Exhibit 2.2

                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT


                            ALLIANT TECHSYSTEMS INC.




                             MEADE INSTRUMENTS CORP.


                               MTSC HOLDINGS, INC.


                               SEPTEMBER 14, 2002

                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

         This STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT (this "AGREEMENT"), dated as of September
14, 2002, is made and entered into by and between Alliant Techsystems Inc., a
Delaware corporation ("SELLER PARENT"), and ATK Commercial Ammunition Company
Inc., a Delaware corporation and an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Seller
Parent ("SELLER"), on the one hand, and Meade Instruments Corp., a Delaware
corporation ("BUYER PARENT"), and MTSC Holdings, Inc., a California corporation
and a wholly owned subsidiary of Buyer Parent ("BUYER"), on the other.

         WHEREAS, Seller, through its wholly owned subsidiary Simmons Outdoor
Corporation, a Delaware corporation ("Simmons"), is engaged in the manufacture,
marketing, sale, distribution and servicing of sports optics under such brand
names as Weaver, Simmons, and Redfield (the "BUSINESS");

         WHEREAS, Seller desires to sell, transfer and assign to Buyer, and the
Buyer desires to purchase and acquire from Seller, on the terms and subject to
the conditions set forth in this Agreement, all of the issued and outstanding
shares of capital stock of Simmons;

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants,
representations, warranties and agreements and the conditions set forth in this
Agreement, the parties agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

In addition to terms that may be defined elsewhere herein, the following terms
shall have the respective meanings set forth below:

1.1      "Action" means any action, claim, arbitration, demand, proceeding,
         grievance, subpoena, inquiry, audit, hearing, investigation, litigation
         or suit, whether civil, criminal, administrative, judicial or
         investigative, whether formal or informal, whether public or private,
         commenced, brought, conducted or heard by or before, or otherwise
         involving, any Governmental Body or private arbitrator or mediator.

1.2      "Affiliate" means a Person that directly, or indirectly through one or
         more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is under common
         control with, Buyer or Seller.

1.3      "Affiliated Group" means any affiliated group within the meaning of
         Internal Revenue Code ss. 1504(a) or any similar group defined under a
         similar provision of any state, local or foreign law.


1.4      "Business" means the business of manufacturing, marketing, selling,
         distributing and servicing sports optics under such brand names as
         Weaver, Simmons, and Redfield and such other business as conducted by
         Simmons immediately prior to the Closing Date (as defined below).

1.5      "Business Assets" means all properties, assets and rights of Simmons of
         every kind and nature, tangible and intangible (including goodwill),
         whether real, personal or mixed, whether accrued, contingent or
         otherwise existing as of the Closing Date.

1.6      "Business Shares" means all of the issued and outstanding shares of
         capital stock of Simmons.

1.7      "Buyer" means MTSC Holdings, Inc., a California corporation and wholly
         owned subsidiary of Meade Instruments Corp., together with its
         successors and permitted assigns.

1.8      "Buyer Parent" means Meade Instruments Corp., a Delaware corporation.

1.9      "Claim" means any legal claim, legal demand or Action.

1.10     "Closing Date" means the date on which all of the transactions
         contemplated by this Agreement shall have taken place, as described in
         section 2.4 of this Agreement.

1.11     "Closing Date Balance Sheet" means the audited balance sheet of Simmons
         dated as of the Closing Date prepared in accordance with GAAP (as
         defined below).

1.12     "Closing Date Net Working Capital Value" means the value of the net
         working capital (inventory and accounts receivable less accounts
         payable and other current liabilities) of the Business Assets as of the
         Closing Date as reflected on the Closing Date Balance Sheet determined
         in accordance with GAAP.

1.13     "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, including
         without limitation, any successor revenue code of the United States
         federal government, together with the rules and regulations promulgated

1.14     "Employee" means any current or former or retired employee, consultant,
         or director of Simmons.

1.15     "Employee Plan" means any plan, program, policy, practice, contract,
         agreement or other arrangement providing for compensation, severance,
         termination pay, retirement pay or benefits, pension, deferred
         compensation, performance or incentive awards, profit sharing, bonus,
         stock or stock-related awards (including, without limitation, stock
         options and stock purchase arrangements), welfare benefits or fringe
         benefits or perquisites (including, without limitation, relating to any
         airplanes, automobiles, clubs, vacation, child care, parenting,
         sabbatical, sick leave, medical, dental, hospitalization, life
         insurance and other types of insurance), or other employee benefits or


         remuneration of any kind, whether written or unwritten or otherwise,
         funded or unfunded, including without limitation, each "employee
         benefit plan," within the meaning of Section 3(3) of ERISA which either
         (1) is or has been maintained, contributed to, or required to be
         contributed to, by Simmons, or (2) with respect to which Simmons has or
         may have any liability or obligation.

1.16     "Employment Agreement" means each management, employment, severance,
         consulting, retainer, relocation, repatriation, expatriation, visas,
         work permit or other agreement, contract or understanding relating to
         employment or compensation entered into by Simmons or with respect to
         which Simmons has or may have any liability or obligation.

1.17     "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
         amended, including without limitation, any successor employee
         retirement income security law of the United States federal government,
         together with the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

1.18     "ERISA Affiliate" means (1) any corporation which is a member of a
         controlled group of corporations, within the meaning of Section 414(b)
         of the Code and the regulations issued thereunder of which Seller,
         Seller Parent or any subsidiary of Seller or Seller Parent (including,
         without limitation, Simmons) is a member, (2) any trade or business
         (whether or not incorporated) which is a member of a group of trades or
         businesses under common control within the meaning of Section 414(c) of
         the Code and the regulations issued thereunder of which Seller, Seller
         Parent or any subsidiary of Seller or Seller Parent (including, without
         limitation, Simmons) is a member, (3) any member of an affiliated
         service group within the meaning of Section 414(m) or (o) of the Code
         and the regulations issued thereunder of which Seller, Seller Parent,
         any subsidiary of Seller or Seller Parent (including, without
         limitation, Simmons), or any corporation identified in clause (1) or
         any trade or business described in clause (2) is a member (in each
         case, a former ERISA Affiliate of Seller, Seller Parent or any
         subsidiary of Seller or Seller Parent (including, without limitation,
         Simmons) shall continue to be considered an ERISA Affiliate with
         respect to any period such entity was an ERISA Affiliate of Seller,
         Seller Parent or any subsidiary of Seller or Seller Parent (including,
         without limitation, Simmons) with respect to liabilities arising after
         such period for which Seller, Seller Parent or any subsidiary of Seller
         or Seller Parent (including, without limitation, Simmons) could be
         liable under the Code or ERISA).

1.19     "Environmental Law" means any Law or order relating to pollution,
         contamination or protection of the Environment, including, without
         limitation, the following statutes and all rules and regulations
         relating thereto, all as amended from time to time: the Comprehensive
         Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act as amended by
         the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, 42 U.S.C.
         Sections 9601 et seq., the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of
         1976, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901 et seq., the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C.
         Sections 7401 et seq., the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33
         U.S.C. Sections 1251 et seq., the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15
         U.S.C. Sections 2601 et seq., the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and
         Rodenticide Act, 7 U.S.C. Sections 136 et seq. and similar state laws.


1.20     "Environmental Permit" means any permit, license, certificate of
         compliance, approval or other authorization required under applicable
         Environmental Laws to conduct the Business and own or operate the
         Business Assets, including, without limitation the Real Property.

1.21     "GAAP" means generally accepted accounting principles in the United
         States, applied on a basis consistent with Seller's past policies,
         principles and practices, provided that such past policies, principles
         and practices are in accordance with generally accepted accounting

1.22     "Governmental Body" means any government or agency, administration,
         department, commission, board, bureau or instrumentality or any body

1.23     "Governmental License" means any permission, license, permit, consent,
         registration, exemption, approval, authorization or qualification
         formally issued in writing by a Governmental Body.

1.24     "Hazardous Materials" means (A) any dangerous, toxic or hazardous
         pollutant, contaminant, chemical, waste, material or substance as
         defined in or regulated or governed by any current Environmental Law,
         including without limitation any pollutant, contaminant, chemical,
         waste, material or substance that could reasonably be expected to
         subject Seller or Simmons to any imposition of costs or liability under
         any current Environmental Law, and (B) urea-formaldehyde,
         polychlorinated biphenyls, asbestos or asbestos-containing materials,
         petroleum and petroleum products.

1.25     "Initial Balance Sheet" means the balance sheet of Simmons as of March
         31, 2002 prepared in accordance with GAAP as set forth on Schedule

1.26     "Initial Net Working Capital Value" means the value of the net working
         capital (inventory and accounts receivable less accounts payable and
         other current liabilities) of the Business Assets as of March 31, 2002
         as reflected on the Initial Balance Sheet.

1.27     "Intellectual Property" means all of the following, each as defined
         herein: the Patents, Trademarks and Know How.

1.28     "Know-How" means all of the following to the extent they are used or
         held by the Business: (1) quality assurance information, (2) design
         documents, (3) specifications and performance criteria, (4) operating
         instructions and maintenance manuals, (5) prototypes, models or samples
         and (6) files relating to applications for Intellectual Property.


1.29     "Knowledge of Seller" means knowledge of a particular fact or other
         matter if (a) any individual who is serving as an officer of Seller or
         key employee of Simmons ("Key Employee") as identified on Schedule 1.29
         hereof is, or at any time was, actually aware of such fact or other
         matter, or (b) such officer should be aware of such fact or other
         matter in the course of conducting a reasonably diligent investigation
         concerning the existence of such fact or other matter.

1.30     "Laws" means all applicable domestic and foreign laws (whether
         statutory, common law, or otherwise), rules, regulations, orders,
         ordinances, judgments, decrees, writs and injunctions of all
         Governmental Bodies.

1.31     "Liabilities" means any and all Claims, causes of action, assessments,
         losses, damages (compensatory, punitive or other), liabilities,
         obligations, reimbursements, costs and expenses of any kind or nature,
         actual, contingent, present or future, including, without limitation,
         where applicable, interest, penalties and reasonable attorneys' and
         experts' fees and expenses.

1.32     "Liens" means any lien, pledge, mortgage, security interest, charge,
         voting trust, restriction on transfer, or other encumbrance.

1.33     "Material Adverse Effect" means any circumstance, change or effect that
         is materially adverse to the business, assets, financial condition,
         business prospects or results of operations of the Business taken as a
         whole, but excluding the effects of changes that are generally
         applicable to the industries and markets in which the Business
         operates, changes in the United States or world financial markets or
         general economic conditions, or effects arising out of this Agreement
         or the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or a public
         announcement related to this Agreement.

1.34     "Patents and Trademarks" means the patents and trademarks owned by
         Simmons, together with all registrations or applications for
         registration of any of the foregoing, set forth on Schedule 3.12.

1.35     "Permitted Liens" means:

         (a)      Liens arising by operation of law, such as mechanic's,
                  materialman's, landlord's, warehouseman's and carrier's liens
                  and other similar laws, securing obligations incurred in the
                  ordinary course of business which are not past due in
                  accordance with their terms or which are being contested in
                  good faith by appropriate proceedings and which do not
                  preclude delivery of the Purchased Assets to Buyer;

         (b)      Liens for current taxes, assessments or governmental charges
                  or levies not yet due or payable; and

         (c)      Liens or security interests that attach to any property by
                  operation of contractual obligation or law as a result of a
                  progress payment clause having been included in any contract.


1.36     "Person" means any individual, corporation, Governmental Body,
         association, partnership, limited liability company, or other entity.

1.37     "Purchase Price Adjustment" means the increase or decrease in the
         Purchase Price (defined below) as set forth in Section 2.3(b) of this

1.38     "Real Property Lease" means that certain Lease Agreement, entered into
         on March 26, 1992, between Realty Four and Simmons, together with all
         addendums, modifications and amendments thereto.

1.39     "Related Agreements" means the Trademark License (Exhibit A), the
         Transition Services Agreement (Exhibit B) and the Supply Agreement
         (Exhibit C). The Related Agreements are a part of this Agreement.

1.40     "Seller" means ATK Commercial Ammunition Company Inc., a Delaware
         corporation, together with its successors and permitted assigns.

1.41     "Seller Parent" means Alliant Techsystems Inc., a Delaware corporation.

1.42     "Simmons" means Simmons Outdoor Corporation, a Delaware corporation.

1.43     "Supply Agreement means that certain supply agreement between Buyer and
         Seller pursuant to which Seller will agree to supply Buyer or its
         Affiliates, and Buyer will agree to purchase from Seller or its
         Affiliates, "Simmons," "Weaver" and "Redfield" rings, mounting systems
         and bases, substantially in the form attached as Exhibit C.

