise price and do not indicate that shares were sold.

REPORT OF THE COMPENSATION COMMITTEE. The Company's executive compensation
program is designed to help attract, retain, and motivate the highly qualified
personnel needed to manage the Company's business and affairs. To meet these
goals, the Company has implemented a compensation program with the following

o        base salaries that reflect the scope and responsibilities of the
         position, as well as the skills, knowledge, experience, abilities, and
         contributions of each individual executive.

o        short-term incentives that are based on the financial performance of
         the Company.

o        long-term incentives that balance the executive officer's short- and
         long-term perspectives and provide rewards consistent with shareholder

Compensation decisions are made following an assessment of the individual's
contributions to the Company's success, any significant changes in the
individual's role or responsibility, and internal equity of the Company's
compensation relationships.

The competitiveness of the Company's total compensation program-incorporating
base salaries, short-term incentives and long-term incentives is regularly
reviewed by the Compensation Committee. Based on such reviews, the Company
concluded that the compensation paid to its executives was fair and reasonable.
In general, the Company believes that the overall compensation levels for the
executive group should reflect competitive levels of compensation for comparable
positions in similarly sized companies over the long term.


The Company believes that it is essential to link executive compensation and
Company performance. To meet this objective, the Company maintains stock option
programs which provide option grants on a regular, though not necessarily
annual, basis to provide participants with an opportunity to share in the
Company's performance. Stock option grants reflect the past contributions of the
individual, the individual's ability to affect Company profitability, the scope
of the individual's responsibilities, the need to retain the individual's
services over time and management's assessments and recommendations. All
executive officers, including the chief executive officer, are eligible to
participate in this program.

The Company's policy of awarding cash bonuses is designed to specifically relate
executive pay to Company and individual performance. As a pay-for-performance
program, cash bonuses provide financial rewards for achievement of substantive
Company and personal objectives. Actual awards paid are based primarily on
actual Company performance.

Performance Graph

The following graph summarized cumulative total shareholder return data
(assuming reinvestment of dividends) for the five-year period beginning June 30,
1996. The graph assumes that $100 was invested on June 30, 1996: (i) in the
Common Stock of Franklin Telecommunications Corp, (ii) in the AMEX Composite
Index (where the Company's Common Stock is traded), and (iii) a peer group
comprised of Vodavi Technology, Inc. (VTEK) and VocalTec Communications Ltd.

                          TOTAL RETURN TO STOCKHOLDERS
                      (assumes $100 investment on 6/30/96)

                            [Performance Graph Here]

TOTAL RETURN ANALYSIS      06/30/1996    06/30/1997   06/30/1998    06/30/1999    06/30/2000    06/30/2001
Franklin Telecom. (x)       $ 100.00      $ 197.14     $ 215.78      $ 221.04       $  78.94     $   6.74
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Peer Group        (+)       $ 100.00      $  67.14     $  82.42      $  88.35       $ 146.04     $  19.72
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AMEX Composite    (o)       $ 100.00      $ 107.94     $ 125.05      $ 138.34       $ 162.26     $ 159.12
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

executive compensation practices and plans on an ongoing basis with respect to
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. Where it deems advisable, the
Company will take appropriate action to maintain the tax deductibility of its
executive compensation.


Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

The following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
ownership of the Company's Common Stock as of June 30, 2001 by each director and
executive officer of the Company, each person known to the Company to be the
beneficial owner of more than 5% of the outstanding Common Stock, and all
directors and executive officers of the Company as a group. Except as otherwise
indicated below, each person has sole voting and investment power with respect
to the shares owned, subject to applicable community property laws.

                                                 SHARES BENEFICIALLY OWNED
                                               (INCLUDES EXERCISABLE OPTIONS)
        NAME AND ADDRESS                            NUMBER        PERCENT
        ----------------                            ------        -------
Frank W. Peters (1)..........................     11,048,835       22.0%
733 Lakefield Road
Westlake Village, CA 91361

Marty S. Albert
733 Lakefield Road
Westlake Village, CA 91361                         1,000,000         2

Gary S. Rogers
733 Lakefield Road
Westlake Village, CA 91361                         1,000,000         2

All directors and executive officers of
the Company as a group (3 persons)...........     13,048,835       26.0%

- ----------------
(1)      Includes options to purchase 1,550,000 shares and rights to convert
         notes to 3,304,166 shares all which could be exercised in 60 days.


In September 2000, the Company's Chief Financial Officer exercised options to
purchase 400,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $.44 per share.
The exercise was done on a net basis, so that the actual number of shares issued
was 295,858.

In March 2001, the Company's Chairman loaned the Company $100,000 convertible to
stock at $0.12 per share bearing interest at 6% due in one year.

In June 2001, the Company's Chairman loaned the Company $20,000 convertible to
stock at $0.08 per share bearing interest at 6% due in one year.

In July 2001, the Company's Chairman loaned the Company $19,000 convertible to
stock at $0.05 per share bearing interest at 6% due in one year.

In September 2001, the Company granted options to purchase 1,000,000 shares of
common stock at an exercise price of $0.05 per share, the fair value of the
underlying shares, to each of two members of the board. The options were granted
outside of the Company's stock option plans, vest 10% per month over the next 10
months, and expire three years from the date of grant.

In November 2001, the Company's Chairman loaned the Company $50,000 convertible
to stock at $0.05 per share bearing interest at 6% due in one year.

In November 2001, the Company granted options to purchase 2,400,000 and
2,500,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $0.05 per share, the
fair value of the underlying shares, to its chief executive officer/chairman and
chief operating officer, respectively. These options were granted for payment of
deferred salaries from January to October 2001 valued at $118,000 and $128,000,
respectively. The options were granted outside of the Company's stock option
plans and may be exercised any time after issuance and for a period of three
years from the date of grant.


Part IV.
- --------
Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on Form 8-K

(a)        Exhibits
- ---        --------
           3.1        Restated Articles of Incorporation of Franklin
                      Telecommunications Corp.(1)

           3.2        Bylaws of Franklin Telecommunications Corp.(2)

           10.1       Employment Agreement, dated March 1, 1993 between Franklin
                      Telecommunications Corp. and Frank W. Peters. (1)

           23.1       Consent of Singer Lewak Greenbaum & Goldstein LLP

- ------------
(1)        Incorporated by reference from Registrant's Registration Statement on
           Form S-1 (No. 333-24791), filed with the Commission on April 9, 1997.

(2)        Incorporated by reference from Amendment No. 2 to Registrant's
           Registration Statement on Form S-3 (No. 333-35834), filed with the
           Commission on July 31, 2000.

(b)        Financial Statements
- ---        --------------------

(c)        Reports on From 8-K
- ---        -------------------



Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 of 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, Registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on its behalf
by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                               Franklin Telecommunications Corp.

                                               By: /s/   Frank W. Peters
                                                   Frank W. Peters
                                                   Chairman of the Board

Dated: January 12, 2002

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this Report
has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

          Signature                                Title                                 Date
          ---------                                -----                                 ----

(1) Principal Executive Officer

           /s/ Martin S. Albert           Acting Chief Executive Officer          January 22, 2002
             Martin S. Albert

(2) Principal Financial and Accounting Officer

           /s/ FRANK W. PETERS            Acting Principle Accounting Officer
           --------------------------     and a Director                          January 22, 2002
             Frank W. Peters

(3) Directors

           /s/ FRANK W. PETERS            Chairman of the Board of Directors      January 22, 2002
             Frank W. Peters

           /s/ Martin S. Albert            Director                               January 22, 2002
             Martin S. Albert

           /s/   GARY S. ROGERS           Director                                January 22, 2002
              Gary S. Rogers



EXHIBIT NO.                      DESCRIPTION
- -----------                      -----------





S-1 (NO. 333-24791), FILED WITH THE COMMISSION ON APRIL 9, 1997.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001




     Consolidated Balance Sheets                                     F-3 - F-4

     Consolidated Statements of Operations                           F-5 - F-6

     Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity (Deficit)       F-7 - F-8

     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                           F-9 - F-11

     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                     F-12 - F-47



To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of
Franklin Telecommunications Corp.

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Franklin
Telecommunications Corp. and subsidiaries as of June 30, 2001 and 2000, and the
related consolidated statements of operations, shareholders' equity (deficit),
and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ending June 30, 2001.
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management.
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based
on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a
test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the consolidated financial position of Franklin
Telecommunications Corp. and subsidiaries as of June 30, 2001 and 2000, and the
results of their consolidated operations and their consolidated cash flows for
each of the three years in the period ended June 30, 2001 in conformity with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared assuming
that the Company will continue as a going concern. As discussed in Note 2 to the
consolidated financial statements, during the year ended June 30, 2001, the
Company incurred a net loss of $10,820,000 and it had negative cash flows from
operations of $3,748,000. These factors, among others, as discussed in Note 2 to
the consolidated financial statements, raise substantial doubt about the
Company's ability to continue as a going concern. Management's plans in regard
to these matters are also described in Note 2. The consolidated financial
statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of
this uncertainty.


Los Angeles, California
November 30, 2001


                                                         FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                          AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                               CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                                                                  JUNE 30,



                                                                      2001         2000
                                                                  -----------  -----------
     Cash and cash equivalents                                    $   49,000   $1,275,000
     Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts
         of $122,000 and $50,000                                      21,000      136,000
     Other receivables                                                 1,000        8,000
     Note receivable - related party                                      --       64,000
     Inventories, less allowance for obsolescence of $2,377,000
         and $134,000                                                325,000    2,698,000
     Prepaid expenses                                                 15,000       80,000
                                                                  -----------  -----------

              Total current assets                                   411,000    4,261,000

PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, net                                          589,000    2,158,000
LICENSES                                                             391,000      695,000
OTHER ASSETS                                                          44,000       43,000
                                                                  -----------  -----------

                      TOTAL ASSETS                                $1,435,000   $7,157,000
                                                                  ===========  ===========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                                     CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                                                                        JUNE 30,



                                                                       2001            2000
                                                                   -------------   -------------
     Convertible promissory notes payable (majority due
         to a related party)                                       $    122,000    $         --
     Current portion of capital lease obligations                        28,000          34,000
     Accounts payable                                                 1,554,000         407,000
     Accrued liabilities                                              1,379,000       1,028,000
                                                                   -------------   -------------

              Total current liabilities                               3,083,000       1,469,000

NOTE PAYABLE - RELATED PARTY                                            686,000         762,000
CAPITAL LEASE OBLIGATIONS, net of current portion                            --          20,000
                                                                   -------------   -------------

                  Total liabilities                                   3,769,000       2,251,000
                                                                   -------------   -------------


     Series C convertible preferred stock, no par value
         10,000,000 shares authorized
         0 and 0 shares issued and outstanding                               --              --
     Common stock, no par value
         90,000,000 shares authorized
         42,617,241 and 34,247,013 shares issued
              and outstanding                                        35,850,000      32,270,000
     Common stock committed, no par value
         74,716 and 74,716 shares committed but
              not yet issued                                             82,000          82,000
     Accumulated deficit                                            (38,266,000)    (27,446,000)
                                                                   -------------   -------------

