Direct Dial: (714) 641-3466

                                December 2, 2004

Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549-0406

Attn:  Matthew Benson, Esq.

         Re:      Superior Galleries, Inc.
                  Registration Statement on Form SB-2
                  Commission File No. 333-119253

Dear Mr. Benson:

         We are concurrently filing Amendment No. 1 to the Registration
Statement on Form SB-2 of Superior Galleries, Inc., File No. 333-119253. This
letter is in response to your comment letter of October 22, 2004. The paragraph
numbers set forth below correspond to the paragraph numbers set forth in your
October 22, 2004 letter. The page number references in the headings below are to
the page numbers of the original Registration Statement, not this Amendment.

Registration Fee Table
- ----------------------

1.       Regarding your comment pertaining to Rule 416, please note that the
         intent of footnote 1 under the Registration Fee Table was not to
         include in the Registration Statement shares issuable under a "floating
         conversion rate." Instead, that language is intended to address
         conventional antidilution adjustments, as described in Rule 416 and
         Telephone Interpretation No. 3S included in the March 1999 Supplement
         of the Telephone Interpretations Manual. The antidilution provisions
         include conventional "cheap stock" protections, which provide for an
         adjustment to the conversion ratio if the Company issues stock in the
         future at a price less than the current conversion price, but if there
         is no such issuance then no adjustment is made, other than for stock
         splits, stock dividends, etc. We have modified the language of footnote
         1 under the Registration Fee Table and footnote 2 under the Principal
         and Selling Shareholders table on page 43 of the Prospectus in order to
         clarify this issue. Please see also our additional disclosure regarding
         adjustments in the conversion rate in the prospectus on pages 48 and

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Page 2

Cover Page
- ----------

2.       We have made several changes to the cover page in response to this
         comment. However, please note that Stanford Venture Capital Holdings,
         Inc. does not presently intend to sell all of its shares of common
         stock, as suggested in your letter. The resale of these shares is being
         registered by the Company in order to comply with a contractual
         requirement to do so, and in order to provide Stanford with the
         flexibility to sell the shares at a future time should it wish to do

3.       We have updated the closing stock price to the most recent practicable
         date. Please note that since this stock is very thinly traded, there
         may not be a closing sale price for every trading day.

Prospectus Summary, page 3
- --------------------------

4.       We have made the change you requested, on page 3.

5.       We would like to retain the last sentence of the second paragraph under
         "Our Company," on page 3, so that it is clear to the reader that in
         making these references, we refer to both Superior Galleries, Inc., and
         its immediate predecessor, Tangible Asset Galleries, Inc. We believe
         that otherwise there is a possibility of confusion arising from the
         change in name and domicile of the Company that occurred on June 30,

The Offering, page 4
- --------------------

6.       We have deleted the third bullet point under footnote 2 on page 4, as
         it is unnecessary.

Risk Factors, page 5
- --------------------

7.       We have revised the risk factor subheadings, as requested.

8.       We have eliminated the generic disclosures contained in the risk
         factors section, as requested.

9.       We have added a new risk factor on page 11 regarding the potential
         adjustment of the conversion ratios for the Company's Series B
         Preferred Stock and Series D Preferred Stock.

10.      As requested, we have relocated the risk factor regarding Stanford
         Venture Capital Holdings, Inc.'s control to page 6, as the fifth risk

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11.      We have added a new risk factor regarding the Company's indebtedness on
         page 6. It is not true, however, that the Company will need to incur
         more indebtedness to service its indebtedness, as the Company's current
         indebtedness is being serviced from cash flow from operations. Our risk
         factor captioned "If we are unable to obtain additional capital..." on
         page 8 discusses the possible effects of the Company's inability to
         raise additional capital. With respect to the last sentence of comment
         11, the Company is currently in compliance with all terms of its

Our business of selling premium collectibles..., page 5
- -------------------------------------------------------

12.      We have added the requested disclosure regarding the Company's primary
         competitors. See the risk factor captioned "If we are unable to compete
         successfully..." on page 5.

Our success depends on our management team..., page 7
- -----------------------------------------------------

13.      The risk factor regarding the Company's management team has been
         revised as requested, and now pertains only to its CEO, Silvano
         DiGenova. See the risk factor captioned "The loss of the services of
         our Chief Executive Officer..." on page 7.

Our quarterly operating results may vary..., page 7
- ---------------------------------------------------

14.      The risk factor regarding variations in operating results has been
         revised to more clearly describe the risks we face. See the risk factor
         captioned "Our quarterly operating results may vary..." on pages 7-8.