1.44     "Taxes," except as otherwise limited herein, means the United States,
         state, local, provincial and foreign income, payroll, withholding,
         excise, value added, social security, sales, use, real and personal
         property, occupancy, business and occupation, mercantile, capital
         stock, franchise, profits, gross receipts, transfer, employment, wage,
         severance, real estate, stamp, alternative or add-on minimum,
         environmental, license, capital, intangible, services, premium, ad
         valorem, windfall profits, import, custom, and any other taxes, fees,
         duties, assessments or governmental charges of any kind whatsoever
         (including interest, other additions to Taxes and penalties thereon and
         including estimated taxes thereof).

1.45     "Tax Return" means any return, declaration, report, claim for refund,
         or information return or statement relating to Taxes, including any
         schedule or attachment thereto, and including any amendment thereof.

1.46     "Trademark License" means the license of certain trademarks from
         Simmons to Seller and Seller's Affiliates relating to the rings,
         mounting systems, bases, lens caps, polar caps, targets, and certain
         ammunition manufactured and sold under the "Simmons," "Weaver",
         "Redfield" and "Grand Slam" brand names, substantially in the form
         attached as Exhibit A.


1.47     "Transition Services Agreement" means the transition services agreement
         described in Section 6.1 of this Agreement, substantially in the form
         attached as Exhibit B.

1.48     "$" means U.S. Dollar.

                                   ARTICLE II


         On the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement, Seller
         shall sell, transfer and assign to Buyer, and Buyer shall purchase and
         acquire from Seller, all of Seller's right, title and interest in and
         to the Business Shares.


         As consideration for the Buyer's purchase of the Business Shares, on
         the Closing Date, Buyer shall pay to Seller the sum of $18,000,000.00
         (the "PURCHASE PRICE"), by wire transfer in immediately available funds
         to an account designated by Seller. The Purchase Price shall be
         adjusted in accordance with Section 2.3 of this Agreement.


         (a)      Schedule 2.3(a) sets forth the Initial Balance Sheet,
                  including the Initial Net Working Capital Value calculated in
                  the manner described therein. As soon as practicable (but in
                  any event within sixty (60) days after the Closing Date),
                  Seller shall prepare or cause to be prepared and shall deliver
                  to Buyer the Closing Date Balance Sheet. The Closing Date
                  Balance Sheet shall set forth the Closing Date Net Working
                  Capital Value calculated in the same manner as was the Initial
                  Net Working Capital Value.

         (b)      If the Closing Date Net Working Capital Value exceeds the
                  Initial Net Working Capital Value, then the Purchase Price
                  shall be increased by an amount equal to the excess of the
                  Closing Date Net Working Capital Value over the Initial Net
                  Working Capital Value. If the Closing Date Net Working Capital
                  Value is less than the Initial Net Working Capital Value, then
                  the Purchase Price shall be decreased by an amount equal to
                  the excess of the Initial Net Working Capital Value over the
                  Closing Date Net Working Capital Value.

         (c)      If Buyer disagrees with Seller's determination of the Closing
                  Date Net Working Capital Value, then Buyer shall notify Seller
                  in writing of such disagreement within fifteen (15) business
                  days after Buyer receives the Closing Date Balance Sheet (the
                  "OBJECTION PERIOD"), setting forth in such notice in
                  reasonable detail the reasons for such disagreement and


                  Buyer's calculation of the Closing Date Net Working Capital
                  Value. If Buyer fails to provide such written notice within
                  the Objection Period, then the determination of the Closing
                  Date Net Working Capital Value as set forth in the Closing
                  Date Balance Sheet will be final and binding. If Seller timely
                  receives such written notice, Buyer and Seller will attempt in
                  good faith to reach an agreement as to the matters in dispute.
                  If Buyer and Seller, notwithstanding such good faith effort,
                  fail to resolve all matters in dispute within ten (10)
                  business days thereafter, then Seller and Buyer agree to
                  jointly retain a nationally recognized accounting firm which
                  is independent of, and is not auditing the books and records
                  of, either of Seller or any of its Affiliates or Buyer or any
                  of its Affiliates (the "ACCOUNTING FIRM") to arbitrate the
                  dispute and render a decision regarding the Closing Date Net
                  Book Value within thirty (30) days of such retention, which
                  decision shall be final and binding. The Accounting Firm shall
                  conduct such arbitration by reviewing the Closing Date Balance
                  Sheet with the understanding that such Closing Date Balance
                  Sheet was prepared in accordance with GAAP. The Accounting
                  Firm's work shall be limited to resolving the matters that
                  Buyer raised in its notice of objection, and the Accounting
                  Firm's decision on such matter shall be final and binding and
                  not reviewable for error of any kind. Seller and Buyer shall
                  each bear their own costs and expenses of any such arbitration
                  and shall share equally the fees and expenses of the
                  Accounting Firm.

         (d)      Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 2.3,
                  Buyer acknowledges and agrees as to Seller's inventory
                  valuation and accounting methodologies used in connection with
                  the preparation of the Initial Balance Sheet. Neither the
                  valuation method nor the accounting therefore in the Seller's
                  books and records shall provide the basis of a valid objection
                  by Buyer to the Closing Date Net Working Capital Value. Any
                  purchase price adjustments related to Simmons inventory will
                  arise solely from issues not related to the inventory
                  valuation and accounting methodologies used to account for
                  such inventory.

         (e)      In connection with any Purchase Price Adjustment:

                  (i)      in the event the Purchase Price is increased, Buyer
                           shall, within five (5) days after the later of the
                           expiration of the Objection Period or the date on
                           which any dispute regarding the Closing Date Net
                           Working Capital Value as provided in Section 2.3(b)
                           is finally resolved, pay to Seller by wire transfer
                           in immediately available funds an amount equal to the
                           Purchase Price Adjustment; or


                  (ii)     in the event the Purchase Price is decreased, Seller
                           shall, within five (5) days after the later of the
                           expiration of the Objection Period or the date on
                           which any dispute regarding the Closing Date Net
                           Working Capital Value as provided in Section 2.3(b)
                           is finally resolved, pay to Buyer, by wire transfer
                           in immediately available funds, an amount equal to
                           the Purchase Price Adjustment.

                  (iii)    Any amounts paid pursuant to this section shall
                           include interest (calculated based on the actual
                           number of days elapsed in a year consisting of 365
                           days) from the sixtieth (60th) day following the
                           Closing Date to the date of such payment at 4.75% per

2.4      CLOSING.

         The closing of the transactions contemplated under this Agreement (the
         "Closing") shall take place at the offices of Seller in Edina,
         Minnesota, at a time to be agreed upon between Buyer and Seller (the
         "Closing Date"), or such other time, date and place as the parties may
         agree in writing, provided that all conditions to the Closing have been
         satisfied or waived in writing. On the Closing Date, Seller shall
         execute and deliver to Buyer, and the Buyer shall execute and deliver
         to the Seller, the documents identified in Sections 8.8 and 9.5. The
         Closing shall be effective at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on the Closing

                                   ARTICLE III

As of the date of this Agreement, Seller and Seller Parent represent and warrant
to and agree with Buyer as follows:


         Seller, Seller Parent and Simmons are each corporations duly organized,
         validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of
         Delaware and each has the requisite corporate power and authority to
         execute, deliver and perform this Agreement and the Related Agreements,
         and to carry on its business as it is now being conducted, and is duly
         qualified to do business and is in good standing in every jurisdiction
         in which the business of each requires it to be so qualified. The
         execution, delivery and performance by Seller and Seller Parent of this
         Agreement and the Related Agreements have been duly authorized by all
         necessary corporate action of Seller and Seller Parent, and this
         Agreement has been, and the Related Agreements will be, duly executed
         and delivered by Seller and Seller Parent and constitute or will
         constitute valid and legally binding obligations of Seller and Seller
         Parent enforceable against it in accordance with their terms, except as
         limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
         moratorium and similar laws affecting the enforcement of creditors'
         rights generally, and by general principles of equity (regardless of
         whether enforceability is considered in a proceeding in equity or law),
         including without limitation, possible unavailability of specific
         performance, injunctive relief, or other equitable remedies.



         (a)      The authorized capital stock of Simmons consists solely of the
                  Business Shares, which are comprised solely of 1,000 shares of
                  common stock, par value $.01 per share, of which 1,000 shares
                  are issued and outstanding.

         (b)      Seller is the sole stockholder of Simmons. All of the Business
                  Shares are duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid,
                  nonassessable and are free of preemptive rights or any other
                  third party rights. All of the Business Shares have been
                  offered, sold and delivered by the issuer thereof in
                  compliance with applicable securities and corporate laws. None
                  of the Business Shares have been issued in violation of any
                  preemptive rights, rights of first refusal or similar rights.

         (c)      There are no options, warrants, calls, subscriptions,
                  convertible securities, rights (including preemptive rights),
                  commitments or agreements of any character to which Simmons is
                  a party or by which Simmons is bound obligating Simmons to
                  issue, exchange, transfer, sell, repurchase, redeem or
                  otherwise acquire any shares of its capital stock or
                  obligating Simmons to grant, extend, accelerate the vesting of
                  or enter into any such subscription, option, warrant, equity
                  security, call, right, commitment or agreement. There are no
                  outstanding or authorized stock appreciation, phantom stock,
                  profit participation or similar rights with respect to
                  Simmons. Except as contemplated by this Agreement, there are
                  no registration rights agreements, voting trusts, proxies or
                  other agreements or understandings to which Simmons is a party
                  or by which Simmons is bound with respect to any equity
                  security of any class of Simmons. The share register of
                  Simmons is current, complete and correct in all material


         Neither the execution and delivery by Seller and Seller Parent of this
         Agreement, the Related Agreements and any other documents and
         agreements contemplated by this Agreement, nor the consummation by
         Seller and Simmons of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
         will violate any provision of the certificate of incorporation and
         bylaws of Seller or Simmons, or will violate any material Law,
         judgment, decree, order, award, citation, policy, standard, official
         interpretation, writ, injunction, regulation or rule of any court or
         other Governmental Body.


         Neither Seller, Seller Parent nor Simmons is required to submit any
         notice, report or other filing with any Governmental Body in connection
         with its execution or delivery of this Agreement or the Related
         Agreements or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby
         or thereby. Except for the consents set forth in Schedule 3.4
         (collectively, the "REQUIRED SELLER CONSENTS"), neither Seller, Seller


         Parent nor Simmons is required to obtain any consent, approval,
         authorization, waiver, permit, grant, license, franchise, concession,
         agreement, license or exemption (each, a "CONSENT") of any Governmental
         Body or any Consent of any other party or person in connection with its
         execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement or the Related
         Agreements or the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.


         (a)      Seller has delivered to Buyer the unaudited consolidated
                  financial statements of the Business as of and for the periods
                  ended December 31, 2001 and 2000, and March 31, 2002 (the
                  "UNAUDITED BUSINESS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS"), including a
                  balance sheet, statements of income and a statement of cash

         (b)      The Unaudited Business Financial Statements are based upon the
                  information contained in the books and records of Seller and
                  Simmons and fairly present the financial condition of the
                  Business in accordance with GAAP as of the dates thereof and
                  results of operations for the periods referred to therein with
                  the exception of allocations from Simmons' parent corporation
                  for certain administrative services performed centrally such
                  as human resources, accounting, and information services and
                  to the extent that the Unaudited Business Financial Statements
                  have been modified to reflect inventory valuations. The
                  Unaudited Business Financial Statements have been prepared in
                  accordance with GAAP applicable to unaudited interim financial
                  statements (and thus may not contain all notes and may not
                  contain prior period comparative data which are required to be
                  prepared in accordance with GAAP), and reflect all adjustments
                  necessary to a fair statement of the results for the period(s)
                  presented (except for normally recurring year-end


         There are no material liabilities or obligations of a nature required
         by GAAP to be reflected on the Unaudited Business Financial Statements
         or in the Knowledge of Seller (whether accrued, absolute, contingent,
         unliquidated or otherwise, whether due or to become due, and regardless
         of when asserted) through the date hereof, except (a) as reflected or
         reserved against in the Unaudited Business Financial Statements, (b)
         current liabilities which have arisen after March 31, 2002 in the
         ordinary course of business consistent with past practice, or (c) as
         otherwise set forth in Schedule 3.6.