                  Total shareholders' equity (deficit)               (2,334,000)      4,906,000
                                                                   -------------   -------------

                           (DEFICIT)                               $  1,435,000    $  7,157,000
                                                                   =============   =============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                           CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                                                                    FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,


                                                        2001           2000             1999
                                                   -------------   -------------   -------------
   Product                                         $    421,000    $  1,109,000    $  8,767,000
   Telephone and Internet services                      824,000       2,098,000       1,864,000
                                                   -------------   -------------   -------------

     Total sales                                      1,245,000       3,207,000      10,631,000
                                                   -------------   -------------   -------------

   Product                                            2,772,000       1,115,000       4,475,000
   Telephone and Internet services                    2,659,000       3,660,000       1,166,000
                                                   -------------   -------------   -------------

     Total cost of sales                              5,431,000       4,775,000       5,641,000
                                                   -------------   -------------   -------------

GROSS PROFIT (LOSS)                                  (4,186,000)     (1,568,000)      4,990,000
                                                   -------------   -------------   -------------

   Research and development expenses                  1,152,000       1,834,000       1,870,000
   Selling, general, and administrative expenses      4,351,000       7,518,000       5,602,000
   Impairment of long-lived assets                    1,209,000         224,000              --
                                                   -------------   -------------   -------------

     Total operating expenses                         6,712,000       9,576,000       7,472,000
                                                   -------------   -------------   -------------

LOSS FROM OPERATIONS                                (10,898,000)    (11,144,000)     (2,482,000)
                                                   -------------   -------------   -------------

   Interest income                                       19,000          68,000         148,000
   Other income                                           8,000              --              --
   Interest expense                                    (303,000)       (109,000)        (27,000)
   Other expense                                        (30,000)        (56,000)        (43,000)
   Abandonment of property and equipment                     --        (367,000)             --
                                                   -------------   -------------   -------------

     Total other income (expense)                      (306,000)       (464,000)         78,000
                                                   -------------   -------------   -------------

   EXTRAORDINARY ITEM                               (11,204,000)    (11,608,000)     (2,404,000)

PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES                                3,000           3,000           7,000
                                                   -------------   -------------   -------------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                           CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                                                                    FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,


                                                       2001            2000             1999
                                                   -------------   -------------   -------------
LOSS BEFORE EXTRAORDINARY ITEM                     $(11,207,000)   $(11,611,000)   $ (2,411,000)

   Gain on extinguishment of debt, net of
     taxes of $0, $0, and $0                            387,000          60,000          (2,000)
                                                   -------------   -------------   -------------

NET LOSS                                           $(10,820,000)   $(11,551,000)   $ (2,413,000)
                                                   =============   =============   =============

     Loss before extraordinary gain (loss)         $      (0.28)   $      (0.39)   $      (0.11)
     Extraordinary gain (loss)                             0.01              --              --
                                                   -------------   -------------   -------------

       NET LOSS PER COMMON SHARE                   $      (0.27)   $      (0.39)   $      (0.11)
                                                   =============   =============   =============

   OUTSTANDING                                       40,113,816      29,797,493      22,596,694
                                                   =============   =============   =============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                                                 FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                                  AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                         CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY (DEFICIT)
                                                                      FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,


                                               Preferred Stock                   Common Stock
                                             --------------------           ----------------------
                                             Shares        Amount           Shares          Amount
                                             ------        ------           ------          ------
BALANCE, JUNE 30, 1998                         548     $  4,856,000       18,344,178     $ 15,571,000
     Cash                                                                    444,725          474,000
     Notes receivable                                                        807,536
     Conversion of preferred stock            (548)      (4,856,000)       5,543,468        4,856,000
     Issuance of committed shares                                             67,336           85,000
     Services rendered                                                       121,356           64,000
     Stock options/warrants                                                  468,127          468,000
         Cash                                                                                  60,000
         Stock options                                                                         50,000
                                              ----     ------------       ----------     ------------

BALANCE, JUNE 30, 1999                          --               --       25,796,726       21,628,000
     Cash                                                                  6,955,957        8,056,000
     Services rendered                                                        21,694           48,000
     Stock options/warrants                                                  261,603          179,000
     Cashless exercise of
       options                                                             1,211,033          717,000

                                              Common Stock Committed
                                              ----------------------       Accumulated
                                                Shares       Amount          Deficit            Total
                                                ------       ------          -------            -----
BALANCE, JUNE 30, 1998                           77,336    $     91,000    $(13,482,000)    $  7,036,000
     Cash                                                                                        474,000
     Notes receivable
     Conversion of preferred stock                                                                    --
     Issuance of committed shares               (67,336)        (85,000)                              --
     Services rendered                                                                            64,000
     Stock options/warrants                                                                      468,000
         Cash                                                                                     60,000
         Stock options                                                                            50,000
NET LOSS                                                                     (2,413,000)      (2,413,000)
                                                -------    ------------    ------------     ------------

BALANCE, JUNE 30, 1999                           10,000           6,000     (15,895,000)       5,739,000
     COMPENSATION                                74,716          82,000                           82,000
     SHARES                                     (10,000)         (6,000)                          (6,000)
     Cash                                                                                      8,056,000
     Services rendered                                                                            48,000
     Stock options/warrants                                                                      179,000
     Cashless exercise of
       options                                                                                   717,000

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                 FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                                  AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                         CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY (DEFICIT)
                                                                      FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,


                                               Preferred Stock                   Common Stock
                                             --------------------           ----------------------
                                             Shares        Amount           Shares          Amount
                                             ------        ------           ------          ------
   services rendered                                   $                                 $     60,000
   private placement                                                                        2,039,000
   financing costs                                                                            110,000
   Offering costs                                                                            (620,000)
  ISSUED FOR CASH                                                                              53,000
                                              ----     ------------       ----------     ------------

BALANCE, JUNE 30, 2000                           -               -        34,247,013       32,270,000
   Cash                                                                    5,105,711        2,029,000
   Services rendered                                                         477,324          318,000
   Stock options/warrants                                                     10,000            4,000
   Cashless exercise of
     options                                                                 295,858                -
   Cashless exercise of
     protective warrants                                                   1,977,797                -
   Late registration filing                                                  503,538          430,000
   Offering costs                                                                             (13,000)
   PRIVATE PLACEMENT                                                                          478,000
   PARTY NOTE PAYABLE                                                                         344,000
   COMMON STOCK OF PARENT                                                                     (10,000)
                                              ----     ------------       ----------     ------------

BALANCE, JUNE 30, 2001                           -     $          -       42,617,241     $ 35,850,000

                                              Common Stock Committed
                                              ----------------------       Accumulated
                                                Shares       Amount          Deficit            Total
                                                ------       ------          -------            -----
   services rendered                                       $               $                $     60,000
   private placement                                                                           2,039,000
   financing costs                                                                               110,000
   Offering costs                                                                               (620,000)
  ISSUED FOR CASH                                                                                 53,000
NET LOSS                                                                    (11,551,000)     (11,551,000)
                                                -------    ------------    ------------     ------------

BALANCE, JUNE 30, 2000                           74,716          82,000     (27,446,000)       4,906,000
   Cash                                                                                        2,029,000
   Services rendered                                                                             318,000
   Stock options/warrants                                                                          4,000
   Cashless exercise of
     options                                                                                           -
   Cashless exercise of
     protective warrants                                                                               -
   Late registration filing                                                                      430,000
   Offering costs                                                                                (13,000)
   PRIVATE PLACEMENT                                                                             478,000
   PARTY NOTE PAYABLE                                                                            344,000
   COMMON STOCK OF PARENT                                                                         10,000
NET LOSS                                                                    (10,820,000)     (10,820,000)
                                                -------    ------------    ------------     ------------

BALANCE, JUNE 30, 2001                           74,716    $     82,000    $(38,266,000)    $ (2,334,000)

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                                                     FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                                      AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                                 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                                                          FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,


                                                              2001           2000             1999
                                                         -------------   -------------   -------------
   Net loss                                              $(10,820,000)   $(11,551,000)   $ (2,413,000)
   Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash
     used in operating activities
       Depreciation and amortization                          699,000         642,000         434,000
       Stock issued for late filing of registration
         statement                                            430,000               -               -
       Stock issued for services rendered                     256,000          48,000          50,000
       Warrants issued for services rendered                        -          60,000               -
       Cashless exercise of stock options and warrants              -         717,000               -
       Warrants issued for financing costs                          -         110,000               -
       Loss on abandonment of property and
         equipment                                                  -         367,000               -
       Extraordinary gain on disposal of property
         and equipment                                         (9,000)              -               -
       Impairment of long-lived assets                      1,209,000         224,000               -
       Gain on write-off of debt                             (387,000)        (60,000)              -
       Provision for doubtful accounts                         72,000         (56,000)         98,000
       Write-off of accounts receivable                             -       1,411,000               -
       Imputed interest on related party note
         payable                                              267,000               -               -
       Reserve for inventory obsolescence                   2,243,000               -               -
   (Increase) decrease in
     Accounts receivable                                       43,000         251,000      (2,617,000)
     Other receivables                                          7,000          65,000          25,000
     Inventories                                              130,000        (156,000)     (1,003,000)
     Prepaid expenses                                          65,000           1,000         (26,000)
     Other assets                                                   -         (10,000)              -
   Increase (decrease) in
     Accounts payable                                       1,534,000        (620,000)        854,000
     Accrued liabilities                                      513,000        (743,000)        747,000
                                                         -------------   -------------   -------------

Net cash used in operating activities                      (3,748,000)     (9,300,000)     (3,851,000)
                                                         -------------   -------------   -------------

   Purchases of property and equipment                        (63,000)       (720,000)     (1,275,000)
   Proceeds from notes receivable                                   -               -         207,000
   Other assets                                                     -         (49,000)       (260,000)
   Other liabilities                                                -               -               -
                                                         -------------   -------------   -------------

Net cash used in investing activities                         (63,000)       (769,000)     (1,328,000)
                                                         -------------   -------------   -------------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                                              FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                               AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                          CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                                                   FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,


                                                         2001          2000           1999
                                                     ------------   ------------   ------------
   Proceeds from convertible notes payable           $   122,000    $ 2,500,000   $          -
   Payments on convertible notes payable                       -     (2,500,000)             -
   Proceeds from sale of common stock and warrants     2,485,000      9,475,000      1,011,000
   Proceeds from sale of minority stock in
     consolidated subsidiary                                   -         53,000         55,000
   Proceeds from exercise of options                       4,000        179,000              -
   Payments on capital lease obligation                  (26,000)             -              -
                                                     ------------   ------------   ------------

Net cash provided by financing activities              2,585,000      9,707,000      1,066,000
                                                     ------------   ------------   ------------

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents             (1,226,000)      (362,000)    (4,113,000)

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF YEAR           1,275,000      1,637,000      5,750,000
                                                     ------------   ------------   ------------

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF YEAR               $    49,000    $ 1,275,000    $ 1,637,000
                                                     ============   ============   ============


   INCOME TAXES PAID                                 $         -    $         -    $         -
                                                     ============   ============   ============

year ended June 30, 2001, the Company completed the following:

o    Discounted non-interest-bearing related party notes payable in the amount
     of $76,000, using a discount rate of 10%.

o    Issued stock for services rendered during the year ended June 30, 2000.
     Said services were valued at $62,000.

