41 Madison Avenue, 22nd Floor
                                     New York, NY 10010


                              TERMS AND CONDITIONS

1. Agreement.  DoubleClick,  Inc.  ("DoubleClick") and You hereby enter into the
agreement  set  forth  in these  Terms  and  Conditions  and in the  Cover  Page
(collectively,  this  "DART  Service  Agreements"  or  "Agreement"),  as of  the
Effective Date set forth on the Cover Page. All capitalized  items not otherwise
defined in these Terms and Conditions  shall have the meanings as defined on the
Cover  Page.  "Advertiser  shall  mean any  entity or  person  that  desires  to
advertise their own products or services.  "Publisher"  shall mean any entity or
person that desires to use the DART Service to target and measure advertisements
for Advertisers on their own Web site.

2. DART  Service.  The DART Service  (the  "Service")  is a service  provided by
DoubleClick to Publishers for targeted and measured  delivery of ad banners from
DoubleClick's  servers  to the Web Sites  set  forth on the  cover  page of this
Agreement   ("Target   Sites").   The  ad  banners  are  displayed  to  visitors
("Visitors")  to the Target  Sites  based on  criteria  selected by You and Your

3. Ad Management Systems.  You and DoubleClick  understand that You are required
to use DoubleClick's  proprietary Ad Management System software  technology (the
"System") in order to receive the Service.  Accordingly,  DoubleClick  grants to
You the non-exclusive and non-transferrable  right to access and use the System,
which You can access  and use only on  DoubleClick's  Web  servers by means of a
unique  password  chosen by You, and only for the  purposes  of: (i)  performing
projections of ad banner impression  inventories that might be available through
the Service,  (ii) uploading and storing ad banners for delivery by the Service,
(iii)  selecting  trafficking  criteria for the delivery of ad banners to Target
Sites and Visitors,  and (iv)  receiving  reports of ad banner  impressions  and
other data related to the delivery of ad banners by the Service.

4.  Your  Obligation.  You  shall  be  solely  responsible  for  soliciting  all
Advertisers,  trafficking  of ad banners  (which  shall  include the input of ad
banners into the System) and handling all  inquiries of any type or nature.  You
shall obtain all necessary rights, licenses,  consents,  waivers and permissions
from Advertisers, Visitors and others, to allow DoubleClick to store and deliver
ad banners and  otherwise  operate the  Service3 on Your behalf and on behalf of
You Advertisers, and to use any data provided in or collected by the System. You
further  represent  that  You  have  read,  and will  conform  to  DoubleClick's
statements on privacy that can be found on the DoubleClick Web site. You further
agree that advertisements  provided to DoubleClick and/or delivered on behalf of
You, and Your other promotional and marketing  activities in connection with the
use  of the  Service,  including  the  Target  Sites,  shall  not be  deceptive,
misleading, obscene, defamatory, illegal or unethical.

5. DoubleClick's Obligations.  DoubleClick's sole obligations hereunder shall be
(i) to make the System  available to You, (ii) to deliver ad banners through the
Service according to the trafficking  criteria selected by You using the System,
(iii) to make  customer  service  personnel  available by telephone  for support
twenty-four  hours per day, seven days per week and (iv) to provide six training
days at DoubleClick's  premises explaining the proper use of the Service and the
System.  A "training  day" is defined as a full day training  session for one of
Your  employees.  You can  divide  the  training  days in any  manner  You  deem
appropriate,  such as having  three  employees  attend two  sessions  each,  six
employees attend one session each, or one employee attend all six sessions.  The
cost for such  training  sessions is included in the Upfront Fee. If You require
additional  training or training on Your site,  DoubleClick  shall  provide such
training to You at DoubleClick's standard published rates for such training. For
training on Your Site, You agree to reimburse  DoubleClick for its actual travel
and lodging  expenses.  You shall not permit any of Your employees to access and
use the  Service  or the  System  unless  any  such  employee  has  successfully
completed the training session and has been so certified by DoubleClick.

