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To the Board of Directors of
Ocwen Federal Bank FSB

We have examined management's assertion, included in the accompanying
Management Assertion on Compliance with USAP, that, except for the
noncompliance related to reconciliations described in the third paragraph
and the noncompliance related to interest on escrows described in the
fifth paragraph, Ocwen Federal Bank FSB (the "Bank") complied with the
minimum servicing standards identified in the Mortgage Bankers Association
of America's ("MBA's") Uniform Single Attestation Program for Mortgage
Bankers ("USAP") as of and for the year ended December 31, 2003.
Management is responsible for the Bank's compliance with those minimum
servicing standards. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on
management's assertion about the Bank's compliance based on our examination.

Our examination was made in accordance with standards established by
the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and, accordingly,
included examining, on a test basis, evidence about the Bank's compliance
with the minimum servicing standards and performing such other procedures
as we consider necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our
examination provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Our examination
does not provide a legal determination on the Bank's compliance with the
minimum servicing standards.

Our examination disclosed noncompliance with minimum servicing standards
related to account reconciliations and interest on escrows applicable to
the Bank during the year ended December 31, 2003. Such noncompliance is
described in the accompanying Management Assertion on Compliance with USAP.

In our opinion, management's assertion that the Bank complied with the
aforementioned minimum servicing standards, except for noncompliance as
described in the accompanying Management Assertion on Compliance with USAP,
as of and for the year ended December 31, 2003 is fairly stated, in all
material respects.

By: /s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
March 12, 2004

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March 12, 2004

As of and for the year ended December 31, 2003, except as specifically noted
below, Ocwen Federal Bank FSB (the "Bank") has complied in all material
respects with the minimum servicing standards set forth in the Mortgage
Bankers Association of America's ("MBA's") Uniform Single Attestation
Program for Mortgage Bankers, ("USAP").

Standard: Reconciliations shall be prepared on a monthly basis for all
custodial bank accounts and related bank clearing accounts.  These
reconciliations shall be mathematically accurate, be prepared within forty
five (45) calender days of the cutoff date: be reviewed and approved by
someone other than the person who prepared the reconciliation: and
document explanations for reconciling items.  These reconciling items
shall be resolved within ninety (90)calendar days of their original

Certain reconciling items which arose during the year ended December 31,2003
were not specifically identified and/or were not cleared within 90days of
their original identification.  Management has developed and implemented an
action plan and continues to resolve outstanding reconciling items.  All
significant reconciling items have been isolated and review by the Company,
and the Company believes these items will not have a material impact on the
status of any custodial account.

Standard: Interest on escrow accounts shall be paid, or credited, to
mortgagors in accordance with the applicable state laws.

Interest on escrow accounts in certain states was not paid, or credited,
to mortgagors in accordance with the applicable state laws during the year
ended December 31, 2003. The Bank is currently implementing an enhancement
to its REAL Servicing tm servicing system to ensure that, for loans
collateralized by properties located in states that require the payment of
interest on escrow account, the payment or crediting of such interest is
in accordance with applicable state laws.

As of and for this same period, the Bank had in effect a fidelity bond
in the amount of $15,000,000 and an errors and omissions policy in the
amount of $5,000,000.

/S/: Ronald M. Faris
     Ronald M. Faris

/S/: Scott W. Anderson
      Scott W. Anderson
      Senior Vice President of Residential Assets

/S/: Brian J. LaForest
      Brian J. LaForest
      Director of Investor Reporting