During the year ended June 30, 2000, the Company completed the following:

o    Repossessed equipment from a customer who was in arrears on payment for
     said equipment at a cost of $868,000.

o    Equipment with a net book value of $150,000 was transferred to the Company
     in exchange for payment of a long-term note receivable.

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                           CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                                    FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,



o    Committed to issue 74,716 shares of common stock valued at $82,000 as
     payment for accrued compensation to an employee.

o    Issued 275,625 warrants to purchase common stock for services valued at

o    Purchased equipment under a capital lease in the amount of $54,000.

During the year ended June 30, 1999, the Company completed the following:

o    Equipment valued at $500,000 that was prepaid at June 30, 1998 was
     delivered to the Company.

o    5,543,468 shares of common stock were issued upon the conversion of 548
     shares of its Series C preferred stock.

o    Equipment with a net book value of $16,000 and the trade name "Malibu
     Internet Services" were sold to an individual in exchange for a note
     receivable of $55,000.

o    The current portion of a note payable to a related party for $228,000 plus
     accrued interest of $130,000 was converted into a long-term note payable to
     the same related party.

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Franklin Telecommunications Corp. ("Franklin") and its subsidiaries
         (collectively, the "Company") design, build, and sell Internet
         Telephony equipment, also called Voice Over Internet Protocol equipment
         ("VOIP"), and other high speed communications products and subsystems.
         The Company's products are marketed through Original Equipment
         Manufacturers ("OEMs") and distributors, as well as directly to end
         users. In addition, through its majority owned subsidiary, FNet Corp.
         ("FNet"), the Company provides traditional switched network and
         Internet Protocol telephony services and Internet access to businesses
         and individuals. The Company's customers are located primarily in the
         United States, Canada, South America, Asia, and parts of Europe in a
         wide range of industries including financial services, government,
         telephone services, and manufacturing.

         The Company offers a suite of Internet Telephony solutions that enable
         business communications over the Internet. From the small office home
         office ("SOHO") to the branch office and headquarters operations of
         medium to large scale corporate America, the Company offers a
         cost-effective call handling solution. From the enterprise to the
         carrier market, the Company can deal with "convergence," managing the
         connectivity and integration of voice, data, and fax. Wherever
         possible, the Company offers a turnkey solution that can be "owned" by
         its customers. When equipment sales are not in the best interest of a
         particular customer's business communications solution, the Company
         plans to provide that solution as a "service" that can be leased. The
         Company is a leading edge supplier of Internet Telephony solutions as a
         result of its flexibility in providing business communication solutions
         as equipment or services on a global basis. The Company's products and
         services enable connectivity and e-commerce.

         The Company is both an equipment supplier and a service provider,
         offering turnkey business communications solutions to both the carrier
         and enterprise segments of the Internet Telephony market. The Company
         produces gateways, gatekeepers, and edge servers that provide advanced
         packet switching solutions that significantly reduce the infrastructure
         costs associated with communications networks. The Company's products
         are designed, developed, and manufactured by the Company.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared
         in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles which
         contemplate continuation of the Company as a going concern. However,
         the Company incurred a net loss of $9,948,000 during the year ended
         June 30, 2001 and it had negative cash flows from operations of
         $3,748,000. These factors raise substantial doubt about the Company's
         ability to continue as a going concern.

         Recovery of the Company's assets is dependent upon future events, the
         outcome of which is indeterminable. The Company's attainment of
         profitable operations is dependent upon its obtaining adequate debt and
         equity financing and achieving a level of sales adequate to support the
         Company's cost structure. In addition, realization of a major portion
         of the assets in the accompanying balance sheet is dependent upon the
         Company's ability to meet its financing requirements and the success of
         its plans to sell its products. The financial statements do not include
         any adjustments relating to the recoverability and classification of
         recorded asset amounts or amounts and classification of liabilities
         that might be necessary should the Company be unable to continue in

         Management plans to raise additional equity capital, continue to
         develop its products, and look for merger or acquisition candidates.


         Principles of Consolidation
         The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts
         of Franklin and its wholly owned or majority owned subsidiaries, FNet
         Corp., FNet/Curacao, FNet-Bosnia, IDM, Internet Passport, Lan
         Performance, TCI, and FTC 800. All inter-company balances and
         transactions have been eliminated.

         Revenue Recognition
         Revenues from product sales are recognized upon shipment of the product
         to customers. The Company does not allow the right of return on product
         sales. Revenue from telephone and Internet services are recognized over
         the period services are provided and consist primarily of fees charged
         for the Company's billable network and Internet access services.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Comprehensive Income
         The Company utilizes Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
         ("SFAS") No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive Income." This statement
         establishes standards for reporting comprehensive income and its
         components in a financial statement. Comprehensive income as defined
         includes all changes in equity (net assets) during a period from
         non-owner sources. Examples of items to be included in comprehensive
         income, which are excluded from net income, include foreign currency
         translation adjustments and unrealized gains and losses on
         available-for-sale securities. Comprehensive income is not presented in
         the Company's financial statements since the Company did not have any
         of the items of comprehensive income in any period presented.

         Cash and Cash Equivalents
         For purposes of the statements of cash flows, the Company considers all
         highly liquid investments purchased with original maturities of three
         months or less to be cash equivalents.

         Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market (estimated net
         realizable value). Cost is determined using the average cost method,
         which approximates the first-in, first-out ("FIFO") method. Net
         realizable value is based on forecasts for sales of the Company's
         products in the ensuing years. The industry in which the Company
         operates is characterized by rapid technological advancement and
         change. Should demand for the Company's products prove to be
         significantly less than anticipated, the ultimate realizable value of
         the Company's inventories could be substantially less than the amount
         shown on the accompanying consolidated balance sheets.

         Property and Equipment
         Property and equipment are stated at cost. The Company provides for
         depreciation using the straight-line method over the estimated useful
         lives as follows:

                  Computers and software                         5 years
                  Machinery and equipment                        7 years
                  Furniture and fixtures                         7 years

         Expenditures for maintenance and repairs are charged to operations as
         incurred while renewals and betterments are capitalized. Gains or
         losses on the sale of property and equipment are reflected in the
         statements of operations.

         Licenses are stated at cost and are amortized using the straight-line
         method over the license periods of five years.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Impairment of Long-Lived Assets
         The Company reviews its long-lived assets for impairment whenever
         events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of
         an asset may not be recoverable. Recoverability of assets to be held
         and used is measured by a comparison of the carrying amount of the
         assets to future net cash flows expected to be generated by the assets.
         If the assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be
         recognized is measured by the amount by which the carrying amount
         exceeds the fair value of the assets.

         The Company provides limited warranties of one year from the date of
         purchase of its products. A minimal accrual has been made for warranty
         liabilities because they are not expected to be significant.

         Fair Value of Financial Instruments
         The Company measures its financial assets and liabilities in accordance
         with generally accepted accounting principles. For certain of the
         Company's financial instruments including cash and cash equivalents,
         accounts receivable, accounts payable, and accrued liabilities, the
         carrying amounts approximate fair value due to their short maturities.
         The amounts shown for note receivable - related party, convertible
         promissory notes payable, note payable - related party, and capital
         lease obligations also approximate fair value because current interest
         rates and terms offered by and to the Company for similar notes and
         lease agreements are substantially the same.

         Minority Interest
         Minority interest represents the minority shareholders' proportionate
         share of the equity of FNet.

         During the year ended June 30, 1999, FNet sold approximately 60,000
         shares of its stock to outside investors at $1 per share. It also
         issued 50,000 shares upon the exercise of 50,000 stock options. The
         shares sold to investors were issued under a private offering circular
         pursuant to the exemption from registration under the Securities Act of
         1933 provided in Rule 505 of Regulation D. After the issuance of these
         shares, Franklin's ownership percentage remained at 71% as of June 30,

         During the year ended June 30, 2000, FNet sold approximately 26,250
         shares of its stock to outside investors at $2 per share. The shares
         sold to investors were issued under a private offering circular
         pursuant to the exemption from registration under the Securities Act of
         1933 provided in Rule 505 of Regulation D. After the issuance of these
         shares, Franklin's ownership percentage remained at 71% as of June 30,
         2001 and 2000.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Minority Interest (Continued)
         FNet, on a stand-alone basis, had a shareholders' deficit. As a result,
         Franklin's investment in FNet had a negative carrying value. The
         increase in capitalization of FNet resulting from the sale of shares of
         common stock to outside investors benefited Franklin in that it reduced
         the negative carrying value of Franklin's investment in FNet.
         Accordingly, Franklin has accounted for the change in its proportionate
         share of FNet's equity resulting from the issuance of stock to outside
         investors as an increase in shareholders' equity and a reduction in
         minority interest liability in the consolidated financial statements.

         The accompanying consolidated balance sheets do not reflect a minority
         interest liability as of June 30, 2001 and 2000 as FNet, on a
         stand-alone basis, had a shareholders' deficit as of such dates. The
         accompanying consolidated statements of operations for the years ended
         June 30, 2001, 2000, and 1999 do not reflect the minority interest's
         share of FNet's losses for said years as the related accrual would
         result in the Company's recordation of a minority interest receivable.

         Stock Options and Warrants
         SFAS No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation," defines a fair
         value based method of accounting for stock-based compensation. However,
         SFAS No. 123 allows an entity to continue to measure compensation cost
         related to stock and stock options issued to employees using the
         intrinsic method of accounting prescribed by Accounting Principles
         Board Opinion ("APB") No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to
         Employees." Entities electing to remain with the accounting method of
         APB 25 must make pro forma disclosures of net income and earnings per
         share as if the fair value method of accounting defined in SFAS No. 123
         had been applied. The Company has elected to account for its
         stock-based compensation to employees under APB 25.

         Advertising Costs
         Advertising costs are expensed as incurred. Advertising expense was
         $83,000, $393,000, and $204,000 for the years ended June 30, 2001,
         2000, and 1999 respectively.

         Research and Development Costs
         Research and development costs are expensed as incurred.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Income Taxes
         The Company accounts for income taxes under the asset and liability
         method of accounting. Under this method, deferred tax assets and
         liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable
         to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of
         existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases.
         Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax
         rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those
         temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The
         effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates
         is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date.
         A valuation allowance is required when it is less likely than not that
         the Company will be able to realize all or a portion of its deferred
         tax assets.