6. Fees. You shall pay  DoubleClick the fees set forth on the Cover Page to this
Agreement.  The fees may include an Upfront Fee and Monthly  Service  Fees.  The
Upfront Fee is a one-time,  non-creditable,  non-refundable  fee for Your use of
the  Service and the System,  payable  upon  execution  of this  Agreement.  The
Monthly Service Fees are recurring, non-refundable, non-creditable fees, payable
within  thirty (30) days after receipt of an invoice from  DoubleClick  for such
fees.  The  Monthly  Service  Fee  shall  be based on the  number  of ad  banner
impressions  delivered through the Service on behalf of You each month,  divided
by one thousand  (1,000) and multiplied by the Monthly  Service Fee CPM rate set
forth on the Cover Page to this  Agreement.  If Your Monthly Service Fee is less
than  the  Minimum  Monthly  Service  Fee in any  given  month,  You  shall  owe
DoubleClick  the Minimum  Monthly Service Fee for that month. To the extent that
the  average  file size of all ad banners  delivered  via the Service in a given
month ("Average Ad Size") exceeds the Ad Size Limit set forth on the Cover Page,
the Monthly  Service Fee payable for that month shall be  increased by an amount
that shall be  calculated by  subtracting  the Ad Size Limit from the Average Ad
Size,  diving that difference by the Ad Size Limit, and multiplying the quotient
by the  Monthly  Service  Fee CPM  rate  set  forth  on the  Cover  Page of this
Agreement.  All fees hereunder shall be denominated in U.S.  dollars and paid by
wire transfer to an account to be designated by  DoubleClick,  or by other means
expressly  agreed to in  writing by  DoubleClick,  or by other  means  expressly
agreed to in writing by DoubleClick. You shall also be responsible for and shall
pay any  applicable  sales,  use or other  taxes or duties,  tariffs or the like
applicable  in  provision  of the  Service  (except  for taxes on  DoubleClick's
income).  Late  payments will be subject to late fees at the rate of one and one
half percent (1.5%) per month, or, if lower, the maximum rate allowed by law. If
You fail to pay fees invoiced by  DoubleClick  within thirty (30) days following
the payment due date. DoubleClick shall have the right to suspend performance of
the Services without notice to You; such Service not be reinstated until You pay
all such  overdue  amounts and an  additional  reinstatement  fee of $1,000.  In
addition,  You also agree to pay any  attorneys'  fees and/or  collection  costs
incurred by DoubleClick in collecting any past due amounts from You.

7. Proprietary Rights and Restriction.  DoubleClick is the exclusive supplier of
the Service and the exclusive  owner of all right,  title and interest in and to
the System, all software,  databases and other aspects and technologies  related
to the System and Service,  including the System,  any enhancements  thereto and
any materials  provided to You by  DoubleClick  through the System or otherwise.
You may not use the System  except  pursuant  to the  limited  rights  expressly
granted in this  Agreement.  You shall use the System  only in  accordance  with
reference  manuals to be supplied by  DoubleClick  and only in  accordance  with
DoubleClick's  standard  security  procedures,  as posted on the DoubleClick Web
sited or otherwise notified to You.

8. Data. You have the sole and exclusive right to use all data derived from Your
use of the Service,  for any purpose  related to Your  business;  provided  that
DoubleClick  may use and  disclose  the  Visitors'  data (other than  personally
identifiable  information)  derived  from Your use of the  Service  only (i) for
DoubleClick's  reporting  purposes,  consisting  of  compilation  of  aggregated
statistics  about the Service (e.g., the aggregate number of ads delivered) that
may be provided to customers,  potential  customers and the general public;  and
(ii) if required by court order, law or governmental agency. As part of the DART
service,  DoubleClick will supply You with unlimited  Standard Reports available
on the Admanage  Interface.  DoubleClick can supply customized  reports that are
not available on the Admanage Interface at an additional cost.

9. Term. Unless terminated earlier in accordance with the termination rights set
forth  in this  Agreement,  the term of this  Agreement  shall  commence  on the
Effective Date and continue in effect until December 31, 2000 (the "Term").

10. Termination. At any time during the Term, this Agreement shall terminate (i)
thirty  (30) days after  DoubleClick's  notice to You if the Service Fee for any
month  following  the third month of the Term is less than the  Minimum  Monthly
Service Fee set forth on the Cover Page to this Agreement, (ii) thirty (30) days
after a party's  notice to the other  party that such  other  party is in breach
hereunder,  unless the other party cures such breach within said thirty (30) day
period or (iii) ten (10) days after DoubleClick's notice to You of DoubleClick's
reasonable  determination that You are using the Service or the System in such a
manner that could damage or cause injury to the Service or the System or reflect
unfavorably  on the  reputation  of  DoubleClick  (i.e.  the Target  Sites begin
serving  pornographic  content).  If this Agreement is terminated by DoubleClick
due to a breach by You. You are required to promptly pay DoubleClick the Minimum
Monthly Service Fee for the balance of the Term.