Shares of our common stock eligible or to become eligible..., page 10
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

15.      This risk factor has been revised to explain the volume limitations and
         other requirements of Rule 144. See the first risk factor on page 10.

Our common stock price is subject to significant volatility..., page 11
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

16.      As requested, we have deleted the reference to securities analysts and
         the class action litigation from this risk factor. The disclosure
         regarding the reasons for potential volatility in our stock price have
         also been revised. See the risk factor captioned "Our common stock
         price is potentially..." on page 10.

Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements, page 12
- ----------------------------------------------------------

17.      As requested, we have deleted the word "will" from the list of words
         appearing in the first sentence of the second paragraph under "Special
         Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements."

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Price Range of Common Stock, page 14
- ------------------------------------

18. We have deleted the reference to "NASD," as requested.

Management's Discussion and Analysis, page 17
- ---------------------------------------------

19.      Please refer to the substantial additional disclosure in the text
         regarding known trends and uncertainties. This disclosure appears in
         the Management's Discussion and Analysis section under "Trends and

20.      Please note that the Company is no longer an issuer of penny stock,
         since it has had average revenue of more than $6 million for the last
         three years, and thus is excluded from the definition of "penny stock"
         under Securities Exchange Act Rule 3a51-1(g)(2).

21.      We have added a discussion of a critical accounting policy relating to
         inventory valuation. See "Critical Accounting Policies; Inventory
         Valuation" on page 18. We have added Schedule II - Valuation and
         Qualifying Accounts, as requested.

Years Ended June 30, 2004 and 2003, page 19
- -------------------------------------------

22.      We have added a definition of "hammer prices realized" in the first
         full paragraph under the table on page 19. This is the first reference
         in the prospectus to this term.

23.      We have added a discussion of the seasonal aspects that affect the
         Company's results of operations, on page 22 in the last paragraph under
         "Years Ended June 30, 2004 and 2003; Total Revenue."

24.      As requested, we have added information relating to the reasons for
         material changes in revenues, costs of sales and selling, general and
         administrative costs. Please be advised, however, that the Company is
         unable to quantify the cost benefits realized from its operational
         consolidation efforts, as these efforts have resulted in reductions in
         some fixed expenses, but increases in other fixed expenses and in
         variable expenses. Although there were cost savings resulting from the
         consolidation efforts, the Company's operations were simultaneously
         expanding due to a significant increase in its sales during that same
         period. It is not possible to separately quantify the cost savings
         achieved when the operations were growing at the same time. We have
         added disclosure regarding the impact of additional auction and
         customer advances on the Company's business under "Total Revenue."

25.      We have revised the disclosure relating to factors that affect the
         Company's gross margins on pages 19, 21 and 22 under "Cost of Sales"
         and "Gross Profit." However, the Company is unable to specifically
         quantify the amounts of the various factors that affect gross margin.

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         Gross margin analyses for this company are inherently unquantifiable
         because they are dependent on the Company's exposure over the relevant
         periods of time to opportunities to purchase rare coins at or below
         market value. These opportunities are unpredictable.

Impairment of Goodwill, page 20
- -------------------------------

26. We have identified the SGBH auction unit as "Superior Galleries Beverly
Hills," under "Impairment of Goodwill" on page 22.

Liquidity and Capital Resources, page 21
- ----------------------------------------

Financing Activities, page 21
- -----------------------------

27.      We have provided the requested disclosure relating to the $2,500,000
         loan from a private investor, including the absence of any accrued
         interest, the status of negotiations with the lender, a discussion of
         the associated risk factors and the effect on the Company's financial
         condition if this line of credit is called. See the fourth and eighth
         paragraphs under "Financing Activities--Debt."

28.      We have provided the requested disclosure regarding the Company's
         subordinated note payable to its CEO. This discussion does not include
         a discussion of the effect of the Company's liquidity if the CEO were
         to request payment of the note, as the Company has already received a
         commitment from the CEO to extend the term of this note, as described
         in this new disclosure.

29.      We have incorporated the Commercial Loan and Security Agreement as a
         material exhibit, as referred to in Exhibit 10.7. A discussion of the
         risks related to this loan agreement appears under "Risk Factors - The
         high level of our debt..." and "--if we are unable to pay our secured
         debt..." on page 6.

30.      As requested, we have identified the purchasers of the Company's Series
         B Preferred Stock and Series D Preferred Stock. See "Financing
         Activities--Equity" on page 26.

