Cao Tian Cosmetic Holdings Limited and Subsidiaries

                  Unaudited Interim Financial Statements



Accountant's Disclaimer of Opinion                                    1

Unaudited Statements of Income and Expenses for the
three months ended December 31, 1996 and 1995                         2

Unaudited Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1996, and
September 1995                                                        3

Unaudited Statements of Cash Flows for the three months
ended December 31, 1996, and 1995                                     4

Notes to the unaudited interim financial statements                  5-8



                                 LEE & BERG
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          Tel: (718) 274-8375      Fax: (718) 274-8453

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          Tel: (852)2882-5699, 2301-4388    Fax (852) 2504-5336
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                    Accountants Disclaimer of Opinion

Cao Tian Cosmetic Holdings Limited
Stockholders and Board of Directors

   We have made a review of the balance sheet of Cao Tian Cosmetic Holdings 
Limited as of December 31, 1996, which is the end of the first quarter of 
the 1997 fiscal year, and the related statements of income and expenses, and 
cash flows for the three-month period then ended, in accordance with 
standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public 
Accountants.  The Company's 1997 fiscal year starts on October 1, 1996 and 
ends on September 30, 1997.  These interim financial statements are the 
responsibility of the Company's management.

   A review of interim financial information consists principally of 
obtaining an understanding of the system for the preparation of interim 
financial information, applying analytical procedures to financial data, and 
making inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting 
matters.  It is substantially less in scope than an examination in 
accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, the objective of 
which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements 
taken as a whole.  Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.
   On the basis of our review, we are not aware of any material 
modifications that should be made to the accompanying financial statements 
for them to be in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

/s/ Lee & Berg CPAs, LLP
Lee & Berg CPAs, LLP
Glen Cove, New York
March 20. 1997

             Cao Tian Cosmetic Holdings Limited and Subsidiaries

                Unaudited Statements of Income and Expenses

             For the Quarter ended December 31, 1996 and 1995

                                                 December 31   December 31
                                                    1996           1995

Sales                                            $5,701,384      $4,536,673
Cost of sales                                     3,880,591       3,256,536
Gross profit                                      1,820,793       1,280,137
Selling expenses                                    540,727         314,431
General & administration expenses                   249,641         171,448
Operating profit                                  1,030,425         794,258
Financial expenses                                  167,879         105,173
Other Income / (expense)                            227,234         (27,193)
Income before tax                                 1,089,780         661,892
Tax (Note 3)                                        163,467          99,284
Net Income                                         $926,313        $562,608

The notes on pages 5 to 8 form an integral part of these financial 

                                    Page 2


            Cao Tian Cosmetic Holdings Limited and Subsidiaries

                         Unaudited Balance Sheets

              For the Quarter Ended December 31, 1996 and 1995

Assets                                           December 31   December 31
                                                    1996          1995
Current assets
  Cash and cash equivalents (Note 2)                 $65,568      $146,693
  Accounts receivable (Net)(Note 2)                4,101,255     2,275,856
  Inventories loss allowances (Notes 2,4)          1,788,080     2,651,750
  Deposits, other receivables                        667,591        20,220
Total current assets                               5,822,494     5,094,519

Fixed assets (Note 2) 
  Land & buildings                                10,357,446     9,106,764
  Machine & others                                 2,441,191     2,062,952
Less: Acc depreciation                             1,797,772     1,127,675
Fixed assets (net)                                11,000,865    10,042,041

Other Assets
  Construction in Progress (Note 2)                   75,615       417,687
Total assets                                     $17,698,974   $15,554,247

Liabilities & owners' equity

Current liabilities
  Short term loans (Note 5)                       $3,703,071    $3,358,759
  Other payables                                   3,240,844     2,274,757
Total current liabilities                          6,943,915     5,633,516

Minority interest                                    341,501       128,879
Long Term Liabilities                              1,474,012     1,888,192
Total Liabilities                                  8,759,428     7,650,587

Owners' equity
  Stock (Note 6)                                   7,481,695     7,481,695
  Retained earnings                                1,457,851       421,965
Total owners' equity                               8,939,546     7,903,660

Total Liabilities                             ------------------------------
and Owners' Equity                               $17,698,974   $15,554,247

The notes on pages 5 to 8 form an integral part of these financial 

                                   Page 3


            Cao Tian Cosmetic Holdings Limited and Subsidiaries

                    Unaudited Statements of Cash Flows

              For the Quarter Ended December 31, 1996 and 1995

                                                December 31   December 31
                                                    1996          1995
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income                                        $926,313      $562,608
  Depreciation                                       670,097       557,518
                                                   1,596,410     1,120,126