10.  Indemnification.  You  agree  to  indemnify  and hold  DoubleClick  and its
officers,  directors,  employees  and agents (each a  "DoubleClick  Indemnitee")
harmless  from and  against  any and all third party  claims,  actions,  losses,
damages,   liability,   costs  and  expenses  (including,   without  limitation,
reasonable   attorneys'  fees  and  disbursements   incurred  by  a  DoubleClick
Indemnitee in any action between You and the DoubleClick Indemnitee,  or between
the DoubleClick  Indemnitee and any third party or otherwise)  arising out of or
in connection with (i) the breach of any of Your representations,  warranties or
obligations  set forth in this  Agreement,  (ii) Your use of the  Service or the
System  other than as  permitted  herein,  or (iii) any claim by any  Advertiser
arising from Your arrangement to display Advertisers'  Advertising on the Target

DoubleClick  agrees  to  indemnify  and hold You and Your  officers,  directors,
employees and agents (each "Your Indemnitee")  harmless from and against any and
all third-party claims, actions, losses, damages,  liability, costs and expenses
including,  without  limitation,  reasonable  attorneys' fees and  disbursements
incurred  by  Your  Indemnitee  in  any  action  between  DoubleClick  and  Your
Indemnitee, or between Your Indemnitee and any third party or otherwise) arising
out of or in connection with the breach of any of DoubleClick's representations,
warranties or obligations set forth in this Agreement.

12.  WARRANTIES  AND  DISCLAIMER.  DoubleClick  represents and warrants that the
System was developed by DoubleClick and may be used by You without  infringement
or misappropriation of any third party's copyrights, trademarks or trade secrets
or U.S.  patents  issued as of the  Effective  Date.  You  acknowledge  that the
Service and the System can be used to target, measure and traffic advertisements
in many different ways and based on many different  types of data. You represent
and warrant  that You will not use the Service or the System in a way or for any
purpose  that  infringes  or  misappropriates  any  third  party's  intellectual

13. Limitation and Exclusion of Liability.  Except as otherwise set forth in the
Agreement,  DoubleClick  shall not be liable to You or any other third party for
any loss, cost,  damage or expense incurred in connection with the availability,
operation  or use of the  Service,  the  System or any ad  banner or other  data
supplied  thereby,  including,  without  limitation,  for any  unavailability or
inoperability  of the System or the Internet,  technical  malfunction,  computer
error or loss or corruption  of data,  or other injury,  damage or disruption of
any kind related  thereto,  unless  DoubleClick  has directly  caused such loss,
cost, damage or expense through its gross negligence or intentional  misconduct.
In no  event  shall  either  party  be  liable  for  any  indirect,  incidental,
consequential, special or exemplary damages, including, but not limited to, loss
of  profits,  or  loss  of  business  opportunity,  even  if  such  damages  are
foreseeable  and whether or not such party has been  advised of the  possibility
thereof.  Each party's  maximum  aggregate  liability shall not exceed the total
amount paid by You to DoubleClick  under this  Agreement  during the twelve (12)
month period prior to the first date the liability arose.

12.  Confidentiality The terms of this Agreement,  and information and data that
one party (the  "Receiving  Party") has  received or will receive from the other
party (the "Disclosing  Party") about the Service,  the System and other matters
are  proprietary  and  confidential  information  ("Confidential  Information"),
including without limitation any information that is marked as "confidential" or
should  be  reasonably  understood  to be  confidential  or  proprietary  to the
disclosing Party and any reference manuals compiled or provided  hereunder.  The
Receiving Party agrees that for the Term and for two (2) years  thereafter,  the
Receiving  Party will not disclose  the  Confidential  Information  to any third
party, nor use the Confidential  Information for any purpose not permitted under
this Agreement.  The  nondisclosure  obligations set forth in this Section shall
not apply to  information  that the  Receiving  Party can  document is generally
available to the public  (other than through  breach of this  Agreement)  or was
already lawfully in the Receiving  Party's  possession at the time of receipt of
the information from the Disclosing Party.

15. Independent Contractor Status. Each party shall be and act as an independent
contractor and not as partner, joint venturer or agent of the other.

16.   Modifications   and  Waivers.   This   Agreement   represents  the  entire
understanding  between  DoubleClick and You and supersedes all prior  agreements
relating to the  subject  matter of this  Agreement.  No failure or delay on the
part of  either  party in  exercising  any  right,  power or remedy  under  this
Agreement shall operate as a waiver, nor shall any single or partial exercise of
any such right,  power or remedy  preclude any other or further  exercise or the
exercise of any other right, power or remedy.  Unless otherwise  specified,  any
amendment,  supplement or modification of or to any provision of this Agreement,
any waiver of any  provision of this  Agreement and any consent to any departure
by the parties from the terms of this Agreement,  shall be effective only if its
made or given in writing and signed by both parties.

17.  Assignment.  This Agreement and rights  hereunder are not  transferrable or
assignable without prior written consent of the non-assigning  party;  provided,
however,  that this Agreement may be assigned by either party (a) to a person or
entity who acquires  substantially all of such party's assets, stock or business
by sale, merger or otherwise and (b) to an affiliate of such party.