         Except as set forth in Schedule 3.7, and except for the solicitation
         and negotiation of a transaction to dispose of the Business and the
         transactions contemplated by this Agreement, since March 31, 2002


         through the date hereof, Simmons has conducted the Business only in the
         ordinary course of business consistent with past practice and have not,
         on behalf of, in connection with or relating to the Business or the
         Business Assets:

                  (a)      suffered or otherwise incurred or experienced any
                           Material Adverse Effect;

                  (b)      sold, leased, transferred or assigned any material
                           assets, tangible or intangible, outside the ordinary
                           course of business;

                  (c)      entered into any material agreement, contract, lease
                           or license outside the ordinary course of business;

                  (d)      suffered any theft, damage, destruction or loss of or
                           to any property or properties owned or used by it,
                           whether or not covered by insurance, that would have,
                           individually or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse

                  (e)      made any material capital expenditure or commitment
                           outside the ordinary course of business;

                  (f)      entered into or modified any employment, severance or
                           similar agreements or arrangements with or granted
                           any bonuses, salary or benefits increases, severance
                           or termination pay to any Key Employee outside the
                           ordinary course of business consistent with past

                  (g)      adopted or amended any bonus, profit sharing,
                           compensation, stock option, pension, retirement,
                           deferred compensation, employment or other employee
                           benefit plan, trust, fund or group arrangement for
                           the benefit or welfare of any employees, officer,
                           director or affiliate;

                  (h)      made any change in accounting principles or practices
                           from those utilized in the preparation of the
                           Unaudited Business Financial Statements;

                  (i)      sold, pledged, encumbered or otherwise burdened the
                           Business Shares;

                  (j)      taken any action or entered into any agreement not
                           described in subsections (a) through (i) above that
                           is material to the Business or Simmons; or

                  (k)      agreed or committed, whether orally or in writing, to
                           do any of the foregoing.



         The real property described in the Real Property Lease, including all
         buildings, structures, improvements, fixtures, systems and equipment
         thereon and attached or appurtenant thereto, together with all rights
         and easements appurtenant to and benefiting such real property (the
         "REAL PROPERTY"), constitutes all of the real property used by Seller
         (in connection with the Business) or by Simmons. Seller has delivered
         to Buyer a complete and accurate copy of the Real Property Lease, which
         lease has not been modified in any respect, except to the extent that
         such modifications are disclosed by the copy delivered to Buyer. Except
         as set forth in Schedule 3.8, with respect to the Real Property Lease:

         (a)      Simmons is the owner or holder of the leasehold estate or
                  interest in the Real Property that is the subject of the Real
                  Property Lease, free and clear of all Liens (other than
                  Permitted Liens);

         (b)      the Real Property Lease is legal, valid, binding, enforceable,
                  and in full force and effect in all material respects, except
                  as such enforcement may be limited by applicable bankruptcy,
                  insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or other laws of
                  general application affecting enforcement of creditors rights

         (c)      the Real Property Lease will continue to be legal, valid,
                  binding, enforceable, and in full force and effect on
                  identical terms following the consummation of the transactions
                  contemplated hereby, except as such enforcement may be limited
                  by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
                  moratorium or other laws of general application affecting
                  enforcement of creditors rights generally;

         (d)      no party to the Real Property Lease is in breach or default,
                  and no event has occurred which, with notice or lapse of time,
                  would constitute a breach or default or permit termination,
                  modification, or acceleration thereunder;

         (e)      there are no disputes, oral agreements, or forbearance
                  programs in effect as to the Real Property Lease; (f) neither
                  Seller nor Simmons has assigned, transferred, conveyed,
                  mortgaged, deeded in trust, or encumbered any interest in the

         (g)      all facilities leased thereunder have received all material
                  approvals of Governmental Bodies (including licenses and
                  permits) required in connection with the operation thereof as
                  currently used and have been operated and maintained in all
                  material respects in accordance with applicable laws, rules,
                  and regulations;

         (h)      all facilities leased thereunder are supplied with utilities
                  and other services necessary in all material respects for the
                  operation of such facilities as currently used; and


         (i)      neither Seller nor Simmons has received any notice from any
                  Governmental Body that such parcel is in violation of the
                  provisions of any legal requirement, including, without
                  limitation, any zoning, subdivision, environmental protection,
                  building, fire or health laws, rules or regulations.

3.9      ASSETS.

         (a)      Except as set forth in Schedule 3.9(a), Simmons has good and
                  marketable title to, or a valid leasehold interest in, all of
                  the material tangible Business Assets, free and clear of all
                  Liens (other than Permitted Liens), except for assets and
                  properties disposed of in the ordinary course of business.

         (b)      The Business Assets comprise all assets required for the
                  continued conduct of the Business as it is now being conducted
                  by Seller and Simmons.

         (c)      The Business Assets are in all material respects adequate for
                  the purposes for which such assets are currently used or are
                  held for use. The Business Assets are in reasonably good
                  repair and operating condition (subject to normal wear and
                  tear) and there are no defects, facts or conditions affecting
                  the Business Assets which could, individually or in the
                  aggregate, interfere in any respect with the use, occupancy or
                  operation thereof as currently used, occupied or operated, or
                  their adequacy for such use except, in each case, as would not
                  have, individually or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse


         The accounts and notes receivable of Simmons (including, without
         limitation, the accounts receivable reflected on the Unaudited Business
         Financial Statements which have not been collected prior to the Closing
         Date) are valid receivables, are not subject to valid counterclaims or
         setoffs (except for counterclaims or setoffs arising in the ordinary
         course of business) and are collectible in accordance with their terms,
         except (a) as otherwise described in Schedule 3.10, and (b) to the
         extent of the bad debt reserve reflected on the Unaudited Business
         Financial Statements.

3.11     INVENTORY.

         Subject to Section 2.3(d), all inventories of supplies, raw materials,
         parts, finished goods, work-in-process, product prototypes and
         developments, product labels, packaging materials and office and other
         supplies of Simmons (the "INVENTORY") are of good and usable and, with
         respect to finished products, saleable quality, except as set forth in
         Schedule 3.11.



         (a)      Schedule 3.12(a) sets forth a correct and complete list and
                  summary description of all Patents and Trademarks.

         (b)      Except as set forth in Schedule 3.12(b), Simmons is the owner
                  of all right, title and interest in and to such Patents and
                  Trademarks, free and clear of all Liens except Permitted
                  Liens, and has the right to use such Patents and Trademarks
                  without payment to any third-party.

         (c)      Except as set forth in Schedule 3.12(c), the Intellectual
                  Property comprise all intellectual property owned or used or
                  held for use by Simmons in connection with, and constitute all
                  intellectual property necessary for the conduct of, the
                  Business as presently conducted.

         (d)      Except as set forth in Schedule 3.12(d): (i) all patents and
                  registrations identified in Schedule 3.12(a) are in force;
                  (ii) Seller has the right to bring actions for infringement or
                  unauthorized use of the Patents and Trademarks, and (iii) to
                  the Knowledge of Seller, no other Person is infringing upon or
                  has infringed upon the Intellectual Property at any time
                  during the five (5) years preceding the date hereof.

         (e)      Except as set forth in Schedule 3.12(e): (i) to the Knowledge
                  of Seller during the five (5) years before the date hereof, no
                  written or recorded claim has been made or asserted that
                  alleges that the products associated with the Business or
                  Intellectual Property infringe the intellectual property of
                  another Person; (ii) no intellectual property-related
                  litigation, arbitration or other proceeding is currently
                  pending with respect to the Business or Intellectual Property;
                  and (iii) to the Knowledge of Seller during the five (5) years
                  before the date of this Agreement, no written or recorded
                  claim has been made or asserted that challenges the validity
                  or ownership of any Intellectual Property.

3.13     TAX MATTERS.

         (a)      Simmons has timely filed all material Tax Returns that it was
                  required to file. All such Tax Returns were correct and
                  complete in all material respects. All material Taxes owed by
                  Simmons (whether or not shown on any Tax Return) have been
                  timely and properly paid or are included in accrued
                  liabilities in full. Simmons is not currently the beneficiary
                  of any extension of time within which to file any Tax Return.
                  No material claim has ever been made in writing or otherwise
                  by an authority in a jurisdiction where Simmons does not file
                  Tax Returns that Simmons is or may be subject to taxation by
                  that jurisdiction which claim has not been resolved in full.
                  There are no material Liens on any of the Business Assets that
                  arose in connection with any failure (or alleged failure) to
                  pay any Tax, other than Permitted Liens.


         (b)      Simmons has withheld and paid all Taxes required to have been
                  withheld and paid in connection with amounts paid or owing to
                  any employee, independent contractor, creditor, stockholder or
                  other third party.

         (c)      No Governmental Body has threatened in writing or otherwise an
                  assessment of any additional material Taxes owed by Simmons
                  for any period for which Tax Returns have been filed. There is
                  no dispute or claim concerning any material Tax liability of
                  Simmons either claimed or raised by any Governmental Body in
                  writing or as to which Seller has Knowledge. Schedule 3.13(c)
                  lists all federal, state, local, and foreign income and
                  franchise Tax Returns filed with respect to Simmons and its
                  business or property for the most recent taxable period ended
                  on or before December 31, 2001, indicates those Tax Returns
                  that have been audited, and indicates those Tax Returns that
                  currently are the subject of audit. Seller has delivered to
                  Buyer correct and complete copies of all federal income Tax
                  Returns for the preceding three taxable years.

         (d)      Except as set forth in Schedule 3.13(d), Simmons has not
                  waived any statute of limitations in respect of Taxes or
                  agreed to any extension of time with respect to a Tax
                  assessment or deficiency.

         (e)      Simmons has not filed a consent under Codess. 341(f)
                  concerning collapsible corporations. Simmons has not made any
                  payments, is not obligated to make any payments, nor is it a
                  party to any agreement that would obligate it to make any
                  payments that will not be deductible under Codess. 280G as a
                  result of any of the transactions contemplated by this
                  Agreement. Seller is a U.S. person within the meaning of
                  Section 7701(a)(30) of the Code. Simmons has disclosed on its
                  federal income Tax Returns all positions taken therein that
                  could give rise to a substantial understatement of federal
                  income Tax within the meaning of Codess. 6662. Simmons is not
                  a party to any Tax allocation or sharing agreement. Except as
                  disclosed on Schedule 3.13(d), Simmons has not been a member
                  of an Affiliated Group filing a consolidated federal income
                  Tax Return other than a group the common parent of which is
                  Seller's ultimate parent.

         (f)      The unpaid Taxes of Simmons did not, as of the date of the
                  Unaudited Business Financial Statements, exceed the reserve
                  for Tax Liability, if any, (rather than any reserve for
                  deferred Taxes established to reflect timing differences
                  between book and Tax income) set forth on the face of the
                  Unaudited Business Financial Statements (rather than in any
                  notes thereto).

         (g)      Simmons will not be required to include any material item of
                  income in, or exclude any material item of deduction from,
                  taxable income for any taxable period (or portion thereof)
                  ending after the Closing Date as a result of any (i) change in
                  method of accounting for a taxable period ending on or prior
                  to the Closing Date under Codess. 481(c) (or any corresponding
                  or similar provision of state, local or foreign income Tax


                  law); (ii) "closing agreement" as described in Codess. 7121
                  (or any corresponding or similar provision of state, local or
                  foreign income Tax law) executed on or prior to the Closing
                  Date; (iii) installment sale or open transaction disposition
                  made on or prior to the Closing Date; or (iv) prepaid amount
                  received on or prior to the Closing Date.

         (h)      The Affiliated Group in which Simmons is currently included
                  has timely filed all material income Tax Returns that it was
                  required to file for each taxable period during which Simmons
                  was a member of the group. All such Tax Returns were correct
                  and complete in all material respects. All material income
                  Taxes owed by the Affiliated Group in which Simmons is
                  currently included (whether or not shown on any Tax Return)
                  have been timely and properly paid for each taxable period
                  during which Simmons was a member of the group.

         (i)      No Governmental Body has threatened in writing, or otherwise,
                  an assessment of any additional material income Taxes against
                  the Affiliated Group in which Simmons is currently included
                  for any taxable period during which Simmons was a member of
                  the group. There is no dispute or claim concerning any
                  material income tax liability of the Affiliated Group in which
                  Simmons is currently included for any taxable period during
                  which Simmons was a member of the group either claimed or
                  raised by any Governmental Body in writing. Except as set
                  forth in Schedule 3.13(d), the Affiliated Group in which
                  Simmons is currently included has not waived any statute of
                  limitations in respect of any income Taxes or agreed to any
                  extension of time with respect to any income tax assessment or
                  deficiency for any taxable period during which Simmons was a
                  member of the group.

         (j)      Simmons has not been a party to any transaction that was
                  intended to qualify under Section 355 of the Code within the
                  two-year period prior to the Closing Date.


         (a)      Except as set forth in Schedule 3.14(a) (which also identifies
                  the parties to and briefly describes the basis for each
                  pending or threatened Action), there is no pending or, to the
                  Knowledge of Seller, threatened Action that relates to or that
                  may affect in any manner the Business or the Business Assets;
                  and there is no pending or, to the Knowledge of Seller,
                  threatened Action that challenges or that may have the effect
                  of preventing, delaying, making illegal or otherwise
                  interfering with any of the transactions contemplated by this
                  Agreement or the Related Agreements. Seller has made available
                  to Buyer copies of all pleadings, correspondence and other
                  documents and materials relating to each Action described in
                  Schedule 3.14(a), and no Action listed or required to be
                  listed therein could have a Material Adverse Effect.


         (b)      No order or agreement related to litigation or the settlement
                  thereof is in effect that relates to or that may affect in any
                  material manner the Business or any of the Business Assets.

