401(k) SAVINGS PLAN


                           December 31, 2003 and 2002

                                                       2003             2002
                                                   ------------     ------------

Investments                                        $32,054,610      $16,325,132
Participant notes receivable                         1,489,667        1,318,015
Employer contributions receivable                       51,014           58,232
Employee contributions receivable                      135,609          146,816
Other                                                   21,515               --
                                                   ------------     ------------
   Total investments                                33,752,415       17,848,195
                                                   ------------     ------------

Benefits payable                                     3,557,532        1,691,987
Other                                                   17,651               --
                                                   ------------     ------------
                                                     3,575,183        1,691,987
                                                   ------------     ------------
   Net assets available for plan benefits          $30,177,232      $16,156,208
                                                   ============     ============

     See accompanying notes and report of independent registered public
accounting firm.


                              401(k) SAVINGS PLAN


                    Years Ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001

                                      2003            2002            2001
                                   -------------   -------------   -------------
Investment income:
  Dividend income                  $     44,063    $     67,851    $     94,463
  Interest income                       164,106         187,686         219,148
                                   -------------   -------------   -------------
                                        208,169         255,537         313,611
                                   -------------   -------------   -------------

Administration expense                  (67,908)       (189,212)       (158,408)
Realized gain (loss)                  1,022,083      (1,440,830)     (1,450,177)
Net unrealized appreciation
  in market value of
  investments                        14,554,076       2,630,175       1,519,821
Employee contributions                1,966,932       1,759,504       2,159,034
Employer contributions                  492,169         581,903         991,054
                                   -------------   -------------   -------------
                                     17,967,352       3,341,540       3,061,324

Decrease in fair market
  value of plan benefits
  payable to participants            (4,154,497)     (2,555,376)     (1,547,380)
                                   -------------   -------------   -------------
    Net increase                     14,021,024       1,041,701       1,827,555

Assets transferred to the
  Savings Plan of W&B                        --        (690,383)             --

Net assets available for plan
  benefits at beginning of year      16,156,208      15,804,890      13,977,335
                                   -------------   -------------   -------------
Net assets available for plan
  benefits at end of year          $ 30,177,232    $ 16,156,208    $ 15,804,890
                                   =============   =============   =============

     See accompanying notes and report of independent registered public
accounting firm.


                              401(k) SAVINGS PLAN

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                              December 31, 2003

1.   Description of the Savings Plan

     The Frozen Food Express Industries, Inc. 401(k) Savings Plan (the "Savings
     Plan") is a defined contribution plan covering substantially all employees
     of Frozen Food Express Industries, Inc. ("FFEX") and its wholly-owned
     subsidiaries (the "Employer"). The Savings Plan is designed to comply with
     the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA") and to allow
     employees the option of investing in common stock of the Employer or in
     other investment funds designated by the Savings Plan committee.
     Participants should refer to the Savings Plan agreement for a more complete
     description of the Savings Plan's provisions.

     Contributions - Participants may elect to contribute to the Savings Plan
     through periodic payroll deductions, subject to limits defined by the
     Savings Plan. Employee contributions, excluding rollovers, amounted to
     $1,634,013, $1,665,054, and $2,126,687, in 2003, 2002, and 2001,
     respectively. In addition, Employer cash contributions to the Savings Plan
     amounted to 0, $1,084, and $928,615 in 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.
     During 2003, 2002, and 2001, 133,674, 243,028 and 29,059 shares,
     respectively of FFEX stock, valued at $492,169, $580,819 and $62,439,
     respectively were contributed to the Savings Plan.

     Eligibility - An Employee who completes 90 days of employment with an
     Employer may enter the Savings Plan on the first business day of the month

     Participants' accounts - Each Participant account is credited with the
     Participant's contributions and an allocation of (a) the Employer's
     contributions, and (b) plan earnings. Allocations of plan earnings are
     based on Participants' account balances, allocation of Employers'
     contributions are based on Participants' quarterly contributions, and
     allocations of forfeitures are based on the participants' annual

   Participant Notes Receivable - Participants may borrow from their fund
   accounts an amount not to exceed the lesser of $50,000 or 50% of the
   Participant's vested account balance. Loan transactions are treated as a
   transfer to (from) the investment fund and from (to) Participant Notes
   Receivable. Loan terms range from one to five years or up to ten years for
   the purchase of a primary residence. The loans are secured by the balance in
   the participant's account and bear interest at a reasonable rate as
   determined by the Savings Committee. The interest rates charged for loans
   made in 2003 and 2002 ranged from 5.00% to 5.75%, respectively. Principal and
   interest payments are due in substantially level amortized payments payable
   not less than quarterly through payroll deductions.