31.      As requested, we have disclosed that the Company is currently in
         compliance with all of its financial covenants in the last paragraph
         under "Financing Activities--Debt" on page 26.

Contractual Obligations Table, page 24
- --------------------------------------

32.      We have revised the table regarding contractual obligations on page 27
         to provide additional information in the footnotes regarding the
         interest requirements of the debt that has been identified. Please note

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Page 6

         that we are unable to provide meaningful estimates of future interest
         that will be payable because the principal amount of this debt is
         likely to fluctuate significantly. Please also note that we believe the
         table need not meet the technical requirements of Regulation S-K, Item
         303(a)(5), as the Company is a small business issuer and its disclosure
         is governed by Regulation S-B. As requested, we confirm that the table
         includes all the required categories of the Company's contractual

         With respect to your question regarding the Guaranteed Liquidity and
         Buyback at Grade Warranty, note that we have added footnote 4 to this
         table, which describes why we do not include any estimate of future
         payments under this warranty.

Business, page 25
- -----------------

Background of the Coin and Collectibles Industry, page 26
- ---------------------------------------------------------

33.      As requested, we have deleted several phrases which may be considered

34.      As requested, we have deleted the reference to Sotheby's Holdings and
         its stock symbol.

Auction Operations, page 28
- ---------------------------

35.      While the Company believes that the statement regarding the relative
         size of Superior Galleries is true, we have deleted it from the
         disclosure, nonetheless.

Competition, page 29
- --------------------

36.      As requested, we have described in further detail the methods of
         competition used by the Company. See "Business--Competition" on page
         32. Please note that the disclosure pertains to the Company's methods
         of competition, which may apply equally to the Company's competitors.
         We do not believe that this disclosure implies that the Company is the
         only competitor that engages in these competitive activities, but only
         that these are the more important methods of competition that apply to
         the industry generally.

Regulation, page 29
- -------------------

37.      We have added additional disclosure regarding the possible
         ramifications from the potential adoption of new regulations, as
         described in the "Regulation" section. The new disclosure appears on
         pages 32 and 33, under "Business - Regulation."

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Management, page 32
- -------------------

38.      Under "Management - Directors and Executive Officers," we have revised
         Mr. DiGenova's biography as requested.

39.      Similarly, we have modified the biography for Mr. Wolfe.

40.      As requested, we have modified the biography of Mr. Biberkraut.

41.      As requested, we have also modified the biography of Mr. Ittner.

Employment Agreements, page 34
- ------------------------------

42.      Under "Management; Executive Compensation - Employment Agreements," we
         have deleted the references to Mr. DiGenova's potential bonuses. Mr.
         DiGenova has now waived his rights to those bonuses.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, page 36
- -------------------------------------------------------

43.      The disclosure regarding the reduction in the exercise price in certain
         outstanding warrants has been extensively revised, as requested. See
         "Certain Relationships and Related Transactions" on page 40.

44.      You are advised that the Company's shareholders did not approve the
         issuance of preferred securities to Stanford. No such approval was
         required under Nevada law (which governed the Company at the time) or
         under any applicable OTC Bulletin Board rules. The transactions were
         approved by the disinterested members of the Board of Directors.

45.      As requested, we have filed the Consulting Agreement with Stanford
         Venture Capital Holdings, Inc., as Exhibit 10.16. We have added
         disclosure indicating that the fees paid in connection with this
         Agreement are comparable to or less than those that could have been
         obtained through an unrelated third party. See the third paragraph on
         page 40.

46.      The disclosure relating to the sublease of the Newport Beach facility
         to our CEO has been modified to make it clear that the sublease has
         already terminated. See the last sentence under "Certain Relationships
         and Related Transactions."

47.      We have added disclosure regarding the terms of the working capital
         advance from our CEO, on page 40. With respect to your comment
         regarding the terms for the purchase price of the art inventory, please

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         note that the disclosure indicates that the Company received bids from
         unrelated third parties, and the bid received from the CEO was the

Principal and Selling Shareholders, page 37
- -------------------------------------------

48.      We have identified the natural persons who have the voting and
         investment control for the entities set forth in the Principal and
         Selling Shareholder chart.

49.      You are advised that Stanford Venture Capital Holdings, Inc., is
         affiliated with Stanford Group Company, a broker dealer. Footnote
         number 9 to the Principal and Selling Shareholders table now discloses
         this fact.