3.15     PRODUCTS.

         Seller has made available to Buyer access to copies of the standard
         terms and conditions of sale for each of the products or services of
         the Business (containing applicable guaranty, warranty and indemnity
         provisions). Except as set forth in Schedule 3.15: (a) no product
         manufactured, sold, leased or delivered by, or service rendered by or
         on behalf of, Simmons in connection with the Business is subject to any
         guaranty, warranty or other indemnity, express or implied, beyond such
         standard terms and conditions; and (b) each product manufactured, sold,
         leased or delivered by, or service rendered by or on behalf of, Simmons
         in connection with the Business has been in conformity with all
         applicable contractual commitments and all express and implied

3.16     INSURANCE.

         Seller and Simmons maintain policies of fire and casualty, liability
         and other forms of insurance with respect to the Business and the
         Business Assets in such amounts, with such deductibles and against such
         risks and losses as are, in the judgment of Seller and Simmons,
         reasonable for the Business and the Business Assets. The material
         insurance policies maintained by Seller and Simmons with respect to the
         Business and the Business Assets are set forth in Schedule 3.16. All
         such policies are in full force and effect, no invoiced premiums are
         overdue for payment (other than retroactive or retrospective premium
         adjustments that are not yet, but may be, required to be paid with
         respect to any periods ending prior to the Closing Date, all of which
         are to be paid by Seller), and no notice of cancellation or termination
         has been received with respect to any such policy which has not been
         replaced on substantially similar terms prior to the date of such


         (a)      Schedule 3.17(a) lists the following agreements to which
                  Simmons is a party (collectively, the "Business Contracts"):

                  (i)      any agreement for the lease of person property to or
                           from any Person providing for lease payments in
                           excess of $50,000 per year;

                  (ii)     any agreement for the sale or purchase of raw
                           materials, commodities, supplies, products or other
                           personal property or for the furnishing or receipt of
                           services, the performance of which will extend over a
                           period of more than one year or involve consideration
                           in excess of $50,000;

                  (iii)    any agreement concerning a partnership or joint


                  (iv)     any agreement under which Simmons has created,
                           incurred, assumed or guaranteed any indebtedness for
                           borrowed money, or any capitalized lease obligation,
                           in excess of $50,000 or under which it has imposed a
                           Lien on any of its net assets, tangible or

                  (v)      any material agreement concerning confidentiality or
                           noncompetition; (vi) any material agreement with
                           Seller or Seller's Affiliates;

                  (vii)    any profit sharing, stock option, stock purchase,
                           stock appreciation, deferred compensation, severance
                           or other material plan or arrangement for the benefit
                           of Simmons's current or former directors, officers
                           and employees;

                  (viii)   any collective bargaining agreement;

                  (ix)     any agreement for the employment of any individual on
                           a full-time, part-time, consulting or other basis
                           providing annual compensation in excess of $50,000 or
                           providing material severance benefits;

                  (x)      any agreement under which it has advanced or loaned
                           any amount to any of its directors, officers, and
                           employees outside the ordinary course of business;

                  (xi)     any agreement under which the consequence of a
                           default or termination could have a Material Adverse
                           Effect; (xii) any agreement under which Simmons has
                           advanced or loaned any other Person amounts in the
                           aggregate in excess of $50,000; or (xiii) any other
                           agreement the performance of which involves
                           consideration in excess of $100,000.

         (b)      Subject to obtaining any requisite consents of third parties
                  (such consents being identified on Schedule 3.17(a) hereto),
                  the enforceability of the Business Contracts will not be
                  affected in any material manner by the execution and delivery
                  of this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions
                  contemplated hereby;

         (c)      Neither Simmons nor any other party, is in default under or in
                  violation of, nor, to the Knowledge of the Seller, is there
                  any basis for any valid claim of default under or violation
                  of, any Business Contract that could, individually or in the
                  aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect;


         (d)      Subject to obtaining any requisite consents of third parties,
                  each Business Contract is in all material respects valid,
                  binding and in full force and effect and is enforceable by
                  Seller in accordance with its terms, subject to applicable
                  bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and similar
                  laws affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights generally
                  and by general principles of equity (regardless of whether
                  enforceability is considered in a proceeding in equity or at
                  law), including, without limitation, possible unavailability
                  of specific performance, injunctive relief or other equitable
                  remedies; and there have been no cancellations or threatened
                  cancellations thereof nor outstanding material disputes


         Seller maintains the books, records and accounts of Simmons in all
         material respects in accordance with good business practice and in
         sufficient detail to reflect accurately and fairly the operations,
         transactions and disposition of the assets, liabilities and equities
         concerning Simmons and to prepare financial statements of Simmons in
         accordance with GAAP.

3.19     BROKERS.

         Neither Seller nor any of its Affiliates has employed any broker, agent
         or finder in connection with any transaction contemplated by this


         (a)      Schedule 3.20(a), contains a complete and accurate list of the
                  following information for each current employee of Simmons,
                  including each employee on leave of absence or layoff status
                  (each, a "Simmons Employees"): name; job title; date of hiring
                  or engagement; and current compensation paid or payable.

         (b)      Simmons has not violated the Worker Adjustment and Retraining
                  Notification Act (the "WARN ACT") or any similar state or
                  local Law.

         (c)      Except as set forth in Schedule 3.20(c), with respect to each
                  employee previously or presently employed by Simmons:

                  (i)      no such person is bound by any contract, agreement,
                           understanding or other arrangement that purports to
                           limit his, her or its ability to engage in or
                           continue or perform any conduct, activity, duties or
                           practice relating to the Business or to assign to
                           Simmons or to any other person any rights to any
                           invention, improvement, or discovery;

                  (ii)     Seller and Simmons have complied in all material
                           respects with all Laws relating to the employment of
                           labor, including provisions thereof relating to
                           wages, hours, equal opportunity, collective
                           bargaining and the payment of social security and
                           other Taxes;


                  (iii)    Seller has no Knowledge of any pending material labor
                           relations problem relating to the Business, and, to
                           the Knowledge of Seller, the labor relations of the
                           Business are satisfactory;

                  (iv)     there is no collective bargaining agreement to which
                           Simmons is a party, no collective bargaining
                           agreement is currently being negotiated or proposed
                           and, to the Knowledge of Seller, no person is making
                           any attempt or effort to form a labor union;

                  (v)      there are no material workers' compensation claims
                           pending against Simmons and Seller has no Knowledge
                           of any facts that would give rise to such a claim;

                  (vi)     Simmons is the exclusive owner of all Intellectual
                           Property developed by such persons and no such person
                           has any claim with respect to any Intellectual


         (a)      Schedule 3.21(a) contains an accurate and complete list of
                  each Employee Plan and each Employment Agreement. Neither
                  Simmons nor any ERISA Affiliate maintains, has in the past
                  maintained, contributes to, or has in the past been required
                  to contribute to any "multiemployer plan" within the meaning
                  of Section 3(37) of ERISA.

         (b)      To the extent required (either as a matter of law or to obtain
                  the intended tax treatment and tax benefits), all Employee
                  Plans comply in all material respects with the requirements of
                  ERISA, the Code and any other applicable law, except for
                  instances of non-compliance that would not have, individually
                  or in the aggregate, be material. With respect to the Employer
                  Plans, (i) all required contributions which are due have been
                  paid, (ii) there are no material actions, suits or claims
                  pending, other than routine uncontested claims for benefits,
                  and (iii) to the Knowledge of Seller, there have been no
                  prohibited transactions (as defined in ERISA Section 406 or
                  Code Section 4975) except for instances that would not be
                  material, individually or in the aggregate.

         (c)      Simmons has made available to Buyer true and complete copies
                  of (i) all documents embodying each Employee Plan and each
                  Employment Agreement including without limitation all
                  amendments thereto; (ii) the most recent available summary
                  plan description together with the summary(ies) of material
                  modifications thereto, if any, required under ERISA with
                  respect to each Employee Plan; (iii) the most recent Internal
                  Revenue Service determination letters for the pension and
                  401(k) plan in which Simmons Employees participate; (iv) a
                  written description of each Employee Plan and each Employment


                  Agreement that is not in writing; and (v) the most recent
                  annual report (Form Series 5500 and all schedules and
                  financial statements attached thereto), if any, required under
                  ERISA or the Code in connection with each pension or 401(k)
                  Employee Plan.

         (d)      To the Knowledge of Seller, Simmons has never represented,
                  promised or contracted (whether in oral or written form) to
                  any Employee (either individually or to Employees as a group)
                  or any other person that such Employee(s) or other person
                  would be provided with post-employment health, life insurance,
                  accident or other welfare or other types of benefits except to
                  the extent required by statute, except as described on
                  Schedule 3.21, and except to the extent that Simmons could
                  terminate such benefits at any time.

         (e)      Simmons and each Employee Plan is in material compliance with
                  the requirements of Code ss.ss. 4980B and 4975, Part 6 of
                  Title I and ss. 502(i) of ERISA, the Family Medical Leave Act
                  of 1933, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
                  Act of 1996, the Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998,
                  the Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act of 1996, or
                  any amendment to each such act, or any similar provisions of
                  state law.

         (f)      The execution of this Agreement and the consummation of the
                  transactions contemplated hereby will not (either alone or
                  upon the occurrence of any additional or subsequent events)
                  constitute an event under any Employee Plan, Employment
                  Agreement, trust or loan that will or may result in any
                  payment (whether of severance pay or otherwise), acceleration,
                  forgiveness of indebtedness, vesting, distribution, increase
                  in benefits or obligation to fund benefits with respect to any
                  Employee or with respect to which Simmons reasonably could
                  have any liability.

         (g)      Except as expressly contemplated herein, and except for
                  amendments to terminate participation in Seller Parent's plans
                  of plans in connection with the Closing of this transaction,
                  Simmons has no intent or commitment to establish, adopt, enter
                  into, or amend any Employee Plan or Employment Agreement.


         Except as described in Schedule 3.22, and other than pursuant to this
         Agreement, no officer, director or employee ("Insider") of Simmons has
         any agreement with Seller or Simmons (other than normal employment
         arrangements) or any interest in any property, real, personal or mixed,
         tangible or intangible, used in or pertaining to the Business. To the
         Knowledge of Seller, no Insider of Simmons has any direct or indirect
         interest in any competitor, supplier or customer of Seller or Simmons
         or in any person, firm or entity from whom or to whom Seller or Simmons
         leases any property, or in any other person, firm or entity with whom
         Seller or Simmons transacts business of any nature in any material



         (a)      Laws. Seller and, to the Knowledge of Seller, Simmons have
                  conducted the Business in compliance with all applicable Laws
                  except where the failure to be in such compliance would not,
                  individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse

         (b)      Governmental Licenses. Schedule 3.23(b) lists the Governmental
                  Licenses issued to or possessed by Seller or Simmons
                  concerning the Business. The Governmental Licenses set forth
                  in Schedule 3.22(b) comprise all of the Governmental Licenses
                  required to operate the Business as presently conducted by
                  Simmons. Seller has not received any written, or to the
                  Knowledge of Seller, other notification of any threatened
                  suspension or cancellation of any of the Governmental
                  Licenses. Each of the Governmental Licenses is valid and in
                  full force and effect and Seller has not received notice of
                  any claim or threat to revoke any of the Governmental Licenses
                  or to declare them invalid. Seller makes no representations or
                  warranties regarding Governmental Licenses that may be
                  required by Buyer.


         Except as set forth on Schedule 3.24:

         (a)      Simmons, in its operation of the Business, to the Knowledge of
                  Seller, is now, and at all times has been, in compliance with
                  all applicable Environmental Laws except where the failure to
                  be in compliance would not reasonably be expected to have a
                  Material Adverse Effect on the Business taken as a whole.

         (b)      Simmons has or has applied (and if applied for, is operating
                  as permitted during the application period) for all
                  Environmental Permits required for the operation of the
                  Business as presently conducted and, to the Knowledge of
                  Seller, there are now, and at all times there have been, no
                  violations, and no pending or threatened, investigations or
                  proceedings with respect to such Environmental Permits except
                  where the failure to have such Environmental Permits or where
                  the violation, investigation or proceeding relating thereto
                  would not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be
                  expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

         (c)      To the Knowledge of Seller, no written notice, notification,
                  demand, request for information, citation, summons, complaint
                  or order has been received by, is pending, or threatened by
                  any Person against Simmons nor has any material penalty been
                  assessed against Simmons for any alleged violation of any
                  Environmental Law or liability thereunder, other than where
                  such notice, notification, demand, request for information,
                  citation, summons, complaint or order has been fully resolved,
                  or where resolution would not, individually or in the
                  aggregate, reasonably be expected to have an Material Adverse


         (d)      To the Knowledge of Seller, (i) no Hazardous Materials have
                  been buried, incinerated, deposited, stored, or released on or
                  under any part of the Real Property or at any off-site
                  disposal location, (ii) no Hazardous Materials, radon at
                  levels above natural background or pesticides are located on
                  or under the Real Property, and (iii) no aboveground or
                  underground storage tanks are located on or under the Real
                  Property or have been located on or under the Real Property
                  and then subsequently been removed or filled.