         Loss per Share
         The Company utilizes SFAS No. 128, "Earnings per Share." Basic loss per
         share is computed by dividing loss available to common shareholders by
         the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding. Diluted loss
         per share is computed similar to basic loss per share except that the
         denominator is increased to include the number of additional common
         shares that would have been outstanding if the potential common shares
         had been issued and if the additional common shares were dilutive.
         Because the Company has incurred net losses, basic and diluted loss per
         share are the same.

         The following potential common shares have been excluded from the
         computation of diluted net loss per share for all periods presented
         because the effect would have been anti-dilutive:

                                                                                      2001               2000
                                                                                ---------------    ----------------
                  Options outstanding inside the Company's stock
                      option plans                                                    1,531,000           2,350,250
                  Options outstanding outside the Company's stock
                      option plans                                                    1,441,451           2,277,500
                  Convertible notes payable                                           1,104,033                   -
                  Warrants issued in conjunction with convertible
                      notes payable                                                   1,000,000           1,000,000
                  Warrants issued in conjunction with various
                      private placements                                              8,856,888           3,751,177
                  Warrants issued as offering costs for convertible
                      notes payable                                                     100,000             100,000
                  Warrants issued for services rendered                                 420,000             420,000
                  FNet warrants issued in conjunction with various
                      private placements                                                 30,000              30,000
                  FNet warrants issued in conjunction with Series C
                      preferred stock                                                   668,104             668,104


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         The preparation of financial statements requires management to make
         estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets
         and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at
         the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of
         revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could
         differ from those estimates.

         Concentrations of Credit Risk
         The Company sells its products throughout the United States, Canada,
         Australia, and parts of Europe and South America and extends credit to
         its customers and performs ongoing credit evaluations of such
         customers. The Company evaluates its accounts receivable on a regular
         basis for collectability and provides for an allowance for potential
         credit losses as deemed necessary.

         For the years ended June 30, 2001 and 2000, no customers accounted for
         more than 5% of the Company's product sales. One customer accounted for
         76% of the Company's product sales for the year ended June 30, 1999.

         Export sales, primarily to Canada, Australia, Europe, and South
         America, represented 0%, 2%, and 9% of net sales for the years ended
         June 30, 2001, 2000, and 1999, respectively.

         Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements
         In September 2000, the FASB issued SFAS No. 140, "Accounting for
         Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of
         Liabilities, a replacement of FASB Statement No. 125." This statement
         is not applicable to the Company.

         In June 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 141, "Business Combinations."
         This statement addresses financial accounting and reporting for
         business combinations and supersedes APB Opinion No. 16, "Business
         Combinations," and SFAS No. 38, "Accounting for Pre-Acquisition
         Contingencies of Purchased Enterprises." All business combinations in
         the scope of this statement are to be accounted for using one method,
         the purchase method. The provisions of this statement apply to all
         business combinations initiated after June 30, 2001. Use of the
         pooling-of-interests method for those business combinations is
         prohibited. This statement also applies to all business combinations
         accounted for using the purchase method for which the date of
         acquisition is July 1, 2001 or later. The Company does not expect
         adoption of SFAS No. 141 to have a material impact, if any, on its
         financial position or results of operations.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements (Continued)
         In July 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 142, "Goodwill and Other
         Intangible Assets." This statement addresses financial accounting and
         reporting for acquired goodwill and other intangible assets and
         supersedes APB Opinion No. 17, "Intangible Assets." It addresses how
         intangible assets that are acquired individually or with a group of
         other assets (but not those acquired in a business combination) should
         be accounted for in financial statements upon their acquisition. This
         statement also addresses how goodwill and other intangible assets
         should be accounted for after they have been initially recognized in
         the financial statements. It is effective for fiscal years beginning
         after December 15, 2001. Early application is permitted for entities
         with fiscal years beginning after March 15, 2001, provided that the
         first interim financial statements have not been issued previously. The
         Company does not expect adoption of SFAS No. 142 to have a material
         impact, if any, on its financial position or results of operations.

         In June 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 143, "Accounting for Asset
         Retirement Obligations." This statement applies to legal obligations
         associated with the retirement of long-lived assets that result from
         the acquisition, construction, development, and/or the normal operation
         of long-lived assets, except for certain obligations of lessees. This
         statement is not applicable to the Company.

         In August 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 144, "Accounting for the
         Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets." This statement addresses
         financial accounting and reporting for the impairment or disposal of
         long-lived assets. This statement replaces SFAS No. 121, "Accounting
         for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to be
         Disposed of," the accounting and reporting provisions of APB No. 30,
         "Reporting the Results of Operations - Reporting the Effects of
         Disposal of a Segment of a Business, and Extraordinary, Unusual, and
         Infrequently Occurring Events and Transactions," for the disposal of a
         segment of a business, and amends Accounting Research Bulletin No. 51,
         "Consolidated Financial Statements," to eliminate the exception to
         consolidation for a subsidiary for which control is likely to be
         temporary. The Company does not expect adoption of SFAS No. 144 to have
         a material impact, if any, on its financial position or results of


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         The Company maintains cash deposits at banks located in California.
         Deposits at each bank are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
         Corporation up to $100,000. At times, the Company holds cash with these
         banks in excess of amounts insured by federal agencies. Excess cash is
         invested in money market accounts, certificates of deposit, and United
         States Government agency notes. As of June 30, 2001 and 2000, the
         uninsured portions of these balances held at the banks aggregated to $0
         and $1,116,000, respectively.

         Income from these investments consists entirely of interest income in
         the amount of $19,000, $68,000, and $148,000 for the years ended June
         30, 2001, 2000, and 1999, respectively. The aggregate carrying amount
         of cash and short-term investments by major types at June 30 was as
                                                      2001             2000
                                                 --------------   --------------

                  Cash                           $      41,000    $     519,000
                  Money market accounts                  8,000          756,000
                                                 --------------   --------------

                      TOTAL                      $      49,000    $   1,275,000
                                                 ==============   ==============


         Inventories at June 30 consisted of the following:
                                                      2001             2000
                                                 --------------   --------------

                  Raw materials                  $   1,360,000    $   1,314,000
                  Work in process                      201,000          222,000
                  Finished goods                     1,141,000        1,296,000
                  Reserve for obsolescence          (2,377,000)        (134,000)
                                                 --------------   --------------

                      TOTAL                      $     325,000    $   2,698,000
                                                 ==============   ==============

         During the year ended June 30, 2001, the Company did not realize
         sufficient sales from Internet telephony equipment to support it
         capital structure. Therefore, management revised its forecasts and
         projections for the Company. These revised sales forecasts indicated
         that future expected cash flows from sales of Internet telephony
         equipment were less than the carrying value of their inventories. The
         carrying value of the Company's inventories was $2,702,000, but based
         on recent comparable sales of other telephony equipment, management
         determined the fair value of inventories to be approximately $325,000.
         As a result, the Company recorded an additional reserve for
         obsolescence of $2,243,000.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Property and equipment at June 30 consisted of the following:
                                                     2001              2000
                                                 --------------   --------------

             Computers and software              $   1,230,000    $   1,607,000
             Machinery and equipment                   882,000        1,562,000
             Furniture and fixtures                    223,000          280,000
                                                 --------------   --------------

                                                     2,335,000        3,449,000
             Less accumulated depreciation           1,746,000        1,291,000
                                                 --------------   --------------

                 TOTAL                           $     589,000    $   2,158,000
                                                 ==============   ==============

         During the year ended June 30, 2001, the Company did not realize
         sufficient sales from Internet telephony equipment and services to
         support its capital structure. Therefore, management revised its
         forecasts and projections for Franklin and FNet. These revised sales
         forecasts indicated that future expected cash flows from these business
         units were less than the carrying value of their long-lived assets. The
         carrying value of the Company's long-lived assets was $2,125,000, but
         based on recent comparable sales of other telephony equipment,
         management determined the fair value of the long-lived assets to be
         approximately $980,000. As a result, the Company recognized an
         impairment charge of $1,145,000. The charge included $104,000 for
         licenses and $1,041,000 of tenant improvements, property and equipment,
         software and supporting technologies, and infrastructure, which are
         included in the consolidated statement of operations for the year ended
         June 30, 2001. Of this impairment charge, $365,000 is related to
         Franklin, and the remaining $780,000 is related to FNet.

         During the year ended June 30, 2000, the Company was unable to take
         possession of certain property and equipment and therefore recognized
         an expense of $367,000 for the abandonment of these assets.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Note receivable - related party at June 30 consisted of the following:

                                                                          2001             2000
                                                                     --------------   --------------
            Note receivable from a former director, bearing
              interest at 6% per annum, secured by certain
              shares of Franklin's common stock, and was
              due in July 2000, but was mutually extended
              for one year.                                          $           -    $      64,000
            Less current portion                                                 -           64,000
                                                                     --------------   --------------

                     LONG-TERM PORTION                               $           -    $           -
                                                                     ==============   ==============

         During the year ended June 30, 2001, the Company determined that the
         note receivable from its director was uncollectible and wrote off the
         entire balance. The Company recorded a loss on impairment on the note
         receivable of $64,000.


         Accrued liabilities at June 30 consisted of the following:
                                                                         2001              2000
                                                                     --------------   --------------

                  Salaries and related expenses                      $     249,000    $     372,000
                  Salaries and related expenses due to officers            776,000          318,000
                  Accrued legal settlement (Note 12)                       165,000                -
                  Other accrued liabilities                                189,000          338,000
                                                                     --------------   --------------

                      TOTAL                                          $   1,379,000    $   1,028,000
                                                                     ==============   ==============


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Convertible notes payable at June 30 consisted of the following:

                                                                          2001            2000
                                                                     --------------   --------------
                  6% convertible promissory note, due March 20,
                      2002                                           $     100,000    $           -
                  6% convertible promissory note, due May 29,
                      2002                                                   2,000                -
                  6% convertible promissory note, due June 28,
                      2002                                                  20,000                -
                                                                     --------------   --------------

                                                                           122,000                -
                  Less current portion                                     122,000                -
                                                                     --------------   --------------

                           LONG-TERM PORTION                         $           -    $           -
                                                                     ==============   ==============

         On March 20, 2001 and June 28, 2001, the Company issued convertible
         promissory notes to its chief executive officer/chairman in the amounts
         of $100,000 and $20,000, respectively. The notes are convertible upon
         issuance at the option of the holder into the Company's common stock at
         a conversion price equal to the fair value of the Company's common
         stock on the date of issuance, or $0.12 and $0.08, respectively. The
         notes incur interest at 6% per annum, the interest is payable annually,
         and the notes mature one year from the date of issuance. None of the
         notes were converted into common stock during the year ended June 30,
         2001. No expense was recorded in connection with the issuance of the
         convertible notes since the conversion price was equal to the fair
         value of the Company's common stock at the date of issuance.