50.      As requested, this will confirm that Stanford Venture Capital Holdings,
         Inc., has represented that it purchased the securities for investment
         and that it did not purchase them with a view towards distribution.
         Stanford further represented that at the time of purchase, it did not
         have any agreements or understandings, directly or indirectly, with any
         person to distribute the securities.

51.      As discussed in our response to comment no. 2 above, we have been
         advised by Stanford that it does not have a present intent to dispose
         of all of its securities that are included in the Registration
         Statement. Instead, the filing of the Registration Statement is to
         permit Superior Galleries to comply with a contractual requirement to
         file this Registration Statement and in order to provide Stanford with
         flexibility in selling its shares, should it subsequently elect to do

52.      The material relationships between the Company and the selling
         stockholders are described in footnotes 9, 12 and 13 on page 43. With
         respect to your inquiry regarding the manner in which the selling
         shareholders acquired their securities: (a) Stanford purchased them in
         private transactions from Superior Galleries; (b) Daniel Bogar, William
         Fusselmann, Osvaldo Pi and Ronald M. Stein, all of whom are affiliates
         of Stanford, received theirs through the exercise of warrants
         originally issued to Stanford, which assigned the warrants to them; (c)
         Coffin Partners, LLC, received their shares in a private transaction in
         consideration of services rendered to the Company; and (d) Cisneros
         Capital Group, Inc., acquired its shares in open market transactions
         and in private transactions from Messrs. Bogar, Fusselmann, Pi and

53.      As requested, we have separately identified the holdings of our
         officers and directors in the Principal and Selling Shareholders table.

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Plan of Distribution, page 39
- -----------------------------

54.      As requested, this will confirm the Company's awareness that prior to
         any involvement of a broker dealer in the offering, the broker dealer
         must seek and obtain clearance of the underwriting compensation and
         arrangements from the NASD Corporate Finance Department.

55.      As requested, we have provided additional information regarding Rule
         144 on pages 44 and 45.

Series B $1.00 Convertible Preferred Stock, page 42
- ---------------------------------------------------

56.      Under "Description of Capital Stock - Series B $1.00 Convertible
         Preferred Stock" and "- Series D $1.00 Convertible Preferred Stock," we
         have added additional language regarding the adjustment provisions
         relating to the conversion ratio.

Where You Can Find More Information, page 47
- --------------------------------------------

57.      We have revised "Where You Can Find More Information" as requested.

Financial Statements for the year ended June 30, 2004
- -----------------------------------------------------

Independent Auditors' Consent
- -----------------------------

58.      We have filed with this Amendment both the Financial Statement Schedule
         (see page F-38) and the Report of Singer Lewak Greenbaum & Goldstein,
         LLP thereon (see page F-37).

Note 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, page F-13
- -------------------------------------------------------------

Revenue Recognition, page F-15
- ------------------------------

59.      In footnote 1, under "Revenue Recognition," we have added disclosure
         relating to the timing for revenue recognition. With respect to your
         inquiry regarding the nature of the "retail sales," you are advised
         that the Company's retail sales are a combination of mail-order sales
         and transactions at trade shows, although there are limited
         point-of-sale transactions at the Company's Beverly Hills store. The
         only other return policy that the Company has is that it will
         repurchase the coin if the customer can demonstrate that the coin is
         not authentic or that there was an error in the description of a graded
         coin. Additional disclosure relating to this policy has been added
         under "Revenue Recognition" on page F-15. The only other recourse that
         a buyer has is to offer the coin for sale to the Company, but the
         Company is not obligated to accept this offer.

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Page 10

Stock Based Compensation, page F-18
- -----------------------------------

60.      Regarding your comment pertaining to "stock based compensation," note
         that the second chart on page F-17, under the 2004 column, discloses
         the employee compensation expense for that year relating to option
         issues. There was no similar expense in 2003 because no options were
         issued that year.