         (e)      Simmons is not potentially responsible for (i) any release of
                  Hazardous Materials, or (ii) any costs arising under or in
                  violation of Environmental Laws or Environmental Permits.

         (f)      The Real Property has not been listed under the U.S.
                  Environmental Protection Agency National Priorities List of
                  Hazardous Waste Sites, or any other similar list, schedule,
                  law, inventory or record of hazardous or solid waste sites
                  maintained by a governmental authority.

                                   ARTICLE IV

As of the date of this Agreement, Buyer and Buyer Parent hereby represent and
warrant to and agree with Seller as follows:


         Buyer and Buyer Parent are each corporations duly organized, validly
         existing and in good standing under the laws of California and
         Delaware, respectively, and each has the corporate power and authority
         to execute, deliver and perform this Agreement, and the Related
         Agreements to own all its properties and assets, and to carry on its
         business as it is now being conducted, and each is duly qualified to do
         business and is in good standing in every jurisdiction in which the
         business of each requires it to be so qualified. Buyer and Buyer Parent
         each has all requisite corporate power and authority to execute and
         deliver this Agreement and consummate the transactions contemplated
         hereby. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and
         the Related Agreements by Buyer and Buyer Parent have been duly
         authorized by all necessary corporate action of Buyer and Buyer Parent,
         and this Agreement has been, and the Related Agreements will be, duly
         executed and delivered by Buyer and Buyer Parent and constitute or will
         constitute valid and legally binding obligations of Buyer and Buyer
         Parent enforceable against it in accordance with their terms, except as
         limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
         moratorium and similar laws affecting the enforcement of creditors'
         rights generally, and by general principles of equity (regardless of
         whether enforceability is considered in a proceeding in equity or law),
         including without limitation, possible unavailability of specific
         performance, injunctive relief, or other equitable remedies.



         Neither the execution and delivery by Buyer and Buyer Parent of this
         Agreement, the Related Agreements and the other documents and
         agreements contemplated hereby, and thereby, nor the consummation by
         Buyer of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby, will violate
         any provision of the articles of incorporation, bylaws or any other
         charter documents of Buyer, or will violate any Law or any judgment,
         decree, order, award, citation, policy, standard, official
         interpretation, writ, injunction, regulation or rule of any court or
         other Governmental Body.

4.3      CONSENTS.

         Except for the consents that may be required to transfer certain of the
         Contracts, no consent, approval, license, permit or authorization or
         order of or with any court, or other Person is required in connection
         with the execution and delivery of this Agreement by Buyer or Buyer
         Parent or the consummation of the transactions contemplated herein.

4.4      BROKERS.

         Neither Buyer nor any of its Affiliates has employed any broker, agent
         or finder in connection with any transaction contemplated by this

4.5      CLAIMS.

         There are no Claims pending, or to the knowledge of Buyer, threatened
         against or affecting Buyer or its Affiliates in any court or before any
         arbitration panel of any kind or before or by any Governmental Body
         that questions the validity or legality of this Agreement or any
         Related Agreement or any action taken or to be taken by the Buyer in
         connection with this Agreement or any Related Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE V


         Except to the extent consented to in writing by Buyer, Seller agrees
         that pending the Closing, it shall conduct the Business only in the
         ordinary course of business and consistent with past practices. Without
         limiting the generality of the foregoing, from the date hereof to the
         Closing, Seller shall not, without the written consent of Buyer:


         (a)      permit, allow or suffer any of its material assets (tangible
                  or intangible) included in the Business Assets to be subjected
                  to any Liens other than Permitted Liens, nor permit any Liens
                  to be foreclosed;

         (b)      sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of any of its assets or
                  other rights (tangible or intangible) included in the Business
                  Assets other than in the ordinary course of business
                  consistent with past practice;

         (c)      dispose of or permit to lapse any material right to the use of
                  any material Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights or disclose to
                  any person other than representatives of Buyer any proprietary
                  information or included in the Business Assets not a matter of
                  public knowledge;

         (d)      terminate or amend in any material respect any material
                  Business Contract;

         (e)      exercise any option to renew any material lease or any option
                  to purchase any material property included in the Business
                  Assets or permit any such option to expire without first
                  notifying Buyer of the option expiration date;

         (f)      omit to do any act, or permit any act or omission to act,
                  which would cause a material breach of any Business Contract,
                  or any material breach of any representation, warranty,
                  covenant or agreement made by Seller herein;

         (g)      fail to notify Buyer of any Claim which is threatened or
                  commenced against Simmons between the date of this Agreement
                  and the Closing Date which may have a Material Adverse Effect;

         (h)      materially increase or decrease the present list prices for
                  the products or related services sold by Simmons; and,

         (j)      agree, whether in writing or otherwise, to do any of the


         During the period beginning on the date hereof and ending on the
         Closing Date, (a) the Seller, Seller Parent and Simmons will each use
         its best efforts to preserve the Business and Business Assets and to
         preserve the goodwill of customers, suppliers and others having
         business relations with Simmons, (b) the Seller, Simmons and Buyer will
         consult with each other concerning, and the Seller, Simmons and Buyer
         each will cooperate to keep available to Buyer, the services of the
         employees of Simmons, and (c) Simmons shall pay all accounts payable in
         a timely manner in accordance with stated terms thereof.


         Between the date of this Agreement and the Closing Date, Seller shall
         give to Buyer, its employees, consultants and its representatives
         including, its attorneys and accountants, reasonable access to all


         those premises, assets, books and records (excluding personnel files,
         medical and Workers' Compensation files, and drug-free workplace
         testing results), officers, employees, consultants, agents, accountants
         and attorneys of Simmons and Seller necessary to consummate the
         transactions contemplated by this Agreement, and to such financial and
         operating data and other information which relate to Simmons as Buyer
         shall from time to time reasonably request (excluding all legally
         privileged or protected documents); provided, however, that such access
         shall be granted in such manner as not to interfere unreasonably with
         the normal operation of Simmons and Seller, as determined in Seller's
         reasonable discretion. Buyer and its representatives will hold in
         confidence all confidential information obtained from Seller or its
         Affiliates, or their officers, agents, representatives or employees.
         Buyer agrees that all confidential information obtained from Seller and
         its Affiliates concerning businesses of Seller or any of its Affiliates
         not concerning the Products or Purchased Assets shall be held in
         confidence in accordance with the provisions of the Confidentiality
         Agreement between Buyer and Seller dated June 21, 2002. In the event of
         termination of this Agreement for any reason, if requested, Buyer and
         its representatives and lenders will either destroy or return to Seller
         all documents, work papers and other material (including all copies
         made thereof) obtained from Seller or prepared by Buyer from
         information given to or learned by Buyer at any time in connection with
         the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and will keep
         confidential and not use any such information so obtained unless such
         information is (a) readily ascertainable from public or published
         information or trade sources, (b) previously known by Buyer as
         specifically shown in the books and records of the Buyer as they exist
         at the time of receipt of such information, (c) received by the Buyer
         from a third party not in privity with Seller who has a bona fide right
         to disclose such information, or (d) disclosed pursuant to the written
         permission of the Seller.


         (a)      The parties shall, and shall cause their Affiliates to, retain
                  the books, records, documents, instruments, accounts,
                  correspondence, writings, evidences of title and other papers
                  relating to the Business in their possession (the "Books and
                  Records") for the period of time set forth in their respective
                  records retention policies in effect on the Closing Date or
                  for such longer period as may be required by law or any
                  applicable court order.

         (b)      The parties and their Affiliates will allow each other
                  reasonable access to such Books and Records (excluding
                  personnel files, medical and Workers' Compensation files,
                  benefit plan claim files, and drug-free workplace testing
                  results), and to their personnel having knowledge of the
                  whereabouts and/or contents of such Books and Records, for
                  legitimate business reasons, including, without limitation,
                  the completion of all financial audits required of Buyer by


                  applicable securities regulations. Each party shall be
                  entitled to recover its reasonable out-of-pocket costs
                  (including, without limitation, reasonable copying costs)
                  incurred in providing such Books and Records and/or personnel
                  to the other party. The requesting party will hold in
                  confidence all information obtained from the disclosing party,
                  any of its officers, agents, representatives or employees
                  (collectively, the "Disclosing Party"), provided, however,
                  that the following shall not be deemed to be confidential
                  information for purposes of this Agreement: (i) information
                  which is or becomes generally available to the public other
                  than as a result of a disclosure by the Disclosing Party, (ii)
                  information which was already known to the receiving party on
                  a non-confidential basis prior to being furnished to the
                  receiving party by the Disclosing Party or (iii) information
                  which becomes available to the receiving party on a
                  non-confidential basis from a source other that the Disclosing
                  Party if such source was not subject to any prohibition
                  against transmitting the information to the receiving party.


         (a)      Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Seller
                  and Buyer each agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts
                  to take, or cause to be taken, all actions and to do, or cause
                  to be done, all things necessary, proper or advisable to
                  consummate and make effective as promptly as practicable, the
                  transactions contemplated by this Agreement and to cooperate
                  with the other in connection with the foregoing (i) to obtain
                  all necessary waivers, consents and approvals from other
                  parties to material Business Contracts and Governmental
                  Licenses, and (ii) to fulfill all conditions to this
                  Agreement. Seller and Buyer further covenant and agree, with
                  respect to a threatened or pending order or Law that would
                  adversely affect the ability of the parties hereto to
                  consummate the transfer of assets under this Agreement, to use
                  their respective best efforts to prevent the entry, enactment
                  or promulgation thereof, as the case may be (it being
                  understood that such efforts shall not include any requirement
                  of either party to expend material sums of money or grant any
                  material financial or other accommodation).

         (b)      The parties will cooperate with each other to the extent
                  necessary to make, as soon as practicable following the
                  execution of this Agreement, all filings required by any Law
                  or Governmental Body.

         (c)      Within one week after the Closing Date, Seller will file
                  assignments to Simmons or such other entity designated by
                  Buyer in the United States Patent and Trademark Office for
                  those United States trademarks listed in Schedule 3.12(a)
                  listed as recorded in the names of entities other than
                  Simmons. Within one week after the Closing Date, Seller will
                  have its foreign associate law firms initiate assignments to
                  Simmons in foreign patent and trademark offices for those
                  foreign trademarks listed in Schedule 3.12(a) as recorded in
                  the names of entities other than Simmons. Seller will pay for
                  assignment of such United States and foreign trademarks. In
                  all other respects, Buyer will prosecute and maintain all such
                  trademarks at its sole expense.



         Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the parties to
         this Agreement shall in good faith perform their obligations under this
         Agreement and use their reasonable efforts to cause the transactions
         contemplated by this Agreement to be carried out promptly in accordance
         with the terms of this Agreement. Upon the execution of this Agreement
         and thereafter, each party shall take such actions and execute and
         deliver such documents as may be reasonably requested by the other
         party hereto in order to effect the transactions contemplated by this
         Agreement. The parties shall cooperate fully with each other and their
         respective counsel and accountants or designees in connection with any
         actions required to be taken as part of their respective obligations
         under this Agreement.

5.7      EXPENSES.

         Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement and Related
         Agreements, each party shall bear its own expenses in connection with
         and in performance of this Agreement and Related Agreements.

5.8      PUBLICITY.

         Prior to the Closing Date each party shall consult with and obtain the
         consent of the other before issuing any press release or other public
         announcement regarding the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
         unless, in the reasonable judgment of the party making the
         announcement, such announcement is required to discharge its or its
         Affiliates' legal obligations or to comply with any applicable
         requirements of a securities exchange (in which case it shall use
         reasonable efforts to consult with the other party before issuing the


         (a)      Effective as of the Closing Date, Buyer agrees to provide
                  employment on an "at will" basis to each Simmons Employee on
                  commercially reasonable terms and conditions that are
                  generally comparable to similarly situated employees of Buyer.
                  Nothing in this Section 5.9(a) shall, however, obligate Buyer
                  or its Affiliates to provide continuing employment to any
                  Simmons Employee for any specific time period after the
                  Closing Date.

         (b)      As of and after the Closing Date, Buyer shall, but only to the
                  extent permitted by law and applicable tax qualification
                  requirements and subject to any generally applicable break in
                  service or similar rule and the approval of any insurance
                  carrier, third party provider or the like:

                  (i)      give each Simmons Employee full credit for purposes
                           of eligibility to participate and vesting (but not
                           for the purpose of determining the accrual of
                           benefits) under any retirement, health, disability,
                           dental and life insurance plans, policies or
                           arrangements maintained by Buyer or its Affiliates


                           for the benefit of its employees generally for the
                           Simmons Employee's service with Seller (including
                           service with Blount International that Seller has
                           recognized under its benefit plans); excluding,
                           however, the vesting provisions of Buyer Parent's
                           Employee Stock Ownership Plan;

                  (ii)     cover the Simmons Employees under a medical plan and
                           a dental plan of the Buyer or one of its Affiliates,
                           waive all limitations as to preexisting conditions
                           and waiting periods with respect to participation and
                           coverage requirements applicable to Simmons Employees
                           under such plans, and provide each Simmons Employee
                           with credit under each such plan for any co-payments
                           and deductibles paid under a corresponding welfare
                           plan of Simmons or Seller in the calendar year in
                           which the Closing Date occurs.