   Vesting - Upon termination of employment, participants are entitled to
   receive 100% of their contributions and any earnings thereon. Participants'
   benefits from Employer contributions begin to vest subsequent to completion


     of three years of credited service and vest 100% at completion of seven
     years of credited service as defined by the Savings Plan.

     Investment options - During each of the three years ending December 31,
     2003, Participants could direct employee contributions in any of ten
     investment options, as follows:

     o    Stable Value Fund - The fund invests in assets whose principal value
          remains stable regardless of stock and bond market fluctuations. The
          Savings Plan committee has selected the ABN AMRO Income Plus Fund as
          the investment vehicle for this fund.

     o    Intermediate Bond Fund - The fund invests in fixed-income securities
          including corporate bonds, U.S. government securities, mortgage-
          related securities, and money-market instruments. The Savings Plan
          committee has selected the PIMCO Total Return Institutional Fund as
          the investment vehicle for this fund.

     o    Mixed Investment Fund - The fund may invest a large portion of its
          assets in common stock and convertible securities. Prospective
          dividends and earnings are major considerations in these purchases.
          The Savings Plan committee has selected the ABN AMRO Balanced Class N
          Fund as the investment vehicle for this fund.

     o    Stock Index Fund - The fund attempts to replicate the aggregate return
          and risk of the Standard & Poor's 500 index. The fund will purchase
          all, or a representative sample of all the stocks held in the S&P 500
          index. The Savings Plan committee has selected the ABN AMRO S&P 500
          Index Fund as the investment vehicle for this fund.

     o    Large Cap Growth Stock Fund - The fund seeks capital appreciation by
          investing primarily in securities that are expected to grow at an
          above- average rate. The Savings Plan committee has selected the ABN
          AMRO Growth Class N Fund as the investment vehicles for this fund.

     o    Large Cap Value Stock Fund - The fund seeks capital by investing in
          large companies that are currently considered undervalued or
          demonstrate growth in earnings and revenue. The Savings Plan Committee
          has selected the Van Kampen Growth and Income Fund as the investment
          vehicle for this fund.

     o    Small Cap Growth Stock Fund - The fund invests primarily in common
          stocks and favors securities of companies expected to benefit from
          special favors or trends. The Savings Plan committee has selected the
          ABN AMRO/Veredus Aggressive Growth Fund as the investment vehicle for
          this fund.

     o    Small Cap Value Stock Fund - The fund seeks capital growth by
          investing in small-sized companies that are currently considered
          undervalued or demonstrate growth in earnings and revenue. The Savings
          Plan committee has selected the Royce Low Priced Stock Fund as the
          investment vehicle for this fund.

     o    International Stock Fund - The fund invests primarily in stocks and
          debt securities of companies and governments outside the United


          States. The Savings Plan committee has selected the Julius Baer
          International Equity Fund as the investment vehicle for this fund.

     o    Frozen Food Express Industries, Inc. Unitized Stock Fund - Funds that
          are invested in the common stock of FFEX and a very modest amount of
          cash and cash equivalents.

     Administration - The Savings Plan is administered by a committee appointed
     by the Board of Directors of FFEX. Administrative expenses not paid by FFEX
     are paid by the Savings Plan.

     Termination of the Plan - While no Employer has not expressed any intent to
     discontinue its contributions, Employers are free to discontinue
     contributions and FFEX may terminate the Savings Plan at any time. If
     terminated, net assets of the Savings Plan would be distributed to
     Participants and beneficiaries as prescribed by the terms of the Savings
     Plan, in accordance with ERISA. Upon termination of the Savings Plan,
     Participants' accounts become 100% vested.

     Tax status - The United States Treasury Department has advised that the
     Savings Plan constitutes a qualified trust under Section 401(a) of the
     Internal Revenue Code (the "Code") and is therefore exempt from federal
     income tax under provisions of Section 501(a) of the Code. The plan has
     been amended since receiving the determination letter to conform with
     recent changes in the tax code. The plan administrator and the plan's tax
     counsel believe that the plan is currently designed and being operated in
     compliance with the applicable requirements of the Internal Revenue Code.
     Participant contributions, Employer contributions, and earnings from the
     Savings Plan are not includable in the Participant's taxable income until
     such amounts are distributed to the Participant or to the Participant's

     Forfeited accounts - At December 31, 2003, forfeited nonvested accounts
     totaled $42,391. These accounts will be used to reduce Employer expenses.
     During 2003, Employer contributions were reduced by $24,721 from forfeited
     nonvested accounts.