         On May 29, 2001, the Company issued a convertible promissory note to an
         investor in the amount of $2,000. The note is convertible upon issuance
         at the option of the holder into the Company's common stock at a
         conversion price equal to the fair value of the Company's common stock
         on the date of issuance, or $0.10. The note incurs interest at 6% per
         annum, the interest is payable annually, and the note matures one year
         from the date of issuance. The note was not converted into common stock
         during the year ended June 30, 2001. No expense was recorded in
         connection with the issuance of the convertible note since the
         conversion price was equal to the fair value of the Company's common
         stock at the date of issuance.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         The $762,000 due to the Company's chief executive officer/chairman
         represents three separate notes that were consolidated into one
         non-interest-bearing promissory note on December 31, 1998. The
         promissory note contains a set repayment plan with payments through
         June 30, 2000. If the Company violates the plan, the note is due on
         demand. As of June 30, 2000, the Company had violated the plan, but the
         Company's chief executive officer/chairman has signed a waiver,
         deferring all payments due until the earlier of July 1, 2002 or upon an
         acquisition of the Company. As of June 30, 2001, no acquisition offers
         had been made.

         In accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, all
         non-interest-bearing notes must be discounted using the Company's
         average borrowing rate. This discount is amortized on a straight-line
         basis over the term of the note. As of June 30, 2001 the discount on
         the related party note payable was $76,000, using a discount rate of


         During the year ended June 30, 2000, the conversion feature of certain
         notes payable to former vendors expired. The Company wrote off the
         notes payable and recognized an extraordinary gain on the
         extinguishment of debt in the amount of $60,000, which represents
         $24,000 in principal and $36,000 in accrued interest.

         In December 1999, the Company issued five convertible notes payable for
         $500,000 each and 1,000,000 warrants to purchase shares of the
         Company's common stock at an exercise price of $1.65 per share to an
         investment company. The notes bore interest at 10% per annum, were
         unsecured, required quarterly interest payments on the unconverted
         balance, and were scheduled to mature on December 3, 2002. The notes
         were repaid in May 2000. The notes were convertible into shares of the
         Company's common stock if the Company elected not to pay the aggregate
         principal amount outstanding and accrued interest by May 3, 2000.

         The warrants vest upon issuance and expire three years from the date of
         the private placement. At June 30, 2001, none of the warrants had been


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Operating Leases and Capital Lease Obligations
         The Company leases its production, warehouse, and administrative
         facilities under various non-cancelable operating leases that expire
         through March 2003. In addition to the minimum annual rental
         commitments, the leases provide for periodic cost of living increases
         in the base rent and payment by the Company of common area costs. All
         leases have various renewal features. Rent expense related to the
         operating leases was $222,000, $218,000, and $170,000 for the years
         ended June 30, 2001, 2000, and 1999, respectively.

         The Company leased two condominiums from a related party on a
         month-to-month basis for business travel and employee relocation. Rent
         expense related to these operating leases was $19,000, $53,100, and
         $49,000 for the years ended June 30, 2001, 2000, and 1999,

         The Company also leases certain telephone equipment under a capital
         lease. The lease has an initial term of two years and requires fixed
         monthly payments.

         Future minimum lease payments under capital and operating leases at
         June 30, 2001 were as follows:

                   Year Ending                     Operating          Capital
                     June 30                         Lease             Lease
                  --------------                 --------------   --------------

                      2002                       $     122,000    $      32,000
                      2003                              85,000               -
                                                 --------------   --------------

                                                 $     207,000           32,000
                  Less amount representing interest                       4,000

                  Less current portion                                   28,000

                           LONG TERM PORTION                      $           -

         Leased capital assets as of June 30 consisted of the following:

                                                      2001             2000
                                                 --------------   --------------

            Telephone equipment                  $      60,000    $      60,000
            Less accumulated depreciation               17,000            5,000
                                                 --------------   --------------

                TOTAL                            $      43,000    $      55,000
                                                 ==============   ==============


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Operating Leases and Capital Lease Obligations (Continued)
         For the years ended June 30, 2001, 2000, and 1999, depreciation expense
         related to capital leases amounted to $12,000, $5,000, and $0,

         During June 2000, two shareholders who acquired their shares in a
         private placement in March 2000 filed a lawsuit against Franklin and
         two of the Company's officers/directors. The lawsuit sought to postpone
         the June 28, 2000 annual shareholders meeting, based upon alleged
         deficiencies in the proxy materials pertaining to the meeting. At a
         court hearing held on June 28, 2000, the court declined to enjoin the
         meeting as requested by the plaintiffs.

         Thereafter, the plaintiffs amended the lawsuit several times and
         ultimately added new claims pertaining to the private placement and
         alleging securities law violations. During October 2000, the lawsuit
         was abandoned by the plaintiffs, and both parties mutually agreed to
         dismiss the suit without financial restitution.

         During April 2000, Nexbell, a long distance service provider, filed
         suit against FNet, alleging that FNet defaulted under the terms and
         conditions of FNet's service agreement when FNet failed to pay for
         services rendered valued at $165,000. FNet has engaged in ongoing
         settlement discussions in order to end the expense of the litigation
         and believes that a settlement in the amount of $165,000 is probable.
         As such, the Company has recorded an accrual for $165,000 as of June
         30, 2001 (see Note 18).

         In addition, the Company is involved in certain legal proceedings and
         claims which arise in the normal course of business. Management does
         not believe that the outcome of these matters will have a material
         adverse effect on the Company's consolidated financial position or
         results of operations.

         Software License Agreements
         During November 1997, the Company entered into a contract for software
         development and a worldwide license agreement with a software
         development company. The license agreement provides for a three-year
         term and may be extended on a year-to-year basis thereafter. In
         addition to the fixed fee of $426,000, there is a royalty of $0.75 per
         port for each personal computer board sold containing the licensed
         software. Amounts paid under the license agreement totaled $0, $4,500,
         and $103,000 during the years ended June 30, 2001, 2000, and 1999


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Software License Agreements (Continued)
         During March 1998, the Company entered into a five-year, worldwide
         license agreement with a company to use certain software of this
         company to create software for sale to third parties. The Company must
         pay a license fee of $35,000, a royalty of $10 per port, and a
         one-time, active maintenance and support services fee of $10,000.
         Amounts paid under this license agreement totaled $0, $0, $0 during the
         years ended June 30, 2001, 2000, and 1999, respectively. During the
         year ended June 30, 2000, the Company recognized an impairment of the
         license of $28,000, which represented the unamortized purchase price of
         the license.

         During May 1999, the Company entered into a license agreement with TEK
         DigiTel ("TEK") in which TEK granted the Company a license to
         manufacture and sell certain hardware and software which were developed
         by TEK. In addition to the fixed fee of $250,000, there is a royalty of
         $35 per unit for each product sold containing the licensed software and
         hardware. Amounts paid under this license agreement totaled $0, $0, and
         $150,000 during the years ended June 30, 2001, 2000, and 1999,
         respectively. During the year ended June 30, 2001, the Company
         recognized an impairment of the license of $104,000, which represents
         the unamortized purchase price of the license.

         Private Placement Exemptions
         The Company and FNet's private placements of securities have been
         issued in transactions intended to be exempt from registration under
         the Securities Act of 1933 pursuant to the provisions of Regulation D
         promulgated thereunder. These rules include factors pursuant to which
         one or more private placement transactions may be integrated as part of
         other offerings and include rules that limit the dollar amount that can
         be raised and the number of non-accredited investors that can

         In the event any of the Company's private placement transactions,
         including private placement transactions undertaken by the Company
         since the transactions referred to above, were deemed to be integrated,
         it is possible that the exemption from the registration requirements of
         the Securities Act of 1933 would not be available for one or more of
         those offerings. In the event that one or more of such transactions are
         determined not to have been exempt from such registration requirements,
         the purchasers may have the right to seek rescission of the sales
         and/or seek money damages against the Company. Management believes that
         each of the Company's private offerings were exempt from the
         registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Employment Agreements
         On September 2, 1997, the Company entered into a six-year employment
         agreement with its chief executive officer/chairman. The annual salary
         for the officer is $324,000. The officer may at his option convert up
         to 50% of his compensation into options to purchase the Company's
         common stock. The exercise price will equal 50% of the fair market
         value of the Company's common stock at the date of grant. During the
         year ended June 30, 2000, the Company reduced the annual salary to
         $150,000 per year.

         Service Agreement
         In September 2000, FNet entered into a five-year, non-cancelable
         service agreement with a satellite service provider to operate uplink
         and downlink earth stations between the United States and the Balkan
         region. The estimated fee for the project was $1,236,000. As of June
         30, 2001, the Company had violated certain terms and conditions of the
         service agreement. As such, the agreement stipulates that the Company
         must immediately pay the remaining fee for the project of approximately
         $1,058,000. The Company is in the process of negotiating a settlement
         with the service provider and has included this balance in accounts
         payable on the accompanying balance sheet.


         Stock Option Plans
         The Company adopted an Incentive Stock Option Plan ("Plan A") and
         Nonqualified Stock Option Plan ("Plan B") (the "1986 Plans"). Plan A
         provides for the granting of options to purchase shares of common stock
         that are intended to qualify as incentive stock options within the
         meaning of Section 422A of the Internal Revenue Code, and Plan B
         provides for the granting of options to purchase shares of common stock
         that are not intended to qualify. The 1986 Plans provide for the
         issuance of up to 700,000 shares in the aggregate at the fair market
         value of the Company's stock at the date of grant.

         During the year ended June 30, 1989, the Company adopted the 1988 Stock
         Option Plan (the "1988 Plan"). Under the terms of the plan, options to
         purchase 300,000 shares of the Company's common stock are available for
         issuance to employees, officers, and directors. Options granted may be
         either incentive stock options or non-statutory options. The exercise
         price of the incentive stock options and non-statutory options may not
         be greater or less than 110% and 85%, respectively, of the fair market
         value of the Company's common stock at the date of grant.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Stock Option Plans (Continued)
         During the year ended June 30, 1994, the Company adopted the 1993 Stock
         Option Plan (the "1993 Plan"). The 1993 Plan provides for the granting
         of options to purchase up to 600,000 shares of common stock.

         During the year ended June 30, 1995, the Company adopted the 1994 Stock
         Option Plan (the "1994 Plan"). The 1994 Plan provides for the granting
         of options to purchase up to 1,400,000 shares of common stock. Such
         options will be non-statutory.

         During the year ended June 30, 1998, the Company adopted the 1998 Stock
         Option Plan (the "1998 Plan"). The 1998 Plan provides for the granting
         of options to purchase up to 2,000,000 shares of common stock that are
         intended to qualify as incentive stock options within the meaning of
         Section 422A of the Internal Revenue Code.

         Options granted under all of the aforementioned plans vest in
         accordance with the terms established by the Company's stock option
         committee. All such options granted to date were issued to employees,
         have vesting periods of between two to four years, and generally
         terminate at the earlier of one year beyond the end of the option
         period or upon termination of employment.