                  As of and after the Closing Date, Buyer shall be responsible
                  for all benefits under any Buyer employee welfare benefit
                  plans that arise from claims incurred by Simmons Employees on
                  and after the Closing Date. Seller's welfare benefit plans
                  will process all benefit claims incurred prior to the Closing
                  Date, including workers compensation claims, and Simmons will
                  pay its share of those claims. Seller shall maintain the long
                  term disability policy in effect at Simmons prior to the
                  Closing Date so that it covers any injuries, illnesses or
                  disabilities that occurred prior to the Closing Date. Seller
                  will retain all participants on continuation coverage as of
                  the day before the Closing Date and neither Buyer nor any
                  Affiliate of Buyer shall have any liability with respect to
                  such coverage. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing to the
                  contrary, none of the provisions contained in this Section
                  5.9(b) shall operate to duplicate any benefit provided to any
                  Simmons Employee or the funding of any such benefit, or
                  obligate Buyer or its Affiliates to employ, or offer
                  continuing employment to, any individual.

         (c)      Except as otherwise provided in this Section 5.9, for a period
                  of eighteen (18) months from the Closing Date, neither party
                  shall, without the other party's written consent, directly or
                  indirectly, employ or solicit for employment any person who is
                  (or, as to any Simmons Employee, who is or within the
                  preceding six (6) months was) employed by the other party
                  (including, without limitation, Seller or its Affiliates
                  soliciting employees of Simmons following the Closing Date),
                  whether or not any such person would breach an employment
                  contract in leaving such employment; provided, however, that
                  general solicitations of employment by means of newspapers,
                  periodical or trade publication advertisements or other
                  non-targeted solicitations by an employment bureau or other
                  intermediary not directed specifically at employees of the
                  other party shall not, in and of themselves, constitute a
                  violation of this provision.

         (d)      Seller and Buyer intend that the transactions contemplated by
                  this Agreement shall not constitute a severance of employment
                  of any Simmons Employee with Simmons prior to or upon
                  consummation of the transactions contemplated by this
                  Agreement. Nothing in this Section 5.9 shall constitute an
                  agreement or guaranty that any Simmons Employee shall be
                  entitled to remain for any specified period in the employment
                  of Simmons or of Seller or Buyer or any Affiliate of Buyer.


         (e)      Seller will retain each and every "employee pension benefit
                  plan" (as defined in Section 3(2) of ERISA) that covers or has
                  in the past covered Simmons Employees. Simmons shall,
                  effective upon the Closing Date, terminate its participation
                  in any "employee pension benefit plan" (as defined in Section
                  3(2) of ERISA) and shall not, upon the Closing Date, maintain
                  any such plan (except that credit for service may be given at
                  the discretion of Seller Parent for the remainder of the month
                  of Closing). Simmons shall, effective upon the Closing Date,
                  terminate its participation in each Employee Plan that
                  provides, or reflects or represents any liability to provide
                  health, life insurance, accident or other welfare or other
                  types of benefits to any current or future Employees, their
                  spouses or dependants for any reason, except as may be
                  required by Codess. 4980B or required under applicable law.
                  Upon and following the Closing, Simmons shall not have any
                  obligation or liability (as to contributions or otherwise)
                  with respect to any Prior Pension Plan (as defined below) or
                  with respect to any post-employment health, life insurance,
                  accident or other welfare or other types of benefits except to
                  the extent required by statute or this Agreement, except for
                  the periods prior to Closing. For this purpose, "Prior Pension
                  Plan" means any "employee pension benefit plan" (as defined in
                  Section 3(2) of ERISA) which either (1) is or has been
                  maintained, contributed to, or required to be contributed to
                  by Simmons, (2) with respect to which Simmons currently has or
                  may have any liability or obligation, or (3) is or has been
                  maintained, contributed to, or required to be contributed to
                  by any ERISA Affiliate, or with respect to which any ERISA
                  Affiliate may have any obligation. To the extent permitted by
                  law, Buyer agrees to amend its 401(k) plan to the extent
                  necessary to accept rollovers of distributions from Seller's
                  401(k) plan. To the extent permitted by law, Buyer shall use
                  reasonable efforts to amend its 401(k) plan and establish
                  procedures with its 401(k) plan recordkeeper such that 401(k)
                  plan loans may be included in such rollovers.

         (f)      Simmons Employees unused earned and accrued vacation time will
                  remain on Simmons's books and Buyer will recognize those
                  vacation days for purposes of accruing future vacation under
                  its or its Affiliates' vacation policies for similarly
                  situated employees; provided, however, that Buyer shall not be
                  subject to any previous policies of Seller or Simmons with
                  respect to Simmons Employees vacation accrual rates. Any cap
                  on vacation accruals under Buyer's or any of its Affiliates'
                  vacation policies shall not limit the number of such vacation
                  days that are so recognized; provided that any additional
                  post-Closing vacation accruals by the Simmons Employees shall
                  (after giving effect to the number of days credited pursuant
                  to the preceding sentence) be subject to such limits. For
                  purposes of determining the Simmons Employees future level of
                  benefit accruals under the vacation policies of Buyer and its
                  Affiliates, the Simmons Employees shall receive credit for
                  their service with Seller and Blount.


         (g)      Effective as of Closing Date, Simmons will pay out to Simmons
                  Employees any earned value sharing payments or management
                  incentive payments on a pro-rated basis as of the Closing.


         (a)      Seller shall prepare and file (or cause to be prepared and
                  filed) all Tax Returns with respect to Simmons for all periods
                  ending on or prior to the Closing Date which are filed after
                  the Closing Date and shall timely pay all Taxes shown as due
                  on such Tax Returns. Seller shall permit Buyer to review and
                  comment on the portions of each such Tax Return described in
                  the preceding sentence relating to Simmons prior to filing.

         (b)      Buyer shall prepare or cause to be prepared and file or cause
                  to be filed any and all Tax Returns for Simmons for all
                  periods beginning before the Closing Date and ending after the
                  Closing Date. In the case of any taxable period that includes
                  (but does not end on) the Closing Date (a "STRADDLE PERIOD"),
                  Buyer shall prepare or cause to be prepared and file or cause
                  to be filed any such Tax Returns as required by applicable law
                  and in a manner consistent with past practices employed by
                  Seller with respect to such Tax Returns. Seller shall pay to
                  Buyer within fifteen (15) days after the date on which Taxes
                  are paid with respect to such periods an amount equal to the
                  portion of such Taxes which relates to the portion of such
                  taxable period ending on the Closing Date to the extent such
                  Taxes are not specifically reflected in the reserve for Tax
                  liabilities (rather than any reserve for deferred Taxes
                  established to reflect timing differences between book and Tax
                  income) shown on the face of the Unaudited Business Financial
                  Statements. In order to apportion appropriately any Taxes
                  relating to any taxable year or period that includes the
                  Closing Date, the parties hereto shall, to the extent
                  permitted under applicable law, treat for all purposes the
                  Closing Date as the last day of the taxable year or period of
                  the Seller. In any case where applicable law does not permit
                  the parties to treat the Closing Date as the last day of the
                  taxable year or period, any portion of any such Tax that is
                  allocable to the portion of the period ending on the Closing
                  Date shall be:

                  (i)      in the case of Taxes that are either (A) based upon
                           or related to income or receipts, or (B) imposed in
                           connection with any sale or other transfer or
                           assignment of property (real or personal, tangible or
                           intangible), deemed equal to the amount which would
                           be payable if the taxable year or period ended on the
                           Closing Date;

                  (ii)     in the case of Taxes not described in subparagraph
                           (i) above that are imposed on a periodic basis and
                           measured by the level of any item, deemed to be the
                           amount of such Taxes for the entire relevant period


                           (or, in the case of such Taxes determined on an
                           arrears basis, the amount of such Taxes for the
                           immediate preceding period) multiplied by a fraction
                           the numerator of which is the number of calendar days
                           in the period ending on the Closing Date and the
                           denominator of which is the number of calendar days
                           in the entire relevant period; and

                  (iii)    for purposes of determining such Taxes, exemptions,
                           relief, allowances or deductions that are calculated
                           on an annual basis shall be apportioned in the manner
                           specified in subparagraph (i) above. All
                           determinations necessary to give effect to the
                           foregoing allocations shall be made in a manner
                           consistent with prior practice of Simmons.

         (c)      Seller, on the one hand, and Buyer, on the other hand, shall
                  promptly notify the other parties upon receipt of any notice
                  of any Tax audit, assessment, claim or investigation (a "TAX
                  CLAIM") that involves the Tax liability of Simmons. The
                  failure promptly to give such notice shall not affect any
                  Indemnified Party's ability to seek indemnification hereunder
                  unless such failure has materially and adversely affected the
                  right of the Indemnifying Party to participate in and contest
                  the Tax Claim. With respect to any Tax Claim relating to Taxes
                  with respect solely to a tax period ending on or before the
                  Closing Date, Seller shall control all proceedings and may
                  make all decisions taken in connection with such Tax Claim.

         (d)      Buyer and Seller shall cooperate fully, as and to the extent
                  reasonably requested by the other party, in connection with
                  the filing of Tax Returns filed after the Closing Date and
                  with any audit, litigation, or other proceeding with respect
                  to Taxes; provided, however, that Buyer shall have final
                  authority with respect to any such proceeding other than those
                  described in Section 5.10(c). Such cooperation shall include
                  the retention and (upon the other party's request) the
                  provision of records and information which are relevant to any
                  such audit, litigation, or other proceeding and making
                  employees available on a mutually convenient basis to provide
                  additional information and explanation of any material
                  provided under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
                  with respect to any audit, litigation, or other proceeding
                  relating to a Straddle Period, Buyer shall not enter into any
                  compromise or agree to settle any claim pursuant to such
                  proceeding without the written consent of Seller, which
                  consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Seller and Buyer
                  agree (i) to retain all books and records with respect to tax
                  matters pertinent to Simmons relating to any taxable period
                  beginning before the Closing Date until the expiration of the
                  statute of limitations (and, to the extent notified by Buyer
                  or Seller, any extensions thereof) of the respective taxable
                  periods, and to abide by all record retention agreements
                  entered into with any taxing authority, and (ii) to give the
                  other party reasonable written notice prior to transferring,
                  destroying, or discarding any such books and records and, if
                  the other party so requests, Buyer or the Seller, as the case
                  may be, shall allow the other party to take possession of such
                  books and records.


         (e)      Buyer and Seller further agree, upon request, to use their
                  commercially reasonable efforts to obtain any certificate or
                  other document from any governmental authority or any other
                  person as may be necessary to mitigate, reduce, or eliminate
                  any Taxes that could be imposed (including, but not limited
                  to, with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby).

         (f)      All tax sharing agreements or similar agreements with respect
                  to or involving Simmons shall be terminated as of the Closing
                  Date and, after the Closing Date, Simmons shall not be bound
                  thereby or have any liability thereunder.

         (g)      At Buyer's option, Seller shall join with Buyer in making
                  joint elections under Codess. 338(h)(10) (and under any
                  similar provision of any state, local law and foreign law)
                  (collectively, the "SECTION 338(H)(10) ELECTION") with respect
                  to the purchase and sale of the stock of Simmons. Seller and
                  Buyer shall cooperate in good faith in drafting and making
                  final the Section 338(h)(10) Election and filings. Seller will
                  pay any Tax attributable to the making of the Section
                  338(h)(10) Election and will indemnify the Buyer and Simmons
                  against any costs or expenses arising out of failure to pay
                  such Tax. Buyer and Seller shall agree upon the allocation of
                  the "AGGREGATE DEEMED SALES PRICE" (as defined under
                  applicable Treasury Regulations) among the assets of Simmons.
                  Buyer and Seller shall use their respective best efforts to
                  agree upon such allocation no later than 180 days after the
                  Closing Date. Neither Buyer nor Seller (or any of their
                  respective affiliates) shall take any position on any Tax
                  Return or with any taxing authority that is inconsistent with
                  the allocation agreed upon by Buyer and the Seller. Buyer
                  shall prepare for filing all of the forms, information returns
                  and statements that may be required pursuant to Codess.
                  338(h)(10). Seller shall provide information that may be
                  required by the Buyer for the purpose of preparing such
                  returns, shall execute and file such returns as reasonably
                  requested by Buyer and shall file all other returns and tax
                  information on a basis that is consistent with the 338(h)(10)
                  Election and such returns.