2.   Summary of significant accounting policies

     Basis of accounting - The financial statements of the Savings Plan are
     under the accrual method of accounting.

     Accounting estimates - The preparation of financial statements in
     conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United
     States of America requires the Savings Plan committee to make estimates and
     assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
     disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the
     financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses
     during the reported period. Actual outcomes may vary from these estimates.

     Valuation of investments - Investments are valued based on the quoted
     market price on the last day of the year. The change in the difference
     between current market value and cost of the investment is reflected in the
     statement of changes in net assets available for plan benefits by
     investment fund as net unrealized appreciation or depreciation in market
     value of investments.


3.   The following presents net assets of investments at December 31, 2003 and

                                                         2003           2002
                                                     ------------   ------------

Frozen Food Express Industries, Inc. Unitized
    Stock Fund, 1,782,014 shares                     $20,066,918
ABN AMRO Income Plus Fund,
    247,511 shares                                     1,467,784
PIMCO Total Return Institutional Fund,
    147,519 and 113,406 shares, respectively           1,449,494    $ 1,152,218
ABN AMRO Balanced Class N Fund, 152,386 shares         1,507,990
ABN AMRO S&P 500 Index Fund,
     196,075 shares                                      799,912
ABN AMRO Growth Class N Fund, 47,848 shares              910,520
Van Kampen Growth & Income Fund,
     56,896 shares                                       894,899
Julius Baer International Equity Fund,
     25,919 shares                                       481,738
ABN AMRO/Veredus Aggressive Growth Fund,
     57,052 shares                                       810,623
Royce Low Price Stock Fund,
     27,323 shares                                       297,687
Frozen Food Express Industries, Inc. Common
     Stock, 3,794,603 shares                                          8,690,769
Scudder International Equity Fund,
     14,090 shares                                                      213,859
Baron Asset Fund, 11,780 shares                                         390,337
Dreyfus Appreciation Fund, 18,615 shares                                551,187
Schwab S&P 500 Index Fund, 45,462 shares                                590,422
MFS Massachusetts Investment Trust Fund-
     Class A, 64,448 shares                                             778,211
Janus Balanced Fund, 76,987 shares                                    1,303,684
Invesco Technology II, 2,847 shares                                      48,932
Managers Special Equity Fund, 2,945 shares                              162,090
Schwab Institutional Advantage Money Fund,
     956,484 shares                                                     956,484
                                                     ------------   ------------
                                                     $28,687,565    $14,838,193
                                                     ============   ============

* Nonparticipant-directed shares at December 31, 2003 and 2002 respectively were
  1,233,046 and 1,783,689 with net asset value of $8,187,425 and $4,632,242.

During 2003, the Plan's investments (including gains and losses on investments
bought and sold, as well as held during the year) appreciated in value by
$13,849,372 as follows:

                                   Mutual Funds       $11,566,636
                                   Common Stock         2,282,736


4.   Income Tax Status

     The Savings Plan obtained its latest determination letter on August 29,
     1996, in which the Internal Revenue Service stated that the plan, as then
     designed, was in compliance with the applicable requirements of the
     Internal Revenue Code. The Savings Plan has been amended since receiving
     the determination letter. However, the Savings Plan administrator and the
     tax counsel believe that the Savings Plan is currently designed and being
     operated in compliance with the applicable requirements of the Internal
     Revenue Code. Therefore, no provision for income taxes has been reflected
     in the Savings Plan's financial statements.

5.   Plan Amendment

     During the year, the plan was amended to conform with certain changes in
     the tax code as a result of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief
     Reconciliation Act of 2001. Changes to the plan included catch-up
     provisions, new vesting schedule, increases in salary deferral limits and
     other related items.

6.   Divestiture

     In May 2002, approximately $690,000 was transferred to the Savings Plan of
     one of the Sponsor's former subsidiaries and is reflected on the Statement
     of Changes in Net Assets.



The Administrative Committee of the
  Frozen Food Express Industries, Inc. 401(k) Savings Plan;

We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets available for plan
benefits of the Frozen Food Express Industries, Inc. 401(k) Savings Plan (the
"Plan") as of December 31, 2003 and 2002, and the related statements of changes
in net assets available for plan benefits for each of the three years in the
period ended December 31, 2003. These financial statements are the
responsibility of the Plan's management. Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our 2002 audit in accordance with generally accepted accounting
standards in the United States. We conducted our 2003 audit in accordance with
the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States).
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the net assets available for plan benefits of the Plan as
of December 31,2003 and 2002, and the changes in net assets available for plan
benefits in each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2003 in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of

Our audits were made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic
financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental schedules on pages 19,
20, and 21 are presented for the purpose of additional analysis and are not a
required part of the basic financial statements but are supplementary
information required by the Department of Labor's Rules and Regulations for
Reporting and Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
1974. The supplemental schedules on pages 19, 20 and 21 have been subjected to
the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements
and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to
the foregoing basic financial statements taken as a whole.

