REVISED LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING
                                 AUGUST 11, 2004

In consideration of the reassignment of the Distribution Agreement from PPOL,
Inc. to GateFor, Inc., and in consideration of the requested change to the terms
of our current Distribution Agreement with PPOL, Inc. after it is reassigned to
GateFor, Inc., the parties agree to the following:

         1.       Based upon a $16,000 price of Bridgegate to GateFor, Object
                  Innovation will receive $5,500 (34%) and the received amount
                  will be adjusted as appropriate should Gatefor raise the sale
         2.       Enterprise Bridgegate sales will be based on an estimated
                  sales amount of $180,000 and Object Innovation will receive
                  555,000 (30.5%), and the received amount will be adjusted as
                  appropriate should GateFor raise the sale amount.
         3.       Object Innovation will receive the sum of $180,000 from
                  GateFor to cover various localization work performed by Object
                  Innovation in preparing BridgeGate for the Japanese market,
                  and to purchase co-ownership IP rights to the
                  Japanese-specific Bridgegate 3.OJ resource files. The money
                  will by paid by GateFor to Object Innovation according to the
                  following schedule and at the time of each milestone as
                  a.       $60,000 when Object Innovation delivers to GateFor
                           the US beta version of Bridgegate 3.0. This is the
                           first milestone.
                  b.       $60,000 one week (evaluation) after Object Innovation
                           delivers to GateFor the initial beta version of
                           Bridgegate 3.OJ (Japanese version). This is the
                           second milestone.
                  c.       $60,000 two weeks (evaluation) after Object
                           Innovation delivers to GateFor the final beta version
                           of Bridgegate 3.OJ (Japanese version). This is the
                           third milestone.
         4.       Commencing on the first month immediately following the
                  completion of the third milestone (as mentioned in 3.c.
                  above), Object Innovation will receive the stun of $9,000 per
                  month from GateFor, payable on the 5th of each month, until
                  April 2005, at which time the amount will increase to $15,000
                  each month until GateFor goes public. Both parties agree to
                  revise the $15,000 amount in the event that GateFor cannot
                  reasonably support this amount.
         5.       Object Innovation will be granted stock warrants in GateFor
                  equal to 5% of GateFor's currently issued equity.
         6.       The existing Distributor Agreement will be revised to reflect
                  NET payments as follows: all GateFor sales will be closed and
                  tallied at the end of each calendar month; payment for these
                  sales will be made to Object Innovation on the 5th of the
                  second month following the month in which the sales were
                  closed and tallied.

Object Innovation, Inc.                              GateFor, Inc.

/s/ John Grow                                        /s/ Hiroaki Sato
John Grow, CEO                                       Hiroaki Sato, COO