         (h)      The amount of any refunds, credits or offsets of Taxes of
                  Simmons for any pre-Closing tax period shall be for the
                  account of Seller. The amount of any refunds, credits or
                  offsets of Taxes of Simmons for any taxable period beginning
                  after the Closing Date shall be for the account of Buyer. The
                  amount of any refunds, credit or offset of Taxes of Simmons
                  for any taxable period that begins before and ends after the
                  Closing Date shall be equitably apportioned between Seller and
                  Buyer. Each party shall forward, and shall cause its
                  affiliates to forward, to the party entitled to receive the
                  amount of a refund, credit or offset to Taxes pursuant to this
                  Section 5.10(h) the amount of such refund within 10 days after
                  such refund is received or such credit or offset is allowed or
                  applied against another tax liability, as the case may be.


         (i)      Seller and Buyer shall share equally all applicable
                  documentary, sales, use, stamp, registration and such other
                  Taxes, and all conveyance fees, recording charges and other
                  fees and charges (including any penalties and interest)
                  ("TRANSFER TAXES") incurred in connection with consummation of
                  the transaction contemplated by this Agreement. For the
                  avoidance of doubt, Transfer Taxes shall not include any
                  income Taxes incurred as a result of the Section 338(h)(10)
                  Election contemplated by Section 5.10(g) of this Agreement.


         Buyer shall, effective as of the Closing Date or as soon as
         commercially practicable thereafter, cause the letters of credit,
         guarantees and other credit enhancements given by Seller and its
         Affiliates set forth on Schedule 5.11 hereof, to the extent they relate
         to the Business or the Business Assets, to be replaced by letters of
         credit, guarantees or other credit enhancements of Buyer and its
         Affiliates so that Seller and its Affiliates shall have no further
         obligation or liability thereunder. Buyer shall bear all expenses
         arising after the Closing Date associated with such letters of credit,
         guarantees and other credit enhancements given by Seller and its
         Affiliates until replaced by Buyer.


         Seller shall have the continuing obligation between the date of this
         Agreement and the Closing Date to promptly supplement or amend the
         schedules hereto with respect to any material matter hereafter arising
         or discovered which, if existing or known at the date of this
         Agreement, would have been required to be set forth or described in
         such schedules.


         In the event that any employee, officer, director, representative or
         agent of either Party, including, but not limited to, professional
         advisors to either Party, becomes aware, on or before the Closing Date,
         of any fact or circumstance which would entitle the other Party
         ("Claimant") to assert a claim or claims against the other Party
         ("Recipient") based, in whole or in part, upon the breach of any
         representation, warranty, covenant or other agreement of Recipient
         contained in this Agreement, Claimant shall, prior to the Closing Date,
         advise Recipient in writing of such potential breach and Recipient
         shall thereupon have the right to cure such breach within 30 days but
         in no event later than Closing as may be extended, without liability to
         Claimant or to any other party. Should Recipient fail to cure such
         breach within 30 days, the Claimant may terminate this Agreement or
         exercise its rights under the provisions of this Agreement, including,
         without limitation those set forth in Article VII hereof.



         If any material assets included in the Business Assets shall be damaged
         or destroyed by fire or other cause prior to the Closing Date, Seller
         shall expeditiously notify Buyer and furnish to Buyer a written
         statement of the amount of insurance, if any, payable on account
         thereof. In the event of such damage or destruction, Buyer may elect
         (a) to require that Seller use such insurance proceeds to restore or
         replace such assets to the extent of such proceeds, (b) to renegotiate
         the Purchase Price accordingly; or (c) in the event of material damage
         or destruction to Business Assets, or the insurance proceeds are
         insufficient to restore or replace such assets, to cancel, without
         liability to Buyer or Seller, the transactions contemplated by this


         Prior to the termination of this Agreement, neither Seller nor any of
         its Affiliates shall, directly or indirectly, conduct negotiations
         with, or solicit, accept or approve any bids from, any firm, person,
         corporation or other entity relating to the sale or transfer of the
         Business Shares, Business or Simmons, including without limitation a
         merger or sale of the assets of Simmons, or any investment in Simmons.
         During such time period, Seller will not provide any information to
         anyone with respect to any unsolicited inquiries, proposals or OFFERS.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                                OTHER AGREEMENTS


         On the Closing Date, Buyer and Seller shall enter into an agreement
         (the "Transition Services Agreement"), mutually acceptable to both
         parties, pursuant to which Seller shall agree to provide certain
         facilities and services to Buyer for the ongoing operation of the
         Business for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months after the
         Closing Date, on the terms and conditions set forth in such Transition
         Services Agreement.


         Buyer and Seller shall enter into the Trademark License pursuant to
         which Buyer shall grant to Seller an exclusive perpetual, fully paid,
         royalty-free license to use certain trademarks to design, manufacture,
         market, sell, distribute and service (i) rings, mounting systems and
         bases for use in the sporting optics business under the Simmons,
         Redfield, Weaver and Grand Slam brand names, (ii) lens caps and polar
         caps under the Weaver brand name, (iii) targets under the Redfield
         brand name, and (iv) with respect to the "Grand Slam" trademark only,
         in certain of the ammunition business. Seller's rights under the


         Trademark License shall be exclusive even as to Buyer, except as
         provided in the Trademark License. Effective upon the Closing, Seller
         shall grant to Buyer the right to the first opportunity to purchase
         Seller's business with respect to rings, mounting systems, bases, lens
         caps and polar caps for sporting optics, if such business were ever to
         become available by Seller, or the right to meet any other offer (the
         details of which shall be provided to Buyer under a confidentiality
         agreement) for such business. Buyer and Seller shall also enter into
         the Supply Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE VII


         (a)      Subject to the terms and conditions of this Article VII,
                  Seller Parent agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless
                  Buyer from and against all Liabilities suffered or incurred by
                  Buyer arising from, relating to or otherwise in respect of any
                  breach of this Agreement by Seller, Seller Parent or Simmons,
                  including, without limitation, (i) any representations or
                  warranties contained in Article III hereof, and (ii) any
                  breach by Seller or Seller Parent of any of its covenants in
                  Article V in this Agreement (collectively, "Buyer Claims").

         (b)      With respect to Section 7.1(a) above, no Buyer Claim shall be
                  asserted unless it is equal to or greater than $50,000 in
                  value. In calculating the amount of a Buyer Claim, no
                  individual claim of less than $25,000 shall be included and
                  the first $100,000 in the aggregate, of claims shall be
                  excluded from Buyer Claims. Likewise, with respect to
                  indemnification arising out of Section 7.1(a) above, in no
                  event shall the liability of Seller Parent exceed in the
                  aggregate an amount equal to 20% of the Purchase Price (as
                  adjusted pursuant to Section 2.3 hereof). Notwithstanding the
                  above, the forgoing limitations set forth in this Section
                  7.1(b) shall not apply to any Buyer Claim resulting from fraud
                  or any intentional misrepresentation by Seller, Simmons or
                  Seller Parent or failure by Seller, Simmons or Seller Parent
                  to perform its obligations under this Agreement or the Related
                  Agreements, including such failure by reason of an obstacle
                  intentionally created by Seller, Simmons or Seller Parent.


         (a)       Subject to the terms and conditions of this Article VII,
                   Buyer Parent agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless
                   Seller from and against all Liabilities suffered or incurred
                   by Seller arising from, relating to or otherwise in respect
                   of any breach of this Agreement by Buyer or Buyer Parent,
                   including, without limitation, (i) any representations or
                   warranties contained in Article IV hereof, or (ii) any breach
                   by Buyer or Buyer Parent of any of its covenants in Article V
                   of this Agreement, or (iii) the operation of the Business
                   arising on or after the Closing Date (collectively, "Seller


         (b)      With respect to Section 7.2(a) above, no Seller Claim shall be
                  asserted unless it is equal to or greater than $50,000 in
                  value. In calculating the amount of a Seller Claim, no
                  individual claim of less than $25,000 shall be included and
                  the first $100,000, in the aggregate, of claims shall be
                  excluded from Seller Claims. Likewise, with respect to
                  indemnification arising out of Section 7.2(a) above, in no
                  event shall the liability of Buyer Parent exceed in the
                  aggregate an amount equal to 20% of the Purchase Price (as
                  adjusted pursuant to Section 2.3 hereof). Notwithstanding the
                  above, the forgoing limitations set forth in this Section
                  7.2(b) shall not apply to any Seller Claim resulting from
                  fraud or any intentional misrepresentation by Buyer or Buyer
                  Parent or failure by Buyer or Buyer Parent to perform its
                  obligations under this Agreement or the Related Agreements,
                  including such failure by reason of an obstacle intentionally
                  created by Buyer or Buyer Parent.


         (a)      Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, in the event
                  (i) any third party or party hereto asserts a Claim with
                  respect to any matter as to which the indemnities in this
                  Agreement relate, the party against whom the Claim is asserted
                  (the "Indemnitee") shall give prompt written notice to the
                  other party (the "Indemnitor") in reasonable detail so that
                  the Indemnitor is or will be able to reasonably understand the
                  basis of the Claim; provided that the failure of the
                  Indemnitee to provide such notice shall not relieve the
                  Indemnitor of its obligations hereunder except to the extent
                  the Indemnitor is materially prejudiced thereby. Thereafter,
                  the Indemnitor shall have the right at its election to take
                  over the defense or settlement of the third party Claim at its
                  own expense by giving prompt notice to the Indemnitee;
                  provided that such notice includes an undertaking by
                  Indemnitor to hold the Indemnitee harmless from any expense or
                  liability arising from the Claim. If the Indemnitor does not
                  give such notice and does not proceed diligently so to defend
                  the third party Claim within 30 days after receipt of the
                  notice of the third party Claim, the Indemnitor shall be bound
                  by any defense or settlement that the Indemnitee may make as
                  to those Claims and shall reimburse the Indemnitee for its
                  Liabilities and expenses related to the defense or settlement
                  of the third party Claim. Subject to Indemnitor retaining
                  control of the Claim or settlement thereof, the Indemnitee
                  shall, at its option and expense, have the right to
                  participate in the defense of any such Claims defended by the
                  Indemnitor (except that Indemnitor shall not be responsible
                  for the fees and expenses of counsel to Indemnitee unless
                  agreed to in writing). The parties shall cooperate in
                  defending against any asserted third party Claims.

         (b)      Anything in this Section 7.3 to the contrary notwithstanding,
                  (i) if there is a reasonable probability that a third party
                  Claim may materially and adversely affect the Indemnitee other
                  than as a result of money damages or other money payments, the
                  Indemnitee shall have the right, at its own cost and expense,
                  to defend, compromise or settle such Claim; provided, however,


                  that if such Claim is settled without the Indemnitor's consent
                  (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed),
                  the Indemnitee shall be deemed to have waived all rights
                  hereunder against the Indemnitor for money damages arising out
                  of such Claim, and (ii) the Indemnitor shall not, without the
                  written consent of the Indemnitee, settle or compromise any
                  Claim or consent to the entry of any judgment (A) which does
                  not include as an unconditional term thereof the giving by the
                  claimant or the plaintiff to the Indemnitee a release from all
                  liability in respect to such Claim or (B) if such settlement,
                  compromise or consent involves the imposition of equitable
                  remedies or the imposition of any obligations on such
                  Indemnitee other than financial obligations for which such
                  Indemnitee will be fully indemnified hereunder.


         The indemnification provided in this Article shall be the sole and
         exclusive post-Closing Date remedy available to the Parties hereto for
         any claim under this Agreement (other than equitable relief if
         available) for breaches of representations, warranties and covenants.


         All representations and warranties contained or made in, or in
         connection with, this Agreement or in any Schedule, or any Collateral
         Document delivered in connection herewith, shall survive for a period
         of eighteen (18) months following the Closing Date; provided, however,
         that (i) the representations and warranties contained in Section 3.1
         (Existence, Power, Authorization and Qualifications of Seller), Section
         3.2 (Capitalization), Section 3.13 (Tax Matters), and Section 3.19
         (Brokers) shall survive until the expiration of the applicable statue
         of limitations (the "Indemnity Period") and (ii) the representations
         and warranties contained in Section 3.24 (Environmental Matters) shall
         survive for a period of five years following the Closing Date. No claim
         for indemnification based on a breach of a representation or warranty
         may be asserted after the expiration of the applicable Indemnity
         Period. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, any
         representation or warranty which is the subject of a claim which is
         asserted in writing prior to the expiration of the Indemnity Period
         shall survive with respect to such claim or any dispute with respect
         thereto until the final resolution thereof.

                                  ARTICLE VIII
                           CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO THE
                          OBLIGATION OF BUYER TO CLOSE

The obligation of Buyer to consummate its purchase of the Business Shares from
Seller under this Agreement is subject to the fulfillment, prior to or on the
Closing Date, of each of the following conditions precedent (any one or more of
which may be waived by Buyer in writing):


- ---      -------------------------

         Seller shall have performed and complied in all material respects with
         all covenants, obligations and agreements required by this Agreement to
         be performed or complied with by it at or prior to the Closing Date.


