Exhibit 3(i)(b) Certificate of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation of Airsopure International Group, Inc. FILED # C-288-00 Mar 07 2002 In the Office of Dean Heller Dean Heller, Secretary of State CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT Airsopure International Group, Inc., a corporation of the State of Nevada, whose registered office is located at 4535 W. Sahara Ave., Suite 100A, Las Vegas, NV 89102. The Secretary, certifies pursuant to the provisions of state law, that a meeting of the stockholders of said corporation called for the purpose of amending the articles of incorporation, and held on August 1, 2001, it was resolved by the vote of the holders of an appropriate majority of the shares of each class entitled to vote that ARTICLE 1 of the Articles of Incorporation is amended to read as follows: ARTICLE 1 Name of Corporation: Humitech International Group, Inc. It was also resolved by the vote of the holders of an appropriate majority of the shares of each class entitled to vote that ARTICLE 3 of the Articles of Incorporation is amended to read as follows: ARTICLE 3 Shares: Number of common shares with par value: 100,000,000 Par Value: $.001 Number of Preferred shares with par value: 20,000,000 Par Value: $.001 Number of shares without par value: 0 Signed on August 1, 2001 By: /s/ C.J. Comu ------------- Secretary