         In October 1998, certain outstanding options granted to employees in
         prior years were repriced. Per SFAS No. 123, the Company should incur
         additional compensation cost for the excess of the fair value of the
         modified options issued over the value of the original options at the
         date of the exchange. The Company thus added that incremental amount to
         the remaining unrecognized compensation cost for the original options
         at the June 30, 1999 pro forma disclosure and recognized the total
         amount over the remaining years of the remaining life of the options.
         The remaining expected life of the options is three years at June 30,

         In October 1999, the Company re-priced an aggregate of 547,000 options
         issued to 14 employees under the 1998 Plan and outside of the Plan. In
         relation to this re-pricing, the Company did not record any
         compensation expense for the years ended June 30, 2001 and 2000 since
         the fair market value of the Company's stock price was less than the
         re-priced exercise price at those dates.

         In March 2000, the FASB issued an interpretation of SFAS No. 40,
         "Accounting for Certain Transactions involving Stock Compensation." In
         accordance with the interpretation, employee stock option awards that
         are re-priced will be accounted for as variable awards from the date of
         the re-pricing to the date the options are exercised, forfeited, or
         expire. The interpretation of this FASB is effective for all
         re-pricings subsequent to December 15, 1998.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Stock Option Plans (Continued)
         Activity for the 1986 Plans, the 1988 Plan, the 1993 Plan, the 1994
         Plan, and the 1998 Plan is as follows:

                                                     Shares           Price
                                                 --------------   --------------

             Outstanding, June 30, 1998              2,165,250    $        1.14
                 Granted                             1,452,000    $        0.63
                 Exercised                            (281,750)   $        0.42
                 Canceled                             (268,750)   $        2.60

             Outstanding, June 30, 1999              3,066,750    $        0.83
                 Granted                               322,000    $        0.67
                 Exercised                            (691,000)   $        0.41
                 Canceled                             (347,500)   $        0.58

             Outstanding, June 30, 2000              2,350,250    $        0.37
                 Granted                                10,000    $        0.75
                 Exercised                             (25,000)   $        0.44
                 Canceled                             (804,250)   $        0.51

                    OUTSTANDING, JUNE 30, 2001       1,531,000    $        0.30

                    EXERCISABLE AT JUNE 30, 2001     1,389,500    $        0.27


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Stock Option Plans (Continued)
         During the year ended June 30, 1999, the Company granted options to
         purchase 2,615,000 shares of common stock to key management employees,
         which vest over a period of zero to four years. The option exercise
         price was set at $0.44 per share, the fair value of the underlying

         During the year ended June 30, 2000, the Company granted options to
         purchase 1,095,000 shares of common stock to key management employees,
         which vest over a period of two to four years. The option exercise
         price was set at $0.69 per share, the fair value of the underlying

         During the year ended June 30, 2001, the Company granted options to
         purchase 3,246,451 shares of common stock to employees, which vest over
         a period of zero to four years. The option price of such options range
         from $0.08 to $1.25 per share, which represented the fair value of the
         underlying shares at the date of grant. During the year ended June 30,
         2001, 2,660,000 of the options granted during that year were also

         Activity for options outside of the Plan is as follows:
                                                     Shares            Price
                                                 --------------   --------------

              Outstanding, June 30, 1998             1,325,000    $        1.77
                  Granted                            2,615,000    $        0.44
                  Exercised                            (82,500)   $        0.44
                  Expired/canceled                  (1,315,000)   $        1.78

              Outstanding, June 30, 1999             2,542,500    $        0.44
                  Granted                            1,095,000    $        0.69
                  Exercised                           (605,000)   $        0.45
                  Expired/canceled                    (755,000)   $        0.45

              Outstanding, June 30, 2000             2,277,500    $        0.56
                  Granted                            3,246,451    $        0.59
                  Exercised                           (382,500)   $        0.44
                  Canceled                          (3,700,000)   $        0.68

                     OUTSTANDING, JUNE 30, 2001      1,441,451    $        0.38

                     EXERCISABLE AT JUNE 30, 2001    1,286,451    $        0.34


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Stock Option Plans (Continued)
         The exercise prices for the options outstanding at June 30, 2001 inside
         and outside of the Plan ranged from $0.01 to $3.66. The
         weighted-average remaining contractual life of the options outstanding
         at June 30, 2001 is 2.57 years, and the information relating to these
         options is as follows:

                                                                        Weighted-     Weighted-
                                                           Weighted-    Average       Average
                                                           Average      Exercise      Exercise
             Range of          Stock          Stock       Remaining     Price of      Price of
             Exercise         Options        Options     Contractual    Options        Options
              Prices        Outstanding    Exercisable      Life       Outstanding   Exercisable
         ----------------   -----------    -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

         $   0.01 - 0.10       441,451        441,451    3.40 years    $     0.09    $     0.09
         $   0.11 - 1.00     2,454,000      2,182,500    1.85 years    $     0.45    $     0.42
         $   1.01 - 3.66        77,000         52,000    5.64 years    $     2.40    $     2.36
                            -----------    -----------

                             2,972,451      2,675,951
                            ===========    ===========

         The Company's majority owned subsidiary, FNet, established a 1996 stock
         option plan (the "FNet Plan") which was amended in 1998. The FNet Plan,
         as amended, provides for the granting of options to purchase up to
         7,000,000 shares of FNet common stock that are intended to qualify as
         incentive stock options within the meaning of Section 422A of the
         Internal Revenue Code. Such options will become exercisable in
         accordance with the terms established by FNet's stock option committee.
         All options granted to date vest between zero and four years and
         generally terminate at the earlier of the end of the option period or
         upon termination of employment.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Stock Option Plans (Continued)
         Activity for the FNet Plan is as follows:

                                                     Shares           Price
                                                 --------------   --------------

            Outstanding, June 30, 1998               5,619,000    $        1.00
                Granted                              1,114,000    $        1.00
                Exercised                              (12,000)   $        1.00
                Expired/canceled                    (3,450,000)   $        1.00

            Outstanding, June 30, 1999               3,271,000    $        1.00
                Granted                                 50,000    $        2.00
                Expired/canceled                      (737,000)   $        1.00

            Outstanding, June 30, 2000               2,584,000    $        1.02
                Canceled                            (1,218,000)   $        1.04

                   OUTSTANDING, JUNE 30, 2001        1,366,000    $        1.00

                   EXERCISABLE AT JUNE 30, 2001      1,220,000    $        1.00

         During the year ended June 30, 1999, the Company granted options to
         purchase 355,000 shares of common stock to key management employees,
         which vest over a period of four years. The option exercise price was
         set at $1 per share, the fair value of the underlying shares

         During the year ended June 30, 2000, the Company granted options to
         purchase 2,845,000 shares of FNet's common stock to key management
         employees, which vest over a period of two to four years. The option
         exercise price was set at $2 per share, the fair value of the
         underlying shares.

         During the year ended June 30, 2001, the Company granted options to
         purchase 578,750 shares of FNet's common stock to employees, which vest
         over a period of two to four years. The option exercise price was set
         at $2 per share, the fair value of the underlying shares.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Stock Option Plans (Continued)
         Activity for FNet options outside of the FNet Plan is as follows:
                                                     Shares            Price
                                                 --------------   --------------

             Outstanding, June 30, 1998                380,000    $        1.00
                 Granted                               355,000    $        1.00
                 Expired/canceled                     (255,000)   $        1.00

             Outstanding, June 30, 1999                480,000    $        1.00
                 Granted                             2,845,000    $        2.00
                 Expired/canceled                   (1,800,000)   $        1.83

             Outstanding, June 30, 2000              1,525,000    $        1.86
                 Granted                               578,750    $        2.00
                 Canceled                           (1,647,500)   $        1.95

                    OUTSTANDING, JUNE 30, 2001         456,250    $        1.78

                    EXERCISABLE AT JUNE 30, 2001       165,000    $        1.70

         The exercise prices for the options outstanding at June 30, 2001 inside
         and outside of the FNet Plan ranged from $1 to $2. The weighted-average
         remaining contractual life of the options outstanding at June 30, 2001
         is 5.58 years, and the information relating to these options is as

                                                                        Weighted-     Weighted-
                                                           Weighted-    Average       Average
                                                           Average      Exercise      Exercise
             Range of          Stock          Stock       Remaining     Price of      Price of
             Exercise         Options        Options     Contractual    Options        Options
              Prices        Outstanding    Exercisable      Life       Outstanding   Exercisable
         ----------------   -----------    -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

         $          1.00     1,458,500      1,270,000    5.21 years    $     1.00    $     1.00
         $          2.00       363,750        115,000    7.10 years    $     2.00    $     2.00
                            -----------    -----------

                             1,822,250      1,385,000
                            ===========    ===========


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Stock Option Plans (Continued)
         The Company has adopted only the disclosure provisions of SFAS No. 123.
         It applies APB 25 and related interpretations in accounting for its
         plans and does not recognize compensation expense for its stock-based
         compensation options other than for restricted stock and options issued
         to outside third parties.

         If the Company had elected to recognize compensation expense based upon
         the fair value at the grant date for awards under these plans
         consistent with the methodology prescribed by SFAS No. 123, the
         Company's net loss and loss per share would be reduced to the pro forma
         amounts indicated below:

                                                                 Year Ended June 30,
                                                         2001            2000            1999
                                                    --------------  --------------  --------------
                  Net loss
                      As reported                   $ (10,820,000)  $ (11,551,000)  $  (2,413,000)
                      Pro forma                     $ (11,084,000)  $ (12,154,000)  $  (3,343,268)
                  Loss per common share
                      As reported                   $       (0.27)  $       (0.39)  $       (0.11)
                      Pro forma                     $       (0.27)  $       (0.41)  $       (0.15)

         These pro forma amounts may not be representative of future disclosures
         because they do not take into effect pro forma compensation expense
         related to grants made before June 30, 1996. The pro forma amounts take
         into account the pro forma compensation expense of the Franklin and
         FNet options. The fair value of the Franklin options issued to
         employees described above was estimated at the date of grant using the
         Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following weighted-average
         assumptions for the years ended June 30, 2001, 2000, and 1999: dividend
         yields of 0%, 0%, and 0%, respectively; expected volatility of 100%,
         100%, and 100%, respectively; risk-free interest rates of 5.8%, 6.4%,
         and 5.6%, respectively; and expected lives of two, four, and four,
         respectively. The weighted-average fair value of options granted during
         the years ended June 30, 2001, 2000, and 1999 were $0.34, $1.27, and
         $0.34, respectively, and the weighted-average exercise price was $0.59,
         $0.69, and $0.63, respectively.

         The fair value of the FNet options issued to employees described above
         was estimated at the date of grant using the minimum value method with
         the following weighted-average assumptions for the years ended June 30,
         2001, 2000, and 1999: dividend yields of 0%, 0%, and 0%, respectively;
         risk-free interest rates of 6%, 6.4%, and 5.8%, respectively; and
         expected lives of two, four, and four years, respectively. The
         weighted-average fair value of options granted during the years ended
         June 30, 2001, 2000, and 1999 was $0.25, $0.44, and $0.20,
         respectively, and the weighted-average exercise price was $2, $2, and
         $1, respectively.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Stock Option Plans (Continued)
         The Black-Scholes option valuation model was developed for use in
         estimating the fair value of traded options which have no vesting
         restrictions and are fully transferable. In addition, option valuation
         models require the input of highly subjective assumptions including the
         expected stock price volatility. Because the Company's employee stock
         options have characteristics significantly different from those of
         traded options, and because changes in the subjective input assumptions
         can materially affect the fair value estimate, in management's opinion,
         the existing models do not necessarily provide a reliable single
         measure of the fair value of its employee stock options.

