CIRTRAN CORPORATION
                             SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT

CirTran Corporation
4125 South 6000 West
West Valley City, Utah 84128


         The undersigned  subscriber or subscribers (the "Purchaser") desires to
purchase shares of Common Stock of CirTran  Corporation,  a Nevada  corporation,
formerly  known as Circuit  Technology,  Inc. (the  "Company"),  pursuant to the
terms and conditions of this Subscription Agreement (this Agreement).

         1. Subscription.  Purchaser hereby irrevocably subscribes for 1,333,333
shares (the Shares) of the restricted Common Stock of the Company upon the terms
and conditions of this Subscription Agreement,  and at a purchase price of $.075
per Share, in the form of the consideration stated on the signature page hereof.
Purchaser agrees that this subscription shall be irrevocable.

         2.  Acceptance  of  Subscription.  The Company  shall have the right to
accept or reject this  subscription in its sole  discretion.  This  Subscription
Agreement shall be deemed null and void and of no further force or effect in the
event the Release is not executed and delivered by all parties thereto.

         3.  Representations,  Warranties and Covenants of Purchaser.  Purchaser
hereby represents and warrants to and covenants with the Company as follows:

                   (a)  Purchaser  is an  "accredited  investor" as such term is
         defined in Rule 501(a) of Regulation D promulgated under the Securities
         Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act");

                   (b) Purchaser has examined the Company's Forms 10-Q, 10-K and
         8-K filed with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  (the SEC) (the
         SEC   Documents),   has  relied  solely  upon  the  SEC  Documents  and
         investigations  made by or on behalf of Purchaser or its representative
         in evaluating  the  suitability  of an  investment in the Company,  and
         recognizes that an investment in the Company  involves a high degree of

                   (c)  Purchaser  has been  advised that (i) there may not be a
         market  for the  Shares;  and (ii) it may not be  possible  to  readily
         liquidate the Shares.  Purchaser  understands that it may not offer for
         sale, sell, pledge, hypothecate or otherwise transfer or dispose of its
         interest  in the Shares  unless the  Shares  are  registered  under the
         Securities  Act of 1933 and  applicable  state  securities  laws or the
         transfer is exempt from such registration;

                   (d) Purchaser's  overall  commitment to investments which are
         not readily  marketable is not  disproportionate  to its net worth; its
         investment  in the Company  will not cause such overall  commitment  to
         become  excessive;  and it can  afford  to bear the loss of its  entire
         investment in the Company;

                   (e) Purchaser has adequate means of providing for its current
         needs and personal  contingencies  and has no need for liquidity in his
         investment in the Company;

                   (f)  Purchaser  satisfies  any special  suitability  or other
         applicable  requirements of its state of residence  and/or the state in
         which the transaction by which the Shares are exchanged occurs;

                   (g) Purchaser has such  knowledge and experience in financial
         and business  matters that it is capable of  evaluating  the merits and
         risks of an  investment  in the Company,  or Purchaser has employed the
         services of an independent  investment advisor,  attorney or accountant
         to read all of the documents furnished or made available by the Company
         to it and to  evaluate  the merits and risks of such an  investment  on
         Purchaser's behalf;

                   (h)  Purchaser   acknowledges   that  the  Company  has  made
         available to Acquirer the  opportunity to ask questions of, and receive
         answers from, representatives of the Company concerning the acquisition
         of the Shares,  the  Company and the  activities  of the  Company,  and
         otherwise to obtain any additional information,  to the extent that the
         Company   possesses  such  information  or  could  acquire  it  without
         unreasonable effort or expense, necessary to verify the accuracy of the
         information contained in the SEC Documents.  Purchaser understands that
         the  Company  has been ready and  willing to answer  any  questions  of
         Acquirer,  but Purchaser  does not require any  additional  information
         concerning the foregoing;

                   (i) Purchaser  hereby  acknowledges  that  Purchaser has been
         advised  that  the  Shares  have  not  been  registered  with  the SEC.
         Purchaser represents that the Shares are being acquired for Purchaser's
         own account,  for investment  purposes only and not with a view towards
         distribution or resale to others.  Purchaser agrees that Purchaser will
         not attempt to sell, transfer,  assign,  pledge or otherwise dispose of
         all or any portion of the Shares unless they are  registered  under the
         Securities Act or unless in the opinion of counsel  satisfactory to the
         Company an exemption  from such  registration  is available.  Purchaser
         understands  that  the  Shares  have  not  been  registered  under  the
         Securities Act by reason of a claimed exemption under the provisions of
         the Securities Act which depends, in part, upon Purchaser's  investment