         The representations and warranties of Seller contained in this
         Agreement shall be true and correct on the date when made and shall
         also be true and correct on the Closing Date as if made on such date,
         except for and changes expressly permitted by the terms of this
         Agreement and except to the extent such representations and warranties
         by their terms speak of an earlier date (in which case they shall have
         been true and correct as of such earlier date).

8.3      NO CLAIMS.

         There shall not be threatened, instituted or pending any Claim by or
         before any court or Governmental Body or other regulatory or
         administrative agency or commission putting into effect, requesting or
         looking toward an order, judgment or decree which (a) restrains,
         prohibits, restricts or limits the consummation of the transactions
         contemplated hereby, or (b) would have a Material Adverse Effect.

8.4      Between the date of this Agreement and the Closing Date, there shall
         not have been any Material Adverse Effect.

8.5      Buyer's receipt of funding in an amount sufficient to pay the Purchase
         Price on terms satisfactory to Meade in its sole and absolute

8.6      The receipt by Buyer's Board of Directors of a written fairness opinion
         from Buyer's financial advisors stating that the Purchase Price, or
         consideration to be paid to Seller for the Business Shares, is fair,
         from a financial point of view, to Buyer's stockholders.

8.7      The receipt by Buyer's Board of Directors of written assurances from
         Buyer's independent public accountant, to the effect that such
         accountant can satisfactorily complete, following the Closing, audits
         of Simmons' financial records for the three most recently completed
         fiscal years and prepare complete consolidated and consolidating
         financial statements for Simmons prepared in accordance with generally
         accepted accounting principles within the timeframes required by
         applicable securities laws and regulations.

8.8      DOCUMENTS.

         Buyer, or as may be designated prior to Closing by Buyer, an Affiliate
         or Affiliates of Buyer, shall receive executed copies of the following
         documents from Seller on the Closing Date:


         (a)      a certificate representing the Business Shares duly endorsed
                  for transfer by Seller or accompanied by a duly executed stock

         (b)      original releases of, or written authorizations from Seller's
                  creditors (or the relevant debtor's creditors) to release, all
                  Liens on the Business Assets (other than Permitted Liens);

         (c)      a certificate of Seller in form and substance reasonably
                  acceptable to Buyer, dated the Closing Date, stating that the
                  conditions precedent set forth in Sections 8.1, 8.2 and 8.4 of
                  this Agreement have been satisfied;

         (d)      a copy of the text of the resolutions adopted by the board of
                  directors of Seller authorizing the execution, delivery and
                  performance of this Agreement and the consummation of all of
                  the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; together with
                  a certificate or certificates executed on behalf of Seller by
                  their respective corporate secretaries certifying to Buyer
                  that each such copy is correct and complete, and that such
                  resolutions were duly adopted and have not been amended or
                  rescinded in any respect;

         (e)      resignations (effective as of the Closing Date) from all of
                  the directors of the Simmons and such officers of Simmons as
                  Buyer shall have requested prior to the Closing Date;

         (f)      a copy of the certificate or articles of incorporation of
                  Seller and Simmons, each duly certified as of a recent date by
                  the Secretary of State of Delaware;

         (g)      the minute books, stock transfer records and corporate seal
                  (if in existence) of Simmons and all other materials related
                  to its corporate administration;

         (h)      the Supply Agreement; and

         (i)      the Transition Services Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                           CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO THE
                          OBLIGATION OF SELLER TO CLOSE

The obligation of Seller to consummate the sale of the Business Shares to Buyer
under the terms of this Agreement is subject to the fulfillment, prior to or on
the Closing Date, of each of the following conditions precedent (any one or more
of which may be waived by Seller in writing).



         Buyer shall have performed and complied in all material respects with
         each of its covenants, obligations and agreements required by this
         Agreement to be performed or complied with by it at or prior to the
         Closing Date.


         The representations and warranties of Buyer contained in this Agreement
         shall be true and correct when made and shall also be true and correct
         on the Closing Date as if made on such date, except for any changes
         expressly permitted by the terms of this agreement and except to the
         extent such representations and warranties by their terms speak of an
         earlier date (in which case they shall have been true and correct as of
         such earlier date).

9.3      NO CLAIMS.

         There shall not be threatened, instituted or pending any Claim by or
         before any court or Governmental Body or other regulatory or
         administrative agency or commission putting into effect, requesting or
         looking toward an order, judgment or decree which (a) restrains,
         prohibits, restricts or limits the consummation of the transactions
         contemplated hereby, or (b) would have a Material Adverse Effect.


         The payment of the Purchase Price by Buyer by wire transfer in
         immediately available funds to an account designated by Seller.

9.5      DOCUMENTS.

         Seller shall have received executed copies of the following documents
         from Buyer, or as may be designated prior to Closing by Buyer, an
         Affiliate or Affiliates of Buyer on the Closing Date:

         (a)      a certificate of Buyer in form and substance reasonably
                  acceptable to Seller, dated the Closing Date, stating that the
                  conditions precedent set forth in Sections 9.1and 9.2 of this
                  Agreement have been satisfied;

         (b)      a copy of the text of the resolutions adopted by the board of
                  directors of Buyer authorizing the execution, delivery and
                  performance of this Agreement and the consummation of all of
                  the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; along with a
                  certificate or certificates executed on behalf of Buyer by its
                  corporate secretary certifying to Seller that such copy is
                  correct and complete, and that such resolutions were duly
                  adopted and have not been amended or rescinded;

         (c)      the Trademark License;

         (d)      the Supply Agreement; and


         (e)      the Transition Services Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE X


         If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or
         unenforceable under present or future laws effective during the term of
         this Agreement, in lieu of such illegal, invalid or unenforceable
         provision, there shall be added automatically as part of this Agreement
         a provision as similar in terms to such illegal, invalid or
         unenforceable provision as may be possible and be legal, valid and
         enforceable consistent with the intentions of the parties, and the
         legality, validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall
         not in any way be affected or impaired.

10.2     NOTICES.

         All notices, demands and other communications to be given or delivered
         under or by reason of the provisions of this Agreement will be in
         writing and will be deemed to have been given when personally delivered
         or three business days after being mailed by first class U.S. mail,
         return receipt requested, or when receipt is acknowledged, if sent by
         facsimile, telecopy or other electronic transmission device. Notices,
         demands and communications to Buyer and Seller will, unless another
         address is specified in writing, be sent to the address indicated

                  NOTICES TO SELLER:

                           ATK Commercial Ammunition Company Inc.
                           c/o Alliant Techsystems Inc.
                           5050 Lincoln Drive
                           Edina, Minnesota 55436
                           Attention:       General Counsel
                           Facsimile:       (952) 351-3027

                  NOTICES TO BUYER:

                           Meade Instruments Corporation
                           6001 Oak Canyon
                           Irvine, California  92618-5200
                           Attention:  Legal Department
                           Facsimile:  (949) 451-1460

                                    WITH A COPY TO:

                                            J. Jay Herron O'Melveny & Myers LLP
                                            114 Pacifica, Suite 100 Irvine, CA



         The headings of Articles and Sections contained in this Agreement are
         for convenience only and shall not be deemed to control or affect the
         meaning or construction of any provision of this Agreement.

10.4     WAIVER.

         The failure of any party to insist, in any one or more instances, upon
         performance of any of the terms, covenants or conditions of this
         Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or a relinquishment of any
         right or claim granted or arising hereunder or of the future
         performance of any such term, covenant, or condition, and such failure
         shall in no way effect the validity of this Agreement or the rights and
         obligations of the parties hereto. Additionally, no waiver of any
         breach of this Agreement shall be a waiver of any subsequent breach.

10.5     BULK SALES ACT.

         Buyer waives compliance by Seller with any bulk sales law which may be
         applicable to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;
         provided, however that Seller agrees to indemnify Buyer and hold it
         harmless from any loss, damage, liability, and expenses (including
         reasonable legal fees) resulting from such noncompliance.




         This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of
         which shall be deemed to be an original, and all of which together
         shall constitute one and the same instrument notwithstanding that any
         parties are not signatories to each counterpart.


         This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the
         parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns.
         This Agreement, together with the Related Agreements and the rights and
         obligations hereunder may not be assigned by either party without the
         express written consent of the other, which consent shall not be


         unreasonably withheld. Nothing in this Section 10.8 shall operate or be
         construed as a restriction on the assignability of any of the Business
         Assets by Buyer after the Closing Date, and Seller hereby consents to
         any such assignment of the Business Assets or any portion thereof
         (including, without limitation, any and all Business Contracts or
         licenses that comprise the Business Assets).

10.9     AMENDMENTS.

         This Agreement may not be modified, amended or supplemented except by
         an agreement in writing signed by each of the parties hereto.


         Nothing herein expressed or implied is intended or shall be construed
         to confer upon or give to any person other than the parties hereto and
         their successors or permitted assigns, any rights or remedies under or
         by reason of this Agreement.


         When the context so requires in this Agreement, words of gender shall
         include either or both genders and the singular number shall include
         the plural.


         This Agreement, with the corporate guarantee, and the Related
         Agreements together with the Schedules and Exhibits hereto and thereto,
         shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto with
         respect to the transactions contemplated hereby and shall supersede all
         prior negotiations, understandings and agreements.


         The parties have participated jointly in the negotiation and drafting
         of this Agreement. If an ambiguity or question of intent or
         interpretation arises, this Agreement shall be construed as if drafted
         jointly by the parties and no presumption or burden of proof shall
         arise favoring or disfavoring any party by virtue of the authorship of
         any of the provisions of this Agreement. Any reference to any federal,
         state, local, or foreign "law" shall be deemed also to refer to all
         rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. The terms "including" is
         not a limitation on that general statement and shall mean "including
         without limitation." All references to Articles, Sections, Schedules
         and Exhibits are to Articles, Sections, Schedules and Exhibits of this


         This Agreement shall become effective upon signature by both parties.



         This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the Closing Date:

         (a)      by the mutual written consent of Buyer and Seller;

         (b)      by Buyer, upon delivery of written notice to Seller if any of
                  the conditions to the Closing set forth in Article VIII shall
                  have become incapable of fulfillment and shall not have been
                  waived in writing by Buyer;

         (c)      by Seller, upon delivery of written notice to Buyer if any of
                  the conditions to the Closing set forth in Article IX have
                  become incapable of fulfillment and shall not have been waived
                  in writing by Seller; or

         (d)      by Buyer or Seller if the Closing Date shall not have occurred
                  by October 9, 2002.

                            SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS.]


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
as of the date first above written.

                          ATK COMMERCIAL AMMUNITION
                          COMPANY INC.

                          By:               /S/ Perri A. Hite
                          Name:             Perri A. Hite
                          Title:   Vice President and Secretary

                          ALLIANT TECHSYSTEMS INC.

                          By:               /S/ Eric S. Rangen
                          Name:             Eric S. Rangen
                          Title:   Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

                          MTSC HOLDINGS, INC.

                          By:               /S/ John C. Diebel
                          Name:             John C. Diebel
                          Title:   Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

                          MEADE INSTRUMENTS CORP.

                          By:               /S/ John C. Diebel
                          Name:             John C. Diebel
                          Title:   Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


                         LIST OF EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES

Exhibit A               Trademark License Agreement
Exhibit B               Transition Services Agreement
Exhibit C               Supply Agreement

Schedule 1.29           Key Employees
Schedule 2.3(a)         Initial Balance Sheet
Schedule 3.4            Required Seller Consents
Schedule 3.6            Undisclosed Liabilities
Schedule 3.7            Non-ordinary or Unusual Course Developments
Schedule 3.8            Real Property Exceptions
Schedule 3.9(a)         Assets Liens and Exceptions to Good and Marketable Title
Schedule 3.10           Accounts Receivable Exceptions
Schedule 3.11           Inventory Exceptions
Schedule 3.12(a)        Summary of All Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights
Schedule 3.12(b)        Exceptions to Ownership of Intellectual Property
Schedule 3.12(c)        Exceptions to Intellectual Property
Schedule 3.12(d)        Exceptions to Intellectual Property
Schedule 3.12(e)        No Infringement Claims or Litigation
Schedule 3.13(c)        Tax Returns
Schedule 3.13(d)        Exceptions to Income Tax Return
Schedule 3.14           Threatened or Pending Litigation
Schedule 3.15           Warranty or Indemnity Provisions
Schedule 3.16           Schedule of Insurance
Schedule 3.17           Listing of Material Contracts
Schedule 3.20(a)        Employee List
Schedule 3.20(c)        Exceptions to Employee Issues
Schedule 3.21(a)        Employee Benefit Plans
Schedule 3.22           Affiliate Transactions
Schedule 3.23(b)        Governmental Licenses
Schedule 3.24           Environmental