/s/ Waters, Wright & Associates, LLP
- ------------------------------------
Mansfield, Texas
June 25, 2004


                             SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES


                               401(k) SAVINGS PLAN
                                    PLAN 001
                                 EIN 75-1031831

                     SCHEDULE H, LINE 4i-SCHEDULE OF ASSETS
                              (HELD AT END OF YEAR)

                                December 31, 2003

          (a)                         (b)                (c)           (d)
                                 Description of                      Current
   Identity of Issue               Investment           Cost          Value
- ------------------------     ---------------------  ------------   ------------
         Cash                United States Dollars  $    13,162    $    13,162

*  Frozen Food Express
    Industries, Inc.
     Unitized Stock Fund       1,782,014 shares      10,317,874     22,613,208

   ABN AMRO Income
    Plus Fund                    247,511 shares       1,312,467      1,354,815

   PIMCO Total Return
    Institutional Fund           147,519 shares       1,582,130      1,579,928

   ABN AMRO Balanced
    Class N Fund                 152,386 shares       1,562,228      1,731,104

   ABN AMRO S&P 500
    Index Fund                   196,075 shares         726,099        879,590

   ABN AMRO Growth
    Class N Fund                  47,848 shares         900,154      1,051,210

   VAN Kampen Growth
    And Income Fund               56,896 shares         859,352      1,026,411

   ABN AMRO/Veredus
    Aggressive Growth Fund        57,052 shares         689,508        887,731

   Royce Low Priced
    Stock Fund                    27,323 shares         314,892        381,971

   Julius Baer
    International Equity
    Fund                          25,919 shares         443,537        535,480
                                                    ------------   ------------
                                                    $18,721,403    $32,054,610
                                                    ============   ============

   Participants' notes  Interest bearing notes at
    receivable            5.00%-5.75%                   N/A        $ 1,489,667

*  Party-in-interest to the plan.


                               401(k) SAVINGS PLAN
                                    PLAN 001
                                 EIN 75-1031831

                     SCHEDULE H, LINE 4i-SCHEDULE OF ASSETS

                                December 31, 2003

          (a)                         (b)                (c)           (d)
                                 Description of
   Identity of Issue               Investment           Cost         Proceeds
- ------------------------     ---------------------  ------------   ------------

Frozen Food
Industries, Inc.
Common Stock                    *  2,173 Shares     $     7,891    $     5,592

Frozen Food
Industries, Inc.
Unitized Stock Fund             *588,941 shares     $ 3,096,625    $ 5,243,622

*    These are total shares sold within the plan year, not necessarily just
     those shares acquired and disposed within the plan year.

     All other investment assets that were both acquired and disposed of during
     the plan year were interests issued by a company register ed under the
     Investment Company Act of 1940. Therefore, these transactions are excluded
     from this schedule in accordance with the Specific Instructions for Form


                               401(k) SAVINGS PLAN
                                    PLAN 001
                                 EIN 75-1031831


                                December 31, 2003

      (a)             (b)                     (g)          (h)
 Identity of                    Shares/                   Market      Net Gain
Party Involved   Description    Units        Cost         Value       or (Loss)
- --------------   -----------    -------      ----        --------    ----------

Frozen Food
Inc. *      Unitized Stock     2,370,954  $13,414,499  $30,086,677  $16,672,178

ABN AMRO    Stable Value         380,889    2,025,673    2,084,893       59,220

ABN AMRO    Intermediate Bond    210,269    2,257,603    2,251,986       (5,617)

ABN AMRO    Balanced             193,716    1,984,997    2,200,618      215,621

ABN AMRO    Stock Index          247,615      916,239    1,110,801      194,562

ABN AMRO    Large-cap Growth      68,032    1,278,142    1,494,663      216,521

Van Kampen  Large-cap Value       71,059    1,071,702    1,281,898      210,196

ABN AMRO    Small-cap Growth      88,050    1,054,456    1,370,056      315,600

Royce       Small-cap Value       35,749      408,834      499,768       90,934

Julius Baer International Stock   32,378      550,877      668,932      118,055

* Party in interest to the Plan