                   (j) Purchaser understands that no federal or state securities
         administrator or agency has made any finding or determination  relating
         to the  fairness  of this  investment  and  that no  federal  or  state
         securities administrator or agency has recommended or endorsed, or will
         recommend or endorse, the offering of the Shares;

                   (k) The execution,  delivery and  performance by Purchaser of
         the  Subscription  Agreement are within the powers of  Purchaser,  have
         been duly  authorized  and will not constitute or result in a breach or
         default under, or conflict with, any order, ruling or regulation of any
         court or other tribunal or of any governmental commission or agency, or
         any agreement or other undertaking, to which Purchaser is a party or by
         which Purchaser is bound; and, if Purchaser is not an individual,  will
         not violate any provision of the charter documents,  by-laws, indenture
         of trust, partnership agreement or similar documents, as applicable, of
         Purchaser.  The signatures on the  Subscription  Agreement are genuine;
         and the signatory, if Purchaser is an individual,  has legal competence
         and  capacity  to  execute  the  same,  or,  if  Purchaser  is  not  an
         individual, the signatory has been duly authorized to execute the same;
         and the Subscription Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and binding
         obligation of Purchaser, enforceable in accordance with its terms;

                   (l) Purchaser  acknowledges  that no general  solicitation or
         general  advertising   (including   communications   published  in  any
         newspaper,  magazine or other  broadcast)  has been received by him and
         that no  public  solicitation  or  advertisement  with  respect  to the
         offering of the Shares has been made to him;

                   (m)  Purchaser  has relied  solely upon the advice of his own
         tax and legal  advisors with respect to the tax and other legal aspects
         of this investment;

                   (n)  Purchaser  acknowledges  that the  Shares  have not been
         recommended by any Federal or state securities commission or regulatory
         authority.  In making an  investment  decision  investors  must rely on
         their own  examination  of the Company  and the terms of the  offering,
         including  the merits and risks  involved.  Furthermore,  the foregoing
         authorities  have not confirmed the accuracy or determined the adequacy
         of this  document.  Any  representation  to the  contrary is a criminal
         offense.  These Shares are subject to restrictions  on  transferability
         and resale and may not be  transferred  or resold  except as  permitted
         under the Securities  Act, and the applicable  state  securities  laws,
         pursuant to registration or exemption  therefrom.  Investors  should be
         aware that they will be  required to bear the  financial  risks of this
         investment for an indefinite period of time;

         The foregoing  representations  and warranties are true and accurate as
of the date  hereof,  shall be true and  accurate  as of the date of delivery of
this Subscription  Agreement and accompanying documents to the Company and shall
survive the delivery of the Shares.  If, in any respect,  those  representations
and  warranties  shall not be true and accurate prior to acceptance or rejection
of this  subscription  by the Company  pursuant to paragraph 2, the  undersigned
shall   immediately  give  written  notice  to  the  Company   specifying  which
representations  and  warranties  are not  true  and  accurate  and  the  reason
therefor. Purchaser agrees that the foregoing representations and warranties may
be used as a defense in any actions relating to the Company, and that it is only
on the basis of such  representations  and  warranties  that the  Company may be
willing to accept Purchaser's subscription for Shares.

         4.  Indemnification.  Purchaser  acknowledges  that he understands  the
meaning and legal consequences of the representations,  warranties and covenants
in paragraph 3 hereof and that the Company has relied upon such representations,
warranties  and  covenants,  and he hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless
the Company and any of its officers, directors,  controlling persons, agents and
employees,  who is or may be a  party  or is or may be  threatened  to be made a
party to any  threatened,  pending  or  completed  action,  suit or  proceeding,
whether  civil,  criminal,  administrative  or  investigative,  by  reason of or
arising from any actual or alleged misrepresentation or misstatement of facts or
omission  to  represent  or state facts made or alleged to have been made by the
undersigned to the Company (or any agent or representative  of the Company),  or
omitted or  alleged to have been  omitted  by the  undersigned,  concerning  the
undersigned or the  undersigned's  authority to invest or financial  position in
connection with the issuance of the Shares, against losses, damages, liabilities
or expenses for which the Company or any officer, director or controlling person
of the Company has not otherwise been  reimbursed  (including  attorney's  fees,
judgments,  fines  and  amounts  paid in  settlement)  actually  and  reasonably
incurred  by the Company or such  officer,  director  or  controlling  person in
connection with such action, suit or proceeding.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,
however, no representation, warranty, covenant, acknowledgment or agreement made
herein by Purchaser  shall in any manner be deemed to constitute a waiver of any
rights  granted  to  Purchaser  under  Federal  or state  securities  laws.  All
representations,   warranties  and  covenants  contained  in  this  Subscription
Agreement and the  indemnification  contained in this  paragraph 4 shall survive
the acceptance of this subscription.