Segment Reporting, page F-19
- ----------------------------

61.      The Company believes that it meets the aggregation tests set forth in
         SFAS 131, paragraph 17. With respect to the nature of its products and
         services, please note that the Company sells rare coins to other
         dealers, collectors or the general public through various channels,
         including point of sale, internet, live auctions, mail order and trade
         shows. Whether a customer is classified as wholesale, retail or
         auction, they are all offered the same products through the same
         distribution channels. With respect to the production process, this
         does not apply to the Company as it does not "produce" goods. With
         respect to the characteristics of our customers, there is no clear
         distinction between wholesale, retail and auction customers. "Wholesale
         revenue" could include customers that were previously treated as
         "retail," but due to their sophistication, knowledge and buying power,
         will receive the pricing that a more traditional wholesale customer
         would receive. Auction commission revenue is received from both
         wholesale and retail customers. These customers bid against each other
         at auctions, and therefore receive the same pricing and terms. The
         difference in gross profit percentage between a "wholesale" and
         "retail" sale is not solely dependent on their type, but on the type of
         coin they buy and the Company's ability to purchase at a favorable
         price. There is no distinction between the types of coins sold, based
         on a particular customer type. With regard to distribution methods, all
         of the Company's customers are able to buy and are marketed to in the
         same venues, including point of sale, internet, live auctions, mail
         order and trade shows. The Company's advertising is directed to all
         classes of customers and many publications that have readerships that
         are both "dealer" and "collector" oriented. With regard to art, fine
         collectibles and other revenue, it did not at any time represent more
         than 10% of the Company's revenue, net income or loss and thus was
         aggregated into the collectibles segment. Finally, as indicated in our
         response to comment 63, the Company does not operate in foreign
         countries, although many of its customers are abroad. The disclosure
         that previously indicated that the Company "operated" in foreign
         countries has been changed accordingly.

- -------

62.      Regarding your question concerning shipping and handling costs, please
         note that the coins in many of the Company's transactions are
         hand-delivered, and therefore there are no shipping costs associated

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Page 11

         with these transactions. In those cases where there are shipping costs,
         they are not material because rare coins are small in size and weight.
         When shipped to the customer, they are typically sent via certified

63.      The references to operations in foreign countries have been removed.
         While the Company has some customers in foreign countries, it has no
         operations outside of the United States. All of the Company's
         transactions are in United States dollars.

64.      The Company does not believe that an accounting policy note regarding
         the costs included in inventories is appropriate, because the Company
         does not allocate any indirect costs to its inventory. Its operations
         more closely resemble those of a distributor, since the coins are not
         "processed" like manufactured goods.

Note 2. Inventories, page F-21
- ------------------------------

65.      Regarding the footnote relating to "Inventories," on page F-20, we have
         changed the word "appropriate" to read "proportional." The Company
         records only its proportional share of the inventory that is subject to
         the joint ventures or purchase financing arrangements.

Note 5. Auction and Customer Advances, page F-22
- ------------------------------------------------

66.      We have added additional disclosure in footnote 5, "Auction and
         Customer Advances," relating to the terms of those advances.

Note 7.  Lines-of-Credit, page 24
- -------  ------------------------

67.      Footnote 7, "Lines-of-Credit," has been supplemented to add disclosure
         regarding the balance of the Auction Line of Credit on June 30, 2003.
         Since there was no balance at that date, it is not reflected in the
         Company's June 30, 2003 balance sheet.

Note 11. Equity, page F-30
- --------------------------

Sale and Redemption of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock
- -----------------------------------------------------------

68.      The expense associated with the issuance of a warrant to purchase 6,250
         common shares, as reflected on page F-29, was recorded in the fiscal
         year ended June 30, 2002. Disclosure to this effect has been added on
         page F-29. This expense was very minimal because the warrants had very
         little value at that time.

69.      Regarding the required redemption of the Company's Series A Preferred
         Stock, you are advised that the $343,750 of the redemption price that
         is classified as a long-term liability was so classified because it is

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Page 12

         not payable until after fiscal 2005. The terms of the redemption
         requirements state that the redemption payments are to be made in ten
         equal quarterly installments commencing June 30, 2004. Accordingly,
         there are five payments due in the current year (June 30, September 30
         and December 31, 2004, and March 31 and June 30, 2005), and the balance
         due after that time. Additional disclosure has been added on page F-29
         to this effect.

Series B Convertible Preferred Stock
- ------------------------------------

70.      We have added disclosure in footnote 11, under "Series B Convertible
         Preferred Stock," as requested relating to the issuance of the Series B
         Preferred Stock. Similar information has also been added on page 48,
         under "Series B $1.00 Convertible Preferred Stock."

Stock Options
- -------------

71.      We have added the additional required disclosure in Note 11.

72.      The staffing agency used by the Company, Administaff, is a professional
         employer organization that provides payroll and human resources
         services. In order for the Company's employees to participate in the
         benefits provided by Administaff, they must be employees of both
         Administaff and Superior Galleries. Superior Galleries, however, is
         responsible for the hiring, firing and daily supervision of those
         employees. These employees devote 100% of their working time to
         Superior Galleries, Inc. Administaff has no involvement in any issues
         pertaining to the control of the employees.