Changes in operating assets and liabilties:
  Accounts receivable                             (1,825,399)      193,664
  Deposits, prepayments and other receivables       (647,371)       76,379
  Inventories (net)                                  863,670        (9,505)
  Other payable and charges                          965,087    (1,210,732)
  Minority interest                                  212,622        38,665
  Long term liabilities                             (414,180)    1,526,746
  Subtotal                                          (844,571)      615,217
Cash flows from investing activities:
  Land, buildings, machinery & other acquired (net) (958,824)   (5,159,242)
  Construction in progress                           342,072      (105,582)
  Subtotal                                          (616,752)   (5,264,824)
Cash flows from financing activities:
  Proceeds from bank loans                           344,312       915,205
  Repayments of bank loans                                 0             0
  Capital increase                                         0     3,200,190
  Profit distribution                               (560,524)     (575,673)
  Subtotal                                          (216,212)    3,539,722
Total cash increase                                  (81,125)       10,241
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of 
  the period (October 1)                             146,693       138,452
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the
  period (December 31)                                65,568       146,693
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents           ($81,125)      $10,241

The notes on pages 5 to 8 form an integral part of these financial 

Cao Tian Cosmetic Holdings Limited
Notes to the unaudited interim financial statements - December 31, 1996

1.  General

Cao Tian Cosmetic Holdings Limited (called CTC Holdings Limited) is a leader 
in the cosmetic industry in the People's Republic of China (PRC).  The 
Company was founded by Mr. Paul K. Tso and his family members under the name 
CTC Holdings Limited in 1992.  Mr. Paul Tso is a British Hong Kong 
entrepreneur, who devoted all his energy in developing PRC's cosmetic 

The Company is a Sino-foreign equity joint venture incorporated in PRC with
headquarters located in Shanghai, the largest city in China.  The Company 
engages in the manufacture and sale of cosmetic products and cosmetic 
related chemical ingredients.  Products are also being sold to other Asian 
countries to meet the growing demand of personal beauty care needs. 

The Company has two (2) main factories.  One is located in the Pu Dong 
District of Shanghai (called CTC), which manufactures various cosmetic 
products, including skin care cream, perfumes, shampoo, lipsticks, and 
tonics.  The other factory located at Zang Zha Gang Township, , 60 miles 
away from Shanghai (called ZAAF).  ZAAF manufactures cosmetic ingredients 
including Igepon A, Igepon T-12, ASEA, cleanser, softener, and other 
chemical by-products.  Currently the Company employs approximately 500 staff 
and workers.  The Company has established 27 regional marketing offices in 
PRC for its sales and distribution network.  It also has real estate 
investments in Macao, and Shanghai.  The Company also maintains a marketing 
office in Hong Kong for overseas sales.

The Company has signed an agreement with a French cosmetic company;
Innopharm S.A.R.L., to manufacture and distribute KORI beauty cream and 
other products for the PRC market.

To anticipate growing market demand, the Company has strengthened its 
management team and invited a senior executive from a well-known Hong Kong 
public listed company, to be its shareholder and President.  The new 
President will be responsible for the receipt of international ISO-9002 
quality certificates in 1997.

2.  Principal Accounting Policies

(a)  Property, plant and equipment

Fixed assets are recorded at cost.  Depreciation is calculated to write off 
their cost (after deducting the scrap value) on the straight line basis over 
their expected useful lives.  The useful lives used for this purpose are:

      Buildings                         30 years
      Machinery, equipment and others    8 years

Cao Tian Cosmetic Holdings Limited
Notes to the unaudited financial statements - December 31, 1996

2  Principal Accounting Policies (cont'd)

(b)  Inventories

Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market value.  Cost includes 
direct materials, direct labor and an appropriate proportion of 
manufacturing overhead.  (Refer to Note 4 for details)

(c)  Accounts Receivable

A provision has been made against accounts receivable to the extent which 
they are considered to be doubtful.  Provisions for Bad debts in the amount 
of $49,872 and $36,527 were made for the first quarter's of the fiscal year 
of 1997 and 1996.  Accounts receivable on the balance sheet are stated net 
of such provisions.

(d)  Foreign Currency Translation

The company maintains its books and records in PRC currency (RMB) and 
translates the RMB currency into United States dollars.  Foreign currency 
transactions are translated into United states dollars at the applicable 
rates of exchange prevailing at the dates of the transactions.  Monetary 
assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into 
United States dollars at the applicable rates prevailing at the balance 
sheet date.  Exchange differences resulting from the above translation 
policy are included in the statement of income.