18.  Applicable  Law. This  Agreement  shall be governed by the law of New York,
without  reference to its conflict of laws, rules or principles,  and the United

19. Audit of the System. On a monthly basis, the System is independently audited
by ABC Interactive,  a third-party auditor. Upon request,  DoubleClick agrees to
provide You with a copy of the reports  prepared by ABC Interactive  relating to
the System.  DoubleClick agrees to provide You with the same rights to copies of
the reports if DoubleClick enters an agreement with a third-party  auditor other
than ABC Interactive at some later date.

20.   General.   Any  provision  of  this  Agreement   which  is  prohibited  or
unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective
only  to  the  minimum  extent  necessary  without  invalidating  the  remaining
provisions of this Agreement or effecting the validity or enforceability of such
provisions in any other jurisdiction.  No failure or omission by either party in
the performance of any obligation  under this Agreement shall be deemed a breach
of this  Agreement  nor create any  liability  if the same shall  arise from any
cause or causes beyond the reasonable  control of such party,  including but not
limited to the following:  acts of God, acts or omissions of any government,  or
any rules,  regulations or orders of any governmental  authority or any officer,
department,  agency or instrument  thereof:  first,  storm,  flood,  earthquake,
accident,  acts  of  the  public  enemy,  war,  rebellion,  Internet  brown-out,
insurrection,  riot, invasion,  strikes, or lockouts.  All notices,  demands and
other  communications  provided for or permitted  under this Agreement  shall be
made in writing to the parties at the  addresses  on the Cover Page and shall be
sent by registered  or certified  first-class  mail,  return  receipt  requests,
telecopies,  courier  service or personal  delivery and shall be deemed received
upon delivery.

                          41 Madison Avenue, 22nd Floor
                                     New York, NY 10010

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You agree to pay DoubleClick,  Inc., all of the fees and other charges specified
below and  DoubleClick,  Inc.  agrees to provide the DART Service to You, all in
accordance  with the attached Terms and  Conditions.  Both You and  DoubleClick,
Inc.  agree  that  this  Cover  Page  and  the  attached  Terms  and  Conditions
(collectively, the "DART Service Agreement" or "Agreement"), may be updated from
time  to  time  by  replacing  or  adding  further  signed  attachments  to this
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Your Company  Wordcruncher                   Contact:       Dan Lunt
Name          So. W. Canyon Crest Rd.        Phone:         801-816-9904
and           Alpine, UT                     Fax:           801-756-8198
Address:      84004                          E-Mail:

Your Billing                                 Contact:       Mike Schouten
Address, if                                  Phone:         801-816-9904
Different:                                   Fax:
Web Site(s):  www.wordcruncher.com

Fees          Upfront Fee due on signing                    US$ 4500

Monthly Service Fee per 1000 ad banner impressions (CPM)    (see chart below)

Ad Size Limit:  12  Kbytes          Minimum Monthly Service Fee:  US$ 500*

                       *Effective February 1, 2000 /s/ RC
Arrangements   -------------------
               Number of Revenue Generating Ad Impressions
               Delivered by DART Service Per Month             Cost Per Thousand
               -----------------------------------             -----------------
                  From 1            to 1,000,000                   $1.40
                  From 1,000,001    to 5,000,000                   $1.25
                  From 5,000,001    to 10,000,000                  $1.05
                  From 10,000,001   to 20,000,000                  $0.90
                  From 20,000,001   to 30,000,000                  $0.75
                  From 30,000,001   to 40,000,000                  $0.65
                  From 40,000,001   to 50,000,000                  $0.55
                  From 50,000,000+++                               $0.45

               Example of Monthly Service Fee Circulation
               If the number of ad  impressions  delivered by the Service in the
               month is 6,750,000

               (i)  Divide into Volume Tiers
                    Tier 1:  1,000,000
                    Tier 2:  4,000,000
                    Tier 3:  1,750,000

               (ii) Divide  each tier  amount by 1,000 and then  multiply by the
               applicable Monthly Service Fee rate

                    Tier 1: (1,000,000 / 1,000) x $1.40 =   $1400
                    Tier 2: (4,000,000 / 1,000) x $1.25 =   $5000
                    Tier 3: (1,750,000 / 1,000) x $1.05 =   $1837.50
                        Monthly service Fee                 $8237.50


               Fee for non-revenue generating house ads redirected to
               Your servers for delivery on Your bandwidth
               (on a CPM basis)                                US$  0.20

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The undersigned  confirm their mutual agreement to these  arrangements as of the
Effective Date.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DOUBLECLICK INC.                           YOUR COMPANY NAME:   WCTI
                                                              (Please print)

Signature:   /s/                           Signature:   /s/
          -----------------------------             ----------------------------
Printed Name:  Aaron Mittman               Printed Name:  Dan Lunt
Title: Director, Direct Sales N. America   Title:  President/CEO

Effective Date: _______________________

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         DOUBLECLICK(R) and DART(TM) are trademarks of DoubleClick Inc.,
                            (c)1998 DoubleClick Inc.
                              All rights reserved.