Part II
- -------

- --------

73.      The following additional documents have been filed as exhibits to this
         Registration Statement:

         Description/Title                                        Exhibit No.
         -----------------                                        -----------

         Liquidation Preferences Agreement                           4.11

         Registration Rights Agreement dated                         10.4
           February 14, 2003

         Secured Revolving Line of                                   10.9
            Credit Agreement

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         Description/Title                                        Exhibit No.
         -----------------                                        -----------

         Renewal and Modification                                   10.10

         Promissory Note to Silvano DiGenova dated                  10.11
           February 10, 2003

         Promissory Note to Silvano DiGenova dated                  10.12
           December 10, 2002

         Promissory Note to Silvano DiGenova dated                  10.13
           December 13, 2002

         Series D Preferred Stock Purchase and                      10.14
           Warrant Exercise Agreement

         Share Exchange and Note Modification                       10.15
           Agreement dated January 31, 2003

         Consulting Agreement with Stanford                         10.16
           Venture Capital Holdings, Inc.

         Independent Contractor and Proprietary Rights Agreement    10.17
           with Stephen Deeds, Inc.

         As requested, this confirms that upon the filing of these documents,
         the Company has filed all of its material agreements as exhibits to the
         Registration Statement.

Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities
- ---------------------------------------

74.      The numerous issuances of securities described in Part II of the
         Registration Statement should not be integrated because they are not
         part of a single plan of financing. Instead, they reflect a collection
         of separate, miscellaneous issuances which were agreed to individually
         and at different times in response to different business needs. This is
         evidenced by the fact that there are many different kinds of
         consideration received in connection with these issuances. Several of
         them were for cash, such as the April 10, 2002 issuance of Series B
         Preferred Stock, but others were for: (a) inducements to employees or
         directors (see paragraphs 1, 13, 15 and 16 of Part II, Item 26); (b) an

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         agreement to provide a guaranty for the benefit of the Company (see
         paragraph 3); (c) an agreement to extend financing terms (see paragraph
         2); (d) the satisfaction of contractual claims of a consultant (see
         paragraph 4); (e) the satisfaction of contractual claims of a creditor
         (see paragraph 6); (f) an agreement to assume obligations (see
         paragraph 8); and (g) consulting and other services (see paragraphs 14
         and 17).

         In addition, the issuances were not made at or about the same time. The
         time period in question extends from November 2001 to November 2004.
         During these three years, there were two periods of more than six
         months during which no issuances were made, first, from April 10, 2002
         to February 14, 2003, and second, from September 2003 to April 2004.
         These extended periods during which no issuances were made evidence the
         fact that there was no single plan of financing.

         Finally, while many of the issuances were for common stock or options
         to purchase common stock, several other types of securities were also
         issued. Two of the transactions involved Series B Preferred Stock and
         Series D Preferred Stock, and the others involved indebtedness.

         Thus, except for the fact that many of the transaction involve common
         stock, there was virtually no connection between the transactions in
         regards to any of the accepted indicia of an integrated offering: (a)
         single plan financing; (b) transactions were at or about the same time;
         (c) transactions involved the same type of consideration; and (d)
         transactions were made for the same general purpose.

- ------------

75.      We have revised this undertaking as requested.

Form 10-KSB for the Year Ended June 30, 2004
- --------------------------------------------

76.      This will confirm that the Company will amend its Annual Report on Form
         10-KSB for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004, to include the
         disclosure changes set forth in the Registration Statement. However, we
         would prefer to wait until we have received the staff's concurrence
         with respect to all of the proposed changes to the Registration
         Statement before actually amending the Form 10-KSB, in order to avoid
         potentially having to amend the Annual Report multiple times.

Item 8A. Controls and Procedures, page 25
- -----------------------------------------

77.      Item 8A of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the year
         ended June 30, 2004 will be amended as you have requested. The Company
         will make these changes at the same time that it makes the changes
         referred to in comment 76 above.

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78.      Similarly, these additional changes to Item 8A of the Company's Annual
         Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended June 30, 2004 will be made
         concurrently with the changes referred to in comments 76 and 77 above.

         I look forward to discussing the foregoing with you at your
convenience. My direct phone number is (714) 641-3466.

                                                     Very truly yours,

                                                     RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP

                                                     /s/ TOM BROCKINGTON

                                                     Thomas G. Brockington