         In connection with the 1995 Private Placement, during the years ended
         June 30, 1996 and 1995, the Company issued 2,380,000 and 220,000
         warrants, respectively, to purchase shares of the Company's common
         stock. The exercise price of the warrants was $0.50, as amended, if
         exercised on or before March 24, 1996 and $1.25 if exercised after
         March 24, 1996 but on or before September 30, 1998 (the expiration
         date). For the years ended June 30, 2001, 2000, and 1999, 0, 50,000,
         and 113,250 warrants, respectively, were exercised, leaving a remaining
         balance of 50,000 unexercised as of June 30, 2001.

         In connection with convertible notes payable for $2,500,000 issued in
         December 1999, the Company issued to an investment banker 100,000
         warrants to purchase shares of the Company's common stock at an
         exercise price of $1.65 per share. The warrants may be exercised any
         time after issuance and for a period of three years from the date of
         the private placement. The Company recognized a financing expense of
         $25,000 in connection with the issuance. As of June 30, 2001, no
         warrants had been exercised.

         In connection with a private placement in March 2000, the Company
         issued to various investors 73,600 FNet warrants to purchase shares of
         FNet's common stock at an exercise price ranging from $0.32 to $0.35
         per share. The warrants may be exercised any time after issuance and
         for a period of five years from the date of the private placement.
         There was not any expense recorded in connection with the issuance of
         the warrants as the exercise price approximated the fair value of
         FNet's common stock at the date of issuance. As of June 30, 2001,
         43,600 warrants had been exercised, leaving a remaining balance of
         30,000 unexercised warrants.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Stock Issuances
         During the year ended June 30, 2001, the Company completed the
         following common stock transactions of previously unissued common

         o    Issued 10,000 shares in connection with the exercise of stock
              options for cash of $4,000.

         o    In connection with a private placement in August 2000, the Company
              issued 4,994,600 shares of common stock and 5,105,711 warrants for
              gross proceeds of $2,497,000, less fees and commissions of
              $13,000. The warrants had an exercise price of $3, vested
              immediately, and expire three years from the date of issuance. The
              Company allocates the proceeds received from debt, convertible
              debt, convertible preferred stock, or common stock with detachable
              warrants using the relative fair value of the individual elements
              at the time of issuance. The amount allocated to the warrants of
              $478,000 was calculated using the Black-Scholes option pricing
              model. As of June 30, 2001, no warrants had been exercised.

         o    Issued 295,858 shares of common stock to its chief financial
              officer in connection with a cashless exercise of options that
              were processed by the Company. No expense was recorded in
              connection with the transaction because the chief financial
              officer had owned the shares that were used to pay for the
              cashless exercise for more than six months prior to the

         o    Issued 477,324 shares of common stock for services valued at

         o    In connection with a private placement in March 2000, the Company
              issued warrants to the investors that were designed to protect the
              investors against short-term declines in the value of the
              Company's common stock during the period between the date of the
              issuance of the shares and the effective date of a Registration
              Statement covering the shares issued. The warrants vest if the
              market price of the Company's common stock is below $1.50 on the
              effective date. The registration statement for the shares became
              effective in November 2000, at which time the market price of the
              Company's common stock was below $1.50. As a result, warrants for
              2,011,329 shares became exercisable at an exercise price of $0.01
              per share. During the year ended June 30, 2001, the Company issued
              1,927,797 net shares of common stock in connection with a cashless
              exercise of said warrants, and 50,000 shares of common stock were
              issued for cash of $500.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Stock Issuances (Continued)

         o    In connection with a private placement in March 2000, the Company
              was obligated to effect the registration of the shares sold within
              a specified time period, with penalties due to the investors if
              the deadline was not met. As the deadline was not met, the Company
              became obligated to pay the penalties in either cash or shares of
              common stock. The Company opted to pay the penalties in shares of
              common stock and issued 503,538 shares to these investors in
              November 2000 and recognized an expense of $430,000 in the
              consolidated statement of operations for the year ended June 30,

         o    Issued 111,111 shares of the Company's common stock for 6,667
              shares of FNet common stock in a stock-for-stock transaction. The
              shares of FNet's common stock had been issued during the year
              ended June 30, 1999.

         During the year ended June 30, 2000, the Company completed the
         following common stock transactions of previously unissued common

         o    Issued 1,211,033 shares of common stock in connection with a
              cashless exercise of options and warrants that were processed by
              the Company. The Company recognized an expense of $717,000 related
              to this cashless exercise, primarily due to employees that are not
              officers of the Company.

         o    Issued 261,603 shares of common stock in connection with the
              exercise of stock options for cash of $179,000.

         o    In connection with a private placement in August 1999, the Company
              issued 1,932,368 shares of common stock and 400,000 warrants for
              gross proceeds of $2,000,000, less fees and commissions of
              $205,000. The warrants had an exercise price of $1.55, vested
              immediately, and expire five years from the date of issuance. The
              Company allocates the proceeds received from debt, convertible
              debt, convertible preferred stock, or common stock with detachable
              warrants using the relative fair value of the individual elements
              at the time of issuance. The amount allocated to the warrants of
              $371,000 was calculated using the Black-Scholes option pricing
              model. As of June 30, 2001, no warrants had been exercised.

         o    In connection with a private placement in February 2000, the
              Company sold 841,515 shares of common stock for gross proceeds of
              $1,500,000. The Company paid commissions and fees of $36,000 in
              connection with this private placement.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Stock Issuances (Continued)

         o    In connection with a private placement in March 2000, the Company
              issued 4,022,667 shares of common stock and 1,205,667 warrants for
              gross proceeds of $6,040,000, less fees and commissions of
              $344,000. The warrants had an exercise price of $2.50, vested
              immediately, and expire five from the date of issuance. The
              Company allocates the proceeds received from debt, convertible
              debt, convertible preferred stock, or common stock with detachable
              warrants using the relative fair value of the individual elements
              at the time of issuance. The amount allocated to the warrants of
              $1,668,000 was calculated using the Black-Scholes option pricing
              model. As of June 30, 2001, no warrants had been exercised.

         o    In connection with a private placement in March 2000, the Company
              sold 43,600 shares of common stock for $376,000. The Company paid
              commissions and fees of $35,000 in connection with this private

         o    Issued 115,807 shares of common stock at prices ranging from $0.44
              to $10 for total cash of $179,000.

         o    Committed to issue to an employee 74,716 shares of common stock
              for accrued compensation of $82,187.

         o    Issued 21,694 shares to certain employees of common stock as
              compensation valued at $48,000.

         During the year ended June 30, 1999, the Company completed the
         following common stock transactions of previously unissued common

         o    Issued 444,725 shares of common stock at prices ranging from $0.50
              to $2.27 for total cash proceeds of $474,000.

         o    Issued 5,543,468 shares of common stock valued at $4,856,000 upon
              the conversion of 548 shares of its convertible Series C preferred
              stock valued at $4,856,000.

         o    Issued 570,000 shares of common stock valued at $200,000 to the
              Company's chief executive officer/chairman in exchange for a note

         o    Issued 121,356 shares of common stock for services valued at


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Stock Issuances (Continued)

         o    Issued 21,524 shares of common stock in connection with the
              exercise of warrants, whereby the warrant holders issued notes
              receivable in favor of the Company for $22,000 as payment for the
              exercise price.

         o    Issued 215,514 shares of common stock in connection with the
              exercise of stock options, whereby the option holders issued notes
              receivable in favor of the Company for $216,000.

         o    Issued 60,625 shares of common stock in connection with the
              exercise of stock options for cash proceeds of $29,000.

         o    Issued or committed to issue 408,000 shares of common stock in
              connection with the exercise of warrants for cash proceeds of

         Pursuant to state laws, the Company is currently restricted, and may be
         restricted for the foreseeable future, from making dividends to its
         shareholders as a result of its accumulated deficit as of June 30,

         Convertible Preferred Stock
         During the year ended June 30, 1998, the Company issued 740 shares of
         its Series C convertible preferred stock in a private placement for
         $7,400,000. 20% of the shares held may be converted to common stock
         four months after issuance with an additional 20% eligible for
         conversion each month thereafter, in which the limitation on conversion
         ends nine months after issuance. Any unconverted shares will be
         automatically converted to common shares at the later of either 18
         months from issuance, the Company's common stock being traded on a
         national exchange, or the filing of a registration statement covering
         the resale of the common shares issued upon conversion.

         Series C shares do not pay dividends and do not have voting rights. The
         shares are convertible into shares of common stock at a conversion
         price of $4.64 per share, subject to certain adjustments relating to
         the market price of the underlying common stock. As of June 30, 2001,
         all shares of preferred stock have been converted into common stock.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Convertible Preferred Stock (Continued)
         Each preferred share was accompanied by a warrant that is exercisable
         to purchase shares of common stock of the Company's subsidiary, FNet,
         at an exercise price of $1 and which, under certain circumstances,
         could be exercisable to acquire shares of common stock of the Company
         at the exercise price of $4.64 during September 1998. On September 30,
         1998, 995,510 of the warrants were converted into warrants exercisable
         to acquire the Company's common stock, and on September 22, 1999,
         17,786 of these warrants were exercised for shares of the Company's
         common stock, leaving 668,104 warrants exercisable to acquire FNet's
         common stock. The warrants expire November 24, 2002. No warrants had
         been exercised during the year ended June 30, 2001.


         The tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to deferred
         taxes at June 30 are as follows:

                                                                                      2001               2000
                                                                                ---------------    ----------------
                  Deferred tax assets
                    Accounts receivable, principally due to
                      allowance for doubtful accounts                           $       52,000     $        20,000
                    Goodwill                                                           232,000             200,000
                    Compensated absences and deferred salaries,
                      principally due to accrual for financial reporting
                      purposes                                                         442,000             211,000
                    Inventories, principally due to additional costs
                      inventoried for tax purposes pursuant to the
                      Tax Reform Act of 1986 and allowance for
                      inventory obsolescence                                         1,018,000              78,000
                    Plant and equipment, principally due to
                      differences in depreciation                                      140,000                   -
                    Deferred revenue                                                    81,000                   -
                    Accrued settlement                                                  70,000                   -
                    Warrants for services                                                    -              24,000
                    Accrued warranty                                                     5,000               5,000
                    General business tax credit carryforwards                          335,000             335,000
                    Net operating loss carryforwards                                13,147,000          10,501,000
                                                                                ---------------    ----------------

                  Total gross deferred tax assets                                   15,522,000          11,374,000
                  Less valuation allowance                                          14,972,000          10,891,000
                                                                                ---------------    ----------------

                  Net deferred tax assets                                              550,000             483,000


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



                                                                                      2001               2000
                                                                                ---------------    ----------------
                  Deferred tax liabilities
                    State taxes                                                 $      550,000     $       363,000
                    Plant and equipment, principally due to
                      differences in depreciation                                            -             120,000
                                                                                ---------------    ----------------

                         NET DEFERRED TAX LIABILITY                             $            -     $              -
                                                                                ===============    ================

         The valuation allowance increased by $4,375,000 and $4,132,000 during
         the years ended June 30, 2001 and 2000, respectively. No provision for
         income taxes for the years ended June 30, 2001, 2000, and 1999 is
         required, except for minimum state taxes, since the Company incurred
         losses during such years.