         5. Restrictions on Transfer.  Purchaser understands and agrees that the
Shares  acquired  pursuant to this  subscription  are being offered  pursuant to
Section  4(2) of the  Securities  Act  thereunder  and that such  Shares and any
interests therein, may not be offered, sold,  transferred,  pledged or otherwise
disposed of except pursuant to (i) an effective registration statement under the
Securities Act and any  applicable  state  securities  laws or (ii) an exemption
from registration  under such act and such laws which, in the opinion of counsel
for the  holder  of such  Shares,  which  counsel  and  opinion  are  reasonably
satisfactory  to  counsel  for  the  Company,   is  available.   Purchaser  also
understands   and  agrees  that  the  following   legend  shall  appear  on  all
certificates  representing such Shares and that the Company may give appropriate
instructions to the transfer agent for the Shares to enforce such restrictions:


         6. Modification.  Neither this Subscription Agreement nor any provision
hereof shall be waived, modified, changed, discharged or terminated except by an
instrument in writing signed by the party against whom any waiver, modification,
change, discharge or termination is sought.

         7. Notices.  All notices,  requests,  consents and other communications
hereunder  shall be in  writing  and shall be deemed to have been duly made when
delivered, or mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested:

                  (a)  If to  Purchaser,  to  the  address  set  forth  on  the
         signature  page  of  this Subscription Agreement; or

                  (b) If to the  Company,  to the address set forth on the first
         page of  this  Subscription  Agreement,  or at such  other  address  as
         Purchaser or the Company may hereafter have advised the other.

         8.  Binding  Effect.   Except  as  otherwise   provided  herein,   this
Subscription  Agreement  shall be binding  upon and inure to the  benefit of the
parties hereto and their heirs,  executors,  administrators,  successors,  legal
representatives  and  assigns.  If  Purchaser  is  more  than  one  person,  the
obligation  of such  Acquirer  shall be joint and  several  and the  agreements,
representations,  warranties,  covenants and  acknowledgments  herein  contained
shall be deemed to be made by and be  binding  upon  each  such  person  and his
heirs, executors, administrators, successors, legal representatives and assigns.

         9. Entire Agreement.  This Subscription  Agreement  contains the entire
agreement  of the parties with respect to the matters set forth herein and there
are no  representations,  covenants  or other  agreements  except  as  stated or
referred to herein or as are embodied in the Agreement.

         10. Assignability.  This Subscription  Agreement is not transferable or
assignable by the undersigned or any successor thereto.

         11.  Applicable Law. This  Subscription  Agreement shall be governed by
and  construed  in  accordance  with  the laws of the  State  of  Utah,  without
reference to the principles thereof relating to conflicts of law.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the undersigned has executed this Agreement as of
the 10th day of January, 2002.

If Purchaser is an INDIVIDUAL,  or if acquired as JOINT  TENANTS,  as TENANTS IN
COMMON, or as COMMUNITY PROPERTY by more than one individual:

                                                  (Signature of Acquirer)

                                                  Rajai Hawatmeh
                                                  (Name Typed or Printed)

- ----------------------------                       -----------------------------
Mailing Address                                    Residence Address
(if not residence)

- ----------------------------                       ---------------------------
City, State and Zip Code                           City, State and Zip Code

- ----------------------------
Social Security Number of Acquirer

Consideration Paid for Shares :
- -----------------------------

Cancellation of $100,000 in principal amount of Company debt

                                               Accepted as of the ___________
                                               day of ______________, 2002

                                               CIRTRAN CORPORATION