(e)  Income Taxes

Current income tax is provided at the applicable tax rates on the estimated 
taxable income of the company determined in accordance with the relevant 
imcome tax laws and regulations pertinent to Sino-foreign joint venture 

Deferred income taxes are provided using the liability method under 
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109. "Accounting for Income 
Taxes". Under the liability method, deferred income taxes are recognized for 
all significant temporary differences between the tax and financial 
statement basis of assets and liabilities. The tax consequences of these 
differences are classified as current or non-current based on the 
classification of the related asset or liability for financial reporting.

(f)  Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and short-term highly liquid investments which are readily convertible 
into cash and have an original maturity of three months or less at the date 
of acquisition, are classified as cash and cash equivalents.

Refer to report on page 1

Cao Tian Cosmetic Holdings Limited
Notes to the unaudited interim financial statements - December 31, 1996

2  Principal Accounting Policies (cont'd)

(g)  Banking Practice

It is a general banking practice in PRC that banks grant loans to customers 
on a revolving basis.  Normally, each loan term is for a period of less than 
one year. (Refer to Note 5)

(h)  Due to market demand, Company has been in expansion mode by building 
office.  Construction when completed is re-classified as a building under 
Fixed assets.

(i)  Basis of Consolidation

The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of 
CTC and its subsidiary ZAAF.  CTC owns 90% of ZAAF.  For the consolidated 
financial statements purposes, all significant inter company balances and 
transactions have been eliminated in the consolidation.  ZAAF's 10% minority 
interest in CTC is disclosed as a liability and the related profit is 
deducted as other expenses, which is in accordance with FASB-94.

(j)  Use of Estimates

The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with generally 
accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and 
assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and 
accompanying notes.  Actual results could differ from those estimates.

(k)  Revenue Recognition

Product sales revenue is recognized upon transfer of title to goods.

(l) Fiscal Year

The Company adopts the fiscal year which ends on September 30 for its 
financial reporting purposes.  The first quarter of 1997 operates from 
October 1 to December 31 of 1996.

3  Income Tax

In accordance with the relevant income tax laws applicable to foreign joint 
venture companies established in the PRC, the company is entitled to full 
exemption from income tax for two years from the first profit-making year of 
operations, followed by 50% reduction in tax rate for the next three years.

In the first quarter of fiscal year 1997, the company has recorded a 15% tax 
(50% of 30% of tax rate) for income tax purposes.  The company is also 
exempt from paying the local tax of 3% on the taxable income for the period.

Refer to report on page 1

Cao Tian Cosmetic Holdings Limited
Notes to the unaudited interim financial statements - December 31, 1996

4  Inventories

In addition to the information stated in the Note 2(b), the components of 
inventories are as follows.

                                   Decembre 31   December 31
                                          1996          1995        
                                          ----          ----        
     Raw materials                  $1,225,468    $1,203,802  
     Work in process                    60,553       240,964   
     Finished goods                    502,059     1,206,984
                                    ----------    ----------  
                                    $1,788,080    $2,651,750  

5  Short Term Bank Loans

For interest rate control purposes, it is the PRC banking practice to give 
customer loans for a period normally less than one year.  However, the loan 
upon maturity can be automatically rolled-over on a revolving basis in the 
following year, upon re-application of the same loans.

6  Stock

There are 200,000,000 shares of common stock with par value US$.10/share 
authorized, and 74,816,950 shares are issued in the first quarter's of 
fiscal year 1997 and 1996.

7  Commitments and Contingencies

(a)  The company owns its buildings and therefor has no rental commitments.

(b)  Some of the export sales, less than 10% of total ZAAF sales, are made 
through government agencies: the import and export companies.  The 
percentage of export sales through government export agencies is being 
reduced, because of the companies own marketing effort.  This is being done 
by the establishment of a sales office in Hong Kong.

8  Infomation by Industry Segment and Geographic Region.

Currently, all of the company's sales are made in Asia with a majority of 
these sales in the PRC.  Although products made by the ZAAF factory are 
intended as CTC raw material, some ZAAF by-products are sold to the PRC 
chemical industry or exported.  Management has signed contracts in the 
amount of US$3 millions for cosmetics with three Southeast Asian dealers for 
export of the company's cosmetics to Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore in 
October and November 1996.  Management has advised that export sales are 
expected to increase in the coming years.

9  Related Party Transactions

All related party transactions are reviewed and disclosed in accordance with 

Refer to report on page 1