         Income tax expense differs from the amounts computed by applying the
         United States federal income tax rate of 34% to income taxes as a
         result of the following:

                                                                      2001              2000             1999
                                                                ----------------  ---------------  ----------------

                  Computed "expected" tax benefit               $    (3,679,000)  $   (3,910,000)  $      (818,000)
                  Increase in income taxes resulting from
                    Other                                               282,000            8,000             4,000
                    Exercise of stock options                          (442,000)        (230,000)                -
                    Change in the beginning-of-the-
                      year balance of the valuation
                      allowance for deferred tax assets
                      allocated to income tax expense                 3,839,000        4,132,000           814,000
                    State income taxes                                    3,000            3,000             7,000
                                                                ----------------  ---------------  ----------------

                         TOTAL                                  $         3,000   $        3,000   $         7,000
                                                                ================  ===============  ================

         As of June 30, 2001, the Company had consolidated net operating loss
         carryforwards of $36,000,000 and $11,600,000 for federal and state
         income tax reporting purposes, respectively, which expire in varying
         amounts through 2021. The Company also has general business tax credit
         carryforwards of $310,000 and $25,000 available to offset against
         future federal and state income taxes, respectively, which expire at
         various times through 2021. Should a substantial change in the
         Company's ownership occur, there could be an annual limitation on the
         amount of the net operating loss carryforwards available for use in the


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         In August 1999, a non-employee director of the Company received
         warrants to purchase 140,000 shares of common stock at an exercise
         price of $1.38 per share as consideration for the production of
         advertising materials valued at $60,000.

         In October 1999, the Company's former president exercised options to
         purchase 262,500 shares of the Company's common stock at an exercise
         price of $0.44 per share. The exercise was done on a net basis so that
         the actual number of shares issued were 215,973.

         In October 1999, the Company's chief financial officer exercised
         options to purchase 150,000 shares of the Company's common stock at an
         exercise price of $0.44 per share. The exercise was done on a net basis
         so that the actual number of shares issued were 103,043.

         In February 2000, the Company's chief financial officer exercised
         options to purchase 150,000 shares of the Company's common stock at an
         exercise price of $0.44 per share. The exercise was done on a net basis
         so that the actual number of shares issued were 117,992.

         In May 2000, the Company's president was granted options to purchase
         400,000 shares of the Company's common stock at an exercise price of
         $0.69 per share. The options vest over a two-year period. During the
         year ended June 30, 2001, all of these options were canceled.

         In September 2000, the Company chief financial officer exercised
         options to purchase 400,000 shares of the Company's common stock at an
         exercise price of $0.44 per share. The exercise was done on a net basis
         so that the actual number of shares issued was 295,858.

NOTE 16 - 401(k) PLAN

         The Company sponsors a 401(k) plan which includes a deferred feature
         under section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Plan"). The
         Plan covers all full-time employees of the Company. Contributions to
         the plan are at the discretion of the Company's Board of Directors, but
         limited to the amounts allowable for federal income tax purposes. Under
         the section 401(k) portion of the Plan, employees may elect to
         contribute up to 15% of their compensation. The Company did not make
         any contributions to the Plan during the years ended June 30, 2001,
         2000, and 1999.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         During the year ended June 30, 2001, a long distance service provider
         forgave certain payables in the amount of $387,000.


         The Company operates in two major lines of business: the manufacture
         and distribution of data communications and connectivity products
         ("Franklin") and Internet services ("FNet"). Information concerning
         operations in these lines of business for the years ended June 30,
         2001, 2000, and 1999 was as follows:

                                                                 2001              2000              1999
                                                           ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
                  Net sales
                    Franklin                               $       421,000   $     1,109,000    $    8,745,000
                    FNet                                           824,000         2,098,000         1,886,000
                                                           ----------------  ----------------  ----------------

                      TOTAL                                $     1,245,000   $     3,207,000   $    10,631,000
                                                           ================  ================  ================

                  Operating losses
                    Franklin                               $    (6,492,000)  $    (6,990,000)  $      (104,000)
                    FNet                                        (4,406,000)       (4,154,000)       (2,378,000)
                                                           ----------------  ----------------  ----------------

                      TOTAL                                $   (10,898,000)  $   (11,144,000)  $    (2,482,000)
                                                           ================  ================  ================

                  Identifiable assets
                    Franklin                               $       988,000   $     5,198,000   $     7,039,000
                    FNet                                           447,000         1,959,000         2,396,000
                                                           ----------------  ----------------  ----------------

                      TOTAL                                $     1,435,000   $     7,157,000   $     9,435,000
                                                           ================  ================  ================

                  Capital expenditures
                    Franklin                               $        44,000   $       152,000   $       130,000
                    FNet                                            19,000           640,000         1,540,000
                                                           ----------------  ----------------  ----------------

                      TOTAL                                $        63,000   $       792,000   $     1,670,000
                                                           ================  ================  ================

                  Depreciation and amortization
                    Franklin                               $       315,000   $       275,000   $       224,000
                    FNet                                           384,000           367,000           210,000
                                                           ----------------  ----------------  ----------------

                      TOTAL                                $       699,000   $       642,000   $       434,000
                                                           ================  ================  ================


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Common Stock and Warrants
         In connection with a private placement in September 2001, the Company
         issued 1,140,000 shares of common stock and 520,000 warrants for gross
         proceeds of $57,000. The exercise price of the warrants is $0.05 per
         share, unless the 10-day average price of the Company's common stock is
         less than $0.25 per share between March 15, 2002 to March 25, 2002, in
         which case the exercise price will be $0.001. The warrants vested
         immediately and expire nine months from the date of issuance. The
         Company allocates the proceeds received from debt, convertible debt,
         convertible preferred stock, or common stock with detachable warrants
         using the relative fair value of the individual elements at the time of
         issuance. The amount allocated to the warrants will be calculated using
         the Black-Scholes option pricing model.

         Convertible Promissory Notes
         In July 2001, the Company issued a convertible promissory note to its
         chief executive officer/chairman in the amount of $19,000. The note is
         convertible upon issuance at the option of the holder into the
         Company's common stock at a conversion price equal to the fair value of
         the Company's common stock on the date of issuance, or $0.05. The note
         incurs interest at 6% per annum, the interest is payable annually, and
         the note matures in July 2002. No expense was recorded in connection
         with the issuance of the convertible note since the conversion price
         was equal to the fair value of the Company's common stock at the date
         of issuance.

         In November 2001, the Company issued a convertible promissory note (the
         "November Note") to its chief executive officer/chairman in the amount
         of $50,000. The November Note is convertible upon issuance at the
         option of the holder into the Company's common stock at a conversion
         price equal to the fair value of the Company's common stock on the date
         of issuance, or $0.05. The November Note incurs interest at 6% per
         annum, the interest is payable annually, and the note matures in
         November 2002. No expense was recorded in connection with the issuance
         of the November Note since the conversion price was equal to the fair
         value of the Company's common stock at the date of issuance. Upon
         conversion of the November Note, the Company will also issue 250,000
         warrants. The exercise price of the warrants will be $0.05 per share,
         unless the 10-day average price of the Company's common stock is less
         than $0.25 per share between March 15, 2002 to March 25, 2002, in which
         case the exercise price will be $0.001. All unexercised warrants expire
         in June 2002.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Convertible Promissory Notes (Continued)
         Related to the issuance of the November Note, the Company allocates the
         proceeds received from debt, convertible debt, or convertible preferred
         stock with detachable warrants using the relative fair value of the
         individual elements at the time of issuance. The amount allocated to
         the warrants as a debt discount if the November Note is converted will
         be calculated using the Black-Scholes option pricing model and will be
         recognized as interest expense over the period until the note matures.

         Operating Leases
         Subsequent to June 30, 2001, the Company converted an operating lease
         with future payments of $97,000 and $73,000 in the years ended June 30,
         2002 and 2003, respectively, into a month-to-month lease.

         Litigation Settlement
         In July 2001, FNet settled a lawsuit with Nexbell for $25,000, which is
         payable at a rate of $1,040 per month beginning August 1, 2001, and
         240,000 shares of the Company's common stock valued at $140,000.

         Stock Options
         In September 2001, the Company granted options to purchase 2,000,000
         shares of common stock at an exercise price of $0.05 per share, the
         fair value of the underlying shares, to two members of the board. The
         options were granted outside of the Company's stock option plans, vest
         10% per month over the next 20 months, and expire three years from the
         date of grant.

         In October 2001, the Company granted options to purchase 1,260,000
         shares of common stock at an exercise price of $0.05 per share, the
         fair value of the underlying shares, to various employees. These
         options were granted for payment of deferred salaries from February to
         September 2001 valued at $20,842. The options were granted outside of
         the Company's stock option plans and may be exercised any time after
         issuance and for a period of three years from the date of grant.

         In November 2001, the Company granted options to purchase 2,400,000 and
         2,500,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $0.05 per
         share, the fair value of the underlying shares, to its chief executive
         officer/chairman and chief operating officer, respectively. These
         options were granted for payment of deferred salaries from January to
         October 2001 valued at $118,000 and $128,000, respectively. The options
         were granted outside of the Company's stock option plans and may be
         exercised any time after issuance and for a period of three years from
         the date of grant.


                                               FRANKLIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP.
                                                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                                   JUNE 30, 2001



         Stock Options (Continued)
         In December 2001, the Company granted options to purchase 100,000
         shares of common stock at an exercise price of $.05 per share, the fair
         value of the underlying shares, to an attorney as a bonus. The options
         were granted outside of the Company's stock option plans and may be
         exercised any time after issuance and for a period of three years from
         the date of grant.

         In November 2001, the lessor of certain telephone equipment, which the
         Company had leased under a non-cancelable capital lease, filed suit
         against the Company. The compliant alleges that the Company defaulted
         under the terms and conditions of the capital lease agreement when the
         Company failed to make the required monthly payments. The lessor is
         seeking payment for the remaining balances due under the lease
         agreement in the amount of $28,000. The Company has accrued for such
         amounts as a capital lease obligation.

         In November 2001, two former employees of the Company filed a claim
         with the California Labor Board, claiming vacation and overtime were
         not paid to them. In January 2002, the California Labor Board issued a
         judgment in the amount of $79,000. The Company has appealed the case.
